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Search for statute range from 76-801 to 76-894
Returned 100 results
76-801 Act, how cited.
76-802 Terms, defined.
76-803 Condominium property regime; established.
76-804 Condominium property regime; effect of establishment.
76-805 Apartment; form of ownership.
76-806 Apartment; ownership rights; value; computation.
76-807 Common elements; not subject to partition or liens; treatment; rules against perpetuities and unreasonable restraints on alienation; not applicable.
76-808 Co-owner; use of common elements; responsibility for maintenance, repair, and replacement.
76-809 Master deed; contents; execution; recording.
76-810 Master deed; plans attached; boundaries.
76-811 Apartments; conveyance; legal description.
76-812 Disposition of property; vote of co-owners required; effect.
76-812.01 Condominium property; divided; added to; deleted; procedure; recomputed basic value.
76-813 Merger; no bar to subsequent constitution into another condominium property.
76-814 Administration; bylaws; attach to deed.
76-815 Bylaws; contents.
76-816 Board of administrators; records; examination; condominium statement; filing with register of deeds.
76-817 Expenses; pay pro rata share; failure or refusal; lien; waiver; effect.
76-818 Sale of apartment; expenses; deducted from sale.
76-819 Purchaser; seller; debts owing; liability; tort and contract liability.
76-820 Insurance; requirements; deficiency in insurance coverage.
76-820.01 Insurance proceeds insufficient to reconstruct buildings; co-owners liable; property owned by co-owners; effect.
76-821 Repealed. Laws 1974, LB 730, § 15.
76-822 Repealed. Laws 1974, LB 730, § 15.
76-823 Taxes and assessments; how assessed and collected.
76-824 Existing condominium property regimes; amendments to Condominium Property Act; effect.
76-824.01 Applicability of sections.
76-825 Act, how cited.
76-826 Sections, applicability.
76-827 Terms, defined.
76-828 Sections; variance, evasion, and waiver; prohibited.
76-829 Unit; separate treatment; taxation.
76-830 Applicability of local ordinances, regulations, and building codes.
76-831 Unit; eminent domain; conditions.
76-832 Supplemental, general provisions of law applicable.
76-833 Construction against implicit repeal.
76-834 Uniformity of application and construction.
76-835 Severability.
76-835.01 Unconscionable agreement or term of contract.
76-836 Obligation of good faith.
76-837 Remedies; how administered and enforced.
76-838 Creation of condominium; procedure; additional units.
76-839 Common elements; unit boundaries.
76-840 Construction and validity of declaration and bylaws.
76-841 Legal description of unit; requirements.
76-842 Declaration; contents.
76-843 Leasehold condominiums; requirements.
76-844 Allocation of common elements, expenses, and votes; how made.
76-845 Limited common elements; allocation; how made.
76-846 Plats and plans; requirements.
76-847 Exercise of development rights.
76-848 Alteration of units.
76-849 Relocation of boundaries between units; procedure.
76-850 Subdivision of units; procedure.
76-851 Easement for encroachment.
76-852 Use for sales purposes; restrictions.
76-853 Easement through common elements.
76-854 Amendment to declaration; procedure.
76-855 Termination of condominium; distribution of proceeds; foreclosure of lien; effect.
76-856 Rights of secured lenders; limitations; restrictions on lien.
76-857 Corporation, unincorporated association, master association, executive board; powers authorized.
76-858 Merger or consolidation of condominiums; procedure.
76-859 Unit owners association; organization.
76-860 Unit owners association; powers.
76-861 Executive board; members and officers; powers and duties; condominium statement; filing with register of deeds.
76-862 Transfer of special declarant right; procedure; transferor; successor; liabilities.
76-863 Termination of contracts and leases of declarant.
76-864 Bylaws of association; contents.
76-865 Upkeep of condominium; duties.
76-866 Association; meetings.
76-867 Quorums.
76-868 Voting; proxies.
76-869 Tort and contract liability.
76-870 Encumbrance or conveyance of common elements; procedure.
76-871 Insurance; requirements.
76-872 Surplus funds; distribution.
76-873 Assessment for common expenses.
76-874 Lien for assessments.
76-874.01 Payments to escrow account; use.
76-875 Liens affecting the condominium.
76-876 Association records.
76-877 Association as trustee.
76-878 Applicability; waiver.
76-879 Public-offering statement; requirements.
76-880 Public-offering statement; general provisions.
76-881 Public-offering statement; conversion building; information required.
76-882 Public-offering statement filed with Securities and Exchange Commission; effect.
76-883 Delivery of public-offering statement; purchaser's rights.
76-884 Resale of unit; information required.
76-885 Sale or conveyance of unit; release of liens.
76-886 Conversion buildings; rights of tenants.
76-887 Express warranties; creation.
76-888 Implied warranties of quality.
76-889 Repealed. Laws 1984, LB 1105, § 23.
76-890 Warranties; statute of limitations; judicial proceedings; notice; effect; strict compliance; required.
76-891 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 478, § 18.
76-891.01 Effect of violations on rights of action; attorney's fees.
76-892 Labeling of promotional material.
76-893 Declarant; liability for repair and restoration.
76-894 Conveyance of unit; when authorized.