Nebraska Revised Statutes Chapters

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View Statute 19-101 Repealed. Laws 2019, LB193, § 244.
View Statute 19-102 Repealed. Laws 2019, LB193, § 244.
View Statute 19-103 Repealed. Laws 2019, LB193, § 244.
View Statute 19-104 Repealed. Laws 2019, LB193, § 244.
View Statute 19-201 Toll bridges; licensing; regulation.
View Statute 19-301 Transferred to section 18-1901.
View Statute 19-302 Transferred to section 18-1902.
View Statute 19-303 Transferred to section 18-1903.
View Statute 19-304 Transferred to section 18-1904.
View Statute 19-305 Transferred to section 18-1905.
View Statute 19-306 Transferred to section 18-1906.
View Statute 19-307 Transferred to section 18-1907.
View Statute 19-308 Transferred to section 18-1908.
View Statute 19-309 Transferred to section 18-1909.
View Statute 19-310 Transferred to section 18-1910.
View Statute 19-311 Transferred to section 18-1911.
View Statute 19-312 Transferred to section 18-1912.
View Statute 19-313 Transferred to section 18-1913.
View Statute 19-314 Transferred to section 18-1914.
View Statute 19-401 Act, how cited; commission plan; population requirement.
View Statute 19-402 Commission plan; petition for adoption; election; ballot form.
View Statute 19-403 Commission plan; proposal for adoption; frequency.
View Statute 19-404 Adoption of commission plan; effect.
View Statute 19-405 City council members; nomination; candidate filing form; primary election; waiver.
View Statute 19-406 Mayor and city council members; election.
View Statute 19-407 Repealed. Laws 2019, LB193, § 244.
View Statute 19-408 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 76, § 615.
View Statute 19-409 City council members; candidates; terms.
View Statute 19-410 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 76, § 615.
View Statute 19-411 City council members; bonds; vacancies, how filled.
View Statute 19-412 Officers; employees; compensation; mayor or city council member; salary; procedure.
View Statute 19-413 City council; powers.
View Statute 19-414 City council; departments; assignment of duties.
View Statute 19-415 Mayor; city council members; powers and duties; heads of departments.
View Statute 19-416 Officers; employees; appointment; compensation; removal.
View Statute 19-417 Offices and boards; creation; discontinuance.
View Statute 19-418 City council; meetings; quorum.
View Statute 19-419 Mayor; city council members; office; duties.
View Statute 19-420 Repealed. Laws 1992, LB 950, § 2.
View Statute 19-421 Petitions; requirements; verification; costs.
View Statute 19-422 Cities adopting the commission plan; laws applicable.
View Statute 19-423 Appropriations and expenses; alteration; power of first city council.
View Statute 19-424 Repealed. Laws 1984, LB 975, § 14.
View Statute 19-425 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 76, § 615.
View Statute 19-426 Repealed. Laws 1984, LB 975, § 14.
View Statute 19-427 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 807, § 46.
View Statute 19-428 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 807, § 46.
View Statute 19-429 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 807, § 46.
View Statute 19-430 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 807, § 46.
View Statute 19-431 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 807, § 46.
View Statute 19-432 Commission plan; discontinuance; petition; election.
View Statute 19-433 Commission plan; discontinuance; petition; election; procedure.
View Statute 19-434 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 734, § 2.
View Statute 19-501 Charter convention; charter; amendments; election.
View Statute 19-502 Charter convention; work, when deemed complete; charter, when published.
View Statute 19-503 Charter amendments; petition; adoption.
View Statute 19-601 Act, how cited.
View Statute 19-602 City, defined; population; how determined.
View Statute 19-603 Charter and general laws; force and effect.
View Statute 19-604 Ordinances; resolutions; orders; regulations; force and effect.
View Statute 19-605 City manager plan; petition for adoption; election.
View Statute 19-606 City manager plan; adoption or abandonment; election.
View Statute 19-607 Election; ballot; form.
View Statute 19-608 Election; adoption of plan; when effective; rejection; resubmission.
View Statute 19-609 City manager plan; abandonment; petition; election.
View Statute 19-610 Local charters; right to adopt.
View Statute 19-611 City council; powers.
View Statute 19-612 City council members; number; nomination and election; terms.
View Statute 19-613 City council members; qualifications; forfeiture of office; grounds.
View Statute 19-613.01 City council members; elected from a ward; election; ballots.
View Statute 19-614 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 76, § 615.
View Statute 19-615 City council; meetings; quorum.
View Statute 19-616 Appointive or elected official; compensation; no change during term of office; mayor and city council members; salaries; procedure.
View Statute 19-617 City council; organization, when; president; powers.
View Statute 19-617.01 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 809, § 1.
View Statute 19-618 City council; city manager; appointment; investigatory powers of city council.
View Statute 19-619 Appropriations and expenses; revision; power of first city council.
View Statute 19-620 City council; departments and offices; control.
View Statute 19-621 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 76, § 615.
View Statute 19-622 Repealed. Laws 1974, LB 897, § 15.
View Statute 19-623 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 76, § 615.
View Statute 19-624 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 76, § 615.
View Statute 19-625 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 257, § 44.
View Statute 19-626 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 257, § 44.
View Statute 19-627 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 76, § 615.
View Statute 19-628 Repealed. Laws 1984, LB 975, § 14.
View Statute 19-629 Repealed. Laws 1984, LB 975, § 14.
View Statute 19-630 Repealed. Laws 1984, LB 975, § 14.
View Statute 19-631 Repealed. Laws 1984, LB 975, § 14.
View Statute 19-632 Repealed. Laws 1984, LB 975, § 14.
View Statute 19-633 Repealed. Laws 1984, LB 975, § 14.
View Statute 19-634 Repealed. Laws 1984, LB 975, § 14.
View Statute 19-635 Repealed. Laws 1984, LB 975, § 14.
View Statute 19-636 Repealed. Laws 1984, LB 975, § 14.
View Statute 19-637 Repealed. Laws 1984, LB 975, § 14.
View Statute 19-638 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 807, § 46.
View Statute 19-639 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 807, § 46.
View Statute 19-640 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 807, § 46.
View Statute 19-641 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 807, § 46.
View Statute 19-642 Repealed. Laws 1973, LB 561, § 11.
View Statute 19-643 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 807, § 46.
View Statute 19-644 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 807, § 46.
View Statute 19-645 City manager; how chosen; qualifications; salary.
View Statute 19-646 City manager; powers; duties.
View Statute 19-647 City manager; investigatory powers.
View Statute 19-648 City manager; bond; premium; payment.
View Statute 19-649 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 372, § 27.
View Statute 19-650 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 372, § 27.
View Statute 19-651 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 372, § 27.
View Statute 19-652 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 372, § 27.
View Statute 19-653 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 372, § 27.
View Statute 19-654 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 372, § 27.
View Statute 19-655 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 372, § 27.
View Statute 19-656 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 372, § 27.
View Statute 19-657 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 372, § 27.
View Statute 19-658 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 372, § 27.
View Statute 19-659 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 372, § 27.
View Statute 19-660 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 372, § 27.
View Statute 19-661 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 372, § 27.
View Statute 19-662 City manager plan; abandoning; petition; filing; election.
View Statute 19-701 Public utility; condemnation; election; resubmission.
View Statute 19-702 Court of condemnation; members; hearing; parties; notice.
View Statute 19-703 Court of condemnation; powers and duties; vacancy, how filled.
View Statute 19-704 Court of condemnation; award; appeal; procedure; effect of appeal.
View Statute 19-705 Court of condemnation; appeal; judgment; bonds.
View Statute 19-706 Court of condemnation; members; compensation; costs; witness fees.
View Statute 19-707 Powers; conferred on certain cities.
View Statute 19-708 Public utility; acquisition by city or village of distribution system; wholesale service.
View Statute 19-709 Property; acquisition for public use; limitation; purposes enumerated; procedure.
View Statute 19-710 City council action; rights of adjoining property owner.
View Statute 19-801 Transferred to section 18-1501.
View Statute 19-802 Transferred to section 18-1502.
View Statute 19-803 Transferred to section 18-1503.
View Statute 19-803.01 Transferred to section 18-1504.
View Statute 19-803.02 Transferred to section 18-1505.
View Statute 19-804 Transferred to section 18-1506.
View Statute 19-805 Transferred to section 18-1507.
View Statute 19-806 Transferred to section 18-1508.
View Statute 19-807 Transferred to section 18-1509.
View Statute 19-901 Zoning regulations; power to adopt; when; comprehensive development plan; planning commission; reports and hearings; purpose; validity of plan; not applicable; when.
View Statute 19-902 Zoning regulations; uniformity; manufactured homes; certain codes excepted.
View Statute 19-903 Comprehensive development plan; requirements; regulations and restrictions made in accordance with plan; considerations.
View Statute 19-904 Zoning regulations; creation; hearing; notice.
View Statute 19-904.01 Zoning regulations; nonconforming use; continuation; termination.
View Statute 19-905 Zoning regulations; changes; protest; notice; publication; posting; mailing; personal service; when not applicable.
View Statute 19-906 Repealed. Laws 1967, c. 92, § 7.
View Statute 19-907 Board of adjustment; appointment; restriction on powers.
View Statute 19-908 Board of adjustment; members; term; vacancy; adopt rules; meetings; records; open to public.
View Statute 19-909 Board of adjustment; appeals to board; record on appeal; hearing; stays.
View Statute 19-910 Board of adjustment; powers; jurisdiction on appeal; variance; when permitted.
View Statute 19-911 Board of adjustment; village board of trustees may act; exception; powers and duties.
View Statute 19-912 Board of adjustment; appeal; procedure.
View Statute 19-912.01 Zoning board of adjustment of a county; serve municipalities, when; board of zoning appeals.
View Statute 19-913 Zoning laws and regulations; enforcement; violations; penalties; actions.
View Statute 19-914 Zoning regulations; conflict with other laws; effect.
View Statute 19-915 Zoning regulations; changes; procedure; ratification.
View Statute 19-916 Additions; subdivision or platting; procedure; rights and privileges of inhabitants; powers of city or village; approval required; effect; filing and recording.
View Statute 19-917 Additions; vacating; powers; procedure; costs.
View Statute 19-918 Additions; subdivision; plat of streets; duty of owner to obtain approval.
View Statute 19-919 Additions; subdivisions; plat; city council or village board of trustees; approve before recording; powers.
View Statute 19-920 Additions; subdivisions; conform to ordinances; streets and alleys; requirements.
View Statute 19-921 Subdivision, defined; where applicable.
View Statute 19-922 Standard codes; applicability.
View Statute 19-923 Notice to board of education; when; notice to military installation.
View Statute 19-924 Repealed. Laws 2019, LB193, § 244.
View Statute 19-925 Municipal plan; planning commission; authorized.
View Statute 19-926 Planning commission; members; term; removal; vacancies; alternate members.
View Statute 19-927 Planning commission; organization; meetings; rules and regulations; records.
View Statute 19-928 Planning commission; funds, equipment, and accommodations; limit upon expenditures.
View Statute 19-929 Planning commission; city council or village board of trustees; powers and duties; appeal.
View Statute 19-930 Interjurisdictional planning commission; assume powers and duties of planning commission; when.
View Statute 19-931 Interjurisdictional planning commission; members; term; vacancies.
View Statute 19-932 Interjurisdictional planning commission; creation; elimination.
View Statute 19-933 Sections; applicability.
View Statute 19-1001 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 552, § 40.
View Statute 19-1002 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 552, § 40.
View Statute 19-1003 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 552, § 40.
View Statute 19-1003.01 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 552, § 40.
View Statute 19-1004 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 552, § 40.
View Statute 19-1005 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 552, § 40.
View Statute 19-1006 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 552, § 40.
View Statute 19-1007 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 552, § 40.
View Statute 19-1008 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 552, § 40.
View Statute 19-1009 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 552, § 40.
View Statute 19-1009.01 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 552, § 40.
View Statute 19-1010 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 552, § 40.
View Statute 19-1011 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 552, § 40.
View Statute 19-1012 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 552, § 40.
View Statute 19-1013 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 552, § 40.
View Statute 19-1014 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 552, § 40.
View Statute 19-1015 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 552, § 40.
View Statute 19-1016 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 552, § 40.
View Statute 19-1017 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 552, § 40.
View Statute 19-1018 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 552, § 40.
View Statute 19-1019 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 552, § 40.
View Statute 19-1020 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 552, § 40.
View Statute 19-1021 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 552, § 40.
View Statute 19-1022 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 552, § 40.
View Statute 19-1023 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 552, § 40.
View Statute 19-1024 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 552, § 40.
View Statute 19-1025 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 552, § 40.
View Statute 19-1101 City treasurer or village treasurer; report for fiscal year; publication.
View Statute 19-1102 City clerk or village clerk; proceedings of city council or village board of trustees; publication; contents.
View Statute 19-1103 Reports and proceedings; how published; cost.
View Statute 19-1104 Violations; penalty.
View Statute 19-1201 Revitalize Rural Nebraska Grant Program; Department of Environment and Energy; award grants; application; priority; appropriation; legislative intent.
View Statute 19-1202 City or village; application; approval; conditions.
View Statute 19-1203 City or village; return grant; when.
View Statute 19-1204 Revitalize Rural Nebraska Fund; created; use; investment.
View Statute 19-1301 Sinking funds; gifts; authority to receive; real estate; management.
View Statute 19-1302 Sinking funds; purposes; tax to establish; amount of levy; when authorized.
View Statute 19-1303 Sinking fund; resolution to establish; contents; election; laws governing.
View Statute 19-1304 Sinking funds; investments authorized; limitation upon use.
View Statute 19-1305 Public utilities; extension and improvements; indebtedness; pledge of revenue; combined revenue bonds.
View Statute 19-1306 Public utilities; plans and specifications; notice; contents; revenue bonds, sale; procedure; subsequent issuance of revenue bonds; procedure.
View Statute 19-1307 Public utilities; combined revenue bonds; objections; submit to electors; effect.
View Statute 19-1308 Sections, how construed.
View Statute 19-1309 Public funds; all-purpose levy; maximum limit.
View Statute 19-1310 Public funds; all-purpose levy; allocation.
View Statute 19-1311 Public funds; all-purpose levy; length of time effective; abandonment.
View Statute 19-1312 Public funds; all-purpose levy; certification.
View Statute 19-1313 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 141, § 1.
View Statute 19-1401 Municipal heat, light, and ice plants; construction; operation.
View Statute 19-1402 Municipal heat, light, and ice plants; cost; how defrayed.
View Statute 19-1403 Municipal heat, light, and ice plants; bonds; interest; amount; approval of electors; tax.
View Statute 19-1404 Municipal heat, light, and ice plants; management; rates; service.
View Statute 19-1405 Repealed. Laws 1976, LB 688, § 2.
View Statute 19-1501 Incompletely performed contracts; acceptance; tax levy; bond issue.
View Statute 19-1502 Additional authority granted.
View Statute 19-1601 Transferred to section 16-318.01.
View Statute 19-1701 Expiration of act.
View Statute 19-1801 Transferred to section 19-1827.
View Statute 19-1802 Transferred to section 19-1828.
View Statute 19-1803 Transferred to section 19-1829.
View Statute 19-1803.01 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 372, § 27.
View Statute 19-1804 Transferred to section 19-1830.
View Statute 19-1805 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 372, § 27.
View Statute 19-1806 Transferred to section 19-1831.
View Statute 19-1807 Transferred to section 19-1832.
View Statute 19-1808 Transferred to section 19-1833.
View Statute 19-1809 Transferred to section 19-1834.
View Statute 19-1810 Transferred to section 19-1835.
View Statute 19-1811 Transferred to section 19-1836.
View Statute 19-1812 Transferred to section 19-1837.
View Statute 19-1813 Transferred to section 19-1838.
View Statute 19-1814 Transferred to section 19-1839.
View Statute 19-1815 Transferred to section 19-1840.
View Statute 19-1816 Transferred to section 19-1841.
View Statute 19-1817 Transferred to section 19-1842.
View Statute 19-1818 Transferred to section 19-1843.
View Statute 19-1819 Transferred to section 19-1844.
View Statute 19-1820 Transferred to section 19-1845.
View Statute 19-1821 Transferred to section 19-1846.
View Statute 19-1822 Transferred to section 19-1847.
View Statute 19-1823 Transferred to section 19-1826.
View Statute 19-1824 Transferred to section 48-1209.01.
View Statute 19-1825 Act, how cited.
View Statute 19-1826 Terms, defined.
View Statute 19-1827 Civil service commission; applicability; members; appointment; compensation; term; removal; appeal; quorum.
View Statute 19-1828 Application of act.
View Statute 19-1829 Employees subject to act; appointment; promotion.
View Statute 19-1830 Civil service commission; organization; meetings; appointment; discharge; duties of commission; enumeration; rules and regulations.
View Statute 19-1831 Civil service; applicant for position; qualifications; fingerprints; when required; restrictions on release.
View Statute 19-1832 Civil service; employees; discharge; demotion; grounds.
View Statute 19-1833 Civil service; employees; discharge; demotion; procedure; investigation; appeal.
View Statute 19-1834 Civil service; municipality provide facilities and assistance.
View Statute 19-1835 Civil service; vacancies; procedure.
View Statute 19-1836 Civil service; creation or elimination of positions.
View Statute 19-1837 Civil service; employees; salaries; compliance with act.
View Statute 19-1838 Civil service; leave of absence.
View Statute 19-1839 Civil service commission; conduct of litigation; representation.
View Statute 19-1840 Civil service; obstructing examinations.
View Statute 19-1841 Civil service; political service disregarded.
View Statute 19-1842 Municipality; duty to enact appropriate legislation; failure; effect.
View Statute 19-1843 Municipality; duty to provide quarters and equipment; failure; effect.
View Statute 19-1844 Municipality; duty to create commission; failure; effect.
View Statute 19-1845 Commission; duty to organize; rules and regulations; failure; effect.
View Statute 19-1846 Municipality; duty to make appropriation.
View Statute 19-1847 Violations; penalty.
View Statute 19-1848 Merger of commissions; agreement; applicability of act; exceptions.
View Statute 19-1901 Repealed. Laws 1945, c. 36, § 1.
View Statute 19-1902 Repealed. Laws 1945, c. 36, § 1.
View Statute 19-1903 Repealed. Laws 1945, c. 36, § 1.
View Statute 19-1904 Repealed. Laws 1945, c. 36, § 1.
View Statute 19-1905 Repealed. Laws 1945, c. 36, § 1.
View Statute 19-1906 Repealed. Laws 1945, c. 36, § 1.
View Statute 19-1907 Repealed. Laws 1945, c. 36, § 1.
View Statute 19-1908 Repealed. Laws 1945, c. 36, § 1.
View Statute 19-1909 Repealed. Laws 1945, c. 36, § 1.
View Statute 19-1910 Repealed. Laws 1945, c. 36, § 1.
View Statute 19-1911 Repealed. Laws 1945, c. 36, § 1.
View Statute 19-1912 Repealed. Laws 1945, c. 36, § 1.
View Statute 19-1913 Repealed. Laws 1945, c. 36, § 1.
View Statute 19-1914 Repealed. Laws 1945, c. 36, § 1.
View Statute 19-1915 Repealed. Laws 1945, c. 36, § 1.
View Statute 19-1916 Repealed. Laws 1945, c. 36, § 1.
View Statute 19-1917 Repealed. Laws 1945, c. 36, § 1.
View Statute 19-1918 Repealed. Laws 1945, c. 36, § 1.
View Statute 19-1919 Repealed. Laws 1945, c. 36, § 1.
View Statute 19-1920 Repealed. Laws 1945, c. 36, § 1.
View Statute 19-1921 Repealed. Laws 1945, c. 36, § 1.
View Statute 19-2001 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2002 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2003 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2004 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2005 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2006 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2007 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2008 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2009 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2010 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2011 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2012 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2013 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2014 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2015 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2016 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2017 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2018 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2019 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2020 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2021 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2022 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2023 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2024 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2025 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2026 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2027 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2028 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2029 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2030 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2031 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2032 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2033 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2034 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2035 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2035.01 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2036 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2037 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2038 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2039 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2040 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2041 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2042 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2043 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2044 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2045 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2046 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2047 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2048 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2049 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2050 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2051 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2052 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2053 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2054 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2055 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2056 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2057 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 453, § 1.
View Statute 19-2101 Garbage disposal plants or systems and solid waste disposal areas; construction and maintenance; acquisition; eminent domain.
View Statute 19-2102 Garbage disposal plants or systems and solid waste disposal areas; tax; when authorized.
View Statute 19-2103 Garbage disposal plants or systems and solid waste disposal areas; issuance of bonds; limitation on amount.
View Statute 19-2104 Garbage disposal plants or systems and solid waste disposal areas; tax levy.
View Statute 19-2105 Garbage disposal plants or systems and solid waste disposal areas; contracts.
View Statute 19-2106 Garbage disposal plant or system and solid waste disposal area; management and operation; rates and charges; collections; penalties.
View Statute 19-2107 Repealed. Laws 1992, LB 1257, § 105.
View Statute 19-2108 Repealed. Laws 1981, LB 497, § 1.
View Statute 19-2109 Repealed. Laws 1981, LB 497, § 1.
View Statute 19-2110 Repealed. Laws 1981, LB 497, § 1.
View Statute 19-2111 Garbage disposal; construction of section; existing facilities; zoning.
View Statute 19-2112 Repealed. Laws 1992, LB 1257, § 105.
View Statute 19-2113 Repealed. Laws 1992, LB 1257, § 105.
View Statute 19-2201 Error in platting; corporate limits; city council or village board of trustees; resolution; contents.
View Statute 19-2202 Error in platting; application; district court; contents.
View Statute 19-2203 Error in platting; application; order to show cause; contents; publication.
View Statute 19-2204 Error in platting; application; district court; hearing; order; appeal.
View Statute 19-2301 Parking meters; acquisition, erection, maintenance, operation; ordinance.
View Statute 19-2302 Revenue; disposition.
View Statute 19-2303 Terms, defined.
View Statute 19-2304 Regulation and control of parking vehicles; other means.
View Statute 19-2401 Municipal improvements; combination of projects; notice; allocation of cost.
View Statute 19-2402 Water service; sanitary sewer service; extension districts; ordinance; contents.
View Statute 19-2403 Water service; sanitary sewer service; extension districts; connection compelled; penalty; assessments.
View Statute 19-2404 Sanitary sewer extension mains; water extension mains; special assessments; maturity; interest; rate.
View Statute 19-2405 Water service; sanitary sewer service; extension districts; bonds; interest; issuance.
View Statute 19-2406 Water service; sanitary sewer service; extension districts; warrants; interest; issuance; contractor; interest.
View Statute 19-2407 Water service; sanitary sewer service; extension districts; special assessments; levy; collection.
View Statute 19-2408 Combined improvements; legislative intent.
View Statute 19-2409 Combined improvements; authorized.
View Statute 19-2410 Combined improvements; petition; contents; authority of city council or village board of trustees.
View Statute 19-2411 Combined improvements; district; creation; notice; objections.
View Statute 19-2412 Combined improvements; contract; bids; warrants; payment; interest.
View Statute 19-2413 Combined improvements; acceptance; special assessments; levy; maturity.
View Statute 19-2414 Combined improvements; acceptance; bonds; interest; issuance; maturity; proceeds; disposition.
View Statute 19-2415 Combined improvements; act, how cited.
View Statute 19-2416 Limited street improvement district; creation; purpose; ordinance; notice; procedure.
View Statute 19-2417 Sidewalks; construct, replace, repair; districts; contract.
View Statute 19-2418 Sidewalks; construct, replace, repair; districts; special assessments; payment.
View Statute 19-2419 Sidewalks; construct, replace, repair; districts; bonds; general obligation; interest; payment.
View Statute 19-2420 Sewage and water facilities; acquire by gift or purchase from federal government; rates.
View Statute 19-2421 Leases authorized; term; option to purchase.
View Statute 19-2422 Special assessment; appeal; district court; powers; tried de novo.
View Statute 19-2423 Special assessment; notice of appeal; time; bond; costs.
View Statute 19-2424 City clerk or village clerk; prepare transcript; cost; indigent appellant.
View Statute 19-2425 Special assessment; file petition on appeal and transcript with district court; time.
View Statute 19-2426 Irrigation or drainage ditch, canal, or lateral; wall, enclose, or cover; procedure.
View Statute 19-2427 Improvement district; adjacent land; how treated; special assessments.
View Statute 19-2428 Improvement district; land within agricultural use zone; how treated.
View Statute 19-2429 Agricultural land within improvement district; deferral of special assessment; procedure.
View Statute 19-2430 Agricultural land within improvement district; deferral of special assessment; termination; when.
View Statute 19-2431 Agricultural land within improvement district; payment of special assessments; when; interest; lien.
View Statute 19-2432 Special assessment; division or subdivision of land; reapportionment; procedure; notice; hearing; aggrieved owner; appeal; city council or village board of trustees; duties.
View Statute 19-2501 Transferred to section 13-1111.
View Statute 19-2501.01 Transferred to section 13-1112.
View Statute 19-2502 Transferred to section 13-1113.
View Statute 19-2503 Transferred to section 13-1114.
View Statute 19-2504 Transferred to section 13-1115.
View Statute 19-2505 Transferred to section 13-1116.
View Statute 19-2506 Transferred to section 13-1118.
View Statute 19-2507 Transferred to section 13-1117.
View Statute 19-2508 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 217, § 9.
View Statute 19-2509 Transferred to section 13-1119.
View Statute 19-2510 Transferred to section 13-1120.
View Statute 19-2511 Transferred to section 13-1121.
View Statute 19-2601 Transferred to section 18-2101.
View Statute 19-2602 Transferred to section 18-2102.
View Statute 19-2602.01 Transferred to section 18-2102.01.
View Statute 19-2603 Transferred to section 18-2103.
View Statute 19-2604 Transferred to section 18-2104.
View Statute 19-2605 Transferred to section 18-2105.
View Statute 19-2606 Transferred to section 18-2106.
View Statute 19-2607 Transferred to section 18-2107.
View Statute 19-2608 Transferred to section 18-2108.
View Statute 19-2609 Transferred to section 18-2109.
View Statute 19-2610 Transferred to section 18-2110.
View Statute 19-2611 Transferred to section 18-2111.
View Statute 19-2612 Transferred to section 18-2112.
View Statute 19-2613 Transferred to section 18-2113.
View Statute 19-2614 Transferred to section 18-2114.
View Statute 19-2615 Transferred to section 18-2115.
View Statute 19-2616 Transferred to section 18-2116.
View Statute 19-2617 Transferred to section 18-2117.
View Statute 19-2618 Transferred to section 18-2118.
View Statute 19-2619 Transferred to section 18-2119.
View Statute 19-2620 Transferred to section 18-2120.
View Statute 19-2621 Transferred to section 18-2121.
View Statute 19-2622 Transferred to section 18-2122.
View Statute 19-2623 Transferred to section 18-2123.
View Statute 19-2624 Transferred to section 18-2124.
View Statute 19-2625 Transferred to section 18-2125.
View Statute 19-2626 Transferred to section 18-2126.
View Statute 19-2627 Transferred to section 18-2127.
View Statute 19-2628 Transferred to section 18-2128.
View Statute 19-2629 Transferred to section 18-2129.
View Statute 19-2630 Transferred to section 18-2130.
View Statute 19-2631 Transferred to section 18-2131.
View Statute 19-2632 Transferred to section 18-2132.
View Statute 19-2633 Transferred to section 18-2133.
View Statute 19-2634 Transferred to section 18-2134.
View Statute 19-2635 Transferred to section 18-2135.
View Statute 19-2636 Transferred to section 18-2136.
View Statute 19-2637 Transferred to section 18-2137.
View Statute 19-2638 Transferred to section 18-2138.
View Statute 19-2639 Transferred to section 18-2139.
View Statute 19-2640 Transferred to section 18-2140.
View Statute 19-2641 Transferred to section 18-2141.
View Statute 19-2642 Transferred to section 18-2142.
View Statute 19-2643 Transferred to section 18-2143.
View Statute 19-2644 Transferred to section 18-2144.
View Statute 19-2701 Public utilities; service outside city; authorization; limitation on length of contracts.
View Statute 19-2702 Transferred to section 70-1605.
View Statute 19-2703 Transferred to section 70-1602.
View Statute 19-2704 Transferred to section 70-1606.
View Statute 19-2705 Transferred to section 70-1607.
View Statute 19-2706 Transferred to section 70-1608.
View Statute 19-2707 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 792, § 16.
View Statute 19-2708 Transferred to section 70-1609.
View Statute 19-2709 Transferred to section 70-1610.
View Statute 19-2710 Transferred to section 70-1611.
View Statute 19-2711 Transferred to section 70-1612.
View Statute 19-2712 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 792, § 16.
View Statute 19-2713 Transferred to section 70-1613.
View Statute 19-2714 Transferred to section 70-1614.
View Statute 19-2715 Transferred to section 70-1615.
View Statute 19-2716 Transferred to section 70-1603.
View Statute 19-2717 Transferred to section 70-1604.
View Statute 19-2801 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 119, § 6.
View Statute 19-2802 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 119, § 6.
View Statute 19-2803 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 119, § 6.
View Statute 19-2804 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 119, § 6.
View Statute 19-2901 Act, how cited.
View Statute 19-2902 Terms, defined.
View Statute 19-2903 Annual audit; independent accountant; when completed and reported; villages, waiver; public utility or other enterprise; separate audit and account.
View Statute 19-2904 Annual audit; contents.
View Statute 19-2905 Annual audit report; supplemental report; copies; filing; public records; retain for five years.
View Statute 19-2906 Accountant; prohibited disclosures; penalty.
View Statute 19-2907 Annual audit; failure or refusal of municipality; mandamus; damages; notice; State Treasurer; withhold distribution of funds.
View Statute 19-2908 Act, how construed; failure to comply, effect on taxes levied.
View Statute 19-2909 Audit; expense; payment.
View Statute 19-3001 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 927, § 3.
View Statute 19-3002 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 927, § 3.
View Statute 19-3003 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 927, § 3.
View Statute 19-3004 Repealed. Laws 1974, LB 897, § 15.
View Statute 19-3005 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 927, § 3.
View Statute 19-3006 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 927, § 3.
View Statute 19-3007 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 257, § 44.
View Statute 19-3007.01 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 927, § 3.
View Statute 19-3008 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 257, § 44.
View Statute 19-3009 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 257, § 44.
View Statute 19-3010 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 257, § 44.
View Statute 19-3011 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 927, § 3.
View Statute 19-3012 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 927, § 3.
View Statute 19-3013 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 927, § 3.
View Statute 19-3014 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 927, § 3.
View Statute 19-3015 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 927, § 3.
View Statute 19-3016 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 927, § 3.
View Statute 19-3017 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 927, § 3.
View Statute 19-3018 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 927, § 3.
View Statute 19-3019 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 927, § 3.
View Statute 19-3020 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 927, § 3.
View Statute 19-3021 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 927, § 3.
View Statute 19-3022 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 927, § 3.
View Statute 19-3023 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 927, § 3.
View Statute 19-3024 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 927, § 3.
View Statute 19-3025 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 927, § 3.
View Statute 19-3026 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 927, § 3.
View Statute 19-3027 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 927, § 3.
View Statute 19-3028 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 927, § 3.
View Statute 19-3029 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 927, § 3.
View Statute 19-3030 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 927, § 3.
View Statute 19-3031 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 927, § 3.
View Statute 19-3032 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 927, § 3.
View Statute 19-3033 Repealed. Laws 1975, LB 453, § 16.
View Statute 19-3034 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 927, § 3.
View Statute 19-3035 Repealed. Laws 1973, LB 561, § 11.
View Statute 19-3036 Repealed. Laws 1973, LB 561, § 11.
View Statute 19-3037 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 927, § 3.
View Statute 19-3038 Repealed. Laws 1973, LB 561, § 11.
View Statute 19-3039 Repealed. Laws 1973, LB 561, § 11.
View Statute 19-3040 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 927, § 3.
View Statute 19-3041 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 927, § 3.
View Statute 19-3042 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 927, § 3.
View Statute 19-3043 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 927, § 3.
View Statute 19-3044 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 927, § 3.
View Statute 19-3045 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 927, § 3.
View Statute 19-3046 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 927, § 3.
View Statute 19-3047 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 927, § 3.
View Statute 19-3048 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 927, § 3.
View Statute 19-3049 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 927, § 3.
View Statute 19-3050 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 927, § 3.
View Statute 19-3051 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 927, § 3.
View Statute 19-3052 Annexation of territory; redistricting; when.
View Statute 19-3101 City council or village board of trustees; vacancy; when.
View Statute 19-3201 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 138, § 28.
View Statute 19-3301 Act, how cited.
View Statute 19-3302 Terms, defined.
View Statute 19-3303 Districts authorized; powers.
View Statute 19-3304 Notice; given or posted by whom.
View Statute 19-3305 Proceedings, taxes or assessments levied, bonds issued; validity.
View Statute 19-3306 Procedure authorized.
View Statute 19-3307 Remedies not exclusive.
View Statute 19-3308 Curative clauses; cumulative.
View Statute 19-3309 Alternative authority and procedure.
View Statute 19-3310 Act, liberally construed.
View Statute 19-3311 Offstreet parking facilities; authorized; powers; home rule charter provisions excepted; limitations; duties of city council.
View Statute 19-3312 Proposed districts; boundaries; notice; objections; hearing.
View Statute 19-3313 Objections to formation of district; percentage required; effect; designation of district.
View Statute 19-3314 Costs; special assessment; notice; contents; appeal.
View Statute 19-3315 Taxes and assessments; purpose; procedure; notice; hearing.
View Statute 19-3315.01 Taxes, assessments, and revenue; use; notice; protest.
View Statute 19-3316 Assessments; delinquent; interest; notice; lien; payment.
View Statute 19-3317 Bonds, authorized; interest; rate; funding; terms; warrants.
View Statute 19-3318 Proposed offstreet parking district; petition; contents; signers; requisite number.
View Statute 19-3319 Petition; notice; protest.
View Statute 19-3320 District boundaries; change; notice; contents.
View Statute 19-3321 District boundaries; additional land; notice; mailing; protest; number required; effect.
View Statute 19-3322 District; land not included.
View Statute 19-3323 Termination of proceedings for creation or change of district by protest; effect.
View Statute 19-3324 Protest or objection; withdrawal; effect.
View Statute 19-3325 Objection or protest; estoppel.
View Statute 19-3326 Issuance of bonds; certificate by city clerk; annual taxes; collection.
View Statute 19-3327 Offstreet parking; additional authority; notice; hearing; written objections; resolution; procedure.
View Statute 19-3401 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 251, § 26.
View Statute 19-3402 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 251, § 26.
View Statute 19-3403 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 251, § 26.
View Statute 19-3404 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 251, § 26.
View Statute 19-3405 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 251, § 26.
View Statute 19-3406 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 251, § 26.
View Statute 19-3407 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 251, § 26.
View Statute 19-3408 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 251, § 26.
View Statute 19-3409 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 251, § 26.
View Statute 19-3410 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 251, § 26.
View Statute 19-3411 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 251, § 26.
View Statute 19-3412 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 251, § 26.
View Statute 19-3413 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 251, § 26.
View Statute 19-3414 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 251, § 26.
View Statute 19-3415 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 251, § 26.
View Statute 19-3416 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 251, § 26.
View Statute 19-3417 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 251, § 26.
View Statute 19-3418 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 251, § 26.
View Statute 19-3419 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 251, § 26.
View Statute 19-3420 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 251, § 26.
View Statute 19-3501 Pension plans authorized; employees covered; contributions; funding past service benefits; joinder in plan by two or more cities or villages; reports.
View Statute 19-3601 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 1, § 1.
View Statute 19-3701 Ordinances; effective date.
View Statute 19-3801 Contract with county board for police services; sheriff; powers; duties.
View Statute 19-3802 Villages; cancel contract with county; effect.
View Statute 19-3803 Villages; contract; cost; negotiated.
View Statute 19-3804 State and federal grants; expend.
View Statute 19-3901 Transferred to section 13-1201.
View Statute 19-3902 Transferred to section 13-1202.
View Statute 19-3903 Transferred to section 13-1203.
View Statute 19-3904 Transferred to section 13-1204.
View Statute 19-3905 Transferred to section 13-1205.
View Statute 19-3906 Transferred to section 13-1206.
View Statute 19-3907 Transferred to section 13-1207.
View Statute 19-3908 Transferred to section 13-1208.
View Statute 19-3909 Transferred to section 13-1209.
View Statute 19-3909.01 Transferred to section 13-1210.
View Statute 19-3910 Transferred to section 13-1211.
View Statute 19-3911 Transferred to section 13-1212.
View Statute 19-4001 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 251, § 26.
View Statute 19-4002 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 251, § 26.
View Statute 19-4003 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 251, § 26.
View Statute 19-4004 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 251, § 26.
View Statute 19-4005 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 251, § 26.
View Statute 19-4006 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 251, § 26.
View Statute 19-4007 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 251, § 26.
View Statute 19-4008 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 251, § 26.
View Statute 19-4009 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 251, § 26.
View Statute 19-4010 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 251, § 26.
View Statute 19-4011 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 251, § 26.
View Statute 19-4012 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 251, § 26.
View Statute 19-4013 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 251, § 26.
View Statute 19-4014 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 251, §26.
View Statute 19-4015 Act, how cited.
View Statute 19-4016 Act, how construed.
View Statute 19-4017 Act; purpose.
View Statute 19-4017.01 Terms, defined.
View Statute 19-4018 Cities; business improvement district; special assessment; business occupation tax; exceptions; use of proceeds.
View Statute 19-4019 Available funds; uses; enumerated.
View Statute 19-4020 Business improvement district; created; location.
View Statute 19-4021 Business improvement board; membership; powers; duties.
View Statute 19-4022 Business improvement board; members; terms; vacancy.
View Statute 19-4023 Utility facility within district; construct or alter; approval required; when.
View Statute 19-4024 Repealed. Laws 2015, LB 168, § 21.
View Statute 19-4025 Transferred to section 19-4029.01.
View Statute 19-4026 Hearing to create a business improvement district; call by petition.
View Statute 19-4027 Hearing to create a business improvement district; city council; duties; protest; effect.
View Statute 19-4028 Proposed business improvement district; boundary amendment; hearing continued; procedure.
View Statute 19-4029 City council; ordinance to establish business improvement district; when; contents; taxation; basis.
View Statute 19-4029.01 Notice of hearing; manner given; contents; notice to neighborhood association.
View Statute 19-4029.02 Change of boundaries or functions or ordinance provisions; procedure; ordinance; hearing.
View Statute 19-4029.03 Hearing; call by petition.
View Statute 19-4029.04 Hearing; city council; duties; protest; effect.
View Statute 19-4029.05 Change of boundaries or functions or ordinance provisions; city council; ordinance; when; contents; taxation; basis.
View Statute 19-4030 Business improvement district; special assessment; purpose; notice; appeal; lien; area within riverfront development district; how treated.
View Statute 19-4031 Business improvement district; general business occupation tax; purpose; exceptions; notice; appeal; collection; basis; area within riverfront development district; how treated.
View Statute 19-4032 Business improvement district; additional assessment or levy; when; procedure.
View Statute 19-4033 Special assessments or taxes; limitations; effect.
View Statute 19-4034 Business improvement district; special assessment or business occupation tax; exceptions; maintenance, repair, or reconstruction; levy; procedure.
View Statute 19-4035 Business improvement district; dissolution; procedure.
View Statute 19-4036 Dissolved district; assets; disposition.
View Statute 19-4037 Funds and grants; use.
View Statute 19-4038 Districts created prior to May 23, 1979; governed by act.
View Statute 19-4101 Repealed. Laws 1992, LB 1257, § 105.
View Statute 19-4102 Repealed. Laws 1992, LB 1257, § 105.
View Statute 19-4103 Repealed. Laws 1992, LB 1257, § 105.
View Statute 19-4104 Repealed. Laws 1992, LB 1257, § 105.
View Statute 19-4105 Repealed. Laws 1992, LB 1257, § 105.
View Statute 19-4106 Repealed. Laws 1992, LB 1257, § 105.
View Statute 19-4107 Repealed. Laws 1992, LB 1257, § 105.
View Statute 19-4108 Repealed. Laws 1992, LB 1257, § 105.
View Statute 19-4109 Repealed. Laws 1992, LB 1257, § 105.
View Statute 19-4110 Repealed. Laws 1992, LB 1257, § 105.
View Statute 19-4111 Repealed. Laws 1992, LB 1257, § 105.
View Statute 19-4112 Repealed. Laws 1992, LB 1257, § 105.
View Statute 19-4113 Repealed. Laws 1992, LB 1257, § 105.
View Statute 19-4114 Repealed. Laws 1992, LB 1257, § 105.
View Statute 19-4115 Repealed. Laws 1992, LB 1257, § 105.
View Statute 19-4116 Repealed. Laws 1992, LB 1257, § 105.
View Statute 19-4117 Repealed. Laws 1992, LB 1257, § 105.
View Statute 19-4118 Repealed. Laws 1992, LB 1257, § 105.
View Statute 19-4119 Repealed. Laws 1992, LB 1257, § 105.
View Statute 19-4119.01 Repealed. Laws 1992, LB 1257, § 105.
View Statute 19-4120 Repealed. Laws 1992, LB 1257, § 105.
View Statute 19-4121 Repealed. Laws 1992, LB 1257, § 105.
View Statute 19-4201 Repealed. Laws 1984, LB 975, § 14.
View Statute 19-4202 Repealed. Laws 1984, LB 975, § 14.
View Statute 19-4203 Repealed. Laws 1984, LB 975, § 14.
View Statute 19-4204 Repealed. Laws 1984, LB 975, § 14.
View Statute 19-4205 Repealed. Laws 1984, LB 975, § 14.
View Statute 19-4206 Repealed. Laws 1984, LB 975, § 14.
View Statute 19-4207 Repealed. Laws 1984, LB 975, § 14.
View Statute 19-4208 Repealed. Laws 1984, LB 975, § 14.
View Statute 19-4209 Repealed. Laws 1984, LB 975, § 14.
View Statute 19-4210 Repealed. Laws 1984, LB 975, § 14.
View Statute 19-4211 Repealed. Laws 1984, LB 975, § 14.
View Statute 19-4301 Public streets and sidewalks; sale of services or goods; permitted; closure; conditions.
View Statute 19-4401 Transferred to section 18-3001.
View Statute 19-4501 Transferred to section 18-1216.
View Statute 19-4601 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 790, § 77.
View Statute 19-4602 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 790, § 77.
View Statute 19-4603 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 790, § 77.
View Statute 19-4603.01 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 790, § 77.
View Statute 19-4604 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 790, § 77.
View Statute 19-4605 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 790, § 77.
View Statute 19-4606 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 790, § 77.
View Statute 19-4607 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 790, § 77.
View Statute 19-4608 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 790, § 77.
View Statute 19-4609 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 790, § 77.
View Statute 19-4610 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 790, § 77.
View Statute 19-4611 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 790, § 77.
View Statute 19-4612 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 790, § 77.
View Statute 19-4613 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 790, § 77.
View Statute 19-4614 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 790, § 77.
View Statute 19-4615 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 790, § 77.
View Statute 19-4616 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 790, § 77.
View Statute 19-4617 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 790, § 77.
View Statute 19-4618 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 790, § 77.
View Statute 19-4618.01 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 790, § 77.
View Statute 19-4618.02 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 790, § 77.
View Statute 19-4618.03 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 790, § 77.
View Statute 19-4618.04 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 790, § 77.
View Statute 19-4619 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 790, § 77.
View Statute 19-4620 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 790, § 77.
View Statute 19-4621 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 790, § 77.
View Statute 19-4622 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 790, § 77.
View Statute 19-4623 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 790, § 77.
View Statute 19-4624 Act, how cited.
View Statute 19-4625 Eminent domain authorized.
View Statute 19-4626 Act; applicability.
View Statute 19-4627 Terms, defined.
View Statute 19-4628 Resolution of intent.
View Statute 19-4629 Resolution of intent; contents.
View Statute 19-4630 Resolution of intent; public hearing.
View Statute 19-4631 Condemnation motion.
View Statute 19-4632 Court of condemnation; establishment.
View Statute 19-4633 Court of condemnation; procedure.
View Statute 19-4634 Court of condemnation; powers and duties; costs.
View Statute 19-4635 Court of condemnation; finding of value; procedure; appeal; abandonment; when.
View Statute 19-4636 Appeal.
View Statute 19-4637 Voter approval.
View Statute 19-4638 Voter approval; effect.
View Statute 19-4639 Voter approval; time restrictions.
View Statute 19-4640 Bonds authorized.
View Statute 19-4641 Condemnation; relinquishment authorized.
View Statute 19-4642 Contract authorized.
View Statute 19-4643 Contract; contents.
View Statute 19-4644 Contract; review by Public Service Commission.
View Statute 19-4645 Contract; effect.
View Statute 19-4701 City of metropolitan class or primary class; powers.
View Statute 19-4801 Transferred to section 18-1757.
View Statute 19-4901 Judicial proceedings; bond not required.
View Statute 19-5001 Written notice of proposed annexation; manner; contents; liability; limitation on action.
View Statute 19-5101 Investment of public endowment funds; manner.
View Statute 19-5201 Transferred to section 18-3401.
View Statute 19-5202 Transferred to section 18-3402.
View Statute 19-5203 Transferred to section 18-3403.
View Statute 19-5204 Transferred to section 18-3404.
View Statute 19-5205 Transferred to section 18-3405.
View Statute 19-5206 Transferred to section 18-3406.
View Statute 19-5207 Transferred to section 18-3407.
View Statute 19-5208 Transferred to section 18-3408.
View Statute 19-5209 Transferred to section 18-3409.
View Statute 19-5210 Transferred to section 18-3410.
View Statute 19-5211 Transferred to section 18-3411.
View Statute 19-5212 Transferred to section 18-3412.
View Statute 19-5213 Transferred to section 18-3413.
View Statute 19-5214 Transferred to section 18-3414.
View Statute 19-5215 Transferred to section 18-3415.
View Statute 19-5216 Transferred to section 18-3416.
View Statute 19-5217 Transferred to section 18-3417.
View Statute 19-5218 Transferred to section 18-3418.
View Statute 19-5301 Act, how cited.
View Statute 19-5302 Legislative findings and declarations.
View Statute 19-5303 Terms, defined.
View Statute 19-5304 Riverfront development district; ordinance; contents; revenue; boundaries.
View Statute 19-5305 Riverfront development authority; members; officers; vacancy; meetings; powers.
View Statute 19-5306 Authority; powers; city; power.
View Statute 19-5307 Authority; acquire property; limitations.
View Statute 19-5308 Taxation.
View Statute 19-5309 Conflict of interest.
View Statute 19-5310 Funding.
View Statute 19-5311 Bonds; issuance; procedure; liability.
View Statute 19-5312 Business occupation tax; hearing; appeals; collection; area within business improvement district; how treated.
View Statute 19-5313 Special assessment; hearing; appeals; lien; area within business improvement district; how treated.
View Statute 19-5314 Hearing; notice; manner; decision; appeal.
View Statute 19-5315 Additional assessment or levy; procedure.
View Statute 19-5316 Records; meetings; reports.
View Statute 19-5317 Dissolution of district; procedure; notice.
View Statute 19-5401 Act, how cited.
View Statute 19-5402 Legislative findings and declarations.
View Statute 19-5403 Purposes of act.
View Statute 19-5404 Terms, defined.
View Statute 19-5405 Vacant property registration ordinance; adoption by municipality.
View Statute 19-5406 Registration of property; duty of owner; information required; fee; exemptions.
View Statute 19-5407 Vacant property registration ordinance; contents; program administrator; powers.
View Statute 19-5408 Supplemental provisions.
View Statute 19-5501 Act, how cited.
View Statute 19-5502 Legislative findings.
View Statute 19-5503 Terms, defined.
View Statute 19-5504 Affordable housing; report; contents.
View Statute 19-5505 Affordable housing action plan; required; failure to adopt; effect.
View Statute 19-5506 Act, how construed.
View Statute 19-5601 Act, how cited.
View Statute 19-5602 Act; purpose.
View Statute 19-5603 Terms, defined.
View Statute 19-5604 Extreme weather event; extraordinary costs; grant; application.
View Statute 19-5605 Municipal Natural Gas System Emergency Assistance Fund; created; use; investment.
View Statute 19-5606 Report.
View Statute 19-5607 Rules and regulations.
View Statute 19-5608 Act; termination; transfer unobligated money.
View Statute 19-5701 Act, how cited.
View Statute 19-5702 Terms, defined.
View Statute 19-5703 Municipality Infrastructure Aid Program; created; purpose.
View Statute 19-5704 Grant; application; contents; eligibility; limitations.
View Statute 19-5705 Department of Economic Development; duties.
View Statute 19-5706 Department of Economic Development; consultation authorized.
View Statute 19-5707 Municipality Infrastructure Aid Fund; created; use; investment.
View Statute 19-5708 Rules and regulations.
View Statute 19-5801 Act, how cited.
View Statute 19-5802 Legislative findings; act, purpose.
View Statute 19-5803 Terms, defined.
View Statute 19-5804 Poverty elimination action plan; establish and adopt; contents; reevaluate and update.
View Statute 19-5805 Report.