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Search for statute range from 53-101 to 53-1,122
Returned 305 results
53-101 Act, how cited.
53-101.01 Statement of policy.
53-101.02 Farm wineries; legislative intent.
53-101.03 Repealed. Laws 1989, LB 781, § 20; Laws 1993, LB 183, § 20.
53-101.04 Transferred to section 53-148.01.
53-101.05 Act to be liberally construed.
53-102 Transferred to section 53-168.06.
53-103 Definitions, where found.
53-103.01 Alcohol, defined.
53-103.02 Alcoholic liquor, defined.
53-103.03 Beer, defined.
53-103.04 Brand, defined.
53-103.05 Brewpub, defined.
53-103.06 Campus, defined.
53-103.07 Cancel, defined.
53-103.08 Cigar shop, defined.
53-103.09 Club, defined.
53-103.10 Commission, defined.
53-103.11 Consume, defined.
53-103.12 Craft brewery, defined.
53-103.13 Farm winery, defined.
53-103.14 Franchise or agreement, defined.
53-103.15 Generic label, defined.
53-103.16 Hotel, defined.
53-103.17 Local governing body, defined.
53-103.18 Manager, defined.
53-103.19 Manufacture, defined.
53-103.20 Manufacturer, defined.
53-103.21 Microbrewery, defined.
53-103.22 Microdistillery, defined.
53-103.23 Minor, defined.
53-103.24 Near beer, defined.
53-103.25 Nonbeverage user, defined.
53-103.26 Nonprofit corporation, defined.
53-103.27 Original package, defined.
53-103.28 Person, defined.
53-103.29 Private label, defined.
53-103.30 Restaurant, defined.
53-103.31 Retailer, defined.
53-103.32 Revoke, defined.
53-103.33 Sale, defined.
53-103.34 Sampling, defined.
53-103.35 Sell, defined.
53-103.36 Sell at retail and sale at retail, defined.
53-103.37 Shipping license, defined.
53-103.38 Spirits, defined.
53-103.39 Suspend, defined.
53-103.40 Territory or sales territory, defined.
53-103.41 Wholesaler, defined.
53-103.42 Wine, defined.
53-103.43 Flavored malt beverage, defined.
53-103.44 Hard cider, defined.
53-103.45 Pedal-pub vehicle, defined.
53-103.46 Powdered alcohol, defined.
53-103.47 Bottle club, defined.
53-103.48 Farmers market, defined.
53-103.49 Ready-to-drink cocktail, defined.
53-103.50 Channel pricing, defined.
53-103.51 Primary source of supply in the United States, defined.
53-103.52 Rickhouse, defined.
53-104 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 344, § 75.
53-105 Nebraska Liquor Control Commission; creation; members; appointment; qualifications.
53-106 Commission; members; term; removal; not to hold other office.
53-107 Commission; quorum; executive director; duties.
53-108 Employees; appointment.
53-109 Commissioners and employees; bonds or insurance.
53-110 Commissioners and employees; qualifications; employment by licensee authorized; restrictions.
53-111 Gifts and gratuities forbidden; violation; penalty.
53-112 Commissioners and executive director; compensation; expenses.
53-112.01 Repealed. Laws 1957, c. 227, § 3.
53-112.02 Repealed. Laws 1959, c. 266, § 1.
53-112.03 Repealed. Laws 1989, LB 1, § 1.
53-112.04 Repealed. Laws 1989, LB 1, § 1.
53-113 Commissioners and employees; expenses and mileage.
53-114 Meetings; office; branch offices; seal; certified copies of records as evidence.
53-115 Assistant attorney general assigned to commission; compensation; payment.
53-116 Power to regulate and control alcoholic liquor.
53-116.01 Retail licensees; bottle club licensees; inspection of premises; suspend, cancel, or revoke license; when; charter bus; inspection; when.
53-116.02 Licensee; violations; forfeiture or revocation of license.
53-117 Powers, functions, and duties.
53-117.01 Subpoenas; issuance; witnesses; documents.
53-117.02 Disobedience to subpoena; refusal to testify; proceedings for contempt.
53-117.03 Employee and management training; commission; powers and duties; fees; certification.
53-117.04 Repealed. Laws 1989, LB 70, § 5; Laws 1989, LB 781, § 20; Laws 1993, LB 183, § 20.
53-117.05 Rules and regulations; statutes; commission; provide copies; fee authorized.
53-117.06 Nebraska Liquor Control Commission Rule and Regulation Cash Fund; created; use; investment.
53-117.07 Proceedings to suspend, cancel, or revoke licenses before commission.
53-117.08 License; suspend, cancel, or revoke; hearing; conviction; court; duty.
53-118 Rules and regulations.
53-119 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 344, § 75.
53-119.01 Fire safety inspection; fee.
53-120 Ready-to-drink cocktails; production and sale; rules and regulations.
53-121 License; delivery; method.
53-122 Sale of liquor by drink; license issuance authorized; exception.
53-123 Licenses; types.
53-123.01 Manufacturer's license; rights of licensee; craft brewery license holder; when required to obtain manufacturer's license; rights of holder.
53-123.02 Alcoholic liquor wholesale license, except beer; rights of licensee; sampling.
53-123.03 Beer wholesale license; rights of licensee; designated territory.
53-123.04 Retail license; rights of licensee; sampling; removal of unsealed bottle of wine; conditions; sales for consumption off the premises; conditions; notice to commission, required.
53-123.05 Railroad or airline license; rights of licensee.
53-123.06 Boat license; rights of licensee.
53-123.07 Nonbeverage user's license; rights of licensee; importation of alcohol; classes of license.
53-123.08 Bottle club license; rights of licensee.
53-123.09 Beer wholesaler; delivery outside territory; unlawful; penalty.
53-123.10 Farm winery license; when issued.
53-123.11 Farm winery license; rights of licensee; removal of unsealed bottle of wine; conditions; sales for consumption off the premises; conditions; notice to commission, required.
53-123.12 Farm winery license; application requirements; renewal; fees; licensed premises; temporary expansion; procedure.
53-123.13 Farm winery; waiver of requirement; when; conditions.
53-123.14 Craft brewery license; rights of licensee; self-distribution; conditions.
53-123.15 Shipping license; when required; rights of licensee; application; contents; violation; disciplinary action; holder of license; duties; report; contents.
53-123.16 Microdistillery license; rights of licensee.
53-123.17 Entertainment district license; rights of licensee; application; fee; commission; duties; occupation tax; local governing body; powers.
53-123.18 Special party bus license.
53-124 Licenses; types; classification; fees; where paid; license year.
53-124.01 Fees for annual licenses.
53-124.02 Holder of license under prior law; how treated.
53-124.03 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 871, § 4.
53-124.04 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 871, § 4.
53-124.05 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 871, § 4.
53-124.06 Repealed. Laws 1967, c. 333, § 1.
53-124.07 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 871, § 4.
53-124.08 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 213, § 21.
53-124.09 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 871, § 4.
53-124.10 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 213, § 21.
53-124.11 Special designated license; issuance; procedure; fee.
53-124.12 Annual catering license; issuance; procedure; fee; occupation tax.
53-124.13 Catering licensee; special designated license; application; procedure; proceeds; violation; penalty.
53-124.14 Applicants outside cities and villages; airport authorities; Nebraska State Fair Board; issuance of licenses; when permitted.
53-124.15 Community college culinary education program; catering license.
53-124.16 Promotional farmers market special designated license; issuance; conditions; application; fee; rights of licensee.
53-124.17 Promotional farmers market special designated license holder; permit to sell or dispense; application; issuance; conditions; local governing body; duties.
53-125 Classes of persons to whom no license issued.
53-126 License to corporation; conditions.
53-127 Repealed. Laws 1989, LB 781, § 20; Laws 1993, LB 183, § 20.
53-128 Transferred to section 53-116.02.
53-129 Retail, bottle club, craft brewery, and microdistillery licenses; premises to which applicable; temporary expansion; procedure.
53-130 Licenses; manufacturers, wholesalers, railroads, airlines, boats, special party buses, pedal-pub vehicles, and nonbeverage users; conditions on issuance; fees; renewal.
53-130.01 Beer; manufacturers and shippers; file notice; contents.
53-131 Retail, bottle club, craft brewery, and microdistillery licenses; application; fees; notice of application to city, village, or county; cigar shop; information required; renewal; fee.
53-131.01 License; application; form; contents; criminal history record check; false statement; penalty.
53-132 Retail, bottle club, craft brewery, or microdistillery license; commission; duties.
53-133 Retail, bottle club, craft brewery, and microdistillery licenses; hearing; when held; procedure.
53-134 Retail, bottle club, craft brewery, microdistillery, and entertainment district licenses; city and village governing bodies; county boards; powers, functions, and duties.
53-134.01 Class C license holder; limited bottling endorsement; application; fee; conditions of sale.
53-134.02 Local governing bodies; authority under act.
53-134.03 Retail, bottle club, craft brewery, and microdistillery licenses; regulation by cities and villages.
53-134.04 Violations by retail licensee or bottle club licensee; complaints of residents; hearings.
53-135 Retail or bottle club licenses; automatic renewal; conditions.
53-135.01 Retail licenses; bottle club licenses; renewal; notice.
53-135.02 Licenses; renewal; no vested right.
53-136 Cigar shops; legislative findings; legislative intent.
53-137 Cigar shop license; prohibited acts; sign required; waiver signed by employee; form.
53-138 Pedal-pub vehicle license; activities authorized; licensee; duties.
53-138.01 Licenses; disposition of fees.
53-138.02 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 344, § 75.
53-138.03 Nonprofit corporations; license; required.
53-139 Retail licenses to restaurants and clubs; conditions.
53-140 Transferred to section 53-117.07.
53-140.01 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 344, § 75; Laws 1991, LB 586, § 4.
53-141 Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 848, § 25.
53-142 Transferred to section 53-131.01.
53-143 Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 848, § 25.
53-144 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 344, § 75.
53-145 Transferred to section 53-160.02.
53-146 Transferred to section 53-116.01.
53-147 Transferred to section 53-134.03.
53-148 Licenses; display.
53-148.01 Retail or bottle club licensee; warning sign; commission; duties.
53-149 Licenses; term; sale of premises; temporary operating permit; false information; penalty; license not assignable or inheritable; exception; effect of death or bankruptcy of licensee.
53-150 Transferred to section 53-135.02.
53-151 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 344, § 75.
53-152 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 344, § 75.
53-153 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 344, § 75.
53-154 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 344, § 75.
53-155 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 344, § 75.
53-156 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 344, § 75.
53-157 Transferred to section 53-164.02.
53-158 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 344, § 75.
53-159 Transferred to section 53-130.01.
53-160 Tax on manufacturer and wholesaler; amount; exemption; duties of commission.
53-160.01 Tax on manufacturer and wholesaler; instrumentality of armed forces of United States; resale; exemption.
53-160.02 Near beer; regulation.
53-160.03 Beer-related crop; tax credit; calculation; application; contents; approval; notice.
53-160.04 Ready-to-drink cocktails; tax on manufacturer or wholesaler; amount; exemption; duties of commission.
53-160.05 Repealed. Laws 1981, LB 497, § 1.
53-160.06 Repealed. Laws 1981, LB 497, § 1.
53-160.07 Repealed. Laws 1981, LB 497, § 1.
53-160.08 Transferred to section 53-178.01.
53-160.09 Repealed. Laws 1989, LB 1, § 1.
53-161 Beer; credit for tax paid; when allowed.
53-162 Alcoholic liquor shipped from another state; tax imposed.
53-162.01 Repealed. Laws 1963, c. 311, § 7.
53-163 Commission; rounding of amounts on returns or reports; authorized.
53-164 Repealed. Laws 1963, c. 311, § 7.
53-164.01 Alcoholic liquor; tax; payment; report; penalty; bond; sale to instrumentality of armed forces; credit for tax paid.
53-164.02 Evasion of liquor tax; acts forbidden; violations; penalty.
53-165 Manufacturer and wholesaler; monthly report to commission of manufacture and sale; manufacturer or shipper; certification; record keeping.
53-165.01 Primary source of supply in the United States; report by licensed manufacturer, licensed wholesaler, or holder of a shipping license; fee.
53-165.02 Channel pricing and discounts; use by wholesaler; conditions.
53-165.03 Sponsorship or advertising agreement; authorized, when.
53-166 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 344, § 75.
53-166.01 Unconstitutional.
53-166.02 Unconstitutional.
53-166.03 Unconstitutional.
53-166.04 Unconstitutional.
53-166.05 Unconstitutional.
53-166.06 Unconstitutional.
53-166.07 Unconstitutional.
53-166.08 Unconstitutional.
53-166.09 Unconstitutional.
53-166.10 Unconstitutional.
53-166.11 Unconstitutional.
53-166.12 Unconstitutional.
53-166.13 Unconstitutional.
53-166.14 Unconstitutional.
53-166.15 Unconstitutional.
53-166.16 Unconstitutional.
53-166.17 Unconstitutional.
53-167 Repealed. Laws 1977, LB 176, § 2.
53-167.01 Legislative findings.
53-167.02 Keg sales; requirements; keg identification number; violation; penalty.
53-167.03 Keg identification number; prohibited acts; violation; penalty; deposit.
53-167.04 Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 562, § 8.
53-168 Receiving money, credit, discounts, rebates, or other inducement; unlawful acts; penalty; private or generic label permitted; exception for sponsorship or advertising agreement.
53-168.01 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 344, § 75.
53-168.02 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 183, § 7.
53-168.03 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 183, § 7.
53-168.04 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 183, § 7.
53-168.05 Violations; procedure.
53-168.06 General prohibition; exceptions.
53-169 Manufacturer or wholesaler; craft brewery, manufacturer, or microdistillery licensee; limitations; exception for sponsorship or advertising agreement.
53-169.01 Manufacturer; interest in licensed wholesaler; prohibitions; exception.
53-170 Violations; effect.
53-170.01 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 344, § 75.
53-170.02 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 344, § 75.
53-170.03 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 344, § 75.
53-170.04 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 344, § 75.
53-171 Licenses; issuance of more than one kind to same person; when unlawful; craft brewery, manufacturer, or microdistillery licensee; limitations.
53-172 Original packages; labels; seals; requirements.
53-173 Powdered alcohol; prohibited acts; penalties; effect on license.
53-174 Co-branded alcoholic beverage; display; acts prohibited; exceptions; inspection.
53-175 Liquor; acquisition from other than licensed dealer; when unlawful.
53-176 Sale or delivery to unauthorized person forbidden; suspension, cancellation, or revocation of license.
53-177 Sale at retail; bottle club license; restrictions as to locality.
53-177.01 Sale for consumption on premises or bottle club operation near campus of college or university; restrictions; commission; waiver; application; contents; written approval of governing body of college or university.
53-178 Sale at retail; forbidden in dwelling or lodging house; exceptions.
53-178.01 Licensee; sale to person within motor vehicle; prohibited; exceptions.
53-179 Sale or dispensing of alcoholic liquor; forbidden during certain hours; exceptions; alcoholic liquor in open containers; unlawful after hours.
53-180 Prohibited acts relating to minors and incompetents.
53-180.01 Minor misrepresenting age; unlawful.
53-180.02 Minor; prohibited acts; exception; governing bodies; powers.
53-180.03 Minor; sale or gift to; misrepresenting age; parent or guardian; duties.
53-180.04 Minors; warning notice; posting.
53-180.05 Prohibited acts relating to minors and incompetents; violations; penalties; possible alcohol overdose; actions authorized; false identification; penalty; law enforcement agency; duties.
53-180.06 Documentary proof of age; separate book; record; contents.
53-180.07 Minors; licensee charged with sale; defenses.
53-181 Person eighteen years of age or younger; penalty; copy of abstract to Director of Motor Vehicles; possible alcohol overdose; actions authorized.
53-182 Repealed. Laws 1977, LB 93, § 1.
53-183 Sale on credit or for goods or services forbidden; exceptions.
53-184 Sale only in original package; refilling forbidden; exception.
53-185 Contract to sell for only one manufacturer or wholesaler; void.
53-186 Consumption of liquor on public property; forbidden; exceptions; license authorized.
53-186.01 Consumption of liquor in public places; license required; exceptions; violations; penalty.
53-187 Nonbeverage licensee forbidden to give or sell alcoholic liquor; violation; penalty.
53-188 Repealed. Laws 2014, LB 863, § 31.
53-189 Repealed. Laws 2014, LB 863, § 31.
53-190 Premises violating law declared common nuisances.
53-191 Repealed. Laws 2014, LB 863, § 31.
53-192 Transportation of liquor into state forbidden; when.
53-192.01 Wholesale licensee; purchases and imports; restrictions.
53-193 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 344, § 75.
53-194 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 344, § 75.
53-194.01 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 213, § 21.
53-194.02 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 213, § 21.
53-194.03 Transportation of liquor into state; forbidden; when; penalty.
53-194.04 Sale of confections or candy; license requirements; label.
53-195 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 344, § 75.
53-196 Repealed. Laws 1978, LB 593, § 5.
53-197 Violations; peace officer; duties; neglect of duty; penalty.
53-198 Places operated in violation of act; declared common nuisances; violations; penalty.
53-199 Nuisance; abatement; procedure; owner or lessee may give bond.
53-1,100 Violations; general penalties.
53-1,101 Owner of premises or agent knowing of violations; penalty.
53-1,102 Violations by agent or employee of licensee; deemed act of licensee, when.
53-1,103 False branding; penalty.
53-1,104 Violations by licensee; suspension, cancellation, or revocation of license; cash penalty in lieu of suspending sales; election authorized.
53-1,105 Sufficiency of charge of violation; sufficiency of proof.
53-1,106 Charge of violation; sufficiency of allegations; second offense; proof; former conviction.
53-1,107 Complaint, indictment, or information; contents; sufficiency.
53-1,108 Search warrants issued on complaint; form.
53-1,109 Search warrants; contents; directed to peace officer.
53-1,110 Arrest of persons found violating act.
53-1,111 Search warrants; search and seizure of property; sale; disposition of proceeds; arrests.
53-1,112 Search warrant; return; form and contents.
53-1,113 Search warrant; sale of property seized; procedure; destruction, when required.
53-1,114 Transferred to section 53-134.04.
53-1,115 Proceedings before commission; service upon parties; rehearings; costs.
53-1,116 Appeal; procedure.
53-1,117 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 344, § 75.
53-1,118 Transferred to section 53-101.05.
53-1,119 Local law, ordinance, resolution, or rule; penalty for drinking or intoxication; prohibited.
53-1,120 Alcohol-related offenses; law, ordinance, resolution, or rule; effect.
53-1,120.01 County resolution or city ordinance prohibiting smoking; not applicable to cigar shops.
53-1,121 Law enforcement officer; intoxicated person; removal; civil protective custody; procedure; Department of Health and Human Services; limit on licensure actions.
53-1,122 Compliance checks; participation by minors; when.