21-101. Act, how cited.

(RULLCA 101) Sections 21-101 to 21-197 and 21-501 to 21-542 shall be known and may be cited as the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 1;    Laws 2018, LB1121, § 1.    

21-102. Terms, defined.

(RULLCA 102) In the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act:

(1) Certificate of organization means the certificate required by section 21-117. The term includes the certificate as amended or restated.

(2) Certificate of registration means either (a) a document prepared and issued by a regulatory body or (b) verification, by the Secretary of State, that all of those members, managers, professional employees, and agents who are required by law to do so are duly licensed or otherwise legally authorized to render the professional service for which the limited liability company is organized to do business or a service ancillary to those which the limited liability company renders, through the electronic accessing of the regulatory body's licensing records or through compacts or other certifying organizations recognized by the regulatory body.

(3) Contribution means any benefit provided by a person to a limited liability company:

(A) in order to become a member upon formation of the company and in accordance with an agreement between or among the persons that have agreed to become the initial members of the company;

(B) in order to become a member after formation of the company and in accordance with an agreement between the person and the company; or

(C) in the person's capacity as a member and in accordance with the operating agreement or an agreement between the member and the company.

(4) Debtor in bankruptcy means a person that is the subject of:

(A) an order for relief under Title 11 of the United States Code or a successor statute of general application; or

(B) a comparable order under federal, state, or foreign law governing insolvency.

(5) Designated office means:

(A) the office that a limited liability company is required to designate and maintain under section 21-113; or

(B) the principal office of a foreign limited liability company.

(6) Distribution, except as otherwise provided in subsection (g) of section 21-134, means a transfer of money or other property from a limited liability company to another person on account of a transferable interest.

(7) Effective, with respect to a record required or permitted to be delivered to the Secretary of State for filing under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act, means effective under subsection (c) of section 21-121.

(8) Foreign limited liability company means an unincorporated entity formed under the law of a jurisdiction other than this state and denominated by that law as a limited liability company.

(9) Limited liability company, except in the phrase foreign limited liability company, means an entity formed under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act.

(10) Manager means a person that under the operating agreement of a manager-managed limited liability company is responsible, alone or in concert with others, for performing the management functions stated in subsection (c) of section 21-136.

(11) Manager-managed limited liability company means a limited liability company that qualifies under subsection (a) of section 21-136.

(12) Member means a person that has become a member of a limited liability company under section 21-130 and has not dissociated under section 21-145.

(13) Member-managed limited liability company means a limited liability company that is not a manager-managed limited liability company.

(14) Operating agreement means the agreement, whether or not referred to as an operating agreement and whether oral, in a record, implied, or in any combination thereof, of all the members of a limited liability company, including a sole member. The term includes the agreement as amended or restated.

(15) Organizer means a person that acts under section 21-117 to form a limited liability company.

(16) Person means an individual, corporation, business trust, estate, trust, partnership, limited liability company, association, joint venture, public corporation, government or governmental subdivision, agency, or instrumentality, or any other legal or commercial entity.

(17) Principal office means the principal executive office of a limited liability company or foreign limited liability company, whether or not the office is located in this state.

(18) Professional service means any personal service rendered by an attorney, a certified public accountant, a public accountant, a dentist, an osteopathic physician, a physician and surgeon, a real estate broker, an associate real estate broker, a real estate salesperson, or a veterinarian. For purposes of the act, those professions pertaining to the diagnosis, care, and treatment of humans shall be considered to be of the same profession.

(19) Record means information that is inscribed on a tangible medium or that is stored in an electronic or other medium and is retrievable in perceivable form.

(20) Regulatory body means a board, commission, court, or governmental authority which is charged with licensing or regulating the rendering of a professional service in this state.

(21) Sign means, with the present intent to authenticate or adopt a record:

(A) to execute or adopt a tangible symbol; or

(B) to attach to or logically associate with the record an electronic symbol, sound, or process.

(22) State means a state of the United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin Islands, or any territory or insular possession subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.

(23) Transfer includes an assignment, conveyance, deed, bill of sale, lease, mortgage, trust deed, security interest, encumbrance, gift, and transfer by operation of law.

(24) Transferable interest means the right, as originally associated with a person's capacity as a member, to receive distributions from a limited liability company in accordance with the operating agreement, whether or not the person remains a member or continues to own any part of the right.

(25) Transferee means a person to which all or part of a transferable interest has been transferred, whether or not the transferor is a member.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 2;    Laws 2024, LB628, § 1.    
Effective Date: July 19, 2024

21-103. Knowledge; notice.

(RULLCA 103) (a) A person knows a fact when the person:

(1) has actual knowledge of it; or

(2) is deemed to know it under subdivision (d)(1) of this section or law other than the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act.

(b) A person has notice of a fact when the person:

(1) has reason to know the fact from all of the facts known to the person at the time in question; or

(2) is deemed to have notice of the fact under subdivision (d)(2) of this section.

(c) A person notifies another of a fact by taking steps reasonably required to inform the other person in ordinary course, whether or not the other person knows the fact.

(d) A person that is not a member is deemed:

(1) to know of a limitation on authority to transfer real property as provided in subsection (g) of section 21-127; and

(2) to have notice of a limited liability company's:

(A) dissolution, ninety days after a statement of dissolution under subdivision (b)(1)(B) of section 21-148 becomes effective;

(B) termination, ninety days after a statement of termination under subdivision (b)(2)(E) of section 21-148 becomes effective; and

(C) merger, conversion, or domestication, ninety days after articles of merger, conversion, or domestication under sections 21-170 to 21-184 become effective.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 3.    

21-104. Nature, purpose and duration of limited liability company; classification for tax purposes.

(RULLCA 104) (a) A limited liability company is an entity distinct from its members.

(b) A limited liability company may have any lawful purpose, except that a limited liability company may not operate as an insurer as defined in section 44-103.

(c) A limited liability company has perpetual duration.

(d) A limited liability company shall be classified for state income tax purposes in the same manner as it is classified for federal income tax purposes.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 4;    Laws 2016, LB758, § 1.    


21-105. Powers.

(RULLCA 105) A limited liability company has the capacity to sue and be sued in its own name and the power to do all things necessary or convenient to carry on its activities, including the power to render a professional service within or without this state.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 5.    

21-106. Governing law.

(RULLCA 106) The law of this state governs:

(1) the internal affairs of a limited liability company; and

(2) the liability of a member as member and a manager as manager for the debts, obligations, or other liabilities of a limited liability company.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 6.    

21-107. Supplemental principles of law.

(RULLCA 107) Unless displaced by particular provisions of the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act, the principles of law and equity supplement the act.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 7.    

21-108. Name.

(RULLCA 108) (a) The name of a limited liability company must contain the words limited liability company or limited company or the abbreviation L.L.C., LLC, L.C., or LC. Limited may be abbreviated as Ltd., and company may be abbreviated as Co.

(b) Unless authorized by subsection (c) of this section, the name of a limited liability company must not be the same as or deceptively similar to, in the records of the Secretary of State:

(1) the name of each person that is not an individual and that is incorporated, organized, or authorized to transact business in this state; and

(2) each name reserved under section 21-109 or other state laws allowing the reservation or registration of business names, including fictitious or assumed name statutes.

(c) A limited liability company may apply to the Secretary of State for authorization to use a name that is deceptively similar to, upon the records of the Secretary of State, one or more of the names described in subsection (b) of this section. The Secretary of State shall authorize use of the name applied for if, as to each noncomplying name:

(1) the present user, registrant, or owner of the noncomplying name consents in a signed record to the use; or

(2) the applicant delivers to the Secretary of State a certified copy of the final judgment of a court establishing the applicant's right to use in this state the name applied for.

(d) Subject to section 21-159, this section applies to a foreign limited liability company transacting business in this state which has a certificate of authority to transact business in this state or which has applied for a certificate of authority.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 8.    

21-109. Reservation of name.

(RULLCA 109) (a) A person may reserve the exclusive use of the name of a limited liability company, including a fictitious or assumed name for a foreign limited liability company whose name is not available, by delivering an application to the Secretary of State for filing. The application must state the name and address of the applicant and the name proposed to be reserved. If the Secretary of State finds that the name applied for is available, it must be reserved for the applicant's exclusive use for a one-hundred-twenty-day period.

(b) The owner of a name reserved for a limited liability company may transfer the reservation to another person by delivering to the Secretary of State for filing a signed notice of the transfer which states the name and address of the transferee.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 9.    

21-110. Operating agreement; scope, function, and limitations.

(RULLCA 110) (a) To the extent the operating agreement does not otherwise provide for a matter, the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act governs the matter.

(b) An operating agreement may not:

(1) vary a limited liability company's capacity under section 21-105 to sue and be sued in its own name;

(2) vary the law applicable under section 21-106;

(3) vary the power of the court under section 21-120;

(4) subject to subsections (c) through (f) of this section, eliminate the duty of loyalty or the duty of care;

(5) subject to subsections (c) through (f) of this section, eliminate the contractual obligation of good faith and fair dealing under subsection (d) of section 21-138;

(6) unreasonably restrict the duties and rights stated in section 21-139;

(7) vary the power of a court to decree dissolution in the circumstances specified in subdivisions (a)(4) and (5) of section 21-147;

(8) vary the requirement to wind up a limited liability company's business as specified in subsection (a) and subdivision (b)(1)(A) of section 21-148;

(9) unreasonably restrict the right of a member to maintain an action under sections 21-164 to 21-169;

(10) except as otherwise provided in section 21-183, restrict the right to approve a merger, conversion, or domestication of a member that will have personal liability with respect to a surviving, converted, or domesticated organization; or

(11) except as otherwise provided in subsection (b) of section 21-112, restrict the rights under the act of a person other than a member or manager.

(c) If not manifestly unreasonable, the operating agreement may:

(1) restrict or eliminate the duty:

(A) as required in subdivision (b)(1) and subsection (g) of section 21-138, to account to the limited liability company and to hold as trustee for it any property, profit, or benefit derived by the member in the conduct or winding up of the company's business, from a use by the member of the company's property, or from the appropriation of a limited liability company opportunity;

(B) as required in subdivision (b)(2) and subsection (g) of section 21-138, to refrain from dealing with the company in the conduct or winding up of the company's business as or on behalf of a party having an interest adverse to the company; and

(C) as required by subdivision (b)(3) and subsection (g) of section 21-138, to refrain from competing with the company in the conduct of the company's business before the dissolution of the company;

(2) identify specific types or categories of activities that do not violate the duty of loyalty;

(3) alter the duty of care, except to authorize intentional misconduct or knowing violation of law;

(4) alter any other fiduciary duty, including eliminating particular aspects of that duty; and

(5) prescribe the standards by which to measure the performance of the contractual obligation of good faith and fair dealing under subsection (d) of section 21-138.

(d) The operating agreement may specify the method by which a specific act or transaction that would otherwise violate the duty of loyalty may be authorized or ratified by one or more disinterested and independent persons after full disclosure of all material facts.

(e) To the extent the operating agreement of a member-managed limited liability company expressly relieves a member of a responsibility that the member would otherwise have under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act and imposes the responsibility on one or more other members, the operating agreement may, to the benefit of the member that the operating agreement relieves of the responsibility, also eliminate or limit any fiduciary duty that would have pertained to the responsibility.

(f) The operating agreement may alter or eliminate the indemnification for a member or manager provided by subsection (a) of section 21-137 and may eliminate or limit a member's or manager's liability to the limited liability company and members for money damages, except for:

(1) breach of the duty of loyalty;

(2) a financial benefit received by the member or manager to which the member or manager is not entitled;

(3) a breach of a duty under section 21-135;

(4) intentional infliction of harm on the company or a member; or

(5) an intentional violation of criminal law.

(g) The court shall decide any claim under subsection (c) of this section that a term of an operating agreement is manifestly unreasonable. The court:

(1) shall make its determination as of the time the challenged term became part of the operating agreement and by considering only circumstances existing at that time; and

(2) may invalidate the term only if, in light of the purposes and activities of the limited liability company, it is readily apparent that:

(A) the objective of the term is unreasonable; or

(B) the term is an unreasonable means to achieve the provision's objective.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 10.    

21-111. Operating agreement; effect on limited liability company and persons becoming members; preformation agreement.

(RULLCA 111) (a) A limited liability company is bound by and may enforce the operating agreement, whether or not the company has itself manifested assent to the operating agreement.

(b) A person that becomes a member of a limited liability company is deemed to assent to the operating agreement.

(c) Two or more persons intending to become the initial members of a limited liability company may make an agreement providing that upon the formation of the company the agreement will become the operating agreement. One person intending to become the initial member of a limited liability company may assent to terms providing that upon the formation of the company the terms will become the operating agreement.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 11.    

21-112. Operating agreement; effect on third parties and relationship to records effective on behalf of limited liability company.

(RULLCA 112) (a) An operating agreement may specify that its amendment requires the approval of a person that is not a party to the operating agreement or the satisfaction of a condition. An amendment is ineffective if its adoption does not include the required approval or satisfy the specified condition.

(b) The obligations of a limited liability company and its members to a person in the person's capacity as a transferee or dissociated member are governed by the operating agreement. Subject only to any court order issued under subdivision (b)(2) of section 21-142 to effectuate a charging order, an amendment to the operating agreement made after a person becomes a transferee or dissociated member is effective with regard to any debt, obligation, or other liability of the limited liability company or its members to the person in the person's capacity as a transferee or dissociated member.

(c) If a record that has been delivered by a limited liability company to the Secretary of State for filing and has become effective under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act contains a provision that would be ineffective under subsection (b) of section 21-110 if contained in the operating agreement, the provision is likewise ineffective in the record.

(d) Subject to subsection (c) of this section, if a record that has been delivered by a limited liability company to the Secretary of State for filing and has become effective under the act conflicts with a provision of the operating agreement:

(1) the operating agreement prevails as to members, dissociated members, transferees, and managers; and

(2) the record prevails as to other persons to the extent they reasonably rely on the record.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 12.    

21-113. Office and agent for service of process.

(RULLCA 113) (a) A limited liability company shall designate and continuously maintain in this state:

(1) an office, which need not be a place of its activity in this state; and

(2) an agent for service of process.

(b) A foreign limited liability company that has a certificate of authority under section 21-156 shall designate and continuously maintain in this state an agent for service of process.

(c) An agent for service of process of a limited liability company or foreign limited liability company must be an individual who is a resident of this state or other person with authority to transact business in this state.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 13.    

21-114. Change of designated office or agent for service of process; change of address.

(RULLCA 114) (a) A limited liability company or foreign limited liability company may change its designated office, its agent for service of process, or the address of its agent for service of process by delivering to the Secretary of State for filing a statement of change containing:

(1) the name of the company;

(2) the street and mailing addresses of its current designated office;

(3) if the current designated office is to be changed, the street and mailing addresses of the new designated office;

(4) the name and street and mailing addresses and post office box number, if any, of its current agent for service of process; and

(5) if the current agent for service of process or an address of the agent is to be changed, the new information.

(b) Subject to subsection (c) of section 21-121, a statement of change is effective when filed by the Secretary of State.

(c) An agent for service of process may change the agent's street and mailing addresses and post office box number, if any, for any limited liability company or foreign limited liability company for which the agent is designated by notifying the limited liability company or foreign limited liability company in writing of the change containing the new information, and by delivering to the Secretary of State for filing a statement of change of address for an agent for service of process which complies with the requirements of subdivisions (a)(1), (4), and (5) of this section and states that the limited liability company or foreign limited liability company has been notified of the change.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 14;    Laws 2014, LB753, § 1.    

21-115. Resignation of agent for service of process.

(RULLCA 115) (a) To resign as an agent for service of process of a limited liability company or foreign limited liability company, the agent must deliver to the Secretary of State for filing a statement of resignation containing the company name and stating that the agent is resigning.

(b) The Secretary of State shall file a statement of resignation delivered under subsection (a) of this section and mail or otherwise provide or deliver a copy to the designated office of the limited liability company or foreign limited liability company and another copy to the principal office of the company if the mailing addresses of the principal office appears in the records of the Secretary of State and is different from the mailing address of the designated office.

(c) An agency for service of process terminates on the earlier of:

(1) the thirty-first day after the Secretary of State files the statement of resignation; or

(2) when a record designating a new agent for service of process is delivered to the Secretary of State for filing on behalf of the limited liability company and becomes effective.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 15.    

21-116. Service of process.

(RULLCA 116) (a) An agent for service of process appointed by a limited liability company or foreign limited liability company is an agent of the company for service of any process, notice, or demand required or permitted by law to be served on the company.

(b) If a limited liability company or foreign limited liability company does not appoint or maintain an agent for service of process in this state or the agent for service of process cannot with reasonable diligence be found at the agent's street address, service of any process, notice, or demand on the limited liability company or foreign limited liability company may be made by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the company at its designated office.

(c) Service is effected under subsection (b) of this section at the earliest of:

(1) the date the limited liability company or foreign limited liability company receives the process, notice, or demand;

(2) the date shown on the return receipt, if signed on behalf of the company; or

(3) five days after the process, notice, or demand is deposited with the United States Postal Service, if correctly addressed and with sufficient postage.

(d) This section does not affect the right to serve process, notice, or demand in any other manner provided by law.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 16.    

21-117. Formation; certificate of organization and other filings.

(RULLCA 201) (a) One or more persons may act as organizers to form a limited liability company by signing and delivering to the Secretary of State for filing a certificate of organization and, if applicable, a current certificate of registration as provided in sections 21-185 to 21-189.

(b) A certificate of organization must state:

(1) the name of the limited liability company, which must comply with section 21-108;

(2) the street and mailing addresses of the initial designated office and the name and street and mailing addresses and post office box number, if any, of the initial agent for service of process of the company; and

(3) if the company is organized to render a professional service, the professional service its members, managers, professional employees, and agents are licensed or otherwise legally authorized to render in this state.

(c) Subject to subsection (c) of section 21-112, a certificate of organization may also contain statements as to matters other than those required by subsection (b) of this section. However, a statement in a certificate of organization is not effective as a statement of authority.

(d) The following rules apply to the filing of a certificate of organization:

(1) A limited liability company is formed when the Secretary of State has filed the certificate of organization and a certificate of registration, if applicable, and the company has at least one member, unless the certificate states a delayed effective date pursuant to subsection (c) of section 21-121.

(2) If the certificate states a delayed effective date, a limited liability company is not formed if, before the certificate takes effect, a statement of cancellation is signed and delivered to the Secretary of State for filing and the Secretary of State files the certificate.

(3) Subject to any delayed effective date and except in a proceeding by this state to dissolve a limited liability company, the filing of the certificate of organization by the Secretary of State is conclusive proof that the organizer satisfied all conditions to the formation of a limited liability company.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 17.    

21-118. Amendment or restatement of certificate of organization.

(RULLCA 202) (a) A certificate of organization may be amended or restated at any time.

(b) To amend its certificate of organization, a limited liability company must deliver to the Secretary of State for filing an amendment stating:

(1) the name of the company;

(2) the date of filing of its certificate of organization; and

(3) the changes the amendment makes to the certificate as most recently amended or restated.

(c) To restate its certificate of organization, a limited liability company must deliver to the Secretary of State for filing a restatement, designated as such in its heading, stating:

(1) in the heading or an introductory paragraph, the company's present name and the date of the filing of the company's initial certificate of organization;

(2) if the company's name has been changed at any time since the company's formation, each of the company's former names; and

(3) the changes the restatement makes to the certificate as most recently amended or restated.

(d) Subject to subsection (c) of section 21-112 and subsection (c) of section 21-121, an amendment to or restatement of a certificate of organization is effective when filed by the Secretary of State.

(e) If a member of a member-managed limited liability company, or a manager of a manager-managed limited liability company, knows that any information in a filed certificate of organization was inaccurate when the certificate was filed or has become inaccurate owing to changed circumstances, the member or manager shall promptly:

(1) cause the certificate to be amended; or

(2) if appropriate, deliver to the Secretary of State for filing a statement of change under section 21-114 or a statement of correction under section 21-122.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 18.    

21-119. Signing of records to be delivered for filing to Secretary of State.

(RULLCA 203) (a) A record delivered to the Secretary of State for filing pursuant to the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act must be signed as follows:

(1) Except as otherwise provided in subdivisions (2) and (3) of this subsection, a record signed on behalf of a limited liability company must be signed by a person authorized by the company.

(2) A limited liability company's initial certificate of organization must be signed by at least one person acting as an organizer.

(3) A record filed on behalf of a dissolved limited liability company that has no members must be signed by the person winding up the company's activities under subsection (c) of section 21-148 or a person appointed under subsection (d) of such section to wind up those activities.

(4) A statement of cancellation under subdivision (d)(2) of section 21-117 must be signed by each organizer that signed the initial certificate of organization, but a personal representative of a deceased or incompetent organizer may sign in the place of the decedent or incompetent.

(5) A statement of denial by a person under section 21-128 must be signed by that person.

(6) Any other record must be signed by the person on whose behalf the record is delivered to the Secretary of State.

(b) Any record filed under the act may be signed by an agent.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 19.    

21-120. Signing and filing pursuant to judicial order.

(RULLCA 204) (a) If a person required by the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act to sign a record or deliver a record to the Secretary of State for filing under the act does not do so, any other person that is aggrieved may petition the district court to order:

(1) the person to sign the record;

(2) the person to deliver the record to the Secretary of State for filing; or

(3) the Secretary of State to file the record unsigned.

(b) If a petitioner under subsection (a) of this section is not the limited liability company or foreign limited liability company to which the record pertains, the petitioner shall make the company a party to the action.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 20.    

21-121. Delivery to and filing of records by Secretary of State; effective time and date.

(RULLCA 205) (a) A record authorized or required to be delivered to the Secretary of State for filing under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act must be captioned to describe the record's purpose, be in a medium permitted by the Secretary of State, and be delivered to the Secretary of State. If the filing fees have been paid, unless the Secretary of State determines that a record does not comply with the filing requirements of the act, the Secretary of State shall file the record and:

(1) for a statement of denial under section 21-128, send a copy of the filed statement and a receipt for the fees to the person on whose behalf the statement was delivered for filing and to the limited liability company; and

(2) for all other records, send a copy of the filed record and a receipt for the fees to the person on whose behalf the record was filed.

(b) Upon request and payment of the requisite fee, the Secretary of State shall send to the requester a certified copy of a requested record.

(c) Except as otherwise provided in sections 21-115 and 21-122, a record delivered to the Secretary of State for filing under the act may specify an effective time and a delayed effective date. Subject to section 21-115, subdivision (d)(1) of section 21-117, and section 21-122, a record filed by the Secretary of State is effective:

(1) if the record does not specify either an effective time or a delayed effective date, on the date and at the time the record is filed as evidenced by the Secretary of State's endorsement of the date and time on the record;

(2) if the record specifies an effective time but not a delayed effective date, on the date the record is filed at the time specified in the record;

(3) if the record specifies a delayed effective date but not an effective time, at 12:01 a.m. on the earlier of:

(A) the specified date; or

(B) the ninetieth day after the record is filed; or

(4) if the record specifies an effective time and a delayed effective date, at the specified time on the earlier of:

(A) the specified date; or

(B) the ninetieth day after the record is filed.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 21.    

21-122. Correcting filed record.

(RULLCA 206) (a) A limited liability company or foreign limited liability company may deliver to the Secretary of State for filing a statement of correction to correct a record previously delivered by the company to the Secretary of State and filed by the Secretary of State, if at the time of filing the record contained inaccurate information or was defectively signed.

(b) A statement of correction under subsection (a) of this section may not state a delayed effective date and must:

(1) describe the record to be corrected, including its filing date, or attach a copy of the record as filed;

(2) specify the inaccurate information and the reason it is inaccurate or the manner in which the signing was defective; and

(3) correct the defective signature or inaccurate information.

(c) When filed by the Secretary of State, a statement of correction under subsection (a) of this section is effective retroactively as of the effective date of the record the statement corrects, but the statement is effective when filed:

(1) for the purposes of subsection (d) of section 21-103; and

(2) as to persons that previously relied on the uncorrected record and would be adversely affected by the retroactive effect.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 22.    

21-123. Liability for inaccurate information in filed record.

(RULLCA 207) (a) If a record delivered to the Secretary of State for filing under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act and filed by the Secretary of State contains inaccurate information, a person that suffers a loss by reliance on the information may recover damages for the loss from:

(1) a person that signed the record, or caused another to sign it on the person's behalf, and knew the information to be inaccurate at the time the record was signed; and

(2) subject to subsection (b) of this section, a member of a member-managed limited liability company or the manager of a manager-managed limited liability company, if:

(A) the record was delivered for filing on behalf of the company; and

(B) the member or manager had notice of the inaccuracy for a reasonably sufficient time before the information was relied upon so that, before the reliance, the member or manager reasonably could have:

(i) effected an amendment under section 21-118;

(ii) filed a petition under section 21-120; or

(iii) delivered to the Secretary of State for filing a statement of change under section 21-114 or a statement of correction under section 21-122.

(b) To the extent that the operating agreement of a member-managed limited liability company expressly relieves a member of responsibility for maintaining the accuracy of information contained in records delivered on behalf of the company to the Secretary of State for filing under the act and imposes that responsibility on one or more other members, the liability stated in subdivision (a)(2) of this section applies to those other members and not to the member that the operating agreement relieves of the responsibility.

(c) An individual who signs a record authorized or required to be filed under the act affirms under penalty of perjury that the information stated in the record is accurate.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 23.    

21-124. Certificate of existence or authorization.

(RULLCA 208) (a) The Secretary of State, upon request and payment of the requisite fee, shall furnish to any person a certificate of existence for a limited liability company if the records filed in the office of the Secretary of State show that the company has been formed under section 21-117 and the Secretary of State has not filed a statement of termination pertaining to the company. A certificate of existence must state:

(1) the company's name;

(2) that the company was duly formed under the laws of this state and the date of formation;

(3) whether all fees, taxes, and penalties due under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act or other law to the Secretary of State have been paid;

(4) whether the company's most recent biennial report required by section 21-125 has been filed by the Secretary of State;

(5) whether the Secretary of State has administratively dissolved the company;

(6) whether the company has delivered to the Secretary of State for filing a statement of dissolution;

(7) that a statement of termination has not been filed by the Secretary of State; and

(8) other facts of record in the office of the Secretary of State which are specified by the person requesting the certificate.

(b) The Secretary of State, upon request and payment of the requisite fee, shall furnish to any person a certificate of authorization for a foreign limited liability company if the records filed in the office of the Secretary of State show that the Secretary of State has filed a certificate of authority, has not revoked the certificate of authority, and has not filed a notice of cancellation. A certificate of authorization must state:

(1) the company's name and any alternate name adopted under subsection (a) of section 21-159 for use in this state;

(2) that the company is authorized to transact business in this state;

(3) whether all fees, taxes, and penalties due under the act or other law to the Secretary of State have been paid;

(4) whether the company's most recent biennial report required by section 21-125 has been filed by the Secretary of State;

(5) that the Secretary of State has not revoked the company's certificate of authority and has not filed a notice of cancellation; and

(6) other facts of record in the office of the Secretary of State which are specified by the person requesting the certificate.

(c) Subject to any qualification stated in the certificate, a certificate of existence or certificate of authorization issued by the Secretary of State is conclusive evidence that the limited liability company is in existence or the foreign limited liability company is authorized to transact business in this state.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 24.    

21-125. Biennial report.

(RULLCA 209) (a) Each odd-numbered year, a limited liability company or a foreign limited liability company authorized to transact business in this state shall deliver to the Secretary of State for filing a biennial report that states:

(1) the name of the company;

(2) the street and mailing addresses of the company's designated office and the name and street and mailing addresses and post office box number, if any, of its agent for service of process in this state;

(3) the street and mailing addresses of its principal office; and

(4) in the case of a foreign limited liability company, the state or other jurisdiction under whose law the company is formed and any alternate name adopted under subsection (a) of section 21-159.

(b) Information in a biennial report under this section must be current as of the date the report is delivered to the Secretary of State for filing.

(c) The first biennial report under this section must be delivered to the Secretary of State between January 1 and April 1 of the odd-numbered year following the calendar year in which a limited liability company was formed or a foreign limited liability company was authorized to transact business. A report must be delivered to the Secretary of State between January 1 and April 1 of each subsequent odd-numbered calendar year.

(d) If a biennial report under this section does not contain the information required in subsection (a) of this section, the Secretary of State shall promptly notify the reporting limited liability company or foreign limited liability company and return the report to it for correction. If the report is corrected to contain the information required in subsection (a) of this section and delivered to the Secretary of State within thirty days after the effective date of the notice, it is timely delivered.

(e) A correction or an amendment to the biennial report may be delivered to the Secretary of State for filing at any time.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 25;    Laws 2014, LB774, § 2.    

21-126. No agency power of member as member.

(RULLCA 301) (a) A member is not an agent of a limited liability company solely by reason of being a member.

(b) A person's status as a member does not prevent or restrict law other than the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act from imposing liability on a limited liability company because of the person's conduct.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 26.    

21-127. Statement of authority.

(RULLCA 302) (a) A limited liability company may deliver to the Secretary of State for filing a statement of authority. The statement:

(1) must include the name of the company and the street and mailing addresses of its designated office;

(2) with respect to any position that exists in or with respect to the company, may state the authority, or limitations on the authority, of all persons holding the position to:

(A) execute an instrument transferring real property held in the name of the company; or

(B) enter into other transactions on behalf of, or otherwise act for or bind, the company; and

(3) may state the authority, or limitations on the authority, of a specific person to:

(A) execute an instrument transferring real property held in the name of the company; or

(B) enter into other transactions on behalf of, or otherwise act for or bind, the company.

(b) To amend or cancel a statement of authority filed by the Secretary of State under subsection (a) of section 21-121, a limited liability company must deliver to the Secretary of State for filing an amendment or cancellation stating:

(1) the name of the company;

(2) the street and mailing addresses of the company's designated office;

(3) the caption of the statement being amended or canceled and the date the statement being affected became effective; and

(4) the contents of the amendment or a declaration that the statement being affected is canceled.

(c) A statement of authority affects only the power of a person to bind a limited liability company to persons that are not members.

(d) Subject to subsection (c) of this section and subsection (d) of section 21-103 and except as otherwise provided in subsections (f), (g), and (h) of this section, a limitation on the authority of a person or a position contained in an effective statement of authority is not by itself evidence of knowledge or notice of the limitation by any person.

(e) Subject to subsection (c) of this section, a grant of authority not pertaining to transfers of real property and contained in an effective statement of authority is conclusive in favor of a person that gives value in reliance on the grant, except to the extent that when the person gives value:

(1) the person has knowledge to the contrary;

(2) the statement has been canceled or restrictively amended under subsection (b) of this section; or

(3) a limitation on the grant is contained in another statement of authority that became effective after the statement containing the grant became effective.

(f) Subject to subsection (c) of this section, an effective statement of authority that grants authority to transfer real property held in the name of the limited liability company and that is recorded by certified copy in the office for recording transfers of the real property is conclusive in favor of a person that gives value in reliance on the grant without knowledge to the contrary, except to the extent that when the person gives value:

(1) the statement has been canceled or restrictively amended under subsection (b) of this section and a certified copy of the cancellation or restrictive amendment has been recorded in the office for recording transfers of the real property; or

(2) a limitation on the grant is contained in another statement of authority that became effective after the statement containing the grant became effective and a certified copy of the later-effective statement is recorded in the office for recording transfers of the real property.

(g) Subject to subsection (c) of this section, if a certified copy of an effective statement containing a limitation on the authority to transfer real property held in the name of a limited liability company is recorded in the office for recording transfers of that real property, all persons are deemed to know of the limitation.

(h) Subject to subsection (i) of this section, an effective statement of dissolution or termination is a cancellation of any filed statement of authority for the purposes of subsection (f) of this section and is a limitation on authority for the purposes of subsection (g) of this section.

(i) After a statement of dissolution becomes effective, a limited liability company may deliver to the Secretary of State for filing and, if appropriate, may record a statement of authority that is designated as a post-dissolution statement of authority. The statement operates as provided in subsections (f) and (g) of this section.

(j) Unless earlier canceled, an effective statement of authority is canceled by operation of law five years after the date on which the statement, or its most recent amendment, becomes effective. This cancellation operates without need for any recording under subsection (f) or (g) of this section.

(k) An effective statement of denial operates as a restrictive amendment under this section and may be recorded by certified copy for the purposes of subdivision (f)(1) of this section.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 27.    

21-128. Statement of denial.

(RULLCA 303) A person named in a filed statement of authority granting that person authority may deliver to the Secretary of State for filing a statement of denial that:

(1) provides the name of the limited liability company and the caption of the statement of authority to which the statement of denial pertains; and

(2) denies the grant of authority.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 28.    

21-129. Liability of members and managers.

(RULLCA 304) (a) The debts, obligations, or other liabilities of a limited liability company, whether arising in contract, tort, or otherwise:

(1) are solely the debts, obligations, or other liabilities of the company; and

(2) do not become the debts, obligations, or other liabilities of a member or manager solely by reason of the member acting as a member or manager acting as a manager.

(b) The mere failure of a limited liability company to observe any particular formalities relating to the exercise of its powers or management of its activities is not a ground for imposing liability on the members or managers for the debts, obligations, or other liabilities of the company.

(c) Any member, manager, or employee of a limited liability company with the duty to collect, account for, or pay over any taxes imposed upon a limited liability company or with the authority to decide whether the limited liability company will pay taxes imposed upon a limited liability company shall be personally liable for the payment of such taxes in the event of willful failure on his or her part to have a limited liability company perform such act. Such taxes shall be collected in the same manner as provided under section 77-1783.01.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 29.    

21-130. Becoming member.

(RULLCA 401) (a) If a limited liability company is to have only one member upon formation, the person becomes a member as agreed by that person and the organizer of the company. That person and the organizer may be, but need not be, different persons. If different, the organizer acts on behalf of the initial member.

(b) If a limited liability company is to have more than one member upon formation, those persons become members as agreed by the persons before the formation of the company. The organizer acts on behalf of the persons in forming the company and may be, but need not be, one of the persons.

(c) After formation of a limited liability company, a person becomes a member:

(1) as provided in the operating agreement;

(2) as the result of a transaction effective under sections 21-170 to 21-184;

(3) with the consent of all the members; or

(4) if, within ninety consecutive days after the company ceases to have any members:

(A) the last person to have been a member, or the legal representative of that person, designates a person to become a member; and

(B) the designated person consents to become a member.

(d) A person may become a member without acquiring a transferable interest and without making or being obligated to make a contribution to the limited liability company.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 30.    

21-131. Form of contribution.

(RULLCA 402) A contribution may consist of tangible or intangible property or other benefit to a limited liability company, including money, services performed, promissory notes, other agreements to contribute money or property, and contracts for services to be performed.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 31.    

21-132. Liability for contributions.

(RULLCA 403) (a) A person's obligation to make a contribution to a limited liability company is not excused by the person's death, disability, or other inability to perform personally. If a person does not make a required contribution, the person or the person's estate is obligated to contribute money equal to the value of the part of the contribution which has not been made, at the option of the company.

(b) A creditor of a limited liability company which extends credit or otherwise acts in actual reliance on an obligation described in subsection (a) of this section may enforce the obligation.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 32.    

21-133. Sharing of and right to distributions before dissolution.

(RULLCA 404) (a) Any distributions made by a limited liability company before its dissolution and winding up must be in equal shares among members and dissociated members, except to the extent necessary to comply with any transfer effective under section 21-141 and any charging order in effect under section 21-142.

(b) A person has a right to a distribution before the dissolution and winding up of a limited liability company only if the company decides to make an interim distribution. A person's dissociation does not entitle the person to a distribution.

(c) A person does not have a right to demand or receive a distribution from a limited liability company in any form other than money. Except as otherwise provided in subsection (c) of section 21-154, a limited liability company may distribute an asset in kind if each part of the asset is fungible with each other part and each person receives a percentage of the asset equal in value to the person's share of distributions.

(d) If a member or transferee becomes entitled to receive a distribution, the member or transferee has the status of, and is entitled to all remedies available to, a creditor of the limited liability company with respect to the distribution.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 33.    

21-134. Limitations on distribution.

(RULLCA 405) (a) A limited liability company may not make a distribution if after the distribution:

(1) the company would not be able to pay its debts as they become due in the ordinary course of the company's activities; or

(2) the company's total assets would be less than the sum of its total liabilities plus the amount that would be needed, if the company were to be dissolved, wound up, and terminated at the time of the distribution, to satisfy the preferential rights upon dissolution, winding up, and termination of members whose preferential rights are superior to those of persons receiving the distribution.

(b) A limited liability company may base a determination that a distribution is not prohibited under subsection (a) of this section on financial statements prepared on the basis of accounting practices and principles that are reasonable in the circumstances or on a fair valuation or other method that is reasonable under the circumstances.

(c) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (f) of this section, the effect of a distribution under subsection (a) of this section is measured:

(1) in the case of a distribution by purchase, redemption, or other acquisition of a transferable interest in the company, as of the date money or other property is transferred or debt incurred by the company; and

(2) in all other cases, as of the date:

(A) the distribution is authorized, if the payment occurs within one hundred twenty days after that date; or

(B) the payment is made, if the payment occurs more than one hundred twenty days after the distribution is authorized.

(d) A limited liability company's indebtedness to a member incurred by reason of a distribution made in accordance with this section is at parity with the company's indebtedness to its general, unsecured creditors.

(e) A limited liability company's indebtedness, including indebtedness issued in connection with or as part of a distribution, is not a liability for purposes of subsection (a) of this section if the terms of the indebtedness provide that payment of principal and interest are made only to the extent that a distribution could be made to members under this section.

(f) If indebtedness is issued as a distribution, each payment of principal or interest on the indebtedness is treated as a distribution, the effect of which is measured on the date the payment is made.

(g) In subsection (a) of this section, distribution does not include amounts constituting reasonable compensation for present or past services or reasonable payments made in the ordinary course of business under a bona fide retirement plan or other benefits program.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 34.    

21-135. Liability for improper distributions.

(RULLCA 406) (a) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b) of this section, if a member of a member-managed limited liability company or manager of a manager-managed limited liability company consents to a distribution made in violation of section 21-134 and in consenting to the distribution fails to comply with section 21-138, the member or manager is personally liable to the company for the amount of the distribution that exceeds the amount that could have been distributed without the violation of section 21-134.

(b) To the extent the operating agreement of a member-managed limited liability company expressly relieves a member of the authority and responsibility to consent to distributions and imposes that authority and responsibility on one or more other members, the liability stated in subsection (a) of this section applies to the other members and not the member that the operating agreement relieves of authority and responsibility.

(c) A person that receives a distribution knowing that the distribution to that person was made in violation of section 21-134 is personally liable to the limited liability company but only to the extent that the distribution received by the person exceeded the amount that could have been properly paid under section 21-134.

(d) A person against which an action is commenced because the person is liable under subsection (a) of this section may:

(1) implead any other person that is subject to liability under subsection (a) of this section and seek to compel contribution from the person; and

(2) implead any person that received a distribution in violation of subsection (c) of this section and seek to compel contribution from the person in the amount the person received in violation of subsection (c) of this section.

(e) An action under this section is barred if not commenced within two years after the distribution.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 35.    

21-136. Management of limited liability company.

(RULLCA 407) (a) A limited liability company is a member-managed limited liability company unless the operating agreement:

(1) expressly provides that:

(A) the company is or will be manager-managed;

(B) the company is or will be managed by managers; or

(C) management of the company is or will be vested in managers; or

(2) includes words of similar import.

(b) In a member-managed limited liability company, the following rules apply:

(1) The management and conduct of the company are vested in the members.

(2) Each member has equal rights in the management and conduct of the company's activities.

(3) A difference arising among members as to a matter in the ordinary course of the activities of the company may be decided by a majority of the members.

(4) An act outside the ordinary course of the activities of the company may be undertaken only with the consent of all members.

(5) The operating agreement may be amended only with the consent of all members.

(c) In a manager-managed limited liability company, the following rules apply:

(1) Except as otherwise expressly provided in the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act, any matter relating to the activities of the company is decided exclusively by the managers.

(2) Each manager has equal rights in the management and conduct of the activities of the company.

(3) A difference arising among managers as to a matter in the ordinary course of the activities of the company may be decided by a majority of the managers.

(4) The consent of all members is required to:

(A) sell, lease, exchange, or otherwise dispose of all, or substantially all, of the company's property, with or without the goodwill, outside the ordinary course of the company's activities;

(B) approve a merger, conversion, or domestication under sections 21-170 to 21-184;

(C) undertake any other act outside the ordinary course of the company's activities; and

(D) amend the operating agreement.

(5) A manager may be chosen at any time by the consent of a majority of the members and remains a manager until a successor has been chosen, unless the manager at an earlier time resigns, is removed, or dies, or, in the case of a manager that is not an individual, terminates. A manager may be removed at any time by the consent of a majority of the members without notice or cause.

(6) A person need not be a member to be a manager, but the dissociation of a member that is also a manager removes the person as a manager. If a person that is both a manager and a member ceases to be a manager, that cessation does not by itself dissociate the person as a member.

(7) A person's ceasing to be a manager does not discharge any debt, obligation, or other liability to the limited liability company or members which the person incurred while a manager.

(d) An action requiring the consent of members under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act may be taken without a meeting, and a member may appoint a proxy or other agent to consent or otherwise act for the member by signing an appointing record, personally or by the member's agent.

(e) The dissolution of a limited liability company does not affect the applicability of this section. However, a person that wrongfully causes dissolution of the company loses the right to participate in management as a member and a manager.

(f) The Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act does not entitle a member to remuneration for services performed for a member-managed limited liability company, except for reasonable compensation for services rendered in winding up the activities of the company.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 36.    

21-137. Indemnification and insurance.

(RULLCA 408) (a) A limited liability company shall reimburse for any payment made and indemnify for any debt, obligation, or other liability incurred by a member of a member-managed company or the manager of a manager-managed company in the course of the member's or manager's activities on behalf of the company, if, in making the payment or incurring the debt, obligation, or other liability, the member or manager complied with the duties stated in sections 21-134 and 21-138.

(b) A limited liability company may purchase and maintain insurance on behalf of a member or manager of the company against liability asserted against or incurred by the member or manager in that capacity or arising from that status even if, under subsection (f) of section 21-110, the operating agreement could not eliminate or limit the person's liability to the company for the conduct giving rise to the liability.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 37.    

21-138. Standards of conduct for members and managers.

(RULLCA 409) (a) A member of a member-managed limited liability company owes to the company and, subject to subsection (b) of section 21-164, the other members the fiduciary duties of loyalty and care stated in subsections (b) and (c) of this section.

(b) The duty of loyalty of a member in a member-managed limited liability company includes the duties:

(1) to account to the company and to hold as trustee for it any property, profit, or benefit derived by the member:

(A) in the conduct or winding up of the company's activities;

(B) from a use by the member of the company's property; or

(C) from the appropriation of a limited liability company opportunity;

(2) to refrain from dealing with the company in the conduct or winding up of the company's activities as or on behalf of a person having an interest adverse to the company; and

(3) to refrain from competing with the company in the conduct of the company's activities before the dissolution of the company.

(c) Subject to the business judgment rule, the duty of care of a member of a member-managed limited liability company in the conduct and winding up of the company's activities is to act with the care that a person in a like position would reasonably exercise under similar circumstances and in a manner the member reasonably believes to be in the best interests of the company. In discharging this duty, a member may rely in good faith upon opinions, reports, statements, or other information provided by another person that the member reasonably believes is a competent and reliable source for the information.

(d) A member in a member-managed limited liability company or a manager-managed limited liability company shall discharge the duties under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act or under the operating agreement and exercise any rights consistently with the contractual obligation of good faith and fair dealing.

(e) It is a defense to a claim under subdivision (b)(2) of this section and any comparable claim in equity or at common law that the transaction was fair to the limited liability company.

(f) All of the members of a member-managed limited liability company or a manager-managed limited liability company may authorize or ratify, after full disclosure of all material facts, a specific act or transaction that otherwise would violate the duty of loyalty.

(g) In a manager-managed limited liability company, the following rules apply:

(1) Subsections (a), (b), (c), and (e) of this section apply to the manager or managers and not the members.

(2) The duty stated under subdivision (b)(3) of this section continues until winding up is completed.

(3) Subsection (d) of this section applies to the members and managers.

(4) Subsection (f) of this section applies only to the members.

(5) A member does not have any fiduciary duty to the company or to any other member solely by reason of being a member.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 38.    

21-139. Right of members, managers, and dissociated members to information.

(RULLCA 410) (a) In a member-managed limited liability company, the following rules apply:

(1) On reasonable notice, a member may inspect and copy during regular business hours, at a reasonable location specified by the company, any record maintained by the company regarding the company's activities, financial condition, and other circumstances, to the extent the information is material to the member's rights and duties under the operating agreement or the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act.

(2) The company shall furnish to each member:

(A) without demand, any information concerning the company's activities, financial condition, and other circumstances which the company knows and is material to the proper exercise of the member's rights and duties under the operating agreement or the act, except to the extent the company can establish that it reasonably believes the member already knows the information; and

(B) on demand, any other information concerning the company's activities, financial condition, and other circumstances, except to the extent the demand or information demanded is unreasonable or otherwise improper under the circumstances.

(3) The duty to furnish information under subdivision (a)(2) of this section also applies to each member to the extent the member knows any of the information described in such subdivision.

(b) In a manager-managed limited liability company, the following rules apply:

(1) The informational rights stated in subsection (a) of this section and the duty stated in subdivision (a)(3) of this section apply to the managers and not the members.

(2) During regular business hours and at a reasonable location specified by the company, a member may obtain from the company and inspect and copy full information regarding the activities, financial condition, and other circumstances of the company as is just and reasonable if:

(A) the member seeks the information for a purpose material to the member's interest as a member;

(B) the member makes a demand in a record received by the company, describing with reasonable particularity the information sought and the purpose for seeking the information; and

(C) the information sought is directly connected to the member's purpose.

(3) Within ten days after receiving a demand pursuant to subdivision (b)(2)(B) of this section, the company shall in a record inform the member that made the demand:

(A) of the information that the company will provide in response to the demand and when and where the company will provide the information; and

(B) if the company declines to provide any demanded information, the company's reasons for declining.

(c) On ten days' demand made in a record received by a limited liability company, a dissociated member may have access to information to which the person was entitled while a member if the information pertains to the period during which the person was a member, the person seeks the information in good faith, and the person satisfies the requirements imposed on a member by subdivision (b)(2) of this section. The company shall respond to a demand made pursuant to this subsection in the manner provided in subdivision (b)(3) of this section.

(d) A limited liability company may charge a person that makes a demand under this section the reasonable costs of copying, limited to the costs of labor and material.

(e) A member or dissociated member may exercise rights under this section through an agent or, in the case of an individual under legal disability, a legal representative. Any restriction or condition imposed by the operating agreement or under subsection (g) of this section applies both to the agent or legal representative and the member or dissociated member.

(f) The rights under this section do not extend to a person as transferee.

(g) In addition to any restriction or condition stated in its operating agreement, a limited liability company, as a matter within the ordinary course of its activities, may impose reasonable restrictions and conditions on access to and use of information to be furnished under this section, including designating information confidential and imposing nondisclosure and safeguarding obligations on the recipient. In a dispute concerning the reasonableness of a restriction under this subsection, the company has the burden of proving reasonableness.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 39.    

21-140. Nature of transferable interest.

(RULLCA 501) A transferable interest is personal property.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 40.    

21-141. Transfer of transferable interest.

(RULLCA 502) (a) A transfer, in whole or in part, of a transferable interest:

(1) is permissible;

(2) does not by itself cause a member's dissociation or a dissolution and winding up of the limited liability company's activities; and

(3) subject to section 21-143, does not entitle the transferee to:

(A) participate in the management or conduct of the company's activities; or

(B) except as otherwise provided in subsection (c) of this section, have access to records or other information concerning the company's activities.

(b) A transferee has the right to receive, in accordance with the transfer, distributions to which the transferor would otherwise be entitled.

(c) In a dissolution and winding up of a limited liability company, a transferee is entitled to an account of the company's transactions only from the date of dissolution.

(d) A transferable interest may be evidenced by a certificate of the interest issued by the limited liability company in a record, and, subject to this section, the interest represented by the certificate may be transferred by a transfer of the certificate.

(e) A limited liability company need not give effect to a transferee's rights under this section until the company has notice of the transfer.

(f) A transfer of a transferable interest in violation of a restriction on transfer contained in the operating agreement is ineffective as to a person having notice of the restriction at the time of transfer.

(g) Except as otherwise provided in subdivision (4)(B) of section 21-145, when a member transfers a transferable interest, the transferor retains the rights of a member other than the interest in distributions transferred and retains all duties and obligations of a member.

(h) When a member transfers a transferable interest to a person that becomes a member with respect to the transferred interest, the transferee is liable for the member's obligations under section 21-132 and subsection (c) of section 21-135 known to the transferee when the transferee becomes a member.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 41.    

21-142. Charging order.

(RULLCA 503) (a) On application by a judgment creditor of a member or transferee, a court may enter a charging order against the transferable interest of the judgment debtor for the unsatisfied amount of the judgment. A charging order constitutes a lien on a judgment debtor's transferable interest and requires the limited liability company to pay over to the person to which the charging order was issued any distribution that would otherwise be paid to the judgment debtor.

(b) To the extent necessary to effectuate the collection of distributions pursuant to a charging order in effect under subsection (a) of this section, the court may:

(1) appoint a receiver of the distributions subject to the charging order, with the power to make all inquiries the judgment debtor might have made; and

(2) make all other orders necessary to give effect to the charging order.

(c) Upon a showing that distributions under a charging order will not pay the judgment debt within a reasonable time, the court may foreclose the lien and order the sale of the transferable interest. The purchaser at the foreclosure sale only obtains the transferable interest, does not thereby become a member, and is subject to section 21-141.

(d) At any time before completion of the foreclosure sale under subsection (c) of this section, the member or transferee whose transferable interest is subject to a charging order under subsection (a) of this section may extinguish the charging order by satisfying the judgment and filing a certified copy of the satisfaction with the court that issued the charging order.

(e) At any time before completion of the foreclosure sale under subsection (c) of this section, a limited liability company or one or more members whose transferable interests are not subject to the charging order may pay to the judgment creditor the full amount due under the judgment and thereby succeed to the rights of the judgment creditor, including the charging order.

(f) The Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act does not deprive any member or transferee of the benefit of any exemption laws applicable to the member's or transferee's transferable interest.

(g) This section provides the exclusive remedy by which a person seeking to enforce a judgment against a member or transferee may, in the capacity of judgment creditor, satisfy the judgment from the judgment debtor's transferable interest.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 42.    

21-143. Power of personal representative of deceased member.

(RULLCA 504) If a member dies, the deceased member's personal representative or other legal representative may exercise the rights of a transferee provided in subsection (c) of section 21-141 and, for the purposes of settling the estate, the rights of a current member under section 21-139.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 43.    

21-144. Member's power to dissociate; wrongful dissociation.

(RULLCA 601) (a) A person has the power to dissociate as a member at any time, rightfully or wrongfully, by withdrawing as a member by express will under subdivision (1) of section 21-145.

(b) A person's dissociation from a limited liability company is wrongful only if the dissociation:

(1) is in breach of an express provision of the operating agreement; or

(2) occurs before the termination of the company and:

(A) the person withdraws as a member by express will;

(B) the person is expelled as a member by judicial order under subdivision (5) of section 21-145;

(C) the person is dissociated under subdivision (7)(A) of section 21-145 by becoming a debtor in bankruptcy; or

(D) in the case of a person that is not a trust other than a business trust, an estate, or an individual, the person is expelled or otherwise dissociated as a member because it willfully dissolved or terminated.

(c) A person that wrongfully dissociates as a member is liable to the limited liability company and, subject to section 21-164, to the other members for damages caused by the dissociation. The liability is in addition to any other debt, obligation, or other liability of the member to the company or the other members.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 44.    

21-145. Events causing dissociation.

(RULLCA 602) A person is dissociated as a member from a limited liability company when:

(1) the company has notice of the person's express will to withdraw as a member, but, if the person specified a withdrawal date later than the date the company had notice, on that later date;

(2) an event stated in the operating agreement as causing the person's dissociation occurs;

(3) the person is expelled as a member pursuant to the operating agreement;

(4) the person is expelled as a member by the unanimous consent of the other members if:

(A) it is unlawful to carry on the company's activities with the person as a member;

(B) there has been a transfer of all of the person's transferable interest in the company, other than:

(i) a transfer for security purposes; or

(ii) a charging order in effect under section 21-142 which has not been foreclosed;

(C) the person is a corporation and, within ninety days after the company notifies the person that it will be expelled as a member because the person has filed a certificate of dissolution or the equivalent, its charter has been revoked, or its right to conduct business has been suspended by the jurisdiction of its incorporation, the certificate of dissolution has not been revoked or its charter or right to conduct business has not been reinstated; or

(D) the person is a limited liability company or partnership that has been dissolved and whose business is being wound up;

(5) on application by the company, the person is expelled as a member by judicial order because the person:

(A) has engaged, or is engaging, in wrongful conduct that has adversely and materially affected, or will adversely and materially affect, the company's activities;

(B) has willfully or persistently committed, or is willfully and persistently committing, a material breach of the operating agreement or the person's duties or obligations under section 21-138; or

(C) has engaged in, or is engaging in, conduct relating to the company's activities which makes it not reasonably practicable to carry on the activities with the person as a member;

(6) in the case of a person who is an individual:

(A) the person dies; or

(B) in a member-managed limited liability company:

(i) a guardian or general conservator for the person is appointed; or

(ii) there is a judicial order that the person has otherwise become incapable of performing the person's duties as a member under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act or the operating agreement;

(7) in a member-managed limited liability company, the person:

(A) becomes a debtor in bankruptcy;

(B) executes an assignment for the benefit of creditors; or

(C) seeks, consents to, or acquiesces in the appointment of a trustee, receiver, or liquidator of the person or of all or substantially all of the person's property;

(8) in the case of a person that is a trust or is acting as a member by virtue of being a trustee of a trust, the trust's entire transferable interest in the company is distributed;

(9) in the case of a person that is an estate or is acting as a member by virtue of being a personal representative of an estate, the estate's entire transferable interest in the company is distributed;

(10) in the case of a member that is not an individual, partnership, limited liability company, corporation, trust, or estate, the termination of the member;

(11) the company participates in a merger under sections 21-170 to 21-184, if:

(A) the company is not the surviving entity; or

(B) otherwise as a result of the merger, the person ceases to be a member;

(12) the company participates in a conversion under sections 21-170 to 21-184;

(13) the company participates in a domestication under sections 21-170 to 21-184, if, as a result of the domestication, the person ceases to be a member; or

(14) the company terminates.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 45.    

21-146. Effect of person's dissociation as member.

(RULLCA 603) (a) When a person is dissociated as a member of a limited liability company:

(1) the person's right to participate as a member in the management and conduct of the company's activities terminates;

(2) if the company is member-managed, the person's fiduciary duties as a member end with regard to matters arising and events occurring after the person's dissociation; and

(3) subject to section 21-143 and sections 21-170 to 21-184, any transferable interest owned by the person immediately before dissociation in the person's capacity as a member is owned by the person solely as a transferee.

(b) A person's dissociation as a member of a limited liability company does not of itself discharge the person from any debt, obligation, or other liability to the company or the other members which the person incurred while a member.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 46.    

21-147. Events causing dissolution; rescission; procedure.

(RULLCA 701) (a) A limited liability company is dissolved, and its activities must be wound up, upon the occurrence of any of the following:

(1) an event or circumstance that the operating agreement states causes dissolution;

(2) the consent of all the members;

(3) the passage of ninety consecutive days during which the company has no members;

(4) on application by a member, the entry by the district court of an order dissolving the company on the grounds that:

(A) the conduct of all or substantially all of the company's activities is unlawful; or

(B) it is not reasonably practicable to carry on the company's activities in conformity with the certificate of organization and the operating agreement; or

(5) on application by a member, the entry by the district court of an order dissolving the company on the grounds that the managers or those members in control of the company:

(A) have acted, are acting, or will act in a manner that is illegal or fraudulent; or

(B) have acted or are acting in a manner that is oppressive and was, is, or will be directly harmful to the applicant.

(b) In a proceeding brought under subdivision (a)(5) of this section, the court may order a remedy other than dissolution.

(c) A limited liability company may rescind its dissolution, unless a statement of termination applicable to the company has become effective, the district court has entered an order under subdivision (a)(4) of this section dissolving the company, or the Secretary of State has administratively dissolved the company under section 21-151.

(d) Rescinding dissolution under this section requires:

(1) the consent of all the members; and

(2) if the limited liability company has delivered to the Secretary of State for filing a statement of dissolution under section 21-148 and:

(A) the statement has not become effective, delivery to the Secretary of State for filing of a statement of withdrawal under section 21-121 applicable to the statement of dissolution; or

(B) if the statement of dissolution has become effective, delivery to the Secretary of State for filing of a statement of rescission stating the name of the company and that dissolution has been rescinded under this section.

(e) If a limited liability company rescinds its dissolution:

(1) the company resumes carrying on its activities and affairs as if dissolution had never occurred;

(2) subject to subdivision (e)(3) of this section, any liability incurred by the company after the dissolution and before the rescission has become effective is determined as if dissolution had never occurred; and

(3) the rights of a third party arising out of conduct in reliance on the dissolution before the third party knew or had notice of the rescission may not be adversely affected.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 47;    Laws 2019, LB78, § 1.    

21-148. Winding up.

(RULLCA 702) (a) A dissolved limited liability company shall wind up its activities, and the company continues after dissolution only for the purpose of winding up.

(b) In winding up its activities, a limited liability company:

(1) shall:

(A) discharge the company's debts, obligations, or other liabilities, settle and close the company's activities, and marshal and distribute the assets of the company; and

(B) deliver to the Secretary of State for filing a statement of dissolution stating the name of the company and that the company is dissolved; and

(2) may:

(A) preserve the company activities and property as a going concern for a reasonable time;

(B) prosecute and defend actions and proceedings, whether civil, criminal, or administrative;

(C) transfer the company's property;

(D) settle disputes by mediation or arbitration;

(E) deliver to the Secretary of State for filing a statement of termination stating the name of the company and that the company is terminated; and

(F) perform other acts necessary or appropriate to the winding up.

(c) If a dissolved limited liability company has no members, the legal representative of the last person to have been a member may wind up the activities of the company. If the person does so, the person has the powers of a sole manager under subsection (c) of section 21-136 and is deemed to be a manager for the purposes of subdivision (a)(2) of section 21-129.

(d) If the legal representative under subsection (c) of this section declines or fails to wind up the company's activities, a person may be appointed to do so by the consent of transferees owning a majority of the rights to receive distributions as transferees at the time the consent is to be effective. A person appointed under this subsection:

(1) has the powers of a sole manager under subsection (c) of section 21-136 and is deemed to be a manager for the purposes of subdivision (a)(2) of section 21-129; and

(2) shall promptly deliver to the Secretary of State for filing an amendment to the company's certificate of organization to:

(A) state that the company has no members;

(B) state that the person has been appointed pursuant to this subsection to wind up the company; and

(C) provide the street and mailing addresses of the person.

(e) The district court may order judicial supervision of the winding up of a dissolved limited liability company, including the appointment of a person to wind up the company's activities:

(1) on application of a member, if the applicant establishes good cause;

(2) on the application of a transferee, if:

(A) the company does not have any members;

(B) the legal representative of the last person to have been a member declines or fails to wind up the company's activities; and

(C) within a reasonable time following the dissolution a person has not been appointed pursuant to subsection (d) of this section; or

(3) in connection with a proceeding under subdivision (a)(4) or (5) of section 21-147.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 48.    


21-149. Known claims against dissolved limited liability company.

(RULLCA 703) (a) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (d) of this section, a dissolved limited liability company may give notice of a known claim under subsection (b) of this section, which has the effect as provided in subsection (c) of this section.

(b) A dissolved limited liability company may in a record notify its known claimants of the dissolution. The notice must:

(1) specify the information required to be included in a claim;

(2) provide a mailing address to which the claim is to be sent;

(3) state the deadline for receipt of the claim, which may not be less than one hundred twenty days after the date the notice is received by the claimant; and

(4) state that the claim will be barred if not received by the deadline.

(c) A claim against a dissolved limited liability company is barred if the requirements of subsection (b) of this section are met and:

(1) the claim is not received by the specified deadline; or

(2) if the claim is timely received but rejected by the company:

(A) the company causes the claimant to receive a notice in a record stating that the claim is rejected and will be barred unless the claimant commences an action against the company to enforce the claim within ninety days after the claimant receives the notice; and

(B) the claimant does not commence the required action within the ninety days.

(d) This section does not apply to a claim based on an event occurring after the effective date of dissolution or a liability that on that date is contingent.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 49.    

21-150. Other claims against dissolved limited liability company.

(RULLCA 704) (a) A dissolved limited liability company shall publish notice of its dissolution and request persons having claims against the company to present them in accordance with the notice.

(b) The notice required by subsection (a) of this section must:

(1) be published three successive weeks in some legal newspaper of general circulation in the county in this state in which the dissolved limited liability company's principal office is located or, if it has none in this state, in the county in which the company's designated office is or was last located;

(2) describe the information required to be contained in a claim and provide a mailing address to which the claim is to be sent; and

(3) state that a claim against the company is barred unless an action to enforce the claim is commenced within five years after the publication date of the third required notice.

(c) If a dissolved limited liability company publishes a notice in accordance with subsection (b) of this section, unless the claimant commences an action to enforce the claim against the company within five years after the publication date of the third required notice, the claim of each of the following claimants is barred:

(1) a claimant that did not receive notice in a record under section 21-149;

(2) a claimant whose claim was timely sent to the company but not acted on; and

(3) a claimant whose claim is contingent at, or based on an event occurring after, the effective date of dissolution.

(d) A claim not barred under this section may be enforced:

(1) against a dissolved limited liability company, to the extent of its undistributed assets; and

(2) if assets of the company have been distributed after dissolution, against a member or transferee to the extent of that person's proportionate share of the claim or of the assets distributed to the member or transferee after dissolution, whichever is less, but a person's total liability for all claims under this subdivision does not exceed the total amount of assets distributed to the person after dissolution.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 50.    

21-151. Administrative dissolution.

(RULLCA 705) (a) The Secretary of State may dissolve a limited liability company administratively if the company does not:

(1) pay, within sixty days after the due date, any fee, tax, or penalty due to the Secretary of State under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act or law other than the act; or

(2) deliver, within sixty days after the due date, its biennial report to the Secretary of State.

(b) If the Secretary of State determines that a ground exists for administratively dissolving a limited liability company, the Secretary of State shall file a record of the determination and serve the company with a copy of the filed record.

(c) If within sixty days after service of the copy pursuant to subsection (b) of this section a limited liability company does not correct each ground for dissolution or demonstrate to the reasonable satisfaction of the Secretary of State that each ground determined by the Secretary of State does not exist, the Secretary of State shall dissolve the company administratively by preparing, signing, and filing a declaration of dissolution that states the grounds for dissolution. The Secretary of State shall serve the company with a copy of the filed declaration.

(d) A limited liability company that has been administratively dissolved continues in existence but, subject to section 21-152, may carry on only activities necessary to wind up its activities and liquidate its assets under sections 21-148 and 21-154 and to notify claimants under sections 21-149 and 21-150.

(e) The administrative dissolution of a limited liability company does not terminate the authority of its agent for service of process.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 51.    

21-152. Reinstatement following administrative dissolution.

(RULLCA 706) (a) A limited liability company that has been administratively dissolved may apply to the Secretary of State for reinstatement within five years after the effective date of its dissolution. The application must be delivered to the Secretary of State for filing and state:

(1) the name of the company and the effective date of its dissolution;

(2) that the grounds for dissolution did not exist or have been eliminated; and

(3) that the company's name satisfies the requirements of section 21-108.

(b) If the Secretary of State determines that an application under subsection (a) of this section contains the required information and that the information is correct, the Secretary of State shall prepare a declaration of reinstatement that states this determination, sign and file the original of the declaration of reinstatement, and serve the limited liability company with a copy.

(c) A limited liability company that has been administratively dissolved for more than five years may apply to the Secretary of State for late reinstatement. The application must be delivered to the Secretary of State for filing, along with the fee set forth in section 21-192, and state:

(1) The name of the company and the effective date of its dissolution;

(2) That the grounds for dissolution did not exist or have been eliminated;

(3) That the company's name satisfies the requirements of section 21-108;

(4) That a legitimate reason exists for reinstatement and what such legitimate reason is; and

(5) That such reinstatement does not constitute fraud on the public.

(d) If the Secretary of State determines that an application under subsection (c) of this section contains the required information and that the information is correct, the Secretary of State shall prepare a declaration of reinstatement that states this determination, sign and file the original of the declaration of reinstatement, and serve the limited liability company with a copy.

(e) When a reinstatement becomes effective, it relates back to and takes effect as of the effective date of the administrative dissolution and the limited liability company may resume its activities as if the dissolution had not occurred.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 52;    Laws 2012, LB854, § 1;    Laws 2015, LB279, § 1.    

21-153. Appeal from rejection of reinstatement.

(RULLCA 707) (a) If the Secretary of State rejects a limited liability company's application for reinstatement following administrative dissolution, the Secretary of State shall prepare, sign, and file a notice that explains the reason for rejection and serve the company with a copy of the notice.

(b) Within thirty days after service of a notice of rejection of reinstatement under subsection (a) of this section, a limited liability company may appeal from the rejection by petitioning the district court of Lancaster County to set aside the dissolution. The petition must be served on the Secretary of State and contain a copy of the Secretary of State's declaration of dissolution, the company's application for reinstatement, and the Secretary of State's notice of rejection.

(c) The court may order the Secretary of State to reinstate a dissolved limited liability company or take other action the court considers appropriate.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 53.    

21-154. Distribution of assets in winding up limited liability company's activities.

(RULLCA 708) (a) In winding up its activities, a limited liability company must apply its assets to discharge its obligations to creditors, including members that are creditors.

(b) After a limited liability company complies with subsection (a) of this section, any surplus must be distributed in the manner set forth in the operating agreement or, if not so set forth, in the following order, subject, in any case, to any charging order in effect under section 21-142:

(1) to each person owning a transferable interest that reflects contributions made by a member and not previously returned, an amount equal to the value of the unreturned contributions; and

(2) in equal shares among members and dissociated members, except to the extent necessary to comply with any transfer effective under section 21-141.

(c) If a limited liability company does not have sufficient surplus to comply with subdivision (b)(1) of this section, any surplus must be distributed among the owners of transferable interests in proportion to the value of their respective unreturned contributions.

(d) All distributions made under subsections (b) and (c) of this section must be paid in money.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 54.    

21-155. Governing law.

(RULLCA 801) (a) The law of the state or other jurisdiction under which a foreign limited liability company is formed governs:

(1) the internal affairs of the company; and

(2) the liability of a member as member and a manager as manager for the debts, obligations, or other liabilities of the company.

(b) A foreign limited liability company may not transact business in this state until it qualifies with the Secretary of State as provided in sections 21-156 and 21-158. A foreign limited liability company may not be denied a certificate of authority by reason of any difference between the law of the jurisdiction under which the company is formed and the law of this state.

(c) A certificate of authority does not authorize a foreign limited liability company to engage in any business or exercise any power that a limited liability company may not engage in or exercise in this state.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 55.    


21-156. Application for certificate of authority.

(RULLCA 802) (a) A foreign limited liability company must apply for a certificate of authority to transact business in this state by delivering an application and, if applicable, a current certificate of registration as provided in sections 21-185 to 21-189 and fees to the Secretary of State for filing. The application must state:

(1) the name of the company and, if the name does not comply with section 21-108, an alternate name adopted pursuant to subsection (a) of section 21-159;

(2) the name of the state or other jurisdiction under whose law the company is formed;

(3) the street and mailing addresses of the company's principal office and, if the law of the jurisdiction under which the company is formed requires the company to maintain an office in that jurisdiction, the street and mailing addresses of the required office; and

(4) the name and street and mailing addresses and post office box number, if any, of the company's initial agent for service of process in this state.

(b) A foreign limited liability company shall deliver with a completed application under subsection (a) of this section a certificate of existence or a record of similar import signed by the Secretary of State or other official having custody of the company's publicly filed records in the state or other jurisdiction under whose law the company is formed.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 56.    

21-157. Activities not constituting transacting business.

(RULLCA 803) (a) Activities of a foreign limited liability company which do not constitute transacting business in this state within the meaning of sections 21-155 to 21-163 include:

(1) maintaining, defending, or settling an action or proceeding;

(2) carrying on any activity concerning its internal affairs, including holding meetings of its members or managers;

(3) maintaining accounts in financial institutions;

(4) maintaining offices or agencies for the transfer, exchange, and registration of the company's own securities or maintaining trustees or depositories with respect to those securities;

(5) selling through independent contractors;

(6) soliciting or obtaining orders, whether by mail or electronic means or through employees or agents or otherwise, if the orders require acceptance outside this state before they become contracts;

(7) creating or acquiring indebtedness, mortgages, or security interests in real or personal property;

(8) securing or collecting debts or enforcing mortgages or other security interests in property securing the debts and holding, protecting, or maintaining property so acquired;

(9) conducting an isolated transaction that is completed within thirty days and is not in the course of similar transactions; and

(10) transacting business in interstate commerce.

(b) For purposes of sections 21-155 to 21-163, the ownership in this state of income-producing real property or tangible personal property, other than property excluded under subsection (a) of this section, constitutes transacting business in this state.

(c) This section does not apply in determining the contacts or activities that may subject a foreign limited liability company to service of process, taxation, or regulation under law of this state other than the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 57.    

21-158. Filing of certificate of authority.

(RULLCA 804) Unless the Secretary of State determines that an application for a certificate of authority does not comply with the filing requirements of the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act, the Secretary of State, upon payment of all filing fees, shall file the application of a foreign limited liability company, prepare, sign, and file a certificate of authority to transact business in this state, and send a copy of the filed certificate, together with a receipt for the fees, to the company or its representative.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 58.    

21-159. Noncomplying name of foreign limited liability company.

(RULLCA 805) (a) A foreign limited liability company whose name does not comply with section 21-108 may not obtain a certificate of authority until it adopts, for the purpose of transacting business in this state, an alternate name that complies with section 21-108. A foreign limited liability company that adopts an alternate name under this subsection and obtains a certificate of authority with the alternate name need not comply with any fictitious or assumed name statute. After obtaining a certificate of authority with an alternate name, a foreign limited liability company shall transact business in this state under the alternate name unless the company is authorized under any fictitious or assumed name statute to transact business in this state under another name.

(b) If a foreign limited liability company authorized to transact business in this state changes its name to one that does not comply with section 21-108, it may not thereafter transact business in this state until it complies with subsection (a) of this section and obtains an amended certificate of authority.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 59.    

21-160. Revocation of certificate of authority.

(RULLCA 806) (a) A certificate of authority of a foreign limited liability company to transact business in this state may be revoked by the Secretary of State in the manner provided in subsections (b) and (c) of this section if the company does not:

(1) pay, within sixty days after the due date, any fee, tax, or penalty due to the Secretary of State under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act or law other than the act;

(2) deliver, within sixty days after the due date, its biennial report required under section 21-125;

(3) appoint and maintain an agent for service of process as required by subsection (b) of section 21-113; or

(4) deliver for filing a statement of a change under section 21-114 within thirty days after a change has occurred in the name or address of the agent.

(b) To revoke a certificate of authority of a foreign limited liability company, the Secretary of State must prepare, sign, and file a notice of revocation and send a copy to the company's agent for service of process in this state, or if the company does not appoint and maintain a proper agent in this state, to the company's designated office. The notice must state:

(1) the revocation's effective date, which must be at least sixty days after the date the Secretary of State sends the copy; and

(2) the grounds for revocation under subsection (a) of this section.

(c) The authority of a foreign limited liability company to transact business in this state ceases on the effective date of the notice of revocation unless before that date the company cures each ground for revocation stated in the notice filed under subsection (b) of this section. If the company cures each ground, the Secretary of State shall file a record so stating.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 60.    

21-161. Cancellation of certificate of authority.

(RULLCA 807) To cancel its certificate of authority to transact business in this state, a foreign limited liability company must deliver to the Secretary of State for filing a notice of cancellation stating the name of the company and that the company desires to cancel its certificate of authority. The certificate is canceled when the notice becomes effective.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 61.    

21-162. Effect of failure to have certificate of authority.

(RULLCA 808) (a) A foreign limited liability company transacting business in this state may not maintain an action or proceeding in this state unless it has a certificate of authority to transact business in this state.

(b) The failure of a foreign limited liability company to have a certificate of authority to transact business in this state does not impair the validity of a contract or act of the company or prevent the company from defending an action or proceeding in this state.

(c) A member or manager of a foreign limited liability company is not liable for the debts, obligations, or other liabilities of the company solely because the company transacted business in this state without a certificate of authority.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 62.    

21-163. Action by Attorney General.

(RULLCA 809) The Attorney General may maintain an action to enjoin a foreign limited liability company from transacting business in this state in violation of sections 21-155 to 21-163.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 63.    

21-164. Direct action by member.

(RULLCA 901) (a) Subject to subsection (b) of this section, a member may maintain a direct action against another member, a manager, or the limited liability company to enforce the member's rights and otherwise protect the member's interests, including rights and interests under the operating agreement or the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act or arising independently of the membership relationship.

(b) A member maintaining a direct action under this section must plead and prove an actual or threatened injury that is not solely the result of an injury suffered or threatened to be suffered by the limited liability company.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 64.    


21-165. Derivative action.

(RULLCA 902) A member may maintain a derivative action to enforce a right of a limited liability company if:

(1) the member first makes a demand on the other members in a member-managed limited liability company, or the managers of a manager-managed limited liability company, requesting that they cause the company to bring an action to enforce the right, and the managers or other members do not bring the action within a reasonable time; or

(2) a demand under subdivision (1) of this section would be futile.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 65.    


21-166. Proper plaintiff.

(RULLCA 903) (a) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b) of this section, a derivative action under section 21-165 may be maintained only by a person that is a member at the time the action is commenced and remains a member while the action continues.

(b) If the sole plaintiff in a derivative action dies while the action is pending, the court may permit another member of the limited liability company to be substituted as plaintiff.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 66.    

21-167. Complaint.

(RULLCA 904) In a derivative action under section 21-165, the complaint must state with particularity:

(1) the date and content of the plaintiff's demand and the response to the demand by the managers or other members; or

(2) if a demand has not been made, the reasons a demand under subdivision (1) of section 21-165 would be futile.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 67.    


21-168. Special litigation committee.

(RULLCA 905) (a) If a limited liability company is named as or made a party in a derivative proceeding, the company may appoint a special litigation committee to investigate the claims asserted in the proceeding and determine whether pursuing the action is in the best interests of the company. If the company appoints a special litigation committee, on motion by the committee made in the name of the company, except for good cause shown, the court shall stay discovery for the time reasonably necessary to permit the committee to make its investigation. This subsection does not prevent the court from enforcing a person's right to information under section 21-139 or, for good cause shown, granting extraordinary relief in the form of a temporary restraining order or preliminary injunction.

(b) A special litigation committee may be composed of one or more disinterested and independent individuals, who may be members.

(c) A special litigation committee may be appointed:

(1) in a member-managed limited liability company:

(A) by the consent of a majority of the members not named as defendants or plaintiffs in the proceeding; and

(B) if all members are named as defendants or plaintiffs in the proceeding, by a majority of the members named as defendants; or

(2) in a manager-managed limited liability company:

(A) by a majority of the managers not named as defendants or plaintiffs in the proceeding; and

(B) if all managers are named as defendants or plaintiffs in the proceeding, by a majority of the managers named as defendants.

(d) After appropriate investigation, a special litigation committee may determine that it is in the best interests of the limited liability company that the proceeding:

(1) continue under the control of the plaintiff;

(2) continue under the control of the committee;

(3) be settled on terms approved by the committee; or

(4) be dismissed.

(e) After making a determination under subsection (d) of this section, a special litigation committee shall file with the court a statement of its determination and its report supporting its determination, giving notice to the plaintiff. The court shall determine whether the members of the committee were disinterested and independent and whether the committee conducted its investigation and made its recommendation in good faith, independently, and with reasonable care, with the committee having the burden of proof. If the court finds that the members of the committee were disinterested and independent and that the committee acted in good faith, independently, and with reasonable care, the court shall enforce the determination of the committee. Otherwise, the court shall dissolve the stay of discovery entered under subsection (a) of this section and allow the action to proceed under the direction of the plaintiff.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 68.    


21-169. Proceeds and expenses.

(RULLCA 906) (a) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b) of this section:

(1) any proceeds or other benefits of a derivative action under section 21-165, whether by judgment, compromise, or settlement, belong to the limited liability company and not to the plaintiff; and

(2) if the plaintiff receives any proceeds, the plaintiff shall remit them immediately to the company.

(b) If a derivative action under section 21-165 is successful in whole or in part, the court may award the plaintiff reasonable expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees and costs, from the recovery of the limited liability company.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 69.    

21-170. Terms, defined.

(RULLCA 1001) In sections 21-170 to 21-184:

(1) Constituent limited liability company means a constituent organization that is a limited liability company.

(2) Constituent organization means an organization that is party to a merger.

(3) Converted organization means the organization into which a converting organization converts pursuant to sections 21-175 to 21-178.

(4) Converting limited liability company means a converting organization that is a limited liability company.

(5) Converting organization means an organization that converts into another organization pursuant to section 21-175.

(6) Domesticated company means the company that exists after a domesticating foreign limited liability company or limited liability company effects a domestication pursuant to sections 21-179 to 21-182.

(7) Domesticating company means the company that effects a domestication pursuant to sections 21-179 to 21-182.

(8) Governing statute means the statute that governs an organization's internal affairs.

(9) Organization means a general partnership, including a limited liability partnership, limited partnership, including a limited liability limited partnership, limited liability company, business trust, corporation, or any other person having a governing statute. The term includes a domestic or foreign organization.

(10) Organizational documents means:

(A) for a domestic or foreign general partnership, its partnership agreement;

(B) for a limited partnership or foreign limited partnership, its certificate of limited partnership and partnership agreement;

(C) for a domestic or foreign limited liability company, its certificate or articles of organization and operating agreement, or comparable records as provided in its governing statute;

(D) for a business trust, its agreement of trust and declaration of trust;

(E) for a domestic or foreign corporation for profit, its articles of incorporation, bylaws, and other agreements among its shareholders which are authorized by its governing statute, or comparable records as provided in its governing statute; and

(F) for any other organization, the basic records that create the organization and determine its internal governance and the relations among the persons that own it, have an interest in it, or are members of it.

(11) Personal liability means liability for a debt, obligation, or other liability of an organization which is imposed on a person that co-owns, has an interest in, or is a member of the organization:

(A) by the governing statute solely by reason of the person co-owning, having an interest in, or being a member of the organization; or

(B) by the organization's organizational documents under a provision of the governing statute authorizing those documents to make one or more specified persons liable for all or specified debts, obligations, or other liabilities of the organization solely by reason of the person or persons co-owning, having an interest in, or being a member of the organization.

(12) Surviving organization means an organization into which one or more other organizations are merged whether the organization preexisted the merger or was created by the merger.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 70.    

21-171. Merger.

(RULLCA 1002) (a) A limited liability company may merge with one or more other constituent organizations pursuant to this section, sections 21-172 to 21-174, and a plan of merger, if:

(1) the governing statute of each of the other organizations authorizes the merger;

(2) the merger is not prohibited by the law of a jurisdiction that enacted any of the governing statutes; and

(3) each of the other organizations complies with its governing statute in effecting the merger.

(b) A plan of merger must be in a record and must include:

(1) the name and form of each constituent organization;

(2) the name and form of the surviving organization and, if the surviving organization is to be created by the merger, a statement to that effect;

(3) the terms and conditions of the merger, including the manner and basis for converting the interests in each constituent organization into any combination of money, interests in the surviving organization, and other consideration;

(4) if the surviving organization is to be created by the merger, the surviving organization's organizational documents that are proposed to be in a record; and

(5) if the surviving organization is not to be created by the merger, any amendments to be made by the merger to the surviving organization's organizational documents that are, or are proposed to be, in a record.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 71.    

21-172. Action on plan of merger by constituent limited liability company.

(RULLCA 1003) (a) Subject to section 21-183, a plan of merger must be consented to by all the members of a constituent limited liability company.

(b) Subject to section 21-183 and any contractual rights, after a merger is approved, and at any time before articles of merger are delivered to the Secretary of State for filing under section 21-173, a constituent limited liability company may amend the plan or abandon the merger:

(1) as provided in the plan; or

(2) except as otherwise prohibited in the plan, with the same consent as was required to approve the plan.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 72.    

21-173. Filings required for merger; effective date.

(RULLCA 1004) (a) After each constituent organization has approved a merger, articles of merger must be signed on behalf of:

(1) each constituent limited liability company, as provided in subsection (a) of section 21-119; and

(2) each other constituent organization, as provided in its governing statute.

(b) Articles of merger under this section must include:

(1) the name and form of each constituent organization and the jurisdiction of its governing statute;

(2) the name and form of the surviving organization, the jurisdiction of its governing statute, and, if the surviving organization is created by the merger, a statement to that effect;

(3) the date the merger is effective under the governing statute of the surviving organization;

(4) if the surviving organization is to be created by the merger:

(A) if it will be a limited liability company, the company's certificate of organization; or

(B) if it will be an organization other than a limited liability company, the organizational document that creates the organization that is in a public record;

(5) if the surviving organization preexists the merger, any amendments provided for in the plan of merger for the organizational document that created the organization that are in a public record;

(6) a statement as to each constituent organization that the merger was approved as required by the organization's governing statute; and

(7) any additional information required by the governing statute of any constituent organization.

(c) Each constituent limited liability company shall deliver the articles of merger for filing in the office of the Secretary of State.

(d) A merger becomes effective under sections 21-170 to 21-184:

(1) if the surviving organization is a limited liability company, upon the later of:

(A) compliance with subsection (c) of this section; or

(B) subject to subsection (c) of section 21-121, as specified in the articles of merger; or

(2) if the surviving organization is not a limited liability company, as provided by the governing statute of the surviving organization.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 73.    

21-174. Effect of merger.

(RULLCA 1005) (a) When a merger becomes effective:

(1) the surviving organization continues or comes into existence;

(2) each constituent organization that merges into the surviving organization ceases to exist as a separate entity;

(3) all property owned by each constituent organization that ceases to exist vests in the surviving organization;

(4) all debts, obligations, or other liabilities of each constituent organization that ceases to exist continue as debts, obligations, or other liabilities of the surviving organization;

(5) an action or proceeding pending by or against any constituent organization that ceases to exist may be continued as if the merger had not occurred;

(6) except as prohibited by other law, all of the rights, privileges, immunities, powers, and purposes of each constituent organization that ceases to exist vest in the surviving organization;

(7) except as otherwise provided in the plan of merger, the terms and conditions of the plan of merger take effect; and

(8) except as otherwise agreed, if a constituent limited liability company ceases to exist, the merger does not dissolve the limited liability company for the purposes of sections 21-147 to 21-154;

(9) if the surviving organization is created by the merger:

(A) if it is a limited liability company, the certificate of organization becomes effective; or

(B) if it is an organization other than a limited liability company, the organizational document that creates the organization becomes effective; and

(10) if the surviving organization preexisted the merger, any amendments provided for in the articles of merger for the organizational document that created the organization become effective.

(b) A surviving organization that is a foreign organization consents to the jurisdiction of the courts of this state to enforce any debt, obligation, or other liability owed by a constituent organization, if before the merger the constituent organization was subject to suit in this state on the debt, obligation, or other liability.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 74.    

21-175. Conversion.

(RULLCA 1006) (a) An organization other than a limited liability company or a foreign limited liability company may convert to a limited liability company, and a limited liability company may convert to an organization other than a foreign limited liability company pursuant to this section, sections 21-176 to 21-178, and a plan of conversion, if:

(1) the other organization's governing statute authorizes the conversion;

(2) the conversion is not prohibited by the law of the jurisdiction that enacted the other organization's governing statute; and

(3) the other organization complies with its governing statute in effecting the conversion.

(b) A plan of conversion must be in a record and must include:

(1) the name and form of the organization before conversion;

(2) the name and form of the organization after conversion;

(3) the terms and conditions of the conversion, including the manner and basis for converting interests in the converting organization into any combination of money, interests in the converted organization, and other consideration; and

(4) the organizational documents of the converted organization that are, or are proposed to be, in a record.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 75.    

21-176. Action on plan of conversion by converting limited liability company.

(RULLCA 1007) (a) Subject to section 21-183, a plan of conversion must be consented to by all the members of a converting limited liability company.

(b) Subject to section 21-183 and any contractual rights, after a conversion is approved, and at any time before articles of conversion are delivered to the Secretary of State for filing under section 21-177, a converting limited liability company may amend the plan or abandon the conversion:

(1) as provided in the plan; or

(2) except as otherwise prohibited in the plan, by the same consent as was required to approve the plan.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 76.    

21-177. Filings required for conversion; effective date.

(RULLCA 1008) (a) After a plan of conversion is approved:

(1) a converting limited liability company shall deliver to the Secretary of State for filing articles of conversion, which must be signed as provided in subsection (a) of section 21-119 and must include:

(A) a statement that the limited liability company has been converted into another organization;

(B) the name and form of the organization and the jurisdiction of its governing statute;

(C) the date the conversion is effective under the governing statute of the converted organization;

(D) a statement that the conversion was approved as required by the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act; and

(E) a statement that the conversion was approved as required by the governing statute of the converted organization; and

(2) if the converting organization is not a converting limited liability company, the converting organization shall deliver to the Secretary of State for filing a certificate of organization, which must include, in addition to the information required by subsection (b) of section 21-117:

(A) a statement that the converted organization was converted from another organization;

(B) the name and form of that converting organization and the jurisdiction of its governing statute; and

(C) a statement that the conversion was approved in a manner that complied with the converting organization's governing statute.

(b) A conversion becomes effective:

(1) if the converted organization is a limited liability company, when the certificate of organization takes effect; and

(2) if the converted organization is not a limited liability company, as provided by the governing statute of the converted organization.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 77.    

21-178. Effect of conversion.

(RULLCA 1009) (a) An organization that has been converted pursuant to sections 21-170 to 21-184 is for all purposes the same entity that existed before the conversion.

(b) When a conversion takes effect:

(1) all property owned by the converting organization remains vested in the converted organization;

(2) all debts, obligations, or other liabilities of the converting organization continue as debts, obligations, or other liabilities of the converted organization;

(3) an action or proceeding pending by or against the converting organization may be continued as if the conversion had not occurred;

(4) except as prohibited by law other than the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act, all of the rights, privileges, immunities, powers, and purposes of the converting organization remain vested in the converted organization;

(5) except as otherwise provided in the plan of conversion, the terms and conditions of the plan of conversion take effect; and

(6) except as otherwise agreed, the conversion does not dissolve a converting limited liability company for the purposes of sections 21-147 to 21-154.

(c) A converted organization that is a foreign organization consents to the jurisdiction of the courts of this state to enforce any debt, obligation, or other liability for which the converting limited liability company is liable if, before the conversion, the converting limited liability company was subject to suit in this state on the debt, obligation, or other liability.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 78.    

21-179. Domestication.

(RULLCA 1010) (a) A foreign limited liability company may become a limited liability company pursuant to this section, sections 21-180 to 21-182, and a plan of domestication, if:

(1) the foreign limited liability company's governing statute authorizes the domestication;

(2) the domestication is not prohibited by the law of the jurisdiction that enacted the governing statute; and

(3) the foreign limited liability company complies with its governing statute in effecting the domestication.

(b) A limited liability company may become a foreign limited liability company pursuant to this section, sections 21-180 to 21-182, and a plan of domestication, if:

(1) the foreign limited liability company's governing statute authorizes the domestication;

(2) the domestication is not prohibited by the law of the jurisdiction that enacted the governing statute; and

(3) the foreign limited liability company complies with its governing statute in effecting the domestication.

(c) A plan of domestication must be in a record and must include:

(1) the name of the domesticating company before domestication and the jurisdiction of its governing statute;

(2) the name of the domesticated company after domestication and the jurisdiction of its governing statute;

(3) the terms and conditions of the domestication, including the manner and basis for converting interests in the domesticating company into any combination of money, interests in the domesticated company, and other consideration; and

(4) the organizational documents of the domesticated company that are, or are proposed to be, in a record.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 79.    

21-180. Action on plan of domestication by domesticating limited liability company.

(RULLCA 1011) (a) A plan of domestication must be consented to:

(1) by all the members, subject to section 21-183, if the domesticating company is a limited liability company; and

(2) as provided in the domesticating company's governing statute, if the company is a foreign limited liability company.

(b) Subject to any contractual rights, after a domestication is approved, and at any time before articles of domestication are delivered to the Secretary of State for filing under section 21-181, a domesticating limited liability company may amend the plan or abandon the domestication:

(1) as provided in the plan; or

(2) except as otherwise prohibited in the plan, by the same consent as was required to approve the plan.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 80.    

21-181. Filings required for domestication; effective date.

(RULLCA 1012) (a) After a plan of domestication is approved, a domesticating company shall deliver to the Secretary of State for filing articles of domestication, which must include:

(1) a statement, as the case may be, that the company has been domesticated from or into another jurisdiction;

(2) the name of the domesticating company and the jurisdiction of its governing statute;

(3) the name of the domesticated company and the jurisdiction of its governing statute;

(4) the date the domestication is effective under the governing statute of the domesticated company;

(5) if the domesticating company was a limited liability company, a statement that the domestication was approved as required by the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act; and

(6) if the domesticating company was a foreign limited liability company, a statement that the domestication was approved as required by the governing statute of the other jurisdiction.

(b) A domestication becomes effective:

(1) when the certificate of organization takes effect, if the domesticated company is a limited liability company; and

(2) according to the governing statute of the domesticated company, if the domesticated organization is a foreign limited liability company.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 81.    

21-182. Effect of domestication.

(RULLCA 1013) (a) When a domestication takes effect:

(1) the domesticated company is for all purposes the company that existed before the domestication;

(2) all property owned by the domesticating company remains vested in the domesticated company;

(3) all debts, obligations, or other liabilities of the domesticating company continue as debts, obligations, or other liabilities of the domesticated company;

(4) an action or proceeding pending by or against a domesticating company may be continued as if the domestication had not occurred;

(5) except as prohibited by other law, all of the rights, privileges, immunities, powers, and purposes of the domesticating company remain vested in the domesticated company;

(6) except as otherwise provided in the plan of domestication, the terms and conditions of the plan of domestication take effect; and

(7) except as otherwise agreed, the domestication does not dissolve a domesticating limited liability company for the purposes of sections 21-147 to 21-154.

(b) A domesticated company that is a foreign limited liability company consents to the jurisdiction of the courts of this state to enforce any debt, obligation, or other liability owed by the domesticating company, if, before the domestication, the domesticating company was subject to suit in this state on the debt, obligation, or other liability.

(c) If a limited liability company has adopted and approved a plan of domestication under section 21-179 providing for the company to be domesticated in a foreign jurisdiction, a statement surrendering the company's certificate of organization must be delivered to the Secretary of State for filing setting forth:

(1) the name of the company;

(2) a statement that the certificate of organization is being surrendered in connection with the domestication of the company in a foreign jurisdiction;

(3) a statement that the domestication was approved as required by the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act; and

(4) the jurisdiction of formation of the domesticated foreign limited liability company.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 82.    

21-183. Restrictions on approval of mergers, conversions, and domestications.

(RULLCA 1014) (a) If a member of a constituent, converting, or domesticating limited liability company will have personal liability with respect to a surviving, converted, or domesticated organization, approval or amendment of a plan of merger, conversion, or domestication are ineffective without the consent of the member, unless:

(1) the company's operating agreement provides for approval of a merger, conversion, or domestication with the consent of fewer than all the members; and

(2) the member has consented to the provision of the operating agreement.

(b) A member does not give the consent required by subsection (a) of this section merely by consenting to a provision of the operating agreement that permits the operating agreement to be amended with the consent of fewer than all the members.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 83.    

21-184. Sections not exclusive.

(RULLCA 1015) Sections 21-170 to 21-184 do not preclude an entity from being merged, converted, or domesticated under law other than the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 84.    

21-185. Professional service; filing required; certificate of registration; contents.

(1) Each member, manager, professional employee, or agent of a limited liability company who renders a professional service shall hold a valid license or otherwise be duly authorized to render that professional service under the law of this state if such member, manager, professional employee, or agent renders a professional service within this state or under the law of the state or other jurisdiction in which such person renders the professional service.

(2) Before rendering a professional service, a limited liability company shall (a)(i) deliver to the Secretary of State for filing a certificate of registration issued to the limited liability company by the regulatory body of the particular profession for which the limited liability company is organized to do business, which certificate sets forth the name and address of every member, manager, professional employee, and agent of the limited liability company who is required by law to be licensed or otherwise authorized to render the professional service for which the limited liability company is organized to do business or a service ancillary to those which the limited liability company renders as of the last day of the month preceding the date of delivery of the certificate, and (ii) certify that all of those members, managers, professional employees, and agents of the limited liability company who are required by law to do so are duly licensed or otherwise authorized to render the professional service for which the limited liability company is organized to do business or a service ancillary to those which the limited liability company renders or (b) comply with and qualify under the procedures set forth in subsection (2) of section 21-186.

(3) The registration certificate requirements of this section and sections 21-186 to 21-188 shall apply to both limited liability companies and foreign limited liability companies.

(4) Any limited liability company that, prior to July 19, 2024, has a certificate of registration pursuant to subsection (1) or (2) of section 21-186 may continue to render professional service if the certificate of registration is maintained continuously on and after July 19, 2024.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 85;    Laws 2024, LB628, § 2.    
Effective Date: July 19, 2024

21-186. Certificate of registration; application; contents; display; electronic records; use; license verification; Secretary of State; duties.

(1)(a) An application for issuance of a certificate of registration shall be made by the limited liability company to the regulatory body in writing and shall contain the names of all of those members, managers, professional employees, and agents of the limited liability company who are required by law to be licensed or otherwise authorized to render the professional service for which the limited liability company is organized to do business or a service ancillary to those which the limited liability company renders, the street address at which the applicant proposes to render a professional service, and such other information as may be required by the regulatory body. If it appears to the regulatory body that each member, manager, professional employee, and agent of the applicant required by law to be licensed is licensed or otherwise authorized to practice the profession for which the applicant is organized to do business and that each member, manager, professional employee, or agent required by law to be licensed or otherwise authorized to practice the profession for which the applicant is organized to do business is not otherwise disqualified from rendering the professional service of the applicant, such regulatory body shall issue a certificate in duplicate upon a form bearing its date of issuance and prescribed by such regulatory body certifying that the proposed or existing limited liability company complies with the provisions of the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act and of the applicable rules and regulations of the regulatory body. Each applicant for such certificate shall pay the regulatory body a fee of twenty-five dollars for the issuance of the certificate.

(b) One copy of a certificate of registration issued pursuant to this subsection shall be prominently displayed to public view upon the premises of the principal place of business of the limited liability company, and, except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, one copy shall be delivered for filing to the Secretary of State who shall charge a fee as specified in section 21-192 for filing the same. The certificate shall be delivered to the Secretary of State for filing with the certificate of organization. A certificate of registration bearing an issuance date more than twelve months old shall not be eligible for filing by the Secretary of State.

(2) When licensing records of regulatory bodies are electronically accessible to the Secretary of State, the regulatory body, in conjunction with the Secretary of State, shall develop an automated process to allow the Secretary of State to electronically access and verify the records. The access of the records shall be made in lieu of a certificate of registration being prepared and issued by the regulatory body for delivery to the Secretary of State for filing. The limited liability company shall deliver to the Secretary of State for filing an application setting forth the names of all of those members, managers, professional employees, and agents of such limited liability company who are required by law to be licensed or otherwise authorized to render the professional service for which the limited liability company is organized to do business, or a service ancillary to those which the limited liability company renders, as of the last day of the month preceding the date of application and shall deliver to the Secretary of State for filing an annual update thereafter. The application shall be completed on a form prescribed by the Secretary of State and shall contain such other information as the Secretary of State may require. The application shall be accompanied by a license verification fee as specified in section 21-192.

The Secretary of State shall verify that all of those members, managers, professional employees, and agents who are required by law to do so are duly licensed or otherwise legally authorized to render the professional service for which the applicant is organized to do business or a service ancillary to those which the limited liability company renders through electronic accessing of the regulatory body's records or through compacts or other certifying organizations recognized by the regulatory body. If any member, manager, professional employee, or agent who is required by law to be licensed or otherwise authorized to render the professional service for which the limited liability company is organized to do business, or a service ancillary to those which the limited liability company renders, is not licensed or otherwise legally authorized to render the professional service for which the limited liability company is organized to do business or a service ancillary to those which the limited liability company renders, the limited liability company shall be suspended. The suspension shall remain in effect and a biennial report shall not be delivered to the Secretary of State for filing or filed by the Secretary of State until the limited liability company attests in writing that all of those members, managers, professional employees, or agents who are required by law to be licensed or otherwise authorized to render the professional service for which the limited liability company is organized to do business, or a service ancillary to those which the limited liability company renders, are duly licensed or otherwise legally authorized to render the professional service for which the limited liability company is organized to do business or a service ancillary to those which the limited liability company renders and that information is verified by the Secretary of State or all unlicensed or unauthorized members, managers, professional employees, or agents are no longer members, managers, professional employees, or agents of the limited liability company.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 86;    Laws 2020, LB910, § 3;    Laws 2024, LB628, § 3.    
Effective Date: July 19, 2024

21-187. Certificate of registration; expiration; annual application.

Each certificate of registration issued to a limited liability company pursuant to section 21-186 shall expire by its own terms one year from the date of issuance and may not be renewed. Each limited liability company shall annually apply (1) to its regulatory body for a certificate in the manner provided in subsection (1) of section 21-186 or (2) to the Secretary of State pursuant to subsection (2) of section 21-186 if the records of the regulatory body are electronically accessible to the Secretary of State. A certificate or application shall be delivered annually to the Secretary of State for filing within thirty days before the expiration date of the last certificate or application on file in the office of the Secretary of State or the limited liability company shall be suspended. Certificates shall not be transferable or assignable.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 87.    

21-188. Certificate of registration; suspension or revocation; procedure; notice.

A regulatory body may, upon a form prescribed by it, suspend or revoke any certificate of registration issued to any limited liability company pursuant to subsection (1) of section 21-186 upon the suspension or revocation of the license or other authorization to render a professional service by any member, manager, professional employee, or agent of the limited liability company who is required by law to be licensed or otherwise authorized to render the professional service for which the limited liability company is organized to do business or a service ancillary to those which the limited liability company renders. Notice of such suspension or revocation shall be provided to the limited liability company affected by sending by certified or registered mail a certified copy of such suspension or revocation to the limited liability company at its principal place of business set forth in the certificate so suspended or revoked. At the same time, the regulatory body shall forward by regular mail a certified copy of such suspension or revocation to the Secretary of State who shall remove the suspended or revoked registration certificate from his or her files and deliver it to the regulatory body.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 88;    Laws 2024, LB628, § 4.    
Effective Date: July 19, 2024

21-189. Authority and duty of regulatory body licensing professionals.

Nothing in the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act is intended to restrict or limit in any manner the authority and duty of any regulatory body licensing professionals within the state to license such persons rendering a professional service or to regulate the practice of any profession that is within the jurisdiction of the regulatory body licensing such professionals within the state notwithstanding that the person is a member, manager, professional employee, or agent of a limited liability company and rendering a professional service or engaging in the practice of the profession through a limited liability company.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 89.    

21-190. Professional service; limitation.

(1) A limited liability company which renders a professional service shall render only one type of professional service and such services as may be ancillary thereto and shall not render any other type of professional service or engage in any other profession. No limited liability company may render a professional service except through its members, managers, professional employees, and agents who are duly licensed or otherwise legally authorized to render such professional service within this state.

(2) This section shall not be interpreted to include in the term professional employee, as used in the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act, clerks, secretaries, bookkeepers, technicians, and other assistants who are not usually and ordinarily considered by custom and practice to be rendering a professional service to the public for which a license or other legal authorization is required.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 90.    

21-191. Applicability to attorneys at law.

The provisions of the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act shall be applicable to attorneys at law only to the extent and under such terms and conditions as the Supreme Court determines to be necessary and appropriate. Certificates of organization of limited liability companies organized to practice law shall contain such provisions as may be appropriate to comply with applicable rules of the court.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 91.    

21-192. Fees.

(1) The filing fee for all filings under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act, including amendments and name reservation, shall be thirty dollars if the filing is submitted in writing and twenty-five dollars if the filing is submitted electronically pursuant to section 84-511, except that:

(a) The filing fee for filing a certificate of organization under section 21-117 and for filing an application for a certificate of authority to transact business in this state as a foreign limited liability company under section 21-156 shall be one hundred ten dollars if the filing is submitted in writing and one hundred dollars if the filing is submitted electronically pursuant to section 84-511, and ten dollars for a certificate; and

(b) The filing fee for filing a protected-series designation under section 21-509 or a statement of designation under section 21-532 shall be one hundred ten dollars if the filing is submitted in writing and one hundred dollars if the filing is submitted electronically pursuant to section 84-511, for each protected series stated, and ten dollars for a certificate and the filing fee for an application for a certificate of authority to do business in this state as a foreign protected series under section 21-537 shall be one hundred ten dollars if the filing is submitted in writing and one hundred dollars if the filing is submitted electronically pursuant to section 84-511, and ten dollars for a certificate.

(2) The filing fee for filing a statement of change of address for an agent for service of process under section 21-114 shall be thirty dollars if the filing is submitted in writing and twenty-five dollars if the filing is submitted electronically pursuant to section 84-511 for each limited liability company or foreign limited liability company for which the agent is designated.

(3) The filing fee for filing a statement of designation change under section 21-509 or 21-510 shall be thirty dollars if the filing is submitted in writing and twenty-five dollars if the filing is submitted electronically pursuant to section 84-511 for each protected series designation changed by the filing.

(4) The filing fee for the filing of a biennial report under section 21-514 shall be thirty dollars if the filing is submitted in writing and twenty-five dollars if the filing is submitted electronically pursuant to section 84-511 for the series limited liability company and thirty dollars if the filing is submitted in writing and twenty-five dollars if the filing is submitted electronically pursuant to section 84-511 for each of the series limited liability company's protected series.

(5) The fee for an application for reinstatement more than five years after the effective date of an administrative dissolution shall be five hundred dollars.

(6) The fee for filing a certificate of registration pursuant to section 21-186 shall be thirty dollars if the certificate is submitted in writing and twenty-five dollars if the certificate is submitted electronically pursuant to section 84-511. In lieu of filing such certificate, the fee for application for electronic access to records pursuant to section 21-186 is fifty-five dollars if submitted in writing or fifty dollars if submitted electronically pursuant to section 84-511.

(7) A fee of one dollar per page plus ten dollars per certificate shall be paid for a certified copy of any document on file under the act.

(8) The fees for filings under the act shall be paid to the Secretary of State. The Secretary of State shall remit the fees to the State Treasurer. The State Treasurer shall credit sixty percent of the fees to the General Fund and forty percent of the fees to the Secretary of State Cash Fund.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 92;    Laws 2014, LB753, § 2;    Laws 2015, LB279, § 2;    Laws 2019, LB78, § 2;    Laws 2020, LB910, § 4;    Laws 2021, LB253, § 1.    

21-193. Notice; publication required; filing.

(1) Notice of organization, amendment of the certificate of organization, merger, conversion, or domestication must be published three successive weeks in some legal newspaper of general circulation near the designated office of the limited liability company. A notice of organization must show the information required by subsection (b) of section 21-117 to be stated in the certificate of organization. A brief resume of any amendment of the certificate of organization or of any merger, conversion, or domestication of the limited liability company shall be published in the same manner and for the same period of time as notice of organization is required to be published.

(2) Whenever any limited liability company is voluntarily dissolved, notice of the dissolution shall be published as required by section 21-150.

(3) Proof of publication of any of the notices shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of State. In the event any notice described in subsection (1) of this section and required to be given pursuant to this section is not given, but is subsequently published for the required time, and proof of the publication thereof is filed in the office of the Secretary of State, the acts of the limited liability company prior to, as well as after, such publication shall be valid.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 93;    Laws 2012, LB942, § 1.    

21-194. Uniformity of application and construction.

(RULLCA 1101) In applying and construing this uniform act, consideration must be given to the need to promote uniformity of the law with respect to its subject matter among states that enact it.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 94.    

21-195. Relation to Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act.

(RULLCA 1102) The Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act modifies, limits, and supersedes the federal Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act, 15 U.S.C. 7001 et seq., but does not modify, limit, or supersede section 101(c) of that act, 15 U.S.C. 7001(c), or authorize electronic delivery of any of the notices described in section 103(b) of that act, 15 U.S.C. 7003(b).

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 95.    

21-196. Effect on certain actions, proceedings, and rights.

(RULLCA 1103) The Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act does not affect an action commenced, proceeding brought, or right accrued before January 1, 2011.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 96.    

21-197. Application to existing relationships.

(RULLCA 1104) (a) Before January 1, 2013, the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act governs only:

(1) a limited liability company formed on or after January 1, 2011; and

(2) except as otherwise provided in subsection (c) of this section, a limited liability company formed before January 1, 2011, which elects, in the manner provided in its operating agreement or by law for amending the operating agreement, to be subject to the act and which delivers to the Secretary of State for filing a statement of election to be subject to the act pursuant to this subdivision.

(b) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (c) of this section, on and after January 1, 2013, the act governs all limited liability companies.

(c) For the purposes of applying the act to a limited liability company formed before January 1, 2011:

(1) the company's articles of organization are deemed to be the company's certificate of organization; and

(2) for the purposes of applying subdivision (11) of section 21-102 and subject to subsection (d) of section 21-112, language in the company's articles of organization designating the company's management structure operates as if that language were in the operating agreement.

Source:Laws 2010, LB888, § 97.    

21-201. Short title.

(MBCA 1.01) Sections 21-201 to 21-2,232 shall be known and may be cited as the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 1;    Laws 2016, LB794, § 1;    Laws 2017, LB35, § 1;    Laws 2020, LB808, § 2.    

21-202. Reservation of power to amend or repeal.

(MBCA 1.02) The Legislature has power to amend or repeal all or part of the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act at any time and all domestic and foreign corporations subject to the act are governed by the amendment or repeal.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 2.    

21-203. Requirements for documents; extrinsic facts.

(MBCA 1.20) (a) A document must satisfy the requirements of this section, and of any other section that adds to or varies these requirements, to be entitled to filing by the Secretary of State.

(b) The Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act must require or permit filing the document in the office of the Secretary of State.

(c) The document must contain the information required by the act. It may contain other information as well.

(d) The document must be typewritten or printed or, if electronically transmitted, it must be in a format that can be retrieved or reproduced in typewritten or printed form.

(e) The document must be in the English language. A corporate name need not be in English if written in English letters or Arabic or Roman numerals, and the certificate of existence required of foreign corporations need not be in English if accompanied by a reasonably authenticated English translation.

(f) The document must be signed:

(1) By the chairperson of the board of directors of a domestic or foreign corporation, by its president, or by another of its officers;

(2) If directors have not been selected or the corporation has not been formed, by an incorporator; or

(3) If the corporation is in the hands of a receiver, trustee, or other court-appointed fiduciary, by that fiduciary.

(g) The person executing the document shall sign it and state beneath or opposite the person's signature the person's name and the capacity in which the document is signed. The document may but need not contain a corporate seal, attestation, acknowledgment, or verification.

(h) If the Secretary of State has prescribed a mandatory form for the document under section 21-204, the document must be in or on the prescribed form.

(i) The document must be delivered to the office of the Secretary of State for filing. Delivery may be made by electronic transmission if and to the extent permitted by the Secretary of State. If it is filed in typewritten or printed form and not transmitted electronically, the Secretary of State may require one exact or conformed copy to be delivered with the document, except as provided in sections 21-235 and 21-2,211.

(j) When the document is delivered to the office of the Secretary of State for filing, the correct filing fee, and any tax, license fee, or penalty required to be paid therewith by the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act or other law must be paid or provision for payment made in a manner permitted by the Secretary of State.

(k) Whenever a provision of the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act permits any of the terms of a plan or a filed document to be dependent on facts objectively ascertainable outside the plan or filed document, the following provisions apply:

(1) The manner in which the facts will operate upon the terms of the plan or filed document shall be set forth in the plan or filed document;

(2) The facts may include, but are not limited to:

(i) Any of the following that is available in a nationally recognized news or information medium either in print or electronically: Statistical or market indices, market prices of any security or group of securities, interest rates, currency exchange rates, or similar economic or financial data;

(ii) A determination or action by any person or body, including the corporation or any other party to a plan or filed document; or

(iii) The terms of, or actions taken under, an agreement to which the corporation is a party, or any other agreement or document;

(3) As used in this subsection (k):

(i) Filed document means a document filed with the Secretary of State under any provision of the act except sections 21-2,203 to 21-2,220 or section 21-2,228; and

(ii) Plan means a plan of domestication, nonprofit conversion, entity conversion, merger, or share exchange;

(4) The following provisions of a plan or filed document may not be made dependent on facts outside the plan or filed document:

(i) The name and address of any person required in a filed document;

(ii) The registered office of any entity required in a filed document;

(iii) The registered agent of any entity required in a filed document;

(iv) The number of authorized shares and designation of each class or series of shares;

(v) The effective date of a filed document; or

(vi) Any required statement in a filed document of the date on which the underlying transaction was approved or the manner in which that approval was given; and

(5) If a provision of a filed document is made dependent on a fact ascertainable outside of the filed document, and that fact is not ascertainable by reference to a source described in subdivision (k)(2)(i) of this section or a document that is a matter of public record, or the affected shareholders have not received notice of the fact from the corporation, then the corporation shall file with the Secretary of State articles of amendment setting forth the fact promptly after the time when the fact referred to is first ascertainable or thereafter changes. Articles of amendment under this subdivision (k)(5) of this section are deemed to be authorized by the authorization of the original filed document or plan to which they relate and may be filed by the corporation without further action by the board of directors or the shareholders.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 3.    

21-204. Forms.

(MBCA 1.21) (a) The Secretary of State may prescribe and furnish on request forms for (1) an application for a certificate of existence, (2) a foreign corporation's application for a certificate of authority to transact business in this state, and (3) a foreign corporation's application for a certificate of withdrawal. If the Secretary of State so requires, use of these forms is mandatory.

(b) The Secretary of State may prescribe and furnish on request forms for other documents required or permitted to be filed by the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act but their use is not mandatory.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 4.    

21-205. Filing, service, and copying fees.

(MBCA 1.22) (a) The Secretary of State shall collect the following fees when the documents described in this subsection are delivered to the Secretary of State for filing:

(1) Articles of incorporation, articles of domestication, or articles of domestication and conversion:

(i) If the filing is submitted in writing, the fee shall be $110; and

(ii) If the filing is submitted electronically pursuant to section 84-511, the fee shall be $100;

(2) Articles of incorporation or articles of domestication if filed by an insurer holding a certificate of authority issued by the Director of Insurance, the fee shall be $300;

(3) Agent's statement of change of registered office for each affected corporation...$30 not to exceed a total of...$1,000;

(4) Agent's statement of resignation...No fee;

(5) Certificate of administrative dissolution...No fee;

(6) Application for reinstatement more than five years after the effective date of an administrative dissolution or administrative revocation...$500;

(7) Certificate of reinstatement...No fee;

(8) Certificate of judicial dissolution...No fee;

(9) Application for certificate of authority:

(i) If the filing is submitted in writing, the fee shall be $110; and

(ii) If the filing is submitted electronically pursuant to section 84-511, the fee shall be $100;

(10) Certificate of revocation of authority to transact business...No fee;

(11)(i) Professional certificate submitted pursuant to section 21-2216:

(A) If the professional certificate is submitted, the fee shall be $30; and

(B) If electronic verification is submitted in lieu of the professional certificate, the fee shall be $55; and

(ii) Such professional certificate submitted pursuant to section 84-511:

(A) If the professional certificate is submitted, the fee shall be $25; and

(B) If electronic verification is submitted in lieu of the professional certificate, the fee shall be $50; and

(12) Any other document required or permitted to be filed by the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act:

(i) If the filing is submitted in writing, the fee shall be $30; and

(ii) If the filing is submitted electronically pursuant to section 84-511, the fee shall be $25;

(b) The Secretary of State shall collect the following fees for copying and certifying the copy of any filed document relating to a domestic or foreign corporation:

(1) One dollar per page for copying; and

(2) Ten dollars for the certificate.

(c) All fees set forth in this section shall be collected by the Secretary of State and remitted to the State Treasurer and credited sixty percent to the General Fund and forty percent to the Secretary of State Cash Fund.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 5;    Laws 2015, LB279, § 3;    Laws 2020, LB910, § 5.    

21-206. Effective time and date of document.

(MBCA 1.23) (a) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section and subsection (c) of section 21-207, a document accepted for filing is effective:

(1) At the date and time of filing, as evidenced by such means as the Secretary of State may use for the purpose of recording the date and time of filing; or

(2) At the time specified in the document as its effective time on the date it is filed.

(b) A document may specify a delayed effective time and date, and if it does so the document becomes effective at the time and date specified. If a delayed effective date but no time is specified, the document is effective at the close of business on that date. A delayed effective date for a document may not be later than the ninetieth day after the date it is filed.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 6.    

21-207. Correcting filed document.

(MBCA 1.24) (a) A domestic or foreign corporation may correct a document filed with the Secretary of State if (1) the document contains an inaccuracy, or (2) the document was defectively signed, attested, sealed, verified, or acknowledged, or (3) the electronic transmission was defective.

(b) A document is corrected:

(1) By preparing articles of correction that:

(i) Describe the document, including its filing date, or attach a copy of it to the articles;

(ii) Specify the inaccuracy or defect to be corrected; and

(iii) Correct the inaccuracy or defect; and

(2) By delivering the articles to the Secretary of State for filing.

(c) Articles of correction are effective on the effective date of the document they correct except as to persons relying on the uncorrected document and adversely affected by the correction. As to those persons, articles of correction are effective when filed.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 7.    

21-208. Filing duty of Secretary of State.

(MBCA 1.25) (a) If a document delivered to the office of the Secretary of State for filing satisfies the requirements of section 21-203, the Secretary of State shall file it.

(b) The Secretary of State files a document by recording it as filed on the date and at the time of receipt. After filing a document, except as provided in sections 21-235 and 21-2,211, the Secretary of State shall deliver to the domestic or foreign corporation or its representative a copy of the document with an acknowledgment of the date and time of filing.

(c) If the Secretary of State refuses to file a document, it shall be returned to the domestic or foreign corporation or its representative within five days after the document was delivered, together with a brief, written explanation of the reason for refusal.

(d) The Secretary of State's duty to file documents under this section is ministerial. The Secretary of State's filing or refusing to file a document does not:

(1) Affect the validity or invalidity of the document in whole or part;

(2) Relate to the correctness or incorrectness of information contained in the document; or

(3) Create a presumption that the document is valid or invalid or that information contained in the document is correct or incorrect.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 8.    

21-209. Appeal from Secretary of State's refusal to file document.

(MBCA 1.26) (a) If the Secretary of State refuses to file a document delivered for filing, the domestic or foreign corporation may appeal the refusal within thirty days after the return of the document to the district court of Lancaster County. The appeal is commenced by petitioning the court to compel filing the document and by attaching to the petition the document and the Secretary of State's explanation of his or her refusal to file.

(b) The court may summarily order the Secretary of State to file the document or take other action the court considers appropriate.

(c) The court's final decision may be appealed as in other civil proceedings.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 9.    

21-210. Evidentiary effect of copy of filed document.

(MBCA 1.27) A certificate from the Secretary of State delivered with a copy of a document filed by the Secretary of State, is conclusive evidence that the original document is on file with the Secretary of State.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 10.    

21-211. Certificate of existence.

(MBCA 1.28) (a) Anyone may apply to the Secretary of State to furnish a certificate of existence for a domestic corporation or a certificate of authorization for a foreign corporation.

(b) A certificate of existence or authorization sets forth:

(1) The domestic corporation's corporate name or the foreign corporation's corporate name used in this state;

(2) That:

(i) The domestic corporation is duly incorporated under the law of this state, the date of its incorporation, and the period of its duration if less than perpetual; or

(ii) That the foreign corporation is authorized to transact business in this state;

(3) That all fees, taxes, and penalties owed to this state have been paid, if:

(i) Payment is reflected in the records of the Secretary of State; and

(ii) Nonpayment affects the existence or authorization of the domestic or foreign corporation;

(4) That its most recent biennial report required by section 21-2,228 has been filed with the Secretary of State;

(5) That articles of dissolution have not been filed; and

(6) Other facts of record in the office of the Secretary of State that may be requested by the applicant.

(c) Subject to any qualification stated in the certificate, a certificate of existence or authorization issued by the Secretary of State may be relied upon as conclusive evidence that the domestic or foreign corporation is in existence or is authorized to transact business in this state.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 11.    

21-212. Penalty for signing false document.

(MBCA 1.29) (a) A person commits an offense by signing a document that the person knows is false in any material respect with intent that the document be delivered to the Secretary of State for filing.

(b) An offense under this section is a Class I misdemeanor.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 12.    

21-213. Powers.

(MBCA 1.30) The Secretary of State has the power reasonably necessary to perform the duties required of the Secretary of State by the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 13.    

21-214. Act definitions.

(MBCA 1.40) In the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act:

(1) Articles of incorporation means the original articles of incorporation, all amendments thereof, and any other documents permitted or required to be filed by a domestic business corporation with the Secretary of State under any provision of the act except section 21-2,228. If an amendment of the articles or any other document filed under the act restates the articles in their entirety, thenceforth the articles shall not include any prior documents.

(2) Authorized shares means the shares of all classes a domestic or foreign corporation is authorized to issue.

(3) Beneficial shareholder means a person who owns the beneficial interest in shares, which may be a record shareholder or a person on whose behalf shares are registered in the name of an intermediary or nominee.

(4) Conspicuous means so written, displayed, or presented that a reasonable person against whom the writing is to operate should have noticed it. For example, text in italics, boldface, contrasting color, capitals, or underlined, is conspicuous.

(5) Corporation, domestic corporation, or domestic business corporation means a corporation for profit, which is not a foreign corporation, incorporated under or subject to the provisions of the act.

(6) Deliver or delivery means any method of delivery used in conventional commercial practice, including delivery by hand, mail, commercial delivery, and, if authorized in accordance with section 21-215, by electronic transmission.

(7) Distribution means a direct or indirect transfer of money or other property, except its own shares, or incurrence of indebtedness by a corporation to or for the benefit of its shareholders in respect of any of its shares. A distribution may be in the form of a declaration or payment of a dividend; a purchase, redemption, or other acquisition of shares; a distribution of indebtedness; or otherwise.

(8) Document means (i) any tangible medium on which information is inscribed, and includes any writing or written instrument, or (ii) an electronic record.

(9) Domestic unincorporated entity means an unincorporated entity whose internal affairs are governed by the laws of this state.

(10) Effective date of notice is defined in section 21-215.

(11) Electronic means relating to technology having electrical, digital, magnetic, wireless, optical, electromagnetic, or similar capabilities.

(12) Electronic record means information that is stored in an electronic or other medium and is retrievable in paper form through an automated process used in conventional commercial practice, unless otherwise authorized in accordance with subsection (k) of section 21-215.

(13) Electronic transmission or electronically transmitted means any form or process of communication not directly involving the physical transfer of paper or another tangible medium, which (i) is suitable for the retention, retrieval, and reproduction of information by the recipient and (ii) is retrievable in paper form by the recipient through an automated process used in conventional commercial practice, unless otherwise authorized in accordance with subsection (k) of section 21-215.

(14) Eligible entity means a domestic or foreign unincorporated entity or a domestic or foreign nonprofit corporation.

(15) Eligible interests means interests or memberships.

(16) Employee includes an officer but not a director. A director may accept duties that make the director also an employee.

(17) Entity includes domestic and foreign business corporation; domestic and foreign nonprofit corporation; limited liability company; estate; trust; domestic and foreign unincorporated entity; and state, United States, and foreign government.

(18) The phrase facts objectively ascertainable outside of a filed document or plan is defined in subsection (k) of section 21-203.

(19) Expenses means reasonable expenses of any kind that are incurred in connection with a matter.

(20) Filing entity means an unincorporated entity that is of a type that is created by filing a public organic document.

(21) Foreign corporation means a corporation incorporated under a law other than the law of this state which would be a business corporation if incorporated under the laws of this state.

(22) Foreign nonprofit corporation means a corporation incorporated under a law other than the law of this state which would be a nonprofit corporation if incorporated under the laws of this state.

(23) Foreign unincorporated entity means an unincorporated entity whose internal affairs are governed by an organic law of a jurisdiction other than this state.

(24) Governmental subdivision includes authority, county, district, and municipality.

(25) Includes denotes a partial definition.

(26) Individual means a natural person.

(27) Interest means either or both of the following rights under the organic law of an unincorporated entity:

(i) The right to receive distributions from the entity either in the ordinary course or upon liquidation; or

(ii) The right to receive notice or vote on issues involving its internal affairs, other than as an agent, assignee, proxy, or person responsible for managing its business and affairs.

(28) Interest holder means a person who holds of record an interest.

(29) Means denotes an exhaustive definition.

(30) Membership means the rights of a member in a domestic or foreign nonprofit corporation.

(31) Nonfiling entity means an unincorporated entity that is of a type that is not created by filing a public organic document.

(32) Nonprofit corporation or domestic nonprofit corporation means a corporation incorporated under the laws of this state and subject to the provisions of the Nebraska Nonprofit Corporation Act.

(33) Notice is defined in section 21-215.

(34) Organic document means a public organic document or a private organic document.

(35) Organic law means the statute governing the internal affairs of a domestic or foreign business or nonprofit corporation or unincorporated entity.

(36) Owner liability means personal liability for a debt, obligation, or liability of a domestic or foreign business or nonprofit corporation or unincorporated entity that is imposed on a person:

(i) Solely by reason of the person's status as a shareholder, member, or interest holder; or

(ii) By the articles of incorporation, bylaws, or an organic document under a provision of the organic law of an entity authorizing the articles of incorporation, bylaws, or an organic document to make one or more specified shareholders, members, or interest holders liable in their capacity as shareholders, members, or interest holders for all or specified debts, obligations, or liabilities of the entity.

(37) Person includes an individual and an entity.

(38) Principal office means the office, in or out of this state, so designated in the biennial report where the principal executive offices of a domestic or foreign corporation are located.

(39) Private organic document means any document, other than the public organic document, if any, that determines the internal governance of an unincorporated entity. Where a private organic document has been amended or restated, the term means the private organic document as last amended or restated.

(40) Public organic document means the document, if any, that is filed of public record to create an unincorporated entity. Where a public organic document has been amended or restated, the term means the public organic document as last amended or restated.

(41) Proceeding includes civil suit and criminal, administrative, and investigatory action.

(42) Public corporation means a corporation that has shares listed on a national securities exchange or regularly traded in a market maintained by one or more members of a national securities association.

(43) Qualified director is defined in section 21-217.

(44) Record date means the date established under sections 21-237 to 21-252 or 21-253 to 21-283 on which a corporation determines the identity of its shareholders and their shareholdings for purposes of the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act. The determinations shall be made as of the close of business on the record date unless another time for doing so is specified when the record date is fixed.

(45) Record shareholder means (i) the person in whose name shares are registered in the records of the corporation or (ii) the person identified as the beneficial owner of shares in a beneficial ownership certificate pursuant to section 21-265 on file with the corporation to the extent of the rights granted by such certificate.

(46) Secretary means the corporate officer to whom the board of directors has delegated responsibility under subsection (c) of section 21-2,105 for custody of the minutes of the meetings of the board of directors and of the shareholders and for authenticating records of the corporation.

(47) Shareholder means, unless varied for purposes of a specific provision, a record shareholder.

(48) Shares means the units into which the proprietary interests in a corporation are divided.

(49) Sign or signature means, with present intent to authenticate or adopt a document:

(i) To execute or adopt a tangible symbol to a document, and includes any manual, facsimile, or conformed signature; or

(ii) To attach to or logically associate with an electronic transmission an electronic sound, symbol, or process, and includes an electronic signature in an electronic transmission.

(50) State, when referring to a part of the United States, includes a state and commonwealth, and their agencies and governmental subdivisions, and a territory and insular possession, and their agencies and governmental subdivisions, of the United States.

(51) Subscriber means a person who subscribes for shares in a corporation, whether before or after incorporation.

(52) Unincorporated entity means an organization or artificial legal person that either has a separate legal existence or has the power to acquire an estate in real property in its own name and that is not any of the following: A domestic or foreign business or nonprofit corporation, an estate, a trust, a state, the United States, or a foreign government. The term includes a general partnership, limited liability company, limited partnership, business trust, joint-stock association, and unincorporated nonprofit association.

(53) United States includes district, authority, bureau, commission, department, and any other agency of the United States.

(54) Voting group means all shares of one or more classes or series that under the articles of incorporation or the act are entitled to vote and be counted together collectively on a matter at a meeting of shareholders. All shares entitled by the articles of incorporation or the act to vote generally on the matter are for that purpose a single voting group.

(55) Voting power means the current power to vote in the election of directors.

(56) Voting trust beneficial owner means an owner of a beneficial interest in shares of the corporation held in a voting trust established pursuant to subsection (a) of section 21-272. Unrestricted voting trust beneficial owner means, with respect to any shareholder rights, a voting trust beneficial owner whose entitlement to exercise the shareholder right in question is not inconsistent with the voting trust agreement.

(57) Writing or written means any information in the form of a document.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 14;    Laws 2016, LB794, § 2;    Laws 2017, LB35, § 2.    

Cross References

21-215. Notices and other communications.

(MBCA 1.41) (a) Notice under the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act must be in writing unless oral notice is reasonable in the circumstances. Unless otherwise agreed between the sender and the recipient, words in a notice or other communication under the act must be in English.

(b) A notice or other communication may be given or sent by any method of delivery, except that electronic transmissions must be in accordance with this section. If these methods of delivery are impractical, a notice or other communication may be communicated by a newspaper of general circulation in the area where published, or by radio, television, or other form of public broadcast communication.

(c) Written notice by a domestic or foreign corporation to its shareholder, if in a comprehensible form, is effective (1) when mailed, if mailed postage prepaid and correctly addressed to the shareholder's address shown in the corporation's current record of shareholders, or (2) when electronically transmitted to the shareholder in a manner authorized by the shareholder. Notice by a public corporation to its shareholder is effective if the notice is addressed to the shareholder or group of shareholders in a manner permitted by rules and regulations adopted and promulgated under the federal Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, 15 U.S.C. 78a et seq., if the public corporation has first received affirmative written consent or implied consent required under such rules and regulations.

(d) Notice or other communication to a domestic or foreign corporation authorized to transact business in this state may be delivered to its registered agent at its registered office or to the secretary of the corporation at its principal office shown in its most recent biennial report or, in the case of a foreign corporation that has not yet delivered a biennial report, in its application for a certificate of authority.

(e) Notice or other communications may be delivered by electronic transmission if consented to by the recipient or if authorized by subsection (l) of this section.

(f) Any consent under subsection (e) of this section may be revoked by the person who consented by written or electronic notice to the person to whom the consent was delivered. Any such consent is deemed revoked if (1) the corporation is unable to deliver two consecutive electronic transmissions given by the corporation in accordance with such consent and (2) such inability becomes known to the secretary or an assistant secretary of the corporation or to the transfer agent, or other person responsible for the giving of notice or other communications, except that the inadvertent failure to treat such inability as a revocation shall not invalidate any meeting or other action.

(g) Unless otherwise agreed between the sender and the recipient, an electronic transmission is received when:

(1) It enters an information processing system that the recipient has designated or uses for the purposes of receiving electronic transmissions or information of the type sent and from which the recipient is able to retrieve the electronic transmission; and

(2) It is in a form capable of being processed by that system.

(h) Receipt of an electronic acknowledgment from an information processing system described in subdivision (g)(1) of this section establishes that an electronic transmission was received but, by itself, does not establish that the content sent corresponds to the content received.

(i) An electronic transmission is received under this section even if no individual is aware of its receipt.

(j) Notice or other communication, if in a comprehensible form or manner, is effective at the earliest of the following:

(1) If in a physical form, the earliest of when it is actually received or when it is left at:

(i) A shareholder's address shown on the corporation's record of shareholders maintained by the corporation under subsection (c) of section 21-2,221;

(ii) A director's residence or usual place of business; or

(iii) The corporation's principal place of business;

(2) If mailed postage prepaid and correctly addressed to a shareholder, upon deposit in the United States mail;

(3) If mailed by United States mail postage prepaid and correctly addressed to a recipient other than a shareholder, the earliest of when it is actually received, or:

(i) If sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, the date shown on the return receipt signed by or on behalf of the addressee; or

(ii) Five days after it is deposited in the United States mail;

(4) If an electronic transmission, when it is received as provided in subsection (g) of this section; and

(5) If oral, when communicated.

(k) A notice or other communication may be in the form of an electronic transmission that cannot be directly reproduced in paper form by the recipient through an automated process used in conventional commercial practice only if (1) the electronic transmission is otherwise retrievable in perceivable form and (2) the sender and the recipient have consented in writing to the use of such form of electronic transmission.

(l) If the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act prescribes requirements for notices or other communications in particular circumstances, those requirements govern. If articles of incorporation or bylaws prescribe requirements for notices or other communications, not inconsistent with this section or other provisions of the act, those requirements govern. The articles of incorporation or bylaws may authorize or require delivery of notices of meetings of directors by electronic transmission.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 15.    

21-216. Number of shareholders.

(MBCA 1.42) (a) For purposes of the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act, the following identified as a shareholder in a corporation's current record of shareholders constitutes one shareholder:

(1) Three or fewer co-owners;

(2) A corporation, partnership, limited liability company, trust, estate, or other entity; or

(3) The trustees, guardians, custodians, or other fiduciaries of a single trust, estate, or account.

(b) For purposes of the act, shareholdings registered in substantially similar names constitute one shareholder if it is reasonable to believe that the names represent the same person.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 16;    Laws 2016, LB794, § 3.    

21-217. Qualified director.

(MBCA 1.43) (a) A qualified director is a director who, at the time action is to be taken under:

(1) Section 21-279, does not have (i) a material interest in the outcome of the proceeding or (ii) a material relationship with a person who has such an interest;

(2) Section 21-2,113 or 21-2,115, (i) is not a party to the proceeding, (ii) is not a director as to whom a transaction is a director's conflicting interest transaction or who sought a disclaimer of the corporation's interest in a business opportunity under section 21-2,124, which transaction or disclaimer is challenged in the proceeding, and (iii) does not have a material relationship with a director described in either subdivision (a)(2)(i) or (ii) of this section;

(3) Section 21-2,122, is not a director (i) as to whom the transaction is a director's conflicting interest transaction or (ii) who has a material relationship with another director as to whom the transaction is a director's conflicting interest transaction;

(4) Section 21-2,124, would be a qualified director under subdivision (a)(3) of this section if the business opportunity were a director's conflicting interest transaction; or

(5) Subdivision (b)(6) of section 21-220, is not a director (i) to whom the limitation or elimination of the duty of an officer to offer potential business opportunities to the corporation would apply or (ii) who has a material relationship with another officer to whom the limitation or elimination would apply.

(b) For purposes of this section:

(1) Material relationship means a familial, financial, professional, employment, or other relationship that would reasonably be expected to impair the objectivity of the director's judgment when participating in the action to be taken; and

(2) Material interest means an actual or potential benefit or detriment, other than one which would devolve on the corporation or the shareholders generally, that would reasonably be expected to impair the objectivity of the director's judgment when participating in the action to be taken.

(c) The presence of one or more of the following circumstances shall not automatically prevent a director from being a qualified director:

(1) Nomination or election of the director to the current board by any director who is not a qualified director with respect to the matter or by any person that has a material relationship with that director, acting alone or participating with others;

(2) Service as a director of another corporation of which a director who is not a qualified director with respect to the matter, or any individual who has a material relationship with that director, is or was also a director; or

(3) With respect to action to be taken under section 21-279, status as a named defendant, as a director against whom action is demanded, or as a director who approved the conduct being challenged.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 17;    Laws 2017, LB35, § 3.    

21-218. Householding.

(MBCA 1.44) (a) A corporation has delivered written notice or any other report or statement under the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act, the articles of incorporation, or the bylaws to all shareholders who share a common address if:

(1) The corporation delivers one copy of the notice, report, or statement to the common address;

(2) The corporation addresses the notice, report, or statement to those shareholders as a group, to each of those shareholders individually, or to the shareholders in a form to which each of those shareholders has consented; and

(3) Each of those shareholders consents to delivery of a single copy of such notice, report, or statement to the shareholders' common address. Any such consent shall be revocable by any of such shareholders who deliver written notice of revocation to the corporation. If such written notice of revocation is delivered, the corporation shall begin providing individual notices, reports, or other statements to the revoking shareholder no later than thirty days after delivery of the written notice of revocation.

(b) Any shareholder who fails to object by written notice to the corporation, within sixty days of written notice by the corporation of its intention to send single copies of notices, reports, or statements to shareholders who share a common address as permitted by subsection (a) of this section, shall be deemed to have consented to receiving such single copy at the common address.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 18.    

21-218.01. Definitions.

(MBCA 1.45) In sections 21-218.01 to 21-218.08:

(1) Corporate action means any action taken by or on behalf of the corporation, including any action taken by the incorporator, the board of directors, a committee of the board of directors, an officer or agent of the corporation, or the shareholders.

(2) Date of the defective corporate action means the date, or the approximate date, if the exact date is unknown, the defective corporate action was purported to have been taken.

(3) Defective corporate action means (i) any corporate action purportedly taken that is, and at the time such corporate action was purportedly taken would have been, within the power of the corporation, but is void or voidable due to a failure of authorization, and (ii) an overissue.

(4) Failure of authorization means the failure to authorize, approve, or otherwise effect a corporate action in compliance with the provisions of the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act, the articles of incorporation or bylaws, a corporate resolution or any plan or agreement to which the corporation is a party, if and to the extent such failure would render such corporate action void or voidable.

(5) Overissue means the purported issuance of:

(i) Shares of a class or series in excess of the number of shares of a class or series the corporation has the power to issue under section 21-237 at the time of such issuance; or

(ii) Shares of any class or series that is not then authorized for issuance by the articles of incorporation.

(6) Putative shares means the shares of any class or series, including shares issued upon exercise of rights, options, warrants, or other securities convertible into shares of the corporation, or interests with respect to such shares, that were created or issued as a result of a defective corporate action, that (i) but for any failure of authorization would constitute valid shares, or (ii) cannot be determined by the board of directors to be valid shares.

(7) Valid shares means the shares of any class or series that have been duly authorized and validly issued in accordance with the act, including as a result of ratification or validation under sections 21-218.01 to 21-218.08.

(8) Validation effective time with respect to any defective corporate action ratified under sections 21-218.01 to 21-218.08 means the later of:

(i) The time at which the ratification of the defective corporate action is approved by the shareholders, or if approval of shareholders is not required, the time at which the notice required by section 21-218.05 becomes effective in accordance with section 21-215; and

(ii) The time at which any articles of validation filed in accordance with section 21-218.07 become effective.

The validation effective time shall not be affected by the filing or pendency of a judicial proceeding under section 21-218.08 or otherwise, unless otherwise ordered by the court.

Source:Laws 2020, LB808, § 3.    

21-218.02. Defective corporate actions.

(MBCA 1.46) (a) A defective corporate action shall not be void or voidable if ratified in accordance with section 21-218.03 or validated in accordance with section 21-218.08.

(b) Ratification under section 21-218.03 or validation under section 21-218.08 shall not be deemed to be the exclusive means of ratifying or validating any defective corporate action, and the absence or failure of ratification in accordance with sections 21-218.01 to 21-218.08 shall not, of itself, affect the validity or effectiveness of any corporate action properly ratified under common law or otherwise, nor shall it create a presumption that any such corporate action is or was a defective corporate action or void or voidable.

(c) In the case of an overissue, putative shares shall be valid shares effective as of the date originally issued or purportedly issued upon:

(1) The effectiveness under sections 21-218.01 to 21-218.08 and under sections 21-2,150 to 21-2,160 of an amendment to the articles of incorporation authorizing, designating, or creating such shares; or

(2) The effectiveness of any other corporate action under sections 21-218.01 to 21-218.08 ratifying the authorization, designation, or creation of such shares.

Source:Laws 2020, LB808, § 4.    

21-218.03. Ratification of defective corporate actions.

(MBCA 1.47) (a) To ratify a defective corporate action under this section, other than the ratification of an election of the initial board of directors under subsection (b) of this section, the board of directors shall take action ratifying the action in accordance with section 21-218.04, stating:

(1) The defective corporate action to be ratified and, if the defective corporate action involved the issuance of putative shares, the number and type of putative shares purportedly issued;

(2) The date of the defective corporate action;

(3) The nature of the failure of authorization with respect to the defective corporate action to be ratified; and

(4) That the board of directors approves the ratification of the defective corporate action.

(b) In the event that a defective corporate action to be ratified relates to the election of the initial board of directors of the corporation under subdivision (a)(2) of section 21-223, a majority of the persons who, at the time of the ratification, are exercising the powers of directors may take an action stating:

(1) The name of the person or persons who first took action in the name of the corporation as the initial board of directors of the corporation;

(2) The earlier of the date on which such persons first took such action or were purported to have been elected as the initial board of directors; and

(3) That the ratification of the election of such person or persons as the initial board of directors is approved.

(c) If any provision of the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act, the articles of incorporation or bylaws, any corporate resolution, or any plan or agreement to which the corporation is a party in effect at the time action under subsection (a) of this section is taken requires shareholder approval or would have required shareholder approval at the date of the occurrence of the defective corporate action, the ratification of the defective corporate action approved in the action taken by the directors under subsection (a) of this section shall be submitted to the shareholders for approval in accordance with section 21-218.04.

(d) Unless otherwise provided in the action taken by the board of directors under subsection (a) of this section, after the action by the board of directors has been taken and, if required, approved by the shareholders, the board of directors may abandon the ratification at any time before the validation effective time without further action of the shareholders.

Source:Laws 2020, LB808, § 5.    

21-218.04. Action on ratification.

(MBCA 1.48) (a) The quorum and voting requirements applicable to a ratifying action by the board of directors under subsection (a) of section 21-218.03 shall be the quorum and voting requirements applicable to the corporate action proposed to be ratified at the time such ratifying action is taken.

(b) If the ratification of the defective corporate action requires approval by the shareholders under subsection (c) of section 21-218.03, and if the approval is to be given at a meeting, the corporation shall notify each holder of valid and putative shares, regardless of whether entitled to vote, as of the record date for notice of the meeting and as of the date of the occurrence of defective corporate action, provided that notice shall not be required to be given to holders of valid or putative shares whose identities or addresses for notice cannot be determined from the records of the corporation. The notice must state that the purpose, or one of the purposes, of the meeting, is to consider ratification of a defective corporate action and must be accompanied by (i) either a copy of the action taken by the board of directors in accordance with subsection (c) of section 21-218.03 or the information required by subdivisions (a)(1) through (4) of section 21-218.03, and (ii) a statement that any claim that the ratification of such defective corporate action and any putative shares issued as a result of such defective corporate action should not be effective, or should be effective only on certain conditions, must be brought within one hundred twenty days from the applicable validation effective time.

(c) Except as provided in subsection (d) of this section with respect to the voting requirements to ratify the election of a director, the quorum and voting requirements applicable to the approval by the shareholders required by subsection (c) of section 21-218.03 shall be the quorum and voting requirements applicable to the corporate action proposed to be ratified at the time of such shareholder approval.

(d) The approval by shareholders to ratify the election of a director requires that the votes cast within the voting group favoring such ratification exceed the votes cast opposing such ratification of the election at a meeting at which a quorum is present.

(e) Putative shares on the record date for determining the shareholders entitled to vote on any matter submitted to shareholders under subsection (c) of section 21-218.03, and without giving effect to any ratification of putative shares that becomes effective as a result of such vote, shall neither be entitled to vote nor counted for quorum purposes in any vote to approve the ratification of any defective corporate action.

(f) If the approval under this section of putative shares would result in an overissue, in addition to the approval required by section 21-218.03, approval of an amendment to the articles of incorporation under sections 21-2,150 to 21-2,160 to increase the number of shares of an authorized class or series or to authorize the creation of a class or series of shares so there would be no overissue shall also be required.

Source:Laws 2020, LB808, § 6.    

21-218.05. Notice requirements.

(MBCA 1.49) (a) Unless shareholder approval is required under subsection (c) of section 21-218.03, prompt notice of an action taken under section 21-218.03 shall be given to each holder of valid and putative shares, regardless of whether entitled to vote, as of (i) the date of such action by the board of directors and (ii) the date of the defective corporate action ratified, provided that notice shall not be required to be given to holders of valid and putative shares whose identities or addresses for notice cannot be determined from the records of the corporation.

(b) The notice must contain (i) either a copy of the action taken by the board of directors in accordance with subsection (a) or (b) of section 21-218.03 or the information required by subdivisions (a)(1) through (4) or (b)(1) through (3) of section 21-218.03, as applicable, and (ii) a statement that any claim that the ratification of the defective corporate action and any putative shares issued as a result of such defective corporate action should not be effective, or should be effective only on certain conditions, must be brought within one hundred twenty days from the applicable validation effective time.

(c) No notice under this section is required with respect to any action required to be submitted to shareholders for approval under subsection (c) of section 21-218.03 if notice is given in accordance with subsection (b) of section 21-218.04.

(d) A notice required by this section may be given in any manner permitted by section 21-215 and, for any corporation subject to the reporting requirements of section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, may be given by means of a filing or furnishing of such notice with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.

Source:Laws 2020, LB808, § 7.    

21-218.06. Effect of ratification.

(MBCA 1.50) From and after the validation effective time, and without regard to the one-hundred-twenty-day period during which a claim may be brought under section 21-218.08:

(a) Each defective corporate action ratified in accordance with section 21-218.03 shall not be void or voidable as a result of the failure of authorization identified in the action taken under subsection (a) or (b) of section 21-218.03 and shall be deemed a valid corporate action effective as of the date of the defective corporate action;

(b) The issuance of each putative share or fraction of a putative share purportedly issued pursuant to a defective corporate action identified in the action taken under section 21-218.03 shall not be void or voidable, and each such putative share or fraction of a putative share shall be deemed to be an identical share or fraction of a valid share as of the time it was purportedly issued; and

(c) Any corporate action taken subsequent to the defective corporate action ratified in accordance with sections 21-218.01 to 21-218.08 in reliance on such defective corporate action having been validly effected and any subsequent defective corporate action resulting directly or indirectly from such original defective corporate action shall be valid as of the time taken.

Source:Laws 2020, LB808, § 8.    

21-218.07. Filings.

(MBCA 1.51) (a) If the defective corporate action ratified under sections 21-218.01 to 21-218.08 would have required under any other section of the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act a filing in accordance with the act, then, regardless of whether a filing was previously made in respect of such defective corporate action and in lieu of a filing otherwise required by the act, the corporation shall file articles of validation in accordance with this section, and such articles of validation shall serve to amend or substitute for any other filing with respect to such defective corporate action required by the act.

(b) The articles of validation must set forth:

(1) The defective corporate action that is the subject of the articles of validation, including, in the case of any defective corporate action involving the issuance of putative shares, the number and type of putative shares issued and the date or dates upon which such putative shares were purported to have been issued;

(2) The date of the defective corporate action;

(3) The nature of the failure of authorization in respect of the defective corporate action;

(4) A statement that the defective corporate action was ratified in accordance with section 21-218.03, including the date on which the board of directors ratified such defective corporate action and the date, if any, on which the shareholders approved the ratification of such defective corporate action; and

(5) The information required by subsection (c) of this section.

(c) The articles of validation must also contain the following information:

(1) If a filing was previously made in respect of the defective corporate action and no changes to such filing are required to give effect to the ratification of such defective corporate action in accordance with section 21-218.03, the articles of validation must set forth (i) the name, title, and filing date of the filing previously made and any articles of correction to that filing and (ii) a statement that a copy of the filing previously made, together with any articles of correction to that filing, is attached as an exhibit to the articles of validation;

(2) If a filing was previously made in respect of the defective corporate action and such filing requires any change to give effect to the ratification of such defective corporate action in accordance with section 21-218.03, the articles of validation must set forth (i) the name, title, and filing date of the filing previously made and any articles of correction to that filing and (ii) a statement that a filing containing all of the information required to be included under the applicable section or sections of the act to give effect to such defective corporate action is attached as an exhibit to the articles of validation, and (iii) the date and time that such filing is deemed to have become effective; or

(3) If a filing was not previously made in respect of the defective corporate action and the defective corporate action ratified under section 21-218.03 would have required a filing under any other section of the act, the articles of validation must set forth (i) a statement that a filing containing all of the information required to be included under the applicable section or sections of the act to give effect to such defective corporate action is attached as an exhibit to the articles of validation, and (ii) the date and time that such filing is deemed to have become effective.

Source:Laws 2020, LB808, § 9.    

21-218.08. Judicial proceedings regarding validity of corporate actions.

(MBCA 1.52) (a) Upon application by the corporation, any successor entity to the corporation, a director of the corporation, any shareholder, beneficial shareholder, or unrestricted voting trust beneficial owner of the corporation, including any such shareholder, beneficial shareholder, or unrestricted voting trust beneficial owner as of the date of the defective corporate action ratified under section 21-218.03, or any other person claiming to be substantially and adversely affected by a ratification under section 21-218.03, the court may:

(1) Determine the validity and effectiveness of any corporate action or defective corporate action;

(2) Determine the validity and effectiveness of any ratification under section 21-218.03;

(3) Determine the validity of any putative shares; and

(4) Modify or waive any of the procedures specified in section 21-218.03 or 21-218.04 to ratify a defective corporate action.

(b) In connection with an action under this section, the court may make such findings or orders, and take into account any factors or considerations, regarding such matters as it deems proper under the circumstances.

(c) Service of process of the application under subsection (a) of this section on the corporation may be made in any manner provided by statute of this state or by rule of the applicable court for service on the corporation, and no other party need be joined in order for the court to adjudicate the matter. In an action filed by the corporation, the court may require notice of the action be provided to other persons specified by the court and permit such other persons to intervene in the action.

(d) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section or otherwise under applicable law, any action asserting that the ratification of any defective corporate action and any putative shares issued as a result of such defective corporate action should not be effective, or should be effective only on certain conditions, shall be brought within one hundred twenty days of the validation effective time.

Source:Laws 2020, LB808, § 10.    

21-219. Incorporators.

(MBCA 2.01) One or more persons may act as the incorporator or incorporators of a corporation by delivering articles of incorporation to the Secretary of State for filing.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 19.    

21-220. Articles of incorporation.

(MBCA 2.02) (a) The articles of incorporation must set forth:

(1) A corporate name for the corporation that satisfies the requirements of section 21-230;

(2) The number of shares the corporation is authorized to issue and, if such shares are to consist of one class only, the par value of each of such shares or, if such shares are to be divided into classes, the number of shares of each class and a statement of the par value of the shares of each such class;

(3) The street address of the corporation's initial registered office and the name of its initial registered agent at that office. A post office box number may be provided in addition to the street address;

(4) The name and address of each incorporator; and

(5) Any provision limiting or eliminating the requirement to hold an annual meeting of the shareholders if the corporation is registered or intends to register as an investment company under the federal Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, 15 U.S.C. 80a-1 et seq. The provision is not effective if such corporation does not become or ceases to be so registered.

(b) The articles of incorporation may set forth:

(1) The names and addresses of the individuals who are to serve as the initial directors;

(2) Provisions not inconsistent with law regarding:

(i) The purpose or purposes for which the corporation is organized;

(ii) Managing the business and regulating the affairs of the corporation;

(iii) Defining, limiting, and regulating the powers of the corporation, its board of directors, and shareholders;

(iv) A par value for authorized shares or classes of shares; or

(v) The imposition of personal liability on shareholders for the debts of the corporation to a specified extent and upon specified conditions;

(3) Any provision that under the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act is required or permitted to be set forth in the bylaws;

(4) A provision eliminating or limiting the liability of a director to the corporation or its shareholders for money damages for any action taken, or any failure to take any action, as a director, except liability for (i) the amount of a financial benefit received by a director to which the director is not entitled, (ii) an intentional infliction of harm on the corporation or the shareholders, (iii) a violation of section 21-2,104, or (iv) an intentional violation of criminal law;

(5) A provision permitting or making obligatory indemnification of a director for liability, as defined in subdivision (3) of section 21-2,110, to any person for any action taken, or any failure to take any action, as a director, except liability for (i) receipt of a financial benefit to which the director is not entitled, (ii) an intentional infliction of harm on the corporation or its shareholders, (iii) a violation of section 21-2,104, or (iv) an intentional violation of criminal law; and

(6) A provision limiting or eliminating any duty of a director or any other person to offer the corporation the right to have or participate in any, or one or more classes or categories of, business opportunities, prior to the pursuit or taking of the opportunity by the director or other person. Any application of such a provision to an officer or a related person of that officer (i) also requires a determination by the board of directors by action of qualified directors taken in compliance with the same procedures as are set forth in section 21-2,122 subsequent to the effective date of the provision applying the provision to a particular officer or any related person of that officer, and (ii) may be limited by the authorizing action of the board.

(c) The articles of incorporation need not set forth any of the corporate powers enumerated in the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act.

(d) Provisions of the articles of incorporation may be made dependent upon facts objectively ascertainable outside the articles of incorporation in accordance with subsection (k) of section 21-203.

(e) As used in this section, related person has the meaning specified in section 21-2,120.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 20;    Laws 2017, LB35, § 4.    

21-221. Incorporation.

(MBCA 2.03) (a) Unless a delayed effective date is specified, the corporate existence begins when the articles of incorporation are filed.

(b) The Secretary of State's filing of the articles of incorporation is conclusive proof that the incorporators satisfied all conditions precedent to incorporation except in a proceeding by the state to cancel or revoke the incorporation or involuntarily dissolve the corporation.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 21.    

21-222. Liability for preincorporation transactions.

(MBCA 2.04) All persons purporting to act as or on behalf of a corporation, knowing there was no incorporation under the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act, are jointly and severally liable for all liabilities created while so acting.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 22.    

21-223. Organization of corporation.

(MBCA 2.05) (a) After incorporation:

(1) If initial directors are named in the articles of incorporation, the initial directors shall hold an organizational meeting, at the call of a majority of the directors, to complete the organization of the corporation by appointing officers, adopting bylaws, and carrying on any other business brought before the meeting; or

(2) If initial directors are not named in the articles, the incorporator or incorporators shall hold an organizational meeting at the call of a majority of the incorporators:

(i) To elect directors and complete the organization of the corporation; or

(ii) To elect a board of directors who shall complete the organization of the corporation.

(b) Action required or permitted by the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act to be taken by incorporators at an organizational meeting may be taken without a meeting if the action taken is evidenced by one or more written consents describing the action taken and signed by each incorporator.

(c) An organizational meeting may be held in or out of this state.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 23.    

21-224. Bylaws.

(MBCA 2.06) (a) The incorporators or board of directors of a corporation shall adopt initial bylaws for the corporation.

(b) The bylaws of a corporation may contain any provision that is not inconsistent with law or the articles of incorporation.

(c) The bylaws may contain one or both of the following provisions:

(1) A requirement that if the corporation solicits proxies or consents with respect to an election of directors, the corporation include in its proxy statement and any form of its proxy or consent, to the extent and subject to such procedures or conditions as are provided in the bylaws, one or more individuals nominated by a shareholder in addition to individuals nominated by the board of directors; and

(2) A requirement that the corporation reimburse the expenses incurred by a shareholder in soliciting proxies or consents in connection with an election of directors, to the extent and subject to such procedures and conditions as are provided in the bylaws, except that no bylaw so adopted shall apply to elections for which any record date precedes its adoption.

(d) Notwithstanding subdivision (b)(2) of section 21-2,159, the shareholders in amending, repealing, or adopting a bylaw described in subsection (c) of this section may not limit the authority of the board of directors to amend or repeal any condition or procedure set forth in or to add any procedure or condition to such a bylaw in order to provide for a reasonable, practicable, and orderly process.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 24.    

21-225. Emergency bylaws.

(MBCA 2.07) (a) Unless the articles of incorporation provide otherwise, the board of directors of a corporation may adopt bylaws to be effective only in an emergency defined in subsection (d) of this section. The emergency bylaws, which are subject to amendment or repeal by the shareholders, may make all provisions necessary for managing the corporation during the emergency, including:

(1) Procedures for calling a meeting of the board of directors;

(2) Quorum requirements for the meeting; and

(3) Designation of additional or substitute directors.

(b) All provisions of the regular bylaws consistent with the emergency bylaws remain effective during the emergency. The emergency bylaws are not effective after the emergency ends.

(c) Corporate action taken in good faith in accordance with the emergency bylaws:

(1) Binds the corporation; and

(2) May not be used to impose liability on a corporate director, officer, employee, or agent.

(d) An emergency exists for purposes of this section if a quorum of the corporation's directors cannot readily be assembled because of some catastrophic event.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 25.    

21-226. Purposes.

(MBCA 3.01) (a) Every corporation incorporated under the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act has the purpose of engaging in any lawful business unless a more limited purpose is set forth in the articles of incorporation.

(b) A corporation engaging in a business that is subject to regulation under another statute of this state may incorporate under the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act only if permitted by, and subject to all limitations of, the other statute.

(c) Corporations shall not be organized under the act to perform any professional services as specified in section 21-2202 except for professional services rendered by a designated broker as defined in section 81-885.01.

(d) A designated broker as defined in section 81-885.01 may be organized as a corporation under the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 26.    

21-227. General powers.

(MBCA 3.02) Unless its articles of incorporation provide otherwise, every corporation has perpetual duration and succession in its corporate name and has the same powers as an individual to do all things necessary or convenient to carry out its business and affairs, including without limitation power:

(1) To sue and be sued, complain, and defend in its corporate name;

(2) To have a corporate seal, which may be altered at will, and to use it, or a facsimile of it, by impressing or affixing it or in any other manner reproducing it;

(3) To make and amend bylaws, not inconsistent with its articles of incorporation or with the laws of this state, for managing the business and regulating the affairs of the corporation;

(4) To purchase, receive, lease, or otherwise acquire and own, hold, improve, use, and otherwise deal with real or personal property or any legal or equitable interest in property, wherever located;

(5) To sell, convey, mortgage, pledge, lease, exchange, and otherwise dispose of all or any part of its property. A corporation may transfer any interest in real estate by instrument, with or without a corporate seal, signed by the president, a vice president, or the presiding officer of the board of directors of the corporation. Such instrument, when acknowledged by such officer to be an act of the corporation, is presumed to be valid and may be recorded in the proper office of the county in which the real estate is located in the same manner as other such instruments;

(6) To purchase, receive, subscribe for, or otherwise acquire; own, hold, vote, use, sell, mortgage, lend, pledge, or otherwise dispose of; and deal in and with shares or other interests in, or obligations of, any other entity;

(7) To make contracts and guarantees, incur liabilities, borrow money, issue its notes, bonds, and other obligations, which may be convertible into or include the option to purchase other securities of the corporation, and secure any of its obligations by mortgage or pledge of any of its property, franchises, or income;

(8) To lend money, invest and reinvest its funds, and receive and hold real and personal property as security for repayment;

(9) To be a promoter, partner, member, associate, or manager of any limited liability company, partnership, joint venture, trust, or other entity;

(10) To conduct its business, locate offices, and exercise the powers granted by the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act within or without this state;

(11) To elect directors and appoint officers, employees, and agents of the corporation, define their duties, fix their compensation, and lend them money and credit;

(12) To pay pensions and establish pension plans, pension trusts, profit-sharing plans, share bonus plans, share option plans, and benefit or incentive plans for any or all of its current or former directors, officers, employees, and agents;

(13) To make donations for the public welfare or for charitable, scientific, or educational purposes;

(14) To transact any lawful business that will aid governmental policy; and

(15) To make payments or donations, or do any other act, not inconsistent with law, that furthers the business and affairs of the corporation.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 27;    Laws 2016, LB794, § 4.    

21-228. Emergency powers.

(MBCA 3.03) (a) In anticipation of or during an emergency defined in subsection (d) of this section, the board of directors of a corporation may:

(1) Modify lines of succession to accommodate the incapacity of any director, officer, employee, or agent; and

(2) Relocate the principal office, designate alternative principal offices or regional offices, or authorize the officers to do so.

(b) During an emergency defined in subsection (d) of this section, unless emergency bylaws provide otherwise:

(1) Notice of a meeting of the board of directors need be given only to those directors whom it is practicable to reach and may be given in any practicable manner, including by publication and radio; and

(2) One or more officers of the corporation present at a meeting of the board of directors may be deemed to be directors for the meeting, in order of rank and within the same rank in order of seniority, as necessary to achieve a quorum.

(c) Corporate action taken in good faith during an emergency under this section to further the ordinary business affairs of the corporation:

(1) Binds the corporation; and

(2) May not be used to impose liability on a corporate director, officer, employee, or agent.

(d) An emergency exists for purposes of this section if a quorum of the corporation's directors cannot readily be assembled because of some catastrophic event.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 28.    

21-229. Ultra vires.

(MBCA 3.04) (a) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, the validity of corporate action may not be challenged on the ground that the corporation lacks or lacked power to act.

(b) A corporation's power to act may be challenged:

(1) In a proceeding by a shareholder against the corporation to enjoin the act;

(2) In a proceeding by the corporation, directly, derivatively, or through a receiver, trustee, or other legal representative, against an incumbent or former director, officer, employee, or agent of the corporation; or

(3) In a proceeding by the Attorney General under section 21-2,197.

(c) In a shareholder's proceeding under subdivision (b)(1) of this section to enjoin an unauthorized corporate act, the court may enjoin or set aside the act, if equitable and if all affected persons are parties to the proceeding, and may award damages for loss, other than anticipated profits, suffered by the corporation or another party because of enjoining the unauthorized act.

(d) Venue for a proceeding under subdivision (b)(1) or (b)(2) of this section lies in the district court of the county where the corporation's principal office, or, if none in this state, its registered office, is located.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 29.    

21-230. Corporate name.

(MBCA 4.01) (a) A corporate name:

(1) Must contain the word corporation, incorporated, company, or limited, or the abbreviation corp., inc., co., or ltd., or words or abbreviations of like import in another language, except that a corporation organized to conduct a banking business under the Nebraska Banking Act may use a name which includes the word bank without using any such words or abbreviations; and

(2) May not contain language stating or implying that the corporation is organized for a purpose other than that permitted by section 21-226 and its articles of incorporation.

(b) Except as authorized by subsections (c) and (d) of this section, a corporate name must not be the same as or deceptively similar to, upon the records of the Secretary of State:

(1) The corporate name of a corporation incorporated or authorized to transact business in this state;

(2) A corporate name reserved or registered under section 21-231 or 21-232;

(3) The fictitious name adopted by a foreign corporation authorized to transact business in this state because its real name is unavailable;

(4) The corporate name of a not-for-profit corporation incorporated or authorized to transact business in this state;

(5) A trade name registered in this state pursuant to sections 87-208 to 87-219.01; and

(6) Any other business entity name registered or filed with the Secretary of State pursuant to the law of this state.

(c) A corporation may apply to the Secretary of State for authorization to use a name that is deceptively similar to, upon the records of the Secretary of State, one or more of the names described in subsection (b) of this section. The Secretary of State shall authorize use of the name applied for if:

(1) The other corporation or business entity consents to the use in writing; or

(2) The applicant delivers to the Secretary of State a certified copy of the final judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction establishing the applicant's right to use the name applied for in this state.

(d) A corporation may use the name, including the fictitious name, of another domestic or foreign corporation or business entity that is used in this state if the other corporation or business entity is incorporated or authorized to transact business in this state and the proposed user corporation:

(1) Has merged with the other corporation or business entity;

(2) Has been formed by reorganization of the other corporation or business entity; or

(3) Has acquired all or substantially all of the assets, including the corporate name, of the other corporation or business entity.

(e) The Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act does not control the use of fictitious names.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 30.    

Cross References

21-231. Reserved name.

(MBCA 4.02) (a) A person may reserve the exclusive use of a corporate name, including a fictitious name for a foreign corporation whose corporate name is not available, by delivering an application to the Secretary of State for filing. The application must set forth the name and address of the applicant and the name proposed to be reserved. If the Secretary of State finds that the corporate name applied for is available, the Secretary of State shall reserve the name for the applicant's exclusive use for a nonrenewable one-hundred-twenty-day period.

(b) The owner of a reserved corporate name may transfer the reservation to another person by delivering to the Secretary of State a signed notice of the transfer that states the name and address of the transferee.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 31.    

21-232. Registered name.

(MBCA 4.03) (a) A foreign corporation may register its corporate name, or its corporate name with any addition required by section 21-2,208, if the name is not the same as or deceptively similar to, upon the records of the Secretary of State, the corporate names that are not available under subsection (b) of section 21-230.

(b) A foreign corporation registers its corporate name, or its corporate name with any addition required by section 21-2,208, by delivering to the Secretary of State for filing an application:

(1) Setting forth its corporate name, or its corporate name with any addition required by section 21-2,208, the state or country and date of its incorporation, and a brief description of the nature of the business in which it is engaged; and

(2) Accompanied by a certificate of existence, or a document of similar import, from the state or country of incorporation. Such certificate or document shall not bear a date of more than sixty days prior to the date the application is delivered.

(c) The name is registered for the applicant's exclusive use upon the effective date of the application.

(d) A foreign corporation whose registration is effective may renew it for successive years by delivering to the Secretary of State for filing a renewal application, which complies with the requirements of subsection (b) of this section, between October 1 and December 31 of the preceding year. The renewal application when filed renews the registration for the following calendar year.

(e) A foreign corporation whose registration is effective may thereafter qualify as a foreign corporation under the registered name or consent in writing to the use of that name by a corporation thereafter incorporated under the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act or by another foreign corporation thereafter authorized to transact business in this state. The registration terminates when the domestic corporation is incorporated or the foreign corporation qualifies or consents to the qualification of another foreign corporation under the registered name.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 32.    

21-233. Registered office and registered agent.

(MBCA 5.01) Each corporation must continuously maintain in this state:

(1) A registered office that may be the same as any of its places of business; and

(2) A registered agent, who may be:

(i) An individual who resides in this state and whose business office is identical with the registered office; or

(ii) A domestic or foreign corporation or other eligible entity whose business office is identical with the registered office and, in the case of a foreign corporation or foreign eligible entity, is authorized to transact business in the state.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 33.    

21-234. Change of registered office or registered agent.

(MBCA 5.02) (a) A corporation may change its registered office or registered agent by delivering to the Secretary of State for filing a statement of change that sets forth:

(1) The name of the corporation;

(2) The street address of its current registered office;

(3) If the current registered office is to be changed, the street address of the new registered office;

(4) The name and street address of its current registered agent. A post office box number may be provided in addition to the street address;

(5) If the current registered agent is to be changed, the name of the new registered agent and the new agent's written consent, either on the statement or attached to it, to the appointment; and

(6) That after the change or changes are made, the street addresses of its registered office and the business office of its registered agent will be identical.

(b) If the street address or post office box number of a registered agent's business office changes, the agent may change the street address or, if one exists, the post office box number, of the registered office of any corporation for which the agent is the registered agent by delivering a signed written notice of the change to the corporation and signing, either manually or in facsimile, and delivering to the Secretary of State for filing a signed statement that complies with the requirements of subsection (a) of this section and recites that the corporation has been notified of the change.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 34.    

21-235. Resignation of registered agent.

(MBCA 5.03) (a) A registered agent may resign the agent's appointment by signing and delivering to the Secretary of State for filing the signed original and two exact or conformed copies of a statement of resignation. The statement may include a statement that the registered office is also discontinued.

(b) After filing the statement the Secretary of State shall mail one copy to the registered office, if not discontinued, and the other copy to the corporation at its principal office.

(c) The agency appointment is terminated, and the registered office discontinued if so provided, on the thirty-first day after the date on which the statement was filed.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 35.    

21-236. Service on corporation.

(MBCA 5.04) (a) A corporation's registered agent is the corporation's agent for service of process, notice, or demand required or permitted by law to be served on the corporation.

(b) If a corporation has no registered agent, or the agent cannot with reasonable diligence be served, the corporation may be served by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to the secretary of the corporation at its principal office. Service is perfected under this subsection at the earliest of:

(1) The date the corporation receives the mail;

(2) The date shown on the return receipt, if signed on behalf of the corporation; or

(3) Five days after its deposit in the United States mail, as evidenced by the postmark, if mailed postpaid and correctly addressed.

(c) This section does not prescribe the only means, or necessarily the required means, of serving a corporation.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 36.    

21-237. Authorized shares.

(MBCA 6.01) (a) The articles of incorporation must set forth any classes of shares and series of shares within a class, and the number of shares of each class and series, that the corporation is authorized to issue. If more than one class or series of shares is authorized, the articles of incorporation must prescribe a distinguishing designation for each class or series and must describe, prior to the issuance of shares of a class or series, the terms, including the preferences, rights, and limitations, of that class or series. Except to the extent varied as permitted by this section, all shares of a class or series must have terms, including preferences, rights, and limitations that are identical with those of other shares of the same class or series.

(b) The articles of incorporation must authorize:

(1) One or more classes or series of shares that together have unlimited voting rights; and

(2) One or more classes or series of shares, which may be the same class or classes as those with voting rights, that together are entitled to receive the net assets of the corporation upon dissolution.

(c) The articles of incorporation may authorize one or more classes or series of shares that:

(1) Have special, conditional, or limited voting rights, or no right to vote, except to the extent otherwise provided by the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act;

(2) Are redeemable or convertible as specified in the articles of incorporation:

(i) At the option of the corporation, the shareholder, or another person or upon the occurrence of a specified event;

(ii) For cash, indebtedness, securities, or other property; and

(iii) At prices and in amounts specified or determined in accordance with a formula;

(3) Entitle the holders to distributions calculated in any manner, including dividends that may be cumulative, noncumulative, or partially cumulative; or

(4) Have preference over any other class or series of shares with respect to distributions, including distributions upon the dissolution of the corporation.

(d) Terms of shares may be made dependent upon facts objectively ascertainable outside the articles of incorporation in accordance with subsection (k) of section 21-203.

(e) Any of the terms of shares may vary among holders of the same class or series so long as such variations are expressly set forth in the articles of incorporation.

(f) The description of the preferences, rights, and limitations of classes or series of shares in subsection (c) of this section is not exhaustive.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 37.    

21-238. Terms of class or series determined by board of directors.

(MBCA 6.02) (a) If the articles of incorporation so provide, the board of directors is authorized, without shareholder approval, to:

(1) Classify any unissued shares into one or more classes or into one or more series within a class;

(2) Reclassify any unissued shares of any class into one or more classes or into one or more series within one or more classes; or

(3) Reclassify any unissued shares of any series of any class into one or more classes or into one or more series within a class.

(b) If the board of directors acts pursuant to subsection (a) of this section, it must determine the terms, including the preferences, rights, and limitations, to the same extent permitted under section 21-237, of:

(1) Any class of shares before the issuance of any shares of that class; or

(2) Any series within a class before the issuance of any shares of that series.

(c) Before issuing any shares of a class or series created under this section, the corporation must deliver to the Secretary of State for filing articles of amendment setting forth the terms determined under subsection (a) of this section.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 38.    

21-239. Issued and outstanding shares.

(MBCA 6.03) (a) A corporation may issue the number of shares of each class or series authorized by the articles of incorporation. Shares that are issued are outstanding shares until they are reacquired, redeemed, converted, or canceled.

(b) The reacquisition, redemption, or conversion of outstanding shares is subject to the limitations of subsection (c) of this section and to section 21-252.

(c) At all times that shares of the corporation are outstanding, one or more shares that together have unlimited voting rights and one or more shares that together are entitled to receive the net assets of the corporation upon dissolution must be outstanding.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 39.    

21-240. Fractional shares.

(MBCA 6.04) (a) A corporation may:

(1) Issue fractions of a share or pay in money the value of fractions of a share;

(2) Arrange for disposition of fractional shares by the shareholders; and

(3) Issue scrip in registered or bearer form entitling the holder to receive a full share upon surrendering enough scrip to equal a full share.

(b) Each certificate representing scrip must be conspicuously labeled scrip and must contain the information required by subsection (b) of section 21-246.

(c) The holder of a fractional share is entitled to exercise the rights of a shareholder, including the right to vote, to receive dividends, and to participate in the assets of the corporation upon liquidation. The holder of scrip is not entitled to any of these rights unless the scrip provides for them.

(d) The board of directors may authorize the issuance of scrip subject to any condition considered desirable, including:

(1) That the scrip will become void if not exchanged for full shares before a specified date; and

(2) That the shares for which the scrip is exchangeable may be sold and the proceeds paid to the scripholders.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 40.    

21-241. Subscription for shares before incorporation.

(MBCA 6.20) (a) A subscription for shares entered into before incorporation is irrevocable for six months unless the subscription agreement provides a longer or shorter period or all the subscribers agree to revocation.

(b) The board of directors may determine the payment terms of subscription for shares that were entered into before incorporation, unless the subscription agreement specifies them. A call for payment by the board of directors must be uniform so far as practicable as to all shares of the same class or series, unless the subscription agreement specifies otherwise.

(c) Shares issued pursuant to subscriptions entered into before incorporation are fully paid and nonassessable when the corporation receives the consideration specified in the subscription agreement.

(d) If a subscriber defaults in payment of money or property under a subscription agreement entered into before incorporation, the corporation may collect the amount owed as any other debt. Alternatively, unless the subscription agreement provides otherwise, the corporation may rescind the agreement and may sell the shares if the debt remains unpaid for more than twenty days after the corporation sends written demand for payment to the subscriber.

(e) A subscription agreement entered into after incorporation is a contract between the subscriber and the corporation subject to section 21-242.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 41.    

21-242. Issuance of shares.

(MBCA 6.21) (a) The powers granted in this section to the board of directors may be reserved to the shareholders by the articles of incorporation.

(b) The board of directors may authorize shares to be issued for consideration consisting of any tangible or intangible property or benefit to the corporation, including cash, promissory notes, services performed, contracts for services to be performed, or other securities of the corporation.

(c) Before the corporation issues shares, the board of directors must determine that the consideration received or to be received for shares to be issued is adequate. That determination by the board of directors is conclusive insofar as the adequacy of consideration for the issuance of shares relates to whether the shares are validly issued, fully paid, and nonassessable.

(d) When the corporation receives the consideration for which the board of directors authorized the issuance of shares, the shares issued therefor are fully paid and nonassessable.

(e) The corporation may place in escrow shares issued for a contract for future services or benefits or a promissory note, or make other arrangements to restrict the transfer of the shares, and may credit distributions in respect of the shares against their purchase price until the services are performed, the note is paid, or the benefits received. If the services are not performed, the note is not paid, or the benefits are not received, the shares escrowed or restricted and the distributions credited may be canceled in whole or part.

(f)(1) An issuance of shares or other securities convertible into or rights exercisable for shares, in a transaction or a series of integrated transactions, requires approval of the shareholders at a meeting at which a quorum consisting of at least a majority of the votes entitled to be cast on the matter exists if:

(i) The shares, other securities, or rights are issued for consideration other than cash or cash equivalents; and

(ii) The voting power of shares that are issued and issuable as a result of the transaction or series of integrated transactions will comprise more than twenty percent of the voting power of the shares of the corporation that were outstanding immediately before the transaction.

(2) In this subsection:

(i) For purposes of determining the voting power of shares issued and issuable as a result of a transaction or series of integrated transactions, the voting power of shares shall be the greater of (A) the voting power of the shares to be issued or (B) the voting power of the shares that would be outstanding after giving effect to the conversion of convertible shares and other securities and the exercise of rights to be issued; and

(ii) A series of transactions is integrated if consummation of one transaction is made contingent on consummation of one or more of the other transactions.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 42.    

21-243. Liability of shareholders.

(MBCA 6.22) (a) A purchaser from a corporation of its own shares is not liable to the corporation or its creditors with respect to the shares except to pay the consideration for which the shares were authorized to be issued under section 21-242 or specified in the subscription agreement under section 21-241.

(b) Unless otherwise provided in the articles of incorporation, a shareholder of a corporation is not personally liable for the acts or debts of the corporation, except that he or she may become personally liable by reason of his or her own acts or conduct.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 43.    

21-244. Share dividends.

(MBCA 6.23) (a) Unless the articles of incorporation provide otherwise, shares may be issued pro rata and without consideration to the corporation's shareholders or to the shareholders of one or more classes or series. An issuance of shares under this subsection is a share dividend.

(b) Shares of one class or series may not be issued as a share dividend in respect of shares of another class or series unless (1) the articles of incorporation so authorize, (2) a majority of the votes entitled to be cast by the class or series to be issued approve the issue, or (3) there are no outstanding shares of the class or series to be issued.

(c) If the board of directors does not fix the record date for determining shareholders entitled to a share dividend, it is the date the board of directors authorizes the share dividend.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 44.    

21-245. Share options and other awards.

(MBCA 6.24) (a) A corporation may issue rights, options, or warrants for the purchase of shares or other securities of the corporation. The board of directors shall determine (1) the terms upon which the rights, options, or warrants are issued and (2) the terms, including the consideration for which the shares or other securities are to be issued. The authorization by the board of directors for the corporation to issue such rights, options, or warrants constitutes authorization of the issuance of the shares or other securities for which the rights, options, or warrants are exercisable.

(b) The terms and conditions of such rights, options, or warrants, including those outstanding on January 1, 2017, may include, without limitation, restrictions or conditions that:

(1) Preclude or limit the exercise, transfer, or receipt of such rights, options, or warrants by any person or persons owning or offering to acquire a specified number or percentage of the outstanding shares or other securities of the corporation or by any transferee or transferees of any such person or persons; or

(2) Invalidate or void such rights, options, or warrants held by any such person or persons or any such transferee or transferees.

(c) The board of directors may authorize one or more officers to (1) designate the recipients of rights, options, warrants, or other equity compensation awards that involve the issuance of shares and (2) determine, within an amount and subject to any other limitations established by the board and, if applicable, the stockholders, the number of such rights, options, warrants, or other equity compensation awards and the terms thereof to be received by the recipients, except that an officer may not use such authority to designate himself or herself or any other persons as the board of directors may specify as a recipient of such rights, options, warrants, or other equity compensation awards.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 45;    Laws 2015, LB157, § 1.    

21-246. Form and content of certificates.

(MBCA 6.25) (a) Shares may but need not be represented by certificates. Unless the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act or another statute expressly provides otherwise, the rights and obligations of shareholders are identical whether or not their shares are represented by certificates.

(b) At a minimum each share certificate must state on its face:

(1) The name of the issuing corporation and that it is organized under the law of this state;

(2) The name of the person to whom issued; and

(3) The number and class of shares and the designation of the series, if any, the certificate represents.

(c) If the issuing corporation is authorized to issue different classes of shares or different series within a class, the designations, relative rights, preferences, and limitations applicable to each class and the variations in rights, preferences, and limitations determined for each series, and the authority of the board of directors to determine variations for future series, must be summarized on the front or back of each certificate. Alternatively, each certificate may state conspicuously on its front or back that the corporation will furnish the shareholder this information on request in writing and without charge.

(d) Each share certificate (1) must be signed, either manually or in facsimile, by two officers designated in the bylaws or by the board of directors and (2) may bear the corporate seal or its facsimile.

(e) If the person who signed, either manually or in facsimile, a share certificate no longer holds office when the certificate is issued, the certificate is nevertheless valid.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 46.    

21-247. Shares without certificates.

(MBCA 6.26) (a) Unless the articles of incorporation or bylaws provide otherwise, the board of directors of a corporation may authorize the issue of some or all of the shares of any or all of its classes or series without certificates. The authorization does not affect shares already represented by certificates until they are surrendered to the corporation.

(b) Within a reasonable time after the issue or transfer of shares without certificates, the corporation shall send the shareholder a written statement of the information required on certificates by subsections (b) and (c) of section 21-246, and, if applicable, section 21-248.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 47.    

21-248. Restriction on transfer of shares and other securities.

(MBCA 6.27) (a) The articles of incorporation, bylaws, an agreement among shareholders, or an agreement between shareholders and the corporation may impose restrictions on the transfer or registration of transfer of shares of the corporation. A restriction does not affect shares issued before the restriction was adopted unless the holders of the shares are parties to the restriction agreement or voted in favor of the restriction.

(b) A restriction on the transfer or registration of transfer of shares is valid and enforceable against the holder or a transferee of the holder if the restriction is authorized by this section and its existence is noted conspicuously on the front or back of the certificate or is contained in the information statement required by subsection (b) of section 21-247. Unless so noted or contained, a restriction is not enforceable against a person without knowledge of the restriction.

(c) A restriction on the transfer or registration of transfer of shares is authorized:

(1) To maintain the corporation's status when it is dependent on the number or identity of its shareholders;

(2) To preserve exemptions under federal or state securities law or under the Internal Revenue Code; or

(3) For any other reasonable purpose.

(d) A restriction on the transfer or registration of transfer of shares may:

(1) Obligate the shareholder first to offer the corporation or other persons, separately, consecutively, or simultaneously, an opportunity to acquire the restricted shares;

(2) Obligate the corporation or other persons, separately, consecutively, or simultaneously, to acquire the restricted shares;

(3) Require the corporation, the holders of any class of its shares, or another person to approve the transfer of the restricted shares, if the requirement is not manifestly unreasonable; or

(4) Prohibit the transfer of the restricted shares to designated persons or classes of persons, if the prohibition is not manifestly unreasonable.

(e) For purposes of this section, shares includes a security convertible into or carrying a right to subscribe for or acquire shares.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 48.    

21-249. Expense of issue.

(MBCA 6.28) A corporation may pay the expenses of selling or underwriting its shares and of organizing or reorganizing the corporation from the consideration received for shares.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 49.    

21-250. Shareholders' preemptive rights.

(MBCA 6.30) (a) The shareholders of a corporation do not have a preemptive right to acquire the corporation's unissued shares except to the extent the articles of incorporation so provide. The shareholders of a corporation organized prior to January 1, 1996, shall continue to have a preemptive right to acquire the corporation's unissued shares in the manner provided in this section if the articles of incorporation of the corporation did not on or after January 1, 1996, expressly eliminate such preemptive rights to its shareholders.

(b) A statement included in the articles of incorporation that the corporation elects to have preemptive rights, or words of similar import, means that the following principles apply except to the extent the articles of incorporation expressly provide otherwise:

(1) The shareholders of the corporation have a preemptive right, granted on uniform terms and conditions prescribed by the board of directors to provide a fair and reasonable opportunity to exercise the right, to acquire proportional amounts of the corporation's unissued shares upon the decision of the board of directors to issue them;

(2) A shareholder may waive his or her preemptive right. A waiver evidenced by a writing is irrevocable even though it is not supported by consideration;

(3) There is no preemptive right with respect to:

(i) Shares issued as compensation to directors, officers, agents, or employees of the corporation, its subsidiaries or affiliates;

(ii) Shares issued to satisfy conversion or option rights created to provide compensation to directors, officers, agents, or employees of the corporation, its subsidiaries or affiliates;

(iii) Shares authorized in articles of incorporation that are issued within six months from the effective date of incorporation; and

(iv) Shares sold otherwise than for money;

(4) Holders of shares of any class without general voting rights but with preferential rights to distributions or assets have no preemptive rights with respect to shares of any class;

(5) Holders of shares of any class with general voting rights but without preferential rights to distributions or assets have no preemptive rights with respect to shares of any class with preferential rights to distributions or assets unless the shares with preferential rights are convertible into or carry a right to subscribe for or acquire shares without preferential rights; and

(6) Shares subject to preemptive rights that are not acquired by shareholders may be issued to any person for a period of one year after being offered to shareholders at a consideration set by the board of directors that is not lower than the consideration set for the exercise of preemptive rights. An offer at a lower consideration or after the expiration of one year is subject to the shareholders' preemptive rights.

(c) For purposes of this section, shares includes a security convertible into or carrying a right to subscribe for or acquire shares.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 50;    Laws 2016, LB794, § 5.    

21-251. Corporation's acquisition of its own shares.

(MBCA 6.31) (a) A corporation may acquire its own shares, and shares so acquired constitute authorized but unissued shares.

(b) If the articles of incorporation prohibit the reissue of the acquired shares, the number of authorized shares is reduced by the number of shares acquired.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 51.    

21-252. Distributions to shareholders.

(MBCA 6.40) (a) A board of directors may authorize and the corporation may make distributions to its shareholders subject to restriction by the articles of incorporation and the limitation in subsection (c) of this section.

(b) If the board of directors does not fix the record date for determining shareholders entitled to a distribution, other than one involving a purchase, redemption, or other acquisition of the corporation's shares, it is the date the board of directors authorizes the distribution.

(c) No distribution may be made if, after giving it effect:

(1) The corporation would not be able to pay its debts as they become due in the usual course of business; or

(2) The corporation's total assets would be less than the sum of its total liabilities plus, unless the articles of incorporation permit otherwise, the amount that would be needed, if the corporation were to be dissolved at the time of the distribution, to satisfy the preferential rights upon dissolution of shareholders whose preferential rights are superior to those receiving the distribution.

(d) The board of directors may base a determination that a distribution is not prohibited under subsection (c) of this section either on financial statements prepared on the basis of accounting practices and principles that are reasonable in the circumstances or on a fair valuation or other method that is reasonable in the circumstances.

(e) Except as provided in subsection (g) of this section, the effect of a distribution under subsection (c) of this section is measured:

(1) In the case of distribution by purchase, redemption, or other acquisition of the corporation's shares, as of the earlier of (i) the date money or other property is transferred or debt incurred by the corporation or (ii) the date the shareholder ceases to be a shareholder with respect to the acquired shares;

(2) In the case of any other distribution of indebtedness, as of the date the indebtedness is distributed; and

(3) In all other cases, as of (i) the date the distribution is authorized if the payment occurs within one hundred twenty days after the date of authorization or (ii) the date the payment is made if it occurs more than one hundred twenty days after the date of authorization.

(f) A corporation's indebtedness to a shareholder incurred by reason of a distribution made in accordance with this section is at parity with the corporation's indebtedness to its general, unsecured creditors except to the extent subordinated by agreement.

(g) Indebtedness of a corporation, including indebtedness issued as a distribution, is not considered a liability for purposes of determinations under subsection (c) of this section if its terms provide that payment of principal and interest are made only if and to the extent that payment of a distribution to shareholders could then be made under this section. If the indebtedness is issued as a distribution, each payment of principal or interest is treated as a distribution, the effect of which is measured on the date the payment is actually made.

(h) This section shall not apply to distributions in liquidation under sections 21-2,184 to 21-2,202.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 52.    

21-253. Annual meeting.

(MBCA 7.01) (a) Unless directors are elected by written consent in lieu of an annual meeting as permitted by section 21-256, a corporation shall hold a meeting of shareholders annually at a time stated in or fixed in accordance with the bylaws.

(b) Annual shareholders' meetings may be held in or out of this state at the place stated in or fixed in accordance with the bylaws. If no place is stated in or fixed in accordance with the bylaws, annual meetings shall be held at the corporation's principal office.

(c) The failure to hold an annual meeting at the time stated in or fixed in accordance with a corporation's bylaws does not affect the validity of any corporate action.

(d) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, a corporation registered as an investment company under the federal Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, 15 U.S.C. 80a-1 et seq., which, pursuant to section 21-220, has included in its articles of incorporation a provision limiting or eliminating the requirement to hold an annual meeting of the shareholders, is not required to hold an annual meeting of the shareholders except as provided in such articles of incorporation or as otherwise required by such act and the rules and regulations adopted and promulgated under such act.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 53;    Laws 2016, LB794, § 6.    

21-254. Special meeting.

(MBCA 7.02) (a) A corporation shall hold a special meeting of shareholders:

(1) On call of its board of directors or the person or persons authorized to do so by the articles of incorporation or bylaws; or

(2) If shareholders holding at least ten percent of all the votes entitled to be cast on an issue proposed to be considered at the proposed special meeting sign, date, and deliver to the corporation one or more written demands for the meeting describing the purpose or purposes for which it is to be held, except that the articles of incorporation may fix a lower percentage or a higher percentage not exceeding twenty-five percent of all the votes entitled to be cast on any issue proposed to be considered. Unless otherwise provided in the articles of incorporation, a written demand for a special meeting may be revoked by a writing to that effect received by the corporation prior to the receipt by the corporation of demands sufficient in number to require the holding of a special meeting.

(b) If not otherwise fixed under section 21-255 or 21-259, the record date for determining shareholders entitled to demand a special meeting is the date the first shareholder signs the demand.

(c) Special shareholders' meetings may be held in or out of this state at the place stated in or fixed in accordance with the bylaws. If no place is stated or fixed in accordance with the bylaws, special meetings shall be held at the corporation's principal office.

(d) Only business within the purpose or purposes described in the meeting notice required by subsection (c) of section 21-257 may be conducted at a special shareholders' meeting.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 54;    Laws 2017, LB35, § 5.    

21-255. Court-ordered meeting.

(MBCA 7.03) (a) The district court of the county where a corporation's principal office, or, if none in this state, its registered office, is located may summarily order a meeting to be held:

(1) On application of any shareholder of the corporation, if an annual meeting was not held or action by written consent in lieu thereof did not become effective within the earlier of six months after the end of the corporation's fiscal year or fifteen months after its last annual meeting; or

(2) On application of a shareholder who signed a demand for a special meeting valid under section 21-254, if:

(i) Notice of the special meeting was not given within thirty days after the date the demand was delivered to the corporation's secretary; or

(ii) The special meeting was not held in accordance with the notice.

(b) The court may fix the time and place of the meeting, determine the shares entitled to participate in the meeting, specify a record date or dates for determining shareholders entitled to notice of and to vote at the meeting, prescribe the form and content of the meeting notice, fix the quorum required for specific matters to be considered at the meeting or direct that the votes represented at the meeting constitute a quorum for action on those matters, and enter other orders necessary to accomplish the purpose or purposes of the meeting.

(c) For purposes of subdivision (a)(1) of this section, shareholder means a record shareholder, a beneficial shareholder, and an unrestricted voting trust beneficial owner.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 55;    Laws 2017, LB35, § 6.    

21-256. Action without meeting.

(MBCA 7.04) (a) Action required or permitted by the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act to be taken at a shareholders' meeting may be taken without a meeting if the action is taken by all the shareholders entitled to vote on the action. The action must be evidenced by one or more written consents bearing the date of signature and describing the action taken, signed by all the shareholders entitled to vote on the action and delivered to the corporation for inclusion in the minutes or filing with the corporation records.

(b) The articles of incorporation may provide that any action required or permitted by the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act to be taken at a shareholders' meeting may be taken without a meeting, and without prior notice, if consents in writing setting forth the action so taken are signed by the holders of outstanding shares having not less than the minimum number of votes that would be required to authorize or take the action at a meeting at which all shares entitled to vote on the action were present and voted; provided that the use of written consent to elect directors must be unanimous. The written consent shall bear the date of signature of the shareholder who signs the consent and be delivered to the corporation for inclusion in the minutes or filing with the corporation records.

(c) If not otherwise fixed under section 21-259 and if prior board action is not required respecting the action to be taken without a meeting, the record date for determining the shareholders entitled to take action without a meeting shall be the first date on which a signed written consent is delivered to the corporation. If not otherwise fixed under section 21-259 and if prior board action is required respecting the action to be taken without a meeting, the record date shall be the close of business on the day the resolution of the board taking such prior action is adopted. No written consent shall be effective to take the corporate action referred to therein unless, within sixty days of the earliest date on which a consent delivered to the corporation as required by this section was signed, written consents signed by sufficient shareholders to take the action have been delivered to the corporation. A written consent may be revoked by a writing to that effect delivered to the corporation before unrevoked written consents sufficient in number to take the corporate action are delivered to the corporation.

(d) A consent signed pursuant to the provisions of this section has the effect of a vote taken at a meeting and may be described as such in any document. Unless the articles of incorporation, bylaws, or a resolution of the board of directors provides for a reasonable delay to permit tabulation of written consents, the action taken by written consent shall be effective when written consents signed by sufficient shareholders to take the action are delivered to the corporation.

(e) If the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act requires that notice of a proposed action be given to nonvoting shareholders and the action is to be taken by written consent of the voting shareholders, the corporation must give its nonvoting shareholders written notice of the action not more than ten days after (1) written consents sufficient to take the action have been delivered to the corporation or (2) such later date that tabulation of consents is completed pursuant to an authorization under subsection (d) of this section. The notice must reasonably describe the action taken and contain or be accompanied by the same material that, under any provision of the act, would have been required to be sent to nonvoting shareholders in a notice of a meeting at which the proposed action would have been submitted to the shareholders for action.

(f) If action is taken by less than unanimous written consent of the voting shareholders, the corporation must give its nonconsenting voting shareholders written notice of the action not more than ten days after (1) written consents sufficient to take the action have been delivered to the corporation or (2) such later date that tabulation of consents is completed pursuant to an authorization under subsection (d) of this section. The notice must reasonably describe the action taken and contain or be accompanied by the same material that, under any provision of the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act, would have been required to be sent to voting shareholders in a notice of a meeting at which the action would have been submitted to the shareholders for action.

(g) The notice requirements in subsections (e) and (f) of this section shall not delay the effectiveness of actions taken by written consent, and a failure to comply with such notice requirements shall not invalidate actions taken by written consent, except that this subsection shall not be deemed to limit judicial power to fashion any appropriate remedy in favor of a shareholder adversely affected by a failure to give such notice within the required time period.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 56;    Laws 2016, LB794, § 7.    

21-257. Notice of meeting.

(MBCA 7.05) (a) A corporation shall notify shareholders of the date, time, and place of each annual and special shareholders' meeting no fewer than ten nor more than sixty days before the meeting date. If the board of directors has authorized participation by means of remote communication pursuant to section 21-261 for any class or series of shareholders, the notice to such class or series of shareholders shall describe the means of remote communication to be used. The notice shall include the record date for determining the shareholders entitled to vote at the meeting, if such date is different than the record date for determining shareholders entitled to notice of the meeting. Unless the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act or the articles of incorporation require otherwise, the corporation is required to give notice only to shareholders entitled to vote at the meeting as of the record date for determining the shareholders entitled to notice of the meeting.

(b) Unless the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act or the articles of incorporation require otherwise, notice of an annual meeting need not include a description of the purpose or purposes for which the meeting is called.

(c) Notice of a special meeting must include a description of the purpose or purposes for which the meeting is called.

(d) If not otherwise fixed under section 21-255 or 21-259, the record date for determining shareholders entitled to notice of and to vote at an annual or special shareholders' meeting is the day before the first notice is delivered to shareholders.

(e) Unless the bylaws require otherwise, if an annual or special shareholders' meeting is adjourned to a different date, time, or place, notice need not be given of the new date, time, or place if the new date, time, or place is announced at the meeting before adjournment. If a new record date for the adjourned meeting is or must be fixed under section 21-259, however, notice of the adjourned meeting must be given under this section to shareholders entitled to vote at such adjourned meeting as of the record date fixed for notice of such adjourned meeting.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 57.    

21-258. Waiver of notice.

(MBCA 7.06) (a) A shareholder may waive any notice required by the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act, the articles of incorporation, or bylaws before or after the date and time stated in the notice. The waiver must be in writing, be signed by the shareholder entitled to the notice, and be delivered to the corporation for inclusion in the minutes or filing with the corporate records.

(b) A shareholder's attendance at a meeting:

(1) Waives objection to lack of notice or defective notice of the meeting, unless the shareholder at the beginning of the meeting objects to holding the meeting or transacting business at the meeting; and

(2) Waives objection to consideration of a particular matter at the meeting that is not within the purpose or purposes described in the meeting notice, unless the shareholder objects to considering the matter when it is presented.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 58.    

21-259. Record date.

(MBCA 7.07) (a) The bylaws may fix or provide the manner of fixing the record date or dates for one or more voting groups in order to determine the shareholders entitled to notice of a shareholders' meeting, to demand a special meeting, to vote, or to take any other action. If the bylaws do not fix or provide for fixing a record date, the board of directors of the corporation may fix a future date as the record date.

(b) A record date fixed under this section may not be more than seventy days before the meeting or action requiring a determination of shareholders.

(c) A determination of shareholders entitled to notice of or to vote at a shareholders' meeting is effective for any adjournment of the meeting unless the board of directors fixes a new record date or dates which it must do if the meeting is adjourned to a date more than one hundred twenty days after the date fixed for the original meeting.

(d) If a court orders a meeting adjourned to a date more than one hundred twenty days after the date fixed for the original meeting, it may provide that the original record date or dates continue in effect or it may fix a new record date or dates.

(e) The record date for a shareholders' meeting fixed by or in the manner provided in the bylaws or by the board of directors shall be the record date for determining shareholders entitled both to notice of and to vote at the shareholders' meeting, unless in the case of a record date fixed by the board of directors and to the extent not prohibited by the bylaws, the board, at the time it fixes the record date for shareholders entitled to notice of the meeting, fixes a later record date on or before the date of the meeting to determine the shareholders entitled to vote at the meeting.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 59.    

21-260. Conduct of the meeting.

(MBCA 7.08) (a) At each meeting of shareholders, a chairperson shall preside. The chairperson shall be appointed as provided in the bylaws or, in the absence of such provision, by the board.

(b) The chairperson, unless the articles of incorporation or bylaws provide otherwise, shall determine the order of business and shall have the authority to establish rules for the conduct of the meeting.

(c) Any rules adopted for, and the conduct of, the meeting shall be fair to shareholders.

(d) The chairperson of the meeting shall announce at the meeting when the polls close for each matter voted upon. If no announcement is made, the polls shall be deemed to have closed upon the final adjournment of the meeting. After the polls close, no ballots, proxies, or votes nor any revocations or changes thereto may be accepted.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 60.    

21-261. Remote participation in annual and special meetings.

(MBCA 7.09) (a) Shareholders of any class or series may participate in any meeting of shareholders by means of remote communication to the extent the board of directors authorizes such participation for such class or series. Participation by means of remote communication shall be subject to such guidelines and procedures as the board of directors adopts and shall be in conformity with subsection (b) of this section.

(b) Shareholders participating in a shareholders' meeting by means of remote communication shall be deemed present and may vote at such a meeting if the corporation has implemented reasonable measures:

(1) To verify that each person participating remotely is a shareholder; and

(2) To provide such shareholders a reasonable opportunity to participate in the meeting and to vote on matters submitted to the shareholders, including an opportunity to communicate and to read or hear the proceedings of the meeting substantially concurrently with such proceedings.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 61.    

21-262. Shareholders' list for meeting.

(MBCA 7.20) (a) After fixing a record date for a meeting, a corporation shall prepare an alphabetical list of the names of all its shareholders who are entitled to notice of a shareholders' meeting. If the board of directors fixes a different record date under subsection (e) of section 21-259 to determine the shareholders entitled to vote at the meeting, a corporation also shall prepare an alphabetical list of the names of all its shareholders who are entitled to vote at the meeting. A list must be arranged by voting group, and within each voting group by class or series of shares, and show the address of and number of shares held by each shareholder.

(b) The shareholders' list for notice must be available for inspection by any shareholder, beginning two business days after notice of the meeting is given for which the list was prepared and continuing through the meeting, at the corporation's principal office or at a place identified in the meeting notice in the city where the meeting will be held. A shareholders' list for voting must be similarly available for inspection promptly after the record date for voting. A shareholder, or the shareholder's agent or attorney, is entitled upon written demand to inspect and, subject to the requirements of subsection (c) of section 21-2,222, to copy a list, during regular business hours and at the shareholder's expense, during the period it is available for inspection.

(c) The corporation shall make the list of shareholders entitled to vote available at the meeting, and any shareholder, or the shareholder's agent or attorney, is entitled to inspect the list at any time during the meeting or any adjournment.

(d) If the corporation refuses to allow a shareholder, or the shareholder's agent or attorney, to inspect a shareholders' list before or at the meeting or copy a list as permitted by subsection (b) of this section, the district court of the county where a corporation's principal office, or, if none in this state, its registered office, is located, on application of the shareholder, may summarily order the inspection or copying at the corporation's expense and may postpone the meeting for which the list was prepared until the inspection or copying is complete.

(e) Refusal or failure to prepare or make available the shareholders' list does not affect the validity of action taken at the meeting.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 62.    

21-263. Voting entitlement of shares.

(MBCA 7.21) (a) Except as provided in subsections (b) and (d) of this section or unless the articles of incorporation provide otherwise, each outstanding share, regardless of class, is entitled to one vote on each matter voted on at a shareholders' meeting. Only shares are entitled to vote.

(b) Absent special circumstances, the shares of a corporation are not entitled to vote if they are owned, directly or indirectly, by a second corporation, domestic or foreign, and the first corporation owns, directly or indirectly, a majority of the shares entitled to vote for directors of the second corporation.

(c) Subsection (b) of this section does not limit the power of a corporation to vote any shares, including its own shares, held by it in a fiduciary capacity.

(d) Redeemable shares are not entitled to vote after notice of redemption is mailed to the holders and a sum sufficient to redeem the shares has been deposited with a bank, trust company, or other financial institution under an irrevocable obligation to pay the holders the redemption price on surrender of the shares.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 63.    

21-264. Proxies.

(MBCA 7.22) (a) A shareholder may vote the shareholder's shares in person or by proxy.

(b) A shareholder, or the shareholder's agent or attorney-in-fact, may appoint a proxy to vote or otherwise act for the shareholder by signing an appointment form or by an electronic transmission. An electronic transmission must contain or be accompanied by information from which the recipient can determine the date of the transmission and that the transmission was authorized by the sender or the sender's agent or attorney-in-fact.

(c) An appointment of a proxy is effective when a signed appointment form or an electronic transmission of the appointment is received by the inspector of election or the officer or agent of the corporation authorized to count votes. An appointment is valid for the term provided in the appointment form and, if no term is provided, is valid for eleven months unless the appointment is irrevocable under subsection (d) of this section.

(d) An appointment of a proxy is revocable unless the appointment form or electronic transmission states that it is irrevocable and the appointment is coupled with an interest. Appointments coupled with an interest include the appointment of:

(1) A pledgee;

(2) A person who purchased or agreed to purchase the shares;

(3) A creditor of the corporation who extended it credit under terms requiring the appointment;

(4) An employee of the corporation whose employment contract requires the appointment; or

(5) A party to a voting agreement created under section 21-273.

(e) The death or incapacity of the shareholder appointing a proxy does not affect the right of the corporation to accept the proxy's authority unless notice of the death or incapacity is received by the secretary or other officer or agent authorized to count votes before the proxy exercises authority under the appointment.

(f) An appointment made irrevocable under subsection (d) of this section is revoked when the interest with which it is coupled is extinguished.

(g) Unless it otherwise provides, an appointment made irrevocable under subsection (d) of this section continues in effect after a transfer of the shares and a transferee takes subject to the appointment, except that a transferee for value of shares subject to an irrevocable appointment may revoke the appointment if the transferee did not know of its existence when acquiring the shares and the existence of the irrevocable appointment was not noted conspicuously on the certificate representing the shares or on the information statement for shares without certificates.

(h) Subject to section 21-266 and to any express limitation on the proxy's authority stated in the appointment form or electronic transmission, a corporation is entitled to accept the proxy's vote or other action as that of the shareholder making the appointment.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 64;    Laws 2017, LB35, § 7.    

21-265. Shares held by intermediaries and nominees.

(MBCA 7.23) (a) A corporation's board of directors may establish a procedure under which a person on whose behalf shares are registered in the name of an intermediary or nominee may elect to be treated by the corporation as the record shareholder by filing with the corporation a beneficial ownership certificate. The extent, terms, conditions, and limitations of this treatment shall be specified in the procedure. To the extent such person is treated under such procedure as having rights or privileges that the record shareholder otherwise would have, the record shareholder shall not have those rights or privileges.

(b) The procedure shall specify:

(1) The types of intermediaries or nominees to which it applies;

(2) The rights or privileges that the corporation recognizes in a person with respect to whom a beneficial ownership certificate is filed;

(3) The manner in which the procedure is selected, which shall include that the beneficial ownership certificate be signed or assented to by or on behalf of the record shareholder and the person or persons on whose behalf the shares are held;

(4) The information that must be provided when the procedure is selected;

(5) The period for which selection of the procedure is effective;

(6) Requirements for notice to the corporation with respect to the arrangement; and

(7) The form and contents of the beneficial ownership certificate.

(c) The procedure may specify any other aspects of the rights and duties created by the filing of a beneficial ownership certificate.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 65;    Laws 2017, LB35, § 8.    

21-266. Corporation's acceptance of votes.

(MBCA 7.24) (a) If the name signed on a vote, ballot, consent, waiver, or proxy appointment corresponds to the name of a shareholder, the corporation if acting in good faith is entitled to accept the vote, ballot, consent, waiver, or proxy appointment and give it effect as the act of the shareholder.

(b) If the name signed on a vote, ballot, consent, waiver, or proxy appointment does not correspond to the name of its shareholder, the corporation if acting in good faith is nevertheless entitled to accept the vote, ballot, consent, waiver, or proxy appointment and give it effect as the act of the shareholder if:

(1) The shareholder is an entity and the name signed purports to be that of an officer or agent of the entity;

(2) The name signed purports to be that of an administrator, executor, guardian, or conservator representing the shareholder and, if the corporation requests, evidence of fiduciary status acceptable to the corporation has been presented with respect to the vote, ballot, consent, waiver, or proxy appointment;

(3) The name signed purports to be that of a receiver or trustee in bankruptcy of the shareholder and, if the corporation requests, evidence of this status acceptable to the corporation has been presented with respect to the vote, ballot, consent, waiver, or proxy appointment;

(4) The name signed purports to be that of a pledgee, beneficial owner, or attorney-in-fact of the shareholder and, if the corporation requests, evidence acceptable to the corporation of the signatory's authority to sign for the shareholder has been presented with respect to the vote, ballot, consent, waiver, or proxy appointment; or

(5) Two or more persons are the shareholder as cotenants or fiduciaries and the name signed purports to be the name of at least one of the co-owners and the person signing appears to be acting on behalf of all the co-owners.

(c) The corporation is entitled to reject a vote, ballot, consent, waiver, or proxy appointment if the person authorized to count votes, acting in good faith, has reasonable basis for doubt about the validity of the signature on it or about the signatory's authority to sign for the shareholder.

(d) Neither the corporation nor the person authorized to count votes, including an inspector of election under section 21-271, that accepts or rejects a vote, ballot, consent, waiver, or proxy appointment in good faith and in accordance with the standards of this section or subsection (b) of section 21-264 is liable in damages to the shareholder for the consequences of the acceptance or rejection.

(e) Corporate action based on the acceptance or rejection of a vote, ballot, consent, waiver, or proxy appointment under this section is valid unless a court of competent jurisdiction determines otherwise.

(f) If an inspector of election has been appointed under section 21-271, the inspector of election also has the authority to request information and make determinations under subsections (a), (b), and (c) of this section. Any determination made by the inspector of election under those subsections is controlling.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 66;    Laws 2017, LB35, § 9.    

21-267. Quorum and voting requirements for voting groups.

(MBCA 7.25) (a) Shares entitled to vote as a separate voting group may take action on a matter at a meeting only if a quorum of those shares exists with respect to that matter. Unless the articles of incorporation provide otherwise, a majority of the votes entitled to be cast on the matter by the voting group constitutes a quorum of that voting group for action on that matter.

(b) Once a share is represented for any purpose at a meeting, it is deemed present for quorum purposes for the remainder of the meeting and for any adjournment of that meeting unless a new record date is or must be set for that adjourned meeting.

(c) If a quorum exists, action on a matter, other than the election of directors, by a voting group is approved if the votes cast within the voting group favoring the action exceed the votes cast opposing the action, unless the articles of incorporation require a greater number of affirmative votes.

(d) An amendment of articles of incorporation adding, changing, or deleting a quorum or voting requirement for a voting group greater than specified in subsection (a) or (c) of this section is governed by section 21-269.

(e) The election of directors is governed by section 21-270.

(f) Whenever a provision of the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act provides for voting of classes or series as separate voting groups, the rules provided in subsection (c) of section 21-2,153 for amendments of articles of incorporation apply to that provision.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 67.    

21-268. Action by single and multiple voting groups.

(MBCA 7.26) (a) If the articles of incorporation or the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act provide for voting by a single voting group on a matter, action on that matter is taken when voted upon by that voting group as provided in section 21-267.

(b) If the articles of incorporation or the act provide for voting by two or more voting groups on a matter, action on that matter is taken only when voted upon by each of those voting groups counted separately as provided in section 21-267. Action may be taken by one voting group on a matter even though no action is taken by another voting group entitled to vote on the matter.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 68.    

21-269. Greater quorum or voting requirements.

(MBCA 7.27) (a) The articles of incorporation may provide for a greater quorum or voting requirement for shareholders, or voting groups of shareholders, than is provided for by the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act.

(b) An amendment to the articles of incorporation that adds, changes, or deletes a greater quorum or voting requirement must meet the same quorum requirement and be adopted by the same vote and voting groups required to take action under the quorum and voting requirements then in effect or proposed to be adopted, whichever is greater.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 69.    

21-270. Voting for directors; cumulative voting.

(MBCA 7.28) (a) Unless otherwise provided in the articles of incorporation, directors are elected by a plurality of the votes cast by the shares entitled to vote in the election at a meeting at which a quorum is present.

(b) In all elections for directors, every shareholder entitled to vote at such elections shall have the right to vote in person or by proxy for the number of shares owned by him or her, for as many persons as there are directors to be elected or to cumulate such shares and give one candidate as many votes as the number of directors multiplied by the number of his or her shares shall equal, or to distribute them upon the same principle among as many candidates as he or she thinks fit, and such directors shall not be elected in any other manner.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 70.    

21-271. Inspectors of election.

(MBCA 7.29) (a) A public corporation shall, and any other corporation may, appoint one or more inspectors to act at a meeting of shareholders in connection with determining voting results. Each inspector shall certify in writing that the inspector will faithfully execute the duties of inspector with strict impartiality and according to the best of the inspector's ability. An inspector may be an officer or employee of the corporation. The inspectors may appoint or retain other persons to assist the inspectors in the performance of the duties of inspector under subsection (b) of this section, and may rely on information provided by such persons and other persons, including those appointed to count votes, unless the inspectors believe reliance is unwarranted.

(b) The inspectors shall:

(1) Ascertain the number of shares outstanding and the voting power of each;

(2) Determine the shares represented at a meeting;

(3) Determine the validity of proxy appointments and ballots;

(4) Count the votes; and

(5) Make a written report of the results.

(c) In performing their duties, the inspectors may examine (1) the proxy appointment forms and any other information provided in accordance with subsection (b) of section 21-264, (2) any envelope or related writing submitted with those appointment forms, (3) any ballots, (4) any evidence or other information specified in section 21-266, and (5) the relevant books and records of the corporation relating to its shareholders and their entitlement to vote, including any securities position list provided by a depository clearing agency.

(d) The inspectors also may consider other information that they believe is relevant and reliable for the purpose of performing any of the duties assigned to them pursuant to subsection (b) of this section, including for the purpose of evaluating inconsistent, incomplete, or erroneous information and reconciling information submitted on behalf of banks, brokers, their nominees, or similar persons that indicates more votes being cast than a proxy is authorized by the record shareholder to cast or more votes being cast than the record shareholder is entitled to cast. If the inspectors consider other information allowed by this subsection, they shall, in their report under subsection (b) of this section, specify the information considered by them, including the purpose or purposes for which the information was considered, the person or persons from whom they obtained the information, when the information was obtained, the means by which the information was obtained, and the basis for the inspectors' belief that such information is relevant and reliable.

(e) Determinations of law by the inspectors of election are subject to de novo review by a court in a proceeding under section 21-271.01 or other judicial proceeding.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 71;    Laws 2017, LB35, § 10.    

21-271.01. Judicial review of corporate elections, shareholder votes, and other corporate governance disputes.

(MBCA 7.29A) (a) Upon application of or in a proceeding commenced by a person specified in subsection (b) of this section, the district court of the county where a corporation's principal office, or, if none in this state, its registered office, is located may determine:

(1) The validity of the election, appointment, removal, or resignation of a director or officer of the corporation;

(2) The right of an individual to hold the office of director or officer of the corporation;

(3) The result or validity of an election or vote by the shareholders of the corporation;

(4) The right of a director to membership on a committee of the board of directors; and

(5) The right of a person to nominate or an individual to be nominated as a candidate for election or appointment as a director of the corporation, and any right under a bylaw adopted pursuant to subsection (c) of section 21-224 or any comparable right under any provision of the articles of incorporation, contract, or applicable law.

(b) An application or proceeding pursuant to subsection (a) of this section may be filed or commenced by any of the following persons:

(1) The corporation;

(2) Any record shareholder, beneficial shareholder, or unrestricted voting trust beneficial owner of the corporation;

(3) A director of the corporation, an individual claiming the office of director, or a director whose membership on a committee of the board of directors is contested, in each case who is seeking a determination of his or her right to such office or membership;

(4) An officer of the corporation or an individual claiming to be an officer of the corporation, in each case who is seeking a determination of his or her right to such office; and

(5) A person claiming a right covered by subdivision (a)(5) of this section and who is seeking a determination of such right.

(c) In connection with any application or proceeding under subsection (a) of this section, the following shall be named as defendants, unless such person made the application or commenced the proceeding:

(1) The corporation;

(2) Any individual whose right to office or membership on a committee of the board of directors is contested;

(3) Any individual claiming the office or membership at issue; and

(4) Any person claiming a right covered by subdivision (a)(5) of this section that is at issue.

(d) In connection with any application or proceeding under subsection (a) of this section, service of process may be made upon each of the persons specified in subsection (c) of this section either by:

(1) Serving on the corporation process addressed to such person in any manner provided by statute of this state or by rule of the applicable court for service on the corporation; or

(2) Service of process on such person in any manner provided by statute of this state or by rule of the applicable court.

(e) When service of process is made upon a person other than the corporation by service upon the corporation pursuant to subdivision (d)(1) of this section, the plaintiff and the corporation or its registered agent shall promptly provide written notice of such service, together with copies of all process and the application or complaint, to such person at the person's last-known residence or business address, or as permitted by statute of this state or by rule of the applicable court.

(f) In connection with any application or proceeding under subsection (a) of this section, the court shall dispose of the application or proceeding on an expedited basis and also may:

(1) Order such additional or further notice as the court deems proper under the circumstances;

(2) Order that additional persons be joined as parties to the proceeding if the court determines that such joinder is necessary for a just adjudication of matters before the court;

(3) Order an election or meeting be held in accordance with the provisions of subsection (b) of section 21-255 or otherwise;

(4) Appoint a master to conduct an election or meeting;

(5) Enter temporary, preliminary, or permanent injunctive relief;

(6) Resolve solely for the purpose of this proceeding any legal or factual issues necessary for the resolution of any of the matters specified in subsection (a) of this section, including the right and power of persons claiming to own shares to vote at any meeting of the shareholders; and

(7) Order such other relief as the court determines is equitable, just, and proper.

(g) It is not necessary to make shareholders parties to a proceeding or application pursuant to this section unless the shareholder is a required defendant under subdivision (c)(4) of this section, relief is sought against the shareholder individually, or the court orders joinder pursuant to subdivision (f)(2) of this section.

(h) Nothing in this section limits, restricts, or abolishes the subject matter jurisdiction or powers of the court as they existed prior to the enactment of this section, and an application or proceeding pursuant to this section is not the exclusive remedy or proceeding available with respect to the matters specified in subsection (a) of this section.

Source:Laws 2017, LB35, § 11.    

21-272. Voting trusts.

(MBCA 7.30) (a) One or more shareholders may create a voting trust, conferring on a trustee the right to vote or otherwise act for them, by signing an agreement setting out the provisions of the trust, which may include anything consistent with its purpose, and transferring their shares to the trustee. When a voting trust agreement is signed, the trustee must prepare a list of the names and addresses of all voting trust beneficial owners, together with the number and class of shares each transferred to the trust, and deliver copies of the list and agreement to the corporation's principal office.

(b) A voting trust becomes effective on the date the first shares subject to the trust are registered in the trustee's name.

(c) Limits, if any, on the duration of a voting trust shall be as set forth in the voting trust. A voting trust that became effective when the business corporation statutes repealed by Laws 2014, LB749, provided a ten-year limit on its duration remains governed by the provisions of such statutes then in effect, unless the voting trust is amended to provide otherwise by unanimous agreement of the parties to the voting trust.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 72.    

21-273. Voting agreements.

(MBCA 7.31) (a) Two or more shareholders may provide for the manner in which they will vote their shares by signing an agreement for that purpose. A voting agreement created under this section is not subject to the provisions of section 21-272.

(b) A voting agreement created under this section is specifically enforceable.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 73.    

21-274. Shareholder agreements.

(MBCA 7.32) (a) An agreement among the shareholders of a corporation that complies with this section is effective among the shareholders and the corporation even though it is inconsistent with one or more other provisions of the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act in that it:

(1) Eliminates the board of directors or restricts the discretion or powers of the board of directors;

(2) Governs the authorization or making of distributions whether or not in proportion to ownership of shares, subject to the limitations in section 21-252;

(3) Establishes who shall be directors or officers of the corporation or their terms of office or manner of selection or removal;

(4) Governs, in general or in regard to specific matters, the exercise or division of voting power by or between the shareholders and directors or by or among any of them, including use of weighted voting rights or director proxies;

(5) Establishes the terms and conditions of any agreement for the transfer or use of property or the provision of services between the corporation and any shareholder, director, officer, or employee of the corporation or among any of them;

(6) Transfers to one or more shareholders or other persons all or part of the authority to exercise the corporate powers or to manage the business and affairs of the corporation, including the resolution of any issue about which there exists a deadlock among directors or shareholders;

(7) Requires dissolution of the corporation at the request of one or more of the shareholders or upon the occurrence of a specified event or contingency; or

(8) Otherwise governs the exercise of the corporate powers or the management of the business and affairs of the corporation or the relationship among the shareholders, the directors, and the corporation, or among any of them, and is not contrary to public policy.

(b) An agreement authorized by this section shall be:

(1) As set forth (i) in the articles of incorporation or bylaws and approved by all persons who are shareholders at the time of the agreement or (ii) in a written agreement that is signed by all persons who are shareholders at the time of the agreement and is made known to the corporation; and

(2) Subject to amendment only by all persons who are shareholders at the time of the amendment, unless the agreement provides otherwise.

(c) The existence of an agreement authorized by this section shall be noted conspicuously on the front or back of each certificate for outstanding shares or on the information statement required by subsection (b) of section 21-247. If at the time of the agreement the corporation has shares outstanding represented by certificates, the corporation shall recall the outstanding certificates and issue substitute certificates that comply with this subsection. The failure to note the existence of the agreement on the certificate or information statement shall not affect the validity of the agreement or any action taken pursuant to it. Any purchaser of shares who, at the time of purchase, did not have knowledge of the existence of the agreement shall be entitled to rescission of the purchase. A purchaser shall be deemed to have knowledge of the existence of the agreement if its existence is noted on the certificate or information statement for the shares in compliance with this subsection and, if the shares are not represented by a certificate, the information statement is delivered to the purchaser at or prior to the time of purchase of the shares. An action to enforce the right of rescission authorized by this subsection must be commenced within the earlier of ninety days after discovery of the existence of the agreement or two years after the time of purchase of the shares.

(d) An agreement authorized by this section shall cease to be effective when the corporation becomes a public corporation. If the agreement ceases to be effective for any reason, the board of directors may, if the agreement is contained or referred to in the corporation's articles of incorporation or bylaws, adopt an amendment to the articles of incorporation or bylaws, without shareholder action, to delete the agreement and any references to it.

(e) An agreement authorized by this section that limits the discretion or powers of the board of directors shall relieve the directors of, and impose upon the person or persons in whom such discretion or powers are vested, liability for acts or omissions imposed by law on directors to the extent that the discretion or powers of the directors are limited by the agreement.

(f) The existence or performance of an agreement authorized by this section shall not be a ground for imposing personal liability on any shareholder for the acts or debts of the corporation even if the agreement or its performance treats the corporation as if it were a partnership or results in failure to observe the corporate formalities otherwise applicable to the matters governed by the agreement.

(g) Incorporators or subscribers for shares may act as shareholders with respect to an agreement authorized by this section if no shares have been issued when the agreement is made.

(h) Limits, if any, on the duration of an agreement authorized by this section shall be as set forth in the agreement. An agreement that became effective when the business corporation statutes repealed by Laws 2014, LB749, provided for a ten-year limit on duration of shareholder agreements, unless the agreement provided otherwise, remains governed by the provisions of such statutes then in effect.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 74.    

21-275. Subpart definitions.

(MBCA 7.40) In sections 21-275 to 21-282:

(1) Derivative proceeding means a civil suit in the right of a domestic corporation or, to the extent provided in section 21-282, in the right of a foreign corporation.

(2) Shareholder means a record shareholder, a beneficial shareholder, and an unrestricted voting trust beneficial owner.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 75;    Laws 2017, LB35, § 12.    

21-276. Standing.

(MBCA 7.41) A shareholder may not commence or maintain a derivative proceeding unless the shareholder:

(1) Was a shareholder of the corporation at the time of the act or omission complained of or became a shareholder through transfer by operation of law from one who was a shareholder at that time; and

(2) Fairly and adequately represents the interests of the corporation in enforcing the right of the corporation.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 76.    

21-277. Demand.

(MBCA 7.42) (a) No shareholder may commence a derivative proceeding until:

(1) A written demand has been made upon the corporation to take suitable action; and

(2) Ninety days have expired from the date delivery of the demand was made unless the shareholder has earlier been notified that the demand has been rejected by the corporation or unless irreparable injury to the corporation would result by waiting for the expiration of the ninety-day period.

(b) Venue for a proceeding under this section lies in the district court of the county where the corporation's principal office, or, if none in this state, its registered office, is located.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 77.    

21-278. Stay of proceedings.

(MBCA 7.43) If the corporation commences an inquiry into the allegations made in the demand or complaint, the court may stay any derivative proceeding for such period as the court deems appropriate.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 78.    

21-279. Dismissal.

(MBCA 7.44) (a) A derivative proceeding shall be dismissed by the court on motion by the corporation if one of the groups specified in subsection (b) or (e) of this section has determined in good faith, after conducting a reasonable inquiry upon which its conclusions are based, that the maintenance of the derivative proceeding is not in the best interests of the corporation.

(b) Unless a panel is appointed pursuant to subsection (e) of this section, the determination in subsection (a) of this section shall be made by:

(1) A majority vote of qualified directors present at a meeting of the board of directors if the qualified directors constitute a quorum; or

(2) A majority vote of a committee consisting of two or more qualified directors appointed by majority vote of qualified directors present at a meeting of the board of directors, regardless of whether such qualified directors constitute a quorum.

(c) If a derivative proceeding is commenced after a determination has been made rejecting a demand by a shareholder, the complaint shall allege with particularity facts establishing either (1) that a majority of the board of directors did not consist of qualified directors at the time the determination was made or (2) that the requirements of subsection (a) of this section have not been met.

(d) If a majority of the board of directors consisted of qualified directors at the time the determination was made, the plaintiff shall have the burden of proving that the requirements of subsection (a) of this section have not been met, and if not, the corporation shall have the burden of proving that the requirements of subsection (a) of this section have been met.

(e) Upon motion by the corporation, the court may appoint a panel of one or more individuals to make a determination whether the maintenance of the derivative proceeding is in the best interests of the corporation. In such case, the plaintiff shall have the burden of proving that the requirements of subsection (a) of this section have not been met.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 79.    

21-280. Discontinuance or settlement.

(MBCA 7.45) A derivative proceeding may not be discontinued or settled without the court's approval. If the court determines that a proposed discontinuance or settlement will substantially affect the interests of the corporation's shareholders or a class of shareholders, the court shall direct that notice be given to the shareholders affected.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 80.    

21-281. Payment of expenses.

(MBCA 7.46) On termination of the derivative proceeding the court may:

(1) Order the corporation to pay the plaintiff's reasonable expenses, including attorney's fees, incurred in the proceeding if it finds that the proceeding has resulted in a substantial benefit to the corporation;

(2) Order the plaintiff to pay any defendant's reasonable expenses, including attorney's fees, incurred in defending the proceeding if it finds that the proceeding was commenced or maintained without reasonable cause or for an improper purpose; or

(3) Order a party to pay an opposing party's reasonable expenses, including attorney's fees, incurred because of the filing of a pleading, motion, or other paper, if it finds that the pleading, motion, or other paper was not well grounded in fact, after reasonable inquiry, or warranted by existing law or a good faith argument for the extension, modification, or reversal of existing law and was interposed for an improper purpose, such as to harass or cause unnecessary delay or needless increase in the cost of litigation.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 81.    

21-282. Applicability to foreign corporations.

(MBCA 7.47) In any derivative proceeding in the right of a foreign corporation, the matters covered by sections 21-275 to 21-282 shall be governed by the laws of the jurisdiction of incorporation of the foreign corporation except for sections 21-278, 21-280, and 21-281.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 82.    

21-283. Shareholder action to appoint custodian or receiver.

(MBCA 7.48) (a) The court may appoint one or more persons to be custodians, or, if the corporation is insolvent, to be receivers, of and for a corporation in a proceeding by a shareholder when it is established that:

(1) The directors are deadlocked in the management of the corporate affairs, the shareholders are unable to break the deadlock, and irreparable injury to the corporation is threatened or being suffered; or

(2) The directors or those in control of the corporation are acting fraudulently and irreparable injury to the corporation is threatened or being suffered.

(b) The court:

(1) May issue injunctions, appoint a temporary custodian or temporary receiver with all the powers and duties the court directs, take other action to preserve the corporate assets wherever located, and carry on the business of the corporation until a full hearing is held;

(2) Shall hold a full hearing, after notifying all parties to the proceeding and any interested persons designated by the court, before appointing a custodian or receiver; and

(3) Has jurisdiction over the corporation and all of its property, wherever located.

(c) The court may appoint an individual or domestic or foreign corporation, authorized to transact business in this state, as a custodian or receiver and may require the custodian or receiver to post bond, with or without sureties, in an amount the court directs.

(d) The court shall describe the powers and duties of the custodian or receiver in its appointing order, which may be amended from time to time. Among other powers:

(1) A custodian may exercise all of the powers of the corporation, through or in place of its board of directors, to the extent necessary to manage the business and affairs of the corporation; and

(2) A receiver (i) may dispose of all or any part of the assets of the corporation wherever located, at a public or private sale, if authorized by the court and (ii) may sue and defend in the receiver's own name as receiver in all courts of this state.

(e) The court during a custodianship may redesignate the custodian a receiver, and during a receivership may redesignate the receiver a custodian, if doing so is in the best interests of the corporation.

(f) The court from time to time during the custodianship or receivership may order compensation paid and expense disbursements or reimbursements made to the custodian or receiver from the assets of the corporation or proceeds from the sale of its assets.

(g) In this section, shareholder means a record shareholder, a beneficial shareholder, and an unrestricted voting trust beneficial owner.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 83;    Laws 2017, LB35, § 13.    

21-284. Requirement for and functions of board of directors.

(MBCA 8.01) (a) Except as provided in section 21-274, each corporation must have a board of directors.

(b) All corporate powers shall be exercised by or under the authority of the board of directors of the corporation, and the business and affairs of the corporation shall be managed by or under the direction and subject to the oversight of its board of directors, subject to any limitation set forth in the articles of incorporation or in an agreement authorized under section 21-274.

(c) In the case of a public corporation, the board's oversight responsibilities include attention to:

(1) Business performance and plans;

(2) Major risks to which the corporation is or may be exposed;

(3) The performance and compensation of senior officers;

(4) Policies and practices to foster the corporation's compliance with law and ethical conduct;

(5) Preparation of the corporation's financial statements;

(6) The effectiveness of the corporation's internal controls;

(7) Arrangements for providing adequate and timely information to directors; and

(8) The composition of the board and its committees, taking into account the important role of independent directors.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 84.    

21-285. Qualifications of directors.

(MBCA 8.02) (a) The articles of incorporation or bylaws may prescribe qualifications for directors or for nominees for directors. Qualifications must be reasonable as applied to the corporation and must be lawful.

(b) A requirement that is based on a past, current, or prospective action, or expression of an opinion, by a nominee or director that could limit the ability of a nominee or director to discharge his or her duties as a director is not a permissible qualification under this section. Notwithstanding the foregoing, qualifications may include not being or having been subject to specified criminal, civil, or regulatory sanctions or not having been removed as a director by judicial action or for cause.

(c) A director need not be a resident of this state or a shareholder of the corporation unless the articles of incorporation or bylaws so prescribe.

(d) A qualification for nomination for director prescribed before a person's nomination shall apply to such person at the time of nomination. A qualification for nomination for director prescribed after a person's nomination shall not apply to such person with respect to such nomination.

(e) A qualification for director prescribed before the start of a director's term may apply only at the time an individual becomes a director or may apply during a director's term. A qualification prescribed during a director's term shall not apply to that director before the end of that term.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 85;    Laws 2017, LB35, § 14.    

21-286. Number and election of directors.

(MBCA 8.03) (a) A board of directors must consist of one or more individuals, with the number specified in or fixed in accordance with the articles of incorporation or bylaws.

(b) The number of directors may be increased or decreased from time to time by amendment to, or in the manner provided in, the articles of incorporation or the bylaws.

(c) Directors are elected at the first annual shareholders' meeting and at each annual meeting thereafter unless their terms are staggered under section 21-289.

(d) If a corporation is registered as an investment company under the federal Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, 15 U.S.C. 80a-1 et seq., and, pursuant to section 21-220, has included in its articles of incorporation a provision limiting or eliminating the requirement to hold an annual meeting of the shareholders, the initial directors shall be elected at the first meeting of the shareholders after such provision limiting or eliminating such meeting is included in the articles of incorporation, and thereafter the election of directors by shareholders is not required unless required by such federal act or the rules and regulations under such act or otherwise required by the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 86.    

21-287. Election of directors by certain classes of shareholders.

(MBCA 8.04) If the articles of incorporation authorize dividing the shares into classes, the articles may also authorize the election of all or a specified number of directors by the holders of one or more authorized classes of shares. A class, or classes, of shares entitled to elect one or more directors is a separate voting group for purposes of the election of directors.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 87.    

21-288. Terms of directors generally.

(MBCA 8.05) (a) The terms of the initial directors of a corporation expire at the first shareholders' meeting at which directors are elected.

(b) The terms of all other directors expire at the next or, if their terms are staggered in accordance with section 21-289, at the applicable second or third annual shareholders' meeting following their election, except to the extent a shorter term is specified in the articles of incorporation in the event of a director nominee failing to receive a specified vote for election.

(c) A decrease in the number of directors does not shorten an incumbent director's term.

(d) The term of a director elected to fill a vacancy expires at the next shareholders' meeting at which directors are elected.

(e) Except to the extent otherwise provided in the articles of incorporation, despite the expiration of a director's term, the director continues to serve until the director's successor is elected and qualifies or there is a decrease in the number of directors.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 88.    

21-289. Staggered terms for directors.

(MBCA 8.06) The articles of incorporation may provide for staggering the terms of directors by dividing the total number of directors into two or three groups, with each group containing one-half or one-third of the total, as near as may be practicable. In that event, the terms of directors in the first group expire at the first annual shareholders' meeting after their election, the terms of the second group expire at the second annual shareholders' meeting after their election, and the terms of the third group, if any, expire at the third annual shareholders' meeting after their election. At each annual shareholders' meeting held thereafter, directors shall be chosen for a term of two years or three years, as the case may be, to succeed those whose terms expire.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 89.    

21-290. Resignation of directors.

(MBCA 8.07) (a) A director may resign at any time by delivering a written resignation to the board of directors or its chairperson or to the secretary of the corporation.

(b) A resignation is effective when the resignation is delivered unless the resignation specifies a later effective date or an effective date determined upon the happening of an event or events. A resignation that is conditioned upon failing to receive a specified vote for election as a director may provide that it is irrevocable.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 90.    

21-291. Removal of directors by shareholders.

(MBCA 8.08) (a) The shareholders may remove one or more directors with or without cause unless the articles of incorporation provide that directors may be removed only for cause.

(b) If a director is elected by a voting group of shareholders, only the shareholders of that voting group may participate in the vote to remove that director.

(c) A director may not be removed if the number of votes sufficient to elect the director under cumulative voting is voted against removal.

(d) A director may be removed by the shareholders only at a meeting called for the purpose of removing the director and the meeting notice must state that the purpose, or one of the purposes, of the meeting is removal of the director.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 91.    

21-292. Removal of directors by judicial proceeding.

(MBCA 8.09) (a) The district court of the county where a corporation's principal office, or, if none in this state, its registered office, is located may remove a director of the corporation from office in a proceeding commenced by or in the right of the corporation if the court finds that (1) the director engaged in fraudulent conduct with respect to the corporation or its shareholders, grossly abused the position of director, or intentionally inflicted harm on the corporation and (2) considering the director's course of conduct and the inadequacy of other available remedies, removal would be in the best interest of the corporation.

(b) A shareholder proceeding on behalf of the corporation under subsection (a) of this section shall comply with all of the requirements of sections 21-275 to 21-282, except subdivision (1) of section 21-276.

(c) The court, in addition to removing the director, may bar the director from reelection for a period prescribed by the court.

(d) Nothing in this section limits the equitable powers of the court to order other relief.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 92.    

21-293. Vacancy on board.

(MBCA 8.10) (a) Unless the articles of incorporation provide otherwise, if a vacancy occurs on a board of directors, including a vacancy resulting from an increase in the number of directors:

(1) The shareholders may fill the vacancy;

(2) The board of directors may fill the vacancy; or

(3) If the directors remaining in office constitute fewer than a quorum of the board, they may fill the vacancy by the affirmative vote of a majority of all the directors remaining in office.

(b) If the vacant office was held by a director elected by a voting group of shareholders, only the holders of shares of that voting group are entitled to vote to fill the vacancy if it is filled by the shareholders, and only the directors elected by that voting group are entitled to fill the vacancy if it is filled by the directors.

(c) A vacancy that will occur at a specific later date, by reason of a resignation effective at a later date under subsection (b) of section 21-290 or otherwise, may be filled before the vacancy occurs but the new director may not take office until the vacancy occurs.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 93.    

21-294. Compensation of directors.

(MBCA 8.11) Unless the articles of incorporation or bylaws provide otherwise, the board of directors may fix the compensation of directors.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 94.    

21-295. Meetings.

(MBCA 8.20) (a) The board of directors may hold regular or special meetings in or out of this state.

(b) Unless the articles of incorporation or bylaws provide otherwise, the board of directors may permit any or all directors to participate in a regular or special meeting by, or conduct the meeting through the use of, any means of communication by which all directors participating may simultaneously hear each other during the meeting. A director participating in a meeting by this means is deemed to be present in person at the meeting.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 95.    

21-296. Action without meeting.

(MBCA 8.21) (a) Except to the extent that the articles of incorporation or bylaws require that action by the board of directors be taken at a meeting, action required or permitted by the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act to be taken by the board of directors may be taken without a meeting if each director signs a consent describing the action to be taken and delivers it to the corporation.

(b) Action taken under this section is the act of the board of directors when one or more consents signed by all the directors are delivered to the corporation. The consent may specify the time at which the action taken thereunder is to be effective. A director's consent may be withdrawn by a revocation signed by the director and delivered to the corporation prior to delivery to the corporation of unrevoked written consents signed by all the directors.

(c) A consent signed under this section has the effect of action taken at a meeting of the board of directors and may be described as such in any document.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 96.    

21-297. Notice of meeting.

(MBCA 8.22) (a) Unless the articles of incorporation or bylaws provide otherwise, regular meetings of the board of directors may be held without notice of the date, time, place, or purpose of the meeting.

(b) Unless the articles of incorporation or bylaws provide for a longer or shorter period, special meetings of the board of directors must be preceded by at least two days' notice of the date, time, and place of the meeting. The notice need not describe the purpose of the special meeting unless required by the articles of incorporation or bylaws.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 97.    

21-298. Waiver of notice.

(MBCA 8.23) (a) A director may waive any notice required by the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act, the articles of incorporation, or bylaws before or after the date and time stated in the notice. Except as provided by subsection (b) of this section, the waiver must be in writing, signed by the director entitled to the notice, and filed with the minutes or corporate records.

(b) A director's attendance at or participation in a meeting waives any required notice to the director of the meeting unless the director at the beginning of the meeting, or promptly upon arrival, objects to holding the meeting or transacting business at the meeting and does not thereafter vote for or assent to action taken at the meeting.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 98.    

21-299. Quorum and voting.

(MBCA 8.24) (a) Unless the articles of incorporation or bylaws require a greater number or unless otherwise specifically provided in the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act, a quorum of a board of directors consists of:

(1) A majority of the fixed number of directors if the corporation has a fixed board size; or

(2) A majority of the number of directors prescribed, or if no number is prescribed the number in office immediately before the meeting begins, if the corporation has a variable-range size board.

(b) The articles of incorporation or bylaws may authorize a quorum of a board of directors to consist of no fewer than one-third of the fixed or prescribed number of directors determined under subsection (a) of this section.

(c) If a quorum is present when a vote is taken, the affirmative vote of a majority of directors present is the act of the board of directors unless the articles of incorporation or bylaws require the vote of a greater number of directors.

(d) A director who is present at a meeting of the board of directors or a committee of the board of directors when corporate action is taken is deemed to have assented to the action taken unless: (1) The director objects at the beginning of the meeting, or promptly upon arrival, to holding it or transacting business at the meeting; (2) the dissent or abstention from the action taken is entered in the minutes of the meeting; or (3) the director delivers written notice of the director's dissent or abstention to the presiding officer of the meeting before its adjournment or to the corporation immediately after adjournment of the meeting. The right of dissent or abstention is not available to a director who votes in favor of the action taken.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 99.    

21-2,100. Committees.

(MBCA 8.25) (a) Unless the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act or the articles of incorporation or bylaws provide otherwise, a board of directors may create one or more committees and appoint one or more members of the board of directors to serve on any such committee.

(b) Unless the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act otherwise provides, the creation of a committee and appointment of members to it must be approved by the greater of (1) a majority of all the directors in office when the action is taken or (2) the number of directors required by the articles of incorporation or bylaws to take action under section 21-299.

(c) Sections 21-295 to 21-299 apply both to committees of the board and to their members.

(d) To the extent specified by the board of directors or in the articles of incorporation or bylaws, each committee may exercise the powers of the board of directors under section 21-284.

(e) A committee may not, however:

(1) Authorize or approve distributions, except according to a formula or method, or within limits, prescribed by the board of directors;

(2) Approve or propose to shareholders action that the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act requires be approved by shareholders;

(3) Fill vacancies on the board of directors or, subject to subsection (g) of this section, on any of its committees; or

(4) Adopt, amend, or repeal bylaws.

(f) The creation of, delegation of authority to, or action by a committee does not alone constitute compliance by a director with the standards of conduct described in section 21-2,102.

(g) The board of directors may appoint one or more directors as alternate members of any committee to replace any absent or disqualified member during the member's absence or disqualification. Unless the articles of incorporation or the bylaws or the resolution creating the committee provide otherwise, in the event of the absence or disqualification of a member of a committee, the member or members present at any meeting and not disqualified from voting, unanimously, may appoint another director to act in place of the absent or disqualified member.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 100.    

21-2,101. Submission of matters for shareholder vote.

(MBCA 8.26) A corporation may agree to submit a matter to a vote of its shareholders even if, after approving the matter, the board of directors determines it no longer recommends the matter.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 101.    

21-2,102. Standards of conduct for directors.

(MBCA 8.30) (a)(1) Each member of the board of directors, when discharging the duties of a director, shall act (i) in good faith and (ii) in a manner the director reasonably believes to be in the best interests of the corporation.

(2) A director may, but need not, in considering the best interests of the corporation, consider, among other things, the effects of any action on employees, suppliers, creditors, and customers of the corporation and communities in which offices or other facilities of the corporation are located.

(b) The members of the board of directors or a committee of the board, when becoming informed in connection with their decisionmaking function or devoting attention to their oversight function, shall discharge their duties with the care that a person in a like position would reasonably believe appropriate under similar circumstances.

(c) In discharging board or committee duties, a director shall disclose, or cause to be disclosed, to the other board or committee members information not already known by them but known by the director to be material to the discharge of their decisionmaking or oversight functions, except that disclosure is not required to the extent that the director reasonably believes that doing so would violate a duty imposed under law, a legally enforceable obligation of confidentiality, or a professional ethics rule.

(d) In discharging board or committee duties, a director who does not have knowledge that makes reliance unwarranted is entitled to rely on the performance by any of the persons specified in subdivision (f)(1) or (f)(3) of this section to whom the board may have delegated, formally or informally by course of conduct, the authority or duty to perform one or more of the board's functions that are delegable under applicable law.

(e) In discharging board or committee duties a director who does not have knowledge that makes reliance unwarranted is entitled to rely on information, opinions, reports, or statements, including financial statements and other financial data, prepared or presented by any of the persons specified in subsection (f) of this section.

(f) A director is entitled to rely, in accordance with subsection (d) or (e) of this section, on:

(1) One or more officers or employees of the corporation whom the director reasonably believes to be reliable and competent in the functions performed or the information, opinions, reports, or statements provided;

(2) Legal counsel, public accountants, or other persons retained by the corporation as to matters involving skills or expertise the director reasonably believes are matters (i) within the particular person's professional or expert competence or (ii) as to which the particular person merits confidence; or

(3) A committee of the board of directors of which the director is not a member if the director reasonably believes the committee merits confidence.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 102.    

21-2,103. Standards of liability for directors.

(MBCA 8.31) (a) A director shall not be liable to the corporation or its shareholders for any decision to take or not to take action, or any failure to take any action, as a director unless the party asserting liability in a proceeding establishes that:

(1) No defense interposed by the director based on (i) any provision in the articles of incorporation authorized by subdivision (b)(4) or (6) of section 21-220, (ii) the protection afforded by section 21-2,121 for action taken in compliance with section 21-2,122 or 21-2,123, or (iii) the protection afforded by section 21-2,124, precludes liability; and

(2) The challenged conduct consisted or was the result of:

(i) Action not in good faith;

(ii) A decision:

(A) Which the director did not reasonably believe to be in the best interests of the corporation; or

(B) As to which the director was not informed to an extent the director reasonably believed appropriate in the circumstances;

(iii) A lack of objectivity due to the director's familial, financial, or business relationship with, or a lack of independence due to the director's domination or control by, another person having a material interest in the challenged conduct:

(A) Which relationship or which domination or control could reasonably be expected to have affected the director's judgment respecting the challenged conduct in a manner adverse to the corporation; and

(B) After a reasonable expectation to such effect has been established, the director shall not have established that the challenged conduct was reasonably believed by the director to be in the best interests of the corporation;

(iv) A sustained failure of the director to devote attention to ongoing oversight of the business and affairs of the corporation or a failure to devote timely attention by making, or causing to be made, appropriate inquiry when particular facts and circumstances of significant concern materialize that would alert a reasonably attentive director to the need therefor; or

(v) Receipt of a financial benefit to which the director was not entitled or any other breach of the director's duties to deal fairly with the corporation and its shareholders that is actionable under applicable law.

(b) The party seeking to hold the director liable:

(1) For money damages shall also have the burden of establishing that:

(i) Harm to the corporation or its shareholders has been suffered; and

(ii) The harm suffered was proximately caused by the director's challenged conduct;

(2) For other money payment under a legal remedy, such as compensation for the unauthorized use of corporate assets, shall also have whatever persuasion burden may be called for to establish that the payment sought is appropriate in the circumstances; or

(3) For other money payment under an equitable remedy, such as profit recovery by or disgorgement to the corporation, shall also have whatever persuasion burden may be called for to establish that the equitable remedy sought is appropriate in the circumstances.

(c) Nothing contained in this section shall (1) in any instance where fairness is at issue, such as consideration of the fairness of a transaction to the corporation under subdivision (b)(3) of section 21-2,121, alter the burden of proving the fact or lack of fairness otherwise applicable, (2) alter the fact or lack of liability of a director under another section of the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act, such as the provisions governing the consequences of an unlawful distribution under section 21-2,104 or a transactional interest under section 21-2,121, or (3) affect any rights to which the corporation or a shareholder may be entitled under another statute of this state or the United States.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 103;    Laws 2017, LB35, § 15.    

21-2,104. Directors' liability for unlawful distributions.

(MBCA 8.33) (a) A director who votes for or assents to a distribution in excess of what may be authorized and made pursuant to subsection (a) of section 21-252 or subsection (a) of section 21-2,192 is personally liable to the corporation for the amount of the distribution that exceeds what could have been distributed without violating subsection (a) of section 21-252 or subsection (a) of section 21-2,192 if the party asserting liability establishes that when taking the action the director did not comply with section 21-2,102.

(b) A director held liable under subsection (a) of this section for an unlawful distribution is entitled to:

(1) Contribution from every other director who could be held liable under subsection (a) of this section for the unlawful distribution; and

(2) Recoupment from each shareholder of the pro rata portion of the amount of the unlawful distribution the shareholder accepted, knowing the distribution was made in violation of subsection (a) of section 21-252 or subsection (a) of section 21-2,192.

(c) A proceeding to enforce:

(1) The liability of a director under subsection (a) of this section is barred unless it is commenced within two years after the date (i) on which the effect of the distribution was measured under subsection (e) or (g) of section 21-252, (ii) as of which the violation of subsection (a) of section 21-252 occurred as the consequence of disregard of a restriction in the articles of incorporation, or (iii) on which the distribution of assets to shareholders under subsection (a) of section 21-2,192 was made; or

(2) Contribution or recoupment under subsection (b) of this section is barred unless it is commenced within one year after the liability of the claimant has been finally adjudicated under subsection (a) of this section.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 104.    

21-2,105. Officers.

(MBCA 8.40) (a) A corporation has the officers described in its bylaws or appointed by the board of directors in accordance with the bylaws.

(b) The board of directors may elect individuals to fill one or more offices of the corporation. An officer may appoint one or more officers if authorized by the bylaws or the board of directors.

(c) The bylaws or the board of directors shall assign to one of the officers responsibility for preparing the minutes of the directors' and shareholders' meetings and for maintaining and authenticating the records of the corporation required to be kept under subsections (a) and (e) of section 21-2,221.

(d) The same individual may simultaneously hold more than one office in a corporation.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 105.    

21-2,106. Functions of officers.

(MBCA 8.41) Each officer has the authority and shall perform the functions set forth in the bylaws or, to the extent consistent with the bylaws, the functions prescribed by the board of directors or by direction of an officer authorized by the board of directors to prescribe the functions of other officers.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 106.    

21-2,107. Standards of conduct for officers.

(MBCA 8.42) (a) An officer, when performing in such capacity, has the duty to act:

(1) In good faith;

(2) With the care that a person in a like position would reasonably exercise under similar circumstances; and

(3) In a manner the officer reasonably believes to be in the best interests of the corporation.

(b) The duty of an officer includes the obligation:

(1) To inform the superior officer to whom, or the board of directors or the committee thereof to which, the officer reports of information about the affairs of the corporation known to the officer, within the scope of the officer's functions, and known to the officer to be material to such superior officer, board, or committee; and

(2) To inform his or her superior officer, or another appropriate person within the corporation, or the board of directors, or a committee thereof, of any actual or probable material violation of law involving the corporation or material breach of duty to the corporation by an officer, employee, or agent of the corporation, that the officer believes has occurred or is likely to occur.

(c) In discharging his or her duties, an officer who does not have knowledge that makes reliance unwarranted is entitled to rely on:

(1) The performance of properly delegated responsibilities by one or more employees of the corporation whom the officer reasonably believes to be reliable and competent in performing the responsibilities delegated; or

(2) Information, opinions, reports, or statements, including financial statements and other financial data, prepared or presented by one or more employees of the corporation whom the officer reasonably believes to be reliable and competent in the matters presented or by legal counsel, public accountants, or other persons retained by the corporation as to matters involving skills or expertise the officer reasonably believes are matters (i) within the particular person's professional or expert competence or (ii) as to which the particular person merits confidence.

(d) An officer shall not be liable to the corporation or its shareholders for any decision to take or not to take action or any failure to take any action as an officer if the duties of the office are performed in compliance with this section. Whether an officer who does not comply with this section shall have liability will depend in such instance on applicable law, including those principles of section 21-2,103 that have relevance.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 107.    

21-2,108. Resignation and removal of officers.

(MBCA 8.43) (a) An officer may resign at any time by delivering notice to the corporation. A resignation is effective when the notice is delivered unless the notice specifies a later effective time. If a resignation is made effective at a later time and the board or the appointing officer accepts the future effective time, the board or the appointing officer may fill the pending vacancy before the effective time if the board or the appointing officer provides that the successor does not take office until the effective time.

(b) An officer may be removed at any time with or without cause by (1) the board of directors, (2) the officer who appointed such officer, unless the bylaws or the board of directors provide otherwise, or (3) any other officer if authorized by the bylaws or the board of directors.

(c) In this section, appointing officer means the officer, including any successor to that officer, who appointed the officer resigning or being removed.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 108.    

21-2,109. Contract rights of officers.

(MBCA 8.44) (a) The appointment of an officer does not itself create contract rights.

(b) An officer's removal does not affect the officer's contract rights, if any, with the corporation. An officer's resignation does not affect the corporation's contract rights, if any, with the officer.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 109.    

21-2,110. Subpart definitions.

(MBCA 8.50) In sections 21-2,110 to 21-2,119:

(1) Corporation includes any domestic or foreign predecessor entity of a corporation in a merger.

(2) Director or officer means an individual who is or was a director or officer, respectively, of a corporation or who, while a director or officer of the corporation, is or was serving at the corporation's request as a director, officer, manager, member of a limited liability company, partner, trustee, employee, or agent of another entity or employee benefit plan. A director or officer is considered to be serving an employee benefit plan at the corporation's request if the individual's duties to the corporation also impose duties on, or otherwise involve services by, the individual to the plan or to participants in or beneficiaries of the plan. Director or officer includes, unless the context requires otherwise, the estate or personal representative of a director or officer.

(3) Liability means the obligation to pay a judgment, settlement, penalty, fine, including an excise tax assessed with respect to an employee benefit plan, or reasonable expenses incurred with respect to a proceeding.

(4) Official capacity means (i) when used with respect to a director, the office of director in a corporation and (ii) when used with respect to an officer, as contemplated in section 21-2,116, the office in a corporation held by the officer. Official capacity does not include service for any other domestic or foreign corporation or any limited liability company, partnership, joint venture, trust, employee benefit plan, or other entity.

(5) Party means an individual who was, is, or is threatened to be made, a defendant or respondent in a proceeding.

(6) Proceeding means any threatened, pending, or completed action, suit, or proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative, arbitrative, or investigative and whether formal or informal.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 110;    Laws 2016, LB794, § 8.    

21-2,111. Permissible indemnification.

(MBCA 8.51) (a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, a corporation may indemnify an individual who is a party to a proceeding because the individual is a director against liability incurred in the proceeding if:

(1)(i) The director conducted himself or herself in good faith; and

(ii) Reasonably believed:

(A) In the case of conduct in an official capacity, that his or her conduct was in the best interests of the corporation; and

(B) In all other cases, that the director's conduct was at least not opposed to the best interests of the corporation; and

(iii) In the case of any criminal proceeding, the director had no reasonable cause to believe his or her conduct was unlawful; or

(2) The director engaged in conduct for which broader indemnification has been made permissible or obligatory under a provision of the articles of incorporation, as authorized by subdivision (b)(5) of section 21-220.

(b) A director's conduct with respect to an employee benefit plan for a purpose the director reasonably believed to be in the interests of the participants in, and the beneficiaries of, the plan is conduct that satisfies the requirement of subdivision (a)(1)(ii)(B) of this section.

(c) The termination of a proceeding by judgment, order, settlement, or conviction, or upon a plea of nolo contendere or its equivalent, is not, of itself, determinative that the director did not meet the relevant standard of conduct described in this section.

(d) Unless ordered by a court under subdivision (a)(3) of section 21-2,114, a corporation may not indemnify a director:

(1) In connection with a proceeding by or in the right of the corporation, except for expenses incurred in connection with the proceeding if it is determined that the director has met the relevant standard of conduct under subsection (a) of this section; or

(2) In connection with any proceeding with respect to conduct for which the director was adjudged liable on the basis of receiving a financial benefit to which he or she was not entitled, whether or not involving action in the director's official capacity.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 111.    

21-2,112. Mandatory indemnification.

(MBCA 8.52) A corporation shall indemnify a director who was wholly successful, on the merits or otherwise, in the defense of any proceeding to which the director was a party because he or she was a director of the corporation against expenses incurred by the director in connection with the proceeding.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 112.    

21-2,113. Advance for expenses.

(MBCA 8.53) (a) A corporation may, before final disposition of a proceeding, advance funds to pay for or reimburse expenses incurred in connection with the proceeding by an individual who is a party to the proceeding because that individual is a member of the board of directors if the director delivers to the corporation a signed written undertaking of the director to repay any funds advanced (1) if the director is not entitled to mandatory indemnification under section 21-2,112 and (2) it is ultimately determined under section 21-2,114 or 21-2,115 that the director is not entitled to indemnification.

(b) The undertaking required by subdivision (a) of this section must be an unlimited general obligation of the director but need not be secured and may be accepted without reference to the financial ability of the director to make repayment.

(c) Authorizations under this section shall be made:

(1) By the board of directors:

(i) If there are two or more qualified directors, by a majority vote of all the qualified directors, a majority of whom shall for such purpose constitute a quorum, or by a majority of the members of a committee consisting solely of two or more qualified directors appointed by such a vote; or

(ii) If there are fewer than two qualified directors, by the vote necessary for action by the board in accordance with subsection (c) of section 21-299, in which authorization directors who are not qualified directors may participate; or

(2) By the shareholders, but shares owned by or voted under the control of a director who at the time is not a qualified director may not be voted on the authorization.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 113;    Laws 2017, LB35, § 16.    

21-2,114. Court-ordered indemnification and advance for expenses.

(MBCA 8.54) (a) A director who is a party to a proceeding because he or she is a director may apply for indemnification or an advance for expenses to the court conducting the proceeding or to another court of competent jurisdiction. After receipt of an application and after giving any notice it considers necessary, the court shall:

(1) Order indemnification if the court determines that the director is entitled to mandatory indemnification under section 21-2,112;

(2) Order indemnification or advance for expenses if the court determines that the director is entitled to indemnification or advance for expenses pursuant to a provision authorized by subsection (a) of section 21-2,118; or

(3) Order indemnification or advance for expenses if the court determines, in view of all the relevant circumstances, that it is fair and reasonable:

(i) To indemnify the director; or

(ii) To advance expenses to the director, even if, in the case of subdivision (a)(3)(i) or (ii) of this section he or she has not met the relevant standard of conduct set forth in subsection (a) of section 21-2,111, failed to comply with section 21-2,113, or was adjudged liable in a proceeding referred to in subdivision (d)(1) or (2) of section 21-2,111, but if the director was adjudged so liable indemnification shall be limited to expenses incurred in connection with the proceeding.

(b) If the court determines that the director is entitled to indemnification under subdivision (a)(1) of this section or to indemnification or advance for expenses under subdivision (a)(2) of this section, it shall also order the corporation to pay the director's expenses incurred in connection with obtaining court-ordered indemnification or advance for expenses. If the court determines that the director is entitled to indemnification or advance for expenses under subdivision (a)(3) of this section, it may also order the corporation to pay the director's expenses to obtain court-ordered indemnification or advance for expenses.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 114;    Laws 2017, LB35, § 17.    


21-2,115. Determination and authorization of indemnification.

(MBCA 8.55) (a) A corporation may not indemnify a director under section 21-2,111 unless authorized for a specific proceeding after a determination has been made that indemnification is permissible because the director has met the relevant standard of conduct set forth in section 21-2,111.

(b) The determination shall be made:

(1) If there are two or more qualified directors, by the board of directors by a majority vote of all the qualified directors, a majority of whom shall for such purpose constitute a quorum, or by a majority of the members of a committee of two or more qualified directors appointed by such a vote;

(2) By special legal counsel:

(i) Selected in the manner prescribed in subdivision (1) of this subsection; or

(ii) If there are fewer than two qualified directors, selected by the board of directors, in which selection directors who are not qualified directors may participate; or

(3) By the shareholders, but shares owned by or voted under the control of a director who at the time is not a qualified director may not be voted on the determination.

(c) Authorization of indemnification shall be made in the same manner as the determination that indemnification is permissible, except that if there are fewer than two qualified directors, or if the determination is made by special legal counsel, authorization of indemnification shall be made by those entitled to select special legal counsel under subdivision (b)(2)(ii) of this section.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 115.    

21-2,116. Indemnification of officers.

(MBCA 8.56) (a) A corporation may indemnify and advance expenses under sections 21-2,110 to 21-2,119 to an officer of the corporation who is a party to a proceeding because he or she is an officer of the corporation:

(1) To the same extent as a director; and

(2) If he or she is an officer but not a director, to such further extent as may be provided by the articles of incorporation, the bylaws, a resolution of the board of directors, or contract except for:

(i) Liability in connection with a proceeding by or in the right of the corporation other than for expenses incurred in connection with the proceeding; or

(ii) Liability arising out of conduct that constitutes:

(A) Receipt by the officer of a financial benefit to which he or she is not entitled;

(B) An intentional infliction of harm on the corporation or the shareholders; or

(C) An intentional violation of criminal law.

(b) The provisions of subdivision (a)(2) of this section shall apply to an officer who is also a director if the basis on which he or she is made a party to the proceeding is an act or omission solely as an officer.

(c) An officer of a corporation who is not a director is entitled to mandatory indemnification under section 21-2,112 and may apply to a court under section 21-2,114 for indemnification or an advance for expenses, in each case to the same extent to which a director may be entitled to indemnification or advance for expenses under such provisions.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 116.    

21-2,117. Insurance.

(MBCA 8.57) A corporation may purchase and maintain insurance on behalf of an individual who is a director or officer of the corporation, or who, while a director or officer of the corporation, serves at the corporation's request as a director, officer, member, partner, trustee, employee, or agent of another domestic or foreign corporation, limited liability company, partnership, joint venture, trust, employee benefit plan, or other entity, against liability asserted against or incurred by the individual in that capacity or arising from his or her status as a director or officer, whether or not the corporation would have power to indemnify or advance expenses to the individual against the same liability under sections 21-2,110 to 21-2,119.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 117;    Laws 2016, LB794, § 9.    

21-2,118. Variation by corporate action; application of subchapter.

(MBCA 8.58) (a) A corporation may, by a provision in its articles of incorporation or bylaws or in a resolution adopted or a contract approved by its board of directors or shareholders, obligate itself in advance of the act or omission giving rise to a proceeding to provide indemnification in accordance with section 21-2,111 or advance funds to pay for or reimburse expenses in accordance with section 21-2,113. Any such obligatory provision shall be deemed to satisfy the requirements for authorization referred to in subsection (c) of section 21-2,113 and in subsection (c) of section 21-2,115. Any such provision that obligates the corporation to provide indemnification to the fullest extent permitted by law shall be deemed to obligate the corporation to advance funds to pay for or reimburse expenses in accordance with section 21-2,113 to the fullest extent permitted by law, unless the provision specifically provides otherwise.

(b) A right of indemnification or to advances for expenses created by sections 21-2,110 to 21-2,119 or under subsection (a) of this section and in effect at the time of an act or omission shall not be eliminated or impaired with respect to such act or omission by an amendment of the articles of incorporation or bylaws or a resolution of the directors or shareholders, adopted after the occurrence of such act or omission, unless, in the case of a right created under subsection (a) of this section, the provision creating such right and in effect at the time of such act or omission explicitly authorizes such elimination or impairment after such act or omission has occurred.

(c) Any provision pursuant to subsection (a) of this section shall not obligate the corporation to indemnify or advance expenses to a director of a predecessor of the corporation, pertaining to conduct with respect to the predecessor, unless otherwise specifically provided. Any provision for indemnification or advance for expenses in the articles of incorporation, bylaws, or a resolution of the board of directors or shareholders of a predecessor of the corporation in a merger or in a contract to which the predecessor is a party existing at the time the merger takes effect shall be governed by subdivision (a)(4) of section 21-2,167.

(d) Subject to subsection (b) of this section, a corporation may, by a provision in its articles of incorporation, limit any of the rights to indemnification or advance for expenses created by or pursuant to sections 21-2,110 to 21-2,119.

(e) Sections 21-2,110 to 21-2,119 do not limit a corporation's power to pay or reimburse expenses incurred by a director or an officer in connection with appearing as a witness in a proceeding at a time when he or she is not a party.

(f) Sections 21-2,110 to 21-2,119 do not limit a corporation's power to indemnify, advance expenses to, or provide or maintain insurance on behalf of an employee or agent.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 118.    

21-2,119. Exclusivity of subpart.

(MBCA 8.59) A corporation may provide indemnification or advance expenses to a director or an officer only as permitted by sections 21-2,110 to 21-2,119.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 119.    

21-2,120. Subpart definitions.

(MBCA 8.60) In sections 21-2,120 to 21-2,123:

(1) Director's conflicting interest transaction means a transaction effected or proposed to be effected by the corporation or by an entity controlled by the corporation:

(i) To which, at the relevant time, the director is a party;

(ii) Respecting which, at the relevant time, the director had knowledge and a material financial interest known to the director; or

(iii) Respecting which, at the relevant time, the director knew that a related person was a party or had a material financial interest.

(2) Control, including the term controlled by, means (i) having the power, directly or indirectly, to elect or remove a majority of the members of the board of directors or other governing body of an entity, whether through the ownership of voting shares or interests, by contract, or otherwise, or (ii) being subject to a majority of the risk of loss from the entity's activities or entitled to receive a majority of the entity's residual returns.

(3) Relevant time means (i) the time at which directors' action respecting the transaction is taken in compliance with section 21-2,122, or (ii) if the transaction is not brought before the board of directors of the corporation, or its committee, for action under section 21-2,122, at the time the corporation, or an entity controlled by the corporation, becomes legally obligated to consummate the transaction.

(4) Material financial interest means a financial interest in a transaction that would reasonably be expected to impair the objectivity of the director's judgment when participating in action on the authorization of the transaction.

(5) Related person means:

(i) The individual's spouse;

(ii) A child, stepchild, grandchild, parent, stepparent, grandparent, sibling, stepsibling, half-sibling, aunt, uncle, niece, or nephew, or spouse of any thereof, of the individual or of the individual's spouse;

(iii) A natural person living in the same home as the individual;

(iv) An entity, other than the corporation or an entity controlled by the corporation, controlled by the individual or any person specified in subdivisions (5)(i) through (iii) of this section;

(v) A domestic or foreign (A) business or nonprofit corporation, other than the corporation or an entity controlled by the corporation, of which the individual is a director, (B) unincorporated entity of which the individual is a general partner or a member of the governing body, or (C) individual, trust, or estate for whom or of which the individual is a trustee, guardian, personal representative, or like fiduciary; or

(vi) A person that is, or an entity that is controlled by, an employer of the individual.

(6) Fair to the corporation means, for purposes of subdivision (b)(3) of section 21-2,121, that the transaction as a whole was beneficial to the corporation, taking into appropriate account whether it was (i) fair in terms of the director's dealings with the corporation and (ii) comparable to what might have been obtainable in an arm's length transaction, given the consideration paid or received by the corporation.

(7) Required disclosure means disclosure of (i) the existence and nature of the director's conflicting interest and (ii) all facts known to the director respecting the subject matter of the transaction that a director free of such conflicting interest would reasonably believe to be material in deciding whether to proceed with the transaction.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 120;    Laws 2017, LB35, § 18.    

21-2,121. Judicial action.

(MBCA 8.61) (a) A transaction effected or proposed to be effected by the corporation, or by an entity controlled by the corporation, may not be the subject of equitable relief, or give rise to an award of damages or other sanctions against a director of the corporation, in a proceeding by a shareholder or by or in the right of the corporation on the ground that the director has an interest respecting the transaction if it is not a director's conflicting interest transaction.

(b) A director's conflicting interest transaction may not be the subject of equitable relief, or give rise to an award of damages or other sanctions against a director of the corporation, in a proceeding by a shareholder or by or in the right of the corporation on the ground that the director has an interest respecting the transaction if:

(1) Directors' action respecting the transaction was taken in compliance with section 21-2,122 at any time;

(2) Shareholders' action respecting the transaction was taken in compliance with section 21-2,123 at any time; or

(3) The transaction, judged according to the circumstances at the relevant time, is established to have been fair to the corporation.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 121.    

21-2,122. Directors' action.

(MBCA 8.62) (a) Directors' action respecting a director's conflicting interest transaction is effective for purposes of subdivision (b)(1) of section 21-2,121 if the transaction has been authorized by the affirmative vote of a majority, but no fewer than two, of the qualified directors who voted on the transaction after required disclosure by the conflicted director of information not already known by such qualified directors or after modified disclosure in compliance with subsection (b) of this section if:

(1) The qualified directors have deliberated and voted outside the presence of and without the participation by any other director; and

(2) When the action has been taken by a committee, all members of the committee were qualified directors and either (i) the committee was composed of all the qualified directors on the board of directors or (ii) the members of the committee were appointed by the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified directors on the board.

(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this section, when a transaction is a director's conflicting interest transaction only because a related person described in subdivision (5)(v) or (vi) of section 21-2,120 is a party to or has a material financial interest in the transaction, the conflicted director is not obligated to make required disclosure to the extent that the director reasonably believes that doing so would violate a duty imposed under law, a legally enforceable obligation of confidentiality, or a professional ethics rule if the conflicted director discloses to the qualified directors voting on the transaction:

(1) All information required to be disclosed that is not so violative;

(2) The existence and nature of the director's conflicting interest; and

(3) The nature of the conflicted director's duty not to disclose the confidential information.

(c) A majority, but no fewer than two, of all the qualified directors on the board of directors, or on the committee, constitutes a quorum for purposes of action that complies with this section.

(d) Where directors' action under this section does not satisfy a quorum or voting requirement applicable to the authorization of the transaction by reason of the articles of incorporation, the bylaws, or a provision of law, independent action to satisfy those authorization requirements must be taken by the board of directors or a committee in which action directors who are not qualified directors may participate.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 122.    

21-2,123. Shareholders' action.

(MBCA 8.63) (a) Shareholders' action respecting a director's conflicting interest transaction is effective for purposes of subdivision (b)(2) of section 21-2,121 if a majority of the votes cast by the holders of all qualified shares are in favor of the transaction after (1) notice to shareholders describing the action to be taken respecting the transaction, (2) provision to the corporation of the information referred to in subsection (b) of this section, and (3) communication to the shareholders entitled to vote on the transaction of the information that is the subject of required disclosure to the extent the information is not known by them. In the case of shareholders' action at a meeting, the shareholders entitled to vote shall be determined as of the record date for notice of the meeting.

(b) A director who has a conflicting interest respecting the transaction shall, before the shareholders' vote, inform the secretary or other officer or agent of the corporation authorized to count votes, in writing, of the number of shares that the director knows are not qualified shares under subsection (c) of this section and the identity of the holders of those shares.

(c) For purposes of this section: (1) Holder means and held by refers to shares held by a record shareholder, a beneficial shareholder, and an unrestricted voting trust beneficial owner; and (2) qualified shares means all shares entitled to be voted with respect to the transaction except for shares that the secretary or other officer or agent of the corporation authorized to count votes either knows, or under subsection (b) of this section is notified, are held by (i) a director who has a conflicting interest respecting the transaction or (ii) a related person of the director, excluding a person described in subdivision (5)(vi) of section 21-2,120.

(d) A majority of the votes entitled to be cast by the holders of all qualified shares constitutes a quorum for purposes of compliance with this section. Subject to subsection (e) of this section, shareholders' action that otherwise complies with this section is not affected by the presence of holders, or by the voting, of shares that are not qualified shares.

(e) If a shareholders' vote does not comply with subsection (a) of this section solely because of a director's failure to comply with subsection (b) of this section and if the director establishes that the failure was not intended to influence and did not in fact determine the outcome of the vote, the court may take such action respecting the transaction and the director and may give such effect, if any, to the shareholders' vote as the court considers appropriate in the circumstances.

(f) When shareholders' action under this section does not satisfy a quorum or voting requirement applicable to the authorization of the transaction by reason of the articles of incorporation or the bylaws or a provision of law, independent action to satisfy those authorization requirements must be taken by the shareholders in which action shares that are not qualified shares may participate.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 123;    Laws 2017, LB35, § 19.    

21-2,124. Business opportunities.

(MBCA 8.70) (a) If a director or officer pursues or takes advantage of a business opportunity, directly, or indirectly through or on behalf of another person, that action may not be the subject of equitable relief or give rise to an award of damages or other sanctions against the director, officer, or other person in a proceeding by or in the right of the corporation on the ground that the opportunity should have first been offered to the corporation if:

(1) Before the director, officer, or other person becomes legally obligated respecting the opportunity, the director or officer brings it to the attention of the corporation and either:

(i) Action by qualified directors disclaiming the corporation's interest in the opportunity is taken in compliance with the procedures set forth in section 21-2,122; or

(ii) Shareholders' action disclaiming the corporation's interest in the opportunity is taken in compliance with the procedures set forth in section 21-2,123; in either case as if the decision being made concerned a director's conflicting interest transaction, except that, rather than making required disclosure as defined in section 21-2,120, the director or officer shall have made prior disclosure to those acting on behalf of the corporation of all material facts concerning the business opportunity known to the director or officer; or

(2) The duty to offer the corporation the business opportunity has been limited or eliminated pursuant to a provision of the articles of incorporation adopted, and where required, made effective by action of qualified directors, in accordance with subdivision (b)(6) of section 21-220.

(b) In any proceeding seeking equitable relief or other remedies based upon an alleged improper pursuit or taking advantage of a business opportunity by a director or officer, directly, or indirectly through or on behalf of another person, the fact that the director or officer did not employ the procedure described in subdivision (a)(1)(i) or (ii) of this section before pursuing or taking advantage of the opportunity shall not create an implication that the opportunity should have been first presented to the corporation or alter the burden of proof otherwise applicable to establish that the director or officer breached a duty to the corporation in the circumstances.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 124;    Laws 2017, LB35, § 20.    

21-2,125. Excluded transactions.

(MBCA 9.01) Sections 21-2,125 to 21-2,149 may not be used to effect a transaction that converts an insurance company organized on the mutual principle to one organized on a stock-share basis.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 125.    

21-2,126. Required approvals.

(MBCA 9.02) (a) If a domestic or foreign business corporation or eligible entity may not be a party to a merger without the approval of the Attorney General, the Department of Banking and Finance, the Department of Insurance, or the Public Service Commission, the corporation or eligible entity shall not be a party to a transaction under sections 21-2,125 to 21-2,149 without the prior approval of that agency.

(b) Property held in trust or for charitable purposes under the laws of this state by a domestic or foreign eligible entity shall not, by any transaction under sections 21-2,125 to 21-2,149, be diverted from the objects for which it was donated, granted, or devised unless and until the eligible entity obtains an order of the court specifying the disposition of the property to the extent required by and pursuant to cy pres or other nondiversion law of this state.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 126.    

21-2,127. Domestication.

(MBCA 9.20) (a) A foreign business corporation may become a domestic business corporation only if the domestication is permitted by the organic law of the foreign corporation.

(b) A domestic business corporation may become a foreign business corporation if the domestication is permitted by the laws of the foreign jurisdiction. Regardless of whether the laws of the foreign jurisdiction require the adoption of a plan of domestication, the domestication shall be approved by the adoption by the corporation of a plan of domestication in the manner provided in sections 21-2,127 to 21-2,132.

(c) The plan of domestication must include:

(1) A statement of the jurisdiction in which the corporation is to be domesticated;

(2) The terms and conditions of the domestication;

(3) The manner and basis of reclassifying the shares of the corporation following its domestication into shares or other securities, obligations, rights to acquire shares or other securities, cash, other property, or any combination of the foregoing; and

(4) Any desired amendments to the articles of incorporation of the corporation following its domestication.

(d) The plan of domestication may also include a provision that the plan may be amended prior to filing the document required by the laws of this state or the other jurisdiction to consummate the domestication, except that subsequent to approval of the plan by the shareholders the plan may not be amended to change:

(1) The amount or kind of shares or other securities, obligations, rights to acquire shares or other securities, cash, or other property to be received by the shareholders under the plan;

(2) The articles of incorporation as they will be in effect immediately following the domestication, except for changes permitted by section 21-2,154 or by comparable provisions of the laws of the other jurisdiction; or

(3) Any of the other terms or conditions of the plan if the change would adversely affect any of the shareholders in any material respect.

(e) Terms of a plan of domestication may be made dependent upon facts objectively ascertainable outside the plan in accordance with subsection (k) of section 21-203.

(f) If any debt security, note, or similar evidence of indebtedness for money borrowed, whether secured or unsecured, or a contract of any kind, issued, incurred, or signed by a domestic business corporation before January 1, 2017, contains a provision applying to a merger of the corporation and the document does not refer to a domestication of the corporation, the provision shall be deemed to apply to a domestication of the corporation until such time as the provision is amended subsequent to that date.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 127;    Laws 2015, LB157, § 2.    

21-2,128. Action on a plan of domestication.

(MBCA 9.21) In the case of a domestication of a domestic business corporation in a foreign jurisdiction:

(1) The plan of domestication must be adopted by the board of directors.

(2) After adopting the plan of domestication, the board of directors must submit the plan to the shareholders for their approval. The board of directors must also transmit to the shareholders a recommendation that the shareholders approve the plan unless (i) the board of directors makes a determination that because of conflicts of interest or other special circumstances it should not make such a recommendation or (ii) section 21-2,101 applies. If subdivision (2)(i) or (ii) of this section applies, the board must transmit to the shareholders the basis for so proceeding.

(3) The board of directors may condition its submission of the plan of domestication to the shareholders on any basis.

(4) If the approval of the shareholders is to be given at a meeting, the corporation must notify each shareholder, whether or not entitled to vote, of the meeting of shareholders at which the plan of domestication is to be submitted for approval. The notice must state that the purpose, or one of the purposes, of the meeting is to consider the plan and must contain or be accompanied by a copy or summary of the plan. The notice shall include or be accompanied by a copy of the articles of incorporation as they will be in effect immediately after the domestication.

(5) Unless the articles of incorporation, or the board of directors acting pursuant to subdivision (3) of this section, requires a greater vote or a greater number of votes to be present, approval of the plan of domestication requires the approval of the shareholders at a meeting at which a quorum consisting of at least a majority of the votes entitled to be cast on the plan exists, and if any class or series of shares is entitled to vote as a separate group on the plan, the approval of each such separate voting group at a meeting at which a quorum of the voting group consisting of at least a majority of the votes entitled to be cast on the domestication by that voting group exists.

(6) Subject to subdivision (7) of this section, separate voting by voting groups is required by each class or series of shares that:

(i) Are to be reclassified under the plan of domestication into other securities, obligations, rights to acquire shares or other securities, cash, other property, or any combination of the foregoing;

(ii) Are entitled to vote as a separate group on a provision of the plan that constitutes a proposed amendment to articles of incorporation of the corporation following its domestication that requires action by separate voting groups under section 21-2,153; or

(iii) Is entitled under the articles of incorporation to vote as a voting group to approve an amendment of the articles.

(7) The articles of incorporation may expressly limit or eliminate the separate voting rights provided in subdivision (6)(i) of this section.

(8) If any provision of the articles of incorporation, bylaws, or an agreement to which any of the directors or shareholders are parties, adopted or entered into before January 1, 2017, applies to a merger of the corporation and that document does not refer to a domestication of the corporation, the provision shall be deemed to apply to a domestication of the corporation until such time as the provision is amended subsequent to that date.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 128;    Laws 2015, LB157, § 3.    

21-2,129. Articles of domestication.

(MBCA 9.22) (a) After the domestication of a foreign business corporation has been authorized as required by the laws of the foreign jurisdiction, articles of domestication shall be signed by any officer or other duly authorized representative. The articles shall set forth:

(1) The name of the corporation immediately before the filing of the articles of domestication and, if that name is unavailable for use in this state or the corporation desires to change its name in connection with the domestication, a name that satisfies the requirements of section 21-230;

(2) The jurisdiction of incorporation of the corporation immediately before the filing of the articles of domestication and the date the corporation was incorporated in that jurisdiction; and

(3) A statement that the domestication of the corporation in this state was duly authorized as required by the laws of the jurisdiction in which the corporation was incorporated immediately before its domestication in this state.

(b) The articles of domestication shall either contain all of the provisions that subsection (a) of section 21-220 requires to be set forth in articles of incorporation and any other desired provisions that subsection (b) of section 21-220 permits to be included in articles of incorporation or shall have attached articles of incorporation. In either case, provisions that would not be required to be included in restated articles of incorporation may be omitted.

(c) The articles of domestication shall be delivered to the Secretary of State for filing, and shall take effect at the effective time provided in section 21-206. Within ten business days after the articles of domestication take effect, a foreign business corporation becoming a domestic business corporation shall send written notice of domestication to the last-known address of any holder of a security interest in collateral of such foreign business corporation.

(d) If the foreign corporation is authorized to transact business in this state under sections 21-2,203 to 21-2,220, its certificate of authority shall be canceled automatically on the effective date of its domestication.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 129;    Laws 2017, LB99, § 1.    

21-2,130. Surrender of charter upon domestication.

(MBCA 9.23) (a) Whenever a domestic business corporation has adopted and approved, in the manner required by sections 21-2,127 to 21-2,132, a plan of domestication providing for the corporation to be domesticated in a foreign jurisdiction, articles of charter surrender shall be signed on behalf of the corporation by any officer or other duly authorized representative. The articles of charter surrender shall set forth:

(1) The name of the corporation;

(2) A statement that the articles of charter surrender are being filed in connection with the domestication of the corporation in a foreign jurisdiction;

(3) A statement that the domestication was duly approved by the shareholders and, if voting by any separate voting group was required, by each such separate voting group, in the manner required by the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act and the articles of incorporation; and

(4) The corporation's new jurisdiction of incorporation.

(b) The articles of charter surrender shall be delivered by the corporation to the Secretary of State for filing. The articles of charter surrender shall take effect at the effective time provided in section 21-206. Within ten business days after the articles of charter surrender take effect, a domestic business corporation becoming domesticated in a foreign jurisdiction shall send written notice of charter surrender to the last-known address of any holder of a security interest in collateral of such domestic business corporation.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 130;    Laws 2017, LB99, § 2.    

21-2,131. Effect of domestication.

(MBCA 9.24) (a) When a domestication becomes effective:

(1) The title to all real and personal property, both tangible and intangible, of the corporation remains in the corporation without reversion or impairment;

(2) The liabilities of the corporation remain the liabilities of the corporation;

(3) An action or proceeding pending against the corporation continues against the corporation as if the domestication had not occurred;

(4) The articles of domestication, or the articles of incorporation attached to the articles of domestication, constitute the articles of incorporation of a foreign corporation domesticating in this state;

(5) The shares of the corporation are reclassified into shares, other securities, obligations, rights to acquire shares or other securities, or into cash or other property in accordance with the terms of the domestication, and the shareholders are entitled only to the rights provided by those terms and to any appraisal rights they may have under the organic law of the domesticating corporation; and

(6) The corporation is deemed to:

(i) Be incorporated under and subject to the organic law of the domesticated corporation for all purposes;

(ii) Be the same corporation without interruption as the domesticating corporation; and

(iii) Have been incorporated on the date the domesticating corporation was originally incorporated.

(b) When a domestication of a domestic business corporation in a foreign jurisdiction becomes effective, the foreign business corporation is deemed to agree that it will promptly pay the amount, if any, to which such shareholders are entitled under sections 21-2,171 to 21-2,183.

(c) The owner liability of a shareholder in a foreign corporation that is domesticated in this state shall be as follows:

(1) The domestication does not discharge any owner liability under the laws of the foreign jurisdiction to the extent any such owner liability arose before the effective time of the articles of domestication;

(2) The shareholder shall not have owner liability under the laws of the foreign jurisdiction for any debt, obligation, or liability of the corporation that arises after the effective time of the articles of domestication;

(3) The provisions of the laws of the foreign jurisdiction shall continue to apply to the collection or discharge of any owner liability preserved by subdivision (1) of this subsection, as if the domestication had not occurred; and

(4) The shareholder shall have whatever rights of contribution from other shareholders are provided by the laws of the foreign jurisdiction with respect to any owner liability preserved by subdivision (1) of this subsection, if the domestication had not occurred.

(d) A shareholder who becomes subject to owner liability for some or all of the debts, obligations, or liabilities of the corporation as a result of its domestication in this state shall have owner liability only for those debts, obligations, or liabilities of the corporation that arise after the effective time of the articles of domestication.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 131.    

21-2,132. Abandonment of a domestication.

(MBCA 9.25) (a) Unless otherwise provided in a plan of domestication of a domestic business corporation, after the plan has been adopted and approved as required by sections 21-2,127 to 21-2,132, and at any time before the domestication has become effective, it may be abandoned by the board of directors without action by the shareholders.

(b) If a domestication is abandoned under subsection (a) of this section after articles of charter surrender have been filed with the Secretary of State but before the domestication has become effective, a statement that the domestication has been abandoned in accordance with this section, signed by an officer or other duly authorized representative, shall be delivered to the Secretary of State for filing prior to the effective date of the domestication. The statement shall take effect upon filing and the domestication shall be deemed abandoned and shall not become effective.

(c) If the domestication of a foreign business corporation in this state is abandoned in accordance with the laws of the foreign jurisdiction after articles of domestication have been filed with the Secretary of State, a statement that the domestication has been abandoned, signed by an officer or other duly authorized representative, shall be delivered to the Secretary of State for filing. The statement shall take effect upon filing and the domestication shall be deemed abandoned and shall not become effective.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 132.    

21-2,133. Nonprofit conversion.

(MBCA 9.30) (a) A domestic business corporation may become a domestic nonprofit corporation pursuant to a plan of nonprofit conversion.

(b) A domestic business corporation may become a foreign nonprofit corporation if the nonprofit conversion is permitted by the laws of the foreign jurisdiction. Regardless of whether the laws of the foreign jurisdiction require the adoption of a plan of nonprofit conversion, the foreign nonprofit conversion shall be approved by the adoption by the domestic business corporation of a plan of nonprofit conversion in the manner provided in sections 21-2,133 to 21-2,138.

(c) The plan of nonprofit conversion must include:

(1) The terms and conditions of the conversion;

(2) The manner and basis of reclassifying the shares of the corporation following its conversion into memberships, if any, or securities, obligations, rights to acquire memberships or securities, cash, other property, or any combination of the foregoing;

(3) Any desired amendments to the articles of incorporation of the corporation following its conversion; and

(4) If the domestic business corporation is to be converted to a foreign nonprofit corporation, a statement of the jurisdiction in which the corporation will be incorporated after the conversion.

(d) The plan of nonprofit conversion may also include a provision that the plan may be amended prior to filing articles of nonprofit conversion, except that subsequent to approval of the plan by the shareholders the plan may not be amended to change:

(1) The amount or kind of memberships or securities, obligations, rights to acquire memberships or securities, cash, or other property to be received by the shareholders under the plan;

(2) The articles of incorporation as they will be in effect immediately following the conversion, except for changes permitted by section 21-2,154; or

(3) Any of the other terms or conditions of the plan if the change would adversely affect any of the shareholders in any material respect.

(e) Terms of a plan of nonprofit conversion may be made dependent upon facts objectively ascertainable outside the plan in accordance with subsection (k) of section 21-203.

(f) If any debt security, note, or similar evidence of indebtedness for money borrowed, whether secured or unsecured, or a contract of any kind, issued, incurred, or signed by a domestic business corporation before January 1, 2017, contains a provision applying to a merger of the corporation and the document does not refer to a nonprofit conversion of the corporation, the provision shall be deemed to apply to a nonprofit conversion of the corporation until such time as the provision is amended subsequent to that date.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 133;    Laws 2015, LB157, § 4.    

21-2,134. Action on a plan of nonprofit conversion.

(MBCA 9.31) In the case of a conversion of a domestic business corporation to a domestic or foreign nonprofit corporation:

(1) The plan of nonprofit conversion must be adopted by the board of directors.

(2) After adopting the plan of nonprofit conversion, the board of directors must submit the plan to the shareholders for their approval. The board of directors must also transmit to the shareholders a recommendation that the shareholders approve the plan, unless (i) the board of directors makes a determination that because of conflicts of interest or other special circumstances it should not make such a recommendation or (ii) section 21-2,101 applies. If subdivision (2)(i) or (ii) of this section applies, the board must transmit to the shareholders the basis for so proceeding.

(3) The board of directors may condition its submission of the plan of nonprofit conversion to the shareholders on any basis.

(4) If the approval of the shareholders is to be given at a meeting, the corporation must notify each shareholder of the meeting of shareholders at which the plan of nonprofit conversion is to be submitted for approval. The notice must state that the purpose, or one of the purposes, of the meeting is to consider the plan and must contain or be accompanied by a copy or summary of the plan. The notice shall include or be accompanied by a copy of the articles of incorporation as they will be in effect immediately after the nonprofit conversion.

(5) Unless the articles of incorporation, or the board of directors acting pursuant to subdivision (3) of this section, requires a greater vote or a greater number of votes to be present, approval of the plan of nonprofit conversion requires the approval of each class or series of shares of the corporation voting as a separate voting group at a meeting at which a quorum of the voting group consisting of at least a majority of the votes entitled to be cast on the nonprofit conversion by that voting group exists.

(6) If any provision of the articles of incorporation, bylaws, or an agreement to which any of the directors or shareholders are parties, adopted or entered into before January 1, 2017, applies to a merger, other than a provision that eliminates or limits voting or appraisal rights, and the document does not refer to a nonprofit conversion of the corporation, the provision shall be deemed to apply to a nonprofit conversion of the corporation until such time as the provision is amended subsequent to that date.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 134;    Laws 2015, LB157, § 5.    

21-2,135. Articles of nonprofit conversion.

(MBCA 9.32) (a) After a plan of nonprofit conversion providing for the conversion of a domestic business corporation to a domestic nonprofit corporation has been adopted and approved as required by the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act, articles of nonprofit conversion shall be signed on behalf of the corporation by any officer or other duly authorized representative. The articles shall set forth:

(1) The name of the corporation immediately before the filing of the articles of nonprofit conversion and if that name does not satisfy the requirements of the Nebraska Nonprofit Corporation Act, or the corporation desires to change its name in connection with the conversion, a name that satisfies the requirements of the Nebraska Nonprofit Corporation Act; and

(2) A statement that the plan of nonprofit conversion was duly approved by the shareholders in the manner required by the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act and the articles of incorporation.

(b) The articles of nonprofit conversion shall either contain all of the provisions that the Nebraska Nonprofit Corporation Act requires to be set forth in articles of incorporation of a domestic nonprofit corporation and any other desired provisions permitted by the Nebraska Nonprofit Corporation Act or shall have attached articles of incorporation that satisfy the requirements of the Nebraska Nonprofit Corporation Act. In either case, provisions that would not be required to be included in restated articles of incorporation of a domestic nonprofit corporation may be omitted.

(c) The articles of nonprofit conversion shall be delivered to the Secretary of State for filing and shall take effect at the effective time provided in section 21-206. Within ten business days after the articles of nonprofit conversion take effect, a domestic business corporation converting into a domestic nonprofit corporation shall send written notice of conversion to the last-known address of any holder of a security interest in collateral of such domestic business corporation.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 135;    Laws 2017, LB99, § 3.    

Cross References

21-2,136. Surrender of charter upon foreign nonprofit conversion.

(MBCA 9.33) (a) Whenever a domestic business corporation has adopted and approved, in the manner required by sections 21-2,133 to 21-2,138, a plan of nonprofit conversion providing for the corporation to be converted to a foreign nonprofit corporation, articles of charter surrender shall be signed on behalf of the corporation by any officer or other duly authorized representative. The articles of charter surrender shall set forth:

(1) The name of the corporation;

(2) A statement that the articles of charter surrender are being filed in connection with the conversion of the corporation to a foreign nonprofit corporation;

(3) A statement that the foreign nonprofit conversion was duly approved by the shareholders in the manner required by the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act and the articles of incorporation; and

(4) The corporation's new jurisdiction of incorporation.

(b) The articles of charter surrender shall be delivered by the corporation to the Secretary of State for filing. The articles of charter surrender shall take effect on the effective time provided in section 21-206.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 136.    

21-2,137. Effect of nonprofit conversion.

(MBCA 9.34) (a) When a conversion of a domestic business corporation to a domestic nonprofit corporation becomes effective:

(1) The title to all real and personal property, both tangible and intangible, of the corporation remains in the corporation without reversion or impairment;

(2) The liabilities of the corporation remain the liabilities of the corporation;

(3) An action or proceeding pending against the corporation continues against the corporation as if the conversion had not occurred;

(4) The articles of incorporation of the domestic or foreign nonprofit corporation become effective;

(5) The shares of the corporation are reclassified into memberships, securities, obligations, rights to acquire memberships or securities, or into cash or other property in accordance with the plan of conversion, and the shareholders are entitled only to the rights provided in the plan of nonprofit conversion or to any rights they may have under sections 21-2,171 to 21-2,183; and

(6) The corporation is deemed to:

(i) Be a domestic nonprofit corporation for all purposes;

(ii) Be the same corporation without interruption as the corporation that existed prior to the conversion; and

(iii) Have been incorporated on the date that it was originally incorporated as a domestic business corporation.

(b) When a conversion of a domestic business corporation to a foreign nonprofit corporation becomes effective, the foreign nonprofit corporation is deemed to agree that it will promptly pay the amount, if any, to which such shareholders are entitled under sections 21-2,171 to 21-2,183.

(c) The owner liability of a shareholder in a domestic business corporation that converts to a domestic nonprofit corporation shall be as follows:

(1) The conversion does not discharge any owner liability of the shareholder as a shareholder of the business corporation to the extent any such owner liability arose before the effective time of the articles of nonprofit conversion;

(2) The shareholder shall not have owner liability for any debt, obligation, or liability of the nonprofit corporation that arises after the effective time of the articles of nonprofit conversion;

(3) The laws of this state shall continue to apply to the collection or discharge of any owner liability preserved by subdivision (1) of this subsection as if the conversion had not occurred and the nonprofit corporation was still a business corporation; and

(4) The shareholder shall have whatever rights of contribution from other shareholders that are provided by the laws of this state with respect to any owner liability preserved by subdivision (1) of this subsection as if the conversion had not occurred and the nonprofit corporation were still a business corporation.

(d) A shareholder who becomes subject to owner liability for some or all of the debts, obligations, or liabilities of the nonprofit corporation shall have owner liability only for those debts, obligations, or liabilities of the nonprofit corporation that arise after the effective time of the articles of nonprofit conversion.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 137.    

21-2,138. Abandonment of a nonprofit conversion.

(MBCA 9.35) (a) Unless otherwise provided in a plan of nonprofit conversion of a domestic business corporation, after the plan has been adopted and approved as required by sections 21-2,133 to 21-2,138, and at any time before the nonprofit conversion has become effective, it may be abandoned by the board of directors without action by the shareholders.

(b) If a nonprofit conversion is abandoned under subsection (a) of this section after articles of nonprofit conversion or articles of charter surrender have been filed with the Secretary of State but before the nonprofit conversion has become effective, a statement that the nonprofit conversion has been abandoned in accordance with this section, signed by an officer or other duly authorized representative, shall be delivered to the Secretary of State for filing prior to the effective date of the nonprofit conversion. The statement shall take effect upon filing and the nonprofit conversion shall be deemed abandoned and shall not become effective.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 138.    

21-2,139. Foreign nonprofit domestication and conversion.

(MBCA 9.40) A foreign nonprofit corporation may become a domestic business corporation if the domestication and conversion is permitted by the organic law of the foreign nonprofit corporation.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 139.    

21-2,140. Articles of domestication and conversion.

(MBCA 9.41) (a) After the conversion of a foreign nonprofit corporation to a domestic business corporation has been authorized as required by the laws of the foreign jurisdiction, articles of domestication and conversion shall be signed by any officer or other duly authorized representative. The articles shall set forth:

(1) The name of the corporation immediately before the filing of the articles of domestication and conversion and, if that name is unavailable for use in this state or the corporation desires to change its name in connection with the domestication and conversion, a name that satisfies the requirements of section 21-230;

(2) The jurisdiction of incorporation of the corporation immediately before the filing of the articles of domestication and conversion and the date the corporation was incorporated in that jurisdiction; and

(3) A statement that the domestication and conversion of the corporation in this state was duly authorized as required by the laws of the jurisdiction in which the corporation was incorporated immediately before its domestication and conversion in this state.

(b) The articles of domestication and conversion shall either contain all of the provisions that subsection (a) of section 21-220 requires to be set forth in articles of incorporation and any other desired provisions that subsection (b) of section 21-220 permits to be included in articles of incorporation or shall have attached articles of incorporation. In either case, provisions that would not be required to be included in restated articles of incorporation may be omitted.

(c) The articles of domestication and conversion shall be delivered to the Secretary of State for filing and shall take effect at the effective time provided in section 21-206. Within ten business days after the articles of domestication and conversion take effect, a foreign nonprofit corporation converting into a domestic business corporation shall send written notice of domestication and conversion to the last-known address of any holder of a security interest in collateral of such foreign nonprofit corporation.

(d) If the foreign nonprofit corporation is authorized to transact business in this state under the foreign qualification provision of the Nebraska Nonprofit Corporation Act, its certificate of authority shall be canceled automatically on the effective date of its domestication and conversion.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 140;    Laws 2017, LB99, § 4.    

Cross References

21-2,141. Effect of foreign nonprofit domestication and conversion.

(MBCA 9.42) (a) When a domestication and conversion of a foreign nonprofit corporation to a domestic business corporation becomes effective:

(1) The title to all real and personal property, both tangible and intangible, of the corporation remains in the corporation without reversion or impairment;

(2) The liabilities of the corporation remain the liabilities of the corporation;

(3) An action or proceeding pending against the corporation continues against the corporation as if the domestication and conversion had not occurred;

(4) The articles of domestication and conversion, or the articles of incorporation attached to the articles of domestication and conversion, constitute the articles of incorporation of the corporation;

(5) Shares, other securities, obligations, rights to acquire shares or other securities of the corporation, or cash or other property shall be issued or paid as provided pursuant to the laws of the foreign jurisdiction so long as at least one share is outstanding immediately after the effective time; and

(6) The corporation is deemed to:

(i) Be a domestic corporation for all purposes;

(ii) Be the same corporation without interruption as the foreign nonprofit corporation; and

(iii) Have been incorporated on the date the foreign nonprofit corporation was originally incorporated.

(b) The owner liability of a member of a foreign nonprofit corporation that domesticates and converts to a domestic business corporation shall be as follows:

(1) The domestication and conversion does not discharge any owner liability under the laws of the foreign jurisdiction to the extent any such owner liability arose before the effective time of the articles of domestication and conversion;

(2) The member shall not have owner liability under the laws of the foreign jurisdiction for any debt, obligation, or liability of the corporation that arises after the effective time of the articles of domestication and conversion;

(3) The provisions of the laws of the foreign jurisdiction shall continue to apply to the collection or discharge of any owner liability preserved by subdivision (1) of this subsection as if the domestication and conversion had not occurred; and

(4) The member shall have whatever rights of contribution from other members are provided by the laws of the foreign jurisdiction with respect to any owner liability preserved by subdivision (1) of this subsection as if the domestication and conversion had not occurred.

(c) A member of a foreign nonprofit corporation who becomes subject to owner liability for some or all of the debts, obligations, or liabilities of the corporation as a result of its domestication and conversion in this state shall have owner liability only for those debts, obligations, or liabilities of the corporation that arise after the effective time of the articles of domestication and conversion.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 141.    

21-2,142. Abandonment of a foreign nonprofit domestication and conversion.

(MBCA 9.43) If the domestication and conversion of a foreign nonprofit corporation to a domestic business corporation is abandoned in accordance with the laws of the foreign jurisdiction after articles of domestication and conversion have been filed with the Secretary of State, a statement that the domestication and conversion has been abandoned, signed by an officer or other duly authorized representative, shall be delivered to the Secretary of State for filing. The statement shall take effect upon filing and the domestication and conversion shall be deemed abandoned and shall not become effective.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 142.    

21-2,143. Entity conversion authorized; definitions.

(MBCA 9.50) (a) A domestic business corporation may become a domestic unincorporated entity pursuant to a plan of entity conversion.

(b) A domestic business corporation may become a foreign unincorporated entity if the entity conversion is permitted by the laws of the foreign jurisdiction.

(c) A domestic unincorporated entity may become a domestic business corporation. If the organic law of a domestic unincorporated entity does not provide procedures for the approval of an entity conversion, the conversion shall be adopted and approved, and the entity conversion effectuated, in the same manner as a merger of the unincorporated entity. If the organic law of a domestic unincorporated entity does not provide procedures for the approval of either an entity conversion or a merger, a plan of entity conversion shall be adopted and approved, the entity conversion effectuated, and appraisal rights exercised in accordance with the procedures in sections 21-2,143 to 21-2,149 and sections 21-2,171 to 21-2,183. Without limiting the provisions of this subsection, a domestic unincorporated entity whose organic law does not provide procedures for the approval of an entity conversion shall be subject to subsection (e) of this section and subdivision (7) of section 21-2,145. For purposes of applying sections 21-2,143 to 21-2,149 and 21-2,171 to 21-2,183:

(1) The unincorporated entity, its interest holders, interests, and organic documents taken together, shall be deemed to be a domestic business corporation, shareholders, shares, and articles of incorporation, respectively and vice versa, as the context may require; and

(2) If the business and affairs of the unincorporated entity are managed by a group of persons that is not identical to the interest holders, that group shall be deemed to be the board of directors.

(d) A foreign unincorporated entity may become a domestic business corporation if the organic law of the foreign unincorporated entity authorizes it to become a corporation in another jurisdiction.

(e) If any debt security, note, or similar evidence of indebtedness for money borrowed, whether secured or unsecured, or a contract of any kind, issued, incurred, or signed by a domestic business corporation before January 1, 2017, applies to a merger of the corporation and the document does not refer to an entity conversion of the corporation, the provision shall be deemed to apply to an entity conversion of the corporation until such time as the provision is amended subsequent to that date.

(f) As used in sections 21-2,143 to 21-2,149:

(1) Converting entity means the domestic business corporation or domestic unincorporated entity that adopts a plan of entity conversion or the foreign unincorporated entity converting to a domestic business corporation; and

(2) Surviving entity means the corporation or unincorporated entity that is in existence immediately after consummation of an entity conversion pursuant to sections 21-2,143 to 21-2,149.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 143;    Laws 2015, LB157, § 6.    

21-2,144. Plan of entity conversion.

(MBCA 9.51) (a) A plan of entity conversion must include:

(1) A statement of the type of other entity the surviving entity will be and, if it will be a foreign other entity, its jurisdiction of organization;

(2) The terms and conditions of the conversion;

(3) The manner and basis of converting the shares of the domestic business corporation following its conversion into interests or other securities, obligations, rights to acquire interests or other securities, cash, other property, or any combination of the foregoing; and

(4) The full text, as they will be in effect immediately after consummation of the conversion, of the organic documents of the surviving entity.

(b) The plan of entity conversion may also include a provision that the plan may be amended prior to filing articles of entity conversion, except that subsequent to approval of the plan by the shareholders the plan may not be amended to change:

(1) The amount or kind of shares or other securities, interests, obligations, rights to acquire shares, other securities, or interests, cash, or other property to be received under the plan by the shareholders;

(2) The organic documents that will be in effect immediately following the conversion, except for changes permitted by a provision of the organic law of the surviving entity comparable to section 21-2,154; or

(3) Any of the other terms or conditions of the plan if the change would adversely affect any of the shareholders in any material respect.

(c) Terms of a plan of entity conversion may be made dependent upon facts objectively ascertainable outside the plan in accordance with subsection (k) of section 21-203.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 144.    

21-2,145. Action on a plan of entity conversion.

(MBCA 9.52) In the case of an entity conversion of a domestic business corporation to a domestic or foreign unincorporated entity:

(1) The plan of entity conversion must be adopted by the board of directors.

(2) After adopting the plan of entity conversion, the board of directors must submit the plan to the shareholders for their approval. The board of directors must also transmit to the shareholders a recommendation that the shareholders approve the plan unless (i) the board of directors makes a determination that because of conflicts of interest or other special circumstances it should not make such a recommendation or (ii) section 21-2,101 applies. If subdivision (2)(i) or (ii) of this section applies, the board must transmit to the shareholders the basis for so proceeding.

(3) The board of directors may condition its submission of the plan of entity conversion to the shareholders on any basis.

(4) If the approval of the shareholders is to be given at a meeting, the corporation must notify each shareholder, whether or not entitled to vote, of the meeting of shareholders at which the plan of entity conversion is to be submitted for approval. The notice must state that the purpose, or one of the purposes, of the meeting is to consider the plan and must contain or be accompanied by a copy or summary of the plan. The notice shall include or be accompanied by a copy of the organic documents as they will be in effect immediately after the entity conversion.

(5) Unless the articles of incorporation, or the board of directors acting pursuant to subdivision (3) of this section, requires a greater vote or a greater number of votes to be present, approval of the plan of entity conversion requires the approval of each class or series of shares of the corporation voting as a separate voting group at a meeting at which a quorum of the voting group consisting of at least a majority of the votes entitled to be cast on the conversion by that voting group exists.

(6) If any provision of the articles of incorporation, bylaws, or an agreement to which any of the directors or shareholders are parties, adopted or entered into before January 1, 2017, applies to a merger of the corporation, other than a provision that limits or eliminates voting or appraisal rights, and the document does not refer to an entity conversion of the corporation, the provision shall be deemed to apply to an entity conversion of the corporation until such time as the provision is subsequently amended.

(7) If as a result of the conversion one or more shareholders of the corporation would become subject to owner liability for the debts, obligations, or liabilities of any other person or entity, approval of the plan of conversion shall require the signing, by each such shareholder, of a separate written consent to become subject to such owner liability.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 145;    Laws 2015, LB157, § 7.    

21-2,146. Articles of entity conversion.

(MBCA 9.53) (a) After the conversion of a domestic business corporation to a domestic unincorporated entity has been adopted and approved as required by the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act, articles of entity conversion shall be signed on behalf of the corporation by any officer or other duly authorized representative. The articles shall:

(1) Set forth the name of the corporation immediately before the filing of the articles of entity conversion and the name to which the name of the corporation is to be changed, which shall be a name that satisfies the organic law of the surviving entity;

(2) State the type of unincorporated entity that the surviving entity will be;

(3) Set forth a statement that the plan of entity conversion was duly approved by the shareholders in the manner required by the act and the articles of incorporation; and

(4) If the surviving entity is a filing entity, either contain all of the provisions required to be set forth in its public organic document and any other desired provisions that are permitted or have attached a public organic document; except that, in either case, provisions that would not be required to be included in a restated public organic document may be omitted.

(b) After the conversion of a domestic unincorporated entity to a domestic business corporation has been adopted and approved as required by the organic law of the unincorporated entity, articles of entity conversion shall be signed on behalf of the unincorporated entity by any officer or other duly authorized representative. The articles shall:

(1) Set forth the name of the unincorporated entity immediately before the filing of the articles of entity conversion and the name to which the name of the unincorporated entity is to be changed which shall be a name that satisfies the requirements of section 21-230;

(2) Set forth a statement that the plan of entity conversion was duly approved in accordance with the organic law of the unincorporated entity; and

(3) Either contain all of the provisions that subsection (a) of section 21-220 requires to be set forth in articles of incorporation and any other desired provisions that subsection (b) of section 21-220 permits to be included in articles of incorporation or have attached articles of incorporation; except that, in either case, provisions that would not be required to be included in restated articles of incorporation of a domestic business corporation may be omitted.

(c) After the conversion of a foreign unincorporated entity to a domestic business corporation has been authorized as required by the laws of the foreign jurisdiction, articles of entity conversion shall be signed on behalf of the foreign unincorporated entity by any officer or other duly authorized representative. The articles shall:

(1) Set forth the name of the unincorporated entity immediately before the filing of the articles of entity conversion and the name to which the name of the unincorporated entity is to be changed which shall be a name that satisfies the requirements of section 21-230;

(2) Set forth the jurisdiction under the laws of which the unincorporated entity was organized immediately before the filing of the articles of entity conversion and the date on which the unincorporated entity was organized in that jurisdiction;

(3) Set forth a statement that the conversion of the unincorporated entity was duly approved in the manner required by its organic law; and

(4) Either contain all of the provisions that subsection (a) of section 21-220 requires to be set forth in articles of incorporation and any other desired provisions that subsection (b) of section 21-220 permits to be included in articles of incorporation or have attached articles of incorporation; except that, in either case, provisions that would not be required to be included in restated articles of incorporation of a domestic business corporation may be omitted.

(d) The articles of entity conversion shall be delivered to the Secretary of State for filing and shall take effect at the effective time provided in section 21-206. Within ten business days after the articles of entity conversion take effect, the converting entity shall send written notice of conversion to the last-known address of any holder of a security interest in collateral of the converting entity. Articles of entity conversion under subsection (a) or (b) of this section may be combined with any required conversion filing under the organic law of the domestic unincorporated entity if the combined filing satisfies the requirements of both this section and the other organic law.

(e) If the converting entity is a foreign unincorporated entity that is authorized to transact business in this state under a provision of law similar to sections 21-2,203 to 21-2,220, its certificate of authority or other type of foreign qualification shall be canceled automatically on the effective date of its conversion.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 146;    Laws 2017, LB99, § 5.    

21-2,147. Surrender of charter upon conversion.

(MBCA 9.54) (a) Whenever a domestic business corporation has adopted and approved, in the manner required by sections 21-2,143 to 21-2,149, a plan of entity conversion providing for the corporation to be converted to a foreign unincorporated entity, articles of charter surrender shall be signed on behalf of the corporation by any officer or other duly authorized representative. The articles of charter surrender shall set forth:

(1) The name of the corporation;

(2) A statement that the articles of charter surrender are being filed in connection with the conversion of the corporation to a foreign unincorporated entity;

(3) A statement that the conversion was duly approved by the shareholders in the manner required by the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act and the articles of incorporation;

(4) The jurisdiction under the laws of which the surviving entity will be organized; and

(5) If the surviving entity will be a nonfiling entity, the address of its executive office immediately after the conversion.

(b) The articles of charter surrender shall be delivered by the corporation to the Secretary of State for filing. The articles of charter surrender shall take effect on the effective time provided in section 21-206.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 147.    

21-2,148. Effect of entity conversion.

(MBCA 9.55) (a) When a conversion under sections 21-2,143 to 21-2,149 becomes effective:

(1) The title to all real and personal property, both tangible and intangible, of the converting entity remains in the surviving entity without reversion or impairment;

(2) The liabilities of the converting entity remain the liabilities of the surviving entity;

(3) An action or proceeding pending against the converting entity continues against the surviving entity as if the conversion had not occurred;

(4) In the case of a surviving entity that is a filing entity, its articles of incorporation or public organic document and its private organic document become effective;

(5) In the case of a surviving entity that is a nonfiling entity, its private organic document becomes effective;

(6) The shares or interests of the converting entity are reclassified into shares, interests, other securities, obligations, rights to acquire shares, interests, or other securities, or into cash or other property in accordance with the plan of conversion, and the shareholders or interest holders of the converting entity are entitled only to the rights provided to them under the terms of the conversion and to any appraisal rights they may have under the organic law of the converting entity; and

(7) The surviving entity is deemed to:

(i) Be incorporated or organized under and subject to the organic law of the converting entity for all purposes;

(ii) Be the same corporation or unincorporated entity without interruption as the converting entity; and

(iii) Have been incorporated or otherwise organized on the date that the converting entity was originally incorporated or organized.

(b) When a conversion of a domestic business corporation to a foreign other entity becomes effective, the surviving entity is deemed to agree that it will promptly pay the amount, if any, to which such shareholders are entitled under sections 21-2,171 to 21-2,183.

(c) A shareholder who becomes subject to owner liability for some or all of the debts, obligations, or liabilities of the surviving entity shall be personally liable only for those debts, obligations, or liabilities of the surviving entity that arise after the effective time of the articles of entity conversion.

(d) The owner liability of an interest holder in an unincorporated entity that converts to a domestic business corporation shall be as follows:

(1) The conversion does not discharge any owner liability under the organic law of the unincorporated entity to the extent any such owner liability arose before the effective time of the articles of entity conversion;

(2) The interest holder shall not have owner liability under the organic law of the unincorporated entity for any debt, obligation, or liability of the corporation that arises after the effective time of the articles of entity conversion;

(3) The provisions of the organic law of the unincorporated entity shall continue to apply to the collection or discharge of any owner liability preserved by subdivision (1) of this subsection as if the conversion had not occurred; and

(4) The interest holder shall have whatever rights of contribution from other interest holders that are provided by the organic law of the unincorporated entity with respect to any owner liability preserved by subdivision (1) of this subsection as if the conversion had not occurred.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 148.    

21-2,149. Abandonment of an entity conversion.

(MBCA 9.56) (a) Unless otherwise provided in a plan of entity conversion of a domestic business corporation, after the plan has been adopted and approved as required by sections 21-2,143 to 21-2,149 and at any time before the entity conversion has become effective, it may be abandoned by the board of directors without action by the shareholders.

(b) If an entity conversion is abandoned after articles of entity conversion or articles of charter surrender have been filed with the Secretary of State but before the entity conversion has become effective, a statement that the entity conversion has been abandoned in accordance with this section, signed by an officer or other duly authorized representative, shall be delivered to the Secretary of State for filing prior to the effective date of the entity conversion. Upon filing, the statement shall take effect and the entity conversion shall be deemed abandoned and shall not become effective.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 149.    

21-2,150. Authority to amend.

(MBCA 10.01) (a) A corporation may amend its articles of incorporation at any time to add or change a provision that is required or permitted in the articles of incorporation as of the effective date of the amendment or to delete a provision that is not required to be contained in the articles of incorporation.

(b) A shareholder of the corporation does not have a vested property right resulting from any provision in the articles of incorporation, including provisions relating to management, control, capital structure, dividend entitlement, or purpose or duration of the corporation.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 150.    

21-2,151. Amendment before issuance of shares.

(MBCA 10.02) If a corporation has not yet issued shares, its board of directors or its incorporators if it has no board of directors may adopt one or more amendments to the corporation's articles of incorporation.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 151.    

21-2,152. Amendment by board of directors and shareholders.

(MBCA 10.03) If a corporation has issued shares, an amendment to the articles of incorporation shall be adopted in the following manner:

(1) The proposed amendment must be adopted by the board of directors.

(2) Except as provided in sections 21-2,154, 21-2,156, and 21-2,157, after adopting the proposed amendment the board of directors must submit the amendment to the shareholders for their approval. The board of directors must also transmit to the shareholders a recommendation that the shareholders approve the amendment unless (i) the board of directors makes a determination that because of conflicts of interest or other special circumstances it should not make such a recommendation or (ii) section 21-2,101 applies. If subdivision (2)(i) or (ii) of this section applies, the board must transmit to the shareholders the basis for so proceeding.

(3) The board of directors may condition its submission of the amendment to the shareholders on any basis.

(4) If the amendment is required to be approved by the shareholders and the approval is to be given at a meeting, the corporation must notify each shareholder, whether or not entitled to vote, of the meeting of shareholders at which the amendment is to be submitted for approval. The notice must state that the purpose, or one of the purposes, of the meeting is to consider the amendment and must contain or be accompanied by a copy of the amendment.

(5) Unless the articles of incorporation, or the board of directors acting pursuant to subdivision (3) of this section, requires a greater vote or a greater number of shares to be present, approval of the amendment requires the approval of the shareholders at a meeting at which a quorum consisting of at least a majority of the votes entitled to be cast on the amendment exists, and, if any class or series of shares is entitled to vote as a separate group on the amendment, except as provided in subsection (c) of section 21-2,153, the approval of each such separate voting group at a meeting at which a quorum of the voting group consisting of at least a majority of the votes entitled to be cast on the amendment by that voting group exists.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 152.    

21-2,153. Voting on amendments by voting groups.

(MBCA 10.04) (a) If a corporation has more than one class of shares outstanding, the holders of the outstanding shares of a class are entitled to vote as a separate voting group, if shareholder voting is otherwise required by the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act, on a proposed amendment to the articles of incorporation if the amendment would:

(1) Effect an exchange or reclassification of all or part of the shares of the class into shares of another class;

(2) Effect an exchange or reclassification or create the right of exchange of all or part of the shares of another class into shares of the class;

(3) Change the rights, preferences, or limitations of all or part of the shares of the class;

(4) Change the shares of all or part of the class into a different number of shares of the same class;

(5) Create a new class of shares having rights or preferences with respect to distributions that are prior or superior to the shares of the class;

(6) Increase the rights, preferences, or number of authorized shares of any class that, after giving effect to the amendment, have rights or preferences with respect to distributions that are prior or superior to the shares of the class;

(7) Limit or deny an existing preemptive right of all or part of the shares of the class; or

(8) Cancel or otherwise affect rights to distributions that have accumulated but not yet been authorized on all or part of the shares of the class.

(b) If a proposed amendment would affect a series of a class of shares in one or more of the ways described in subsection (a) of this section, the holders of shares of that series are entitled to vote as a separate voting group on the proposed amendment.

(c) If a proposed amendment that entitles the holders of two or more classes or series of shares to vote as separate voting groups under this section would affect those two or more classes or series in the same or a substantially similar way, the holders of shares of all the classes or series so affected must vote together as a single voting group on the proposed amendment unless otherwise provided in the articles of incorporation or required by the board of directors.

(d) A class or series of shares is entitled to the voting rights granted by this section although the articles of incorporation provide that the shares are nonvoting shares.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 153.    

21-2,154. Amendment by board of directors.

(MBCA 10.05) Unless the articles of incorporation provide otherwise, a corporation's board of directors may adopt amendments to the corporation's articles of incorporation without shareholder approval:

(1) To extend the duration of the corporation if it was incorporated at a time when limited duration was required by law;

(2) To delete the names and addresses of the initial directors;

(3) To delete the name and address of the initial registered agent or registered office, if a statement of change is on file with the Secretary of State;

(4) If the corporation has only one class of shares outstanding:

(i) To change each issued and unissued authorized share of the class into a greater number of whole shares of that class; or

(ii) To increase the number of authorized shares of the class to the extent necessary to permit the issuance of shares as a share dividend;

(5) To change the corporate name by substituting the word corporation, incorporated, company, limited, or the abbreviation corp., inc., co., or ltd., for a similar word or abbreviation in the name or by adding, deleting, or changing a geographical attribution for the name;

(6) To reflect a reduction in authorized shares, as a result of the operation of subsection (b) of section 21-251, when the corporation has acquired its own shares and the articles of incorporation prohibit the reissue of the acquired shares;

(7) To delete a class of shares from the articles of incorporation, as a result of the operation of subsection (b) of section 21-251, when there are no remaining shares of the class because the corporation has acquired all shares of the class and the articles of incorporation prohibit the reissue of the acquired shares; or

(8) To make any change expressly permitted by subsection (a) or (b) of section 21-238 to be made without shareholder approval.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 154.    

21-2,155. Articles of amendment.

(MBCA 10.06) After an amendment to the articles of incorporation has been adopted and approved in the manner required by the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act and by the articles of incorporation, the corporation shall deliver to the Secretary of State, for filing, articles of amendment, which shall set forth:

(1) The name of the corporation;

(2) The text of each amendment adopted, or the information required by subdivision (k)(5) of section 21-203;

(3) If an amendment provides for an exchange, reclassification, or cancellation of issued shares, provisions for implementing the amendment if not contained in the amendment itself, which may be made dependent upon facts objectively ascertainable outside the articles of amendment in accordance with subdivision (k)(5) of section 21-203;

(4) The date of each amendment's adoption; and

(5) If an amendment:

(i) Was adopted by the incorporators or board of directors without shareholder approval, a statement that the amendment was duly approved by the incorporators or by the board of directors, as the case may be, and that shareholder approval was not required;

(ii) Required approval by the shareholders, a statement that the amendment was duly approved by the shareholders in the manner required by the act and by the articles of incorporation; or

(iii) Is being filed pursuant to subdivision (k)(5) of section 21-203, a statement to that effect.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 155.    

21-2,156. Restated articles of incorporation.

(MBCA 10.07) (a) A corporation's board of directors may restate its articles of incorporation at any time, with or without shareholder approval, to consolidate all amendments into a single document.

(b) If the restated articles include one or more new amendments that require shareholder approval, the amendments must be adopted and approved as provided in section 21-2,152.

(c) A corporation that restates its articles of incorporation shall deliver to the Secretary of State for filing articles of restatement setting forth the name of the corporation and the text of the restated articles of incorporation together with a certificate which states that the restated articles consolidate all amendments into a single document and, if a new amendment is included in the restated articles, also includes the statements required under section 21-2,155.

(d) Duly adopted restated articles of incorporation supersede the original articles of incorporation and all amendments thereto.

(e) The Secretary of State may certify restated articles of incorporation as the articles of incorporation currently in effect without including the certificate information required by subsection (c) of this section.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 156.    

21-2,157. Amendment pursuant to reorganization.

(MBCA 10.08) (a) A corporation's articles of incorporation may be amended without action by the board of directors or shareholders to carry out a plan of reorganization ordered or decreed by a court of competent jurisdiction under the authority of a law of the United States.

(b) The individual or individuals designated by the court shall deliver to the Secretary of State for filing articles of amendment setting forth:

(1) The name of the corporation;

(2) The text of each amendment approved by the court;

(3) The date of the court's order or decree approving the articles of amendment;

(4) The title of the reorganization proceeding in which the order or decree was entered; and

(5) A statement that the court had jurisdiction of the proceeding under federal statute.

(c) This section does not apply after entry of a final decree in the reorganization proceeding even though the court retains jurisdiction of the proceeding for limited purposes unrelated to consummation of the reorganization plan.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 157.    

21-2,158. Effect of amendment.

(MBCA 10.09) An amendment to the articles of incorporation does not affect a cause of action existing against or in favor of the corporation, a proceeding to which the corporation is a party, or the existing rights of persons other than shareholders of the corporation. An amendment changing a corporation's name does not abate a proceeding brought by or against the corporation in its former name.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 158.    

21-2,159. Amendment by board of directors or shareholders.

(MBCA 10.20) (a) A corporation's shareholders may amend or repeal the corporation's bylaws.

(b) A corporation's board of directors may amend or repeal the corporation's bylaws, unless:

(1) The articles of incorporation or section 21-2,160 reserves that power exclusively to the shareholders in whole or part; or

(2) Except as provided in subsection (d) of section 21-224, the shareholders in amending, repealing, or adopting a bylaw expressly provide that the board of directors may not amend, repeal, or reinstate that bylaw.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 159.    

21-2,160. Bylaw increasing quorum or voting requirement for directors.

(MBCA 10.21) (a) A bylaw that increases a quorum or voting requirement for the board of directors may be amended or repealed:

(1) If originally adopted by the shareholders, only by the shareholders unless the bylaw otherwise provides; or

(2) If adopted by the board of directors, either by the shareholders or by the board of directors.

(b) A bylaw adopted or amended by the shareholders that increases a quorum or voting requirement for the board of directors may provide that it can be amended or repealed only by a specified vote of either the shareholders or the board of directors.

(c) Action by the board of directors under subsection (a) of this section to amend or repeal a bylaw that changes the quorum or voting requirement for the board of directors must meet the same quorum requirement and be adopted by the same vote required to take action under the quorum and voting requirement then in effect or proposed to be adopted, whichever is greater.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 160.    

21-2,161. Definitions.

(MBCA 11.01) As used in sections 21-2,161 to 21-2,168:

(1) Merger means a business combination pursuant to section 21-2,162.

(2) Party to a merger or party to a share exchange means any domestic or foreign corporation or eligible entity that will:

(i) Merge under a plan of merger;

(ii) Acquire shares or eligible interests of another corporation or an eligible entity in a share exchange; or

(iii) Have all of its shares or eligible interests or all of one or more classes or series of its shares or eligible interests acquired in a share exchange.

(3) Share exchange means a business combination pursuant to section 21-2,163.

(4) Survivor in a merger means the corporation or eligible entity into which one or more other corporations or eligible entities are merged. A survivor of a merger may preexist the merger or be created by the merger.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 161.    

21-2,162. Merger.

(MBCA 11.02) (a) One or more domestic business corporations may merge with one or more domestic or foreign business corporations or eligible entities pursuant to a plan of merger or two or more foreign business corporations or domestic or foreign eligible entities may merge into a new domestic business corporation to be created in the merger in the manner provided in sections 21-2,161 to 21-2,168.

(b) A foreign business corporation, or a foreign eligible entity, may be a party to a merger with a domestic business corporation or may be created by the terms of the plan of merger only if the merger is permitted by the organic law of the foreign business corporation or eligible entity.

(c) If the organic law of a domestic eligible entity does not provide procedures for the approval of a merger, a plan of merger may be adopted and approved, the merger effectuated, and appraisal rights exercised in accordance with the procedures in sections 21-2,161 to 21-2,168 and 21-2,171 to 21-2,183. For the purposes of applying sections 21-2,161 to 21-2,168 and 21-2,171 to 21-2,183:

(1) The eligible entity, its members or interest holders, eligible interests, and organic documents taken together shall be deemed to be a domestic business corporation, shareholders, shares, and articles of incorporation, respectively and vice versa as the context may require; and

(2) If the business and affairs of the eligible entity are managed by a group of persons that is not identical to the members or interest holders, that group shall be deemed to be the board of directors.

(d) The plan of merger must include:

(1) The name of each domestic or foreign business corporation or eligible entity that will merge and the name of the domestic or foreign business corporation or eligible entity that will be the survivor of the merger;

(2) The terms and conditions of the merger;

(3) The manner and basis of converting the shares of each merging domestic or foreign business corporation and eligible interests of each merging domestic or foreign eligible entity into shares or other securities, eligible interests, obligations, rights to acquire shares, other securities, or eligible interests, cash, other property, or any combination of the foregoing;

(4) The articles of incorporation of any domestic or foreign business or nonprofit corporation or the organic documents of any domestic or foreign unincorporated entity to be created by the merger or, if a new domestic or foreign business or nonprofit corporation or unincorporated entity is not to be created by the merger, any amendments to the survivor's articles of incorporation or organic documents; and

(5) Any other provisions required by the laws under which any party to the merger is organized or by which it is governed or by the articles of incorporation or organic document of any such party.

(e) Terms of a plan of merger may be made dependent on facts objectively ascertainable outside the plan in accordance with subsection (k) of section 21-203.

(f) The plan of merger may also include a provision that the plan may be amended prior to filing articles of merger, but if the shareholders of a domestic corporation that is a party to the merger are required or permitted to vote on the plan, the plan must provide that subsequent to approval of the plan by such shareholders the plan may not be amended to change:

(1) The amount or kind of shares or other securities, eligible interests, obligations, rights to acquire shares, other securities, or eligible interests, cash, or other property to be received under the plan by the shareholders of or owners of eligible interests in any party to the merger;

(2) The articles of incorporation of any corporation or the organic documents of any unincorporated entity that will survive or be created as a result of the merger, except for changes permitted by section 21-2,154 or by comparable provisions of the organic laws of any such foreign corporation or domestic or foreign unincorporated entity; or

(3) Any of the other terms or conditions of the plan if the change would adversely affect such shareholders in any material respect.

(g) Property held in trust or for charitable purposes under the laws of this state by a domestic or foreign eligible entity shall not be diverted by a merger from the objects for which it was donated, granted, or devised unless and until the eligible entity obtains an order of the court specifying the disposition of the property to the extent required by and pursuant to cy pres or other nondiversion law of this state.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 162.    

21-2,163. Share exchange.

(MBCA 11.03) (a) Through a share exchange:

(1) A domestic corporation may acquire all of the shares of one or more classes or series of shares of another domestic or foreign corporation, or all of the interests of one or more classes or series of interests of a domestic or foreign other entity, in exchange for shares or other securities, interests, obligations, rights to acquire shares or other securities, cash, other property, or any combination of the foregoing pursuant to a plan of share exchange; or

(2) All of the shares of one or more classes or series of shares of a domestic corporation may be acquired by another domestic or foreign corporation or other entity in exchange for shares or other securities, interests, obligations, rights to acquire shares or other securities, cash, other property, or any combination of the foregoing pursuant to a plan of share exchange.

(b) A foreign corporation or eligible entity may be a party to a share exchange only if the share exchange is permitted by the organic law of the corporation or other entity.

(c) If the organic law of a domestic other entity does not provide procedures for the approval of a share exchange, a plan of share exchange may be adopted and approved and the share exchange effectuated in accordance with the procedures, if any, for a merger. If the organic law of a domestic other entity does not provide procedures for the approval of either a share exchange or a merger, a plan of share exchange may be adopted and approved, the share exchange effectuated, and appraisal rights exercised, in accordance with the procedures in sections 21-2,161 to 21-2,168 and 21-2,171 to 21-2,183. For the purposes of applying sections 21-2,161 to 21-2,168 and 21-2,171 to 21-2,183:

(1) The other entity, its interest holders, interests, and organic documents taken together shall be deemed to be a domestic business corporation, shareholders, shares, and articles of incorporation, respectively and vice versa as the context may require; and

(2) If the business and affairs of the other entity are managed by a group of persons that is not identical to the interest holders, that group shall be deemed to be the board of directors.

(d) The plan of share exchange must include:

(1) The name of each corporation or other entity whose shares or interests will be acquired and the name of the corporation or other entity that will acquire those shares or interests;

(2) The terms and conditions of the share exchange;

(3) The manner and basis of exchanging shares of a corporation or interests in an other entity whose shares or interests will be acquired under the share exchange into shares or other securities, interests, obligations, rights to acquire shares, other securities, or interests, cash, other property, or any combination of the foregoing; and

(4) Any other provisions required by the laws under which any party to the share exchange is organized or by the articles of incorporation or organic document of any such party.

(e) Terms of a plan of share exchange may be made dependent on facts objectively ascertainable outside the plan in accordance with subsection (k) of section 21-203.

(f) The plan of share exchange may also include a provision that the plan may be amended prior to filing articles of share exchange, but if the shareholders of a domestic corporation that is a party to the share exchange are required or permitted to vote on the plan, the plan must provide that subsequent to approval of the plan by such shareholders the plan may not be amended to change:

(1) The amount or kind of shares or other securities, interests, obligations, rights to acquire shares, other securities, or interests, cash, or other property to be issued by the corporation or to be received under the plan by the shareholders of or owners of interests in any party to the share exchange; or

(2) Any of the other terms or conditions of the plan if the change would adversely affect such shareholders in any material respect.

(g) This section does not limit the power of a domestic corporation to acquire shares of another corporation or interests in another entity in a transaction other than a share exchange.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 163.    

21-2,164. Action on a plan of merger or share exchange.

(MBCA 11.04) In the case of a domestic corporation that is a party to a merger or share exchange:

(1) The plan of merger or share exchange must be adopted by the board of directors.

(2) Except as provided in subdivision (8) of this section and in section 21-2,165, after adopting the plan of merger or share exchange the board of directors must submit the plan to the shareholders for their approval. The board of directors must also transmit to the shareholders a recommendation that the shareholders approve the plan unless (i) the board of directors makes a determination that because of conflicts of interest or other special circumstances it should not make such a recommendation or (ii) section 21-2,101 applies. If either subdivision (2)(i) or (ii) of this section applies, the board must transmit to the shareholders the basis for so proceeding.

(3) The board of directors may condition its submission of the plan of merger or share exchange to the shareholders on any basis.

(4) If the plan of merger or share exchange is required to be approved by the shareholders and if the approval is to be given at a meeting, the corporation must notify each shareholder, whether or not entitled to vote, of the meeting of shareholders at which the plan is to be submitted for approval. The notice must state that the purpose, or one of the purposes, of the meeting is to consider the plan and must contain or be accompanied by a copy or summary of the plan. If the corporation is to be merged into an existing corporation or other entity, the notice shall also include or be accompanied by a copy or summary of the articles of incorporation or organizational documents of that corporation or other entity. If the corporation is to be merged into a corporation or other entity that is to be created pursuant to the merger, the notice shall include or be accompanied by a copy or a summary of the articles of incorporation or organizational documents of the new corporation or other entity.

(5) Unless the articles of incorporation or the board of directors acting pursuant to subdivision (3) of this section requires a greater vote or a greater number of votes to be present, approval of the plan of merger or share exchange requires the approval of the shareholders at a meeting at which a quorum consisting of at least a majority of the votes entitled to be cast on the plan exists, and if any class or series of shares is entitled to vote as a separate group on the plan of merger or share exchange, the approval of each such separate voting group at a meeting at which a quorum of the voting group consisting of at least a majority of the votes entitled to be cast on the merger or share exchange by that voting group is present.

(6) Subject to subdivision (7) of this section, separate voting by voting groups is required:

(i) On a plan of merger, by each class or series of shares that:

(A) Are to be converted under the plan of merger into other securities, interests, obligations, rights to acquire shares, other securities, or interests, cash, other property, or any combination of the foregoing; or

(B) Are entitled to vote as a separate group on a provision in the plan that constitutes a proposed amendment to articles of incorporation of a surviving corporation, that requires action by separate voting groups under section 21-2,153;

(ii) On a plan of share exchange, by each class or series of shares included in the exchange with each class or series constituting a separate voting group; and

(iii) On a plan of merger or share exchange, if the voting group is entitled under the articles of incorporation to vote as a voting group to approve a plan of merger or share exchange.

(7) The articles of incorporation may expressly limit or eliminate the separate voting rights provided in subdivisions (6)(i)(A) and (6)(ii) of this section as to any class or series of shares, except for a transaction that (i) includes what is or would be, if the corporation were the surviving corporation, an amendment subject to subdivision (6)(i)(B) of this section and (ii) will effect no significant change in the assets of the resulting entity, including all parents and subsidiaries on a consolidated basis.

(8) Unless the articles of incorporation otherwise provide, approval by the corporation's shareholders of a plan of merger or share exchange is not required if:

(i) The corporation will survive the merger or is the acquiring corporation in a share exchange;

(ii) Except for amendments permitted by section 21-2,154, its articles of incorporation will not be changed;

(iii) Each shareholder of the corporation whose shares were outstanding immediately before the effective date of the merger or share exchange will hold the same number of shares, with identical preferences, limitations, and relative rights, immediately after the effective date of change; and

(iv) The issuance in the merger or share exchange of shares or other securities convertible into or rights exercisable for shares does not require a vote under subsection (f) of section 21-242.

(9) If as a result of a merger or share exchange one or more shareholders of a domestic corporation would become subject to owner liability for the debts, obligations, or liabilities of any other person or entity, approval of the plan of merger or share exchange shall require the execution by each such shareholder of a separate written consent to become subject to such owner liability.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 164.    

21-2,165. Merger between parent and subsidiary or between subsidiaries.

(MBCA 11.05) (a) A domestic parent corporation that owns shares of a domestic or foreign subsidiary corporation that carry at least ninety percent of the voting power of each class and series of the outstanding shares of the subsidiary that have voting power may merge the subsidiary into itself or into another such subsidiary, or merge itself into the subsidiary, without the approval of the board of directors or shareholders of the subsidiary unless the articles of incorporation of any of the corporations otherwise provide, and unless, in the case of a foreign subsidiary, approval by the subsidiary's board of directors or shareholders is required by the laws under which the subsidiary is organized.

(b) If under subsection (a) of this section approval of a merger by the subsidiary's shareholders is not required, the parent corporation shall within ten days after the effective date of the merger notify each of the subsidiary's shareholders that the merger has become effective.

(c) Except as provided in subsections (a) and (b) of this section, a merger between a parent and a subsidiary shall be governed by the provisions of sections 21-2,161 to 21-2,168 applicable to mergers generally.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 165.    

21-2,166. Articles of merger or share exchange.

(MBCA 11.06) (a) After a plan of merger or share exchange has been adopted and approved as required by the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act, articles of merger or share exchange shall be signed on behalf of each party to the merger or share exchange by any officer or other duly authorized representative. The articles shall set forth:

(1) The names of the parties to the merger or share exchange;

(2) If the articles of incorporation of the survivor of a merger are amended, or if a new corporation is created as a result of a merger, the amendments to the survivor's articles of incorporation or the articles of incorporation of the new corporation;

(3) If the plan of merger or share exchange required approval by the shareholders of a domestic corporation that was a party to the merger or share exchange, a statement that the plan was duly approved by the shareholders and, if voting by any separate voting group was required, by each such separate voting group, in the manner required by the act and the articles of incorporation;

(4) If the plan of merger or share exchange did not require approval by the shareholders of a domestic corporation that was a party to the merger or share exchange, a statement to that effect; and

(5) As to each foreign corporation or eligible entity that was a party to the merger or share exchange, a statement that the participation of the foreign corporation or eligible entity was duly authorized as required by the organic law of the corporation or eligible entity.

(b) Articles of merger or share exchange shall be delivered to the Secretary of State for filing by the survivor of the merger or the acquiring corporation in a share exchange and shall take effect at the effective time provided in section 21-206. Articles of merger or share exchange filed under this section may be combined with any filing required under the organic law of any domestic eligible entity involved in the transaction if the combined filing satisfies the requirements of both this section and the other organic law.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 166.    

21-2,167. Effect of merger or share exchange.

(MBCA 11.07) (a) When a merger becomes effective:

(1) The corporation or eligible entity that is designated in the plan of merger as the survivor continues or comes into existence, as the case may be;

(2) The separate existence of every corporation or eligible entity that is merged into the survivor ceases;

(3) All property owned by and every contract right possessed by each corporation or eligible entity that merges into the survivor is vested in the survivor without reversion or impairment;

(4) All liabilities of each corporation or eligible entity that is merged into the survivor are vested in the survivor;

(5) The name of the survivor may, but need not be, substituted in any pending proceeding for the name of any party to the merger whose separate existence ceased in the merger;

(6) The articles of incorporation or organic documents of the survivor are amended to the extent provided in the plan of merger;

(7) The articles of incorporation or organic documents of a survivor that is created by the merger become effective; and

(8) The shares of each corporation that is a party to the merger and the interests in an eligible entity that is a party to a merger that are to be converted under the plan of merger into shares, eligible interests, obligations, rights to acquire securities, other securities, or eligible interests, cash, other property, or any combination of the foregoing, are converted, and the former holders of such shares or eligible interests are entitled only to the rights provided to them in the plan of merger or to any rights they may have under sections 21-2,171 to 21-2,183 or the organic law of the eligible entity.

(b) When a share exchange becomes effective, the shares of each domestic corporation that are to be exchanged for shares or other securities, interests, obligations, rights to acquire shares or other securities, cash, other property, or any combination of the foregoing are entitled only to the rights provided to them in the plan of share exchange or to any rights they may have under sections 21-2,171 to 21-2,183.

(c) A person who becomes subject to owner liability for some or all of the debts, obligations, or liabilities of any entity as a result of a merger or share exchange shall have owner liability only to the extent provided in the organic law of the entity and only for those debts, obligations, and liabilities that arise after the effective time of the articles of merger or share exchange.

(d) Upon a merger becoming effective, a foreign corporation or a foreign eligible entity that is the survivor of the merger is deemed to agree that it will promptly pay the amount, if any, to which such shareholders are entitled under sections 21-2,171 to 21-2,183.

(e) The effect of a merger or share exchange on the owner liability of a person who had owner liability for some or all of the debts, obligations, or liabilities of a party to the merger or share exchange shall be as follows:

(1) The merger or share exchange does not discharge any owner liability under the organic law of the entity in which the person was a shareholder or interest holder to the extent any such owner liability arose before the effective time of the articles of merger or share exchange;

(2) The person shall not have owner liability under the organic law of the entity in which the person was a shareholder or interest holder prior to the merger or share exchange for any debt, obligation, or liability that arises after the effective time of the articles of merger or share exchange;

(3) The provisions of the organic law of any entity for which the person had owner liability before the merger or share exchange shall continue to apply to the collection or discharge of any owner liability preserved by subdivision (1) of this subsection as if the merger or share exchange had not occurred; and

(4) The person shall have whatever rights of contribution from other persons provided by the organic law of the entity for which the person had owner liability with respect to any owner liability preserved by subdivision (1) of this subsection as if the merger or share exchange had not occurred.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 167.    

21-2,168. Abandonment of a merger or share exchange.

(MBCA 11.08) (a) Unless otherwise provided in a plan of merger or share exchange or in the laws under which a foreign business corporation or a domestic or foreign eligible entity that is a party to a merger or a share exchange is organized or by which it is governed, after the plan has been adopted and approved as required by sections 21-2,161 to 21-2,168, and at any time before the merger or share exchange has become effective, it may be abandoned by a domestic business corporation that is a party thereto without action by its shareholders in accordance with any procedures set forth in the plan of merger or share exchange or, if no such procedures are set forth in the plan, in the manner determined by the board of directors, subject to any contractual rights of other parties to the merger or share exchange.

(b) If a merger or share exchange is abandoned under subsection (a) of this section after articles of merger or share exchange have been filed with the Secretary of State but before the merger or share exchange has become effective, a statement that the merger or share exchange has been abandoned in accordance with this section, signed on behalf of a party to the merger or share exchange by an officer or other duly authorized representative, shall be delivered to the Secretary of State for filing prior to the effective date of the merger or share exchange. Upon filing, the statement shall take effect and the merger or share exchange shall be deemed abandoned and shall not become effective.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 168.    

21-2,169. Disposition of assets not requiring shareholder approval.

(MBCA 12.01) No approval of the shareholders of a corporation is required, unless the articles of incorporation otherwise provide:

(1) To sell, lease, exchange, or otherwise dispose of any or all of the corporation's assets in the usual and regular course of business;

(2) To mortgage, pledge, dedicate to the repayment of indebtedness, whether with or without recourse, or otherwise encumber any or all of the corporation's assets, whether or not in the usual and regular course of business;

(3) To transfer any or all of the corporation's assets to one or more corporations or other entities all of the shares or interests of which are owned by the corporation; or

(4) To distribute assets pro rata to the holders of one or more classes or series of the corporation's shares.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 169.    

21-2,170. Shareholder approval of certain dispositions.

(MBCA 12.02) (a) A sale, lease, exchange, or other disposition of assets, other than a disposition described in section 21-2,169, requires approval of the corporation's shareholders if the disposition would leave the corporation without a significant continuing business activity. If a corporation retains a business activity that represented at least twenty-five percent of total assets at the end of the most recently completed fiscal year, and twenty-five percent of either income from continuing operations before taxes or revenue from continuing operations for that fiscal year, in each case of the corporation and its subsidiaries on a consolidated basis, the corporation will conclusively be deemed to have retained a significant continuing business activity.

(b) A disposition that requires approval of the shareholders under subsection (a) of this section shall be initiated by a resolution by the board of directors authorizing the disposition. After adoption of such a resolution, the board of directors shall submit the proposed disposition to the shareholders for their approval. The board of directors shall also transmit to the shareholders a recommendation that the shareholders approve the proposed disposition, unless (1) the board of directors makes a determination that because of conflicts of interest or other special circumstances it should not make such a recommendation or (2) section 21-2,101 applies. If either subdivision (b)(1) or (2) of this section applies, the board of directors shall transmit to the shareholders the basis for so proceeding.

(c) The board of directors may condition its submission of a disposition to the shareholders under subsection (b) of this section on any basis.

(d) If a disposition is required to be approved by the shareholders under subsection (a) of this section and if the approval is to be given at a meeting, the corporation shall notify each shareholder, whether or not entitled to vote, of the meeting of shareholders at which the disposition is to be submitted for approval. The notice shall state that the purpose, or one of the purposes, of the meeting is to consider the disposition and shall contain a description of the disposition, including the terms and conditions thereof and the consideration to be received by the corporation.

(e) Unless the articles of incorporation or the board of directors acting pursuant to subsection (c) of this section requires a greater vote or a greater number of votes to be present, the approval of a disposition by the shareholders shall require the approval of the shareholders at a meeting at which a quorum consisting of at least a majority of the votes entitled to be cast on the disposition exists.

(f) After a disposition has been approved by the shareholders under subsection (b) of this section and at any time before the disposition has been consummated, it may be abandoned by the corporation without action by the shareholders, subject to any contractual rights of other parties to the disposition.

(g) A disposition of assets in the course of dissolution under sections 21-2,184 to 21-2,202 is not governed by this section.

(h) The assets of a direct or indirect consolidated subsidiary shall be deemed the assets of the parent corporation for the purposes of this section.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 170.    

21-2,171. Definitions.

(MBCA 13.01) In sections 21-2,171 to 21-2,183:

(1) Affiliate means a person that directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with another person or is a senior executive thereof. For purposes of subdivision (5) of this section, a person is deemed to be an affiliate of its senior executives.

(2) Corporation means the issuer of the shares held by a shareholder demanding appraisal and, for matters covered in sections 21-2,176 to 21-2,182, includes the surviving entity in a merger.

(3) Fair value means the value of the corporation's shares determined:

(i) Immediately before the effectuation of the corporate action to which the shareholder objects;

(ii) Using customary and current valuation concepts and techniques generally employed for similar businesses in the context of the transaction requiring appraisal; and

(iii) Without discounting for lack of marketability or minority status except, if appropriate, for amendments to the articles pursuant to subdivision (a)(5) of section 21-2,172.

(4) Interest means interest from the effective date of the corporate action until the date of payment at the rate of interest specified in section 45-104, as such rate may from time to time be adjusted by the Legislature.

(5) Interested transaction means a corporate action described in subsection (a) of section 21-2,172, other than a merger pursuant to section 21-2,165, involving an interested person in which any of the shares or assets of the corporation are being acquired or converted. As used in this definition:

(i) Interested person means a person or an affiliate of a person who at any time during the one-year period immediately preceding approval by the board of directors of the corporate action:

(A) Was the beneficial owner of twenty percent or more of the voting power of the corporation, other than as owner of excluded shares;

(B) Had the power, contractually or otherwise, other than as owner of excluded shares, to cause the appointment or election of twenty-five percent or more of the directors to the board of directors of the corporation; or

(C) Was a senior executive or director of the corporation or a senior executive of any affiliate thereof and that senior executive or director will receive, as a result of the corporate action, a financial benefit not generally available to other shareholders as such, other than:

(I) Employment, consulting, retirement, or similar benefits established separately and not as part of or in contemplation of the corporate action;

(II) Employment, consulting, retirement, or similar benefits established in contemplation of or as part of the corporate action that are not more favorable than those existing before the corporate action or, if more favorable, that have been approved on behalf of the corporation in the same manner as is provided in section 21-2,122; or

(III) In the case of a director of the corporation who will, in the corporate action, become a director of the acquiring entity in the corporate action or one of its affiliates, rights and benefits as a director that are provided on the same basis as those afforded by the acquiring entity generally to other directors of such entity or such affiliate;

(ii) Beneficial owner means any person who, directly or indirectly, through any contract, arrangement, or understanding, other than a revocable proxy, has or shares the power to vote or to direct the voting of shares; except that a member of a national securities exchange is not deemed to be a beneficial owner of securities held directly or indirectly by it on behalf of another person solely because the member is the record holder of the securities if the member is precluded by the rules of the exchange from voting without instruction on contested matters or matters that may affect substantially the rights or privileges of the holders of the securities to be voted. When two or more persons agree to act together for the purpose of voting their shares of the corporation, each member of the group formed thereby is deemed to have acquired beneficial ownership, as of the date of the agreement, of all voting shares of the corporation beneficially owned by any member of the group; and

(iii) Excluded shares means shares acquired pursuant to an offer for all shares having voting power if the offer was made within one year prior to the corporate action for consideration of the same kind and of a value equal to or less than that paid in connection with the corporate action.

(6) Preferred shares means a class or series of shares whose holders have preference over any other class or series with respect to distributions.

(7) Senior executive means the chief executive officer, chief operating officer, chief financial officer, and anyone in charge of a principal business unit or function.

(8) Shareholder means a record shareholder, a beneficial shareholder, and a voting trust beneficial owner.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 171;    Laws 2017, LB35, § 21.    


21-2,172. Right to appraisal.

(MBCA 13.02) (a) A shareholder is entitled to appraisal rights and to obtain payment of the fair value of that shareholder's shares in the event of any of the following corporate actions:

(1) Consummation of a merger to which the corporation is a party (i) if shareholder approval is required for the merger by section 21-2,164, except that appraisal rights shall not be available to any shareholder of the corporation with respect to shares of any class or series that remain outstanding after consummation of the merger or (ii) if the corporation is a subsidiary and the merger is governed by section 21-2,165;

(2) Consummation of a share exchange to which the corporation is a party as the corporation whose shares will be acquired, except that appraisal rights shall not be available to any shareholder of the corporation with respect to any class or series of shares of the corporation that is not exchanged;

(3) Consummation of a disposition of assets pursuant to section 21-2,170 if the shareholder is entitled to vote on the disposition, except that appraisal rights shall not be available to any shareholder of the corporation with respect to shares of any class or series if (i) under the terms of the corporate action approved by the shareholders there is to be distributed to shareholders in cash its net assets, in excess of a reasonable amount reserved to meet claims of the type described in sections 21-2,189 and 21-2,190, (A) within one year after the shareholders' approval of the action and (B) in accordance with their respective interests determined at the time of distribution and (ii) the disposition of assets is not an interested transaction;

(4) An amendment of the articles of incorporation with respect to a class or series of shares that reduces the number of shares of a class or series owned by the shareholder to a fraction of a share if the corporation has the obligation or right to repurchase the fractional share so created;

(5) Any other amendment to the articles of incorporation, merger, share exchange, or disposition of assets to the extent provided by the articles of incorporation, bylaws, or a resolution of the board of directors;

(6) Consummation of a domestication if the shareholder does not receive shares in the foreign corporation resulting from the domestication that have terms as favorable to the shareholder in all material respects and represent at least the same percentage interest of the total voting rights of the outstanding shares of the corporation as the shares held by the shareholder before the domestication;

(7) Consummation of a conversion of the corporation to nonprofit status pursuant to sections 21-2,133 to 21-2,138; or

(8) Consummation of a conversion of the corporation to an unincorporated entity pursuant to sections 21-2,143 to 21-2,149.

(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this section, the availability of appraisal rights under subdivisions (a)(1), (2), (3), (4), (6), and (8) of this section shall be limited in accordance with the following provisions:

(1) Appraisal rights shall not be available for the holders of shares of any class or series of shares which is:

(i) A covered security under section 18(b)(1)(A) or (B) of the federal Securities Act of 1933, as amended, 15 U.S.C. 77r(b)(1)(A) or (B);

(ii) Traded in an organized market and has at least two thousand shareholders and a market value of at least twenty million dollars, exclusive of the value of such shares held by the corporation's subsidiaries, senior executives, directors, beneficial shareholders, and voting trust beneficial owners owning more than ten percent of such shares; or

(iii) Issued by an open-end management investment company registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission under the federal Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, 15 U.S.C. 80a-1 et seq., and may be redeemed at the option of the holder at net asset value;

(2) The applicability of subdivision (b)(1) of this section shall be determined as of:

(i) The record date fixed to determine the shareholders entitled to receive notice of the meeting of shareholders to act upon the corporate action requiring appraisal rights; or

(ii) The day before the effective date of such corporate action if there is no meeting of shareholders;

(3) Subdivision (b)(1) of this section shall not be applicable and appraisal rights shall be available pursuant to subsection (a) of this section for the holders of any class or series of shares (i) who are required by the terms of the corporate action requiring appraisal rights to accept for such shares anything other than cash or shares of any class or any series of shares of any corporation or any other proprietary interest of any other entity that satisfies the standards set forth in subdivision (b)(1) of this section at the time the corporate action becomes effective or (ii) in the case of the consummation of a disposition of assets pursuant to section 21-2,170, unless such cash, shares, or proprietary interests are, under the terms of the corporate action approved by the shareholders as part of a distribution to shareholders of the net assets of the corporation in excess of a reasonable amount to meet claims of the type described in sections 21-2,189 and 21-2,190, (A) within one year after the shareholders' approval of the action and (B) in accordance with their respective interests determined at the time of the distribution; and

(4) Subdivision (b)(1) of this section shall not be applicable and appraisal rights shall be available pursuant to subsection (a) of this section for the holders of any class or series of shares where the corporate action is an interested transaction.

(c) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the articles of incorporation as originally filed or any amendment thereto may limit or eliminate appraisal rights for any class or series of preferred shares, except that (1) no such limitation or elimination shall be effective if the class or series does not have the right to vote separately as a voting group, alone or as part of a group, on the action or if the action is a nonprofit conversion under sections 21-2,133 to 21-2,138, or a conversion to an unincorporated entity under sections 21-2,143 to 21-2,149, or a merger having a similar effect and (2) any such limitation or elimination contained in an amendment to the articles of incorporation that limits or eliminates appraisal rights for any of such shares that are outstanding immediately prior to the effective date of such amendment or that the corporation is or may be required to issue or sell thereafter pursuant to any conversion, exchange, or other right existing immediately before the effective date of such amendment shall not apply to any corporate action that becomes effective within one year after that date if such action would otherwise afford appraisal rights.

(d) The right to dissent and obtain payment under sections 21-2,171 to 21-2,183 shall not apply to shareholders of a bank, trust company, stock-owned savings and loan association, or the holding company of any such bank, trust company, or stock-owned savings and loan association.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 172;    Laws 2016, LB794, § 10;    Laws 2017, LB35, § 22.    

21-2,173. Assertion of rights by nominees and beneficial owners.

(MBCA 13.03) (a) A record shareholder may assert appraisal rights as to fewer than all the shares registered in the record shareholder's name but owned by a beneficial shareholder or a voting trust beneficial owner only if the record shareholder objects with respect to all shares of the class or series owned by the beneficial shareholder or the voting trust beneficial owner and notifies the corporation in writing of the name and address of each beneficial shareholder or voting trust beneficial owner on whose behalf appraisal rights are being asserted. The rights of a record shareholder who asserts appraisal rights for only part of the shares held of record in the record shareholder's name under this subsection shall be determined as if the shares as to which the record shareholder objects and the record shareholder's other shares were registered in the names of different record shareholders.

(b) A beneficial shareholder and a voting trust beneficial owner may assert appraisal rights as to shares of any class or series held on behalf of the shareholder only if such shareholder:

(1) Submits to the corporation the record shareholder's written consent to the assertion of such rights no later than the date referred to in subdivision (b)(2)(ii) of section 21-2,176; and

(2) Does so with respect to all shares of the class or series that are beneficially owned by the beneficial shareholder or the voting trust beneficial owner.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 173;    Laws 2017, LB35, § 23.    

21-2,174. Notice of appraisal rights.

(MBCA 13.20) (a) When any corporate action specified in subsection (a) of section 21-2,172 is to be submitted to a vote at a shareholders' meeting, the meeting notice must state that the corporation has concluded that the shareholders are, are not, or may be entitled to assert appraisal rights under sections 21-2,171 to 21-2,183. If the corporation concludes that appraisal rights are or may be available, a copy of sections 21-2,171 to 21-2,183 must accompany the meeting notice sent to those record shareholders entitled to exercise appraisal rights.

(b) In a merger pursuant to section 21-2,165, the parent corporation must notify in writing all record shareholders of the subsidiary who are entitled to assert appraisal rights that the corporate action became effective. Such notice must be sent within ten days after the corporate action became effective and include the materials described in section 21-2,176.

(c) When any corporate action specified in subsection (a) of section 21-2,172 is to be approved by written consent of the shareholders pursuant to section 21-256:

(1) Written notice that appraisal rights are, are not, or may be available must be sent to each record shareholder from whom a consent is solicited at the time consent of such shareholder is first solicited and, if the corporation has concluded that appraisal rights are or may be available, must be accompanied by a copy of sections 21-2,171 to 21-2,183; and

(2) Written notice that appraisal rights are, are not, or may be available must be delivered together with the notice to nonconsenting and nonvoting shareholders required by subsections (e) and (f) of section 21-256, may include the materials described in section 21-2,176, and, if the corporation has concluded that appraisal rights are or may be available, must be accompanied by a copy of sections 21-2,171 to 21-2,183.

(d) When corporate action described in subsection (a) of section 21-2,172 is proposed or a merger pursuant to section 21-2,165 is effected, the notice referred to in subsection (a) or (c) of this section, if the corporation concludes that appraisal rights are or may be available, and in subsection (b) of this section shall be accompanied by:

(1) The annual financial statements specified in subsection (a) of section 21-2,227 of the corporation that issued the shares that may be subject to appraisal, which shall be as of a date ending not more than sixteen months before the date of the notice and shall comply with subsection (b) of section 21-2,227, except that if such annual financial statements are not reasonably available, the corporation shall provide reasonably equivalent financial information; and

(2) The latest available quarterly financial statements of such corporation, if any.

(e) The right to receive the information described in subsection (d) of this section may be waived in writing by a shareholder before or after the corporate action.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 174.    

21-2,175. Notice of intent to demand payment and consequences of voting or consenting.

(MBCA 13.21) (a) If a corporate action specified in subsection (a) of section 21-2,172 is submitted to a vote at a shareholders' meeting, a shareholder who wishes to assert appraisal rights with respect to any class or series of shares:

(1) Must deliver to the corporation, before the vote is taken, written notice of the shareholder's intent to demand payment if the proposed action is effectuated; and

(2) Must not vote, or cause or permit to be voted, any shares of such class or series in favor of the proposed action.

(b) If a corporate action specified in subsection (a) of section 21-2,172 is to be approved by less than unanimous written consent, a shareholder who wishes to assert appraisal rights with respect to any class or series of shares must not sign a consent in favor of the proposed action with respect to that class or series of shares.

(c) A shareholder who fails to satisfy the requirements of subsection (a) or (b) of this section is not entitled to payment under sections 21-2,171 to 21-2,183.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 175.    

21-2,176. Appraisal notice and form.

(MBCA 13.22) (a) If a corporate action requiring appraisal rights under subsection (a) of section 21-2,172 becomes effective, the corporation must send a written appraisal notice and form required by subdivision (b)(1) of this section to all shareholders who satisfy the requirements of subsection (a) or (b) of section 21-2,175. In the case of a merger under section 21-2,165, the parent must deliver an appraisal notice and form to all record shareholders who may be entitled to assert appraisal rights.

(b) The appraisal notice must be delivered no earlier than the date the corporate action specified in subsection (a) of section 21-2,172 became effective, and no later than ten days after such date, and must:

(1) Supply a form that (i) specifies the first date of any announcement to shareholders made prior to the date the corporate action became effective of the principal terms of the proposed corporate action, (ii) if such announcement was made, requires the shareholder asserting appraisal rights to certify whether beneficial ownership of those shares for which appraisal rights are asserted was acquired before that date, and (iii) requires the shareholder asserting appraisal rights to certify that such shareholder did not vote for or consent to the transaction;

(2) State:

(i) Where the form must be sent and where certificates for certificated shares must be deposited and the date by which those certificates must be deposited, which date may not be earlier than the date for receiving the required form under subdivision (2)(ii) of this subsection;

(ii) A date by which the corporation must receive the form, which date may not be fewer than forty nor more than sixty days after the date the appraisal notice under subsection (a) of this section is sent, and state that the shareholder shall have waived the right to demand appraisal with respect to the shares unless the form is received by the corporation by such specified date;

(iii) The corporation's estimate of the fair value of the shares;

(iv) That, if requested in writing, the corporation will provide, to the shareholder so requesting within ten days after the date specified in subdivision (2)(ii) of this subsection, the number of shareholders who return the forms by the specified date and the total number of shares owned by them; and

(v) The date by which the notice to withdraw under section 21-2,177 must be received, which date must be within twenty days after the date specified in subdivision (2)(ii) of this subsection; and

(3) Be accompanied by a copy of sections 21-2,171 to 21-2,183.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 176.    

21-2,177. Perfection of rights; right to withdraw.

(MBCA 13.23) (a) A shareholder who receives notice pursuant to section 21-2,176 and who wishes to exercise appraisal rights must sign and return the form sent by the corporation and, in the case of certificated shares, deposit the shareholder's certificates in accordance with the terms of the notice by the date referred to in the notice pursuant to subdivision (b)(2)(ii) of section 21-2,176. In addition, if applicable, the shareholder must certify on the form whether the beneficial owner of such shares acquired beneficial ownership of the shares before the date required to be set forth in the notice pursuant to subdivision (b)(1) of section 21-2,176. If a shareholder fails to make this certification, the corporation may elect to treat the shareholder's shares as after-acquired shares under section 21-2,179. Once a shareholder deposits that shareholder's certificates or, in the case of uncertificated shares, returns the signed forms, that shareholder loses all rights as a shareholder unless the shareholder withdraws pursuant to subsection (b) of this section.

(b) A shareholder who has complied with subsection (a) of this section may nevertheless decline to exercise appraisal rights and withdraw from the appraisal process by so notifying the corporation in writing by the date set forth in the appraisal notice pursuant to subdivision (b)(2)(v) of section 21-2,176. A shareholder who fails to so withdraw from the appraisal process may not thereafter withdraw without the corporation's written consent.

(c) A shareholder who does not sign and return the form and, in the case of certificated shares, deposit that shareholder's share certificates where required, each by the date set forth in the notice described in subsection (b) of section 21-2,176, shall not be entitled to payment under sections 21-2,171 to 21-2,183.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 177.    

21-2,178. Payment.

(MBCA 13.24) (a) Except as provided in section 21-2,179, within thirty days after the form required by subdivision (b)(2)(ii) of section 21-2,176 is due, the corporation shall pay in cash to those shareholders who complied with subsection (a) of section 21-2,177 the amount the corporation estimates to be the fair value of their shares, plus interest.

(b) The payment to each shareholder pursuant to subsection (a) of this section must be accompanied by:

(1)(i) The annual financial statements specified in subsection (a) of section 21-2,227 of the corporation that issued the shares to be appraised, which shall be of a date ending not more than sixteen months before the date of payment and shall comply with subsection (b) of section 21-2,227, except that if such annual financial statements are not reasonably available, the corporation shall provide reasonably equivalent financial information, and (ii) the latest available quarterly financial statements of such corporation, if any;

(2) A statement of the corporation's estimate of the fair value of the shares, which estimate must equal or exceed the corporation's estimate given pursuant to subdivision (b)(2)(iii) of section 21-2,176; and

(3) A statement that shareholders described in subsection (a) of this section have the right to demand further payment under section 21-2,180 and that if any such shareholder does not do so within the time period specified therein, such shareholder shall be deemed to have accepted such payment in full satisfaction of the corporation's obligations under sections 21-2,171 to 21-2,183.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 178.    

21-2,179. After-acquired shares.

(MBCA 13.25) (a) A corporation may elect to withhold payment required by section 21-2,178 from any shareholder who was required to, but did not, certify that beneficial ownership of all the shareholder's shares for which appraisal rights are asserted was acquired before the date set forth in the appraisal notice sent pursuant to subdivision (b)(1) of section 21-2,176.

(b) If the corporation elected to withhold payment under subsection (a) of this section, it must, within thirty days after the form required by subdivision (b)(2)(ii) of section 21-2,176 is due, notify all shareholders who are described in subsection (a) of this section:

(1) Of the information required by subdivision (b)(1) of section 21-2,178;

(2) Of the corporation's estimate of fair value pursuant to subdivision (b)(2) of section 21-2,178;

(3) That they may accept the corporation's estimate of fair value, plus interest, in full satisfaction of their demands or demand appraisal under section 21-2,180;

(4) That those shareholders who wish to accept such offer must so notify the corporation of their acceptance of the corporation's offer within thirty days after receiving the offer; and

(5) That those shareholders who do not satisfy the requirements for demanding appraisal under section 21-2,180 shall be deemed to have accepted the corporation's offer.

(c) Within ten days after receiving the shareholder's acceptance pursuant to subsection (b) of this section, the corporation must pay in cash the amount it offered under subdivision (b)(2) of this section to each shareholder who agreed to accept the corporation's offer in full satisfaction of the shareholder's demand.

(d) Within forty days after sending the notice described in subsection (b) of this section, the corporation must pay in cash the amount it offered to pay under subdivision (b)(2) of this section to each shareholder described in subdivision (b)(5) of this section.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 179.    

21-2,180. Procedure if shareholder dissatisfied with payment or offer.

(MBCA 13.26) (a) A shareholder paid pursuant to section 21-2,178 who is dissatisfied with the amount of the payment must notify the corporation in writing of that shareholder's estimate of the fair value of the shares and demand payment of that estimate plus interest, less any payment under section 21-2,178. A shareholder offered payment under section 21-2,179 who is dissatisfied with that offer must reject the offer and demand payment of the shareholder's stated estimate of the fair value of the shares plus interest.

(b) A shareholder who fails to notify the corporation in writing of that shareholder's demand to be paid the shareholder's stated estimate of the fair value plus interest under subsection (a) of this section within thirty days after receiving the corporation's payment or offer of payment under section 21-2,178 or 21-2,179, respectively, waives the right to demand payment under this section and shall be entitled only to the payment made or offered pursuant to those respective sections.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 180.    

21-2,181. Court action.

(MBCA 13.30) (a) If a shareholder makes demand for payment under section 21-2,180 which remains unsettled, the corporation shall commence a proceeding within sixty days after receiving the payment demand and petition the court to determine the fair value of the shares and accrued interest. If the corporation does not commence the proceeding within the sixty-day period, it shall pay in cash to each shareholder the amount the shareholder demanded pursuant to section 21-2,180 plus interest.

(b) The corporation shall commence the proceeding in the district court of the county where the corporation's principal office, or, if none in this state, its registered office, is located. If the corporation is a foreign corporation without a registered office in this state, it shall commence the proceeding in the county in this state where the principal office or registered office of the domestic corporation merged with the foreign corporation was located at the time of the transaction.

(c) The corporation shall make all shareholders, whether or not residents of this state, whose demands remain unsettled parties to the proceeding as in an action against their shares, and all parties must be served with a copy of the petition. Nonresidents may be served by registered or certified mail or by publication as provided by law.

(d) The jurisdiction of the court in which the proceeding is commenced under subsection (b) of this section is plenary and exclusive. The court may appoint one or more persons as appraisers to receive evidence and recommend a decision on the question of fair value. The appraisers shall have the powers described in the order appointing them or in any amendment to it. The shareholders demanding appraisal rights are entitled to the same discovery rights as parties in other civil proceedings. There shall be no right to a jury trial.

(e) Each shareholder made a party to the proceeding is entitled to judgment (1) for the amount, if any, by which the court finds the fair value of the shareholder's shares, plus interest, exceeds the amount paid by the corporation to the shareholder for such shares or (2) for the fair value, plus interest, of the shareholder's shares for which the corporation elected to withhold payment under section 21-2,179.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 181.    

21-2,182. Court costs and expenses.

(MBCA 13.31) (a) The court in an appraisal proceeding commenced under section 21-2,181 shall determine all court costs of the proceeding, including the reasonable compensation and expenses of appraisers appointed by the court. The court shall assess the court costs against the corporation, except that the court may assess court costs against all or some of the shareholders demanding appraisal, in amounts which the court finds equitable, to the extent the court finds such shareholders acted arbitrarily, vexatiously, or not in good faith with respect to the rights provided by sections 21-2,171 to 21-2,183.

(b) The court in an appraisal proceeding may also assess the expenses of the respective parties in amounts the court finds equitable:

(1) Against the corporation and in favor of any or all shareholders demanding appraisal if the court finds the corporation did not substantially comply with the requirements of section 21-2,174, 21-2,176, 21-2,178, or 21-2,179; or

(2) Against either the corporation or a shareholder demanding appraisal, in favor of any other party, if the court finds the party against whom expenses are assessed acted arbitrarily, vexatiously, or not in good faith with respect to the rights provided by sections 21-2,171 to 21-2,183.

(c) If the court in an appraisal proceeding finds that the expenses incurred by any shareholder were of substantial benefit to other shareholders similarly situated and that such expenses should not be assessed against the corporation, the court may direct that such expenses be paid out of the amounts awarded the shareholders who were benefited.

(d) To the extent the corporation fails to make a required payment pursuant to section 21-2,178, 21-2,179, or 21-2,180, the shareholder may sue directly for the amount owed and, to the extent successful, shall be entitled to recover from the corporation all expenses of the suit.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 182.    

21-2,183. Other remedies limited.

(MBCA 13.40) (a) The legality of a proposed or completed corporate action described in subsection (a) of section 21-2,172 may not be contested, nor may the corporate action be enjoined, set aside, or rescinded, in a legal or equitable proceeding by a shareholder after the shareholders have approved the corporate action.

(b) Subsection (a) of this section does not apply to a corporate action that:

(1) Was not authorized and approved in accordance with the applicable provisions of:

(i) Sections 21-2,125 to 21-2,170;

(ii) The articles of incorporation or bylaws; or

(iii) The resolution of the board of directors authorizing the corporate action;

(2) Was procured as a result of fraud, a material misrepresentation, or an omission of a material fact necessary to make statements made, in light of the circumstances in which they were made, not misleading;

(3) Is an interested transaction, unless it has been recommended by the board of directors in the same manner as is provided in section 21-2,122 and has been approved by the shareholders in the same manner as is provided in section 21-2,123 as if the interested transaction were a director's conflicting interest transaction; or

(4) Is approved by less than unanimous consent of the voting shareholders pursuant to section 21-256 if:

(i) The challenge to the corporate action is brought by a shareholder who did not consent and as to whom notice of the approval of the corporate action was not effective at least ten days before the corporate action was effected; and

(ii) The proceeding challenging the corporate action is commenced within ten days after notice of the approval of the corporate action is effective as to the shareholder bringing the proceeding.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 183.    

21-2,184. Dissolution by incorporators or initial directors.

(MBCA 14.01) A majority of the incorporators or initial directors of a corporation that has not issued shares or has not commenced business may dissolve the corporation by delivering to the Secretary of State for filing articles of dissolution that set forth:

(1) The name of the corporation;

(2) The date of its incorporation;

(3) Either (i) that none of the corporation's shares has been issued or (ii) that the corporation has not commenced business;

(4) That no debt of the corporation remains unpaid;

(5) That the net assets of the corporation remaining after winding up have been distributed to the shareholders, if shares were issued; and

(6) That a majority of the incorporators or initial directors authorized the dissolution.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 184.    

21-2,185. Dissolution by board of directors and shareholders.

(MBCA 14.02) (a) A corporation's board of directors may propose dissolution for submission to the shareholders.

(b) For a proposal to dissolve to be adopted:

(1) The board of directors must recommend dissolution to the shareholders unless (i) the board of directors determines that because of conflict of interest or other special circumstances it should make no recommendation or (ii) section 21-2,101 applies. If either subdivision (1)(i) or (ii) of this subsection applies, it must communicate the basis for so proceeding; and

(2) The shareholders entitled to vote must approve the proposal to dissolve as provided in subsection (e) of this section.

(c) The board of directors may condition its submission of the proposal for dissolution on any basis.

(d) The corporation shall notify each shareholder, whether or not entitled to vote, of the proposed shareholders' meeting. The notice must also state that the purpose, or one of the purposes, of the meeting is to consider dissolving the corporation.

(e) Unless the articles of incorporation or the board of directors acting pursuant to subsection (c) of this section require a greater vote, a greater number of shares to be present, or a vote by voting groups, adoption of the proposal to dissolve shall require the approval of the shareholders at a meeting at which a quorum consisting of at least a majority of the votes entitled to be cast exists.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 185.    

21-2,186. Articles of dissolution.

(MBCA 14.03) (a) At any time after dissolution is authorized, the corporation may dissolve by delivering to the Secretary of State for filing articles of dissolution setting forth:

(1) The name of the corporation;

(2) The date dissolution was authorized; and

(3) If dissolution was approved by the shareholders, a statement that the proposal to dissolve was duly approved by the shareholders in the manner required by the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act and by the articles of incorporation.

(b) A corporation is dissolved upon the effective date of its articles of dissolution.

(c) For purposes of sections 21-2,184 to 21-2,192, dissolved corporation means a corporation whose articles of dissolution have become effective and includes a successor entity to which the remaining assets of the corporation are transferred subject to its liabilities for purposes of liquidation.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 186.    

21-2,187. Revocation of dissolution.

(MBCA 14.04) (a) A corporation may revoke its dissolution within one hundred twenty days of its effective date.

(b) Revocation of dissolution must be authorized in the same manner as the dissolution was authorized unless that authorization permitted revocation by action of the board of directors alone, in which event the board of directors may revoke the dissolution without shareholder action.

(c) After the revocation of dissolution is authorized, the corporation may revoke the dissolution by delivering to the Secretary of State for filing articles of revocation of dissolution, together with a copy of its articles of dissolution, that set forth:

(1) The name of the corporation;

(2) The effective date of the dissolution that was revoked;

(3) The date that the revocation of dissolution was authorized;

(4) If the corporation's board of directors, or incorporators, revoked the dissolution, a statement to that effect;

(5) If the corporation's board of directors revoked a dissolution authorized by the shareholders, a statement that revocation was permitted by action by the board of directors alone pursuant to that authorization; and

(6) If shareholder action was required to revoke the dissolution, the information required by subdivision (a)(3) of section 21-2,186.

(d) Revocation of dissolution is effective upon the effective date of the articles of revocation of dissolution.

(e) When the revocation of dissolution is effective, it relates back to and takes effect as of the effective date of the dissolution and the corporation resumes carrying on its business as if dissolution had never occurred.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 187.    

21-2,188. Effect of dissolution.

(MBCA 14.05) (a) A dissolved corporation continues its corporate existence but may not carry on any business except that appropriate to wind up and liquidate its business and affairs, including:

(1) Collecting its assets;

(2) Disposing of its properties that will not be distributed in kind to its shareholders;

(3) Discharging or making provision for discharging its liabilities;

(4) Distributing its remaining property among its shareholders according to their interests; and

(5) Doing every other act necessary to wind up and liquidate its business and affairs.

(b) Dissolution of a corporation does not:

(1) Transfer title to the corporation's property;

(2) Prevent transfer of its shares or securities, although the authorization to dissolve may provide for closing the corporation's share transfer records;

(3) Subject its directors or officers to standards of conduct different from those prescribed in sections 21-284 to 21-2,124;

(4) Change quorum or voting requirements for its board of directors or shareholders; change provisions for selection, resignation, or removal of its directors or officers or both; or change provisions for amending its bylaws;

(5) Prevent commencement of a proceeding by or against the corporation in its corporate name;

(6) Abate or suspend a proceeding pending by or against the corporation on the effective date of dissolution; or

(7) Terminate the authority of the registered agent of the corporation.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 188.    

21-2,189. Known claims against dissolved corporation.

(MBCA 14.06) (a) A dissolved corporation may dispose of the known claims against it by notifying its known claimants in writing of the dissolution at any time after its effective date.

(b) The written notice must:

(1) Describe information that must be included in a claim;

(2) Provide a mailing address where a claim may be sent;

(3) State the deadline, which may not be fewer than one hundred twenty days after the effective date of the written notice, by which the dissolved corporation must receive the claim; and

(4) State that the claim will be barred if not received by the deadline.

(c) A claim against the dissolved corporation is barred:

(1) If a claimant who was given written notice under subsection (b) of this section does not deliver the claim to the dissolved corporation by the deadline; or

(2) If a claimant whose claim was rejected by the dissolved corporation does not commence a proceeding to enforce the claim within ninety days after the effective date of the rejection notice.

(d) For purposes of this section, claim does not include a contingent liability or a claim based on an event occurring after the effective date of dissolution.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 189.    

21-2,190. Other claims against dissolved corporation.

(MBCA 14.07) (a) A dissolved corporation may also publish notice of its dissolution and request that persons with claims against the dissolved corporation present them in accordance with the notice.

(b) The notice must:

(1) Be published one time in a newspaper of general circulation in the county where the dissolved corporation's principal office, or, if none in this state, its registered office, is or was last located;

(2) Describe the information that must be included in a claim and provide a mailing address where the claim may be sent; and

(3) State that a claim against the dissolved corporation will be barred unless a proceeding to enforce the claim is commenced within three years after the publication of the notice.

(c) If the dissolved corporation publishes a newspaper notice in accordance with subsection (b) of this section, the claim of each of the following claimants is barred unless the claimant commences a proceeding to enforce the claim against the dissolved corporation within three years after the publication date of the newspaper notice:

(1) A claimant who was not given written notice under section 21-2,189;

(2) A claimant whose claim was timely sent to the dissolved corporation but not acted on; or

(3) A claimant whose claim is contingent or based on an event occurring after the effective date of dissolution.

(d) A claim that is not barred by subsection (b) of section 21-2,189 or subsection (c) of this section may be enforced:

(1) Against the dissolved corporation to the extent of its undistributed assets; or

(2) Except as provided in subsection (d) of section 21-2,191, if the assets have been distributed in liquidation, against a shareholder of the dissolved corporation to the extent of the shareholder's pro rata share of the claim or the corporate assets distributed to the shareholder in liquidation, whichever is less, but a shareholder's total liability for all claims under this section may not exceed the total amount of assets distributed to the shareholder.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 190.    

21-2,191. Court proceedings.

(MBCA 14.08) (a) A dissolved corporation that has published a notice under section 21-2,190 may file an application with the district court of the county where the dissolved corporation's principal office, or, if none in this state, its registered office, is located for a determination of the amount and form of security to be provided for payment of claims that are contingent or have not been made known to the dissolved corporation or that are based on an event occurring after the effective date of dissolution but that, based on the facts known to the dissolved corporation, are reasonably estimated to arise after the effective date of dissolution. Provision need not be made for any claim that is or is reasonably anticipated to be barred under subsection (c) of section 21-2,190.

(b) Within ten days after the filing of the application, notice of the proceeding shall be given by the dissolved corporation to each claimant holding a contingent claim whose contingent claim is shown on the records of the dissolved corporation.

(c) The court may appoint a guardian ad litem to represent all claimants whose identities are unknown in any proceeding brought under this section. The reasonable fees and expenses of such guardian, including all reasonable expert witness fees, shall be paid by the dissolved corporation.

(d) Provision by the dissolved corporation for security in the amount and the form ordered by the court under subsection (a) of this section shall satisfy the dissolved corporation's obligations with respect to claims that are contingent, have not been made known to the dissolved corporation, or are based on an event occurring after the effective date of dissolution, and such claims may not be enforced against a shareholder who received assets in liquidation.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 191.    

21-2,192. Director duties.

(MBCA 14.09) (a) Directors shall cause the dissolved corporation to discharge or make reasonable provision for the payment of claims and make distributions of assets to shareholders after payment or provision for claims.

(b) Directors of a dissolved corporation which has disposed of claims under section 21-2,189, 21-2,190, or 21-2,191 shall not be liable for breach of subsection (a) of this section with respect to claims against the dissolved corporation that are barred or satisfied under section 21-2,189, 21-2,190, or 21-2,191.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 192.    

21-2,193. Grounds for administrative dissolution.

(MBCA 14.20) The Secretary of State may commence a proceeding under section 21-2,194 to administratively dissolve a corporation if:

(1) The corporation is without a registered agent or registered office in this state for sixty days or more;

(2) The corporation does not notify the Secretary of State within sixty days that its registered agent or registered office has been changed, that its registered agent has resigned, or that its registered office has been discontinued; or

(3) The corporation's period of duration stated in its articles of incorporation expires.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 193.    

21-2,194. Procedure for and effect of administrative dissolution.

(MBCA 14.21) (a) If the Secretary of State determines that one or more grounds exist under section 21-2,193 for dissolving a corporation, the Secretary of State shall serve the corporation with written notice of such determination under section 21-236.

(b) If the corporation does not correct each ground for dissolution or demonstrate to the reasonable satisfaction of the Secretary of State that each ground determined by the Secretary of State does not exist within sixty days after service of the notice is perfected under section 21-236, the Secretary of State shall administratively dissolve the corporation by signing a certificate of dissolution that recites the ground or grounds for dissolution and its effective date. The Secretary of State shall file the original of the certificate and serve a copy on the corporation under section 21-236.

(c) A corporation administratively dissolved continues its corporate existence but may not carry on any business except that necessary to wind up and liquidate its business and affairs under section 21-2,188 and notify claimants under sections 21-2,189 and 21-2,190.

(d) The administrative dissolution of a corporation does not terminate the authority of its registered agent.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 194.    

21-2,195. Reinstatement following administrative dissolution.

(MBCA 14.22) (a) A corporation administratively dissolved under section 21-2,194 may apply to the Secretary of State for reinstatement within five years after the effective date of dissolution. The application must:

(1) Recite the name of the corporation and the effective date of its administrative dissolution;

(2) State that the ground or grounds for dissolution either did not exist or have been eliminated; and

(3) State that the corporation's name satisfies the requirements of section 21-230.

(b) If the Secretary of State determines (1) that the application for reinstatement contains the information required by subsection (a) of this section and that the information is correct and (2) that the corporation has paid to the Secretary of State all delinquent fees and has delivered to the Secretary of State a properly executed and signed biennial report, the Secretary of State shall cancel the certificate of dissolution and prepare a certificate of reinstatement that recites such determination and the effective date of reinstatement, file the original of the certificate, and serve a copy on the corporation under section 21-236.

(c) A corporation that has been administratively dissolved under section 21-2,194 for more than five years may apply to the Secretary of State for late reinstatement. The application, along with the fee set forth in section 21-205, must:

(1) Recite the name of the corporation and the effective date of its administrative dissolution;

(2) State that the ground or grounds for dissolution either did not exist or have been eliminated;

(3) State that the corporation's name satisfies the requirements of section 21-230;

(4) State that a legitimate reason exists for reinstatement and what such legitimate reason is; and

(5) State that such reinstatement does not constitute fraud on the public.

(d) If the Secretary of State determines (1) that the application for late reinstatement contains the information required by subsection (c) of this section and that the information is correct and (2) that the corporation has paid to the Secretary of State all delinquent fees and has delivered to the Secretary of State a properly executed and signed biennial report, the Secretary of State shall cancel the certificate of dissolution and prepare a certificate of late reinstatement that recites such determination and the effective date of reinstatement, file the original of the certificate, and serve a copy on the corporation under section 21-236.

(e) When the reinstatement is effective, it relates back to and takes effect as of the effective date of the administrative dissolution and the corporation resumes carrying on its business as if the administrative dissolution had never occurred.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 195;    Laws 2015, LB279, § 4.    

21-2,196. Appeal from denial of reinstatement.

(MBCA 14.23) (a) If the Secretary of State denies a corporation's application for reinstatement following administrative dissolution, the Secretary of State shall serve the corporation under section 21-236 with a written notice that explains the reason or reasons for denial.

(b) The corporation may appeal the denial of reinstatement to the district court of Lancaster County within thirty days after service of the notice of denial is perfected. The corporation appeals by petitioning the court to set aside the dissolution and attaching to the petition copies of the Secretary of State's certificate of dissolution, the corporation's application for reinstatement, and the Secretary of State's notice of denial.

(c) The court may summarily order the Secretary of State to reinstate the dissolved corporation or may take other action the court considers appropriate.

(d) The court's final decision may be appealed as in other civil proceedings.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 196.    

21-2,197. Grounds for judicial dissolution.

(MBCA 14.30) (a) Except as provided in subdivision (2)(ii) of this subsection, the court may dissolve a corporation:

(1) In a proceeding by the Attorney General if it is established that:

(i) The corporation obtained its articles of incorporation through fraud; or

(ii) The corporation has continued to exceed or abuse the authority conferred upon it by law;

(2)(i) In a proceeding by a shareholder if it is established that:

(A) The directors are deadlocked in the management of the corporate affairs, the shareholders are unable to break the deadlock, and irreparable injury to the corporation is threatened or being suffered or the business and affairs of the corporation can no longer be conducted to the advantage of the shareholders generally because of the deadlock;

(B) The directors or those in control of the corporation have acted, are acting, or will act in a manner that is illegal, oppressive, or fraudulent;

(C) The shareholders are deadlocked in voting power and have failed, for a period that includes at least two consecutive annual meeting dates, to elect successors to directors whose terms have expired; or

(D) The corporate assets are being misapplied or wasted; and

(ii) The right to bring a proceeding under this subdivision does not apply to shareholders of a bank, trust company, or stock-owned savings and loan association;

(3) In a proceeding by a creditor if it is established that:

(i) The creditor's claim has been reduced to judgment, the execution on the judgment returned unsatisfied, and the corporation is insolvent; or

(ii) The corporation has admitted in writing that the creditor's claim is due and owing and the corporation is insolvent;

(4) In a proceeding by the corporation to have its voluntary dissolution continued under court supervision; or

(5) In a proceeding by a shareholder if the corporation has abandoned its business and has failed within a reasonable time to liquidate and distribute its assets and dissolve.

(b) Subdivision (a)(2) of this section shall not apply in the case of a corporation that, on the date of the filing of the proceeding, has shares which are:

(1) A covered security under section (18)(b)(1)(A) or (B) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended; or

(2) Not a covered security, but are held by at least three hundred shareholders and the shares outstanding have a market value of at least twenty million dollars, exclusive of the value of such shares held by the corporation's subsidiaries, senior executives, directors, beneficial shareholders, and voting trust beneficial owners owning more than ten percent of such shares.

(c) In subsection (a) of this section, shareholder means a record shareholder, a beneficial shareholder, and an unrestricted voting trust beneficial owner; in subsection (b) of this section, shareholder means a record shareholder, a beneficial shareholder, and a voting trust beneficial owner.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 197;    Laws 2017, LB35, § 24.    

21-2,198. Procedure for judicial dissolution.

(MBCA 14.31) (a) Venue for a proceeding by the Attorney General to dissolve a corporation lies in the district court of Lancaster County. Venue for a proceeding brought by any other party named in subsection (a) of section 21-2,197 lies in the district court of the county where a corporation's principal office, or, if none in this state, its registered office, is or was last located.

(b) It is not necessary to make shareholders parties to a proceeding to dissolve a corporation unless relief is sought against them individually.

(c) A court in a proceeding brought to dissolve a corporation may issue injunctions, appoint a receiver or custodian pendente lite with all powers and duties the court directs, take other action required to preserve the corporate assets wherever located, and carry on the business of the corporation until a full hearing can be held.

(d) Within ten days of the commencement of a proceeding to dissolve a corporation under subdivision (a)(2) of section 21-2,197, the corporation must send to all shareholders, other than the petitioner, a notice stating that the shareholders are entitled to avoid the dissolution of the corporation by electing to purchase the petitioner's shares under section 21-2,201 and accompanied by a copy of section 21-2,201.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 198.    

21-2,199. Receivership or custodianship.

(MBCA 14.32) (a) Unless an election to purchase has been filed under section 21-2,201, a court in a judicial proceeding brought to dissolve a corporation may appoint one or more receivers to wind up and liquidate, or one or more custodians to manage, the business and affairs of the corporation. The court shall hold a hearing, after notifying all parties to the proceeding and any interested persons designated by the court, before appointing a receiver or custodian. The court appointing a receiver or custodian has jurisdiction over the corporation and all of its property wherever located.

(b) The court may appoint an individual or a domestic or foreign corporation, authorized to transact business in this state, as a receiver or custodian. The court may require the receiver or custodian to post bond, with or without sureties, in an amount the court directs.

(c) The court shall describe the powers and duties of the receiver or custodian in its appointing order, which may be amended from time to time. Among other powers:

(1) The receiver (i) may dispose of all or any part of the assets of the corporation wherever located, at a public or private sale, if authorized by the court, and (ii) may sue and defend in his or her own name as receiver of the corporation in all courts of this state; and

(2) The custodian may exercise all of the powers of the corporation, through or in place of its board of directors, to the extent necessary to manage the affairs of the corporation in the best interests of its shareholders and creditors.

(d) The court during a receivership may redesignate the receiver a custodian, and during a custodianship may redesignate the custodian a receiver, if doing so is in the best interests of the corporation, its shareholders, and creditors.

(e) The court from time to time during the receivership or custodianship may order compensation paid and expenses paid or reimbursed to the receiver or custodian from the assets of the corporation or proceeds from the sale of the assets.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 199.    

21-2,200. Decree of dissolution.

(MBCA 14.33) (a) If after a hearing the court determines that one or more grounds for judicial dissolution described in section 21-2,197 exist, it may enter a decree dissolving the corporation and specifying the effective date of the dissolution, and the clerk of the court shall deliver a certified copy of the decree to the Secretary of State who shall file it.

(b) After entering the decree of dissolution, the court shall direct the winding-up and liquidation of the corporation's business and affairs in accordance with section 21-2,188 and the notification of claimants in accordance with sections 21-2,189 and 21-2,190.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 200.    

21-2,201. Election to purchase in lieu of dissolution.

(MBCA 14.34) (a) In a proceeding under subdivision (a)(2) of section 21-2,197 to dissolve a corporation, the corporation may elect or, if it fails to elect, one or more shareholders may elect to purchase all shares owned by the petitioning shareholder at the fair value of the shares. An election pursuant to this section shall be irrevocable unless the court determines that it is equitable to set aside or modify the election.

(b) An election to purchase pursuant to this section may be filed with the court at any time within ninety days after the filing of the petition under subdivision (a)(2) of section 21-2,197 or at such later time as the court in its discretion may allow. If the election to purchase is filed by one or more shareholders, the corporation shall, within ten days thereafter, give written notice to all shareholders, other than the petitioner. The notice must state the name and number of shares owned by the petitioner and the name and number of shares owned by each electing shareholder and must advise the recipients of their right to join in the election to purchase shares in accordance with this section. Shareholders who wish to participate must file notice of their intention to join in the purchase no later than thirty days after the effective date of the notice to them. All shareholders who have filed an election or notice of their intention to participate in the election to purchase thereby become parties to the proceeding and shall participate in the purchase in proportion to their ownership of shares as of the date the first election was filed, unless they otherwise agree or the court otherwise directs. After an election has been filed by the corporation or one or more shareholders, the proceeding under subdivision (a)(2) of section 21-2,197 may not be discontinued or settled, nor may the petitioning shareholder sell or otherwise dispose of his or her shares, unless the court determines that it would be equitable to the corporation and the shareholders, other than the petitioner, to permit such discontinuance, settlement, sale, or other disposition.

(c) If, within sixty days of the filing of the first election, the parties reach agreement as to the fair value and terms of purchase of the petitioner's shares, the court shall enter an order directing the purchase of petitioner's shares upon the terms and conditions agreed to by the parties.

(d) If the parties are unable to reach an agreement as provided for in subsection (c) of this section, the court, upon application of any party, shall stay the proceedings under subdivision (a)(2) of section 21-2,197 and determine the fair value of the petitioner's shares as of the day before the date on which the petition under subdivision (a)(2) of section 21-2,197 was filed or as of such other date as the court deems appropriate under the circumstances.

(e) Upon determining the fair value of the shares, the court shall enter an order directing the purchase upon such terms and conditions as the court deems appropriate, which may include payment of the purchase price in installments, where necessary in the interests of equity, provision for security to assure payment of the purchase price and any additional expenses as may have been awarded, and, if the shares are to be purchased by shareholders, the allocation of shares among them. In allocating petitioner's shares among holders of different classes of shares, the court should attempt to preserve the existing distribution of voting rights among holders of different classes insofar as practicable and may direct that holders of a specific class or classes shall not participate in the purchase. Interest may be allowed at the rate specified in section 45-104, as such rate may from time to time be adjusted by the Legislature, and from the date determined by the court to be equitable, but if the court finds that the refusal of the petitioning shareholder to accept an offer of payment was arbitrary or otherwise not in good faith, no interest shall be allowed. If the court finds that the petitioning shareholder had probable grounds for relief under subdivision (a)(2)(i)(B) or (D) of section 21-2,197, it may award expenses to the petitioning shareholder.

(f) Upon entry of an order under subsection (c) or (e) of this section, the court shall dismiss the petition to dissolve the corporation under subdivision (a)(2) of section 21-2,197, and the petitioning shareholder shall no longer have any rights or status as a shareholder of the corporation, except the right to receive the amounts awarded by the order of the court which shall be enforceable in the same manner as any other judgment.

(g) The purchase ordered pursuant to subsection (e) of this section shall be made within ten days after the date the order becomes final.

(h) Any payment by the corporation pursuant to an order under subsection (c) or (e) of this section, other than an award of expenses pursuant to subsection (e) of this section, is subject to the provisions of section 21-252.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 201;    Laws 2017, LB35, § 25.    


21-2,202. Deposit with State Treasurer.

(MBCA 14.40) Assets of a dissolved corporation that should be transferred to a creditor, claimant, or shareholder of the corporation who cannot be found or who is not competent to receive them shall be reduced to cash and deposited with the State Treasurer in accordance with the Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act. When the creditor, claimant, or shareholder furnishes satisfactory proof of entitlement to the amount deposited, the State Treasurer shall pay such person or his or her representative that amount in accordance with the act.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 202.    

Cross References

21-2,203. Authority to transact business required.

(MBCA 15.01) (a) A foreign corporation may not transact business in this state until it obtains a certificate of authority from the Secretary of State.

(b) The following activities, among others, do not constitute transacting business within the meaning of subsection (a) of this section:

(1) Maintaining, defending, or settling any proceeding;

(2) Holding meetings of the board of directors or shareholders or carrying on other activities concerning internal corporate affairs;

(3) Maintaining bank accounts;

(4) Maintaining offices or agencies for the transfer, exchange, and registration of the corporation's own securities or maintaining trustees or depositaries with respect to those securities;

(5) Selling through independent contractors;

(6) Soliciting or obtaining orders, whether by mail or through employees or agents or otherwise, if the orders require acceptance outside this state before they become contracts;

(7) Creating or acquiring indebtedness, mortgages, and security interests in real or personal property;

(8) Securing or collecting debts or enforcing mortgages and security interests in property securing the debts;

(9) Owning, without more, real or personal property;

(10) Conducting an isolated transaction that is completed within thirty days and that is not one in the course of repeated transactions of a like nature;

(11) Transacting business in interstate commerce; or

(12) Acting as a foreign corporate trustee to the extent authorized under section 30-3820.

(c) The list of activities in subsection (b) of this section is not exhaustive.

(d) The requirements of the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act are not applicable to foreign or alien insurers which are subject to the requirements of Chapter 44.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 203.    

21-2,204. Consequences of transacting business without authority.

(MBCA 15.02) (a) A foreign corporation transacting business in this state without a certificate of authority may not maintain a proceeding in any court in this state until it obtains a certificate of authority.

(b) The successor to a foreign corporation that transacted business in this state without a certificate of authority and the assignee of a cause of action arising out of that business may not maintain a proceeding based on that cause of action in any court in this state until the foreign corporation or its successor obtains a certificate of authority.

(c) A court may stay a proceeding commenced by a foreign corporation, its successor, or assignee until it determines whether the foreign corporation or its successor requires a certificate of authority. If it so determines, the court may further stay the proceeding until the foreign corporation or its successor obtains the certificate.

(d) A foreign corporation is liable for a civil penalty of five hundred dollars for each day, but not to exceed a total of ten thousand dollars for each year, it transacts business in this state without a certificate of authority. The Attorney General may collect all penalties due under this subsection and shall remit them to the State Treasurer for distribution in accordance with Article VII, section 5, of the Constitution of Nebraska.

(e) Notwithstanding subsections (a) and (b) of this section, the failure of a foreign corporation to obtain a certificate of authority does not impair the validity of its corporate acts or prevent it from defending any proceeding in this state.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 204.    

21-2,205. Application for certificate of authority.

(MBCA 15.03) (a) A foreign corporation may apply for a certificate of authority to transact business in this state by delivering an application to the Secretary of State for filing. The application must set forth:

(1) The name of the foreign corporation or, if its name is unavailable for use in this state, a corporate name that satisfies the requirements of section 21-2,208;

(2) The name of the state or country under whose law it is incorporated;

(3) Its date of incorporation and period of duration;

(4) The street address of its principal office;

(5) The street address of its registered office in this state and the name of its current registered agent at that office. A post office box number may be provided in addition to the street address; and

(6) The names and street addresses of its current directors and officers.

(b) The foreign corporation shall deliver with the completed application a certificate of existence, or a document of similar import, duly authenticated by the secretary of state or other official having custody of corporate records in the state or country under whose law it is incorporated. Such certificate or document shall not bear a date of more than sixty days prior to the date the application is delivered.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 205.    

21-2,206. Amended certificate of authority.

(MBCA 15.04) (a) A foreign corporation authorized to transact business in this state must obtain an amended certificate of authority from the Secretary of State if it changes:

(1) Its corporate name;

(2) The period of its duration; or

(3) The state or country of its incorporation.

(b) The requirements of section 21-2,205 for obtaining an original certificate of authority apply to obtaining an amended certificate under this section.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 206.    

21-2,207. Effect of certificate of authority.

(MBCA 15.05) (a) A certificate of authority authorizes the foreign corporation to which it is issued to transact business in this state subject, however, to the right of the state to revoke the certificate as provided in the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act.

(b) A foreign corporation with a valid certificate of authority has the same but no greater rights and has the same but no greater privileges as and, except as otherwise provided by the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act, is subject to the same duties, restrictions, penalties, and liabilities now or later imposed on a domestic corporation of like character.

(c) The Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act does not authorize this state to regulate the organization or internal affairs of a foreign corporation authorized to transact business in this state.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 207.    

21-2,208. Corporate name of foreign corporation.

(MBCA 15.06) (a) If the corporate name of a foreign corporation does not satisfy the requirements of section 21-230, the foreign corporation to obtain or maintain a certificate of authority to transact business in this state:

(1) May add to its corporate name for use in this state the word corporation, incorporated, company, or limited, or the abbreviation corp., inc., co., or ltd.; or

(2) May use a fictitious name to transact business in this state if its real name is unavailable and it delivers to the Secretary of State for filing a copy of the resolution of its board of directors, certified by its secretary, adopting the fictitious name.

(b) Except as authorized by subsections (c) and (d) of this section, the corporate name, including a fictitious name, of a foreign corporation must not be deceptively similar to, upon the records of the Secretary of State:

(1) The corporate name of a corporation incorporated or authorized to transact business in this state;

(2) A corporate name reserved or registered under section 21-231 or 21-232;

(3) The fictitious name of another foreign corporation authorized to transact business in this state;

(4) The corporate name of a not-for-profit corporation incorporated or authorized to transact business in this state;

(5) A trade name registered in this state pursuant to sections 87-208 to 87-219.01; and

(6) Any other business entity name registered or filed with the Secretary of State pursuant to the law of this state.

(c) A foreign corporation may apply to the Secretary of State for authorization to use in this state the name of another corporation or business entity, incorporated or authorized to transact business in this state, that is deceptively similar to, upon the records of the Secretary of State, the name applied for. The Secretary of State shall authorize use of the name applied for if:

(1) The other corporation or business entity consents to the use in writing; or

(2) The applicant delivers to the Secretary of State a certified copy of a final judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction establishing the applicant's right to use the name applied for in this state.

(d) A foreign corporation may use in this state the name, including the fictitious name, of another domestic or foreign corporation or business entity that is used in this state if the other corporation or business entity is incorporated or authorized to transact business in this state and the foreign corporation:

(1) Has merged with the other corporation or business entity;

(2) Has been formed by reorganization of the other corporation or business entity; or

(3) Has acquired all or substantially all of the assets, including the corporate name, of the other corporation or business entity.

(e) If a foreign corporation authorized to transact business in this state changes its corporate name to one that does not satisfy the requirements of section 21-230, it may not transact business in this state under the changed name until it adopts a name satisfying the requirements of section 21-230 and obtains an amended certificate of authority under section 21-2,206.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 208.    

21-2,209. Registered office and registered agent of foreign corporation.

(MBCA 15.07) Each foreign corporation authorized to transact business in this state must continuously maintain in this state:

(1) A registered office that may be the same as any of its places of business; and

(2) A registered agent, who may be:

(i) An individual who resides in this state and whose business office is identical with the registered office;

(ii) A domestic corporation or not-for-profit domestic corporation whose business office is identical with the registered office; or

(iii) A foreign corporation or foreign not-for-profit corporation authorized to transact business in this state whose business office is identical with the registered office.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 209.    

21-2,210. Change of registered office or registered agent of foreign corporation.

(MBCA 15.08) (a) A foreign corporation authorized to transact business in this state may change its registered office or registered agent by delivering to the Secretary of State for filing a statement of change that sets forth:

(1) Its name;

(2) The street address of its current registered office;

(3) If the current registered office is to be changed, the street address of its new registered office;

(4) The name and street address of its current registered agent. A post office box number may be provided in addition to the street address;

(5) If the current registered agent is to be changed, the name of its new registered agent and the new agent's written consent, either on the statement or attached to it, to the appointment; and

(6) That after the change or changes are made, the street addresses of its registered office and the business office of its registered agent will be identical.

(b) If the street address or post office box number of a registered agent's business office changes, the agent may change the street address or post office box number of the registered office of any foreign corporation for which the person is the registered agent by notifying the corporation in writing of the change, and signing and delivering to the Secretary of State for filing a statement of change that complies with the requirements of subsection (a) of this section and recites that the corporation has been notified of the change.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 210.    

21-2,211. Resignation of registered agent of foreign corporation.

(MBCA 15.09) (a) The registered agent of a foreign corporation may resign the agency appointment by signing and delivering to the Secretary of State for filing the signed original and two exact or conformed copies of a statement of resignation. The statement of resignation may include a statement that the registered office is also discontinued.

(b) After filing the statement, the Secretary of State shall attach the filing receipt to one copy and mail the copy and receipt to the registered office if not discontinued. The Secretary of State shall mail the other copy to the foreign corporation at its principal office address shown in its most recent biennial report.

(c) The agency appointment is terminated, and the registered office discontinued if so provided, on the thirty-first day after the date on which the statement was filed.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 211.    

21-2,212. Service on foreign corporation.

(MBCA 15.10) (a) The registered agent of a foreign corporation authorized to transact business in this state is the corporation's agent for service of process, notice, or demand required or permitted by law to be served on the foreign corporation. By being authorized to transact business in this state, the foreign corporation's agent for service of process also consents to service of process directed to the foreign corporation's agent in this state for a search warrant issued pursuant to sections 29-812 to 29-821, or for any other validly issued and properly served court order or subpoena, including those authorized under sections 86-2,106 and 86-2,112, for records or documents that are in the possession of the foreign corporation and are located inside or outside of this state. The consent to service of a court order, subpoena, or search warrant applies to a foreign corporation that is a party or nonparty to the matter for which the court order, subpoena, or search warrant is sought.

(b) A foreign corporation may be served by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to the secretary of the foreign corporation or the designated custodian of records at its principal office shown in its application for a certificate of authority or in its most recent biennial report if the foreign corporation:

(1) Has no registered agent or its registered agent cannot with reasonable diligence be served;

(2) Has withdrawn from transacting business in this state under section 21-2,213; or

(3) Has had its certificate of authority revoked under section 21-2,218.

(c) Service is perfected under subsection (b) of this section at the earliest of:

(1) The date the foreign corporation receives the mail;

(2) The date shown on the return receipt, if signed on behalf of the foreign corporation; or

(3) Five days after its deposit in the United States mail, as evidenced by the postmark, if mailed postpaid and correctly addressed.

(d) This section does not prescribe the only means, or necessarily the required means, of serving a foreign corporation.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 212;    Laws 2015, LB294, § 6.    

21-2,213. Withdrawal of foreign corporation.

(MBCA 15.20) (a) A foreign corporation authorized to transact business in this state may not withdraw from this state until it obtains a certificate of withdrawal from the Secretary of State.

(b) A foreign corporation authorized to transact business in this state may apply for a certificate of withdrawal by delivering an application to the Secretary of State for filing. The application must set forth:

(1) The name of the foreign corporation and the name of the state or country under whose law it is incorporated;

(2) That it is not transacting business in this state and that it surrenders its authority to transact business in this state;

(3) That it revokes the authority of its registered agent to accept service on its behalf and consents that service of process in any proceeding based on a cause of action arising during the time it was authorized to transact business in this state may thereafter be made on such corporation outside this state; and

(4) A mailing address at which process against the corporation may be served.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 213.    

21-2,214. Automatic withdrawal upon certain conversions.

(MBCA 15.21) A foreign corporation authorized to transact business in this state that converts to a domestic nonprofit corporation or any form of domestic filing entity shall be deemed to have withdrawn on the effective date of the conversion.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 214.    

21-2,215. Withdrawal upon conversion to a nonfiling entity.

(MBCA 15.22) (a) A foreign corporation authorized to transact business in this state that converts to a domestic or foreign nonfiling entity shall apply for a certificate of withdrawal by delivering an application to the Secretary of State for filing. The application must set forth:

(1) The name of the foreign corporation and the name of the state or country under whose law it was incorporated before the conversion;

(2) That it surrenders its authority to transact business in this state as a foreign corporation;

(3) The type of unincorporated entity to which it has been converted and the jurisdiction whose laws govern its internal affairs; and

(4) If it has been converted to a foreign unincorporated entity:

(i) That it revokes the authority of its registered agent to accept service on its behalf and consents that service of process in any proceeding based on a cause of action arising during the time it was authorized to transact business in this state may thereafter be made on such foreign unincorporated entity outside this state; and

(ii) A mailing address at which process against the foreign unincorporated entity may be served.

(b) After the withdrawal under this section of a corporation that has converted to a domestic unincorporated entity is effective, service of process shall be made on the unincorporated entity in accordance with the regular procedures for service of process on the form of unincorporated entity to which the corporation was converted.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 215.    

21-2,216. Transfer of authority.

(MBCA 15.23) (a) A foreign business corporation authorized to transact business in this state that converts to a foreign nonprofit corporation or to any form of foreign unincorporated entity that is required to obtain a certificate of authority or make a similar type of filing with the Secretary of State if it transacts business in this state shall file with the Secretary of State an application for transfer of authority signed by any officer or other duly authorized representative. The application shall set forth:

(1) The name of the corporation;

(2) The type of unincorporated entity to which it has been converted and the jurisdiction whose laws govern its internal affairs; and

(3) Any other information that would be required in a filing under the laws of this state by an unincorporated entity of the type the corporation has become seeking authority to transact business in this state.

(b) The application for transfer of authority shall be delivered to the Secretary of State for filing and shall take effect at the effective time provided in section 21-206.

(c) Upon the effectiveness of the application for transfer of authority, the authority of the corporation under sections 21-2,203 to 21-2,220 to transact business in this state shall be transferred without interruption to the converted entity which shall thereafter hold such authority subject to the provisions of the laws of this state applicable to that type of unincorporated entity.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 216.    

21-2,217. Grounds for revocation.

(MBCA 15.30) The Secretary of State may commence a proceeding under section 21-2,218 to administratively revoke the certificate of authority of a foreign corporation authorized to transact business in this state if:

(1) The foreign corporation is without a registered agent or registered office in this state for sixty days or more;

(2) The foreign corporation does not inform the Secretary of State under section 21-2,210 or 21-2,211 that its registered agent or registered office has changed, that its registered agent has resigned, or that its registered office has been discontinued within sixty days of the change, resignation, or discontinuance;

(3) An incorporator, director, officer, or agent of the foreign corporation signed a document knowing it was false in any material respect with intent that the document be delivered to the Secretary of State for filing;

(4) The foreign corporation or its agent for service of process does not comply with section 21-2,212; or

(5) The Secretary of State receives a duly authenticated certificate from the secretary of state or other official having custody of corporate records in the state or country under whose law the foreign corporation is incorporated stating that it has been dissolved or disappeared as the result of a merger.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 217.    

21-2,218. Procedure for and effect of revocation.

(MBCA 15.31) (a) If the Secretary of State determines that one or more grounds exist under section 21-2,217 for revocation of a certificate of authority, the Secretary of State shall serve the foreign corporation with written notice of such determination under section 21-2,212.

(b) If the foreign corporation does not correct each ground for revocation or demonstrate to the reasonable satisfaction of the Secretary of State that each ground determined by the Secretary of State does not exist within sixty days after service of the notice is perfected under section 21-2,212, the Secretary of State shall administratively revoke the foreign corporation's certificate of authority by signing a certificate of revocation that recites the ground or grounds for revocation and its effective date. The Secretary of State shall file the original of the certificate and serve a copy on the foreign corporation under section 21-2,212.

(c) The authority of a foreign corporation to transact business in this state ceases on the date shown on the certificate revoking its certificate of authority.

(d) Revocation of a foreign corporation's certificate of authority does not terminate the authority of the registered agent of the corporation.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 218.    

21-2,219. Foreign corporation; reinstatement.

(a) A foreign corporation, the certificate of authority of which has been administratively revoked under section 21-2,218, may apply to the Secretary of State for reinstatement within five years after the effective date of the revocation. The application must:

(1) Recite the name of the foreign corporation and the effective date of the revocation;

(2) State that the ground or grounds for revocation either did not exist or have been eliminated; and

(3) State that the foreign corporation's name satisfies the requirements of section 21-2,208.

(b) If the Secretary of State determines (1) that the application for reinstatement contains the information required by subsection (a) of this section and that the information is correct and (2) that the foreign corporation has paid to the Secretary of State all delinquent fees and has delivered to the Secretary of State a properly executed and signed biennial report, he or she shall cancel the certificate of revocation, prepare a certificate of reinstatement that recites his or her determination and the effective date of reinstatement, file the original of the certificate, and serve a copy on the foreign corporation under section 21-2,212.

(c) A foreign corporation, the certificate of authority of which has been administratively revoked under section 21-2,218 for more than five years, may apply to the Secretary of State for late reinstatement. The application, along with the fee set forth in section 21-205, must:

(1) Recite the name of the foreign corporation and the effective date of the revocation;

(2) State that the ground or grounds for revocation either did not exist or have been eliminated;

(3) State that the foreign corporation's name satisfies the requirements of section 21-2,208;

(4) State that a legitimate reason exists for reinstatement and what such legitimate reason is; and

(5) State that such reinstatement does not constitute fraud on the public.

(d) If the Secretary of State determines (1) that the application for late reinstatement contains the information required by subsection (c) of this section and that the information is correct and (2) that the foreign corporation has paid to the Secretary of State all delinquent fees and has delivered to the Secretary of State a properly executed and signed biennial report, he or she shall cancel the certificate of revocation, prepare a certificate of late reinstatement that recites his or her determination and the effective date of reinstatement, file the original of the certificate, and serve a copy on the foreign corporation under section 21-2,212.

(e) When the reinstatement is effective, it relates back to and takes effect as of the effective date of the revocation and the foreign corporation shall resume carrying on its business as if the revocation had never occurred.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 219;    Laws 2015, LB279, § 5.    

21-2,220. Appeal from revocation.

(MBCA 15.32) (a) If the Secretary of State denies a foreign corporation's application for reinstatement following administrative revocation of its certificate of authority under section 21-2,218, he or she shall serve the foreign corporation under section 21-2,212 with a written notice that explains the reason or reasons for denial.

(b) A foreign corporation may appeal the denial of reinstatement to the district court of Lancaster County within thirty days after service of the notice of denial is perfected under section 21-2,212. The foreign corporation appeals by petitioning the court to set aside the revocation and attaching to the petition copies of the Secretary of State's certificate of revocation, the foreign corporation's application for reinstatement, and the Secretary of State's notice of denial.

(c) The court may summarily order the Secretary of State to reinstate the certificate of authority or may take any other action the court considers appropriate.

(d) The court's final decision may be appealed as in other civil proceedings.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 220.    

21-2,220.01. Foreign corporation; domestication; procedure.

In lieu of compliance with section 21-2,203, relating to the authorization of foreign corporations to transact business in this state, any corporation organized under the laws of any other state or states which has heretofore filed, or which may hereafter file, with the Secretary of State of this state a copy, certified by the Secretary of State or other proper officer of the state or country under the laws of which such foreign corporation is formed, of its charter or articles of association or incorporation, together with all amendments to such date, the street address of its registered office in this state and the name and street address and, if one exists, a post office box number, of its current registered agent at that office, on filing with the Secretary of State a certified copy of a resolution adopted by its board of directors, including the date the resolution was adopted, accepting and agreeing to be bound by the provisions of the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act with respect to its property and business operations within this state shall become and be a body corporate of this state as a foreign domesticated corporation. If the stock is no par, a resolution of the corporation, signed by an officer of the corporation, shall state the book value of the no par stock, which in no event shall be less than one dollar per share.

Source:Laws 2016, LB794, § 11.    

21-2,220.02. Foreign corporation; cessation of domestication.

Any foreign corporation which has domesticated pursuant to section 21-2,220.01 may cease to be a foreign domesticated corporation by filing with the Secretary of State a certified copy of a resolution adopted by its board of directors renouncing its domestication and withdrawing its acceptance and agreement provided for in section 21-2,220.01.

Source:Laws 2016, LB794, § 12.    

21-2,220.03. Foreign corporation; surrender of foreign charter; effect.

If a foreign corporation which has domesticated pursuant to section 21-2,220.01 surrenders its foreign corporate charter, and files, records, and publishes notice of amended articles of incorporation in the manner, time, and places required by sections 21-219, 21-220, and 21-2,229, such foreign domesticated corporation shall thereupon become and be a domestic corporation organized under the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act.

Source:Laws 2016, LB794, § 13.    

21-2,220.04. Foreign corporation; domesticated under prior law; status.

Any corporation organized under the laws of any other state which had become, prior to January 1, 2017, a body corporate of this state as a foreign domesticated corporation, shall retain such status for all purposes.

Source:Laws 2016, LB794, § 14.    

21-2,221. Corporate records.

(MBCA 16.01) (a) A corporation shall keep as permanent records minutes of all meetings of its shareholders and board of directors, a record of all actions taken by the shareholders or board of directors without a meeting, and a record of all actions taken by a committee of the board of directors in place of the board of directors on behalf of the corporation.

(b) A corporation shall maintain appropriate accounting records.

(c) A corporation or its agent shall maintain a record of its shareholders, in a form that permits preparation of a list of the names and addresses of all shareholders, in alphabetical order by class of shares showing the number and class of shares held by each.

(d) A corporation shall maintain its records in the form of a document, including an electronic record or in another form capable of conversion into paper form within a reasonable time.

(e) A corporation shall keep a copy of the following records at its principal office:

(1) Its articles or restated articles of incorporation, all amendments to them currently in effect, and any notices to shareholders referred to in subdivision (k)(5) of section 21-203 regarding facts on which a filed document is dependent;

(2) Its bylaws or restated bylaws and all amendments to them currently in effect;

(3) Resolutions adopted by its board of directors creating one or more classes or series of shares and fixing their relative rights, preferences, and limitations if shares issued pursuant to those resolutions are outstanding;

(4) The minutes of all shareholders' meetings and records of all action taken by shareholders without a meeting for the past three years;

(5) All written communications to shareholders generally within the past three years, including the financial statements furnished for the past three years under section 21-2,227;

(6) A list of the names and business addresses of its current directors and officers; and

(7) Its most recent biennial report delivered to the Secretary of State under section 21-2,228.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 221.    

21-2,222. Inspection of records by shareholders.

(MBCA 16.02) (a) A shareholder of a corporation is entitled to inspect and copy, during regular business hours at the corporation's principal office, any of the records of the corporation described in subsection (e) of section 21-2,221 if the shareholder gives the corporation a signed written notice of the shareholder's demand at least five business days before the date on which the shareholder wishes to inspect and copy.

(b) For any meeting of shareholders for which the record date for determining shareholders entitled to vote at the meeting is different than the record date for notice of the meeting, any person who becomes a shareholder subsequent to the record date for notice of the meeting and is entitled to vote at the meeting is entitled to obtain from the corporation upon request the notice and any other information provided by the corporation to shareholders in connection with the meeting unless the corporation has made such information generally available to shareholders by posting it on its website or by other generally recognized means. Failure of a corporation to provide such information does not affect the validity of action taken at the meeting.

(c) A shareholder of a corporation is entitled to inspect and copy, during regular business hours at a reasonable location specified by the corporation, any of the following records of the corporation if the shareholder meets the requirements of subsection (d) of this section and gives the corporation a signed written notice of the shareholder's demand at least five business days before the date on which the shareholder wishes to inspect and copy:

(1) Excerpts from minutes of any meeting of the board of directors or a committee of the board of directors while acting in place of the board of directors on behalf of the corporation, minutes of any meeting of the shareholders, and records of action taken by the shareholders, board of directors, or a committee of the board without a meeting, to the extent not subject to inspection under subsection (a) of this section;

(2) Accounting records of the corporation; and

(3) The record of shareholders.

(d) A shareholder may inspect and copy the records described in subsection (c) of this section only if:

(1) The shareholder's demand is made in good faith and for a proper purpose;

(2) The shareholder describes with reasonable particularity the shareholder's purpose and the records the shareholder desires to inspect; and

(3) The records are directly connected with the shareholder's purpose.

(e) The right of inspection granted by this section may not be abolished or limited by a corporation's articles of incorporation or bylaws.

(f) This section does not affect:

(1) The right of a shareholder to inspect records under section 21-262 or, if the shareholder is in litigation with the corporation, to the same extent as any other litigant; or

(2) The power of a court, independently of the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act, to compel the production of corporate records for examination.

(g) For purposes of this section, shareholder means a record shareholder, a beneficial shareholder, and an unrestricted voting trust beneficial owner.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 222;    Laws 2017, LB35, § 26.    

21-2,223. Scope of inspection right.

(MBCA 16.03) (a) A shareholder's agent or attorney has the same inspection and copying rights as the shareholder represented.

(b) The right to copy records under section 21-2,222 includes, if reasonable, the right to receive copies by xerographic or other means, including copies through an electronic transmission if available and so requested by the shareholder.

(c) The corporation may comply at its expense with a shareholder's demand to inspect the record of shareholders under subdivision (c)(3) of section 21-2,222 by providing the shareholder with a list of shareholders that was compiled no earlier than the date of the shareholder's demand.

(d) The corporation may impose a reasonable charge, covering the costs of labor and material, for copies of any documents provided to the shareholder. The charge may not exceed the estimated cost of production, reproduction, or transmission of the records.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 223.    

21-2,224. Court-ordered inspection.

(MBCA 16.04) (a) If a corporation does not allow a shareholder who complies with subsection (a) of section 21-2,222 to inspect and copy any records required by that subsection to be available for inspection, the district court of the county where the corporation's principal office, or, if none in this state, its registered office, is located may summarily order inspection and copying of the records demanded at the corporation's expense upon application of the shareholder.

(b) If a corporation does not within a reasonable time allow a shareholder to inspect and copy any other record, the shareholder who complies with subsections (c) and (d) of section 21-2,222 may apply to the district court of the county where the corporation's principal office, or, if none in this state, its registered office, is located for an order to permit inspection and copying of the records demanded. The court shall dispose of an application under this subsection on an expedited basis.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 224.    

21-2,225. Inspection of records by directors.

(MBCA 16.05) (a) A director of a corporation is entitled to inspect and copy the books, records, and documents of the corporation at any reasonable time to the extent reasonably related to the performance of the director's duties as a director, including duties as a member of a committee, but not for any other purpose or in any manner that would violate any duty to the corporation.

(b) The district court of the county where the corporation's principal office, or, if none in this state, its registered office, is located may order inspection and copying of the books, records, and documents at the corporation's expense upon application of a director who has been refused such inspection rights, unless the corporation establishes that the director is not entitled to such inspection rights. The court shall dispose of an application under this subsection on an expedited basis.

(c) If an order is issued, the court may include provisions protecting the corporation from undue burden or expense and provisions prohibiting the director from using information obtained upon exercise of the inspection rights in a manner that would violate a duty to the corporation, and the court may also order the corporation to reimburse the director for the director's expenses incurred in connection with the application.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 225.    

21-2,226. Exception to notice requirements.

(MBCA 16.06) (a) Whenever notice would otherwise be required to be given under any provision of the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act to a shareholder, such notice need not be given if:

(1) Notices to shareholders of two consecutive annual meetings and all notices of meetings during the period between such two consecutive annual meetings have been sent to such shareholder at such shareholder's address as shown on the records of the corporation and have been returned undeliverable or could not be delivered; or

(2) All, but not less than two, payments of dividends on securities during a twelve-month period, or two consecutive payments of dividends on securities during a period of more than twelve months, have been sent to such shareholder at such shareholder's address as shown on the records of the corporation and have been returned undeliverable or could not be delivered.

(b) If any such shareholder shall deliver to the corporation a written notice setting forth such shareholder's then-current address, the requirement that notice be given to such shareholder shall be reinstated.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 226.    

21-2,227. Financial statements for shareholders.

(MBCA 16.20) (a) A corporation shall deliver to its shareholders annual financial statements, which may be consolidated or combined statements of the corporation and one or more of its subsidiaries, as appropriate, that include a balance sheet as of the end of the fiscal year, an income statement for that year, and a statement of changes in shareholders' equity for the year unless that information appears elsewhere in the financial statements. If financial statements are prepared for the corporation on the basis of generally accepted accounting principles, the annual financial statements must also be prepared on that basis.

(b) If the annual financial statements are reported upon by a public accountant, the report must accompany them. If not, the statements must be accompanied by a statement of the president or the person responsible for the corporation's accounting records:

(1) Stating such person's reasonable belief whether the statements were prepared on the basis of generally accepted accounting principles and, if not, describing the basis of preparation; and

(2) Describing any respects in which the statements were not prepared on a basis of accounting consistent with the statements prepared for the preceding year.

(c) Within one hundred twenty days after the close of each fiscal year, the corporation shall send the annual financial statements to each shareholder. Thereafter, on written request from a shareholder to whom the statements were not sent, the corporation shall send the shareholder the latest financial statements. A public corporation may fulfill its responsibilities under this section by delivering the specified financial statements or otherwise making them available in any manner permitted by the applicable rules and regulations of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 227.    

21-2,228. Biennial report for Secretary of State.

(MBCA 16.21) Each domestic corporation and each foreign corporation authorized to transact business in this state shall deliver to the Secretary of State for filing a biennial report as required under section 21-301 or 21-304.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 228.    

21-2,229. Notice of incorporation, amendment, merger, or share exchange; notice of dissolution.

(a) Notice of incorporation, amendment, merger, or share exchange of a domestic corporation shall be published for three successive weeks in some legal newspaper of general circulation in the county where the corporation's principal office, or, if none in this state, its registered office, is located.

A notice of incorporation shall show (1) the corporate name for the corporation, (2) the number of shares the corporation is authorized to issue, (3) the street address of the corporation's initial registered office and the name of its initial registered agent at that office, and (4) the name and street address of each incorporator.

A brief resume of any amendment, merger, or share exchange of the corporation shall be published in the same manner and for the same period of time as a notice of incorporation is required to be published.

(b) Notice of the dissolution of a domestic corporation and the terms and conditions of such dissolution and the names of the persons who are to wind up and liquidate its business and affairs and their official titles with a statement of assets and liabilities of the corporation shall be published for three successive weeks in some legal newspaper of general circulation in the county where the corporation's principal office, or, if none in this state, its registered office, is located.

(c) Proof of publication of any of the notices required to be published under this section shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of State. In the event any notice required to be given pursuant to this section is not given but is subsequently published for the required time and proof of the publication thereof is filed in the office of the Secretary of State, the acts of such corporation prior to, as well as after, such publication shall be valid.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 229.    

21-2,230. Application to existing domestic corporations.

(MBCA 17.01) The Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act applies to all domestic corporations in existence on January 1, 2017, that were incorporated under any general statute of this state providing for incorporation of corporations for profit if power to amend or repeal the statute under which the corporation was incorporated was reserved.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 230;    Laws 2015, LB157, § 8.    

21-2,231. Application to qualified foreign corporations.

(MBCA 17.02) A foreign corporation authorized to transact business in this state on January 1, 2017, is subject to the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act but is not required to obtain a new certificate of authority to transact business under the act.

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 231;    Laws 2015, LB157, § 9.    

21-2,232. Saving provisions.

(MBCA 17.03) (a) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, the repeal of a statute by Laws 2014, LB749, does not affect:

(1) The operation of the statute or any action taken under it before its repeal;

(2) Any ratification, right, remedy, privilege, obligation, or liability acquired, accrued, or incurred under the statute before its repeal;

(3) Any violation of the statute, or any penalty, forfeiture, or punishment incurred because of the violation, before its repeal; or

(4) Any proceeding, reorganization, or dissolution commenced under the statute before its repeal, and the proceeding, reorganization, or dissolution may be completed in accordance with the statute as if it had not been repealed.

(b) If a penalty or punishment imposed for violation of a statute repealed by Laws 2014, LB749, is reduced by Laws 2014, LB749, the penalty or punishment if not already imposed shall be imposed in accordance with Laws 2014, LB749.

(c) In the event that any provisions of the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act are deemed to modify, limit, or supersede the federal Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act, 15 U.S.C. 7001 et seq., as the act existed on January 1, 2014, the provisions of the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act shall control to the maximum extent permitted by section 102(a)(2) of that federal act, 15 U.S.C. 7002(a)(2).

Source:Laws 2014, LB749, § 232.    

21-301. Domestic corporations; biennial report and occupation tax; procedure.

(1) Each domestic corporation subject to the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act shall deliver a biennial report to the Secretary of State, as of January 1 of each even-numbered year, in such form as the Secretary of State may prescribe. The report shall be signed by one of the following: The president, a vice president, a secretary, or a treasurer of the corporation. The signature may be digital or electronic if it conforms to section 86-611. The report and occupation tax shall be delivered to the Secretary of State. The report and occupation tax shall be due on March 1 of each even-numbered year and shall become delinquent if not filed and paid by April 15 of each even-numbered year. If the Secretary of State finds that such report and occupation tax conform to the requirements of the law, the Secretary of State shall file the report. If the Secretary of State finds that the report or occupation tax does not conform, the Secretary of State shall not file the report or accept the occupation tax but shall return the report and occupation tax to the corporation for any necessary corrections. A correction or amendment to the report may be filed at any time.

(2) In each even-numbered year, the Secretary of State shall cause a notice to be sent either by United States mail or electronically transmitted to each corporation for which a report and occupation tax as described in this section have not been received as of March 1. The notice shall state that the report has not been received, that the report and occupation tax are due on March 1, and that the corporation will be administratively dissolved if the report and proper occupation tax are not received by April 15.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 240, § 1, p. 745; R.S.1913, § 761; C.S.1922, § 679; C.S.1929, § 24-1701; R.S.1943, § 21-301; Laws 1967, c. 101, § 1, p. 309; Laws 1969, c. 124, § 1, p. 567; Laws 1982, LB 928, § 6; Laws 2002, LB 989, § 1;    Laws 2003, LB 524, § 1;    Laws 2006, LB 647, § 1;    Laws 2008, LB379, § 1;    Laws 2014, LB749, § 238.    

Cross References


21-302. Domestic corporations; biennial report; contents.

The biennial report required under section 21-301 from a domestic corporation shall show:

(1) The exact corporate name of the corporation;

(2) The street address of the corporation's registered office and the name of its current registered agent at that office in this state. A post office box number may be provided in addition to the street address;

(3) The street address of the corporation's principal office;

(4) The names and street addresses of the corporation's directors and principal officers, which shall include the president, secretary, and treasurer;

(5) A brief description of the nature of the corporation's business;

(6) The amount of paid-up capital stock; and

(7) The change or changes, if any, in the above particulars made since the last biennial report.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 240, § 2, p. 745; R.S.1913, § 762; C.S.1922, § 680; C.S.1929, § 24-1702; R.S.1943, § 21-302; Laws 1967, c. 101, § 2, p. 309; Laws 1995, LB 109, § 195;    Laws 2003, LB 524, § 2;    Laws 2008, LB379, § 2;    Laws 2014, LB749, § 239.    

21-303. Corporations; occupation tax; amount; stock without par value, determination of amount.

(1) Upon the delivery of the biennial report required under section 21-301 to the Secretary of State, it shall be the duty of every corporation for profit, registered in the office of the Secretary of State on January 1, whether incorporated under the laws of this state or incorporated under the laws of any other state when such corporations have domesticated in this state pursuant to section 21-2,220.01, to pay to the Secretary of State an occupation tax in each even-numbered calendar year beginning January 1, which occupation tax shall be due and assessable on such date and delinquent if not paid on or before April 15 of each even-numbered year.

(2) The occupation tax shall be as follows: When the paid-up capital stock of a corporation does not exceed ten thousand dollars, an occupation tax of twenty-six dollars; when such paid-up capital stock exceeds ten thousand dollars but does not exceed twenty thousand dollars, an occupation tax of forty dollars; when such paid-up capital stock exceeds twenty thousand dollars but does not exceed thirty thousand dollars, an occupation tax of sixty dollars; when such paid-up capital stock exceeds thirty thousand dollars but does not exceed forty thousand dollars, an occupation tax of eighty dollars; when such paid-up capital stock exceeds forty thousand dollars but does not exceed fifty thousand dollars, an occupation tax of one hundred dollars; when such paid-up capital stock exceeds fifty thousand dollars but does not exceed sixty thousand dollars, an occupation tax of one hundred twenty dollars; when such paid-up capital stock exceeds sixty thousand dollars but does not exceed seventy thousand dollars, an occupation tax of one hundred forty dollars; when such paid-up capital stock exceeds seventy thousand dollars but does not exceed eighty thousand dollars, an occupation tax of one hundred sixty dollars; when such paid-up capital stock exceeds eighty thousand dollars but does not exceed ninety thousand dollars, an occupation tax of one hundred eighty dollars; when such paid-up capital stock exceeds ninety thousand dollars but does not exceed one hundred thousand dollars, an occupation tax of two hundred dollars; when such paid-up capital stock exceeds one hundred thousand dollars but does not exceed one hundred twenty-five thousand dollars, an occupation tax of two hundred forty dollars; when such paid-up capital stock exceeds one hundred twenty-five thousand dollars but does not exceed one hundred fifty thousand dollars, an occupation tax of two hundred eighty dollars; when such paid-up capital stock exceeds one hundred fifty thousand dollars but does not exceed one hundred seventy-five thousand dollars, an occupation tax of three hundred twenty dollars; when such paid-up capital stock exceeds one hundred seventy-five thousand dollars but does not exceed two hundred thousand dollars, an occupation tax of three hundred sixty dollars; when such paid-up capital stock exceeds two hundred thousand dollars but does not exceed two hundred twenty-five thousand dollars, an occupation tax of four hundred dollars; when such paid-up capital stock exceeds two hundred twenty-five thousand dollars but does not exceed two hundred fifty thousand dollars, an occupation tax of four hundred forty dollars; when such paid-up capital stock exceeds two hundred fifty thousand dollars but does not exceed two hundred seventy-five thousand dollars, an occupation tax of four hundred eighty dollars; when such paid-up capital stock exceeds two hundred seventy-five thousand dollars but does not exceed three hundred thousand dollars, an occupation tax of five hundred twenty dollars; when such paid-up capital stock exceeds three hundred thousand dollars but does not exceed three hundred twenty-five thousand dollars, an occupation tax of five hundred sixty dollars; when such paid-up capital stock exceeds three hundred twenty-five thousand dollars but does not exceed three hundred fifty thousand dollars, an occupation tax of six hundred dollars; when such paid-up capital stock exceeds three hundred fifty thousand dollars but does not exceed four hundred thousand dollars, an occupation tax of six hundred sixty-six dollars; when such paid-up capital stock exceeds four hundred thousand dollars but does not exceed four hundred fifty thousand dollars, an occupation tax of seven hundred thirty dollars; when such paid-up capital stock exceeds four hundred fifty thousand dollars but does not exceed five hundred thousand dollars, an occupation tax of eight hundred dollars; when such paid-up capital stock exceeds five hundred thousand dollars but does not exceed six hundred thousand dollars, an occupation tax of nine hundred ten dollars; when such paid-up capital stock exceeds six hundred thousand dollars but does not exceed seven hundred thousand dollars, an occupation tax of one thousand ten dollars; when such paid-up capital stock exceeds seven hundred thousand dollars but does not exceed eight hundred thousand dollars, an occupation tax of one thousand one hundred twenty dollars; when such paid-up capital stock exceeds eight hundred thousand dollars but does not exceed nine hundred thousand dollars, an occupation tax of one thousand two hundred thirty dollars; when such paid-up capital stock exceeds nine hundred thousand dollars but does not exceed one million dollars, an occupation tax of one thousand three hundred thirty dollars; when such paid-up capital stock exceeds one million dollars but does not exceed ten million dollars, an occupation tax of one thousand three hundred thirty dollars, and eight hundred dollars additional for each million or fraction thereof over and above one million dollars; when such paid-up capital stock exceeds ten million dollars but does not exceed fifteen million dollars, an occupation tax of twelve thousand dollars; when such paid-up capital stock exceeds fifteen million dollars but does not exceed twenty million dollars, an occupation tax of fourteen thousand six hundred sixty dollars; when such paid-up capital stock exceeds twenty million dollars but does not exceed twenty-five million dollars, an occupation tax of seventeen thousand three hundred thirty dollars; when such paid-up capital stock exceeds twenty-five million dollars but does not exceed fifty million dollars, an occupation tax of twenty thousand six hundred sixty dollars; when such paid-up capital stock exceeds fifty million dollars but does not exceed one hundred million dollars, an occupation tax of twenty-one thousand three hundred thirty dollars; and when such paid-up capital stock exceeds one hundred million dollars, an occupation tax of twenty-three thousand nine hundred ninety dollars. The minimum occupation tax for filing such report shall be twenty-six dollars. For purposes of determining the occupation tax, the stock of corporations incorporated under the laws of any other state, which corporations have domesticated in this state pursuant to section 21-2,220.01 and which stock is without par value, shall be deemed to have a par value of an amount equal to the amount paid in as capital for such shares at the time of the issuance thereof.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 240, § 3, p. 745; R.S.1913, § 763; C.S.1922, § 681; C.S.1929, § 24-1703; R.S.1943, § 21-303; Laws 1947, c. 55, § 1, p. 185; Laws 1955, c. 63, § 2, p. 200; Laws 1965, c. 87, § 1, p. 350; Laws 1967, c. 101, § 3, p. 310; Laws 1969, c. 124, § 2, p. 568; Laws 1982, LB 928, § 7; Laws 1992, LB 719A, § 90;    Laws 2003, LB 524, § 3;    Laws 2014, LB749, § 240;    Laws 2016, LB794, § 15.    


21-304. Foreign corporations; biennial report and occupation tax; procedure.

(1) Each foreign corporation subject to the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act, doing business in this state, owning or using a part or all of its capital or plant in this state, and subject to compliance with all other provisions of law shall, in addition to all other statements required by law, deliver a biennial report to the Secretary of State, as of January 1 of each even-numbered year, in such form as the Secretary of State may prescribe. The report shall be signed by one of the following: The president, a vice president, a secretary, or a treasurer of the corporation. The signature may be digital or electronic if it conforms to section 86-611. The report and occupation tax shall be delivered to the Secretary of State. The report and occupation tax shall be due on March 1 of each even-numbered year and shall become delinquent if not filed and paid by April 15 of each even-numbered year. If the Secretary of State finds that such report and occupation tax conform to the requirements of the law, the Secretary of State shall file the report. If the Secretary of State finds that the report or occupation tax does not conform, the Secretary of State shall not file the report or accept the occupation tax but shall return the report and occupation tax to the corporation for any necessary corrections. A correction or amendment to the report may be filed at any time.

(2) In each even-numbered year, the Secretary of State shall cause a notice to be sent either by United States mail or electronically transmitted to each corporation for which a report and occupation tax as described in this section have not been received as of March 1. The notice shall state that the report has not been received, that the report and occupation tax are due on March 1, and that the authority of the corporation to transact business in this state will be administratively revoked if the report and proper occupation tax are not received by April 15 of each even-numbered year.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 240, § 4, p. 748; R.S.1913, § 764; C.S.1922, § 682; C.S.1929, § 24-1704; R.S.1943, § 21-304; Laws 1955, c. 63, § 3, p. 203; Laws 1967, c. 101, § 4, p. 313; Laws 1969, c. 124, § 3, p. 571; Laws 1982, LB 928, § 8; Laws 2002, LB 989, § 2;    Laws 2003, LB 524, § 4;    Laws 2006, LB 647, § 2;    Laws 2008, LB379, § 3;    Laws 2014, LB749, § 241.    

Cross References


21-305. Foreign corporations; biennial report; contents.

The biennial report required under section 21-304 from a foreign corporation shall show:

(1) The exact corporate name of the foreign corporation and the name of the state or country under whose law it is incorporated;

(2) The street address of the foreign corporation's registered office and the name of its current registered agent at that office in this state. A post office box number may be provided in addition to the street address;

(3) The street address of the foreign corporation's principal office;

(4) The names and street addresses of the foreign corporation's directors and principal officers which shall include the president, secretary, and treasurer;

(5) A brief description of the nature of the foreign corporation's business;

(6) The value of the property owned and used by the foreign corporation in this state and where such property is situated; and

(7) The change or changes, if any, in the above particulars made since the last biennial report.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 240, § 5, p. 749; R.S.1913, § 765; C.S.1922, § 683; C.S.1929, § 24-1705; R.S.1943, § 21-305; Laws 1967, c. 101, § 5, p. 313; Laws 1995, LB 109, § 196;    Laws 2003, LB 524, § 5;    Laws 2008, LB379, § 4;    Laws 2014, LB749, § 242.    


21-306. Foreign corporations; occupation tax; investigation by Secretary of State for collection purposes.

Upon the delivery of the biennial report required under section 21-304 to the Secretary of State, it shall be the duty of every foreign corporation doing business in this state to pay to the Secretary of State an occupation tax each even-numbered calendar year beginning January 1 and become due and assessable on March 1 of that year and become delinquent if not paid by April 15 of each even-numbered year. The occupation tax shall be measured by the property employed by the foreign corporation in the conduct of its business in this state. For such purpose the property shall consist of the sum total of the actual value of all real estate and personal property employed in this state by such foreign corporation in the transaction of its business. The occupation tax to be paid by such foreign corporation shall be based upon the sum so determined and shall be considered the capital stock of such foreign corporation in this state for the purpose of the occupation tax. The schedule of payment shall be double the occupation tax set forth in section 21-303, or any amendments thereto, except that the occupation tax shall not exceed thirty thousand dollars, and the Secretary of State, or any person deputized by the Secretary of State, shall have authority to investigate and obtain information from such corporation or any state, county, or city official. Such officers are authorized by this section to furnish such information to the Secretary of State, or anyone deputized by the Secretary of State, in order to determine all facts and give effect to the collection of the occupation tax.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 240, § 6, p. 749; R.S.1913, § 766; C.S.1922, § 684; C.S.1929, § 24-1706; Laws 1933, c. 32, § 1, p. 212; Laws 1935, c. 47, § 1, p. 172; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 24-1706; R.S.1943, § 21-306; Laws 1955, c. 63, § 4, p. 203; Laws 1965, c. 87, § 2, p. 353; Laws 1967, c. 101, § 6, p. 313; Laws 1969, c. 124, § 4, p. 571; Laws 1982, LB 928, § 9; Laws 2002, LB 989, § 3;    Laws 2003, LB 524, § 6;    Laws 2014, LB749, § 243.    


21-307. Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 124, § 11.

21-308. Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 124, § 11.

21-309. Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 124, § 11.

21-310. Repealed. Laws 1967, c. 101, § 14.

21-311. Occupation taxes; disposition; monthly report of Secretary of State.

The Secretary of State shall make a report monthly to the Tax Commissioner of the occupation taxes collected under sections 21-301 to 21-330 and remit them to the State Treasurer for credit to the General Fund. The report shall include the amount of any refunds paid out under section 21-328.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 240, § 11, p. 750; R.S.1913, § 771; C.S.1922, § 689; C.S.1929, § 24-1711; R.S.1943, § 21-311; Laws 1984, LB 799, § 2;    Laws 2003, LB 524, § 7;    Laws 2014, LB749, § 244.    

21-312. Occupation taxes; lien; notice; lien subject to prior liens.

The occupation taxes required to be paid by sections 21-301 to 21-330 shall be the first and best lien on all property of the corporation whether such real or personal property is employed by the corporation in the prosecution of its business or is in the hands of an assignee, trustee, or receiver for the benefit of the creditors and stockholders thereof. The Secretary of State may file notice of such lien in the office of the county clerk of the county wherein the personal property sought to be charged with such lien is situated and with the county clerk or register of deeds of the county wherein the real estate sought to be charged with such lien is situated. The lien provided for in this section shall be invalid as to any mortgagee or pledgee whose lien is filed, as against any judgment lien which attached, or as against any purchaser whose rights accrued, prior to the filing of such notice.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 240, § 12, p. 750; R.S.1913, § 772; C.S.1922, § 690; C.S.1929, § 24-1712; Laws 1943, c. 54, § 1, p. 218; R.S.1943, § 21-312; Laws 1969, c. 124, § 5, p. 572; Laws 1988, LB 800, § 1;    Laws 2014, LB749, § 245.    


21-313. Domestic corporation; foreign corporation; failure to file report or pay occupation tax; effect.

(1) If a domestic corporation required to deliver the biennial report and pay the occupation tax prescribed in sections 21-301 to 21-330 fails or neglects to deliver such report or pay such occupation tax by April 15 of each even-numbered year, such corporation shall be administratively dissolved on April 16 of such year.

(2) If a foreign corporation required to deliver the biennial report and pay the occupation tax prescribed in sections 21-301 to 21-330 fails or neglects to deliver such report or pay such occupation tax by April 15 of each even-numbered year, the authority of such corporation to transact business in this state shall be administratively revoked on April 16 of such year.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 240, § 13, p. 750; R.S.1913, § 773; C.S.1922, § 691; C.S.1929, § 24-1713; R.S.1943, § 21-313; Laws 1945, c. 39, § 1, p. 195; Laws 1955, c. 63, § 7, p. 204; Laws 1967, c. 101, § 9, p. 315; Laws 1969, c. 124, § 6, p. 572; Laws 1982, LB 928, § 10; Laws 2002, LB 989, § 4;    Laws 2003, LB 524, § 8;    Laws 2014, LB749, § 246.    


21-314. Occupation taxes; how collected; credited to General Fund.

Occupation tax or taxes to be paid as provided in sections 21-301 to 21-330 may be recovered by an action in the name of the state and on collection shall be remitted to the State Treasurer for credit to the General Fund.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 240, § 14, p. 750; R.S.1913, § 774; C.S.1922, § 692; C.S.1929, § 24-1714; R.S.1943, § 21-314; Laws 1969, c. 124, § 7, p. 573; Laws 1988, LB 800, § 2;    Laws 2003, LB 524, § 9;    Laws 2014, LB749, § 247.    

21-315. Occupation taxes; collection; venue of action.

The Attorney General, on request of the Secretary of State, shall institute such action to recover occupation taxes in the district court of Lancaster County or any other county in the state in which such corporation has an office or place of business.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 240, § 15, p. 750; R.S.1913, § 775; C.S.1922, § 693; C.S.1929, § 24-1715; R.S.1943, § 21-315; Laws 2014, LB749, § 248.    

21-316. Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 485, § 2.

21-317. Repealed. Laws 2014, LB749, § 298; Laws 2015, LB157, § 10.

21-318. List of corporations; duty of Secretary of State.

It shall be the duty of the Secretary of State to prepare and keep a correct list of all corporations subject to sections 21-301 to 21-330 and engaged in business within this state. For the purpose of obtaining the necessary information, the Secretary of State, or other person deputized by him or her, shall have access to the records of the offices of the county clerks of the state.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 240, § 18, p. 751; R.S.1913, § 778; C.S.1922, § 696; C.S.1929, § 24-1718; R.S.1943, § 21-318; Laws 1988, LB 800, § 3;    Laws 2014, LB749, § 249.    

21-319. Investigation by Secretary of State for collection purposes; duty of county clerk.

Any county clerk shall, upon request of the Secretary of State, furnish him or her with such information as is shown by the records of his or her office concerning corporations located within his or her county and subject to sections 21-301 to 21-330. The Secretary of State, or any person deputized by him or her for the purpose of determining the amount of the occupation tax due from such corporation, shall have authority to investigate and determine the facts showing the proportion of the paid-up capital stock of the company represented by its property and business in this state.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 240, § 19, p. 751; R.S.1913, § 779; C.S.1922, § 697; C.S.1929, § 24-1719; R.S.1943, § 21-319; Laws 1988, LB 800, § 4;    Laws 2014, LB749, § 250.    

21-320. Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 124, § 11.

21-321. Reports and fees; exemptions.

All banking, insurance, and building and loan association corporations paying fees and making reports to the Director of Insurance or the Director of Banking and Finance and all other corporations paying an occupation tax to the state under any other statutory provisions than those of sections 21-301 to 21-330 shall be exempt from the provisions of such sections.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 240, § 21, p. 752; R.S.1913, § 781; C.S.1922, § 699; C.S.1929, § 24-1721; R.S.1943, § 21-321; Laws 1969, c. 124, § 8, p. 573; Laws 1988, LB 800, § 5;    Laws 2003, LB 524, § 10;    Laws 2014, LB749, § 251.    

21-322. Dissolution; certificate required; filing; fees.

In case of dissolution of a corporation by action of a competent court, or the winding up of a corporation, either foreign or domestic, by proceedings in assignment or bankruptcy, a certificate shall be signed by the clerk of the court in which such proceedings were had and filed in the office of the Secretary of State. The fees for making and filing such certificate shall be taxed as costs in the proceedings and paid out of the funds of the corporation and shall have the same priority as other costs.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 240, § 22, p. 752; R.S.1913, § 782; C.S.1922, § 700; C.S.1929, § 24-1722; Laws 1943, c. 54, § 2, p. 218; R.S.1943, § 21-322; Laws 1967, c. 101, § 11, p. 315; Laws 2014, LB749, § 252.    

21-323. Domestic corporations; reports and taxes; notice; failure to pay; administrative dissolution; lien; priority.

(1) Prior to January 1 of each even-numbered year, the Secretary of State shall cause to be mailed by first-class mail to the last-named and appointed registered agent at the last-named street address of the registered office of each domestic corporation subject to sections 21-301 to 21-330 a notice stating that on or before March 1 of each even-numbered year occupation taxes are due to be paid and a properly executed and signed biennial report is due to be filed. If such occupation taxes are not paid and the report is not filed by April 15 of each even-numbered year, (a) such taxes and report shall become delinquent, (b) the delinquent corporation shall be administratively dissolved on April 16 of such year for nonpayment of occupation taxes and failure to file the report, and (c) the delinquent occupation tax shall be a lien upon the assets of the corporation subsequent only to state, county, and municipal taxes.

(2) Upon the failure of any domestic corporation to pay its occupation tax and deliver the biennial report within the time limited by sections 21-301 to 21-330, the Secretary of State shall on April 16 of such year administratively dissolve the corporation for nonpayment of taxes and make such entry and showing upon the records of his or her office.

(3)(a) The Secretary of State shall administratively dissolve a corporation by signing a certificate of dissolution that recites the ground or grounds for dissolution and its effective date. The Secretary of State shall file the original of the certificate and serve a copy on the corporation under section 21-236.

(b) A corporation administratively dissolved continues its corporate existence but may not carry on any business, except that business necessary to wind up and liquidate its business and affairs under section 21-2,188 and notify claimants under sections 21-2,189 and 21-2,190.

(c) The administrative dissolution of a corporation shall not terminate the authority of its registered agent.

(4) All delinquent occupation taxes of the corporation shall be a lien upon the assets of the corporation, subsequent only to state, county, and municipal taxes.

(5) No domestic corporation shall be voluntarily dissolved until all occupation taxes and fees due to or assessable by the state have been paid and the biennial report filed by such corporation.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 240, § 22, p. 752; R.S.1913, § 782; C.S.1922, § 700; C.S.1929, § 24-1722; Laws 1943, c. 54, § 2, p. 218; R.S.1943, § 21-323; Laws 1957, c. 242, § 10, p. 823; Laws 1967, c. 101, § 12, p. 316; Laws 1969, c. 124, § 9, p. 573; Laws 1971, LB 485, § 1;    Laws 1982, LB 928, § 11; Laws 1995, LB 109, § 197;    Laws 2002, LB 989, § 5;    Laws 2003, LB 524, § 11;    Laws 2014, LB749, § 253.    


21-323.01. Domestic corporation administratively dissolved; reinstatement; application; procedure; payment required.

(1)(a) Until January 1, 2017, the provisions of this subsection apply. A corporation automatically dissolved under section 21-323 may apply to the Secretary of State for reinstatement within five years after the effective date of its automatic dissolution. The application shall:

(i) Recite the name of the corporation and the effective date of its automatic dissolution;

(ii) State that the ground or grounds for dissolution either did not exist or have been eliminated;

(iii) State that the corporation's name satisfies the requirements of section 21-2028; and

(iv) Be accompanied by a fee in the amount prescribed in section 21-2005, as such section may from time to time be amended, for an application for reinstatement.

(b) If the Secretary of State determines (i) that the application for reinstatement contains the information required by subdivision (a) of this subsection and that the information is correct and (ii) that the corporation has complied with subdivision (f) of this subsection, he or she shall cancel the certificate of dissolution, prepare a certificate of reinstatement that recites his or her determination and the effective date of reinstatement, file the original of the certificate, and serve a copy on the corporation under section 21-2034.

(c) A corporation that has been automatically dissolved under section 21-323 for more than five years may apply to the Secretary of State for late reinstatement. The application shall:

(i) Recite the name of the corporation and the effective date of its automatic dissolution;

(ii) State that the ground or grounds for dissolution either did not exist or have been eliminated;

(iii) State that the corporation's name satisfies the requirements of section 21-2028;

(iv) State that a legitimate reason exists for reinstatement and what such legitimate reason is;

(v) State that such reinstatement does not constitute fraud on the public; and

(vi) Be accompanied by a fee in the amount prescribed in section 21-2005, as such section may from time to time be amended, for an application for late reinstatement.

(d) If the Secretary of State determines (i) that an application for late reinstatement contains the information required by subdivision (c) of this subsection and that the information is correct and (ii) that the corporation has complied with subdivision (f) of this subsection, he or she shall cancel the certificate of dissolution, prepare a certificate of late reinstatement that recites his or her determination and the effective date of the reinstatement, file the original of the certificate, and serve a copy on the corporation under section 21-2034.

(e) When the reinstatement is effective, it shall relate back to and take effect as of the effective date of the automatic dissolution and the corporation shall resume carrying on its business as if the automatic dissolution had never occurred.

(f) A corporation applying for reinstatement under this subsection shall:

(i)(A) Pay to the Secretary of State a sum equal to all occupation taxes delinquent at the time the corporation was automatically dissolved, plus a sum equal to all occupation taxes which would otherwise have been due for the years the corporation was automatically dissolved; and (B) deliver to the Secretary of State a properly executed and signed biennial report for the most recent even-numbered year; and

(ii) Pay to the Secretary of State an additional amount derived by multiplying the rate specified in section 45-104.02, as such rate may from time to time be adjusted, times the amount of occupation taxes required to be paid by it for each year that such corporation was automatically dissolved.

(2)(a) Beginning January 1, 2017, the provisions of this subsection apply. A corporation administratively dissolved under section 21-323 may apply to the Secretary of State for reinstatement within five years after the effective date of its administrative dissolution. The application shall:

(i) Recite the name of the corporation and the effective date of its administrative dissolution;

(ii) State that the ground or grounds for dissolution either did not exist or have been eliminated;

(iii) State that the corporation's name satisfies the requirements of section 21-230; and

(iv) Be accompanied by a fee in the amount prescribed in section 21-205, as such section may from time to time be amended, for an application for reinstatement.

(b) If the Secretary of State determines (i) that the application for reinstatement contains the information required by subdivision (a) of this subsection and that the information is correct and (ii) that the corporation has complied with subdivision (f) of this subsection, he or she shall cancel the certificate of dissolution, prepare a certificate of reinstatement that recites his or her determination and the effective date of reinstatement, file the original of the certificate, and serve a copy on the corporation under section 21-236.

(c) A corporation administratively dissolved under section 21-323 for more than five years may apply to the Secretary of State for late reinstatement. The application shall:

(i) Recite the name of the corporation and the effective date of its administrative dissolution;

(ii) State that the ground or grounds for dissolution either did not exist or have been eliminated;

(iii) State that the corporation's name satisfies the requirements of section 21-230;

(iv) State that a legitimate reason exists for reinstatement and what such legitimate reason is;

(v) State that such reinstatement does not constitute fraud on the public; and

(vi) Be accompanied by a fee in the amount prescribed in section 21-205, as such section may from time to time be amended, for an application for late reinstatement.

(d) If the Secretary of State determines (i) that the application for late reinstatement contains the information required by subdivision (c) of this subsection and that the information is correct and (ii) that the corporation has complied with subdivision (f) of this subsection, he or she shall cancel the certificate of dissolution, prepare a certificate of late reinstatement that recites his or her determination and the effective date of reinstatement, file the original of the certificate, and serve a copy on the corporation under section 21-236.

(e) When the reinstatement is effective, it shall relate back to and take effect as of the effective date of the administrative dissolution and the corporation shall resume carrying on its business as if the administrative dissolution had never occurred.

(f) A corporation applying for reinstatement under this subsection shall:

(i)(A) Pay to the Secretary of State a sum equal to all occupation taxes delinquent at the time the corporation was administratively dissolved, plus a sum equal to all occupation taxes which would otherwise have been due for the years the corporation was administratively dissolved and (B) deliver to the Secretary of State a properly executed and signed biennial report for the most recent even-numbered year; and

(ii) Pay to the Secretary of State an additional amount derived by multiplying the rate specified in section 45-104.02, as such rate may from time to time be adjusted, times the amount of occupation taxes required to be paid by it for each year that such corporation was administratively dissolved.

Source:Laws 1995, LB 109, § 198;    Laws 1996, LB 1036, § 1;    Laws 2003, LB 524, § 12;    Laws 2012, LB854, § 2;    Laws 2014, LB749, § 254;    Laws 2015, LB279, § 6.    

21-323.02. Domestic corporation administratively dissolved; denial of reinstatement; appeal.

(1) If the Secretary of State denies a corporation's application for reinstatement following administrative dissolution under section 21-323, he or she shall serve the corporation under section 21-236 with a written notice that explains the reason or reasons for denial.

(2) The corporation may appeal the denial of reinstatement to the district court of Lancaster County within thirty days after service of the notice of denial is perfected under section 21-236. The corporation shall appeal by petitioning the court to set aside the dissolution and attaching to the petition copies of the Secretary of State's certificate of dissolution, the corporation's application for reinstatement, and the Secretary of State's notice of denial.

(3) The court may summarily order the Secretary of State to reinstate the dissolved corporation or may take other action the court considers appropriate.

(4) The court's final decision may be appealed as in other civil proceedings.

Source:Laws 1995, LB 109, § 199;    Laws 2014, LB749, § 255.    

21-324. Repealed. Laws 1967, c. 101, § 14.

21-325. Foreign corporations; reports and taxes; notice; failure to pay; authority to transact business revoked; lien; priority.

(1) Prior to January 1 of each even-numbered year, the Secretary of State shall cause to be mailed by first-class mail to the last-known address of each foreign corporation subject to sections 21-301 to 21-330 a notice stating that on or before March 1 of each even-numbered year occupation taxes are due to be paid and a properly executed and signed biennial report is due to be filed. If such occupation taxes are not paid and the report is not filed by April 15 of each even-numbered year, (a) such taxes and report shall become delinquent, (b) the authority of the delinquent corporation to transact business in this state shall be administratively revoked on April 16 of such year for nonpayment of occupation taxes and failure to file the report, and (c) the delinquent occupation tax shall be a lien upon the assets of the corporation subject only to state, county, and municipal taxes.

(2) Upon the failure of any foreign corporation to pay its occupation tax and deliver the biennial report within the time limited by sections 21-301 to 21-330, the Secretary of State shall on April 16 of such year administratively revoke the authority of the corporation to transact business in this state for nonpayment of taxes and shall bar the corporation from doing business in this state under the corporation laws of this state and make such entry and showing upon the records of his or her office.

(3)(a) The Secretary of State shall administratively revoke the authority of a foreign corporation by signing a certificate of revocation of authority to transact business in this state that recites the ground or grounds for revocation and its effective date. The Secretary of State shall file the original of the certificate and serve a copy on the foreign corporation under section 21-2,212.

(b) The authority of a foreign corporation to transact business in this state shall cease on the date shown on the certificate revoking its certificate of authority.

(c) Revocation of a foreign corporation's certificate of authority shall not terminate the authority of the registered agent of the corporation.

(4) All delinquent corporation occupation taxes of the foreign corporation shall be a lien upon the assets of the corporation within the state, subsequent only to state, county, and municipal taxes. Nothing in sections 21-322 to 21-330 shall be construed to allow a foreign corporation to do business in this state without complying with the laws of this state.

(5) No foreign corporation shall be voluntarily withdrawn until all occupation taxes due to or assessable by this state have been paid and the biennial report filed by such corporation.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 240, § 23, p. 752; R.S.1913, § 783; Laws 1921, c. 173, § 2, p. 668; C.S.1922, § 701; C.S.1929, § 24-1723; R.S.1943, § 21-325; Laws 1957, c. 242, § 11, p. 824; Laws 1967, c. 101, § 13, p. 316; Laws 1969, c. 124, § 10, p. 574; Laws 1982, LB 928, § 12; Laws 1995, LB 109, § 200;    Laws 2002, LB 989, § 6;    Laws 2003, LB 524, § 13;    Laws 2014, LB749, § 256.    

21-325.01. Foreign corporation authority to transact business revoked; reinstatement; procedure.

(1)(a) Until January 1, 2017, the provisions of this subsection apply. A foreign corporation, the certificate of authority of which has been revoked under section 21-325, may apply to the Secretary of State for reinstatement within five years after the effective date of the revocation. The application shall:

(i) Recite the name of the foreign corporation and the effective date of the revocation;

(ii) State that the ground or grounds for revocation either did not exist or have been eliminated;

(iii) State that the foreign corporation's name satisfies the requirements of section 21-20,173; and

(iv) Be accompanied by a fee in the amount prescribed in section 21-2005, as such section may from time to time be amended, for an application for reinstatement.

(b) If the Secretary of State determines (i) that the application contains the information required by subdivision (a) of this subsection and that the information is correct and (ii) that the foreign corporation has complied with subdivision (f) of this subsection, he or she shall cancel the certificate of revocation, prepare a certificate of reinstatement that recites his or her determination and the effective date of reinstatement, file the original of the certificate, and serve a copy on the foreign corporation under section 21-20,177.

(c) A foreign corporation, the certificate of authority of which has been automatically revoked under section 21-325 for more than five years, may apply to the Secretary of State for late reinstatement. The application shall:

(i) Recite the name of the foreign corporation and the effective date of the revocation;

(ii) State that the ground or grounds for revocation either did not exist or have been eliminated;

(iii) State that the foreign corporation's name satisfies the requirements of section 21-20,173;

(iv) State that a legitimate reason exists for reinstatement and what such legitimate reason is;

(v) State that such reinstatement does not constitute fraud on the public; and

(vi) Be accompanied by a fee in the amount prescribed in section 21-2005, as such section may from time to time be amended, for an application for late reinstatement.

(d) If the Secretary of State determines (i) that the application for late reinstatement contains the information required by subdivision (c) of this subsection and that the information is correct and (ii) that the foreign corporation has complied with subdivision (f) of this subsection, he or she shall cancel the certificate of revocation, prepare a certificate of late reinstatement that recites his or her determination and the effective date of reinstatement, file the original of the certificate, and serve a copy on the foreign corporation under section 21-20,177.

(e) When the reinstatement is effective, it shall relate back to and take effect as of the effective date of the revocation and the foreign corporation shall resume carrying on its business as if the revocation had never occurred.

(f) A foreign corporation applying for reinstatement under this subsection shall:

(i)(A) Pay to the Secretary of State a sum equal to all occupation taxes delinquent as of the effective date of the revocation, plus a sum equal to all occupation taxes which would otherwise have been due for the years the foreign corporation's certificate of authority was revoked; and (B) deliver to the Secretary of State a properly executed and signed biennial report for the most recent even-numbered year; and

(ii) Pay to the Secretary of State an additional amount derived by multiplying the rate specified in section 45-104.02, as such rate may from time to time be adjusted, times the amount of occupation taxes required to be paid by it for each year that such foreign corporation's certificate of authority was revoked.

(2)(a) Beginning January 1, 2017, the provisions of this subsection apply. A foreign corporation, the certificate of authority of which has been administratively revoked under section 21-325, may apply to the Secretary of State for reinstatement within five years after the effective date of the revocation. The application shall:

(i) Recite the name of the foreign corporation and the effective date of the revocation;

(ii) State that the ground or grounds for revocation either did not exist or have been eliminated;

(iii) State that the foreign corporation's name satisfies the requirements of section 21-2,208; and

(iv) Be accompanied by a fee in the amount prescribed in section 21-205, as such section may from time to time be amended, for an application for reinstatement.

(b) If the Secretary of State determines (i) that the application contains the information required by subdivision (a) of this subsection and that the information is correct and (ii) that the foreign corporation has complied with subdivision (f) of this subsection, he or she shall cancel the certificate of revocation, prepare a certificate of reinstatement that recites his or her determination and the effective date of reinstatement, file the original of the certificate, and serve a copy on the foreign corporation under section 21-2,212.

(c) A foreign corporation, the certificate of authority of which has been administratively revoked under section 21-325 for more than five years, may apply to the Secretary of State for late reinstatement. The application shall:

(i) Recite the name of the foreign corporation and the effective date of the revocation;

(ii) State that the ground or grounds for revocation either did not exist or have been eliminated;

(iii) State that the foreign corporation's name satisfies the requirements of section 21-2,208;

(iv) State that a legitimate reason exists for reinstatement and what such legitimate reason is;

(v) State that such reinstatement does not constitute fraud on the public; and

(vi) Be accompanied by a fee in the amount prescribed in section 21-205, as such section may from time to time be amended, for an application for late reinstatement.

(d) If the Secretary of State determines (i) that the application for late reinstatement contains the information required by subdivision (c) of this subsection and that the information is correct and (ii) that the foreign corporation has complied with subdivision (f) of this subsection, he or she shall cancel the certificate of revocation, prepare a certificate of late reinstatement that recites his or her determination and the effective date of reinstatement, file the original of the certificate, and serve a copy on the foreign corporation under section 21-2,212.

(e) When the reinstatement is effective, it shall relate back to and take effect as of the effective date of the administrative revocation and the foreign corporation shall resume carrying on its business as if the administrative revocation had never occurred.

(f) A foreign corporation applying for reinstatement under this subsection shall:

(i)(A) Pay to the Secretary of State a sum equal to all occupation taxes delinquent as of the effective date of the revocation, plus a sum equal to all occupation taxes which would otherwise have been due for the years the foreign corporation's certificate of authority was revoked, and (B) deliver to the Secretary of State a properly executed and signed biennial report for the most recent even-numbered year; and

(ii) Pay to the Secretary of State an additional amount derived by multiplying the rate specified in section 45-104.02, as such rate may from time to time be adjusted, times the amount of occupation taxes required to be paid by it for each year that such foreign corporation's certificate of authority was revoked.

Source:Laws 1995, LB 109, § 201;    Laws 1996, LB 1036, § 2;    Laws 2003, LB 524, § 14;    Laws 2012, LB854, § 3;    Laws 2014, LB749, § 257;    Laws 2015, LB279, § 7.    

21-325.02. Foreign corporation authority to transact business; reinstatement denied; appeal.

(1) If the Secretary of State denies a foreign corporation's application for reinstatement following administrative revocation of its certificate of authority under section 21-325, he or she shall serve the foreign corporation under section 21-2,212 with a written notice that explains the reason or reasons for denial.

(2) The foreign corporation may appeal the denial of reinstatement to the district court of Lancaster County within thirty days after service of the notice of denial is perfected under section 21-2,212. The foreign corporation shall appeal by petitioning the court to set aside the revocation and attaching to the petition copies of the Secretary of State's certificate of revocation, the foreign corporation's application for reinstatement, and the Secretary of State's notice of denial.

(3) The court may summarily order the Secretary of State to reinstate the certificate of authority or may take any other action the court considers appropriate.

(4) The court's final decision may be appealed as in other civil proceedings.

Source:Laws 1996, LB 1036, § 3;    Laws 2014, LB749, § 258.    

21-326. Repealed. Laws 1967, c. 101, § 14.

21-327. Repealed. Laws 1967, c. 101, § 14

21-328. Occupation tax; refund; procedure; appeal.

Any corporation paying the occupation tax imposed by section 21-303 or 21-306 may claim a refund if the payment of such occupation tax was invalid for any reason. The corporation shall file a written claim and any evidence supporting the claim within two years after payment of such occupation tax. The Secretary of State shall either approve or deny the claim within thirty days after such filing. Any approved claims shall be paid out of the General Fund. Appeal of a decision by the Secretary of State shall be in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act.

Source:Laws 1984, LB 799, § 1;    Laws 1988, LB 352, § 21;    Laws 2014, LB749, § 259.    

Cross References

21-329. Paid-up capital stock, defined.

For purposes of sections 21-301 to 21-330, the term paid-up capital stock shall mean, at any particular time, the sum of the par value of all shares of capital stock of the corporation issued and outstanding.

Source:Laws 1984, LB 800, § 1;    Laws 1995, LB 109, § 202;    Laws 1999, LB 35, § 1;    Laws 2014, LB749, § 260.    

21-330. Corporations; excess payment; refund.

Any corporation which has paid occupation tax in excess of the proper amount of the occupation tax imposed in sections 21-301 to 21-330 shall be entitled to a refund of such excess payment. Claims for refund shall be filed with the Secretary of State or may be submitted by the Secretary of State based on his or her own investigation. If approved or submitted by the Secretary of State, the claim shall be forwarded to the State Treasurer for payment from the General Fund. The Secretary of State shall not refund any excess occupation tax payment if five years have passed from the date of the excess payment.

Source:Laws 1991, LB 829, § 25; Laws 1992, Fourth Spec. Sess., LB 1, § 1;    Laws 1993, LB 345, § 1;    Laws 1995, LB 182, § 21;    Laws 2003, LB 524, § 15;    Laws 2006, LB 647, § 3;    Laws 2014, LB749, § 261.    

21-401. Act, how cited.

Sections 21-401 to 21-414 shall be known and may be cited as the Nebraska Benefit Corporation Act.

Source:Laws 2014, LB751, § 1.    

21-402. Applicability of act; Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act generally applicable.

(1) The Nebraska Benefit Corporation Act applies to all benefit corporations.

(2) The existence of a provision of the Nebraska Benefit Corporation Act does not of itself create an implication that a contrary or different rule of law is applicable to a business corporation that is not a benefit corporation. The act does not affect a statute or rule of law that is applicable to a business corporation that is not a benefit corporation.

(3) Except as otherwise provided in the Nebraska Benefit Corporation Act, the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act is generally applicable to all benefit corporations. The specific provisions of the Nebraska Benefit Corporation Act control over the general provisions of the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act. A benefit corporation may be subject simultaneously to the Nebraska Benefit Corporation Act and one or more other statutes that provide for the incorporation of a specific type of business corporation.

(4) A provision of the articles of incorporation or bylaws of a benefit corporation may not limit, be inconsistent with, or supersede a provision of the Nebraska Benefit Corporation Act.

Source:Laws 2014, LB751, § 2;    Laws 2015, LB35, § 1.    

Cross References

21-403. Terms, defined.

The following words and phrases when used in the Nebraska Benefit Corporation Act have the meanings given to them in this section unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

(1) Benefit corporation means a business corporation:

(a) Which has elected to become subject to the act; and

(b) The status of which as a benefit corporation has not been terminated;

(2) Benefit director means the director designated as the benefit director of a benefit corporation under section 21-409;

(3) Benefit enforcement proceeding means any claim or action or proceeding for:

(a) Failure of a benefit corporation to pursue or create general public benefit or a specific public benefit purpose set forth in its articles of incorporation; or

(b) Violation of any obligation, duty, or standard of conduct under the act;

(4) Benefit officer means the officer designated as the benefit officer of a benefit corporation under section 21-411;

(5) Business corporation means a domestic corporation as defined in section 21-214;

(6) General public benefit means a material positive impact on society and the environment, taken as a whole, assessed against a third-party standard, from the business and operations of a benefit corporation;

(7) Independent means having no material relationship with a benefit corporation or a subsidiary of the benefit corporation. Serving as benefit director or benefit officer does not make an individual not independent. A material relationship between an individual and a benefit corporation or any of its subsidiaries will be conclusively presumed to exist if:

(a) The individual is, or has been within the last three years, an employee other than a benefit officer of the benefit corporation or a subsidiary;

(b) An immediate family member of the individual is, or has been within the last three years, an executive officer other than a benefit officer of the benefit corporation or a subsidiary; or

(c) There is beneficial or record ownership of five percent or more of the outstanding shares of the benefit corporation, calculated as if all outstanding rights to acquire equity interests in the benefit corporation had been exercised, by:

(i) The individual; or

(ii) An entity:

(A) Of which the individual is a director, an officer, or a manager; or

(B) In which the individual owns beneficially or of record five percent or more of the outstanding equity interests, calculated as if all outstanding rights to acquire equity interests in the entity had been exercised;

(8) Minimum status vote means:

(a) In the case of a business corporation, in addition to any other required approval or vote, the satisfaction of the following conditions:

(i) The shareholders of every class or series are entitled to vote separately on a corporate action regardless of a limitation stated in the articles of incorporation or bylaws on the voting rights of any class or series; and

(ii) The corporate action must be approved by a vote of the shareholders of each class or series entitled to cast at least two-thirds of the votes that all shareholders of the class or series are entitled to cast on the action; and

(b) In the case of a domestic entity other than a business corporation, in addition to any other required approval, vote, or consent, the satisfaction of the following conditions:

(i) The holders of every class or series of equity interests in the entity that are entitled to receive a distribution of any kind from the entity are entitled to vote separately on or consent to the action regardless of any otherwise applicable limitation on the voting or consent rights of any class or series; and

(ii) The action must be approved by a vote or consent of the holders described in subdivision (i) of this subdivision entitled to cast at least two-thirds of the votes or consents that all of those holders are entitled to cast on the action;

(9) Publicly traded corporation means a business corporation that has shares listed on a national securities exchange or traded in a market maintained by one or more members of a national securities association;

(10) Specific public benefit includes:

(a) Providing low-income or underserved individuals or communities with beneficial products or services;

(b) Promoting economic opportunity for individuals or communities beyond the creation of jobs in the normal course of business;

(c) Protecting or restoring the environment;

(d) Improving human health;

(e) Promoting the arts, sciences, or advancement of knowledge;

(f) Increasing the flow of capital to entities with a purpose to benefit society or the environment; and

(g) Conferring any other particular benefit on society or the environment;

(11) Subsidiary means in relation to a person, an entity in which the person owns beneficially or of record fifty percent or more of the outstanding equity interests; and

(12) Third-party standard means a recognized standard for defining, reporting, and assessing corporate social and environmental performance that is:

(a) Comprehensive because it assesses the effect of the business and its operations upon the interests listed in subdivisions (1)(a)(ii), (iii), (iv), and (v) of section 21-408;

(b) Developed by an entity that is not controlled by the benefit corporation;

(c) Credible because it is developed by an entity that both:

(i) Has access to necessary expertise to assess overall corporate social and environmental performance; and

(ii) Uses a balanced multistakeholder approach to develop the standard, including a reasonable public comment period; and

(d) Transparent because the following information is publicly available:

(i) About the standard:

(A) The criteria considered when measuring the overall social and environmental performance of a business; and

(B) The relative weightings, if any, of those criteria; and

(ii) About the development and revision of the standard:

(A) The identity of the directors, officers, material owners, and governing body of the entity that developed and controls revisions to the standard;

(B) The process by which revisions to the standard and changes to the membership of the governing body are made; and

(C) An accounting of the revenue and sources of financial support for the entity, with sufficient detail to disclose any relationships that could reasonably be considered to present a potential conflict of interest.

Source:Laws 2014, LB751, § 3;    Laws 2015, LB35, § 2.    

21-404. Incorporation; articles of incorporation; statement required.

A benefit corporation shall be incorporated in accordance with the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act, but its articles of incorporation must also state that it is a benefit corporation.

Source:Laws 2014, LB751, § 4;    Laws 2015, LB35, § 3.    

Cross References

21-405. Existing business corporation; amend articles of incorporation; statement required; other entities; procedure.

(1) An existing business corporation may become a benefit corporation under the Nebraska Benefit Corporation Act by amending its articles of incorporation so that they contain, in addition to the requirements of section 21-220, a statement that the corporation is a benefit corporation. In order to be effective, the amendment must be adopted by at least the minimum status vote.

(2) An entity that is not a benefit corporation may become a benefit corporation pursuant to subsection (1) of this section if the entity is (a) a party to a merger or conversion or (b) an exchanging entity in a share exchange, and the surviving, new, or resulting entity in the merger, conversion, or share exchange is to be a benefit corporation. In order to be effective, a plan of merger, conversion, or share exchange subject to this subsection must be adopted by at least the minimum status vote.

Source:Laws 2014, LB751, § 5;    Laws 2015, LB35, § 4.    

21-406. Benefit corporation; terminate status; procedure.

(1) A benefit corporation may terminate its status as such and cease to be subject to the Nebraska Benefit Corporation Act by amending its articles of incorporation to delete the provision required by section 21-404 or 21-405 to be stated in the articles of a benefit corporation. In order to be effective, the amendment must be adopted by at least the minimum status vote.

(2) If a plan of merger, conversion, or share exchange would have the effect of terminating the status of a business corporation as a benefit corporation, the plan must be adopted by at least the minimum status vote in order to be effective. Any sale, lease, exchange, or other disposition of all or substantially all of the assets of a benefit corporation, unless the transaction is in the usual and regular course of business, is not effective unless the transaction is approved by at least the minimum status vote.

Source:Laws 2014, LB751, § 6.    

21-407. General public benefit; specific public benefit.

(1) A benefit corporation shall have a purpose of creating general public benefit. This purpose is in addition to its purpose under section 21-226.

(2) The articles of incorporation of a benefit corporation may identify one or more specific public benefits that it is the purpose of the benefit corporation to create in addition to its purposes under section 21-226 and subsection (1) of this section. The identification of a specific public benefit under this subsection does not limit the purpose of a benefit corporation to create general public benefit under subsection (1) of this section.

(3) The creation of general public benefit and specific public benefit under subsections (1) and (2) of this section is in the best interests of the benefit corporation.

(4) A benefit corporation may amend its articles of incorporation to add, amend, or delete the identification of a specific public benefit that it is the purpose of the benefit corporation to create. In order to be effective, the amendment must be adopted by at least the minimum status vote.

Source:Laws 2014, LB751, § 7;    Laws 2015, LB35, § 5.    

21-408. Board of directors, committees of the board, and directors; duties; powers; liability.

(1) In discharging the duties of their respective positions and in considering the best interests of the benefit corporation, the board of directors, committees of the board, and individual directors of a benefit corporation:

(a) Shall consider the effects of any action or inaction upon:

(i) The shareholders of the benefit corporation;

(ii) The employees and work force of the benefit corporation, its subsidiaries, and its suppliers;

(iii) The interests of customers as beneficiaries of the general public benefit or specific public benefit purposes of the benefit corporation;

(iv) Community and societal factors, including those of each community in which offices or facilities of the benefit corporation, its subsidiaries, or its suppliers are located;

(v) The local and global environment;

(vi) The short-term and long-term interests of the benefit corporation, including benefits that may accrue to the benefit corporation from its long-term plans and the possibility that these interests may be best served by the continued independence of the benefit corporation; and

(vii) The ability of the benefit corporation to accomplish its general public benefit purpose and any specific public benefit purpose;

(b) May consider other pertinent factors or the interests of any other group that they deem appropriate; and

(c) Need not give priority to the interests of a particular person or group referred to in subdivision (a) or (b) of this subsection over the interests of any other person or group unless the benefit corporation has stated in its articles of incorporation its intention to give priority to certain interests related to its accomplishment of its general public benefit purpose or of a specific public benefit purpose identified in its articles of incorporation.

(2) The consideration of interests and factors in the manner required by subsection (1) of this section does not constitute a violation of section 21-2,102.

(3) Except as provided in the articles of incorporation or bylaws, a director is not personally liable for monetary damages for:

(a) Any action or inaction in the course of performing the duties of a director under subsection (1) of this section if the director performed the duties of office in compliance with section 21-2,102 and this section; or

(b) Failure of the benefit corporation to pursue or create general public benefit or specific public benefit.

(4) A director does not have a duty to a person that is a beneficiary of the general public benefit purpose or a specific public benefit purpose of a benefit corporation arising from the status of the person as a beneficiary.

(5) A director who makes a business judgment in good faith fulfills the duty under this section if the director:

(a) Is not interested in the subject of the business judgment;

(b) Is informed with respect to the subject of the business judgment to the extent the director reasonably believes to be appropriate under the circumstances; and

(c) Rationally believes that the business judgment is in the best interests of the benefit corporation.

Source:Laws 2014, LB751, § 8;    Laws 2015, LB35, § 6.    

21-409. Board of directors; benefit director; annual benefit report; contents; liability.

(1) The board of directors of a benefit corporation that is a publicly traded corporation shall, and the board of any other benefit corporation may, include a director, who:

(a) Shall be designated the benefit director; and

(b) Shall have, in addition to the powers, duties, rights, and immunities of the other directors of the benefit corporation, the powers, duties, rights, and immunities provided in this section.

(2) The benefit director shall be elected and may be removed in the manner provided by the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act. The benefit director shall be an individual who is independent. The benefit director may serve as the benefit officer at the same time as serving as the benefit director. The articles of incorporation or bylaws of a benefit corporation may prescribe additional qualifications of the benefit director not inconsistent with this subsection.

(3) The benefit director shall prepare, and the benefit corporation shall include in the annual benefit report to shareholders required by section 21-413, the opinion of the benefit director on all of the following:

(a) Whether the benefit corporation acted in accordance with its general public benefit purpose and any specific public benefit purpose in all material respects during the period covered by the benefit report;

(b) Whether the directors and officers complied with subsection (1) of section 21-408 and subsection (1) of section 21-410, respectively; and

(c) If, in the opinion of the benefit director, the benefit corporation or its directors or officers failed to act or comply in the manner described in subdivisions (3)(a) and (b) of this subsection, a description of the ways in which the benefit corporation or its directors or officers failed to act or comply.

(4) The action or inaction of an individual in the capacity of a benefit director constitutes for all purposes an action or inaction of that individual in the capacity of a director of the benefit corporation.

(5) Regardless of whether the articles of incorporation or bylaws of a benefit corporation include a provision eliminating or limiting the personal liability of directors authorized by section 21-220, a benefit director is not personally liable for an act or omission in the capacity of a benefit director unless the act or omission constitutes self-dealing, willful misconduct, or a knowing violation of law.

Source:Laws 2014, LB751, § 9;    Laws 2015, LB35, § 7.    

Cross References

21-410. Officer; consider interests and factors; liability; duties.

(1) Each officer of a benefit corporation shall consider the interests and factors described in subsection (1) of section 21-408 in the manner provided in that subsection if:

(a) The officer has discretion to act with respect to a matter; and

(b) It reasonably appears to the officer that the matter may have a material effect on the creation by the benefit corporation of general public benefit or a specific public benefit identified in the articles of incorporation of the benefit corporation.

(2) The consideration of interests and factors in the manner described in subsection (1) of this section does not constitute a violation of section 21-2,107.

(3) Except as provided in the articles of incorporation or bylaws, an officer is not personally liable for monetary damages for:

(a) An action or inaction as an officer in the course of performing the duties of an officer under subsection (1) of this section if the officer performed the duties of the position in compliance with section 21-2,107 and this section; or

(b) Failure of the benefit corporation to pursue or create general public benefit or specific public benefit.

(4) An officer does not have a duty to a person that is a beneficiary of the general public benefit purpose or a specific public benefit purpose of a benefit corporation arising from the status of the person as a beneficiary.

(5) An officer who makes a business judgment in good faith fulfills the duty under this section if the officer:

(a) Is not interested in the subject of the business judgment;

(b) Is informed with respect to the subject of the business judgment to the extent the officer reasonably believes to be appropriate under the circumstances; and

(c) Rationally believes that the business judgment is in the best interests of the benefit corporation.

Source:Laws 2014, LB751, § 10;    Laws 2015, LB35, § 8.    

21-411. Benefit officer; powers and duties.

(1) A benefit corporation may have an officer designated the benefit officer.

(2) A benefit officer shall have:

(a) The powers and duties relating to the purpose of the corporation to create general public benefit or specific public benefit provided:

(i) By the bylaws; or

(ii) Absent controlling provisions in the bylaws, by resolutions or orders of the board of directors; and

(b) The duty to prepare the annual benefit report required by section 21-413.

Source:Laws 2014, LB751, § 11.    

21-412. Limitation on actions and claims; liability; benefit enforcement proceeding; when authorized.

(1)(a) Except in a benefit enforcement proceeding, no person may bring an action or assert a claim against a benefit corporation or its directors or officers with respect to:

(i) Failure to pursue or create general public benefit or a specific public benefit set forth in its articles of incorporation; or

(ii) Violation of an obligation, duty, or standard of conduct under the Nebraska Benefit Corporation Act.

(b) A benefit corporation is not liable for monetary damages under the act for any failure of the benefit corporation to pursue or create general public benefit or a specific public benefit.

(2) A benefit enforcement proceeding may be commenced or maintained only:

(a) Directly by the benefit corporation; or

(b) Derivatively in accordance with the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act by:

(i) A person or group of persons that owned beneficially or of record at least two percent of the total number of shares of a class or series outstanding at the time of the act or omission complained of;

(ii) A director;

(iii) A person or group of persons that owned beneficially or of record five percent or more of the outstanding equity interests in an entity of which the benefit corporation is a subsidiary at the time of the act or omission complained of; or

(iv) Other persons as specified in the articles of incorporation or bylaws of the benefit corporation.

(3) For purposes of this section, a person is the beneficial owner of shares or equity interests if the shares or equity interests are held in a voting trust or by a nominee on behalf of the beneficial owner.

Source:Laws 2014, LB751, § 12;    Laws 2015, LB35, § 9.    

Cross References

21-413. Annual benefit report; contents.

(1) A benefit corporation shall prepare an annual benefit report including all of the following:

(a) A narrative description of:

(i) The ways in which the benefit corporation pursued general public benefit during the year and the extent to which general public benefit was created;

(ii) Both:

(A) The ways in which the benefit corporation pursued a specific public benefit that the articles of incorporation state it is the purpose of the benefit corporation to create; and

(B) The extent to which that specific public benefit was created;

(iii) Any circumstances that have hindered the creation by the benefit corporation of general public benefit or specific public benefit; and

(iv) The process and rationale for selecting or changing the third-party standard used to prepare the benefit report;

(b) An assessment of the overall social and environmental performance of the benefit corporation against a third-party standard:

(i) Applied consistently with any application of that standard in prior benefit reports; or

(ii) Accompanied by an explanation of the reasons for:

(A) Any inconsistent application; or

(B) The change to that standard from the one used in the immediately prior benefit report;

(c) The name of the benefit director and the benefit officer, if any, and the address to which correspondence to each of them may be directed;

(d) The compensation paid by the benefit corporation during the year to each director in the capacity of a director;

(e) The statement of the benefit director described in subsection (3) of section 21-409; and

(f) A statement of any connection between the organization that established the third-party standard, or its directors, officers, or any holder of five percent or more of the governance interests in the organization, and the benefit corporation or its directors, officers, or any holder of five percent or more of the outstanding shares of the benefit corporation, including any financial or governance relationship which might materially affect the credibility of the use of the third-party standard.

(2) If, during the year covered by a benefit report, a benefit director resigned from or refused to stand for reelection to the position of benefit director, or was removed from the position of benefit director, and the benefit director furnished the benefit corporation with any written correspondence concerning the circumstances surrounding the resignation, refusal, or removal, the benefit report shall include that correspondence as an exhibit.

(3) Neither the benefit report nor the assessment of the performance of the benefit corporation in the benefit report required by subdivision (1)(b) of this section needs to be audited or certified by a third-party standards provider.

Source:Laws 2014, LB751, § 13.    

21-414. Annual benefit report; distribution; posting; Secretary of State; filing; fee.

(1) A benefit corporation shall send its annual benefit report to each shareholder:

(a) Within one hundred twenty days following the end of the fiscal year of the benefit corporation; or

(b) At the same time that the benefit corporation delivers any other annual report to its shareholders.

(2) A benefit corporation shall post all of its benefit reports on the public portion of its Internet website, if any, except that the compensation paid to directors and financial or proprietary information included in the benefit reports may be omitted from the benefit reports as posted.

(3) If a benefit corporation does not have an Internet website, the benefit corporation shall provide a copy of its most recent benefit report, without charge, to any person that requests a copy, except that the compensation paid to directors and financial or proprietary information included in the benefit report may be omitted from the copy of the benefit report provided.

(4)(a) Concurrently with the delivery of the benefit report to shareholders under subsection (1) of this section, the benefit corporation shall deliver a copy of the benefit report to the Secretary of State for filing, except that the compensation paid to directors and financial or proprietary information included in the benefit report may be omitted from the benefit report as delivered to the Secretary of State.

(b) The Secretary of State shall charge a fee in the amount prescribed in subdivision (a)(12) of section 21-205 for filing a benefit report. The Secretary of State shall collect the fees imposed in this section and remit the fees to the State Treasurer. The State Treasurer shall credit sixty percent of the fees to the General Fund and forty percent of the fees to the Secretary of State Cash Fund.

Source:Laws 2014, LB751, § 14;    Laws 2015, LB35, § 10;    Laws 2015, LB279, § 8;    Laws 2020, LB910, § 6.    

21-501. Short title.

Sections 21-501 to 21-542 shall be known and may be cited as the Nebraska Uniform Protected Series Act.

Source:Laws 2018, LB1121, § 2.    

Cross References

21-502. Definitions.

In the Nebraska Uniform Protected Series Act:

(1) Asset means property:

(A) in which a series limited liability company or protected series has rights; or

(B) as to which the company or protected series has the power to transfer rights.

(2) Associated asset means an asset that meets the requirements of section 21-515.

(3) Associated member means a member that meets the requirements of section 21-516.

(4) Foreign protected series means an arrangement, configuration, or other structure established by a foreign limited liability company which has attributes comparable to a protected series established under the act. The term applies whether or not the law under which the foreign company is organized refers to protected series.

(5) Foreign series limited liability company means a foreign limited liability company that has at least one foreign protected series.

(6) Nonassociated asset means:

(A) an asset of a series limited liability company which is not an associated asset of the company; or

(B) an asset of a protected series of the company which is not an associated asset of the protected series.

(7) Person includes a protected series.

(8) Protected series, except in the phrase foreign protected series, means a protected series established under section 21-509.

(9) Protected-series manager means a person under whose authority the powers of a protected series are exercised and under whose direction the activities and affairs of the protected series are managed under the operating agreement, the Nebraska Uniform Protected Series Act, and the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act.

(10) Protected-series transferable interest means a right to receive a distribution from a protected series.

(11) Protected-series transferee means a person to which all or part of a protected-series transferable interest of a protected series of a series limited liability company has been transferred, other than the company. The term includes a person that owns a protected-series transferable interest as a result of ceasing to be an associated member of a protected series.

(12) Series limited liability company, except in the phrase foreign series limited liability company, means a limited liability company that has at least one protected series.

Source:Laws 2018, LB1121, § 3.    

Cross References

21-503. Nature of protected series.

A protected series of a series limited liability company is a person distinct from:

(1) the company, subject to subsection (c) of section 21-504, subdivision (1) of section 21-524, and subsection (d) of section 21-525;

(2) another protected series of the company;

(3) a member of the company, whether or not the member is an associated member of the protected series;

(4) a protected-series transferee of a protected series of the company; and

(5) a transferee of a transferable interest of the company.

Source:Laws 2018, LB1121, § 4.    

21-504. Powers and duration of protected series.

(a) A protected series of a series limited liability company has the capacity to sue and be sued in its own name.

(b) Except as otherwise provided in subsections (c) and (d) of this section, a protected series of a series limited liability company has the same powers and purposes as the company.

(c) A protected series of a series limited liability company ceases to exist not later than when the company completes its winding up.

(d) A protected series of a series limited liability company may not:

(1) be a member of the company;

(2) establish a protected series;

(3) render a professional service; or

(4) except as permitted by law of this state other than the Nebraska Uniform Protected Series Act, have a purpose or power that the law of this state other than the Nebraska Uniform Protected Series Act prohibits a limited liability company from doing or having.

Source:Laws 2018, LB1121, § 5;    Laws 2021, LB253, § 2.    

21-505. Governing law.

The law of this state governs:

(1) the internal affairs of a protected series of a series limited liability company, including:

(A) relations among any associated members of the protected series;

(B) relations among the protected series and:

(i) any associated member;

(ii) the protected-series manager; or

(iii) any protected-series transferee;

(C) relations between any associated member and:

(i) the protected-series manager; or

(ii) any protected-series transferee;

(D) the rights and duties of a protected-series manager;

(E) governance decisions affecting the activities and affairs of the protected series and the conduct of those activities and affairs; and

(F) procedures and conditions for becoming an associated member or protected-series transferee;

(2) the relations between a protected series of a series limited liability company and each of the following:

(A) the company;

(B) another protected series of the company;

(C) a member of the company which is not an associated member of the protected series;

(D) a protected-series manager that is not a protected-series manager of the protected series; and

(E) a protected-series transferee that is not a protected-series transferee of the protected series;

(3) the liability of a person for a debt, obligation, or other liability of a protected series of a series limited liability company if the debt, obligation, or liability is asserted solely by reason of the person being or acting as:

(A) an associated member, protected-series transferee, or protected-series manager of the protected series;

(B) a member of the company which is not an associated member of the protected series;

(C) a protected-series manager that is not a protected-series manager of the protected series;

(D) a protected-series transferee that is not a protected-series transferee of the protected series;

(E) a manager of the company; or

(F) a transferee of a transferable interest of the company;

(4) the liability of a series limited liability company for a debt, obligation, or other liability of a protected series of the company if the debt, obligation, or liability is asserted solely by reason of the company:

(A) having delivered to the Secretary of State for filing under subsection (b) of section 21-509 a protected-series designation pertaining to the protected series or under subsection (d) of section 21-509 or subsection (c) of section 21-510 a statement of designation change pertaining to the protected series;

(B) being or acting as a protected-series manager of the protected series;

(C) having the protected series be or act as a manager of the company; or

(D) owning a protected-series transferable interest of the protected series; and

(5) the liability of a protected series of a series limited liability company for a debt, obligation, or other liability of the company or of another protected series of the company if the debt, obligation, or liability is asserted solely by reason of:

(A) the protected series:

(i) being a protected series of the company or having as a protected-series manager the company or another protected series of the company; or

(ii) being or acting as a protected-series manager of another protected series of the company or a manager of the company; or

(B) the company owning a protected-series transferable interest of the protected series.

Source:Laws 2018, LB1121, § 6.    

21-506. Relation of operating agreement, this act, and Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act.

(a) Except as otherwise provided in this section and subject to sections 21-507 and 21-508, the operating agreement of a series limited liability company governs:

(1) the internal affairs of a protected series, including:

(A) relations among any associated members of the protected series;

(B) relations among the protected series and:

(i) any associated member;

(ii) the protected-series manager; or

(iii) any protected-series transferee;

(C) relations between any associated member and:

(i) the protected-series manager; or

(ii) any protected-series transferee;

(D) the rights and duties of a protected-series manager;

(E) governance decisions affecting the activities and affairs of the protected series and the conduct of those activities and affairs; and

(F) procedures and conditions for becoming an associated member or protected-series transferee;

(2) relations among the protected series, the company, and any other protected series of the company;

(3) relations between:

(A) the protected series, its protected-series manager, any associated member of the protected series, or any protected-series transferee of the protected series; and

(B) a person in the person’s capacity as:

(i) a member of the company which is not an associated member of the protected series;

(ii) a protected-series transferee or protected-series manager of another protected series; or

(iii) a transferee of the company.

(b) If the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act restricts the power of an operating agreement to affect a matter, the restriction applies to a matter under the Nebraska Uniform Protected Series Act in accordance with section 21-508.

(c) If law of this state other than the Nebraska Uniform Protected Series Act imposes a prohibition, limitation, requirement, condition, obligation, liability, or other restriction on a limited liability company, a member, manager, or other agent of the company, or a transferee of the company, except as otherwise provided in law of this state other than the Nebraska Uniform Protected Series Act, the restriction applies in accordance with section 21-508.

(d) Except as otherwise provided in section 21-507, if the operating agreement of a series limited liability company does not provide for a matter described in subsection (a) of this section in a manner permitted by the Nebraska Uniform Protected Series Act, the matter is determined in accordance with the following rules:

(1) To the extent the Nebraska Uniform Protected Series Act addresses the matter, the Nebraska Uniform Protected Series Act governs.

(2) To the extent the Nebraska Uniform Protected Series Act does not address the matter, the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act governs the matter in accordance with section 21-508.

Source:Laws 2018, LB1121, § 7.    

Cross References

21-507. Additional limitations on operating agreement.

(a) An operating agreement may not vary the effect of:

(1) this section;

(2) section 21-503;

(3) subsection (a) of section 21-504;

(4) subsection (b) of section 21-504 to provide a protected series a power beyond the powers the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act provides a limited liability company;

(5) subsection (c) or (d) of section 21-504;

(6) section 21-505;

(7) section 21-506;

(8) section 21-508;

(9) section 21-509, except to vary the manner in which a limited liability company approves establishing a protected series;

(10) section 21-510;

(11) section 21-515;

(12) section 21-516;

(13) subsection (a) or (b) of section 21-517;

(14) subsection (c) or (f) of section 21-518;

(15) section 21-520, except to decrease or eliminate a limitation of liability stated in section 21-520;

(16) section 21-521;

(17) section 21-522;

(18) section 21-523;

(19) subdivisions (1), (4), and (5) of section 21-524;

(20) section 21-525, except to designate a different person to manage winding up;

(21) section 21-526;

(22) sections 21-527 to 21-534;

(23) sections 21-535 to 21-538;

(24) section 21-542; or

(25) a provision of the Nebraska Uniform Protected Series Act pertaining to:

(A) registered agents; or

(B) the Secretary of State, including provisions pertaining to records authorized or required to be delivered to the Secretary of State for filing under the act.

(b) An operating agreement may not unreasonably restrict the duties and rights under section 21-519 but may impose reasonable restrictions on the availability and use of information obtained under section 21-519 and may provide appropriate remedies, including liquidated damages, for a breach of any reasonable restriction on use.

Source:Laws 2018, LB1121, § 8;    Laws 2019, LB78, § 3.    

Cross References

21-508. Rules for applying Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act to specified provisions of act.

(a) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b) of this section and section 21-507, the following rules apply in applying section 21-506, subsections (c) and (f) of section 21-518, subdivision (4)(A) of section 21-524, subsection (a) of section 21-525, and subdivision (2) of section 21-526:

(1) A protected series of a series limited liability company is deemed to be a limited liability company that is formed separately from the series limited liability company and is distinct from the series limited liability company and any other protected series of the series limited liability company.

(2) An associated member of the protected series is deemed to be a member of the company deemed to exist under subdivision (a)(1) of this section.

(3) A protected-series transferee of the protected series is deemed to be a transferee of the company deemed to exist under subdivision (a)(1) of this section.

(4) A protected-series transferable interest of the protected series is deemed to be a transferable interest of the company deemed to exist under subdivision (a)(1) of this section.

(5) A protected-series manager is deemed to be a manager of the company deemed to exist under subdivision (a)(1) of this section.

(6) An asset of the protected series is deemed to be an asset of the company deemed to exist under subdivision (a)(1) of this section, whether or not the asset is an associated asset of the protected series.

(7) Any creditor or other obligee of the protected series is deemed to be a creditor or obligee of the company deemed to exist under subdivision (a)(1) of this section.

(b) Subsection (a) of this section does not apply if its application would:

(1) contravene section 21-110; or

(2) authorize or require the Secretary of State to:

(A) accept for filing a type of record that neither the Nebraska Uniform Protected Series Act nor the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act authorizes or requires a person to deliver to the Secretary of State for filing; or

(B) make or deliver a record that neither the Nebraska Uniform Protected Series Act nor the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act authorizes or requires the Secretary of State to make or deliver.

Source:Laws 2018, LB1121, § 9.    

Cross References

21-509. Protected series designation; amendment.

(a) With the affirmative vote or consent of all members of a limited liability company, the company may establish a protected series.

(b) To establish one or more protected series, a limited liability company shall deliver to the Secretary of State for filing a protected-series designation, signed by the company, stating the name of the company and the name or names of the protected series to be established.

(c) A protected series is established when the protected-series designation takes effect under section 21-121.

(d) To amend a protected-series designation, a series limited liability company shall deliver to the Secretary of State for filing a statement of designation change, signed by the company, that changes the name of the company, the name or names of the protected series to which the designation applies, or both. The change takes effect when the statement of designation change takes effect under section 21-121.

Source:Laws 2018, LB1121, § 10;    Laws 2019, LB78, § 4.    

21-510. Name.

(a) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b) of this section, the name of a protected series must be distinguishable in the records of the Secretary of State from:

(1) the name of each person that is not an individual and that is incorporated, organized, or authorized to transact business in this state; and

(2) each name reserved under section 21-109 or other state laws allowing the reservation or registration of business names, including fictitious or assumed name statutes.

(b) The name of a protected series of a series limited liability company must:

(1) begin with the name of the company, including any word or abbreviation required by section 21-108; and

(2) contain the phrase Protected Series or protected series or the abbreviation P.S. or PS.

(c) If a series limited liability company changes its name, the company shall deliver to the Secretary of State for filing a statement of designation change for the company’s protected series, changing the name of each protected series to comply with this section.

Source:Laws 2018, LB1121, § 11;    Laws 2019, LB78, § 5.    

21-511. Registered agent.

(a) The registered agent in this state for a series limited liability company is the registered agent in this state for each protected series of the company.

(b) Before delivering a protected-series designation to the Secretary of State for filing, a limited liability company shall agree with a registered agent that the agent will serve as the registered agent in this state for both the company and the protected series.

(c) A person that signs a protected-series designation delivered to the Secretary of State for filing affirms as a fact that the limited liability company on whose behalf the designation is delivered has complied with subsection (b) of this section.

(d) A person that ceases to be the registered agent for a series limited liability company ceases to be the registered agent for each protected series of the company.

(e) A person that ceases to be the registered agent for a protected series of a series limited liability company, other than as a result of the termination of the protected series, ceases to be the registered agent of the company and any other protected series of the company.

(f) Except as otherwise agreed by a series limited liability company and its registered agent, the agent is not obligated to distinguish between a process, notice, demand, or other record concerning the company and a process, notice, demand, or other record concerning a protected series of the company.

Source:Laws 2018, LB1121, § 12.    

21-512. Service of process, notice, demand, or other record.

(a) A protected series of a series limited liability company may be served with a process, notice, demand, or other record required or permitted by law by:

(1) serving the company;

(2) serving the registered agent of the protected series; or

(3) other means authorized by law of this state other than the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act.

(b) Service of a summons and complaint on a series limited liability company is notice to each protected series of the company of service of the summons and complaint and the contents of the complaint.

(c) Service of a summons and complaint on a protected series of a series limited liability company is notice to the company and any other protected series of the company of service of the summons and complaint and the contents of the complaint.

(d) Service of a summons and complaint on a foreign series limited liability company is notice to each foreign protected series of the foreign company of service of the summons and complaint and the contents of the complaint.

(e) Service of a summons and complaint on a foreign protected series of a foreign series limited liability company is notice to the foreign company and any other foreign protected series of the company of service of the summons and complaint and the contents of the complaint.

(f) Notice to a person under subsection (b), (c), (d), or (e) of this section is effective whether or not the summons and complaint identify the person if the summons and complaint name as a party and identify:

(1) the series limited liability company or a protected series of the company; or

(2) the foreign series limited liability company or a foreign protected series of the foreign company.

Source:Laws 2018, LB1121, § 13.    

Cross References

21-513. Certificate of existence for protected series; certificate of authority for foreign protected series.

(a) On request of any person, the Secretary of State shall issue a certificate of existence for a protected series of a series limited liability company or a certificate of authority for a foreign protected series if:

(1) in the case of a protected series:

(A) no statement of dissolution, termination, or relocation pertaining to the protected series has been filed; and

(B) the company has delivered to the Secretary of State for filing the most recent biennial report required by section 21-125 and the report includes the name of the protected series, unless:

(i) when the company delivered the report for filing, the protected series designation pertaining to the protected series had not yet taken effect; or

(ii) after the company delivered the report for filing, the company delivered to the Secretary of State for filing a statement of designation change changing the name of the protected series; or

(2) in the case of a foreign protected series, it is authorized to do business in this state.

(b) A certificate issued under subsection (a) of this section must state:

(1) in the case of a protected series:

(A) the name of the protected series of the series limited liability company and the name of the company;

(B) that the requirements of subsection (a) of this section are met;

(C) the date the protected-series designation pertaining to the protected series took effect; and

(D) if a statement of designation change pertaining to the protected series has been filed, the effective date and contents of the statement;

(2) in the case of a foreign protected series, that it is authorized to do business in this state;

(3) that the fees, taxes, interest, and penalties owed to this state by the protected series or foreign protected series and collected through the Secretary of State have been paid, if:

(A) payment is reflected in the records of the Secretary of State; and

(B) nonpayment affects the good standing of the protected series; and

(4) other facts reflected in the records of the Secretary of State pertaining to the protected series or foreign protected series which the person requesting the certificate reasonably requests.

(c) Subject to any qualification stated by the Secretary of State in a certificate issued under subsection (a) of this section, the certificate may be relied on as conclusive evidence of the facts stated in the certificate.

Source:Laws 2018, LB1121, § 14;    Laws 2019, LB78, § 6.    

21-514. Information required in biennial report; effect of failure to provide.

(a) In the biennial report required by section 21-125, a series limited liability company shall include the name of each protected series of the company:

(1) for which the company has previously delivered to the Secretary of State for filing a protected-series designation; and

(2) which has not dissolved and completed winding up.

(b) A failure by a series limited liability company to comply with subsection (a) of this section with regard to a protected series prevents issuance of a certificate of existence pertaining to the protected series but does not otherwise affect the protected series.

Source:Laws 2018, LB1121, § 15;    Laws 2019, LB78, § 7.    

21-515. Associated asset.

(a) Only an asset of a protected series may be an associated asset of the protected series. Only an asset of a series limited liability company may be an associated asset of the company.

(b) An asset of a protected series of a series limited liability company is an associated asset of the protected series only if the protected series creates and maintains records that state the name of the protected series and describe the asset with sufficient specificity to permit a disinterested, reasonable individual to:

(1) identify the asset and distinguish it from any other asset of the protected series, any asset of the company, and any asset of any other protected series of the company;

(2) determine when and from what person the protected series acquired the asset or how the asset otherwise became an asset of the protected series; and

(3) if the protected series acquired the asset from the company or another protected series of the company, determine any consideration paid, the payor, and the payee.

(c) An asset of a series limited liability company is an associated asset of the company only if the company creates and maintains records that state the name of the company and describe the asset with sufficient specificity to permit a disinterested, reasonable individual to:

(1) identify the asset and distinguish it from any other asset of the company and any asset of any protected series of the company;

(2) determine when and from what person the company acquired the asset or how the asset otherwise became an asset of the company; and

(3) if the company acquired the asset from a protected series of the company, determine any consideration paid, the payor, and the payee.

(d) The records and record keeping required by subsections (b) and (c) of this section may be organized by specific listing, category, type, quantity, or computational or allocational formula or procedure, including a percentage or share of any asset, or in any other reasonable manner.

(e) To the extent permitted by this section and law of this state other than the Nebraska Uniform Protected Series Act, a series limited liability company or protected series of the company may hold an associated asset directly or indirectly, through a representative, nominee, or similar arrangement, except that:

(1) a protected series may not hold an associated asset in the name of the company or another protected series of the company; and

(2) the company may not hold an associated asset in the name of a protected series of the company.

Source:Laws 2018, LB1121, § 16.    

21-516. Associated member.

(a) Only a member of a series limited liability company may be an associated member of a protected series of the company.

(b) A member of a series limited liability company becomes an associated member of a protected series of the company if the operating agreement or a procedure established by the agreement states:

(1) that the member is an associated member of the protected series;

(2) the date on which the member became an associated member; and

(3) any protected-series transferable interest the associated member has in connection with becoming or being an associated member.

(c) If a person that is an associated member of a protected series of a series limited liability company is dissociated from the company, the person ceases to be an associated member of the protected series.

Source:Laws 2018, LB1121, § 17.    

21-517. Protected-series transferable interest.

(a) A protected-series transferable interest of a protected series of a series limited liability company must be owned initially by an associated member of the protected series or the company.

(b) If a protected series of a series limited liability company has no associated members when established, the company owns the protected-series transferable interests in the protected series.

(c) In addition to acquiring a protected-series transferable interest under subsection (b) of this section, a series limited liability company may acquire a protected-series transferable interest through a transfer from another person or as provided in the operating agreement.

(d) Except for subdivision (a)(3) of section 21-508, a provision of the Nebraska Uniform Protected Series Act which applies to a protected-series transferee of a protected series of a series limited liability company applies to the company in its capacity as an owner of a protected-series transferable interest of the protected series. A provision of the operating agreement of a series limited liability company which applies to a protected-series transferee of a protected series of the company applies to the company in its capacity as an owner of a protected-series transferable interest of the protected series.

Source:Laws 2018, LB1121, § 18;    Laws 2019, LB78, § 8.    

21-518. Management.

(a) A protected series may have more than one protected-series manager.

(b) If a protected series has no associated members, the series limited liability company is the protected-series manager.

(c) Section 21-508 applies to determine any duties of a protected-series manager of a protected series of a series limited liability company to:

(1) the protected series;

(2) any associated member of the protected series; and

(3) any protected-series transferee of the protected series.

(d) Solely by reason of being or acting as a protected-series manager of a protected series of a series limited liability company, a person owes no duty to:

(1) the company;

(2) another protected series of the company; or

(3) another person in that person’s capacity as:

(A) a member of the company which is not an associated member of the protected series;

(B) a protected-series transferee or protected-series manager of another protected series; or

(C) a transferee of the company.

(e) An associated member of a protected series of a series limited liability company has the same rights as any other member of the company to vote on or consent to an amendment to the company’s operating agreement or any other matter being decided by the members, whether or not the amendment or matter affects the interests of the protected series or the associated member.

(f) Sections 21-164 to 21-169 apply to a protected series in accordance with section 21-508.

Source:Laws 2018, LB1121, § 19.    

21-519. Right of person not associated member of protected series to information concerning protected series.

(a) A member of a series limited liability company which is not an associated member of a protected series of the company has a right to information concerning the protected series to the same extent, in the same manner, and under the same conditions that a member that is not a manager of a manager-managed limited liability company has a right to information concerning the company under section 21-139.

(b) A person formerly an associated member of a protected series has a right to information concerning the protected series to the same extent, in the same manner, and under the same conditions that a person dissociated as a member of a manager-managed limited liability company has a right to information concerning the company under section 21-139.

(c) If an associated member of a protected series dies, the legal representative of the deceased associated member has a right to information concerning the protected series to the same extent, in the same manner, and under the same conditions that the legal representative of a deceased member of a limited liability company has a right to information concerning the company under section 21-139.

(d) A protected-series manager of a protected series has a right to information concerning the protected series to the same extent, in the same manner, and under the same conditions that a manager of a manager-managed limited liability company has a right to information concerning the company under section 21-139.

Source:Laws 2018, LB1121, § 20.    

21-520. Limitations on liability.

(a) A person is not liable, directly or indirectly, by way of contribution or otherwise, for a debt, obligation, or other liability of:

(1) a protected series of a series limited liability company solely by reason of being or acting as:

(A) an associated member, protected-series manager, or protected-series transferee of the protected series; or

(B) a member, manager, or a transferee of the company; or

(2) a series limited liability company solely by reason of being or acting as an associated member, protected-series manager, or protected-series transferee of a protected series of the company.

(b) Subject to section 21-523, the following rules apply:

(1) A debt, obligation, or other liability of a series limited liability company is solely the debt, obligation, or liability of the company.

(2) A debt, obligation, or other liability of a protected series is solely the debt, obligation, or liability of the protected series.

(3) A series limited liability company is not liable, directly or indirectly, by way of contribution or otherwise, for a debt, obligation, or other liability of a protected series of the company solely by reason of the protected series being a protected series of the company or the company:

(A) being or acting as a protected-series manager of the protected series;

(B) having the protected series manage the company; or

(C) owning a protected-series transferable interest of the protected series.

(4) A protected series of a series limited liability company is not liable, directly or indirectly, by way of contribution or otherwise, for a debt, obligation, or other liability of the company or another protected series of the company solely by reason of:

(A) being a protected series of the company;

(B) being or acting as a manager of the company or a protected-series manager of another protected series of the company; or

(C) having the company or another protected series of the company be or act as a protected-series manager of the protected series.

Source:Laws 2018, LB1121, § 21;    Laws 2019, LB78, § 9.    

21-521. Claim seeking to disregard limitation of liability.

(a) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b) of this section, a claim seeking to disregard a limitation in section 21-520 is governed by the principles of law and equity, including a principle providing a right to a creditor or holding a person liable for a debt, obligation, or other liability of another person, which would apply if each protected series of a series limited liability company were a limited liability company formed separately from the series limited liability company and distinct from the series limited liability company and any other protected series of the series limited liability company.

(b) The failure of a limited liability company or a protected series to observe formalities relating to the exercise of its powers or management of its activities and affairs is not a ground to disregard a limitation in subsection (a) of section 21-520 but may be a ground to disregard a limitation in subsection (b) of section 21-520.

(c) This section applies to a claim seeking to disregard a limitation of liability applicable to a foreign series limited liability company or foreign protected series and comparable to a limitation stated in section 21-520, if:

(1) the claimant is a resident of this state or doing business or authorized to do business in this state; or

(2) the claim is to establish or enforce a liability arising under law of this state other than the Nebraska Uniform Protected Series Act or from an act or omission in this state.

Source:Laws 2018, LB1121, § 22;    Laws 2019, LB78, § 10.    

21-522. Remedies of judgment creditor of associated member or protected-series transferee.

Section 21-142 applies to a judgment creditor of:

(1) an associated member or protected-series transferee of a protected series; or

(2) a series limited liability company, to the extent the company owns a protected-series transferable interest of a protected series.

Source:Laws 2018, LB1121, § 23;    Laws 2019, LB78, § 11.    

21-523. Enforcement against nonassociated asset.

(a) In this section:

(1) Enforcement date means 12:01 a.m. on the date on which a claimant first serves process on a series limited liability company or protected series in an action seeking to enforce under this section a claim against an asset of the company or protected series by attachment, levy, or the like.

(2) Subject to subsection (b) of section 21-534, incurrence date means the date on which a series limited liability company or protected series incurred the liability giving rise to a claim that a claimant seeks to enforce under this section.

(b) If a claim against a series limited liability company or a protected series of the company has been reduced to judgment, in addition to any other remedy provided by law or equity, the judgment may be enforced in accordance with the following rules:

(1) A judgment against the company may be enforced against an asset of a protected series of the company if the asset:

(A) was a nonassociated asset of the protected series on the incurrence date; or

(B) is a nonassociated asset of the protected series on the enforcement date.

(2) A judgment against a protected series may be enforced against an asset of the company if the asset:

(A) was a nonassociated asset of the company on the incurrence date; or

(B) is a nonassociated asset of the company on the enforcement date.

(3) A judgment against a protected series may be enforced against an asset of another protected series of the company if the asset:

(A) was a nonassociated asset of the other protected series on the incurrence date; or

(B) is a nonassociated asset of the other protected series on the enforcement date.

(c) In addition to any other remedy provided by law or equity, if a claim against a series limited liability company or a protected series has not been reduced to a judgment and law other than the Nebraska Uniform Protected Series Act permits a prejudgment remedy by attachment, levy, or the like, the court may apply subsection (b) of this section as a prejudgment remedy.

(d) In a proceeding under this section, the party asserting that an asset is or was an associated asset of a series limited liability company or a protected series of the company has the burden of proof on the issue.

(e) This section applies to an asset of a foreign series limited liability company or foreign protected series if:

(1) the asset is real or tangible property located in this state;

(2) the claimant is a resident of this state or doing business or authorized to do business in this state, or the claim under this section is to enforce a judgment, or to seek a prejudgment remedy, pertaining to a liability arising from law of this state other than the Nebraska Uniform Protected Series Act or an act or omission in this state; and

(3) the asset is not identified in the records of the foreign series limited liability company or foreign protected series in a manner comparable to the manner required by section 21-515.

Source:Laws 2018, LB1121, § 24;    Laws 2019, LB78, § 12.    

21-524. Events causing dissolution of protected series.

A protected series of a series limited liability company is dissolved, and its activities and affairs must be wound up, only on the:

(1) dissolution of the company;

(2) occurrence of an event or circumstance the operating agreement states causes dissolution of the protected series;

(3) affirmative vote or consent of all members; or

(4) entry by the court of an order dissolving the protected series on application by an associated member or protected-series manager of the protected series:

(A) in accordance with section 21-508; and

(B) to the same extent, in the same manner, and on the same grounds the court would enter an order dissolving a limited liability company on application by a member or manager of the company; or

(5) entry by the court of an order dissolving the protected series on application by the company or a member of the company on the ground that the conduct of all or substantially all the activities and affairs of the protected series is illegal.

Source:Laws 2018, LB1121, § 25.    

21-525. Winding up dissolved protected series.

(a) Subject to subsections (b) and (c) of this section and in accordance with section 21-508:

(1) a dissolved protected series shall wind up its activities and affairs in the same manner that a limited liability company winds up its activities and affairs under sections 21-147 to 21-154, subject to the same requirements and conditions and with the same effects; and

(2) judicial supervision or another judicial remedy is available in the winding up of the protected series to the same extent, in the same manner, under the same conditions, and with the same effects that apply under subsection (e) of section 21-148.

(b) When a protected series of a series limited liability company dissolves, the company shall deliver to the Secretary of State for filing a statement of protected-series dissolution stating the name of the company and the protected series and that the protected series is dissolved. The filing of the statement by the Secretary of State has the same effect as the filing by the Secretary of State of a statement of dissolution under subdivision (d)(2)(A) of section 21-103.

(c) When a protected series of a series limited liability company has completed winding up, the company may deliver to the Secretary of State for filing a statement of designation cancellation stating the name of the company and the protected series and that the protected series is terminated. The filing of the statement by the Secretary of State has the same effect as the filing by the Secretary of State of a statement of termination under subdivision (d)(2)(B) of section 21-103.

(d) A series limited liability company has not completed its winding up until each of the protected series of the company has completed its winding up.

Source:Laws 2018, LB1121, § 26;    Laws 2019, LB78, § 13.    

21-526. Effect of reinstatement of series limited liability company or revocation of voluntary dissolution.

If a series limited liability company that has been administratively dissolved is reinstated, or a series limited liability company that voluntarily dissolved rescinds its dissolution:

(1) each protected series of the company ceases winding up; and

(2) section 21-152 applies to each protected series of the company in accordance with section 21-508.

Source:Laws 2018, LB1121, § 27;    Laws 2019, LB78, § 14.    

21-527. Definitions.

In sections 21-527 to 21-534:

(1) After a merger or after the merger means when a merger under section 21-530 becomes effective and afterwards.

(2) Before a merger or before the merger means before a merger under section 21-530 becomes effective.

(3) Continuing protected series means a protected series of a surviving company which continues in uninterrupted existence after a merger under section 21-530.

(4) Merging company means a limited liability company that is party to a merger under section 21-530.

(5) Nonsurviving company means a merging company that does not continue in existence after a merger under section 21-530.

(6) Relocated protected series means a protected series of a nonsurviving company which, after a merger under section 21-530, continues in uninterrupted existence as a protected series of the surviving company.

(7) Surviving company means a merging company that continues in existence after a merger under section 21-530.

Source:Laws 2018, LB1121, § 28.    

21-528. Protected series; prohibited acts.

A protected series may not:

(1) be an acquiring, acquired, converting, converted, merging, or surviving organization;

(2) participate in a domestication; or

(3) be a party to or be formed, organized, established, or created in a transaction substantially like a merger, interest exchange, conversion, or domestication.

Source:Laws 2018, LB1121, § 29;    Laws 2019, LB78, § 15.    

21-529. Series limited liability company; prohibited acts.

A series limited liability company may not be:

(1) an acquiring, acquired, converting, converted, domesticating, or domesticated organization; or

(2) except as otherwise provided in section 21-530, a party to or the surviving company of a merger.

Source:Laws 2018, LB1121, § 30;    Laws 2019, LB78, § 16.    

21-530. Merger authorized; parties restricted.

A series limited liability company may be party to a merger in accordance with sections 21-171 to 21-174, this section, and sections 21-531 to 21-534 only if:

(1) each other party to the merger is a limited liability company; and

(2) the surviving company is not created in the merger.

Source:Laws 2018, LB1121, § 31.    

21-531. Plan of merger.

In a merger under section 21-530, the plan of merger must:

(1) comply with sections 21-171 to 21-174; and

(2) state in a record:

(A) for any protected series of a nonsurviving company, whether after the merger the protected series will be a relocated protected series or be dissolved, wound up, and terminated;

(B) for any protected series of the surviving company which exists before the merger, whether after the merger the protected series will be a continuing protected series or be dissolved, wound up, and terminated;

(C) for each relocated protected series or continuing protected series:

(i) the name of any person that becomes an associated member or protected-series transferee of the protected series after the merger, any consideration to be paid by, on behalf of, or in respect of the person, the name of the payor, and the name of the payee;

(ii) the name of any person whose rights or obligations in the person’s capacity as an associated member or protected-series transferee will change after the merger;

(iii) any consideration to be paid to a person who before the merger was an associated member or protected-series transferee of the protected series and the name of the payor; and

(iv) if after the merger the protected series will be a relocated protected series, its new name;

(D) for any protected series to be established by the surviving company as a result of the merger:

(i) the name of the protected series;

(ii) any protected-series transferable interest to be owned by the surviving company when the protected series is established; and

(iii) the name of and any protected-series transferable interest owned by any person that will be an associated member of the protected series when the protected series is established; and

(E) for any person that is an associated member of a relocated protected series and will remain a member after the merger, any amendment to the operating agreement of the surviving company which:

(1) is or is proposed to be in a record; and

(2) is necessary or appropriate to state the rights and obligations of the person as a member of the surviving company.

Source:Laws 2018, LB1121, § 32.    

21-532. Articles of merger.

In a merger under section 21-530, the articles of merger must:

(1) comply with sections 21-171 to 21-174; and

(2) include as an attachment the following records, each to become effective when the merger becomes effective:

(A) for a protected series of a merging company being terminated as a result of the merger, a statement of termination signed by the company;

(B) for a protected series of a nonsurviving company which after the merger will be a relocated protected series:

(i) a statement of relocation signed by the nonsurviving company which contains the name of the company and the name of the protected series before and after the merger; and

(ii) a statement of protected-series designation signed by the surviving company; and

(C) for a protected series being established by the surviving company as a result of the merger, a statement of designation signed by the company.

Source:Laws 2018, LB1121, § 33;    Laws 2019, LB78, § 17.    

21-533. Effect of merger.

When a merger under section 21-530 becomes effective, in addition to the effects stated in sections 21-171 to 21-174:

(1) as provided in the plan of merger, each protected series of each merging company which was established before the merger:

(A) is a relocated protected series or continuing protected series; or

(B) is dissolved, wound up, and terminated;

(2) any protected series to be established as a result of the merger is established;

(3) any relocated protected series or continuing protected series is the same person without interruption as it was before the merger;

(4) all property of a relocated protected series or continuing protected series continues to be vested in the protected series without transfer, reversion, or impairment;

(5) all debts, obligations, and other liabilities of a relocated protected series or continuing protected series continue as debts, obligations, and other liabilities of the protected series;

(6) except as otherwise provided by law or the plan of merger, all the rights, privileges, immunities, powers, and purposes of a relocated protected series or continuing protected series remain in the protected series;

(7) the new name of a relocated protected series may be substituted for the former name of the protected series in any pending action or proceeding;

(8) if provided in the plan of merger:

(A) a person becomes an associated member or protected-series transferee of a relocated protected series or continuing protected series;

(B) a person becomes an associated member of a protected series established by the surviving company as a result of the merger;

(C) any change in the rights or obligations of a person in the person’s capacity as an associated member or protected-series transferee of a relocated protected series or continuing protected series take effect; and

(D) any consideration to be paid to a person that before the merger was an associated member or protected-series transferee of a relocated protected series or continuing protected series is due; and

(9) any person that is a member of a relocated protected series becomes a member of the surviving company, if not already a member.

Source:Laws 2018, LB1121, § 34.    

21-534. Application of section 21-523 after merger.

(a) A creditor’s right that existed under section 21-523 immediately before a merger under section 21-530 may be enforced after the merger in accordance with the following rules:

(1) A creditor’s right that existed immediately before the merger against the surviving company, a continuing protected series, or a relocated protected series continues without change after the merger.

(2) A creditor’s right that existed immediately before the merger against a nonsurviving company:

(A) may be asserted against an asset of the nonsurviving company which vested in the surviving company as a result of the merger; and

(B) does not otherwise change.

(3) Subject to subsection (b) of this section, the following rules apply:

(A) In addition to the remedy stated in subdivision (a)(1) of this section, a creditor with a right under section 21-523 which existed immediately before the merger against a nonsurviving company or a relocated protected series may assert the right against:

(i) an asset of the surviving company, other than an asset of the nonsurviving company which vested in the surviving company as a result of the merger;

(ii) an asset of a continuing protected series; or

(iii) an asset of a protected series established by the surviving company as a result of the merger;

(iv) if the creditor’s right was against an asset of the nonsurviving company, an asset of a relocated series; or

(v) if the creditor’s right was against an asset of a relocated protected series, an asset of another relocated protected series.

(B) In addition to the remedy stated in subdivision (a)(2) of this section, a creditor with a right that existed immediately before the merger against the surviving company or a continuing protected series may assert the right against:

(i) an asset of a relocated protected series; or

(ii) an asset of a nonsurviving company which vested in the surviving company as a result of the merger.

(b) For the purposes of subdivision (a)(3) of this section and subdivisions (b)(1)(A), (b)(2)(A), and (b)(3)(A) of section 21-523, the incurrence date is deemed to be the date on which the merger becomes effective.

(c) A merger under section 21-530 does not affect the manner in which section 21-523 applies to a liability incurred after the merger.

Source:Laws 2018, LB1121, § 35;    Laws 2019, LB78, § 18.    

21-535. Governing law.

The law of the jurisdiction of formation of a foreign series limited liability company governs:

(1) the internal affairs of a foreign protected series of the company, including:

(A) relations among any associated members of the foreign protected series;

(B) relations between the foreign protected series and:

(i) any associated member;

(ii) the protected-series manager; or

(iii) any protected-series transferee;

(C) relations between any associated member and:

(i) the protected-series manager; or

(ii) any protected-series transferee;

(D) the rights and duties of a protected-series manager;

(E) governance decisions affecting the activities and affairs of the foreign protected series and the conduct of those activities and affairs; and

(F) procedures and conditions for becoming an associated member or protected-series transferee;

(2) relations between the foreign protected series and:

(A) the company;

(B) another foreign protected series of the company;

(C) a member of the company which is not an associated member of the foreign protected series;

(D) a foreign protected-series manager that is not a protected-series manager of the protected series;

(E) a foreign protected-series transferee that is not a foreign protected-series transferee of the protected series; and

(F) a transferee of a transferable interest of the company;

(3) except as otherwise provided in sections 21-521 and 21-523, the liability of a person for a debt, obligation, or other liability of a foreign protected series of a foreign series limited liability company if the debt, obligation, or liability is asserted solely by reason of the person being or acting as:

(A) an associated member, protected-series transferee, or protected-series manager of the foreign protected series;

(B) a member of the company which is not an associated member of the foreign protected series;

(C) a protected-series manager of another foreign protected series of the company;

(D) a protected-series transferee of another foreign protected series of the company;

(E) a manager of the company; or

(F) a transferee of a transferable interest of the company; and

(4) except as otherwise provided in sections 21-521 and 21-523:

(A) the liability of the foreign series limited liability company for a debt, obligation, or other liability of a foreign protected series of the company if the debt, obligation, or liability is asserted solely by reason of the foreign protected series being a foreign protected series of the company or the company:

(i) being or acting as a foreign protected-series manager of the foreign protected series;

(ii) having the foreign protected series manage the company; or

(iii) owning a protected-series transferable interest of the foreign protected series; and

(B) the liability of a foreign protected series for a debt, obligation, or other liability of the company or another foreign protected series of the company if the debt, obligation, or liability is asserted solely by reason of the foreign protected series:

(i) being a foreign protected series of the company or having the company or another foreign protected series of the company be or act as foreign protected-series manager of the foreign protected series; or

(ii) managing the company or being or acting as a foreign protected-series manager of another foreign protected series of the company.

Source:Laws 2018, LB1121, § 36.    

21-536. No attribution of activities constituting doing business or for establishing jurisdiction.

In determining whether a foreign series limited liability company or foreign protected series of the company does business in this state or is subject to the personal jurisdiction of the courts of this state:

(1) the activities and affairs of the company are not attributable to a foreign protected series of the company solely by reason of the foreign protected series being a foreign protected series of the company; and

(2) the activities and affairs of a foreign protected series are not attributable to the company or another foreign protected series of the company solely by reason of the foreign protected series being a foreign protected series of the company.

Source:Laws 2018, LB1121, § 37.    

21-537. Authorization of foreign protected series.

(a) Except as otherwise provided in this section and subject to sections 21-521 and 21-523, the law of this state governing the authorization of a foreign limited liability company to do business in this state, including the consequences of not complying with that law, applies to a foreign protected series of a foreign series limited liability company as if the foreign protected series were a foreign limited liability company formed separately from the foreign series limited liability company and distinct from the foreign series limited liability company and any other foreign protected series of the foreign series limited liability company.

(b) An application by a foreign protected series of a foreign series limited liability company for a certificate of authority to do business in this state must include:

(1) the name and jurisdiction of formation of the foreign series limited liability company along with a certificate of existence or equivalent for the foreign protected series issued in its jurisdiction of formation, except that if the jurisdiction of formation of the foreign series limited liability company does not provide for issuance of a certificate of existence or equivalent for a foreign protected series, the application must include a certificate of existence or equivalent for the foreign series limited liability company and in that case the foreign protected series is deemed to be in existence as long as the foreign series limited liability company is in existence or good standing in its jurisdiction of formation; and

(2) if the company has other foreign protected series, the name and street and mailing address of an individual who knows the name and street and mailing address of:

(A) each other foreign protected series of the foreign series limited liability company; and

(B) the foreign protected-series manager of and agent for service of process for each other foreign protected series of the foreign series limited liability company.

(c) The name of a foreign protected series applying for a certificate of authority to do business in this state must comply with section 21-108 and subsection (b) of section 21-510 and may do so using subsection (d) of section 21-108, if the fictitious name complies with section 21-108 and subsection (b) of section 21-510.

(d) A foreign protected series that has been issued a certificate of authority to do business in this state pursuant to this section shall file an amendment to its application if there is any change in the information required by subsection (b) of this section.

Source:Laws 2018, LB1121, § 38;    Laws 2019, LB78, § 19.    

21-538. Disclosure required when foreign series limited liability company or foreign protected series party to proceeding.

(a) Not later than thirty days after becoming a party to a proceeding before a civil, administrative, or other adjudicative tribunal of or located in this state or a tribunal of the United States located in this state:

(1) a foreign series limited liability company shall disclose to each other party the name and street and mailing address of:

(A) each foreign protected series of the company; and

(B) each foreign protected-series manager of and a registered agent for service of process for each foreign protected series of the company; and

(2) a foreign protected series of a foreign series limited liability company shall disclose to each other party the name and street and mailing address of:

(A) the company and each manager of the company and an agent for service of process for the company; and

(B) any other foreign protected series of the company and each foreign protected-series manager of and an agent for service of process for the other foreign protected series.

(b) If a foreign series limited liability company or foreign protected series challenges the personal jurisdiction of the tribunal, the requirement that the foreign company or foreign protected series make disclosure under subsection (a) of this section is tolled until the tribunal determines whether it has personal jurisdiction.

(c) If a foreign series limited liability company or foreign protected series does not comply with subsection (a) of this section, a party to the proceeding may:

(1) request the tribunal to treat the noncompliance as a failure to comply with the tribunal’s discovery rules; or

(2) bring a separate proceeding in the court to enforce subsection (a) of this section.

Source:Laws 2018, LB1121, § 39.    

21-539. Uniformity of application and construction.

In applying and construing the Nebraska Uniform Protected Series Act, consideration must be given to the need to promote uniformity of the law with respect to its subject matter among states that enact the Uniform Protected Series Act.

Source:Laws 2018, LB1121, § 40;    Laws 2019, LB78, § 20.    

21-540. Relation to Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act.

The Nebraska Uniform Protected Series Act modifies, limits, or supersedes the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act, 15 U.S.C. 7001 et seq., but does not modify, limit, or supersede section 101(c) of that act, 15 U.S.C. 7001(c), or authorize electronic delivery of any of the notices described in section 103(b) of that act, 15 U.S.C. 7003(b).

Source:Laws 2018, LB1121, § 41.    

21-541. Repealed. Laws 2019, LB78, § 24.

21-542. Savings clause.

The Nebraska Uniform Protected Series Act does not affect an action commenced, proceeding brought, or right accrued before January 1, 2021.

Source:Laws 2018, LB1121, § 43.    

21-601. Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 71, § 1.

21-602. Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 71, § 1.

21-603. Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 71, § 1.

21-604. Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 71, § 1.

21-605. Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 71, § 1.

21-606. Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 71, § 1.

21-607. Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 71, § 1.

21-608. Societies declared to be corporations; status of subordinate organizations.

All state, grand, supreme, national, secret, fraternal, benevolent, or charitable orders, lodges, organizations, societies, or other bodies issuing charters to and having subordinate or auxiliary orders, lodges, organizations, societies, or other bodies within this state which have been or may be regularly established and chartered, including the following: The Grand Lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons; The Supreme Guardian Council of the International Order of Job's Daughters; The Grand Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star, of the State of Nebraska; the Grand Lodge Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Grand Encampment I.O.O.F.; the Rebekah State Assembly, I.O.O.F.; the Department Council Patriarch Militant, I.O.O.F.; The Farmers' Alliance; Knights of Labor; The Grand Lodge Knights of Pythias of Nebraska; Pythian Sisterhood; Nebraska State Grange; Good Templars; Grand Army of the Republic; Women's Relief Corps, Department of Nebraska; United Spanish War Veterans, Department of Nebraska; The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the United States of America; Benevolent, Patriotic Order of Does of the United States of America; the Western Bohemian Fraternal Association, Z.C.B.J.; The Bohemian Ladies' Society, J.C.D.; The Bohemian Benevolent Society, C.S.P.S.; The Bohemian Roman Catholic Benevolent Society, C.R.K.J.P. of Nebraska; The Women's Christian Temperance Union; The Young Women's Christian Association of the United States of America; Nebraska District Young Women's Christian Association; The Brotherhood of St. Andrews; The Improved Order of Red Men's League, an adoptive degree of the Improved Order of Red Men; Degree of Pocahontas; The Great Council of Nebraska Order of Red Men; The Grand Lodge Fraternal Order of Eagles; The Knights of Columbus; Order of the Alhambra; The Modern Woodmen of America; The Woodmen of the World; The Ancient Order of United Workmen; Grand Lodge, Sons of Herman of Nebraska; The American Legion; Disabled American Veterans; The Marine Corps League; Eastern Orthodox Church; Katolicky Delnik, K.D., Catholic Workmen; The Western Bohemian Catholic Union, Z.C.K.J.; Catholic Youth Organization; The American Legion Auxiliary; the following college societies: Acacia, Alpha Gamma Rho, Alpha Sigma Phi, Alpha Tau Omega, Alpha Theta Chi, Chi Phi, Beta Theta Pi, Delta Chi, Delta Sigma Phi, Delta Tau Delta, Delta Upsilon, Kappa Delta Phi, Kappa Sigma, Lambda Chi Alpha, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Kappa Psi, Pi Kappa Phi, Pi Phi Chi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Chi, Sigma Nu, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Alpha Delta, Phi Delta Phi, Phi Delta Chi, Delta Sigma Delta, Xi Psi Phi, Nu Sigma Nu, Phi Chi, Phi Rho Sigma, Achoth, Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Omicron Pi, Alpha Phi, Alpha Xi Delta, Chi Omega, Delta Delta Delta, Delta Gamma, Delta Zeta, Gamma Phi Beta, Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa Delta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Pi Beta Phi, Kappa Alpha Psi, Gamma Eta Gamma, Bushnell Guild, Farm House, Silver Lynx, Theta Chi, Phi Mu, and Delta Sigma Pi; the Newman Club; the Nebraska Press Association; Boy Scouts of America; Boy Scouts of America Local Councils; Camp Fire Girls of America; Camp Fire Girls of America Local Councils; Pathfinder Club International; Firemen's Relief Association of Nebraska; Rotary International; Sertoma International; Kiwanis International; Cosmopolitan International; Optimist International; Stuart Lodge of the Catholic Knights of America; Pulaski Club of America; Katolicky Sokol of America; Telocvicna Jednota Sokol organizations in Nebraska; International Association of Lions Clubs; the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States; Chambers of Commerce; Junior Chambers of Commerce; OEA Senior Citizen's, Inc.; the Nebraska Council of Home Extension Clubs; Nebraska State Chapter of the P.E.O. Sisterhood; American Province of the Order of Servants of Mary; and Great Plains, Inc., together with each and every subordinate or auxiliary lodge, encampment, tribe, company, council, post, corps, department, society, or other designated organization or body within this state, under its properly designated or chartered name as has been or may be established and chartered within or for Nebraska by its respective state, grand, supreme, national, or other governing body, and working under a charter or charters from its respective state, grand, supreme, or national lodge, organization, or other governing body, be and the same are hereby made and declared corporations within the state under the name and title designated in the respective charters or constitutions by which name they shall be capable of suing, being sued, pleading, and being impleaded in the several courts of this state, the same as natural persons.

Source:Laws 1869, § 1, p. 64; Laws 1885, c. 30, § 1, p. 203; Laws 1889, c. 39, § 1, p. 403; Laws 1891, c. 17, § 1, p. 218; Laws 1905, c. 41, § 1, p. 282; Laws 1907, c. 31, § 1, p. 160; Laws 1909, c. 26, § 1, p. 202; R.S.1913, § 610; Laws 1917, c. 11, § 1, p. 69; Laws 1919, c. 156, § 1, p. 351; Laws 1921, c. 147, § 1, p. 622; Laws 1921, c. 174, § 1, p. 670; C.S.1922, § 504; Laws 1923, c. 34, § 1, p. 144; Laws 1925, c. 148, § 1, p. 383; Laws 1929, c. 57, § 1, p. 222; C.S.1929, § 24-607; Laws 1935, c. 46, § 1, p. 168; Laws 1937, c. 52, § 1, p. 216; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 24-607; R.S.1943, § 21-608; Laws 1949, c. 30, § 1, p. 114; Laws 1953, c. 44, § 1, p. 161; Laws 1959, c. 73, § 1, p. 309; Laws 1961, c. 72, § 1, p. 277; Laws 1971, LB 8, § 1;    Laws 1975, LB 149, § 1;    Laws 1979, LB 102, § 1;    Laws 1980, LB 748, § 1; Laws 1983, LB 262, § 1;    Laws 1986, LB 762, § 1;    Laws 1990, LB 1102, § 1.    


21-609. Societies declared to be corporations; power to acquire and hold property; charter, constitution; filing of copy required.

Each of said organizations, lodges or societies shall have power to receive bequests of real and personal property, to hold and convey both real and personal property, to lease property and to do all other things usually done by corporations for the purpose for which organized. In order to own, hold and convey real estate, each organization mentioned in section 21-608, shall file with the Secretary of State, for itself, a certified copy of the charter of the state organization, if there be one, or if there be no state organization then of the supreme or national organization, duly certified as a true copy thereof by the secretary or other like officer of such state organization, or supreme or national organization, as the case may be, under the official seal thereof; Provided, that if such state organization shall not exist under or by virtue of a charter from any grand, supreme or national governing body, but is working under and by virtue of its own constitution, then such organization shall file with the Secretary of State a correct copy of such constitution certified to by its secretary or other like officer, as a true copy of such constitution under the official seal of such state organization. Each of the subordinate organizations mentioned in section 21-608, and working under a charter from a state, supreme, or national organization shall, for itself, file with the clerk of the county in which such subordinate organization is located, a copy of the charter or constitution under which it is working, duly certified as a true copy thereof, by the secretary or other like officer thereof, under the official seal thereof, and such societies shall be thereafter entitled to all the privileges and rights incident to bodies corporate so long as they retain their respective organization and charters aforesaid.

Source:Laws 1869, § 2, p. 64; Laws 1885, c. 30, § 2, p. 204; Laws 1889, c. 39, § 1, p. 404; Laws 1891, c. 17, § 1, p. 220; Laws 1905, c. 42, § 1, p. 282; Laws 1907, c. 31, § 1, p. 161; Laws 1909, c. 26, § 1, p. 203; R.S.1913, § 610; Laws 1917, c. 11, § 1, p. 70; Laws 1919, c. 156, § 1, p. 352; Laws 1921, c. 147, § 1, p. 623; Laws 1921, c. 174, § 1, p. 671; C.S.1922, § 504; Laws 1923, c. 34, § 1, p. 145; Laws 1925, c. 148, § 1, p. 385; Laws 1929, c. 57, § 1, p. 224; C.S.1929, § 24-607; Laws 1935, c. 46, § 1, p. 170; Laws 1937, c. 52, § 1, p. 218; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 24-607; R.S.1943, § 21-609.


21-610. Societies declared to be corporations; power to act as administrator, executor, guardian, or trustee.

When any such organization has established in this state an institution for the care of children or persons who are incapacitated in any manner and such institution has been incorporated under the laws of Nebraska, such corporation shall have power to act either by itself or jointly with any natural person or persons (1) as administrator of the estate of any deceased person whose domicile was within the county in which the corporation is located or whose domicile was outside the State of Nebraska, (2) as executor under a last will and testament or as guardian of the property of any infant, person with an intellectual disability, person with a mental disorder, or person under other disability, or (3) as trustee for any person or of the estate of any deceased person under the appointment of any court of record having jurisdiction of the estate of such person.

Source:Laws 1917, c. 11, § 1, p. 70; Laws 1919, c. 156, § 1, p. 353; Laws 1921, c. 147, § 1, p. 624; Laws 1921, c. 174, § 1, p. 672; C.S.1922, § 504; Laws 1923, c. 34, § 1, p. 146; Laws 1925, c. 148, § 1, p. 386; Laws 1929, c. 57, § 1, p. 225; C.S.1929, § 24-607; Laws 1935, c. 46, § 1, p. 171; Laws 1937, c. 52, § 1, p. 218; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 24-607; R.S.1943, § 21-610; Laws 1986, LB 1177, § 3;    Laws 2013, LB23, § 1.    

21-611. Corporate acts; how attested.

The act or acts of such corporations for all legal purposes shall be attested by the principal officer and the secretary under the seal of such corporation.

Source:Laws 1897, c. 20, § 4, p. 186; R.S.1913, § 611; C.S.1922, § 505; C.S.1929, § 24-608; R.S.1943, § 21-611.

21-612. Subordinate organizations; operation of orphanages and other homes; incorporation; acquisition of property; use and investment of funds; power to borrow.

Fraternal, benevolent and charitable organizations in this state which have or may hereafter be duly incorporated by the laws of the state, are hereby authorized by and through their respective grand bodies issuing charters to their subordinates, to organize and create within their respective organizations, bodies corporate for the purpose of establishing and maintaining homes in this state for the care and maintenance of orphans, widows, aged and indigent persons, or for the care of such persons, under such rules, regulations and bylaws as such organization may provide; and to acquire and receive by donation, bequest, assessment and purchase and other legitimate means, property and funds for such purpose and to hold and invest all such property and funds thus acquired; to borrow money on its real estate and other property; to acquire, invest or reinvest its funds for the endowment of such homes, or its charges or inmates; to invest, reinvest or exchange its endowment funds upon such securities as its trustees may deem safe; to take and hold mortgages upon real estate and other securities therefor, to exchange the same, and to do all things necessary for the purposes and objects of charitable, benevolent and fraternal care of orphans, widows, aged and indigent persons who need such care. But no funds or other property thus acquired by any such fraternal, benevolent or charitable association shall ever be diverted from the objects and purposes herein stated.

Source:Laws 1907, c. 30, § 1, p. 157; R.S.1913, § 612; C.S.1922, § 506; C.S.1929, § 24-609; R.S.1943, § 21-612.

21-613. Grand organizations; operation of orphanages and other homes; acquisition of property; use and investment of funds.

Any and all fraternal, benevolent and charitable grand bodies issuing charters to subordinates in this state, which grand bodies have been or may hereafter be incorporated by the laws of this state, may instead of forming an auxiliary corporation within their respective organizations for the purpose of carrying out the objects of section 21-612, proceed to acquire in the name of such grand body all necessary funds and property by donation, gift, bequests, purchase and other legitimate means, funds and property for the establishment and maintenance of homes for widows, orphans, aged and indigent persons within this state. Such grand bodies may hold, invest, reinvest and use all such funds and property in their respective names, and provide by bylaws the number of trustees or directors who shall have the supervision of such funds, property and home together with the tenure of office of such trustees or directors, and such grand body may make such rules and regulations for the government and maintenance and control of such homes or funds as may be necessary to promote the fraternal, benevolent, and charitable objects of the same for the care and maintenance of widows, orphans, aged and indigent persons.

Source:Laws 1907, c. 30, § 2, p. 158; R.S.1913, § 613; C.S.1922, § 507; C.S.1929, § 24-610; R.S.1943, § 21-613.

21-614. Orphanages and other homes; books, inspection by Auditor of Public Accounts; diversion of property and funds; powers of Attorney General.

The books, records, and files pertaining to any such home shall be subject to the inspection of the Auditor of Public Accounts of this state, or any deputy or clerk authorized by him to inspect the same. Any organization maintaining such a home or funds is hereby required, at the request of the Auditor of Public Accounts, to report to his office in detail all matters required by him to be reported concerning the business of such funds, home or homes. In case of any diversion of the funds or other property acquired by any such organization from the object and purposes of such home or homes, or funds therefor, the Attorney General is hereby authorized to bring suit in any court having general jurisdiction in equity matters in the state, to restrain and prevent any diversion of such funds or property, and to adjust any and all wrongs concerning the same.

Source:Laws 1907, c. 30, § 3, p. 158; R.S.1913, § 614; C.S.1922, § 508; C.S.1929, § 24-611; R.S.1943, § 21-614.

21-615. Orphanages and other homes; establishment; certified copy of charter to be filed.

Fraternal, benevolent and charitable organizations in this state which may adopt the provisions of sections 21-612 to 21-614, and which shall establish homes, or funds therefor, in accordance therewith, shall, in the case where a grand lodge or grand body desires to hold the property of such home or its funds in its own name, file with the Secretary of State a certified copy of its charter together with a statement of the number of trustees or directors authorized by it to transact the business pertaining to such home or homes or funds. In case a grand body mentioned in section 21-613 shall organize an auxiliary corporation for such purpose as provided in section 21-612, then and in such case such auxiliary corporation shall file with the Secretary of State a copy of its articles of association, duly certified by the secretary of such association.

Source:Laws 1907, c. 30, § 4, p. 159; R.S.1913, § 615; C.S.1922, § 509; C.S.1929, § 24-612; R.S.1943, § 21-615.

21-616. Orphanages and other homes; establishment under other laws.

Sections 21-612 to 21-615 shall not be considered to prohibit the formation of corporations under other corporation laws of this state.

Source:Laws 1907, c. 30, § 5, p. 159; R.S.1913, § 616; C.S.1922, § 510; C.S.1929, § 24-613; R.S.1943, § 21-616.

21-617. Society names and emblems; registration.

Any association, lodge, order, fraternal society, beneficial association, or fraternal and beneficial society or association, historical, military, or veterans organization, labor union, foundation, federation, or any other society, organization or association, degree, branch, subordinate lodge, or auxiliary thereof, whether incorporated or unincorporated, the principles and activities of which are not repugnant to the Constitution and laws of the United States or this state, may register, in the office of the Secretary of State, a facsimile, duplicate or description of its name, badge, motto, button, decoration, charm, emblem, rosette or other insignia, and may, by reregistration alter or cancel the same.

Source:Laws 1929, c. 140, § 1, p. 496; C.S.1929, § 24-614; R.S.1943, § 21-617.

21-618. Society names and emblems; registration; procedure; effect.

Application for such registration, alteration or cancellation shall be made by the chief officer or officers of said association, lodge, order, fraternal society, beneficial association, or fraternal and beneficial society or association, historical, military, or veterans organization, labor union, foundation, federation, or any other society, organization, or association, degree, branch, subordinate lodge, or auxiliary thereof, upon blanks to be provided by the Secretary of State; and such registration shall be for the use, benefit, and on behalf of all associations, degrees, branches, subordinate lodges, and auxiliaries of said association, lodge, order, fraternal society, beneficial association, or fraternal and beneficial society or association, historical, military, or veterans organization, labor union, foundation, federation, or any other society, organization or association, degree, branch, subordinate lodge, or auxiliary thereof, and the individual members and those hereafter to become members thereof, throughout this state.

Source:Laws 1929, c. 140, § 2, p. 496; C.S.1929, § 24-615; R.S.1943, § 21-618.

21-619. Society names and emblems; registration; record.

The Secretary of State shall keep a properly indexed record of the registration provided for by sections 21-617 and 21-618, which record shall also show any altered or canceled registration.

Source:Laws 1929, c. 140, § 3, p. 497; C.S.1929, § 24-616; R.S.1943, § 21-619.

21-620. Society names and emblems; similarity; registration not granted, when.

No registration shall be granted or alteration permitted to any association, lodge, order, fraternal society, beneficial association, or fraternal and beneficial society or association, historical, military, or veterans organization, labor union, foundation, federation, or any other society, organization or association, degree, branch, subordinate lodge, or auxiliary thereof, having a name, badge, motto, button, decoration, charm, emblem, rosette, or other insignia, similar to, imitating, or so nearly resembling as to be calculated to deceive, any other name, badge, button, decoration, charm, emblem, rosette, or other insignia whatsoever, already registered pursuant to the provisions of sections 21-617 to 21-619.

Source:Laws 1929, c. 140, § 4, p. 497; C.S.1929, § 24-617; R.S.1943, § 21-620.

21-621. Society names and emblems; registration; certificate to issue.

Upon granting registration as aforesaid, the Secretary of State shall issue his certificate to the petitioners, setting forth the fact of such registration.

Source:Laws 1929, c. 140, § 5, p. 497; C.S.1929, § 24-618; R.S.1943, § 21-621.

21-622. Society emblems; unlawful use; penalty.

Any person who shall willfully wear, exhibit, display, print or use, for any purpose, the badge, motto, button, decoration, charm, emblem, rosette, or other insignia of any such association or organization mentioned in section 21-617, duly registered hereunder, unless he or she shall be entitled to use and wear the same under the constitution and bylaws, rules and regulations of such association or organization, shall be guilty of a Class III misdemeanor.

Source:Laws 1929, c. 140, § 6, p. 497; C.S.1929, § 24-619; R.S.1943, § 21-622; Laws 1977, LB 40, § 77.    

21-623. Society names and emblems; registration; fees.

The fees of the Secretary of State for registration, alteration, cancellation, searches made by him, and certificates issued by him, pursuant to sections 21-617 to 21-622, shall be as follows: One dollar and fifty cents for each registration, alteration, cancellation, search or reregistration; for the certificate contemplated in section 21-621, one dollar plus ten cents for each hundred words, or fraction thereof, set forth in said certificate issued. The fees collected under sections 21-617 to 21-624 shall be paid by the Secretary of State into the state treasury.

Source:Laws 1929, c. 140, § 7, p. 498; C.S.1929, § 24-620; R.S.1943, § 21-623.

21-624. Society names and emblems; registration; organizations not affected.

The provisions of sections 21-617 to 21-623 shall not apply to or in any way affect any fraternal society, club, organization, or association connected with and recognized by any university, college, parochial school, high school, or other educational institution in the State of Nebraska.

Source:Laws 1929, c. 140, § 8, p. 498; C.S.1929, § 24-621; R.S.1943, § 21-624; Laws 1987, LB 31, § 1.    

21-701. Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 73, § 1.

21-702. Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 73, § 1.

21-703. Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 73, § 1.

21-704. Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 73, § 1.

21-705. Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 73, § 1.

21-706. Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 73, § 1.

21-707. Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 73, § 1.

21-708. Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 73, § 1.

21-709. Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 73, § 1.

21-710. Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 73, § 1.

21-711. Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 73, § 1.

21-712. Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 73, § 1.

21-713. Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 73, § 1.

21-714. Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 73, § 1.

21-715. Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 73, § 1.

21-716. Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 73, § 1.

21-717. Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 73, § 1.

21-718. Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 73, § 1.

21-719. Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 73, § 1.

21-720. Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 73, § 1.

21-721. Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 73, § 1.

21-722. Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 73, § 1.

21-723. Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 73, § 1.

21-724. Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 73, § 1.

21-725. Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 73, § 1.

21-726. Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 73, § 1.

21-727. Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 73, § 1.

21-728. Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 73, § 1.

21-729. Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 73, § 1.

21-730. Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 73, § 1.

21-731. Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 73, § 1.

21-801. Repealed. Laws 1967, c. 102, § 1.

21-802. Repealed. Laws 1967, c. 102, § 1.

21-803. Repealed. Laws 1967, c. 102, § 1