48-101. Personal injury; employer's liability; compensation, when.

When personal injury is caused to an employee by accident or occupational disease, arising out of and in the course of his or her employment, such employee shall receive compensation therefor from his or her employer if the employee was not willfully negligent at the time of receiving such injury.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 198, § 1, p. 579; R.S.1913, § 3642; C.S.1922, § 3024; C.S.1929, § 48-101; Laws 1943, c. 113, § 1, p. 397; R.S.1943, § 48-101; Laws 1971, LB 572, § 1.    


48-101.01. Mental injuries and mental illness; first responder; frontline state employee; county correctional officer; legislative findings; evidentiary burden; compensation; when; first responder; mental health examination; resilience training; reimbursement; department; duties.

(1) The Legislature finds and declares:

(a) The occupations of first responders are recognized as stressful occupations. Only our nation's combat soldiers endure more stress. Similar to military personnel, first responders face unique and uniquely dangerous risks in their sworn mission to keep the public safe. They rely on each other for survival to protect the communities they serve;

(b) On any given day, first responders can be called on to make life and death decisions, witness a young child dying with the child's grief-stricken family, make a decision that will affect a community member for the rest of such person's life, or be exposed to a myriad of communicable diseases and known carcinogens;

(c) On any given day, first responders protect high-risk individuals from themselves and protect the community from such individuals;

(d) First responders are constantly at significant risk of bodily harm or physical assault while they perform their duties;

(e) Constant, cumulative exposure to horrific events make first responders uniquely susceptible to the emotional and behavioral impacts of job-related stressors;

(f) Trauma-related injuries can become overwhelming and manifest in post-traumatic stress, which may result in substance use disorders and even, tragically, suicide; and

(g) It is imperative for society to recognize occupational injuries related to post-traumatic stress and to promptly seek diagnosis and treatment without stigma. This includes recognizing that mental injury and mental illness as a result of trauma is not disordered, but is a normal and natural human response to trauma, the negative effects of which can be ameliorated through diagnosis and effective treatment.

(2) Personal injury includes mental injuries and mental illness unaccompanied by physical injury for an employee who is a first responder, frontline state employee, or county correctional officer if such employee:

(a) Establishes that the employee's employment conditions causing the mental injury or mental illness were extraordinary and unusual in comparison to the normal conditions of the particular employment; and

(b) Establishes, through a mental health professional, the medical causation between the mental injury or mental illness and the employment conditions by medical evidence.

(3) The employee bears the burden of establishing the matters described in subsection (2) of this section by a preponderance of the evidence.

(4) Until January 1, 2028, a first responder may establish prima facie evidence of a personal injury that is a mental injury or mental illness if the first responder:

(a) Presents evidence that the first responder underwent a mental health examination by a mental health professional upon entry into such service or subsequent to such entry and before the onset of the mental injury or mental illness and such examination did not reveal the mental injury or mental illness for which the first responder seeks compensation;

(b) Presents testimony or an affidavit from a mental health professional stating the first responder suffers from a mental injury or mental illness caused by one or more events or series of events which cumulatively produced the mental injury or mental illness which brought about the need for medical attention and the interruption of employment;

(c) Presents evidence that such events or series of events arose out of and in the course of the first responder's employment; and

(d) Presents evidence that, prior to the employment conditions which caused the mental injury or mental illness, the first responder had participated in resilience training and updated the training at least annually thereafter.

(5) For purposes of this section, mental injuries and mental illness arising out of and in the course of employment unaccompanied by physical injury are not considered compensable if they result from any event or series of events which are incidental to normal employer and employee relations, including, but not limited to, personnel actions by the employer such as disciplinary actions, work evaluations, transfers, promotions, demotions, salary reviews, or terminations.

(6)(a) The Department of Health and Human Services shall provide reimbursement for the cost of any of the following to the extent not reimbursed by the first responder's employer: A mental health examination by a mental health professional upon entry into such service or subsequent to such entry and before the onset of a mental injury or mental illness for which compensation is sought; initial resilience training; and annual resilience training. The department shall pay reimbursement at a rate determined by the Critical Incident Stress Management Program under section 71-7104. Reimbursement for resilience training shall be subject to the annual limit set by such program under section 71-7104.

(b) To obtain reimbursement under this subsection, a first responder shall submit an application to the Department of Health and Human Services on a form and in a manner prescribed by the department.

(7) The Department of Health and Human Services shall maintain and annually update records of first responders who have completed annual resilience training.

(8) For purposes of this section:

(a) County correctional officer means a correctional officer employed by a high-population county whose:

(i) Position obligates such employee to maintain order and custody of inmates in a county jail; and

(ii) Duties involve regular and direct interaction with high-risk individuals;

(b) Custody means:

(i) Under the charge or control of a state institution or state agency and includes time spent outside of the state institution or state agency; or

(ii) In the custody of a county jail in a high-population county or in the process of being placed in the custody of a county jail in a high-population county;

(c) First responder means a sheriff, a deputy sheriff, a police officer, an officer of the Nebraska State Patrol, a volunteer or paid firefighter, or a volunteer or paid individual licensed under a licensure classification in subdivision (1) of section 38-1217 who provides medical care in order to prevent loss of life or aggravation of physiological or psychological illness or injury;

(d) Frontline state employee means an employee of the Department of Correctional Services or the Department of Health and Human Services whose duties involve regular and direct interaction with high-risk individuals;

(e) High-population county means a county with more than three hundred thousand inhabitants as determined by the most recent federal decennial census or the most recent revised certified count by the United States Bureau of the Census;

(f) High-risk individual means an individual in custody for whom violent or physically intimidating behavior is common, including, but not limited to, a committed offender as defined in section 83-170, a patient at a regional center as defined in section 71-911, a juvenile committed to a youth rehabilitation and treatment center, and a person in the custody of a county jail in a high-population county or in the process of being placed in the custody of a county jail in a high-population county;

(g) Mental health professional means:

(i) A practicing physician licensed to practice medicine in this state under the Medicine and Surgery Practice Act;

(ii) A practicing psychologist licensed to engage in the practice of psychology in this state as provided in section 38-3111 or as provided in similar provisions of the Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact;

(iii) A person licensed as an independent mental health practitioner under the Mental Health Practice Act; or

(iv) A professional counselor who holds a privilege to practice in Nebraska as a professional counselor under the Licensed Professional Counselors Interstate Compact; and

(h) Resilience training means training that meets the guidelines established by the Critical Incident Stress Management Program under section 71-7104 and that teaches how to adapt to, manage, and recover from adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or significant sources of stress.

(9) All other provisions of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act apply to this section.

Source:Laws 2010, LB780, § 1;    Laws 2012, LB646, § 2;    Laws 2017, LB444, § 2;    Laws 2020, LB963, § 1;    Laws 2021, LB273, § 5;    Laws 2021, LB407, § 1;    Laws 2022, LB752, § 28;    Laws 2023, LB191, § 6.    

Cross References

48-102. Employer's liability; negligence; action; defenses denied.

In all cases brought under sections 48-101 to 48-108, it shall not be a defense (a) that the employee was negligent, unless it shall also appear that such negligence was willful, or that the employee was in a state of intoxication; (b) that the injury was caused by the negligence of a fellow employee; or (c) that the employee had assumed the risks inherent in, or incidental to, or arising from the failure of the employer to provide and maintain safe premises and suitable appliances, which grounds of defense are hereby abolished.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 198, § 2, p. 579; R.S.1913, § 3643; C.S.1922, § 3025; C.S.1929, § 48-102; R.S.1943, § 48-102; Laws 1971, LB 572, § 2.    


48-103. Employer's liability; defenses; when not available.

If an employer, as defined in section 48-106, does not carry a policy of workers' compensation insurance nor qualify as a self-insurer or, in the case of an employer who is a lessor of one or more commercial motor vehicles leased to a self-insured motor carrier, is not a party to an effective agreement pursuant to section 48-115.02, he or she loses the right to interpose the three defenses mentioned in section 48-102 in any action brought against him or her for personal injury or death of an employee.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 198, § 3, p. 579; R.S.1913, § 3644; C.S.1922, § 3026; C.S.1929, § 48-103; R.S.1943, § 48-103; Laws 1971, LB 572, § 3;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 25;    Laws 1997, LB 474, § 1.    


48-104. Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 572, § 33.

48-105. Preceding sections; application.

The provisions of sections 48-101 to 48-103 shall apply to any claim for the death of an employee arising under sections 30-809 and 30-810 concerning death by wrongful act.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 198, § 5, p. 580; R.S.1913, § 3646; C.S.1922, § 3028; C.S.1929, § 48-105; R.S.1943, § 48-105; Laws 1971, LB 572, § 4;    Laws 1994, LB 414, § 1.    

48-106. Employer; coverage of act; excepted occupations; election to provide compensation.

(1) The Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act shall apply to the State of Nebraska, to every governmental agency created by the state, and, except as provided in this section, to every resident employer in this state and nonresident employer performing work in this state who employs one or more employees in the regular trade, business, profession, or vocation of such employer.

(2) The act shall not apply to:

(a) A railroad company engaged in interstate or foreign commerce;

(b) Service performed by a worker who is a household domestic servant in a private residence;

(c) Service performed by a worker when performed for an employer who is engaged in an agricultural operation and employs only related employees;

(d) Service performed by a worker when performed for an employer who is engaged in an agricultural operation and employs unrelated employees unless such service is performed for an employer who during any calendar year employs ten or more unrelated, full-time employees, whether in one or more locations, on each working day for thirteen calendar weeks, whether or not such weeks are consecutive. The act shall apply to an employer thirty days after the thirteenth such week; and

(e) Service performed by a person who is engaged in an agricultural operation, or performed by his or her related employees, when the service performed is (i) occasional and (ii) for another person who is engaged in an agricultural operation who has provided or will provide reciprocal or similar service.

(3) If the employer is the state or any governmental agency created by the state, the exemption from the act under subdivision (2)(d) of this section does not apply.

(4) If the act applies to an employer because the employer meets the requirements of subdivision (2)(d) of this section, all unrelated employees shall be covered under the act and such employees' wages shall be considered for premium purposes.

(5) If an employer to whom the act applies because the employer meets the requirements of subdivision (2)(d) of this section subsequently does not employ ten or more unrelated, full-time employees, such employer shall continue to provide workers' compensation insurance coverage for the employees for the remainder of the calendar year and for the next full calendar year. When the required coverage period has expired, such employer may elect to return to exempt status by (a) posting, continuously in a conspicuous place at the employment locations of the employees for a period of at least ninety days, a written or printed notice stating that the employer will no longer carry workers' compensation insurance for the employees and the date such insurance will cease and (b) thereafter no longer carrying a policy of workers' compensation insurance. Failure to provide notice in accordance with this subsection voids an employer's attempt to return to exempt status.

(6) An employer who is exempt from the act under subsection (2) of this section may elect to bring the employees of such employer under the act. Such election is made by the employer obtaining a policy of workers' compensation insurance covering such employees. Such policy shall be obtained from a corporation, association, or organization authorized and licensed to transact the business of workers' compensation insurance in this state. If such an exempt employer procures a policy of workers' compensation insurance which is in full force and effect at the time of an accident to an employee of such employer, such procurement is conclusive proof of the employer's and employee's election to be bound by the act. Such an exempt employer who has procured a policy of workers' compensation insurance may elect to return to exempt status by (a) posting, continuously in a conspicuous place at the employment locations of the employees for a period of at least ninety days, a written or printed notice stating that the employer will no longer carry workers' compensation insurance for the employees and the date such insurance will cease and (b) thereafter no longer carrying a policy of workers' compensation insurance. Failure to provide notice in accordance with this subsection voids an employer's attempt to return to exempt status.

(7) Every employer exempted under subdivision (2)(d) of this section who does not elect to provide workers' compensation insurance under subsection (6) of this section shall give all unrelated employees at the time of hiring or at any time more than thirty calendar days prior to the time of injury the following written notice which shall be signed by the unrelated employee and retained by the employer: "In this employment you will not be covered by the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act and you will not be compensated under the act if you are injured on the job or suffer an occupational disease. You should plan accordingly." Failure to provide the notice required by this subsection subjects an employer to liability under and inclusion in the act for any unrelated employee to whom such notice was not given.

(8) An exclusion from coverage in any health, accident, or other insurance policy covering a person employed by an employer who is exempt from the act under this section which provides that coverage under the health, accident, or other insurance policy does not apply if such person is entitled to workers' compensation coverage is void as to such person if such employer has not elected to bring the employees of such employer within the act as provided in subsection (6) of this section.

(9) For purposes of this section:

(a) Agricultural operation means (i) the cultivation of land for the production of agricultural crops, fruit, or other horticultural products or (ii) the ownership, keeping, or feeding of animals for the production of livestock or livestock products;

(b) Full-time employee means a person who is employed to work one-half or more of the regularly scheduled hours during each pay period; and

(c) Related employee means a spouse of an employer and an employee related to the employer within the third degree by blood or marriage. Relationship by blood or marriage within the third degree includes parents, grandparents, great grandparents, children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, nephews, nieces, and spouses of the same. If the employer is a partnership, limited liability company, or corporation in which all of the partners, members, or shareholders are related within the third degree by blood or marriage, then related employee means any employee related to any such partner, member, or shareholder within the third degree by blood or marriage.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 198, § 6, p. 580; R.S.1913, § 3647; Laws 1917, c. 85, § 1, p. 199; C.S.1922, § 3029; Laws 1927, c. 134, § 1, p. 363; C.S.1929, § 48-106; R.S.1943, § 48-106; Laws 1945, c. 111, § 1, p. 356; Laws 1957, c. 202, § 1, p. 707; Laws 1971, LB 572, § 5;    Laws 1972, LB 1298, § 1;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 26;    Laws 2002, LB 417, § 1;    Laws 2003, LB 210, § 1;    Laws 2005, LB 13, § 1;    Laws 2009, LB630, § 1;    Laws 2010, LB829, § 1.    


48-107. Employer's liability; employee's willful negligence; burden of proof.

In all actions at law brought pursuant to sections 48-101 to 48-108 the burden of proof to establish willful negligence of the injured employee shall be on the defendant.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 198, § 7, p. 580; R.S.1913, § 3648; C.S.1922, § 3030; C.S.1929, § 48-107; R.S.1943, § 48-107.


48-108. Employer's liability; claim for legal services or disbursements; lien; how established; payment.

No claim or agreement for legal services or disbursements in support of any demand made or suit brought under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act shall be an enforceable lien against the amounts to be paid as damages or compensation or be valid or binding in any other respect, unless the same be approved in writing by a judge of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court. After such approval, if notice in writing be given the defendant of such claim or agreement for legal services and disbursements, the same shall be a lien against any amount thereafter to be paid as damages or compensation. When the employee's compensation is payable by the employer in periodical installments, the compensation court shall fix, at the time of approval, the proportion of each installment to be paid on account of legal services and disbursements.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 198, § 8, p. 581; R.S.1913, § 3649; C.S.1922, § 3031; C.S.1929, § 48-108; R.S.1943, § 48-108; Laws 1974, LB 732, § 1;    Laws 1975, LB 187, § 1;    Laws 1978, LB 649, § 1;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 27;    Laws 2010, LB908, § 1.    


48-109. Elective compensation; schedule; duty.

If both employer and employee become subject to the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act, both shall be bound by the schedule of compensation provided in such act, which compensation shall be paid in every case of injury or death caused by accident or occupational disease arising out of and in the course of employment, except accidents caused by or resulting in any degree from the employee's willful negligence as defined in section 48-151.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 198, § 9, p. 581; R.S.1913, § 3650; C.S.1922, § 3032; C.S.1929, § 48-109; Laws 1943, c. 113, § 2, p. 397; R.S.1943, § 48-109; Laws 1986, LB 811, § 28.    


48-110. Elective compensation; liability; scope.

When employer and employee shall by agreement, express or implied, or otherwise as provided in section 48-112 accept the provisions of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act, compensation shall be made for personal injuries to or for the death of such employee by accident arising out of and in the course of his or her employment, without regard to the negligence of the employer, according to the schedule provided in such act, in all cases except when the injury or death is caused by willful negligence on the part of the employee. The burden of proof of such fact shall be upon the employer.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 198, § 10, p. 581; R.S.1913, § 3651; C.S.1922, § 3033; C.S.1929, § 48-110; R.S.1943, § 48-110; Laws 1986, LB 811, § 29.    


48-111. Elective compensation; election; effect; exemption from liability; exception.

Such agreement or the election provided for in section 48-112 shall be a surrender by the parties thereto of their rights to any other method, form, or amount of compensation or determination thereof than as provided in the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act, and an acceptance of all the provisions of such act, and shall bind the employee himself or herself, and for compensation for his or her death shall bind his or her legal representatives, his or her surviving spouse and next of kin, as well as the employer, and the legal representatives of a deceased employer, and those conducting the business of the employer during bankruptcy or insolvency. For the purpose of this section, if the employer carries a policy of workers' compensation insurance, the term employer shall also include the insurer. The exemption from liability given an employer and insurer by this section shall also extend to all employees, officers, or directors of such employer or insurer, but such exemption given an employee, officer, or director of an employer or insurer shall not apply in any case when the injury or death is proximately caused by the willful and unprovoked physical aggression of such employee, officer, or director.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 198, § 11, p. 582; R.S.1913, § 3652; C.S.1922, § 3034; C.S.1929, § 48-111; R.S.1943, § 48-111; Laws 1965, c. 277, § 1, p. 798; Laws 1975, LB 227, § 1;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 30.    


48-112. Elective compensation; presumption.

In the occupations described in section 48-106, all contracts of employment shall be presumed to have been made with reference and subject to the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act. Every such employer and every employee is presumed to accept and come under such sections.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 198, § 12, p. 582; R.S.1913, § 3653; Laws 1917, c. 85, § 2, p. 199; C.S.1922, § 3035; C.S.1929, § 48-112; Laws 1935, c. 57, § 17, p. 196; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-112; R.S.1943, § 48-112; Laws 1971, LB 572, § 6;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 31.    


48-113. Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 572, § 33.

48-114. Employer, defined.

The following shall constitute employers subject to the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act: (1) The state and every governmental agency created by it; and (2) every person, firm, or corporation, including any public service corporation, who is engaged in any trade, occupation, business, or profession as described in section 48-106, and who has any person in service under any contract of hire, express or implied, oral or written.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 198, § 14, p. 583; R.S.1913, § 3655; C.S.1922, § 3037; C.S.1929, § 48-114; R.S.1943, § 48-114; Laws 1971, LB 572, § 7;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 32.    


48-115. Employee and worker, defined; inclusions; exclusions; waiver; election of coverage.

The terms employee and worker are used interchangeably and have the same meaning throughout the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act. Such terms include the plural and all ages and both sexes. For purposes of the act, employee or worker shall be construed to mean:

(1) Every person in the service of the state or of any governmental agency created by it, including the Nebraska National Guard and members of the military forces of the State of Nebraska, under any appointment or contract of hire, expressed or implied, oral or written;

(2) Every person in the service of an employer who is engaged in any trade, occupation, business, or profession as described in section 48-106 under any contract of hire, expressed or implied, oral or written, including aliens and also including minors. Minors for the purpose of making election of remedies under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act shall have the same power of contracting and electing as adult employees.

As used in subdivisions (1) through (11) of this section, the terms employee and worker shall not be construed to include any person whose employment is not in the usual course of the trade, business, profession, or occupation of his or her employer.

If an employee subject to the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act suffers an injury on account of which he or she or, in the event of his or her death, his or her dependents would otherwise have been entitled to the benefits provided by such act, the employee or, in the event of his or her death, his or her dependents shall be entitled to the benefits provided under such act, if the injury or injury resulting in death occurred within this state, or if at the time of such injury (a) the employment was principally localized within this state, (b) the employer was performing work within this state, or (c) the contract of hire was made within this state;

(3) Volunteer firefighters of any fire department of any rural or suburban fire protection district, city, village, or nonprofit corporation, which fire department is organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. Such volunteers shall be deemed employees of such rural or suburban fire protection district, city, village, or nonprofit corporation while in the performance of their duties as members of such department and shall be considered as having entered and as acting in the regular course and scope of their employment from the instant such persons commence responding to a call to active duty, whether to a fire station or other place where firefighting equipment that their company or unit is to use is located or to any activities that the volunteer firefighters may be directed to do by the chief of the fire department or some person authorized to act for such chief. Such volunteers shall be deemed employees of such rural or suburban fire protection district, city, village, or nonprofit corporation until their return to the location from which they were initially called to active duty or until they engage in any activity beyond the scope of the performance of their duties, whichever occurs first.

Members of such volunteer fire department, before they are entitled to benefits under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act, shall be recommended by the chief of the fire department or some person authorized to act for such chief for membership therein to the board of directors of the rural or suburban fire protection district or nonprofit corporation, the mayor and city commission, the mayor and council, or the chairperson and board of trustees, as the case may be, and upon confirmation shall be deemed employees of such entity. Members of such fire department after confirmation to membership may be removed by a majority vote of the entity's board of directors or governing body and thereafter shall not be considered employees of such entity. Firefighters of any fire department of any rural or suburban fire protection district, nonprofit corporation, city, or village shall be considered as acting in the performance and within the course and scope of their employment when performing activities outside of the corporate limits of their respective districts, cities, or villages, but only if directed to do so by the chief of the fire department or some person authorized to act for such chief;

(4) Members of the Nebraska Emergency Management Agency, any city, village, county, or interjurisdictional emergency management organization, or any state emergency response team, which agency, organization, or team is regularly organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. Such members shall be deemed employees of such agency, organization, or team while in the performance of their duties as members of such agency, organization, or team;

(5) Any person fulfilling conditions of probation, or community service as defined in section 29-2277, pursuant to any order of any court of this state who shall be working for a governmental body, or agency as defined in section 29-2277, pursuant to any condition of probation, or community service as defined in section 29-2277. Such person shall be deemed an employee of the governmental body or agency for the purposes of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act;

(6) Volunteer ambulance drivers and attendants and emergency care providers who are members of an emergency medical service for any county, city, village, rural or suburban fire protection district, nonprofit corporation, or any combination of such entities under the authority of section 13-303. Such volunteers shall be deemed employees of such entity or combination thereof while in the performance of their duties as ambulance drivers or attendants or emergency care providers and shall be considered as having entered into and as acting in the regular course and scope of their employment from the instant such persons commence responding to a call to active duty, whether to a hospital or other place where the ambulance they are to use is located or to any activities that the volunteer ambulance drivers or attendants or emergency care providers may be directed to do by the chief or some person authorized to act for such chief of the volunteer ambulance service or emergency care service. Such volunteers shall be deemed employees of such county, city, village, rural or suburban fire protection district, nonprofit corporation, or combination of such entities until their return to the location from which they were initially called to active duty or until they engage in any activity beyond the scope of the performance of their duties, whichever occurs first. Before such volunteer ambulance drivers or attendants or emergency care providers are entitled to benefits under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act, they shall be recommended by the chief or some person authorized to act for such chief of the volunteer ambulance service or emergency care service for membership therein to the board of directors of the rural or suburban fire protection district or nonprofit corporation, the governing body of the county, city, or village, or combination thereof, as the case may be, and upon such confirmation shall be deemed employees of such entity or combination thereof. Members of such volunteer ambulance or emergency care service after confirmation to membership may be removed by majority vote of the entity's board of directors or governing body and thereafter shall not be considered employees of such entity. Volunteer ambulance drivers and attendants and emergency care providers for any county, city, village, rural or suburban fire protection district, nonprofit corporation, or any combination thereof shall be considered as acting in the performance and within the course and scope of their employment when performing activities outside of the corporate limits of their respective county, city, village, or district, but only if directed to do so by the chief or some person authorized to act for such chief;

(7) Members of a law enforcement reserve force appointed in accordance with section 81-1438. Such members shall be deemed employees of the county or city for which they were appointed;

(8) Any offender committed to the Department of Correctional Services who is employed pursuant to section 81-1827. Such offender shall be deemed an employee of the Department of Correctional Services solely for purposes of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act;

(9) An executive officer of a corporation elected or appointed under the provisions or authority of the charter, articles of incorporation, or bylaws of such corporation who owns less than twenty-five percent of the common stock of such corporation or an executive officer of a nonprofit corporation elected or appointed under the provisions or authority of the charter, articles of incorporation, or bylaws of such corporation who receives annual compensation of more than one thousand dollars from such corporation. Such executive officer shall be an employee of such corporation under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act.

An executive officer of a corporation who owns twenty-five percent or more of the common stock of such corporation or an executive officer of a nonprofit corporation who receives annual compensation of one thousand dollars or less from such corporation shall not be construed to be an employee of the corporation under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act unless such executive officer elects to bring himself or herself within the provisions of the act. Such election shall be in writing and filed with the secretary of the corporation and with the workers' compensation insurer. Such election shall be effective upon receipt by the insurer for the current policy and subsequent policies issued by such insurer and shall remain in effect until the election is terminated, in writing, by the officer and the termination is filed with the insurer or until the insurer ceases to provide coverage for the corporation, whichever occurs first. Any such termination of election shall also be filed with the secretary of the corporation. If insurance is provided through a master policy or a multiple coordinated policy pursuant to the Professional Employer Organization Registration Act on or after January 1, 2012, then such election or termination of election shall also be filed with the professional employer organization. If coverage under the master policy or multiple coordinated policy ceases, then such election shall also be effective for a replacement master policy or multiple coordinated policy obtained by the professional employer organization and shall remain in effect for the new policy as provided in this subdivision. If such an executive officer has not elected to bring himself or herself within the provisions of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act pursuant to this subdivision and a health, accident, or other insurance policy covering such executive officer contains an exclusion of coverage if the executive officer is otherwise entitled to workers' compensation coverage, such exclusion is null and void as to such executive officer.

It is the intent of the Legislature that the changes made to this subdivision by Laws 2002, LB 417, shall apply to policies of insurance against liability arising under the act with an effective date on or after January 1, 2003, but shall not apply to any such policy with an effective date prior to January 1, 2003;

(10) Each individual employer, partner, limited liability company member, or self-employed person who is actually engaged in the individual employer's, partnership's, limited liability company's, or self-employed person's business on a substantially full-time basis who elects to bring himself or herself within the provisions of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act. Such election shall be in writing and filed with the workers' compensation insurer. Such election shall be effective upon receipt by the insurer for the current policy and subsequent policies issued by such insurer and shall remain in effect until the election is terminated, in writing, by such person and the termination is filed with the insurer or until the insurer ceases to provide coverage for the business, whichever occurs first. If insurance is provided through a master policy or a multiple coordinated policy pursuant to the Professional Employer Organization Registration Act on or after January 1, 2012, then such election or termination of election shall also be filed with the professional employer organization. If coverage under the master policy or multiple coordinated policy ceases, then such election shall also be effective for a replacement master policy or multiple coordinated policy obtained by the professional employer organization and shall remain in effect for the new policy as provided in this subdivision. If any such person who is actually engaged in the business on a substantially full-time basis has not elected to bring himself or herself within the provisions of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act pursuant to this subdivision and a health, accident, or other insurance policy covering such person contains an exclusion of coverage if such person is otherwise entitled to workers' compensation coverage, such exclusion shall be null and void as to such person; and

(11) An individual lessor of a commercial motor vehicle leased to a motor carrier and driven by such individual lessor who elects to bring himself or herself within the provisions of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act. Such election is made if he or she agrees in writing with the motor carrier to have the same rights as an employee only for purposes of workers' compensation coverage maintained by the motor carrier. For an election under this subdivision, the motor carrier's principal place of business must be in this state and the motor carrier must be authorized to self-insure liability under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act. Such an election shall (a) be effective from the date of such written agreement until such agreement is terminated, (b) be enforceable against such self-insured motor carrier in the same manner and to the same extent as claims arising under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act by employees of such self-insured motor carrier, and (c) not be deemed to be a contract of insurance for purposes of Chapter 44. Section 48-111 shall apply to the individual lessor and the self-insured motor carrier with respect to personal injury or death caused to such individual lessor by accident or occupational disease arising out of and in the course of performing services for such self-insured motor carrier in connection with such lease while such election is effective.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 198, § 15, p. 583; R.S.1913, § 3656; Laws 1917, c. 85, § 4, p. 201; Laws 1921, c. 122, § 1, p. 519; C.S.1922, § 3038; Laws 1927, c. 39, § 1, p. 169; C.S.1929, § 48-115; Laws 1933, c. 90, § 1, p. 362; Laws 1941, c. 93, § 1, p. 370; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-115; R.S.1943, § 48-115; Laws 1959, c. 222, § 1, p. 782; Laws 1961, c. 233, § 1, p. 689; Laws 1963, c. 282, § 1, p. 841; Laws 1967, c. 289, § 1, p. 788; Laws 1967, c. 291, § 1, p. 793; Laws 1969, c. 391, § 1, p. 1373; Laws 1973, LB 25, § 1;    Laws 1973, LB 150, § 1;    Laws 1973, LB 239, § 2;    Laws 1975, LB 186, § 1;    Laws 1976, LB 782, § 14; Laws 1977, LB 199, § 1;    Laws 1981, LB 20, § 1;    Laws 1983, LB 185, § 1;    Laws 1984, LB 776, § 1;    Laws 1986, LB 528, § 6;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 33;    Laws 1987, LB 353, § 1;    Laws 1993, LB 121, § 282;    Laws 1994, LB 884, § 63;    Laws 1996, LB 43, § 8;    Laws 1997, LB 138, § 38;    Laws 1997, LB 474, § 2;    Laws 1998, LB 1010, § 1;    Laws 1999, LB 216, § 1;    Laws 2002, LB 417, § 2;    Laws 2003, LB 332, § 1;    Laws 2005, LB 238, § 1;    Laws 2010, LB579, § 14;    Laws 2020, LB1002, § 42.    

Cross References


48-115.01. Employee; extend coverage; when.

Sections 48-115, 48-115.01, and 48-146 shall be so construed as to effectuate their general purpose to extend workers' compensation coverage to additional employees and officers as soon as the same may be done under the Constitution of Nebraska.

Source:Laws 1967, c. 291, § 3, p. 796; Laws 1986, LB 811, § 34.    

48-115.02. Lessor of commercial motor vehicles; agreement with self-insured motor carrier; authorized; effect.

An employer who is a lessor of one or more commercial motor vehicles leased to a self-insured motor carrier, may agree with the self-insured motor carrier that benefits under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act with respect to personal injury or death to the driver or drivers employed by such lessor caused by accident or occupational disease arising out of and in the course of performing services for the self-insured motor carrier in connection with such lease shall be paid by the self-insured motor carrier in the same manner and to the same extent as benefits under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act are paid to or on behalf of employees of the self-insured motor carrier. To participate in an agreement under this section the motor carrier's principal place of business must be in this state and the motor carrier must be authorized to self-insure liability under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act.

Such an agreement shall (1) constitute compliance by such lessor with the requirements of section 48-145 with respect to such driver or drivers, but only insofar as liability for personal injury or death to the driver or drivers employed by such lessor caused by accident or occupational disease arising out of and in the course of performing services for such self-insured motor carrier in connection with such lease is concerned, (2) be enforceable against such self-insured motor carrier in the same manner and to the same extent as claims arising under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act by employees of such self-insured motor carrier, and (3) not be deemed to be a contract of insurance for purposes of Chapter 44. Section 48-111 shall apply to such lessor, the driver or drivers employed by such lessor, and the self-insured motor carrier with respect to personal injury or death caused to such driver or drivers by accident or occupational disease arising out of and in the course of performing services for such self-insured motor carrier in connection with such lease while such an agreement is effective.

Source:Laws 1997, LB 474, § 3.    

48-116. Employers; evasion of law; what constitutes; exceptions.

Any person, firm, or corporation creating or carrying into operation any scheme, artifice, or device to enable him or her, them, or it to execute work without being responsible to the workers for the provisions of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act shall be included in the term employer, and with the immediate employer shall be jointly and severally liable to pay the compensation herein provided for and be subject to all the provisions of such act. This section, however, shall not be construed as applying to an owner who lets a contract to a contractor in good faith, or a contractor, who, in good faith, lets to a subcontractor a portion of his or her contract, if the owner or principal contractor, as the case may be, requires the contractor or subcontractor, respectively, to procure a policy or policies of insurance from an insurance company licensed to write such insurance in this state, which policy or policies of insurance shall guarantee payment of compensation according to the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act to injured workers.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 198, § 16, p. 584; R.S.1913, § 3657; C.S.1922, § 3039; C.S.1929, § 48-116; R.S.1943, § 48-116; Laws 1986, LB 811, § 35.    


48-117. Employers; evasion of law; compensation; calculation.

When compensation is claimed from or proceedings taken against a person, firm, or corporation under section 48-116, the compensation shall be calculated with reference to the wage the worker was receiving from the person by whom he or she was immediately employed at the time of the injury.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 198, § 17, p. 585; R.S.1913, § 3658; C.S.1922, § 3040; C.S.1929, § 48-117; R.S.1943, § 48-117; Laws 1986, LB 811, § 36.    


48-118. Third-party claims; subrogation.

When a third person is liable to the employee or to the dependents for the injury or death of the employee, the employer shall be subrogated to the right of the employee or to the dependents against such third person. The recovery by such employer shall not be limited to the amount payable as compensation to such employee or dependents, but such employer may recover any amount which such employee or his or her dependents should have been entitled to recover.

Any recovery by the employer against such third person, in excess of the compensation paid by the employer after deducting the expenses of making such recovery, shall be paid forthwith to the employee or to the dependents and shall be treated as an advance payment by the employer on account of any future installments of compensation.

Nothing in the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act shall be construed to deny the right of an injured employee or of his or her personal representative to bring suit against such third person in his or her own name or in the name of the personal representative based upon such liability, but in such event an employer having paid or paying compensation to such employee or his or her dependents shall be made a party to the suit for the purpose of reimbursement, under the right of subrogation, of any compensation paid.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 198, § 18, p. 585; R.S.1913, § 3659; C.S.1922, § 3041; Laws 1929, c. 135, § 1, p. 489; C.S.1929, § 48-118; R.S.1943, § 48-118; Laws 1963, c. 283, § 1, p. 844; Laws 1986, LB 811, § 37;    Laws 1994, LB 594, § 1;    Laws 1997, LB 854, § 1;    Laws 2000, LB 1221, § 2;    Laws 2005, LB 13, § 2;    Laws 2005, LB 238, § 2.    


48-118.01. Third-party claims; procedure; attorney's fees.

Before making a claim or bringing suit against a third person by the employee or his or her personal representative or by the employer or his or her workers' compensation insurer, thirty days' notice shall be given to the other potential parties, unless such notice is waived in writing, of the opportunity to join in such claim or action and to be represented by counsel. If a party entitled to notice cannot be found, the clerk of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court shall become the agent of such party for giving notice as required in this section. The notice when given to the clerk of the compensation court shall include an affidavit setting forth the facts, including the steps taken to locate such party.

After the expiration of thirty days, for failure to receive notice or other good cause shown, the district court before which the action is pending shall allow either party to intervene in such action, and if no action is pending then the district court in which it could be brought shall allow either party to commence such action. Each party shall have an equal voice in the claim and the prosecution of such suit, and any dispute arising shall be passed upon by the court before which the case is pending and if no action is pending then by the district court in which such action could be brought.

If the employee or his or her personal representative or the employer or his or her workers' compensation insurer join in prosecuting such claim and are represented by counsel, the reasonable expenses and the attorney's fees shall be, unless otherwise agreed upon, divided between such attorneys as directed by the court before which the case is pending and if no action is pending then by the district court in which such action could be brought.

Source:Laws 2005, LB 13, § 23.    


48-118.02. Third-party claims; expenses and attorney's fees; apportionment.

If either party after receiving notice under section 48-118.01 fails, by and through his or her attorney, to join in the third-party claim or suit, such party waives any and all claims or causes of action for improper prosecution of the third-party suit or inadequacy of a settlement made in accordance with section 48-118.04. The party bringing the claim or prosecuting the suit is entitled to deduct from any amount recovered the reasonable expenses of making such recovery, including a reasonable sum for attorney's fees. Such expenses and attorney's fees shall be prorated (1) to the amounts payable to the employer or his or her workers' compensation insurer under the right of subrogation established in section 48-118 and (2) to the amount in excess of such amount payable to the employer or his or her workers' compensation insurer under the right of subrogation. Such expenses and attorney's fees shall be apportioned by the court between the parties as their interests appear at the time of such recovery.

Source:Laws 2005, LB 13, § 24.    


48-118.03. Third-party claims; failure to give notice; effect.

If either party makes a claim or prosecutes a third-party action without giving notice to the other party, the party bringing the claim and prosecuting such action shall not deduct expenses or attorney's fees from the amount payable to the other party.

Source:Laws 2005, LB 13, § 25.    


48-118.04. Third-party claims; settlement; requirements.

(1) A settlement of a third-party claim under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act is void unless:

(a) Such settlement is agreed upon in writing by the employee or his or her personal representative and the workers' compensation insurer of the employer, if there is one, and if there is no insurer, then by the employer; or

(b) In the absence of such agreement, the court before which the action is pending determines that the settlement offer is fair and reasonable considering liability, damages, and the ability of the third person and his or her liability insurance carrier to satisfy any judgment.

(2) If the employee or his or her personal representative or the employer or his or her workers' compensation insurer do not agree in writing upon distribution of the proceeds of any judgment or settlement, the court, upon application, shall order a fair and equitable distribution of the proceeds of any judgment or settlement.

Source:Laws 2005, LB 13, § 26.    


48-118.05. Third-party claims; Workers' Compensation Trust Fund; subrogation rights.

In any case in which an injured employee is entitled to benefits from the Workers' Compensation Trust Fund for injuries occurring before December 1, 1997, as provided in section 48-128 and recovery is had against the third party liable to the employee for the injury, the Workers' Compensation Trust Fund shall be subrogated to the rights of the employee against such third party to the extent of the benefits due to him or her or which shall become due to him or her from such fund, subject to the rights of the employer and his or her workers' compensation insurer.

Source:Laws 2005, LB 13, § 27.    

48-119. Compensation; from what date computed.

No compensation shall be allowed for the first seven calendar days of disability, except as provided in section 48-120, but if disability extends beyond the period of seven calendar days, compensation shall begin on the eighth calendar day of disability, except that if such disability continues for six weeks or longer, compensation shall be computed from the date disability began. For purposes of this section, a partial day of disability shall be deemed a calendar day of disability.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 198, § 19, p. 585; R.S.1913, § 3660; Laws 1917, c. 85, § 5, p. 202; Laws 1921, c. 122, § 1, p. 520; C.S.1922, § 3042; C.S.1929, § 48-119; R.S.1943, § 48-119; Laws 1999, LB 216, § 2.    


48-120. Medical, surgical, and hospital services; employer's liability; fee schedule; physician, right to select; procedures; powers and duties; court; powers; dispute resolution procedure; managed care plan.

(1)(a) The employer is liable for all reasonable medical, surgical, and hospital services, including plastic surgery or reconstructive surgery but not cosmetic surgery when the injury has caused disfigurement, appliances, supplies, prosthetic devices, and medicines as and when needed, which are required by the nature of the injury and which will relieve pain or promote and hasten the employee's restoration to health and employment, and includes damage to or destruction of artificial members, dental appliances, teeth, hearing instruments, and eyeglasses, but, in the case of dental appliances, hearing instruments, or eyeglasses, only if such damage or destruction resulted from an accident which also caused personal injury entitling the employee to compensation therefor for disability or treatment, subject to the approval of and regulation by the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court, not to exceed the regular charge made for such service in similar cases.

(b) Except as provided in section 48-120.04, the compensation court shall establish schedules of fees for such services. The compensation court shall review such schedules at least biennially and adopt appropriate changes when necessary. The compensation court may contract with any person, firm, corporation, organization, or government agency to secure adequate data to establish such fees. The compensation court shall publish and furnish to the public the fee schedules established pursuant to this subdivision and section 48-120.04. The compensation court may establish and charge a fee to recover the cost of published fee schedules.

(c) Reimbursement for inpatient hospital services provided by hospitals located in or within fifteen miles of a Nebraska city of the metropolitan class or primary class and by other hospitals with fifty-one or more licensed beds shall be according to the Diagnostic Related Group inpatient hospital fee schedule or the trauma services inpatient hospital fee schedule established in section 48-120.04.

(d) A workers' compensation insurer, risk management pool, self-insured employer, or managed care plan certified pursuant to section 48-120.02 may contract with a provider or provider network for medical, surgical, or hospital services. Such contract may establish fees for services different than the fee schedules established under subdivision (1)(b) of this section or established under section 48-120.04. Such contract shall be in writing and mutually agreed upon prior to the date services are provided.

(e) The provider or supplier of such services shall not collect or attempt to collect from any employer, insurer, government, or injured employee or dependent or the estate of any injured or deceased employee any amount in excess of (i) the fee established by the compensation court for any such service, (ii) the fee established under section 48-120.04, or (iii) the fee contracted under subdivision (1)(d) of this section, including any finance charge or late penalty.

(2)(a) The employee has the right to select a physician who has maintained the employee's medical records prior to an injury and has a documented history of treatment with the employee prior to an injury or a physician who has maintained the medical records of an immediate family member of the employee prior to an injury and has a documented history of treatment with an immediate family member of the employee prior to an injury. For purposes of this subsection, immediate family member means the employee's spouse, children, parents, stepchildren, and stepparents. The employer shall notify the employee following an injury of such right of selection in a form and manner and within a timeframe established by the compensation court. If the employer fails to notify the employee of such right of selection or fails to notify the employee of such right of selection in a form and manner and within a timeframe established by the compensation court, then the employee has the right to select a physician. If the employee fails to exercise such right of selection in a form and manner and within a timeframe established by the compensation court following notice by the employer pursuant to this subsection, then the employer has the right to select the physician. If selection of the initial physician is made by the employee or employer pursuant to this subsection following notice by the employer pursuant to this subsection, the employee or employer shall not change the initial selection of physician made pursuant to this subsection unless such change is agreed to by the employee and employer or is ordered by the compensation court pursuant to subsection (6) of this section. If compensability is denied by the workers' compensation insurer, risk management pool, or self-insured employer, (i) the employee has the right to select a physician and shall not be made to enter a managed care plan and (ii) the employer is liable for medical, surgical, and hospital services subsequently found to be compensable. If the employer has exercised the right to select a physician pursuant to this subsection and if the compensation court subsequently orders reasonable medical services previously refused to be furnished to the employee by the physician selected by the employer, the compensation court shall allow the employee to select another physician to furnish further medical services. If the employee selects a physician located in a community not the home or place of work of the employee and a physician is available in the local community or in a closer community, no travel expenses shall be required to be paid by the employer or his or her workers' compensation insurer.

(b) In cases of injury requiring dismemberment or injuries involving major surgical operation, the employee may designate to his or her employer the physician or surgeon to perform the operation.

(c) If the injured employee unreasonably refuses or neglects to avail himself or herself of medical or surgical treatment furnished by the employer, except as herein and otherwise provided, the employer is not liable for an aggravation of such injury due to such refusal and neglect and the compensation court or judge thereof may suspend, reduce, or limit the compensation otherwise payable under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act.

(d) If, due to the nature of the injury or its occurrence away from the employer's place of business, the employee or the employer is unable to select a physician using the procedures provided by this subsection, the selection requirements of this subsection shall not apply as long as the inability to make a selection persists.

(e) The physician selected may arrange for any consultation, referral, or extraordinary or other specialized medical services as the nature of the injury requires.

(f) The employer is not responsible for medical services furnished or ordered by any physician or other person selected by the employee in disregard of this section. Except as otherwise provided by the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act, the employer is not liable for medical, surgical, or hospital services or medicines if the employee refuses to allow them to be furnished by the employer.

(3) No claim for such medical treatment is valid and enforceable unless, within fourteen days following the first treatment, the physician giving such treatment furnishes the employer a report of such injury and treatment on a form prescribed by the compensation court. The compensation court may excuse the failure to furnish such report within fourteen days when it finds it to be in the interest of justice to do so.

(4) All physicians and other providers of medical services attending injured employees shall comply with all the rules and regulations adopted and promulgated by the compensation court and shall make such reports as may be required by it at any time and at such times as required by it upon the condition or treatment of any injured employee or upon any other matters concerning cases in which they are employed. All medical and hospital information relevant to the particular injury shall, on demand, be made available to the employer, the employee, the workers' compensation insurer, and the compensation court. The party requesting such medical and hospital information shall pay the cost thereof. No such relevant information developed in connection with treatment or examination for which compensation is sought shall be considered a privileged communication for purposes of a workers' compensation claim. When a physician or other provider of medical services willfully fails to make any report required of him or her under this section, the compensation court may order the forfeiture of his or her right to all or part of payment due for services rendered in connection with the particular case.

(5) Whenever the compensation court deems it necessary, in order to assist it in resolving any issue of medical fact or opinion, it shall cause the employee to be examined by a physician or physicians selected by the compensation court and obtain from such physician or physicians a report upon the condition or matter which is the subject of inquiry. The compensation court may charge the cost of such examination to the workers' compensation insurer. The cost of such examination shall include the payment to the employee of all necessary and reasonable expenses incident to such examination, such as transportation and loss of wages.

(6) The compensation court shall have the authority to determine the necessity, character, and sufficiency of any medical services furnished or to be furnished and shall have authority to order a change of physician, hospital, rehabilitation facility, or other medical services when it deems such change is desirable or necessary. Any dispute regarding medical, surgical, or hospital services furnished or to be furnished under this section may be submitted by the parties, the supplier of such service, or the compensation court on its own motion for informal dispute resolution by a staff member of the compensation court or an outside mediator pursuant to section 48-168. In addition, any party or the compensation court on its own motion may submit such a dispute for a medical finding by an independent medical examiner pursuant to section 48-134.01. Issues submitted for informal dispute resolution or for a medical finding by an independent medical examiner may include, but are not limited to, the reasonableness and necessity of any medical treatment previously provided or to be provided to the injured employee. The compensation court may adopt and promulgate rules and regulations regarding informal dispute resolution or the submission of disputes to an independent medical examiner that are considered necessary to effectuate the purposes of this section.

(7) For the purpose of this section, physician has the same meaning as in section 48-151.

(8) The compensation court shall order the employer to make payment directly to the supplier of any services provided for in this section or reimbursement to anyone who has made any payment to the supplier for services provided in this section. No such supplier or payor may be made or become a party to any action before the compensation court.

(9) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, a workers' compensation insurer, risk management pool, or self-insured employer may contract for medical, surgical, hospital, and rehabilitation services to be provided through a managed care plan certified pursuant to section 48-120.02. Once liability for medical, surgical, and hospital services has been accepted or determined, the employer may require that employees subject to the contract receive medical, surgical, and hospital services in the manner prescribed in the contract, except that an employee may receive services from a physician selected by the employee pursuant to subsection (2) of this section if the physician so selected agrees to refer the employee to the managed care plan for any other treatment that the employee may require and if the physician so selected agrees to comply with all the rules, terms, and conditions of the managed care plan. If compensability is denied by the workers' compensation insurer, risk management pool, or self-insured employer, the employee may leave the managed care plan and the employer is liable for medical, surgical, and hospital services previously provided. The workers' compensation insurer, risk management pool, or self-insured employer shall give notice to employees subject to the contract of eligible service providers and such other information regarding the contract and manner of receiving medical, surgical, and hospital services under the managed care plan as the compensation court may prescribe.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 198, § 20, p. 585; R.S.1913, § 3661; Laws 1917, c. 85, § 6, p. 202; Laws 1919, c. 91, § 1, p. 228; Laws 1921, c. 122, § 1, p. 520; C.S.1922, § 3043; C.S.1929, § 48-120; Laws 1935, c. 57, § 19, p. 197; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-120; R.S.1943, § 48-120; Laws 1965, c. 278, § 1, p. 799; Laws 1969, c. 388, § 2, p. 1359; Laws 1969, c. 392, § 1, p. 1376; Laws 1975, LB 127, § 1;    Laws 1978, LB 529, § 2;    Laws 1979, LB 215, § 1;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 38;    Laws 1987, LB 187, § 1;    Laws 1992, LB 360, § 13;    Laws 1993, LB 757, § 2;    Laws 1998, LB 1010, § 2;    Laws 1999, LB 216, § 3;    Laws 2005, LB 238, § 3;    Laws 2007, LB588, § 1;    Laws 2009, LB195, § 51;    Laws 2011, LB152, § 1;    Laws 2015, LB480, § 2.    


48-120.01. Terms, defined.

As used in section 48-120, unless the context otherwise requires:

(1) Plastic surgery shall mean that branch of surgery concerned with the repair or restoration of lost, injured, or deformed body parts chiefly by transfer of tissue; and

(2) Reconstructive surgery shall mean surgery which restores or tends to restore an injured or deformed structure.

Source:Laws 1978, LB 529, § 1.    

48-120.02. Managed care plan; certification; application; requirements; conditions; dispute resolution procedure; required; independent medical examiner; compensation court; powers and duties; Attorney General; duties.

(1) Any person or entity may make written application to the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court to have a plan certified that provides management of quality treatment to injured employees for injuries and diseases compensable under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act. Any such person or entity having a relationship with a workers' compensation insurer or any such person or entity having a relationship with an employer for which a plan is being proposed for its own employees shall make full disclosure of such relationship to the compensation court under rules and regulations to be adopted and promulgated by the compensation court. Each application for certification shall be accompanied by a reasonable fee prescribed by the compensation court. A plan may be certified to provide services in a limited geographic area. A certificate is valid for the period the compensation court prescribes unless earlier revoked or suspended pursuant to subsection (4) or (5) of this section. Application for certification shall be made in the form and manner and shall set forth information regarding the proposed plan for providing services as the compensation court may prescribe. The information shall include, but not be limited to:

(a) A list of the names of all providers of medical, surgical, and hospital services under the managed care plan, together with a statement that all licensing, certification, or registration requirements for the providers are current and in good standing in this state or the state in which the provider is practicing; and

(b) A description of the places and manner of providing services under the plan.

(2) The compensation court shall certify a managed care plan if the compensation court finds that the plan:

(a) Proposes to provide quality services that meet uniform treatment standards which may be prescribed by the compensation court and all medical, surgical, and hospital services that may be required by the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act in a manner that is timely, effective, and convenient for the employee;

(b) Is reasonably geographically convenient to employees it serves;

(c) Provides appropriate financial incentives to reduce service costs and utilization without sacrificing the quality of service;

(d) Provides adequate methods of peer review, utilization review, and dispute resolution to prevent inappropriate, excessive, or not medically necessary treatment and excludes participation in the plan by those individuals who violate treatment standards;

(e) Provides a procedure for the resolution of medical disputes;

(f) Provides aggressive case management for injured employees and provides a program for early return to work and cooperative efforts by the employees, the employer, and the managed care plan to promote workplace health and safety consultative and other services;

(g) Provides a timely and accurate method of reporting to the compensation court necessary information regarding medical, surgical, and hospital service cost and utilization to enable the compensation court to determine the effectiveness of the plan;

(h) Authorizes employees to receive medical, surgical, and hospital services from a physician who is not a member of the managed care plan if such physician has been selected by the employee pursuant to subsection (2) of section 48-120 and if such physician agrees to refer the employee to the managed care plan for any other treatment that the employee may require and agrees to comply with all the rules, terms, and conditions of the managed care plan;

(i) Authorizes necessary emergency medical treatment for an injury which is provided by a provider of medical, surgical, and hospital services who is not a part of the managed care plan;

(j) Does not discriminate against or exclude from participation in the plan any category of providers of medical, surgical, or hospital services and includes an adequate number of each category of providers of medical, surgical, and hospital services to give employees convenient geographic accessibility to all categories of providers and adequate flexibility to choose a physician to provide medical, surgical, and hospital services from among those who provide services under the plan;

(k) Provides an employee the right to change the physician initially selected to provide medical, surgical, and hospital services under the plan at least once; and

(l) Complies with any other requirement the compensation court determines is necessary to provide quality medical, surgical, and hospital services to injured employees.

The compensation court may accept findings, licenses, certifications, or registrations of other state agencies as satisfactory evidence of compliance with a particular requirement of this subsection.

(3) An employee shall exhaust the dispute resolution procedure of the certified managed care plan prior to filing a petition or otherwise seeking relief from the compensation court on an issue related to managed care. If an employee has exhausted the dispute resolution procedure of the managed care plan, the employee may seek a medical finding by an independent medical examiner pursuant to section 48-134.01. No petition may be filed with the compensation court pursuant to section 48-173 solely on the issue of the reasonableness and necessity of medical treatment unless a medical finding on such issue has been rendered by an independent medical examiner pursuant to section 48-134.01. If the compensation court subsequently orders reasonable medical services previously refused to be furnished to the employee by a physician who is a member of the managed care plan, the compensation court shall allow the employee to select another physician to furnish further medical services if the physician so selected complies with all rules, terms, and conditions of the managed care plan and refers the employee to the managed care plan for any other treatment that the employee may require.

(4) The compensation court may refuse to certify a managed care plan or a three-judge panel of the compensation court may, after notice and hearing, revoke or suspend the certification of a managed care plan that unfairly restricts direct access within the managed care plan to any category of provider of medical, surgical, or hospital services. Direct access within the managed care plan is unfairly restricted if direct access is denied and the treatment or service sought is within the scope of practice of the profession to which direct access is sought and is appropriate under the standards of treatment adopted by the managed care plan or, in instances where the compensation court has adopted standards of treatment, the standards adopted by the compensation court.

(5) The compensation court may refuse to certify a managed care plan if the compensation court finds that the plan for providing medical, surgical, and hospital services fails to meet the requirements of this section. A three-judge panel of the compensation court may, after notice and hearing, revoke or suspend the certification of a managed care plan if the panel finds that the plan fails to meet the requirements of this section or that service under the plan is not being provided in accordance with the terms of a certified plan.

(6) The Attorney General, when requested by the administrator of the compensation court, may file a motion pursuant to section 48-162.03 for an order directing representatives of a certified managed care plan to appear before a three-judge panel of the compensation court and show cause as to why the panel should not revoke or suspend certification of the plan pursuant to subsection (4) or (5) of this section. The Attorney General shall be considered a party for purposes of such motion. The Attorney General may appear before the three-judge panel and present evidence that the managed care plan unfairly restricts direct access within the plan, that the plan fails to meet the requirements of this section, or that service under the plan is not being provided in accordance with the terms of a certified plan. The presiding judge shall rule on a motion of the Attorney General pursuant to this subsection and, if applicable, shall appoint judges of the compensation court to serve on the three-judge panel. The presiding judge shall not serve on such panel. Appeal from a suspension or revocation pursuant to subsection (4) or (5) of this section shall be in accordance with section 48-185. No such appeal shall operate as a supersedeas.

(7) The compensation court may adopt and promulgate rules and regulations necessary to implement this section.

Source:Laws 1993, LB 757, § 3;    Laws 1998, LB 1010, § 3;    Laws 1999, LB 216, § 4;    Laws 2000, LB 1221, § 3;    Laws 2005, LB 13, § 3.    

48-120.03. Generic drugs; use.

Any person or entity that dispenses medicines and medical supplies, as required by section 48-120, shall dispense the generic drug equivalent unless:

(1) A generic drug equivalent is unavailable; or

(2) The prescribing physician specifically provides in writing that a nongeneric drug must be dispensed.

Source:Laws 2005, LB 13, § 28.    

48-120.04. Diagnostic Related Group inpatient hospital fee schedule; trauma services inpatient hospital fee schedule; established; applicability; adjustments; methodology; hospital; duties; reports; compensation court; powers and duties.

(1) This section applies only to hospitals identified in subdivision (1)(c) of section 48-120.

(2) For inpatient discharges on or after January 1, 2008, the Diagnostic Related Group inpatient hospital fee schedule shall be as set forth in this section, except as otherwise provided in subdivision (1)(d) of section 48-120. Adjustments shall be made annually as provided in this section, with such adjustments to become effective each January 1.

(3) For inpatient trauma discharges on or after January 1, 2012, the trauma services inpatient hospital fee schedule shall be as set forth in this section, except as otherwise provided in subdivision (1)(d) of section 48-120. Adjustments shall be made annually as provided in this section, with such adjustments to become effective each January 1.

(4) For purposes of this section:

(a) Current Medicare Factor is derived from the Diagnostic Related Group Prospective Payment System as established by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services under the United States Department of Health and Human Services and means the summation of the following components:

(i) Hospital-specific Federal Standardized Amount, including all wage index adjustments and reclassifications;

(ii) Hospital-specific Capital Standard Federal Rate, including geographic, outlier, and exception adjustment factors;

(iii) Hospital-specific Indirect Medical Education Rate, reflecting a percentage add-on for indirect medical education costs and related capital; and

(iv) Hospital-specific Disproportionate Share Hospital Rate, reflecting a percentage add-on for disproportionate share of low-income patient costs and related capital;

(b) Current Medicare Weight means the weight assigned to each Medicare Diagnostic Related Group as established by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services under the United States Department of Health and Human Services;

(c) Diagnostic Related Group means the Diagnostic Related Group assigned to inpatient hospital services using the public domain classification and methodology system developed for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services under the United States Department of Health and Human Services;

(d) Trauma means a major single-system or multisystem injury requiring immediate medical or surgical intervention or treatment to prevent death or permanent disability;

(e) Workers' Compensation Factor means the Current Medicare Factor for each hospital multiplied by one hundred fifty percent except for inpatient hospital trauma services; and

(f) Workers' Compensation Trauma Factor for inpatient hospital trauma services means the Current Medicare Factor for each hospital multiplied by one hundred sixty percent.

(5) The Diagnostic Related Group inpatient hospital fee schedule shall include at least thirty-eight of the most frequently utilized Medicare Diagnostic Related Groups for workers' compensation with the goal that the fee schedule covers at least ninety percent of all workers' compensation inpatient hospital claims submitted by hospitals identified in subdivision (1)(c) of section 48-120. Rehabilitation Diagnostic Related Groups shall not be included in the Diagnostic Related Group inpatient hospital fee schedule. Claims for inpatient trauma services shall not be reimbursed under the Diagnostic Related Group inpatient hospital fee schedule established under this section. Claims for inpatient trauma services prior to January 1, 2012, shall be reimbursed under the fees established by the compensation court pursuant to subdivision (1)(b) of section 48-120 or as contracted pursuant to subdivision (1)(d) of such section. Claims for inpatient trauma services on or after January 1, 2012, for Diagnostic Related Groups subject to the Diagnostic Related Group inpatient hospital fee schedule shall be reimbursed under the trauma services inpatient hospital fee schedule established in this section, except as otherwise provided in subdivision (1)(d) of section 48-120.

(6) The trauma services inpatient hospital fee schedule shall be established by the following methodology:

(a) The trauma services reimbursement amount required under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act shall be equal to the Current Medicare Weight multiplied by the Workers' Compensation Trauma Factor for each hospital;

(b) The Stop-Loss Threshold amount shall be the trauma services reimbursement amount calculated in subdivision (6)(a) of this section multiplied by one and one-quarter;

(c) For charges over the Stop-Loss Threshold amount of the schedule, the hospital shall be reimbursed the trauma services reimbursement amount calculated in subdivision (6)(a) of this section plus sixty-five percent of the charges over the Stop-Loss Threshold amount; and

(d) For charges less than the Stop-Loss Threshold amount of the schedule, the hospital shall be reimbursed the lower of the hospital's billed charges or the trauma services reimbursement amount calculated in subdivision (6)(a) of this section.

(7) The Diagnostic Related Group inpatient hospital fee schedule shall be established by the following methodology:

(a) The Diagnostic Related Group reimbursement amount required under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act shall be equal to the Current Medicare Weight multiplied by the Workers' Compensation Factor for each hospital;

(b) The Stop-Loss Threshold amount shall be the Diagnostic Related Group reimbursement amount calculated in subdivision (7)(a) of this section multiplied by two and one-half;

(c) For charges over the Stop-Loss Threshold amount of the schedule, the hospital shall be reimbursed the Diagnostic Related Group reimbursement amount calculated in subdivision (7)(a) of this section plus sixty percent of the charges over the Stop-Loss Threshold amount; and

(d) For charges less than the Stop-Loss Threshold amount of the schedule, the hospital shall be reimbursed the lower of the hospital's billed charges or the Diagnostic Related Group reimbursement amount calculated in subdivision (7)(a) of this section.

(8) For charges for all other stays or services that are not reimbursed under the Diagnostic Related Group inpatient hospital fee schedule or the trauma services inpatient hospital fee schedule or are not contracted for under subdivision (1)(d) of section 48-120, the hospital shall be reimbursed under the schedule of fees established by the compensation court pursuant to subdivision (1)(b) of section 48-120.

(9) Each hospital shall assign and include a Diagnostic Related Group on each workers' compensation claim submitted. The workers' compensation insurer, risk management pool, or self-insured employer may audit the Diagnostic Related Group assignment of the hospital.

(10) The chief executive officer of each hospital shall sign and file with the administrator of the compensation court by October 15 of each year, in the form and manner prescribed by the administrator, a sworn statement disclosing the Current Medicare Factor of the hospital in effect on October 1 of such year and each item and amount making up such factor.

(11) Each hospital, workers' compensation insurer, risk management pool, and self-insured employer shall report to the administrator of the compensation court by October 15 of each year, in the form and manner prescribed by the administrator, the total number of claims submitted for each Diagnostic Related Group, the number of claims for each Diagnostic Related Group that included trauma services, the number of times billed charges exceeded the Stop-Loss Threshold amount for each Diagnostic Related Group, and the number of times billed charges exceeded the Stop-Loss Threshold amount for each trauma service.

(12) The compensation court may add or subtract Diagnostic Related Groups in striving to achieve the goal of including those Diagnostic Related Groups that encompass at least ninety percent of the inpatient hospital workers' compensation claims submitted by hospitals identified in subdivision (1)(c) of section 48-120. The administrator of the compensation court shall annually make necessary adjustments to comply with the Current Medicare Weights and shall annually adjust the Current Medicare Factor for each hospital based on the annual statement submitted pursuant to subsection (10) of this section.

Source:Laws 2007, LB588, § 2;    Laws 2009, LB630, § 2;    Laws 2010, LB872, § 1;    Laws 2011, LB152, § 2.    

48-121. Compensation; schedule; total, partial, and temporary disability; injury to specific parts of the body; amounts and duration of payments.

The following schedule of compensation is hereby established for injuries resulting in disability:

(1) For total disability, the compensation during such disability shall be sixty-six and two-thirds percent of the wages received at the time of injury, but such compensation shall not be more than the maximum weekly income benefit specified in section 48-121.01 nor less than the minimum weekly income benefit specified in section 48-121.01, except that if at the time of injury the employee receives wages of less than the minimum weekly income benefit specified in section 48-121.01, then he or she shall receive the full amount of such wages per week as compensation. Nothing in this subdivision shall require payment of compensation after disability shall cease;

(2) For disability partial in character, except the particular cases mentioned in subdivision (3) of this section, the compensation shall be sixty-six and two-thirds percent of the difference between the wages received at the time of the injury and the earning power of the employee thereafter, but such compensation shall not be more than the maximum weekly income benefit specified in section 48-121.01. This compensation shall be paid during the period of such partial disability but not beyond three hundred weeks. Should total disability be followed by partial disability, the period of three hundred weeks mentioned in this subdivision shall be reduced by the number of weeks during which compensation was paid for such total disability;

(3) For disability resulting from permanent injury of the classes listed in this subdivision, the compensation shall be in addition to the amount paid for temporary disability, except that the compensation for temporary disability shall cease as soon as the extent of the permanent disability is ascertainable. For disability resulting from permanent injury of the following classes, compensation shall be: For the loss of a thumb, sixty-six and two-thirds percent of daily wages during sixty weeks. For the loss of a first finger, commonly called the index finger, sixty-six and two-thirds percent of daily wages during thirty-five weeks. For the loss of a second finger, sixty-six and two-thirds percent of daily wages during thirty weeks. For the loss of a third finger, sixty-six and two-thirds percent of daily wages during twenty weeks. For the loss of a fourth finger, commonly called the little finger, sixty-six and two-thirds percent of daily wages during fifteen weeks. The loss of the first phalange of the thumb or of any finger shall be considered to be equal to the loss of one-half of such thumb or finger and compensation shall be for one-half of the periods of time above specified, and the compensation for the loss of one-half of the first phalange shall be for one-fourth of the periods of time above specified. The loss of more than one phalange shall be considered as the loss of the entire finger or thumb, except that in no case shall the amount received for more than one finger exceed the amount provided in this schedule for the loss of a hand. For the loss of a great toe, sixty-six and two-thirds percent of daily wages during thirty weeks. For the loss of one of the toes other than the great toe, sixty-six and two-thirds percent of daily wages during ten weeks. The loss of the first phalange of any toe shall be considered equal to the loss of one-half of such toe, and compensation shall be for one-half of the periods of time above specified. The loss of more than one phalange shall be considered as the loss of the entire toe. For the loss of a hand, sixty-six and two-thirds percent of daily wages during one hundred seventy-five weeks. For the loss of an arm, sixty-six and two-thirds percent of daily wages during two hundred twenty-five weeks. For the loss of a foot, sixty-six and two-thirds percent of daily wages during one hundred fifty weeks. For the loss of a leg, sixty-six and two-thirds percent of daily wages during two hundred fifteen weeks. For the loss of an eye, sixty-six and two-thirds percent of daily wages during one hundred twenty-five weeks. For the loss of an ear, sixty-six and two-thirds percent of daily wages during twenty-five weeks. For the loss of hearing in one ear, sixty-six and two-thirds percent of daily wages during fifty weeks. For the loss of the nose, sixty-six and two-thirds percent of daily wages during fifty weeks.

In any case in which there is a loss or loss of use of more than one member or parts of more than one member set forth in this subdivision, but not amounting to total and permanent disability, compensation benefits shall be paid for the loss or loss of use of each such member or part thereof, with the periods of benefits to run consecutively. The total loss or permanent total loss of use of both hands, or both arms, or both feet, or both legs, or both eyes, or hearing in both ears, or of any two thereof, in one accident, shall constitute total and permanent disability and be compensated for according to subdivision (1) of this section. In all other cases involving a loss or loss of use of both hands, both arms, both feet, both legs, both eyes, or hearing in both ears, or of any two thereof, total and permanent disability shall be determined in accordance with the facts. Amputation between the elbow and the wrist shall be considered as the equivalent of the loss of a hand, and amputation between the knee and the ankle shall be considered as the equivalent of the loss of a foot. Amputation at or above the elbow shall be considered as the loss of an arm, and amputation at or above the knee shall be considered as the loss of a leg. Permanent total loss of the use of a finger, hand, arm, foot, leg, or eye shall be considered as the equivalent of the loss of such finger, hand, arm, foot, leg, or eye. In all cases involving a permanent partial loss of the use or function of any of the members mentioned in this subdivision, the compensation shall bear such relation to the amounts named in such subdivision as the disabilities bear to those produced by the injuries named therein.

If, in the compensation court's discretion, compensation benefits payable for a loss or loss of use of more than one hand, arm, foot, or leg, or any combination thereof, resulting from the same accident or illness, do not adequately compensate the employee for such loss or loss of use and such loss or loss of use results in at least a thirty percent loss of earning capacity, the compensation court shall, upon request of the employee, determine the employee's loss of earning capacity consistent with the process for such determination under subdivision (1) or (2) of this section, and in such a case the employee shall not be entitled to compensation under this subdivision. Loss or loss of use of multiple parts of the same arm, including the hand and fingers, or loss or loss of use of multiple parts of the same leg, including the foot and toes, resulting from the same accident or illness shall not entitle the employee to compensation under subdivision (1) or (2) of this section.

If the employer and the employee are unable to agree upon the amount of compensation to be paid in cases not covered by the schedule, the amount of compensation shall be settled according to sections 48-173 to 48-185. Compensation under this subdivision shall not be more than the maximum weekly income benefit specified in section 48-121.01 nor less than the minimum weekly income benefit specified in section 48-121.01, except that if at the time of the injury the employee received wages of less than the minimum weekly income benefit specified in section 48-121.01, then he or she shall receive the full amount of such wages per week as compensation;

(4) For disability resulting from permanent disability, if immediately prior to the accident the rate of wages was fixed by the day or hour, or by the output of the employee, the weekly wages shall be taken to be computed upon the basis of a workweek of a minimum of five days, if the wages are paid by the day, or upon the basis of a workweek of a minimum of forty hours, if the wages are paid by the hour, or upon the basis of a workweek of a minimum of five days or forty hours, whichever results in the higher weekly wage, if the wages are based on the output of the employee; and

(5) The employee shall be entitled to compensation from his or her employer for temporary disability while undergoing physical or medical rehabilitation and while undergoing vocational rehabilitation whether such vocational rehabilitation is voluntarily offered by the employer and accepted by the employee or is ordered by the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court or any judge of the compensation court.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 198, § 21, p. 586; R.S.1913, § 3662; Laws 1917, c. 85, § 7, p. 202; Laws 1919, c. 91, § 2, p. 228; Laws 1921, c. 122, § 1, p. 521; C.S.1922, § 3044; C.S.1929, § 48-121; Laws 1935, c. 57, § 41, p. 210; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-121; R.S.1943, § 48-121; Laws 1945, c. 112, § 1, p. 357; Laws 1949, c. 160, § 1, p. 403; Laws 1951, c. 152, § 1, p. 617; Laws 1953, c. 162, § 1, p. 506; Laws 1955, c. 186, § 1, p. 527; Laws 1957, c. 203, § 1, p. 710; Laws 1957, c. 204, § 1, p. 716; Laws 1959, c. 223, § 1, p. 784; Laws 1963, c. 284, § 1, p. 847; Laws 1963, c. 285, § 1, p. 854; Laws 1965, c. 279, § 1, p. 800; Laws 1967, c. 288, § 1, p. 783; Laws 1969, c. 388, § 3, p. 1360; Laws 1969, c. 393, § 1, p. 1378; Laws 1971, LB 320, § 1;    Laws 1973, LB 193, § 1;    Laws 1974, LB 710, § 1;    Laws 1974, LB 807, § 1;    Laws 1974, LB 808, § 1;    Laws 1975, LB 198, § 1;    Laws 1977, LB 275, § 1;    Laws 1978, LB 446, § 1;    Laws 1979, LB 114, § 1;    Laws 1979, LB 358, § 1;    Laws 1983, LB 158, § 1;    Laws 1985, LB 608, § 1;    Laws 1993, LB 757, § 4;    Laws 1999, LB 216, § 5;    Laws 2007, LB588, § 4;    Laws 2024, LB1017, § 1.    
Effective Date: July 19, 2024


48-121.01. Maximum and minimum weekly income benefit; amounts; Governor; power to suspend.

(1)(a)(i) Commencing July 1, 1991, the maximum weekly income benefit under sections 48-121 and 48-122 shall be two hundred sixty-five dollars.

(ii) Commencing June 1, 1994, the maximum weekly income benefit under sections 48-121 and 48-122 shall be three hundred ten dollars.

(iii) Commencing January 1, 1995, the maximum weekly income benefit under sections 48-121 and 48-122 shall be three hundred fifty dollars.

(b) Commencing January 1, 1996, and each January 1 thereafter, the maximum weekly income benefit under sections 48-121 and 48-122 shall be one hundred percent, computed to the next higher whole dollar, of the state average weekly wage determined pursuant to section 48-121.02, except that for the purposes of calendar years commencing after 1996, the Governor may not later than November 15, 1996, and not later than each November 15 thereafter, conduct a public hearing after not less than thirty days' notice to consider whether he or she should issue an order to suspend the effectiveness of the change in the maximum weekly income benefit otherwise required by this subdivision for the ensuing calendar year. In order to make his or her decision, the Governor shall consider such factors as recent trends in economic conditions in the state, general wage levels, workers' compensation benefit levels, and workers' compensation premium levels. After such hearing but not later than November 30 immediately thereafter, the Governor may issue an order to suspend the effectiveness of the change in the maximum weekly income benefit otherwise required by this subdivision for the ensuing calendar year.

(2) The minimum weekly income benefit under sections 48-121 and 48-122 shall be forty-nine dollars.

Source:Laws 1985, LB 608, § 3;    Laws 1987, LB 292, § 1;    Laws 1990, LB 313, § 1;    Laws 1993, LB 757, § 5.    


48-121.02. State average weekly wage; how determined.

For purposes of section 48-121.01, the state average weekly wage shall be determined by the administrator of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court as follows: On or before October 1 of each year, the total insured wages reported to the Department of Labor for the preceding calendar year, excluding federal employees, shall be divided by the average monthly number of employees insured under the Employment Security Law. Such average monthly number of employees shall be determined by dividing the total number of employees insured under the Employment Security Law reported for such calendar year by twelve. The state average annual wage thus obtained shall be divided by fifty-two, and the state average weekly wage thus determined shall be rounded to the nearest whole cent. The state average weekly wage as so determined shall be applicable for the calendar year commencing January 1 following the October 1 determination.

Source:Laws 1993, LB 757, § 6;    Laws 2005, LB 13, § 4.    

Cross References

48-122. Compensation; injuries causing death; amount and duration of payments; computation of wages; expenses of burial; alien dependents; appointment of attorney in fact; bond; filing required.

(1) If death results from injuries and the deceased employee leaves one or more dependents dependent upon his or her earnings for support at the time of injury, the compensation, subject to section 48-123, shall be not more than the maximum weekly income benefit specified in section 48-121.01 nor less than the minimum weekly income benefit specified in section 48-121.01, except that if at the time of injury the employee receives wages of less than the minimum weekly income benefit specified in section 48-121.01, then the compensation shall be the full amount of such wages per week, payable in the amount and to the persons enumerated in section 48-122.01 subject to the maximum limits specified in this section and section 48-122.03.

(2) When death results from injuries suffered in employment, if immediately prior to the accident the rate of wages was fixed by the day or hour, or by the output of the employee, the weekly wages shall be taken to be computed upon the basis of a workweek of a minimum of five days, if the wages are paid by the day, or upon the basis of a workweek of a minimum of forty hours, if the wages are paid by the hour, or upon the basis of a workweek of a minimum of five days or forty hours, whichever results in the higher weekly wage, if the wages are based on the output of the employee.

(3) Upon the death of an employee, resulting through personal injuries as defined in section 48-151, whether or not there are dependents entitled to compensation, the reasonable expenses of burial, not exceeding eleven thousand dollars, without deduction of any amount previously paid or to be paid for compensation or for medical expenses, shall be paid to his or her dependents, or if there are no dependents, then to his or her personal representative. Beginning in 2023, the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court shall annually adjust the dollar limitation in this subsection. The adjusted limitation shall be equal to the then current limitation adjusted by the greater of one percent or the percentage change, for the preceding year, in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers, as prepared by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Any adjustment shall be effective on July 1. The adjustment shall not exceed two and three-quarters percent per annum. If the amount so adjusted is not a multiple of one hundred dollars, the amount shall be rounded to the nearest multiple of one hundred dollars.

(4) Compensation under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act to alien dependents who are not residents of the United States shall be the same in amount as is provided in each case for residents, except that at any time within one year after the death of the injured employee the employer may at his or her option commute all future installments of compensation to be paid to such alien dependents. The amount of the commuted payment shall be determined as provided in section 48-138.

(5)(a)(i) Except as provided in subdivision (5)(a)(ii) of this section, the consular officer of the nation of which the employee, whose injury results in death, is a citizen shall be regarded as the sole legal representative of any alien dependents of the employee residing outside of the United States and representing the nationality of the employee.

(ii) At any time prior to the final settlement, a nonresident alien dependent may file with the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court a power of attorney designating any suitable person residing in this state to act as attorney in fact in proceedings under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act. If the compensation court determines that the interests of the nonresident alien dependent will be better served by such person than by the consular officer, the compensation court shall appoint such person to act as attorney in fact in such proceedings. In making such determination the court shall consider, among other things, whether a consular officer's jurisdiction includes Nebraska and the responsiveness of the consular officer to attempts made by an attorney representing the employee to engage such consular officer in the proceedings.

(b) Such consular officer or appointed person shall have in behalf of such nonresident alien dependents the exclusive right to institute proceedings for, adjust, and settle all claims for compensation provided by the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act and to receive the distribution to such nonresident alien dependents of all compensation arising thereunder.

(c) A person appointed under subdivision (5)(a)(ii) of this section shall furnish a bond satisfactory to the compensation court conditioned upon the proper application of any money received as compensation under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act. Before the bond is discharged, such appointed person shall file with the compensation court a verified account of receipts and disbursements of such money.

(d) For purposes of this section, consular officer means a consul general, vice consul general, or vice consul or the representative of any such official residing within the State of Nebraska.

(6) The changes made to this section by Laws 2019, LB418, apply to cases under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act that are pending on September 1, 2019, and to cases filed on or after such date.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 198, § 22, p. 588; R.S.1913, § 3663; Laws 1917, c. 85, § 8, p. 205; Laws 1919, c. 91, § 3, p. 232; C.S.1922, § 3045; C.S.1929, § 48-122; Laws 1935, c. 57, § 40, p. 209; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-122; R.S.1943, § 48-122; Laws 1945, c. 112, § 2, p. 361; Laws 1949, c. 160, § 2, p. 406; Laws 1951, c. 152, § 2, p. 620; Laws 1953, c. 162, § 2, p. 509; Laws 1955, c. 186, § 2, p. 530; Laws 1957, c. 203, § 2, p. 713; Laws 1957, c. 204, § 2, p. 719; Laws 1959, c. 223, § 2, p. 787; Laws 1963, c. 284, § 2, p. 850; Laws 1963, c. 285, § 2, p. 858; Laws 1965, c. 279, § 2, p. 803; Laws 1967, c. 288, § 2, p. 786; Laws 1969, c. 393, § 2, p. 1381; Laws 1971, LB 320, § 2;    Laws 1973, LB 193, § 2;    Laws 1974, LB 710, § 2;    Laws 1975, LB 198, § 2;    Laws 1977, LB 275, § 2;    Laws 1978, LB 446, § 2;    Laws 1979, LB 114, § 2;    Laws 1981, LB 234, § 1;    Laws 1983, LB 158, § 2;    Laws 1985, LB 608, § 2;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 39;    Laws 1997, LB 853, § 1;    Laws 2012, LB738, § 1;    Laws 2019, LB418, § 1;    Laws 2020, LB963, § 2.    


48-122.01. Compensation; schedule.

Compensation under section 48-122 shall be payable in the amount and to the following persons subject to the maximum limits specified in sections 48-122 and 48-122.03:

(1) If there is a widow or widower and no children of the deceased, as defined in section 48-124, to such widow or widower, sixty-six and two-thirds percent of the average weekly wage of the deceased, during widowhood or widowerhood;

(2) To the widow or widower, if there is a child or children living with the widow or widower, sixty percent of the average weekly wage of the deceased, or fifty-five percent, if such child is not or such children are not living with a widow or widower, and, in addition thereto, fifteen percent for each child. When there are two or more such children, the indemnity benefits payable on account of such children shall be divided among such children, share and share alike;

(3) Two years' indemnity benefits in one lump sum shall be payable to a widow or widower upon remarriage;

(4) To the children, if there is no widow or widower, sixty-six and two-thirds percent of such wage for one child, and fifteen percent for each additional child, divided among such children, share and share alike;

(5) The income benefits payable on account of any child under this section shall cease when he or she dies, marries, or reaches the age of nineteen, or when a child over such age ceases to be physically or mentally incapable of self-support, or if actually dependent ceases to be actually dependent, or, if enrolled as a full-time student in any accredited educational institution, ceases to be so enrolled or reaches the age of twenty-five. A child who originally qualified as a dependent by virtue of being less than nineteen years of age may, upon reaching age nineteen, continue to qualify if he or she satisfies the tests of being physically or mentally incapable of self-support, actual dependency, or enrollment in an educational institution;

(6) To each parent, if actually dependent, twenty-five percent;

(7) To the brothers, sisters, grandparents, and grandchildren, if actually dependent, twenty-five percent to each such dependent. If there should be more than one of such dependents, the total income benefits payable on account of such dependents shall be divided share and share alike;

(8) The income benefits of each beneficiary under subdivisions (6) and (7) of this section shall be paid until he or she, if a parent or grandparent, dies, marries, or ceases to be actually dependent, or, if a brother, sister, or grandchild, dies, marries, or reaches the age of nineteen or if over that age ceases to be physically or mentally incapable of self-support, or ceases to be actually dependent; and

(9) A person ceases to be actually dependent when his or her income from all sources exclusive of workers' compensation income benefits is such that, if it had existed at the time as of which the original determination of actual dependency was made, it would not have supported a finding of dependency. In any event, if the present annual income of an actual dependent person including workers' compensation income benefits at any time exceeds the total annual support received by the person from the deceased employee, the workers' compensation benefits shall be reduced so that the total annual income is no greater than such amount of annual support received from the deceased employee. In all cases, a person found to be actually dependent shall be presumed to be no longer actually dependent three years after each time as of which the person was found to be actually dependent. This presumption may be overcome by proof of continued actual dependency as defined in this subdivision and section 48-124.

Source:Laws 1973, LB 193, § 3;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 40;    Laws 2000, LB 1221, § 4.    

48-122.02. Compensation; cessation of income benefits; income benefits.

Upon the cessation of income benefits under section 48-122.01 to or on account of any person, the income benefits of the remaining persons entitled to income benefits for the unexpired part of the period during which their income benefits are payable shall be that which such persons would have received if they had been the only persons entitled to income benefits at the time of the decedent's death.

Source:Laws 1973, LB 193, § 4.    

48-122.03. Compensation; maximum weekly income benefits in case of death.

The maximum weekly income benefits payable for all beneficiaries in case of death shall not exceed seventy-five percent of the average weekly wage of the deceased, subject to the maximum limits in section 48-122. The maximum aggregate limitation shall not operate in case of payment of two years' income benefits to the widow or widower upon remarriage, as provided under subdivision (3) of section 48-122.01, to prevent the immediate recalculation and payments of benefits to the remaining beneficiaries as provided under section 48-122.02. The classes of beneficiaries specified in subdivisions (1), (2), and (4) of section 48-122.01 shall have priority over all other beneficiaries in the apportionment of income benefits. If there is a widow or widower and a child or children and the maximums specified in section 48-122 and this section prevent full payment under either maximum, the compensation shall be apportioned between the widow or widower and the child or children on a pro rata basis. If there is more than one child living with the widow or widower and no child or children living separately, the apportionment shall be on the pro rata basis of sixty percent to the widow or widower and fifteen percent divided among the children. If there is more than one child not living with the widow or widower and no child or children living with her or him, the apportionment shall be on the pro rata basis of fifty-five percent to the widow or widower and twenty percent divided among the children. If one or more children are living with and one or more children are not living with her or him, the apportionment shall be on the pro rata basis of fifty-five percent to the widow or widower and twenty percent divided among the children. If the provisions of this section should prevent payment to other beneficiaries of the income benefits to the full extent otherwise provided for, the gross remaining amount of income benefits payable to such other beneficiaries shall be apportioned by class, proportionate to the interest of each class in the remaining amount. Parents shall be considered to be in one class and those specified in subdivision (7) of section 48-122.01 in another class.

Source:Laws 1973, LB 193, § 5;    Laws 1974, LB 882, § 1.    

48-123. Compensation; death of employee receiving disability payments; schedule.

The death of an injured employee prior to the expiration of the period within which he or she would receive such disability payment shall be deemed to end such disability, and all liability for the remainder of such payment which he or she would have received in case he or she had lived shall be terminated, but the employer shall thereupon be liable for the following death benefit in lieu of any further disability indemnity: If the injury so received by such employee was the cause of his or her death and such deceased employee leaves dependents as hereinbefore specified, the death benefit shall be a sum sufficient, when added to the indemnity which shall at the time of death have been paid or become payable under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act to such deceased employee, to make the total compensation for the injury and death equal to the full amount which such dependents would have been entitled to receive under section 48-122, in case the accident had resulted in immediate death; and such benefits shall be payable in the same manner and subject to the same terms and conditions in all respects as payments made under such section. No deduction shall be made for the amount which may have been paid for medical and hospital services and medicines or for the expenses of burial. If the employee dies from some cause other than the injury, there shall be no liability for compensation to accrue after his or her death.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 198, § 23, p. 589; R.S.1913, § 3664; Laws 1917, c. 85, § 9, p. 207; C.S.1922, § 3046; C.S.1929, § 48-123; R.S.1943, § 48-123; Laws 1973, LB 193, § 6;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 41.    


48-124. Dependents; terms, defined.

The following persons shall be conclusively presumed to be dependent for support upon a deceased employee: (1) A wife upon a husband with whom she is living or upon whom she is actually dependent at the time of his injury or death; (2) a husband upon a wife with whom he is living or upon whom he is actually dependent at the time of her injury or death; and (3) a child or children under the age of nineteen years, or over such age, if physically or mentally incapable of self-support, or any child nineteen years of age or over who is actually dependent, or any child between nineteen and twenty-five years of age who is enrolled as a full-time student in any accredited educational institution.

The term child shall include a posthumous child, a child legally adopted or for whom adoption proceedings are pending at the time of death, an actually dependent child in relation to whom the deceased employee stood in the place of a parent for at least one year prior to the time of death, an actually dependent stepchild, or a child born out of wedlock. Child shall not include a married child unless receiving substantially entire support from the employee. Grandchild shall mean a child, as above defined, of a child, as above defined, except that as to the latter child, the limitations as to age in the above definition do not apply.

Brother or sister shall mean a brother or sister under nineteen years of age, or nineteen years of age or over and physically or mentally incapable of self-support, or nineteen years of age or over and actually dependent. The terms brother and sister shall include stepbrothers and stepsisters, half brothers and half sisters, and brothers and sisters by adoption but shall not include married brothers or married sisters unless receiving substantially entire support from the employee.

Parent shall mean a mother or father, a stepparent, a parent by adoption, a parent-in-law, and any person who for more than one year immediately prior to the death of the employee stood in the place of a parent to him or her, if actually dependent in each case.

Actually dependent shall mean dependent in fact upon the employee and shall refer only to a person who received more than half of his or her support from the employee and whose dependency is not the result of failure to make reasonable efforts to secure suitable employment. When used as a noun, the word dependent shall mean any person entitled to death benefits. No person shall be considered a dependent, unless he or she be a member of the family of the deceased employee, or bears to him or her the relation of widow, widower, lineal descendant, ancestor, brother, or sister. Questions as to who constitute dependents and the extent of their dependency shall initially be determined as of the date of the accident to the employee, and the death benefit shall be directly recoverable by and payable to the dependent or dependents entitled thereto or their legal guardians or trustees. No dependent of any injured employee shall be deemed, during the life of such employee, a party in interest to any proceeding by him or her for the enforcement or collection of any claim for compensation, nor as respects the compromise thereof by such employee.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 198, § 24, p. 590; R.S.1913, § 3665; Laws 1921, c. 122, § 3, p. 531; C.S.1922, § 3047; C.S.1929, § 48-124; R.S.1943, § 48-124; Laws 1949, c. 161, § 1, p. 409; Laws 1971, LB 499, § 2;    Laws 1973, LB 193, § 7;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 42;    Laws 1989, LB 22, § 7;    Laws 1997, LB 128, § 1;    Laws 2000, LB 1221, § 5.    


48-125. Compensation; method of payment; payment by prepaid card; agreement; disclosure of fees or charges; election to rescind agreement; delay; appeal; attorney's fees; interest.

(1) Except as hereinafter provided, all amounts of compensation payable under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act shall be payable periodically in accordance with the methods of payment of wages of the employee at the time of the injury or death or by a method of payment as provided in subsection (2) of this section. Such payments shall be sent directly to the person entitled to compensation or his or her designated representative except as otherwise provided in section 48-149 or subsection (2) of this section.

(2)(a) After an injury or death subject to the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act, the employer, workers' compensation insurer, or risk management pool and the employee, the other person entitled to compensation, or a legal representative acting on behalf of such employee or other person entitled to compensation may enter into a written or electronic agreement that periodic or lump-sum payments to the employee or other person entitled to compensation may be made by check or by direct deposit, prepaid card, or similar electronic payment system.

(b) Payments made by direct deposit, prepaid card, or similar electronic payment system pursuant to this subsection shall not be subject to attachment or garnishment or held liable in any way for any debts, except as provided in section 48-149; and an agreement pursuant to this subsection shall include notice of this fact. If an amount is withheld pursuant to section 48-149, sufficient information to identify the jurisdiction, the case number or similar identifying information, and the amount withheld shall be provided to the employee or other person entitled to compensation or his or her legal representative at or near the time of withholding.

(c) Prior to entering into an agreement pursuant to this subsection for payment by prepaid card, the employer, workers' compensation insurer, or risk management pool shall provide to the employee or other person entitled to compensation information regarding the locations where such card may be used by the employee or other person.

(d) Pursuant to an agreement under this subsection, compensation may be transferred by electronic funds transfer or other electronic means to the trust account of an attorney representing the employee or other person entitled to compensation, for the benefit of such employee or other person. The payment or transfer shall include or be accompanied by information sufficient to identify the nature of the payment being made, including the employer, workers' compensation insurer, or risk management pool and the employee or other person entitled to compensation.

(e) If an employer, workers' compensation insurer, or risk management pool imposes any fees or other charges relating to payment by direct deposit, prepaid card, or a similar electronic payment system, prior to entering into an agreement pursuant to this subsection the employer, workers' compensation insurer, or risk management pool shall disclose such fees or charges to the employee or other person entitled to compensation.

(f) Any payment or transfer made pursuant to this subsection by direct deposit, prepaid card, or similar electronic payment system shall be in the full amount of the lump-sum or periodic payment awarded or paid pursuant to section 48-121 to the employee or other person entitled to compensation.

(g) A prepaid card offered by the employer, workers' compensation insurer, or risk management pool shall:

(i) Allow the employee or other person entitled to compensation to apply, initiate, transfer, and load payments with no charge by the employer, workers' compensation insurer, or risk management pool;

(ii) For the initial prepaid card, be distributed or delivered to the employee or other person entitled to compensation with no charge by the employer, workers' compensation insurer, or risk management pool; and

(iii) Provide the employee or other person entitled to compensation, with respect to each payment made to the prepaid card in accordance with this subsection, at least one method of accessing the full payment without fees.

(h) An employee, another person entitled to compensation, or a legal representative acting on behalf of such employee or other person entitled to compensation may elect at any time to rescind the agreement under this subsection regarding the method of payment by providing written or electronic notice of such rescission to the employer, workers' compensation insurer, or risk management pool that is a party to such agreement. If such election is made, the employer, workers’ compensation insurer, or risk management pool shall change the method of payment to the method of payment of wages of the employee at the time of the injury or death under subsection (1) of this section as soon as practicable after receiving the information necessary to do so and in a manner that allows the employer, workers’ compensation insurer, or risk management pool to comply with the requirements of subsection (3) of this section without making a delinquent payment. The employer, workers’ compensation insurer, or risk management pool is not required to rescind any payment transaction already made or made to comply with subsection (3) of this section.

(i) An employer, a workers' compensation insurer, or a risk management pool or an agent of any such entity shall not engage in unfair, deceptive, or abusive practices in relation to the method of payment. No employer, workers' compensation insurer, risk management pool, or agent of any such entity shall discharge, penalize, or in any other manner discriminate against any employee or other person entitled to compensation because such employee or other person has not consented to receive payments by check or by direct deposit, prepaid card, or a similar electronic payment system.

(j) An employer, workers' compensation insurer, or risk management pool that elects to make payment using a prepaid card shall comply with the requirements of 12 C.F.R. part 1005, as such part existed on April 1, 2018.

(3) Fifty percent shall be added for waiting time for all delinquent payments after thirty days' notice has been given of disability or after thirty days from the entry of a final order, award, or judgment of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court, except that for any award or judgment against the state in excess of one hundred thousand dollars which must be reviewed by the Legislature as provided in section 48-1,102, fifty percent shall be added for waiting time for delinquent payments thirty days after the effective date of the legislative bill appropriating any funds necessary to pay the portion of the award or judgment in excess of one hundred thousand dollars.

(4)(a) Whenever the employer refuses payment of compensation or medical payments subject to section 48-120, or when the employer neglects to pay compensation for thirty days after injury or neglects to pay medical payments subject to such section after thirty days' notice has been given of the obligation for medical payments, and proceedings are held before the compensation court, a reasonable attorney's fee shall be allowed the employee by the compensation court in all cases when the employee receives an award. Attorney's fees allowed shall not be deducted from the amounts ordered to be paid for medical services nor shall attorney's fees be charged to the medical providers.

(b) If the employer files an appeal from an award of a judge of the compensation court and fails to obtain any reduction in the amount of such award, the Court of Appeals or Supreme Court shall allow the employee a reasonable attorney's fee to be taxed as costs against the employer for such appeal.

(c) If the employee files an appeal from an order of a judge of the compensation court denying an award and obtains an award or if the employee files an appeal from an award of a judge of the compensation court when the amount of compensation due is disputed and obtains an increase in the amount of such award, the Court of Appeals or Supreme Court may allow the employee a reasonable attorney's fee to be taxed as costs against the employer for such appeal.

(d) A reasonable attorney's fee allowed pursuant to this subsection shall not affect or diminish the amount of the award.

(5) When an attorney's fee is allowed pursuant to this section, there shall further be assessed against the employer an amount of interest on the final award obtained, computed from the date compensation was payable, as provided in section 48-119, until the date payment is made by the employer. For any injury occurring prior to August 30, 2015, the interest rate shall be equal to the rate of interest allowed per annum under section 45-104.01, as such rate may from time to time be adjusted by the Legislature. For any injury occurring on or after August 30, 2015, the interest rate shall be equal to six percentage points above the bond investment yield, as published by the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, of the average accepted auction price for the first auction of each annual quarter of the twenty-six-week United States Treasury bills in effect on the date of entry of the judgment. Interest shall apply only to those weekly compensation benefits awarded which have accrued as of the date payment is made by the employer. If the employer pays or tenders payment of compensation, the amount of compensation due is disputed, and the award obtained is greater than the amount paid or tendered by the employer, the assessment of interest shall be determined solely upon the difference between the amount awarded and the amount tendered or paid.

(6) For purposes of this section:

(a) Direct deposit means the transfer of payments into an account of a financial institution chosen by the employee or other person entitled to compensation; and

(b) Prepaid card means a prepaid debit card that provides access to an account with a financial institution established directly or indirectly by the employer, workers' compensation insurer, or risk management pool to which payments are transferred.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 198, § 25, p. 591; R.S.1913, § 3666; Laws 1917, c. 85, § 9 1/2, p. 208; Laws 1919, c. 91, § 4, p. 234; C.S.1922, § 3048; C.S.1929, § 48-125; Laws 1935, c. 57, § 20, p. 197; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-125; R.S.1943, § 48-125; Laws 1973, LB 169, § 1;    Laws 1975, LB 187, § 2;    Laws 1983, LB 18, § 1;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 43;    Laws 1991, LB 732, § 110; Laws 1992, LB 360, § 14;    Laws 1999, LB 216, § 6;    Laws 2005, LB 13, § 5;    Laws 2005, LB 238, § 4;    Laws 2009, LB630, § 3;    Laws 2011, LB151, § 1;    Laws 2015, LB480, § 3;    Laws 2018, LB957, § 1.    


48-125.01. Compensation; penalties for attempted avoidance of payment.

Any employer who knowingly transfers, sells, encumbers, assigns, or in any manner disposes of, conceals, secretes, or destroys any property or records belonging to such employer, after one of his or her employees has been injured within the purview of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act, and with intent to avoid the payment of compensation under such act to such employee or his or her dependents, shall be guilty of a Class I misdemeanor. In any case when such employer is a corporation, any officer or employee thereof, if knowingly participating or acquiescing in the act with intent to avoid the payment of compensation under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act, shall be also individually guilty of a Class I misdemeanor as well as jointly and severally liable with such corporation for any fine imposed upon the corporation. In any case when such employer is a limited liability company, any member or manager thereof, if knowingly participating or acquiescing in the act with intent to avoid the payment of compensation under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act, shall be also individually guilty of a Class I misdemeanor as well as jointly and severally liable with such limited liability company for any fine imposed upon the limited liability company. In any case when such employer is a limited partnership or a limited liability partnership, any general partner, if knowingly participating or acquiescing in the act with intent to avoid the payment under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act, shall also be guilty of a Class I misdemeanor as well as jointly and severally liable with such limited partnership or limited liability partnership, and limited partners shall not be liable.

Source:Laws 1971, LB 572, § 20;    Laws 1977, LB 40, § 270;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 44;    Laws 1994, LB 884, § 64;    Laws 2003, LB 210, § 2.    

48-125.02. State employee claim; Prompt Payment Act applicable; other claims; processing of claim; requirements; failure to pay; effect; presumption of payment.

(1) Regarding payment of a claim for medical, surgical, or hospital services for a state employee under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act, the Prompt Payment Act applies.

(2) For claims other than claims under subsection (1) of this section regarding payment of a claim for medical, surgical, or hospital services for an employee under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act:

(a) The workers' compensation insurer, risk management pool, or self-insured employer shall notify the provider within fifteen business days after receiving a claim as to what information is necessary to process the claim. Failure to notify the provider assumes the workers' compensation insurer, risk management pool, or self-insured employer has all information necessary to pay the claim. The workers' compensation insurer, risk management pool, or self-insured employer shall pay providers in accordance with sections 48-120 and 48-120.04 within thirty business days after receipt of all information necessary to process the claim. Failure to pay the provider within the thirty days will cause the workers' compensation insurer, risk management pool, or self-insured employer to reimburse the provider's billed charges instead of the scheduled or contracted fees;

(b) If a claim is submitted electronically, the claim is presumed to have been received on the date of the electronic verification of receipt by the workers' compensation insurer, risk management pool, or self-insured employer or its clearinghouse. If a claim is submitted by mail, the claim is presumed to have been received five business days after the claim has been placed in the United States mail with first-class postage prepaid. The presumption may be rebutted by sufficient evidence that the claim was received on another day or not received at all; and

(c) Payment of a claim by the workers' compensation insurer, risk management pool, or self-insured employer means the receipt of funds by the provider. If payment is submitted electronically, the payment is presumed to have been received on the date of the electronic verification of receipt by the provider or the provider's clearinghouse. If payment is submitted by mail, the payment is presumed to have been received five business days after the payment has been placed in the United States mail with first-class postage prepaid. The presumption may be rebutted by sufficient evidence that the payment was received on another day or not received at all.

Source:Laws 2007, LB588, § 3.    

Cross References

48-126. Wages, defined; calculation.

Wherever in the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act the term wages is used, it shall be construed to mean the money rate at which the service rendered is recompensed under the contract of hiring in force at the time of the accident. It shall not include gratuities received from the employer or others, nor shall it include board, lodging, or similar advantages received from the employer, unless the money value of such advantages shall have been fixed by the parties at the time of hiring, except that if the workers' compensation insurer shall have collected a premium based upon the value of such board, lodging, and similar advantages, then the value thereof shall become a part of the basis of determining compensation benefits. In occupations involving seasonal employment or employment dependent upon the weather, the employee's weekly wages shall be taken to be one-fiftieth of the total wages which he or she has earned from all occupations during the year immediately preceding the accident, unless it be shown that during such year, by reason of exceptional causes, such method of computation does not fairly represent the earnings of the employee. In such a case, the period for calculation shall be extended so far as to give a basis for the fair ascertainment of his or her average weekly earnings. In continuous employments, if immediately prior to the accident the rate of wages was fixed by the day or hour or by the output of the employee, his or her weekly wages shall be taken to be his or her average weekly income for the period of time ordinarily constituting his or her week's work, and using as the basis of calculation his or her earnings during as much of the preceding six months as he or she worked for the same employer, except as provided in sections 48-121 and 48-122. The calculation shall also be made with reference to the average earnings for a working day of ordinary length and exclusive of earnings from overtime, except that if the insurance company's policy of insurance provides for the collection of a premium based upon such overtime, then such overtime shall become a part of the basis of determining compensation benefits.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 198, § 26, p. 592; R.S.1913, § 3667; Laws 1917, c. 85, § 10, p. 208; C.S.1922, § 3049; Laws 1927, c. 39, § 2, p. 17; C.S.1929, § 48-126; Laws 1935, c. 57, § 39, p. 208; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-126; R.S.1943, § 48-126; Laws 1953, c. 163, § 1(1), p. 512; Laws 1957, c. 204, § 3, p. 721; Laws 1986, LB 811, § 45;    Laws 2005, LB 238, § 5.    


48-126.01. Wages or compensation rate; basis of computation.

(1)(a) In determining the compensation to be paid any member of the military forces of this state, any member of a law enforcement reserve force, or any member of the Nebraska Emergency Management Agency, any city, village, county, or interjurisdictional emergency management organization, or any state emergency response team, which military forces, law enforcement reserve force, or emergency management agency, organization, or team is organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska, or any person fulfilling conditions of probation, or community service as defined in section 29-2277, pursuant to any order of any court of this state who shall be working for a governmental body, or agency as defined in section 29-2277, pursuant to any condition of probation, or community service as defined in section 29-2277, for injuries resulting in disability or death received in the performance of his or her duties as a member of such military forces, reserve force, agency, organization, or team, or pursuant to an order of any court, the wages of such a member or person shall be taken to be those received by him or her from his or her regular employer, and he or she shall receive such proportion thereof as he or she is entitled to under the provisions of section 48-121.

(b) If a member or person under subdivision (1)(a) of this section is not regularly employed by some other person, for the purpose of such determination, it shall be deemed and assumed that he or she is receiving income from his or her business or from other employment equivalent to wages in an amount one and one-half times the maximum weekly income benefit specified in section 48-121.01.

(c) If the wages received for the performance of duties as a member of such military forces, reserve force, agency, organization, or team exceed the wages received from a regular employer, such member shall be entitled to a rate of compensation based upon wages received as a member of such military forces, reserve force, agency, organization, or team.

(2) In determining the compensation rate to be paid any member of a volunteer fire department in any rural or suburban fire protection district, city, village, or nonprofit corporation or any member of a volunteer emergency medical service, which fire department or emergency medical service is organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska, for injuries resulting in disability or death received in the performance of his or her duties as a member of such fire department or emergency medical service, it shall be deemed and assumed that his or her wages are in an amount one and one-half times the maximum weekly income benefit specified in section 48-121.01 or the wages received by such member from his or her regular employment, whichever is greater. Any member of such volunteer fire department or volunteer emergency medical service shall not lose his or her volunteer status under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act if such volunteer receives reimbursement for expenses, reasonable benefits, or a nominal fee, a nominal per call fee, a nominal per shift fee, or combination thereof. It shall be conclusively presumed that a fee is nominal if the fee does not exceed twenty percent of the amount that otherwise would be required to hire a permanent employee for the same services.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 198, § 26, p. 592; R.S.1913, § 3667; Laws 1917, c. 85, § 10, p. 208; C.S.1922, § 3049; Laws 1927, c. 39, § 2, p. 171; C.S.1929, § 48-126; Laws 1935, c. 57, § 39, p. 208; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-126; R.S.1943, § 48-126; Laws 1953, c. 163, § 1(2), p. 513; Laws 1955, c. 186, § 3, p. 532; Laws 1959, c. 224, § 1, p. 790; Laws 1961, c. 233, § 2, p. 691; Laws 1967, c. 289, § 2, p. 790; Laws 1969, c. 394, § 1, p. 1384; Laws 1973, LB 239, § 3;    Laws 1973, LB 25, § 2;    Laws 1976, LB 782, § 15; Laws 1986, LB 528, § 7;    Laws 1996, LB 43, § 9;    Laws 1997, LB 138, § 39;    Laws 1999, LB 216, § 7;    Laws 2014, LB961, § 10.    

48-127. Compensation; willful negligence; intoxication; effect.

If the employee is injured by reason of his or her intentional willful negligence, or by reason of being in a state of intoxication, neither he or she nor his or her beneficiaries shall receive any compensation under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 198, § 27, p. 592; R.S.1913, § 3668; C.S.1922, § 3050; C.S.1929, § 48-127; R.S.1943, § 48-127; Laws 1986, LB 811, § 46.    


48-128. Compensation; injury increasing disability; second injury; additional compensation; claim.

(1) For injuries occurring before December 1, 1997:

(a) If an employee who has a preexisting permanent partial disability whether from compensable injury or otherwise, which is or is likely to be a hindrance or obstacle to his or her obtaining employment or obtaining reemployment if the employee should become unemployed and which was known to the employer prior to the occurrence of a subsequent compensable injury, receives a subsequent compensable injury resulting in additional permanent partial or in permanent total disability so that the degree or percentage of disability caused by the combined disabilities is substantially greater than that which would have resulted from the last injury, considered alone and of itself, and if the employee is entitled to receive compensation on the basis of the combined disabilities, the employer at the time of the last injury shall be liable only for the degree or percentage of disability which would have resulted from the last injury had there been no preexisting disability. For the additional disability, the employee shall be compensated out of the Workers' Compensation Trust Fund. If the subsequent compensable injury of such an employee shall result in the death of the employee and it shall be determined that the death would not have occurred except for such preexisting permanent partial disability, the employer shall pay the compensation benefits prescribed by this subsection for a period not exceeding three hundred twenty-five weeks, and for any compensation benefits payable after such period of three hundred twenty-five weeks, the dependents shall be compensated out of the fund.

(b) In order to qualify under this subsection, the employer must establish by written records that the employer had knowledge of the preexisting permanent partial disability at the time that the employee was hired or at the time the employee was retained in employment after the employer acquired such knowledge.

(c) As used in this subsection, preexisting permanent partial disability shall mean any preexisting permanent condition, whether congenital or the result of injury or disease, of such seriousness as to constitute a hindrance or obstacle to obtaining employment or to obtaining reemployment if the employee should become unemployed. No condition shall be considered a preexisting permanent partial disability under this subsection unless it would support a rating of twenty-five percent loss of earning power or more or support a rating which would result in compensation payable for a period of ninety weeks or more for disability for permanent injury as computed under subdivision (3) of section 48-121.

(2) Any money in the Second Injury Fund on July 1, 2000, shall be transferred to the Workers' Compensation Trust Fund.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 198, § 28, p. 592; R.S.1913, § 3669; C.S.1922, § 3051; C.S.1929, § 48-128; R.S.1943, § 48-128; Laws 1947, c. 174, § 1, p. 559; Laws 1949, c. 161, § 2, p. 411; Laws 1955, c. 185, § 1, p. 525; Laws 1955, c. 186, § 4, p. 532; Laws 1967, c. 290, § 1, p. 792; Laws 1971, LB 505, § 1;    Laws 1974, LB 881, § 1;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 47;    Laws 1986, LB 1037, § 1;    Laws 1987, LB 398, § 41;    Laws 1988, LB 1034, § 1;    Laws 1992, LB 1006, § 92; Laws 1993, LB 757, § 8;    Laws 1997, LB 854, § 2;    Laws 2000, LB 1221, § 6.    


48-129. Compensation; joint employers; liability.

In case any employee for whose injury or death compensation is payable under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act shall, at the time of the injury, be employed and paid jointly by two or more employers, as defined in section 48-114, such employers shall contribute to the payment of such compensation in proportion to their several wage liabilities to such employee. If one or more, but not all, of such employers should be subject to the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act, then the liability of such of them as are so subject shall be to pay that proportion of the entire compensation which their proportionate wage liability bears to the entire wages of the employee, except that nothing in this section shall prevent employers from making any arrangement between themselves for a different distribution of the ultimate burden of compensation.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 198, § 29, p. 592; R.S.1913, § 3670; C.S.1922, § 3052; C.S.1929, § 48-129; R.S.1943, § 48-129; Laws 1986, LB 811, § 48.    


48-130. Compensation; savings; insurance; other benefits; not factors.

No savings or insurance of the injured employee or any contribution made by him or her to any benefit fund or protective association independent of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act shall be taken into consideration in determining the compensation to be paid thereunder; nor shall benefits derived from any other source than those paid or caused to be paid by the employer as herein provided be considered in fixing compensation under such act.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 198, § 30, p. 593; R.S.1913, § 3671; C.S.1922, § 3053; C.S.1929, § 48-130; R.S.1943, § 48-130; Laws 1986, LB 811, § 49.    


48-131. Compensation; waiver by employee invalid.

No agreement by an employee to waive his or her rights to compensation under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act shall be valid.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 198, § 31, p. 593; R.S.1913, § 3672; C.S.1922, § 3054; C.S.1929, § 48-131; R.S.1943, § 48-131; Laws 1986, LB 811, § 50.    


48-132. Compensation; employees or dependents under disability; rights; enforcement.

If an injured employee or a dependent is mentally incompetent or is a minor at the time when any right or privilege accrues to him or her under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act, his or her guardian or next friend may, in his or her behalf, claim and exercise such right or privilege.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 198, § 32, p. 593; R.S.1913, § 3673; C.S.1922, § 3055; C.S.1929, § 48-132; R.S.1943, § 48-132; Laws 1961, c. 234, § 1, p. 692; Laws 1986, LB 811, § 51.    

Cross References


48-133. Compensation; notice of injury; time; service.

No proceedings for compensation for an injury under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act shall be maintained unless a notice of the injury shall have been given to the employer as soon as practicable after the happening thereof; Provided, that all disputed claims for compensation or benefits shall be first submitted to the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court. The notice shall be in writing and shall state in ordinary language the time, place, and cause of the injury. It shall be signed by the person injured, or by a person in his or her behalf, or in the event of his or her death, by his or her legal representative or by a person in his or her behalf. The notice shall be served upon the employer or an agent thereof. Such service may be made by delivering the notice to the person on whom it is to be served, or leaving it at his or her residence or place of business, or by sending it by certified or registered mail addressed to the person or corporation on whom it is to be served at his or her last-known residence or place of business. A notice given pursuant to this section shall not be held invalid or insufficient by reason of any inaccuracy in stating the time, place, or cause of the injury, unless it is shown that it was the intention to mislead, and the employer, or the insurance company carrying such risk, as the case may be, was in fact misled thereby. Want of such written notice shall not be a bar to proceedings under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act, if it be shown that the employer had notice or knowledge of the injury.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 198, § 33, p. 593; R.S.1913, § 3674; Laws 1917, c. 85, § 11, p. 209; C.S.1922, § 3056; C.S.1929, § 48-133; Laws 1935, c. 57, § 21, p. 198; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-133; R.S.1943, § 48-133; Laws 1961, c. 234, § 2, p. 692; Laws 1977, LB 144, § 1;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 52;    Laws 1987, LB 93, § 16.    


48-134. Injured employee; physical examination; duty to submit.

After an employee has given notice of an injury, as provided in section 48-133, and from time to time thereafter during the continuance of his or her disability, he or she shall, if so requested by the employer or the insurance company carrying such risk, submit himself or herself to an examination by a physician or surgeon legally authorized to practice medicine under the laws of the state in which he or she practices, furnished and paid for by the employer, or the insurance company carrying such risk, as the case may be. The employee shall have the right to have a physician provided and paid for by himself or herself present at the examination. The unreasonable refusal of the employee to submit to such examination shall deprive him or her of the right to compensation under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act during the continuance of such refusal, and the period of such refusal shall be deducted from the period during which compensation would otherwise be payable.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 198, § 34, p. 594; R.S.1913, § 3675; C.S.1922, § 3057; C.S.1929, § 48-134; R.S.1943, § 48-134; Laws 1969, c. 395, § 1, p. 1385; Laws 1986, LB 811, § 53.    


48-134.01. Independent medical examiner system; list of physicians; duties; fee schedule; selection of examiner; procedures before examiner; findings; immunity.

(1) The Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court may develop and implement an independent medical examiner system consistent with the requirements of this section. As part of such system, the compensation court by a majority vote of the judges thereof may create, maintain, and periodically validate a list of physicians that it finds to be the most qualified and to be highly experienced and competent in their specific fields of expertise and in the treatment of work-related injuries to serve as independent medical examiners from each of the health care specialties that the compensation court finds most commonly used by injured employees. The compensation court may establish a fee schedule for services rendered by independent medical examiners and may adopt and promulgate any rules and regulations considered necessary to carry out the purposes of this section.

(2) An independent medical examiner shall render medical findings on the medical condition of an employee and related issues as specified under this section. The independent medical examiner shall not be the employee's treating physician and shall not have treated the employee with respect to the injury for which the claim is being made or the benefits are being paid.

(3) If the parties to a dispute cannot agree on an independent medical examiner of their own choosing, the compensation court shall assign an independent medical examiner from the list of qualified examiners to render medical findings in any dispute relating to the medical condition of a claimant and related issues, including, but not limited to, whether the injured employee is able to perform any gainful employment temporarily or permanently, what physical restrictions, if any, would be imposed on the employee's employment, whether the injured employee has reached maximum medical improvement, the existence and extent of any permanent physical impairment, the reasonableness and necessity of any medical treatment previously provided, or to be provided, to the injured employee, and any other medical questions which may pertain to causality and relatedness of the medical condition to the employment.

(4) The compensation court may adopt and promulgate rules and regulations pertaining to the procedures before the independent medical examiner, including the parties' ability to propound questions relating to the medical condition of the employee and related issues to be submitted to the independent medical examiner. In addition to the review of records and information, the independent medical examiner may examine the employee as often as the examiner determines necessary to render medical findings on the questions propounded by the parties or by the compensation court.

(5) The independent medical examiner shall submit a written report to the compensation court, the employer, and the employee stating the examiner's medical findings on the issues raised and providing a description of findings sufficient to explain the basis of those findings. The fee for the examination and report shall be paid by the employer.

(6) The written report of the independent medical examiner's findings shall be admissible in a proceeding before the compensation court and may be received into evidence by the compensation court on its own motion.

(7) Any physician acting without malice and within the scope of the physician's duties as an independent medical examiner shall be immune from civil liability for making any report or other information available to the compensation court or for assisting in the origination, investigation, or preparation of the report or other information so provided.

Source:Laws 1993, LB 757, § 7;    Laws 1997, LB 128, § 2;    Laws 1999, LB 216, § 8.    


48-135. Autopsy; cost; payment.

Except as provided in section 23-1824, in all death claims, where the cause of death is obscure or disputed, any interested party may require an autopsy, the cost of such autopsy to be borne by the party demanding the same.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 198, § 35, p. 594; R.S.1913, § 3676; C.S.1922, § 3058; C.S.1929, § 48-135; R.S.1943, § 48-135; Laws 1999, LB 46, § 3.    

48-136. Compensation; voluntary settlements.

The interested parties shall have the right to settle all matters of compensation between themselves with the consent of the workers' compensation insurer, if any, and in accordance with the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act. No such settlement shall be binding unless the settlement is in accordance with such act.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 198, § 36, p. 595; R.S.1913, § 3677; Laws 1917, c. 85, § 12, p. 209; C.S.1922, § 3059; C.S.1929, § 48-136; Laws 1935, c. 57, § 22, p. 199; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-136; R.S.1943, § 48-136; Laws 1978, LB 649, § 2;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 54;    Laws 2005, LB 238, § 6;    Laws 2009, LB630, § 4.    


48-137. Compensation claims; actions; statute of limitations; exceptions.

In case of personal injury, all claims for compensation shall be forever barred unless, within two years after the accident, the parties shall have agreed upon the compensation payable under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act, or unless, within two years after the accident, one of the parties shall have filed a petition as provided in section 48-173. In case of death, all claims for compensation shall be forever barred unless, within two years after the death, the parties shall have agreed upon the compensation under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act, or unless, within two years after the death, one of the parties shall have filed a petition as provided in section 48-173. When payments of compensation have been made in any case, such limitation shall not take effect until the expiration of two years from the time of the making of the last payment. In the event of legal disability of an injured employee or his or her dependent such limitation shall not take effect until the expiration of two years from the time of removal of such legal disability.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 198, § 38, p. 595; R.S.1913, § 3679; Laws 1917, c. 85, § 14, p. 210; C.S.1922, § 3061; C.S.1929, § 48-138; R.S.1943, § 48-137; Laws 1961, c. 234, § 3, p. 693; Laws 1977, LB 144, § 2;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 55.    


48-138. Compensation; lump-sum settlement; computation; fee.

The amounts of compensation payable periodically under the law by agreement of the parties with the approval of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court may be commuted to one or more lump-sum payments, except compensation due for death, permanent disability, or claimed permanent disability which may be commuted only as provided in section 48-139. If commutation is agreed upon pursuant to this section or section 48-139, the lump sum to be paid shall be fixed at an amount which will equal the total sum of the probable future payments, capitalized at their present value upon the basis of interest calculated at five percent per annum with annual rests.

The fee of the clerk of the compensation court for filing, docketing, and indexing an agreement submitted for approval as provided in this section shall be fifteen dollars. The fees shall be remitted by the clerk to the State Treasurer for credit to the Compensation Court Cash Fund.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 198, § 40, p. 596; R.S.1913, § 3681; Laws 1917, c. 85, § 16, p. 212; Laws 1921, c. 122, § 1, p. 526; C.S.1922, § 3063; C.S.1929, § 48-140; Laws 1935, c. 57, § 25, p. 199; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-140; R.S.1943, § 48-138; Laws 1975, LB 187, § 3;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 56;    Laws 1993, LB 757, § 9;    Laws 2009, LB630, § 5.    


48-139. Compensation; lump-sum settlement; submitted to Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court; procedure; filing of release; form; contents; payment; fees.

(1)(a) Whenever an injured employee or his or her dependents and the employer agree that the amounts of compensation due as periodic payments for death, permanent disability, or claimed permanent disability under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act shall be commuted to one or more lump-sum payments, such settlement shall be submitted to the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court for approval as provided in subsection (2) of this section if:

(i) The employee is not represented by counsel;

(ii) The employee, at the time the settlement is executed, is eligible for medicare, is a medicare beneficiary, or has a reasonable expectation of becoming eligible for medicare within thirty months after the date the settlement is executed. This subdivision (ii) is not applicable if the employee's right to receive future medical, surgical, and hospital services as provided in section 48-120 is specifically excluded from the settlement and medicare has not paid medical, surgical, or hospital expenses or if medicare has paid medical, surgical, or hospital expenses for which it claims it is entitled to reimbursement and medicare has been reimbursed for such expenses at the time the settlement is executed;

(iii) Medical, surgical, or hospital expenses incurred for treatment of the injury have been paid by medicaid and medicaid will not be reimbursed as part of the settlement;

(iv) Medical, surgical, or hospital expenses incurred for treatment of the injury will not be fully paid as part of the settlement; or

(v) The settlement seeks to commute amounts of compensation due to dependents of the employee.

(b) If such lump-sum settlement is not required to be submitted for approval by the compensation court, a release shall be filed with the compensation court as provided in subsection (3) of this section. Nothing in this section shall be construed to increase the compensation court's duties or authority with respect to the approval of lump-sum settlements under the act.

(2)(a) An application for an order approving a lump-sum settlement, signed and verified by both parties, shall be filed with the clerk of the compensation court and shall be entitled the same as an action by such employee or dependents against such employer. The application shall contain a concise statement of the terms of the settlement or agreement sought to be approved with a brief statement of the facts concerning the injury, the nature thereof, the wages received by the injured employee prior thereto, the nature of the employment, a description of the medical, surgical, or hospital expenses incurred for treatment of the injury that will remain unpaid as part of the settlement which are disputed and for which compensability has been denied by the employer, and such other matters as may be reasonably required by the compensation court. The application shall also include a statement that the parties have considered the interests of medicare and have taken reasonable steps to protect any interests of medicare. The application may provide for payment of future medical, surgical, or hospital expenses incurred by the employee. The compensation court may, on its own motion, and shall, on a motion by one of the parties, hold a hearing on the application at a time and place selected by the compensation court, and proof may be adduced and witnesses subpoenaed and examined the same as in an action in equity.

(b)(i) If the compensation court finds such lump-sum settlement is made in conformity with the compensation schedule and for the best interests of the employee or his or her dependents under all the circumstances, the compensation court shall make an order approving the same.

(ii) If the expenses for medical, surgical, or hospital services provided to the employee are not paid by the employer, or if any person, other than medicaid, who has made any payment to the supplier of medical, surgical, or hospital services provided to the employee, is not reimbursed by the employer, it shall be conclusively presumed that the nonpayment or nonreimbursement of disputed medical, surgical, or hospital expenses, as set forth in the application, is in conformity with the compensation schedule and for the best interests of the employee or his or her dependents, if the employee's attorney elects to affirm and does affirm in the application that the nonpayment or nonreimbursement of disputed medical, surgical, or hospital expenses is in conformity with the compensation schedule and for the best interests of the employee or his or her dependents under all the circumstances.

(iii) If the employee, at the time the settlement is executed, is eligible for medicare, is a medicare beneficiary, or has a reasonable expectation of becoming eligible for medicare within thirty months after the date the settlement is executed, and if the employee's attorney elects to affirm and does affirm in the application that the parties' agreement relating to consideration of medicare's interests set forth in such lump-sum settlement is in conformity with the compensation schedule and for the best interests of the employee or his or her dependents under all the circumstances, it shall be conclusively presumed that the parties' agreement relating to consideration of medicare's interests set forth in the application is in conformity with the compensation schedule and for the best interests of the employee or his or her dependents.

(iv) If such settlement is not approved, the compensation court may dismiss the application at the cost of the employer or continue the hearing, in the discretion of the compensation court.

(c) Every such lump-sum settlement approved by order of the compensation court shall be final and conclusive unless procured by fraud. An order approving an application under this subsection shall, in any case in which the employee is represented by counsel and in which the application contains a description of the medical, surgical, or hospital expenses incurred for treatment of the injury that will remain unpaid as part of the settlement which are disputed and for which compensability has been denied by the employer, provide that the employer is not liable for such expenses. Upon paying the amount approved by the compensation court, the employer shall be discharged from further liability on account of the injury or death, other than liability for the payment of future medical, surgical, or hospital expenses if such liability is approved by the compensation court on the application of the parties.

(d) An exclusion from coverage in any health, accident, or other insurance policy covering an employee which provides that coverage under such insurance policy does not apply if such employee is entitled to workers' compensation coverage is void as to such employee if his or her employer is not liable for medical, surgical, or hospital expenses incurred for treatment of an injury that will remain unpaid as part of the settlement pursuant to an order entered under subdivision (2)(c) of this section.

(3) If such lump-sum settlement is not required to be submitted for approval by the compensation court, a release shall be filed with the compensation court in accordance with this subsection that is signed and verified by the employee and the employee's attorney. The release shall be made on a form approved by the compensation court and shall contain a statement signed and verified by the employee that:

(a) The employee understands and waives all rights under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act, including, but not limited to:

(i) The right to receive weekly disability benefits, both temporary and permanent;

(ii) The right to receive vocational rehabilitation services;

(iii) The right to receive future medical, surgical, and hospital services as provided in section 48-120, unless such services are specifically excluded from the release; and

(iv) The right to ask a judge of the compensation court to decide the parties' rights and obligations;

(b) The employee is not eligible for medicare, is not a current medicare beneficiary, and does not have a reasonable expectation of becoming eligible for medicare within thirty months after the date the settlement is executed. This subdivision (b) is not applicable if the employee's right to receive future medical, surgical, and hospital services as provided in section 48-120 is specifically excluded from the settlement and medicare has not paid medical, surgical, or hospital expenses or if medicare has paid medical, surgical, or hospital expenses for which it claims it is entitled to reimbursement and medicare has been reimbursed for such expenses at the time the settlement is executed;

(c) There are no medical, surgical, or hospital expenses incurred for treatment of the injury which have been paid by medicaid and not reimbursed to medicaid by the employer as part of the settlement; and

(d) There are no medical, surgical, or hospital expenses incurred for treatment of the injury that will remain unpaid after the settlement.

(4) Upon the entry of an order of dismissal with prejudice, a release filed with the compensation court in accordance with subsection (3) of this section shall be final and conclusive as to all rights waived in the release unless procured by fraud. Amounts to be paid by the employer to the employee pursuant to such release shall be paid within thirty days of filing the release with the compensation court. Fifty percent shall be added for payments owed to the employee if made after thirty days after the date the release is filed with the compensation court. Upon making payment owed by the employer as set forth in the release and upon the entry of an order of dismissal with prejudice, as to all rights waived in the release, such release shall be a full and complete discharge from further liability for the employer on account of the injury, including future medical, surgical, or hospital expenses, unless such expenses are specifically excluded from the release.

(5) The fees of the clerk of the compensation court for filing, docketing, and indexing an application for an order approving a lump-sum settlement or filing a release as provided in this section shall be fifteen dollars. The fees shall be remitted by the clerk to the State Treasurer for credit to the Compensation Court Cash Fund.

Source:Laws 1917, c. 85, § 16, p. 212; Laws 1921, c. 122, § 1, p. 526; C.S.1922, § 3063; C.S.1929, § 48-140; Laws 1935, c. 57, § 25, p. 199; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-140; R.S.1943, § 48-139; Laws 1951, c. 153, § 1, p. 623; Laws 1975, LB 187, § 4;    Laws 1977, LB 126, § 3;    Laws 1978, LB 649, § 3;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 57;    Laws 1993, LB 757, § 10;    Laws 2002, LB 417, § 3;    Laws 2009, LB630, § 6;    Laws 2014, LB961, § 11;    Laws 2018, LB953, § 1;    Laws 2021, LB256, § 1.    


48-140. Compensation; lump-sum settlements; conclusiveness; exception.

Any lump-sum settlement by agreement of the parties pursuant to section 48-139 shall be final and not subject to readjustment if the settlement is in conformity with the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act, unless the settlement is procured by fraud. All awards of compensation made by the compensation court, except those amounts payable periodically, shall be final and not subject to readjustment.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 198, § 41, p. 597; R.S.1913, § 3682; Laws 1917, c. 85, § 17, p. 213; Laws 1921, c. 122, § 1, p. 527; C.S.1922, § 3064; C.S.1929, § 48-141; Laws 1935, c. 57, § 26, p. 200; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-141; R.S.1943, § 48-140; Laws 1975, LB 187, § 5;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 58;    Laws 1989, LB 410, § 1;    Laws 1993, LB 757, § 11;    Laws 2009, LB630, § 7.    


48-141. Lump-sum settlement; finality; periodic payment; modification.

All amounts paid by an employer or by an insurance company carrying such risk, as the case may be, and received by the employee or his or her dependents by lump-sum payments pursuant to section 48-139 shall be final and not subject to readjustment if the lump-sum settlement is in conformity with the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act, unless the settlement is procured by fraud, but the amount of any agreement or award payable periodically may be modified as follows: (1) At any time by agreement of the parties with the approval of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court; or (2) if the parties cannot agree, then at any time after six months from the date of the agreement or award, an application may be made by either party on the ground of increase or decrease of incapacity due solely to the injury or that the condition of a dependent has changed as to age or marriage or by reason of the death of the dependent. In such case, the same procedure shall be followed as in sections 48-173 to 48-185 in case of disputed claim for compensation.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 198, § 42, p. 597; R.S.1913, § 3683; Laws 1917, c. 85, § 18, p. 213; Laws 1921, c. 122, § 1, p. 527; C.S.1922, § 3065; Laws 1929, c. 81, § 2, p. 274; C.S.1929, § 48-142; Laws 1935, c. 57, § 27, p. 201; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-142; R.S.1943, § 48-141; Laws 1975, LB 187, § 6;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 59;    Laws 1989, LB 410, § 2;    Laws 1993, LB 757, § 12;    Laws 2009, LB630, § 8.    


48-142. Compensation; amount agreed upon; payment to trustee; procedure.

At any time after the amount of any award has been agreed upon by the parties and approved by the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court, a sum equal to the present value of all future installments of compensation may, when death or the nature of the injury renders the amount of future payments certain, by leave of the compensation court, be paid by the employer, or by the insurance company carrying such risk, as the case may be, to any savings bank or trust company of this state, in good standing, and such sum together with all interest thereon, shall thereafter be held in trust for the employee or the dependents of the employee, who shall have no further recourse against the employer. The payment of such sum by the employer, evidenced by the receipt of the trustee to be filed with the compensation court, shall operate as a satisfaction of such award as to the employer. Payments from such fund shall be made by the trustee in the same amounts and at the same time as are herein required of the employer until the fund and interest shall be exhausted. In the appointment of the trustee, preference shall be given, in the discretion of the compensation court, to the choice of the injured employee or the dependents of the deceased employee as the case may be.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 198, § 43, p. 597; R.S.1913, § 3684; Laws 1917, c. 85, § 19, p. 214; C.S.1922, § 3066; C.S.1929, § 48-143; Laws 1935, c. 57, § 28, p. 201; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-143; R.S.1943, § 48-142; Laws 1975, LB 187, § 7;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 60.    

48-143. Compensation; death benefits; absence of qualified administrator; payment; to whom made.

In case of death, where no executor or administrator is qualified, the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court shall, by order, direct payment to be made to such person as would be appointed administrator of the estate of such decedent, upon like terms as to bond for the proper application of compensation payments as are required of administrators.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 198, § 44, p. 598; R.S.1913, § 3685; C.S.1922, § 3067; C.S.1929, § 48-144; Laws 1935, c. 57, § 29, p. 202; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-144; R.S.1943, § 48-143; Laws 1975, LB 187, § 8;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 61.    


48-144. Accidents and settlements; reports; death of alien employee; notice to consul.

(1) Reports of accidents and settlements shall be made in a form and manner prescribed by the administrator of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court. Such reports, if filed by a workers' compensation insurer on behalf of an employer, shall be deemed to have been filed by the employer.

(2) When an injury results in the death of an employee who is a citizen or subject of a foreign country, the administrator of the compensation court shall, after the death has been reported to the compensation court, at once notify the superior consular officer of the country of which the employee at the time of his or her death was a citizen or subject, and whose consular district embraces the State of Nebraska, or the representative, residing in the State of Nebraska, of such consular officer, whom he or she shall have formally designated as his or her representative by a communication in writing to the compensation court. Such notification shall contain in addition to the name of the employee such further information as the compensation court may possess respecting the place of birth, parentage, and names and addresses of the dependents of the employee.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 198, § 45, p. 598; R.S.1913, § 3686; Laws 1917, c. 85, § 20, p. 214; C.S.1922, § 3068; C.S.1929, § 48-145; Laws 1935, c. 57, § 30, p. 202; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-145; R.S.1943, § 48-144; Laws 1986, LB 811, § 62;    Laws 2005, LB 13, § 6.    

48-144.01. Injuries; reports; time within which to file; terms, defined.

(1) In every case of reportable injury arising out of and in the course of employment, the employer or workers' compensation insurer shall file a report thereof with the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court. Such report shall be filed within ten days after the employer or insurer has been given notice of or has knowledge of the injury.

(2) For purposes of this section:

(a) Reportable injury means an injury or diagnosed occupational disease which results in: (i) Death, regardless of the time between the death and the injury or onset of disease; (ii) time away from work; (iii) restricted work or termination of employment; (iv) loss of consciousness; or (v) medical treatment other than first aid;

(b) Restricted work means the inability of the employee to perform one or more of the duties of his or her normal job assignment. Restricted work does not occur if the employee is able to perform all of the duties of his or her normal job assignment, but a work restriction is assigned because the employee is experiencing minor musculoskeletal discomfort and for the purpose of preventing a more serious condition from developing;

(c) Medical treatment means treatment administered by a physician or other licensed health care professional; and

(d) First aid means:

(i) Using a nonprescription medication at nonprescription strength. For medications available in both prescription and nonprescription form, a recommendation by a physician or other licensed health care professional to use a nonprescription medication at prescription strength is not first aid;

(ii) Administering tetanus immunizations. Administering other immunizations, such as hepatitis B vaccine and rabies vaccine, is not first aid;

(iii) Cleaning, flushing, or soaking wounds on the surface of the skin;

(iv) Using wound coverings, such as bandages and gauze pads, and superficial wound closing devices, such as butterfly bandages and steri-strips. Using other wound closing devices, such as sutures and staples, is not first aid;

(v) Using hot or cold therapy;

(vi) Using any nonrigid means of support, such as elastic bandages, wraps, and nonrigid back belts. Using devices with rigid stays or other systems designed to immobilize parts of the body is not first aid;

(vii) Using temporary immobilization devices, such as splints, slings, neck collars, and back boards, while transporting accident victims;

(viii) Drilling of a fingernail or toenail to relieve pressure or draining fluid from a blister;

(ix) Using eye patches;

(x) Removing foreign bodies from the eye using only irrigation or a cotton swab;

(xi) Removing splinters or foreign material from areas other than the eye by irrigation, tweezers, cotton swabs, or other simple means;

(xii) Using finger guards;

(xiii) Using massages. Using physical therapy or chiropractic treatment is not first aid; and

(xiv) Drinking fluids for relief of heat stress.

Source:Laws 1971, LB 572, § 11;    Laws 1972, LB 1221, § 1;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 63;    Laws 2005, LB 238, § 7.    


48-144.02. Compensation insurance carrier; risk management pool; reports; time within which to file.

(1) Whenever any insurance carrier shall write a policy of workers' compensation insurance under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act, such carrier shall file a report showing the name and address of the insured employer, the name of the insurance carrier, the policy number, the effective date and expiration date of such policy, and such other information as the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court may require. Such report shall be filed with the compensation court within ten days of the effective date of such policy.

(2) Whenever any risk management pool is organized or accepts a new member or whenever any member of a risk management pool voluntarily terminates membership or is involuntarily terminated, such pool shall file a report within ten days after any such event with the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court showing the names and local addresses of its members or the name, local address, and effective date of termination or joinder of any single member.

Source:Laws 1971, LB 572, § 12;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 64;    Laws 1987, LB 398, § 42.    

Cross References

48-144.03. Workers' compensation insurance policy; master policy obtained by professional employer organization; notice of cancellation or nonrenewal; effective date.

(1) Notwithstanding policy provisions that stipulate a workers' compensation insurance policy to be a contract with a fixed term of coverage that expires at the end of the term, coverage under a workers' compensation insurance policy shall continue in full force and effect until notice is given in accordance with this section.

(2) No cancellation of a workers' compensation insurance policy within the policy period shall be effective unless notice of the cancellation is given by the workers' compensation insurer to the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court and to the employer. No such cancellation shall be effective until thirty days after the giving of such notices, except that the cancellation may be effective ten days after the giving of such notices if such cancellation is based on (a) notice from the employer to the insurer to cancel the policy, (b) nonpayment of premium due the insurer under any policy written by the insurer for the employer, (c) failure of the employer to reimburse deductible losses as required under any policy written by the insurer for the employer, or (d) failure of the employer, if covered pursuant to section 44-3,158, to comply with sections 48-443 to 48-445.

(3) No workers' compensation insurance policy shall expire or lapse at the end of the policy period unless notice of nonrenewal is given by the workers' compensation insurer to the compensation court and to the employer. No workers' compensation insurance policy shall expire or lapse until thirty days after the giving of such notices, except that a policy may expire or lapse ten days after the giving of such notices if the nonrenewal is based on (a) notice from the employer to the insurer to not renew the policy, (b) nonpayment of premium due the insurer under any policy written by the insurer for the employer, (c) failure of the employer to reimburse deductible losses as required under any policy written by the insurer for the employer, or (d) failure of the employer, if covered pursuant to section 44-3,158, to comply with sections 48-443 to 48-445.

(4) Subsections (2) and (3) of this section terminate on January 1, 2012. Subsections (5), (6), and (7) of this section apply beginning on January 1, 2012.

(5)(a) This subsection applies to workers' compensation policies other than master policies or multiple coordinated policies obtained by a professional employer organization.

(b) No cancellation of a policy within the policy period shall be effective unless notice of the cancellation is given by the workers' compensation insurer to the compensation court and to the employer. No such cancellation shall be effective until thirty days after giving such notices, except that the cancellation may be effective ten days after the giving of such notices if such cancellation is based on (i) notice from the employer to the insurer to cancel the policy, (ii) nonpayment of premium due the insurer under any policy written by the insurer for the employer, (iii) failure of the employer to reimburse deductible losses as required under any policy written by the insurer for the employer, or (iv) failure of the employer, if covered pursuant to section 44-3,158, to comply with sections 48-443 to 48-445.

(c) No policy shall expire or lapse at the end of the policy period unless notice of nonrenewal is given by the workers' compensation insurer to the compensation court and to the employer. No policy shall expire or lapse until thirty days after giving such notices, except that a policy may expire or lapse ten days after the giving of such notices if the nonrenewal is based on (i) notice from the employer to the insurer to not renew the policy, (ii) nonpayment of premium due the insurer under any policy written by the insurer for the employer, (iii) failure of the employer to reimburse deductible losses as required under any policy written by the insurer for the employer, or (iv) failure of the employer, if covered pursuant to section 44-3,158, to comply with sections 48-443 to 48-445.

(6)(a) This subsection applies to workers' compensation master policies obtained by a professional employer organization.

(b) No cancellation of a master policy within the policy period shall be effective unless notice of the cancellation is given by the workers' compensation insurer to the compensation court and to the professional employer organization. No such cancellation shall be effective until thirty days after giving such notices.

(c) No termination of coverage for a client or any employees of a client under a master policy within the policy period shall be effective unless notice is given by the workers' compensation insurer to the compensation court and to the professional employer organization. No such termination of coverage shall be effective until thirty days after giving such notices, except that the termination of coverage may be effective ten days after the giving of such notices if such termination is based on (i) notice from the client to the professional employer organization or the insurer to terminate the coverage or (ii) notice from the professional employer organization of the client's nonpayment of premium.

(d) No master policy shall expire or lapse at the end of the policy period unless notice of nonrenewal is given by the workers' compensation insurer to the compensation court and to the professional employer organization. No master policy shall expire or lapse until thirty days after giving such notices.

(e) Notice of the cancellation or nonrenewal of a master policy or the termination of coverage for a client or the employees of a client under such a policy shall be given by the professional employer organization to the client within fifteen days after the cancellation, nonrenewal, or termination unless replacement coverage has been obtained.

(7)(a) This subsection applies to workers' compensation multiple coordinated policies obtained by a professional employer organization.

(b) No cancellation of a policy within the policy period shall be effective unless notice of the cancellation is given by the workers' compensation insurer to the compensation court, to the professional employer organization, and to the client employer. No such cancellation shall be effective until thirty days after giving such notices, except that the cancellation may be effective ten days after giving such notices if such cancellation is based on (i) notice from the client to the professional employer organization or the insurer to cancel the policy, (ii) notice from the professional employer organization of the client's nonpayment of premium or failure to reimburse deductibles for policies issued pursuant to section 48-146.03, (iii) failure of the client, if covered pursuant to section 44-3,158, to comply with sections 48-443 to 48-445, or (iv) for policies issued pursuant to section 44-3,158, nonpayment of premium or failure to reimburse deductibles for policies issued pursuant to section 48-146.03.

(c) No termination of coverage for any employees of the client during the policy period shall be effective unless notice is given by the workers' compensation insurer to the compensation court, to the professional employer organization, and to the client. No such termination of coverage shall be effective until thirty days after giving such notices, except that the termination of coverage may be effective ten days after the giving of such notices if such termination is based on (i) notice from the client to the professional employer organization or the insurer to terminate the coverage or (ii) notice from the professional employer organization of the client's nonpayment of premium or failure to reimburse deductibles for policies issued pursuant to section 48-146.03.

(d) No policy shall expire or lapse at the end of the policy period unless notice of nonrenewal is given by the workers' compensation insurer to the compensation court, to the professional employer organization, and to the client. No policy shall expire or lapse until thirty days after giving such notices, except that a policy may expire or lapse ten days after the giving of such notices if the nonrenewal is based on (i) notice from the client to the professional employer organization or the insurer to not renew the policy, (ii) notice from the professional employer organization of the client's nonpayment of premium or failure to reimburse deductibles for policies issued pursuant to section 48-146.03, (iii) failure of the client, if covered pursuant to section 44-3,158, to comply with sections 48-443 to 48-445, or (iv) for policies issued pursuant to section 44-3,158, nonpayment of premium or failure to reimburse deductibles for policies issued pursuant to section 48-146.03.

(e) An insurer may refrain from sending notices required by this subsection to a professional employer organization's client based upon the professional employer organization's representation that coverage has been or will be replaced. Such representation shall not absolve the insurer of its responsibility to continue coverage if such representation proves inaccurate.

(8) Notwithstanding other provisions of this section, if replacement workers' compensation insurance coverage has been secured with another workers' compensation insurer, then the cancellation or nonrenewal of the policy or the termination of coverage for a client or employees of a client under the policy shall be effective as of the effective date of such other insurance coverage.

(9) The notices required by this section shall state the reason for the cancellation or nonrenewal of the policy or termination of coverage for a client or employees of a client under a policy.

(10) The notices required by this section shall be provided in writing and shall be deemed given upon the mailing of such notices by certified mail, except that notices from insurers to the compensation court may be provided by electronic means if such electronic means is approved by the administrator of the compensation court. If notice is provided by electronic means pursuant to such an approval, it shall be deemed given upon receipt and acceptance by the compensation court.

Source:Laws 1971, LB 572, § 13;    Laws 1972, LB 1269, § 1;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 65;    Laws 1994, LB 978, § 49;    Laws 1994, LB 1222, § 61;    Laws 1996, LB 1230, § 1;    Laws 2005, LB 13, § 7;    Laws 2005, LB 238, § 8;    Laws 2007, LB117, § 33;    Laws 2009, LB630, § 9;    Laws 2010, LB579, § 15.    


48-144.04. Reports; penalties for not filing; statutes of limitations not to run until report furnished.

Any employer, workers' compensation insurer, or risk management pool who fails, neglects, or refuses to file any report required of him or her by the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court shall be guilty of a Class II misdemeanor for each such failure, neglect, or refusal. It shall be the duty of the Attorney General to act as attorney for the state. In addition to the penalty, where an employer, workers' compensation insurer, or risk management pool has been given notice, or the employer, workers' compensation insurer, or risk management pool has knowledge, of any injury or death of an employee and fails, neglects, or refuses to file a report thereof, the limitations in section 48-137 and for injuries occurring before December 1, 1997, the limitations in section 48-128 shall not begin to run against the claim of the injured employee or his or her dependents entitled to compensation or against the State of Nebraska on behalf of the Workers' Compensation Trust Fund, or in favor of either the employer, workers' compensation insurer, or risk management pool until such report shall have been furnished as required by the compensation court.

Source:Laws 1971, LB 572, § 14;    Laws 1977, LB 40, § 271;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 66;    Laws 1987, LB 398, § 43;    Laws 1997, LB 854, § 3;    Laws 2000, LB 1221, § 7;    Laws 2005, LB 238, § 9.    

Cross References


48-145. Employers; compensation insurance required; exceptions; effect of failure to comply; self-insurer; payments required; deposit with State Treasurer; credited to Compensation Court Cash Fund.

To secure the payment of compensation under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act:

(1) Every employer in the occupations described in section 48-106, except the State of Nebraska and any governmental agency created by the state, shall either (a) insure and keep insured its liability under such act in some corporation, association, or organization authorized and licensed to transact the business of workers' compensation insurance in this state, (b) in the case of an employer who is a lessor of one or more commercial vehicles leased to a self-insured motor carrier, be a party to an effective agreement with the self-insured motor carrier under section 48-115.02, (c) be a member of a risk management pool authorized and providing group self-insurance of workers' compensation liability pursuant to the Intergovernmental Risk Management Act, or (d) with approval of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court, self-insure its workers' compensation liability.

An employer seeking approval to self-insure shall make application to the compensation court in the form and manner as the compensation court may prescribe, meet such minimum standards as the compensation court shall adopt and promulgate by rule and regulation, and furnish to the compensation court satisfactory proof of financial ability to pay direct the compensation in the amount and manner when due as provided for in the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act. Approval is valid for the period prescribed by the compensation court unless earlier revoked pursuant to this subdivision or subsection (1) of section 48-146.02. Notwithstanding subdivision (1)(d) of this section, a professional employer organization shall not be eligible to self-insure its workers' compensation liability. The compensation court may by rule and regulation require the deposit of an acceptable security, indemnity, trust, or bond to secure the payment of compensation liabilities as they are incurred. The agreement or document creating a trust for use under this section shall contain a provision that the trust may only be terminated upon the consent and approval of the compensation court. Any beneficial interest in the trust principal shall be only for the benefit of the past or present employees of the self-insurer and any persons to whom the self-insurer has agreed to pay benefits under subdivision (11) of section 48-115 and section 48-115.02. Any limitation on the termination of a trust and all other restrictions on the ownership or transfer of beneficial interest in the trust assets contained in such agreement or document creating the trust shall be enforceable, except that any limitation or restriction shall be enforceable only if authorized and approved by the compensation court and specifically delineated in the agreement or document. The trustee of any trust created to satisfy the requirements of this section may invest the trust assets in the same manner authorized under subdivisions (1)(a) through (i) of section 30-3209 for corporate trustees holding retirement or pension funds for the benefit of employees or former employees of cities, villages, school districts, or governmental or political subdivisions, except that the trustee shall not invest trust assets into stocks, bonds, or other obligations of the trustor. If, as a result of such investments, the value of the trust assets is reduced below the acceptable trust amount required by the compensation court, then the trustor shall deposit additional trust assets to account for the shortfall.

Notwithstanding any other provision of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act, a three-judge panel of the compensation court may, after notice and hearing, revoke approval as a self-insurer if it finds that the financial condition of the self-insurer or the failure of the self-insurer to comply with an obligation under the act poses a serious threat to the public health, safety, or welfare. The Attorney General, when requested by the administrator of the compensation court, may file a motion pursuant to section 48-162.03 for an order directing a self-insurer to appear before a three-judge panel of the compensation court and show cause as to why the panel should not revoke approval as a self-insurer pursuant to this subdivision. The Attorney General shall be considered a party for purposes of such motion. The Attorney General may appear before the three-judge panel and present evidence that the financial condition of the self-insurer or the failure of the self-insurer to comply with an obligation under the act poses a serious threat to the public health, safety, or welfare. The presiding judge shall rule on a motion of the Attorney General pursuant to this subdivision and, if applicable, shall appoint judges of the compensation court to serve on the three-judge panel. The presiding judge shall not serve on such panel. Appeal from a revocation pursuant to this subdivision shall be in accordance with section 48-185. No such appeal shall operate as a supersedeas unless the self-insurer executes to the compensation court a bond with one or more sureties authorized to do business within the State of Nebraska in an amount determined by the three-judge panel to be sufficient to satisfy the obligations of the self-insurer under the act;

(2) An approved self-insurer shall furnish to the State Treasurer an annual amount equal to two and one-half percent of the prospective loss costs for like employment but in no event less than twenty-five dollars. Prospective loss costs is defined in section 48-151. The compensation court is the sole judge as to the prospective loss costs that shall be used. All money which a self-insurer is required to pay to the State Treasurer, under this subdivision, shall be computed and tabulated under oath as of January 1 and paid to the State Treasurer immediately thereafter. The compensation court or designee of the compensation court may audit the payroll of a self-insurer at the compensation court's discretion. All money paid by a self-insurer under this subdivision shall be credited to the Compensation Court Cash Fund;

(3) Every employer who fails, neglects, or refuses to comply with the conditions set forth in subdivision (1) or (2) of this section shall be required to respond in damages to an employee for personal injuries, or when personal injuries result in the death of an employee, then to his or her dependents; and

(4) Any security, indemnity, trust, or bond provided by a self-insurer pursuant to subdivision (1) of this section shall be deemed a surety for the purposes of the payment of valid claims of the self-insurer's employees and the persons to whom the self-insurer has agreed to pay benefits under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act pursuant to subdivision (11) of section 48-115 and section 48-115.02 as generally provided in the act.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 198, § 46, p. 599; R.S.1913, § 3687; Laws 1917, c. 85, § 21, p. 215; Laws 1921, c. 122, § 1, p. 528; C.S.1922, § 3069; C.S.1929, § 48-146; Laws 1935, c. 57, § 31, p. 202; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-146; R.S.1943, § 48-145; Laws 1957, c. 205, § 1, p. 723; Laws 1963, c. 286, § 1, p. 860; Laws 1971, LB 572, § 8;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 67;    Laws 1988, LB 1146, § 1;    Laws 1997, LB 474, § 4;    Laws 1999, LB 216, § 9;    Laws 2000, LB 1221, § 8;    Laws 2005, LB 13, § 8;    Laws 2005, LB 238, § 10;    Laws 2010, LB579, § 16;    Laws 2015, LB480, § 4;    Laws 2023, LB191, § 7.    

Cross References


48-145.01. Employers; compensation required; penalty for failure to comply; injunction; Attorney General; duties.

(1) Any employer required to secure the payment of compensation under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act who willfully fails to secure the payment of such compensation shall be guilty of a Class I misdemeanor. If the employer is a corporation, limited liability company, or limited liability partnership, any officer, member, manager, partner, or employee who had authority to secure payment of compensation on behalf of the employer and willfully failed to do so shall be individually guilty of a Class I misdemeanor and shall be personally liable jointly and severally with such employer for any compensation which may accrue under the act in respect to any injury which may occur to any employee of such employer while it so fails to secure the payment of compensation as required by section 48-145.

(2) If an employer subject to the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act fails to secure the payment of compensation as required by section 48-145, the employer may be enjoined from doing business in this state until the employer complies with subdivision (1) of section 48-145. If a temporary injunction is granted at the request of the State of Nebraska, no bond shall be required to make the injunction effective. The Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court or the district court may order an employer who willfully fails to secure the payment of compensation to pay a monetary penalty of not more than one thousand dollars for each violation. For purposes of this subsection, each day of continued failure to secure the payment of compensation as required by section 48-145 constitutes a separate violation. If the employer is a corporation, limited liability company, or limited liability partnership, any officer, member, manager, partner, or employee who had authority to secure payment of compensation on behalf of the employer and willfully failed to do so shall be personally liable jointly and severally with the employer for such monetary penalty. All penalties collected pursuant to this subsection shall be remitted to the State Treasurer for distribution in accordance with Article VII, section 5, of the Constitution of Nebraska.

(3) It shall be the duty of the Attorney General to act as attorney for the State of Nebraska for purposes of this section. The Attorney General may file a motion pursuant to section 48-162.03 for an order directing an employer to appear before a judge of the compensation court and show cause as to why a monetary penalty should not be assessed against the employer pursuant to subsection (2) of this section. The Attorney General shall be considered a party for purposes of such motion. The Attorney General may appear before the compensation court and present evidence of a violation or violations pursuant to subsection (2) of this section and the identity of the person who had authority to secure the payment of compensation. Appeal from an order of a judge of the compensation court pursuant to subsection (2) of this section shall be in accordance with sections 48-182 and 48-185.

Source:Laws 1971, LB 572, § 18;    Laws 1977, LB 40, § 272;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 68;    Laws 1993, LB 121, § 283;    Laws 1999, LB 331, § 1;    Laws 2005, LB 13, § 9;    Laws 2011, LB151, § 2.    


48-145.02. Employers; reports required.

Every employer shall upon request of the administrator of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court report to the administrator (1) the number of its employees and the nature and location of their work, (2) the name of the workers' compensation insurer with whom the employer has insured its liability under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act and the number and date of expiration of such policy, and (3) the employer's federal employer identification number or numbers. Failure to furnish such report within ten days from the making of a request by certified or registered mail shall constitute presumptive evidence that the delinquent employer is violating section 48-145.01.

Source:Laws 1971, LB 572, § 19;    Laws 1972, LB 1061, § 1;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 69;    Laws 2005, LB 13, § 10.    

48-145.03. Employers; other liabilities not affected.

Sections 48-125.01, 48-145.01, and 48-145.02 shall not affect any other liability of the employer under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act.

Source:Laws 1971, LB 572, § 21;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 70.    

48-145.04. Self-insurance; assessment; payments.

(1) The administrator of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court shall, prior to January 1 of each year, estimate as closely as possible the actual cost to the court of evaluating an application for self-insurance and supervising and administering the self-insurance program for the ensuing year and assess the amount thereof, but not to exceed two thousand dollars, against each applicant for self-insurance in this state. Such assessment shall be in addition to the payments required by subdivision (2) of section 48-145 and section 48-1,114. The administrator shall notify each applicant of the amount of the individual assessment. Such assessment shall be due and payable with the application for self-insurance. If any assessment is not paid, the application shall not be considered.

(2) All payments received under subsection (1) of this section shall be remitted to the State Treasurer for credit to the Compensation Court Cash Fund. Such payments shall be expended solely for evaluating applications for self-insurance and to aid in supervising and administering the self-insurance program. After the first year, the balance remaining of such payments at the time each annual assessment is made shall be taken into account when the total assessment for the ensuing year is made.

Source:Laws 1986, LB 1036, § 1;    Laws 1992, LB 1006, § 93; Laws 1993, LB 757, § 13;    Laws 1999, LB 2, § 1;    Laws 2000, LB 1221, § 9;    Laws 2005, LB 13, § 11.    

48-146. Compensation insurance; provisions required; approval by Department of Insurance; effect of bankruptcy.

No policy of insurance against liability arising under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act shall be issued and no agreement pursuant to section 44-4304 providing group self-insurance coverage of workers' compensation liability by a risk management pool shall have any force or effect unless it contains the agreement of the workers' compensation insurer or risk management pool that it will promptly pay to the person entitled to the same all benefits conferred by such act, and all installments of the compensation that may be awarded or agreed upon, and that the obligation shall not be affected by the insolvency or bankruptcy of the employer or his or her estate or discharge therein or by any default of the employer after the injury, or by any default in the giving of any notice required by such policy, or otherwise. Such agreement shall be construed to be a direct promise by the workers' compensation insurer or risk management pool to the person entitled to compensation enforceable in his or her name. Each workers' compensation insurance policy and each agreement forming a risk management pool shall be deemed to be made subject to the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act. No corporation, association, or organization shall enter into a workers' compensation insurance policy unless copies of such forms have been filed with and approved by the Department of Insurance. Each workers' compensation insurance policy and each agreement pursuant to section 44-4304 providing group self-insurance coverage of workers' compensation liability by a risk management pool shall contain a clause to the effect (1) that as between the employer and the workers' compensation insurer or risk management pool the notice to or knowledge of the occurrence of the injury on the part of the employer shall be deemed notice or knowledge, as the case may be, on the part of the insurer or risk management pool, (2) that jurisdiction of the employer for the purpose of such act shall be jurisdiction of the insurer or risk management pool, and (3) that the insurer or risk management pool shall in all things be bound by the awards, judgments, or decrees rendered against such employer. Except when the Professional Employer Organization Registration Act allows coverage to be limited to co-employees as specified in a professional employer agreement, each workers' compensation insurance policy and each agreement providing such group self-insurance coverage shall include within its terms the payment of compensation to all employees who are within the scope and purview of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act, including potential new or unknown employees.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 198, § 47, p. 599; R.S.1913, § 3688; Laws 1917, c. 85, § 22, p. 215; C.S.1922, § 3070; C.S.1929, § 48-147; Laws 1933, c. 91, § 1, p. 364; Laws 1935, c. 57, § 32, p. 203; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-147; R.S.1943, § 48-146; Laws 1949, c. 162, § 1, p. 415; Laws 1967, c. 291, § 2, p. 795; Laws 1971, LB 572, § 9;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 71;    Laws 1987, LB 398, § 44;    Laws 1988, LB 1146, § 2;    Laws 1997, LB 474, § 5;    Laws 1999, LB 216, § 10;    Laws 2005, LB 238, § 11;    Laws 2010, LB579, § 17.    

Cross References


48-146.01. Transferred to section 44-3,158.

48-146.02. Insurance provider; risk management pool; suspension or revocation of authority to provide compensation insurance; Attorney General; duties; grounds.

(1)(a) If a three-judge panel of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court finds, after due notice and hearing at which the workers' compensation insurer is entitled to be heard and present evidence, that such insurer has failed to comply with an obligation under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act with such frequency as to indicate a general business practice to engage in that type of conduct, the three-judge panel may request the Director of Insurance to suspend or revoke the authorization of such insurer to write workers' compensation insurance under the provisions of Chapter 44 and such act. Such suspension or revocation shall not affect the liability of any such insurer under policies in force prior to the suspension or revocation.

(b) If a three-judge panel of the compensation court finds, after due notice and hearing at which the risk management pool is entitled to be heard and present evidence, that such pool has failed to comply with an obligation under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act, as set out in subsection (1) of section 44-4319, with such frequency as to indicate a general business practice to engage in that type of conduct, the three-judge panel may suspend or revoke the authority of the pool to provide group self-insurance coverage of workers' compensation liability pursuant to the Intergovernmental Risk Management Act. Such suspension or revocation shall not affect the liability of any such risk management pool under the terms of the agreement forming the pool in force prior to the suspension or revocation.

(c) If a three-judge panel of the compensation court finds, after due notice and hearing at which the self-insurer is entitled to be heard and present evidence, that such self-insurer has failed to comply with an obligation under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act with such frequency as to indicate a general business practice to engage in that type of conduct, the three-judge panel may revoke the approval of such self-insurer to provide self-insurance coverage of workers' compensation liability pursuant to section 48-145. Such revocation shall not affect the liability of any such self-insurer under an approval by the compensation court to self-insure in force prior to the revocation.

(d) The Attorney General, when requested by the administrator of the compensation court, may file a motion pursuant to section 48-162.03 for an order directing a workers' compensation insurer, risk management pool, or self-insurer to appear before a three-judge panel of the compensation court and show cause as to why the panel should not take action pursuant to this subsection. The Attorney General shall be considered a party for purposes of such motion. The Attorney General may appear before the three-judge panel and present evidence that the workers' compensation insurer, risk management pool, or self-insurer has failed to comply with an obligation under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act with such frequency as to indicate a general business practice to engage in that type of conduct. The presiding judge shall rule on a motion of the Attorney General pursuant to this subdivision and, if applicable, shall appoint judges of the compensation court to serve on the three-judge panel. The presiding judge shall not serve on such panel.

(e) Appeal from an action by a three-judge panel of the compensation court pursuant to subdivision (1)(b) or (1)(c) of this section shall be in accordance with section 48-185.

(2) In addition to any other obligations under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act, the following acts or practices, when committed with such frequency as to indicate a general business practice to engage in that type of conduct, shall subject the workers' compensation insurer, risk management pool, or self-insurer to action pursuant to subsection (1) of this section:

(a) Knowingly misrepresenting relevant facts or the provisions of the act or any rule or regulation adopted pursuant to such act;

(b) Failing to acknowledge with reasonable promptness pertinent communications with respect to claims arising under the act;

(c) Failing to promptly investigate claims arising under the act;

(d) Not attempting in good faith to effectuate prompt, fair, and equitable payment of benefits when compensability has become reasonably clear;

(e) Refusing to pay benefits without conducting a reasonable investigation;

(f) Failing to affirm or deny compensability of a claim within a reasonable time after having completed the investigation related to such claim;

(g) Paying substantially less than amounts owed under the act where there is no reasonable controversy;

(h) Making payment to an injured employee, beneficiary of a deceased employee, or provider of medical, surgical, or hospital services without providing a reasonable and accurate explanation of the basis for the payment;

(i) Unreasonably delaying the investigation or payment of benefits by knowingly requiring excessive verification or duplication of information;

(j) Failing, in the case of the denial of compensability or the denial, change in, or termination of benefits, to promptly provide a reasonable and accurate explanation of the basis for such action to the injured employee or beneficiary of a deceased employee;

(k) Failing, in the case of the denial of payment for medical, surgical, or hospital services, to promptly provide a reasonable and accurate explanation of the basis for such action to the provider of such services; or

(l) Failing to provide the compensation court's address and telephone number to an injured employee or beneficiary of a deceased employee with instructions to contact the court for further information:

(i) At or near the time the workers' compensation insurer, risk management pool, or self-insurer receives notice or has knowledge of the injury; and

(ii) At or near the time of the denial of compensability or the denial, change in, or termination of benefits.

(3) In order to determine compliance with obligations under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act, the compensation court or its designee may examine the workers' compensation records of (a) a workers' compensation insurer, a risk management pool, or a self-insurer or (b) an adjuster, a third-party administrator, or other agent acting on behalf of such workers' compensation insurer, risk management pool, or self-insurer. The authority of the compensation court pursuant to this subsection is subject to the limitations provided under the work-product doctrine and attorney-client privilege as recognized in Nebraska law.

(4) The compensation court may adopt and promulgate rules and regulations necessary to implement this section.

Source:Laws 1971, LB 572, § 16;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 73;    Laws 1987, LB 398, § 45;    Laws 1999, LB 331, § 2;    Laws 2005, LB 13, § 12.    

Cross References

48-146.03. Workers' compensation insurance policy; deductible options; exception; liability; insurer; duties; prohibited acts; violation; penalty.

(1) Each workers' compensation insurance policy issued by an insurer pursuant to the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act:

(a) Shall offer, at the option of the insured employer, a deductible for medical benefits in the amount of five hundred dollars to two thousand five hundred dollars per claim in increments of five hundred dollars; or

(b) May offer, at the option of the insured employer and the workers' compensation insurer, a deductible for all amounts paid by the insurer as long as the deductible is not more than forty percent of the insured employer's otherwise applicable annual workers' compensation insurance premium at rates approved for the insurer but not less than fifty thousand dollars.

The insured employer, if choosing to exercise one of such options listed in this subsection, may choose only one of the amounts as the deductible. The provisions of this section shall be fully disclosed to each prospective purchaser in writing.

(2) The deductible form shall provide that the workers' compensation insurer shall remain liable for and shall pay the entire cost of medical benefits for each claim directly to the medical provider, shall remain liable for and pay the entire cost of benefits, claims, and expenses as required by the policy irrespective of the deductible provision, and shall then be reimbursed by the employer for any deductible amounts paid by the workers' compensation insurer. The employer shall be liable for reimbursement up to the limit of the deductible.

(3) A workers' compensation insurer shall not be required to offer a deductible if, as a result of a credit investigation, the insurer determines that the employer does not have the financial ability to be responsible for the payment of deductible amounts.

(4) A workers' compensation insurer shall service and, if necessary, defend all claims that arise during the policy period, including those claims payable in whole or in part from the deductible amount, and shall make such reports to the compensation court of payments made, including payments made under the deductible provisions, as may be required by the compensation court.

(5) A person who is employed by a policyholder which chooses to exercise the option of a deductible policy shall not be required to pay any of the deductible amount, and any such policyholder shall not require or attempt to require the employee to give up his or her right of selection of physician set out in section 48-120. Any violation of this subsection shall be a Class II misdemeanor.

Source:Laws 1990, LB 313, § 2;    Laws 1992, LB 1006, § 94; Laws 2005, LB 238, § 12.    

48-147. Liability insurance; existing contract; effect of law; violations; penalty.

Nothing in the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act shall affect any existing contract for employers liability insurance, or affect the organization of any mutual or other insurance company, or any arrangement existing between employers and employees, providing for payment to such employees, their families, dependents, or representatives, sick, accident, or death benefits in addition to the compensation provided for by such act; but liability for compensation under such act shall not be reduced or affected by any insurance of the injured employee, or any contribution or other benefit whatsoever, due to or received by the person entitled to such compensation, and the person so entitled shall, irrespective of any insurance or other contract, have the right to recover the same directly from the employer, and in addition thereto, the right to enforce in his or her own name in the manner provided in section 48-146 the liability of any insurer who may, in whole or in part, have insured the liability for such compensation. Payment in whole or in part of such compensation by either the employer or the insurer, as the case may be, shall, to the extent thereof, be a bar to recovery against the other of the amount so paid. No agreement by an employee to pay any portion of premium paid by his or her employer or to contribute to a benefit fund or department maintained by such employer for the purpose of providing compensation as required by the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act shall be valid, and any employer who makes a deduction for such purpose from the pay of any employee entitled to the benefits of such act shall be guilty of a Class II misdemeanor. Nothing in this section invalidates or prohibits agreements pursuant to subdivision (11) of section 48-115 or section 48-115.02.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 198, § 48, p. 600; R.S.1913, § 3689; C.S.1922, § 3071; C.S.1929, § 48-148; R.S.1943, § 48-147; Laws 1971, LB 572, § 10;    Laws 1977, LB 40, § 273;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 74;    Laws 1997, LB 474, § 6;    Laws 1999, LB 216, § 11.    


48-148. Compensation; action to recover; release of claim at law.

If any employee, or his or her dependents in case of death, of any employer subject to the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act files any claim with, or accepts any payment from such employer, or from any insurance company carrying such risk, on account of personal injury, or makes any agreement, or submits any question to the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court under such act, such action shall constitute a release to such employer of all claims or demands at law, if any, arising from such injury.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 198, § 49, p. 600; R.S.1913, § 3690; C.S.1922, § 3072; C.S.1929, § 48-149; R.S.1943, § 48-148; Laws 1955, c. 186, § 5, p. 534; Laws 1986, LB 811, § 75.    


48-148.01. Denial of compensation; false representation.

No compensation shall be allowed if, at the time of or in the course of entering into employment or at the time of receiving notice of the removal of conditions from a conditional offer of employment: (1) The employee knowingly and willfully made a false representation as to his or her physical or medical condition by acknowledging in writing that he or she is able to perform the essential functions of the job with or without reasonable accommodation based upon the employer's written job description; (2) the employer relied upon the false representation and the reliance was a substantial factor in the hiring; and (3) a causal connection existed between the false representation and the injury.

Source:Laws 2015, LB480, § 1.    

48-148.02. Debt collection; limitations; notice; contents; delivery; Attorney General; ensure compliance; stay of lawsuits; effect on statute of limitations.

(1) After receipt of the notices provided for in this section, no debt collection shall be undertaken by a provider of services, supplier of services, collection agency, collector, or creditor attempting to collect a debt incurred against an employee or his or her spouse for treatment of a work-related injury while the matter is pending in the compensation court until final adjudication of the case regarding such debt.

(2) Notice under this section shall be made in writing and provided to each provider of services, supplier of services, collection agency, collector, or creditor as described in subsection (1) of this section. Notice shall not be imputed to any party from the service of notice upon another party.

(3) The initial notice shall contain the provider's name, employee's name, date of the injury, and a description of the injury, together with the filing date and case number pending in the compensation court. Within thirty days after the initial notice, an additional notice shall be provided specifically identifying the debt upon which collection should be stayed, unless identification was made in the initial notice. Notice shall be void if it fails to provide the proper information or is not provided within the required timeframes, or until proper notice is provided.

(4) Notice shall be made by personally delivering the notice to the person on whom it is to be served or by sending it by first-class mail addressed to the person or business entity on whom it is to be served at his or her residence or the principal office address of a business entity, or by a method otherwise agreed to between the parties. Each provider, supplier, collection agency, collector, or creditor shall not be deemed to be notified under this section unless receipt of the notice can be demonstrated.

(5) If collection efforts continue after both notices are received by the entity seeking to collect, the notices may be forwarded to the Attorney General requesting his or her assistance in gaining compliance with this act. The entity seeking to collect shall be copied on such notification to the Attorney General, and shall be given a reasonable period of time to respond to the notice and to cure any noncompliance. If noncompliance continues, the Attorney General may take such reasonable steps as is necessary to ensure compliance with this section. No private cause of action shall exist under this section. A violation of this section shall not be considered a violation of any other state or federal law.

(6) After notice is provided, collection lawsuits may be stayed, where applicable, by the plaintiff in a pending collection case, until final adjudication by the compensation court of the matter of the debt alleged to be subject to this section.

(7) The statute of limitations on the collection of such debt shall be tolled during the pendency of the compensation case from the date the case was filed with the compensation court.

(8) This section shall have no applicability outside of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act and shall not apply to any other cause of action under state or federal law.

Source:Laws 2019, LB418, § 8.    

48-149. Compensation payments; nonassignable; not subject to attachment; exceptions.

No proceeds or interest thereon from payments or lump-sum settlements under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act or law of another state which provides compensation and benefits for employees sustaining job-related injuries shall be assignable, subject to attachment or garnishment, or held liable in any way for any debts, except (1) as provided in section 48-108 and (2) payments under the act or any law of another state which provides compensation and benefits for employees sustaining job-related injuries shall be subject to income withholding under the Income Withholding for Child Support Act, administrative attachment and bank matching pursuant to sections 43-3328 to 43-3339, and garnishment by a county attorney or authorized attorney pursuant to section 43-512.03 or garnishment for child support as defined in section 43-1705 by an obligee as defined in section 43-1713.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 198, § 50, p. 600; R.S.1913, § 3691; C.S.1922, § 3073; C.S.1929, § 48-150; R.S.1943, § 48-149; Laws 1986, LB 811, § 76;    Laws 1993, LB 523, § 24;    Laws 1993, LB 118, § 2;    Laws 1997, LB 752, § 124.    

Cross References

48-150. Compensation claims; same preference as wage claims.

The right to compensation and all compensation awarded any injured employee or for death claims to his or her dependents in any amount shall have the same preference against the assets of the employer as unpaid wages for labor, but such compensation shall not become a lien on the property of third persons by reason of such preference.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 198, § 51, p. 600; R.S.1913, § 3692; C.S.1922, § 3074; C.S.1929, § 48-151; R.S.1943, § 48-150; Laws 1986, LB 811, § 77.    

48-151. Terms, defined.

Throughout the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act, the following words and phrases shall be considered to have the following meaning, respectively, unless the context clearly indicates a different meaning in the construction used:

(1) Physician means any person licensed to practice medicine and surgery, osteopathic medicine, chiropractic, podiatry, or dentistry in the State of Nebraska or in the state in which the physician is practicing;

(2) Accident means an unexpected or unforeseen injury happening suddenly and violently, with or without human fault, and producing at the time objective symptoms of an injury. The claimant has the burden of proof to establish by a preponderance of the evidence that such unexpected or unforeseen injury was in fact caused by the employment. There is no presumption from the mere occurrence of such unexpected or unforeseen injury that the injury was in fact caused by the employment;

(3) Occupational disease means only a disease which is due to causes and conditions which are characteristic of and peculiar to a particular trade, occupation, process, or employment and excludes all ordinary diseases of life to which the general public is exposed;

(4) Injury and personal injuries mean only violence to the physical structure of the body and such disease or infection as naturally results therefrom and personal injuries described in section 48-101.01. The terms include disablement resulting from occupational disease arising out of and in the course of the employment in which the employee was engaged and which was contracted in such employment. The terms include an aggravation of a preexisting occupational disease, the employer being liable only for the degree of aggravation of the preexisting occupational disease. The terms do not include disability or death due to natural causes but occurring while the employee is at work and do not include an injury, disability, or death that is the result of a natural progression of any preexisting condition;

(5) Death, when mentioned as a basis for the right to compensation, means only death resulting from such violence and its resultant effects or from occupational disease;

(6) Without otherwise affecting either the meaning or the interpretation of the abridged clause, personal injuries arising out of and in the course of employment, it is hereby declared not to cover workers except while engaged in, on, or about the premises where their duties are being performed or where their service requires their presence as a part of such service at the time of the injury and during the hours of service as such workers, and not to cover workers who on their own initiative leave their line of duty or hours of employment for purposes of their own. Property maintained by an employer is considered the premises of such employer for purposes of determining whether the injury arose out of employment;

(7) Willful negligence consists of (a) a deliberate act, (b) such conduct as evidences reckless indifference to safety, or (c) intoxication at the time of the injury, such intoxication being without the consent, knowledge, or acquiescence of the employer or the employer's agent;

(8) Intoxication includes, but is not limited to, being under the influence of a controlled substance not prescribed by a physician;

(9) Prospective loss costs means prospective loss costs as defined in section 44-7504 and prepared, filed, or distributed by an advisory organization which has been issued a certificate of authority pursuant to section 44-7518;

(10) Client means client as defined in section 48-2702;

(11) Professional employer organization means professional employer organization as defined in section 48-2702;

(12) Multiple coordinated policy means multiple coordinated policy as defined in section 48-2702;

(13) Master policy means master policy as defined in section 48-2702; and

(14) Whenever in the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act the singular is used, the plural is considered included; when the masculine gender is used, the feminine is considered included.

Source:Laws 1913, c. 198, § 52, p. 601; R.S.1913, § 3693; Laws 1917, c. 85, § 23, p. 216; Laws 1921, c. 122, § 1, p. 528; C.S.1922, § 3075; C.S.1929, § 48-152; Laws 1935, c. 57, § 42, p. 211; Laws 1937, c. 107, § 1, p. 367; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-152; Laws 1943, c. 113, § 3, p. 398; R.S.1943, § 48-151; Laws 1947, c. 174, § 2, p. 560; Laws 1963, c. 284, § 3, p. 852; Laws 1963, c. 287, § 1, p. 862; Laws 1986, LB 811, § 78;    Laws 1993, LB 757, § 15;    Laws 1998, LB 1010, § 4;    Laws 1999, LB 216, § 12;    Laws 2000, LB 1119, § 40;    Laws 2010, LB579, § 18;    Laws 2010, LB780, § 2.    


48-152. Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court; creation; jurisdiction; judges; selected or retained in office.

Recognizing that (1) industrial relations between employers and employees within the State of Nebraska are affected with a vital public interest, (2) an impartial and efficient administration of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act is essential to the prosperity and well-being of the state, and (3) suitable laws should be enacted for the establishing and for the preservation of such an administration of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act, there is hereby created, pursuant to the provisions of Article V, section 1, of the Nebraska Constitution, a court, consisting of judges, to be selected or retained in office in accordance with the provisions of Article V, section 21, of the Nebraska Constitution and to be known as the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court, which court shall have authority to administer and enforce all of the provisions of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act, and any amendments thereof, except such as are committed to the courts of appellate jurisdiction or as otherwise provided by law.

Source:Laws 1935, c. 57, § 1, p. 188; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-162; R.S.1943, § 48-152; Laws 1949, c. 161, § 3, p. 412; Laws 1965, c. 280, § 1, p. 806; Laws 1967, c. 292, § 1, p. 797; Laws 1975, LB 187, § 9;    Laws 1983, LB 18, § 2;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 79;    Laws 1988, LB 868, § 1;    Laws 2005, LB 13, § 13;    Laws 2023, LB799, § 7.    


48-152.01. Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court; judges; judicial nominating commission; selection.

The members of the judicial nominating commission for the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court shall be selected on a statewide basis as provided in section 24-803.

Source:Laws 1967, c. 292, § 4, p. 798; Laws 1973, LB 110, § 11;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 80.    

48-153. Judges; number; term; continuance in office; prohibition on holding other office or pursuing other occupation.

(1) The Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court shall consist of six judges.

(2) The right of judges of the compensation court to continue in office shall be determined in the manner provided in sections 24-813 to 24-818, and the terms of office thereafter shall be for six years beginning on the first Thursday after the first Tuesday in January immediately following their retention at such election.

(3) In case of a vacancy occurring in the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court, the same shall be filled in accordance with the provisions of Article V, section 21, of the Nebraska Constitution and the right of any judge so appointed to continue in office shall be determined in the manner provided in sections 24-813 to 24-818. All such judges shall hold office until their successors are appointed and qualified, or until death, voluntary resignation, or removal for cause.

(4) No judge of the compensation court shall, during his or her tenure in office as judge, hold any other office or position of profit, pursue any other business or avocation inconsistent or which interferes with his or her duties as such judge, or serve on or under any committee of any political party.

Source:Laws 1935, c. 57, § 2, p. 188; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-163; R.S.1943, § 48-153; Laws 1945, c. 113, § 1, p. 363; Laws 1963, c. 288, § 1, p. 865; Laws 1965, c. 280, § 2, p. 806; Laws 1967, c. 292, § 2, p. 798; Laws 1975, LB 187, § 10;    Laws 1978, LB 649, § 4;    Laws 1979, LB 237, § 5;    Laws 1981, LB 111, § 4;    Laws 1983, LB 18, § 3;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 81;    Laws 1988, LB 868, § 2;    Laws 2011, LB151, § 3;    Laws 2023, LB799, § 8.    

48-153.01. Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court judge; eligibility.

No person shall be eligible for the office of judge of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court unless he or she:

(1) Is at least thirty years of age;

(2) Is a citizen of the United States;

(3) Has been engaged in the practice of law in the State of Nebraska for at least five years, which may include prior service as a judge;

(4) Is currently admitted to practice before the Nebraska Supreme Court; and

(5) Is a resident of the State of Nebraska, and remains a resident of such state during the period of service.

This section shall not apply to a person serving as a judge of the Nebraska Workmen's Compensation Court on August 24, 1979, who continues to serve as a judge of the Nebraska Workmen's Compensation Court after August 24, 1979, and prior to July 17, 1986, and who continues to serve as a judge of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court on and after July 17, 1986.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 237, § 6;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 82.    

48-154. Judges; removal; grounds.

Any judge of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court may be removed in the same manner and for the same causes as a judge of the district court may be removed.

Source:Laws 1935, c. 57, § 3, p. 189; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-164; R.S.1943, § 48-154; Laws 1967, c. 292, § 3, p. 798; Laws 1986, LB 811, § 83.    

48-155. Presiding judge; how chosen; term; powers and duties; acting presiding judge; selection; powers.

The judges of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court shall, on July 1 of every odd-numbered year by a majority vote, select one of their number as presiding judge for the next two years, subject to approval of the Supreme Court. The presiding judge may designate one of the other judges to act as presiding judge in his or her stead whenever necessary during the disqualification, disability, or absence of the presiding judge. The presiding judge shall rule on all matters submitted to the compensation court except those arising in the course of hearings or as otherwise provided by law, assign or direct the assignment of the work of the compensation court to the several judges, clerk, and employees who support the judicial proceedings of the compensation court, preside at such meetings of the judges of the compensation court as may be necessary, and perform such other supervisory duties as the needs of the compensation court may require. During the disqualification, disability, or absence of the presiding judge, the acting presiding judge shall exercise all of the powers of the presiding judge.

Source:Laws 1935, c. 57, § 4, p. 189; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-165; R.S.1943, § 48-155; Laws 1945, c. 113, § 2, p. 364; Laws 1959, c. 225, § 1, p. 791; Laws 1969, c. 396, § 1, p. 1386; Laws 1986, LB 811, § 84;    Laws 1992, LB 360, § 15;    Laws 2000, LB 1221, § 10;    Laws 2005, LB 13, § 14;    Laws 2011, LB151, § 4.    

48-155.01. Judges; appointment of acting judge; compensation.

(1) The Governor may, by single order, appoint a qualified person meeting the eligibility requirements of section 48-153.01 to serve as acting judge of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court. Such appointment shall be for a period of two years. In determining whether a person is qualified to serve as acting judge of the compensation court, the Governor shall consider the person's knowledge of the law, experience in the legal system, intellect, capacity for fairness, probity, temperament, and industry. The acting judge shall be subject to call by the presiding judge of the compensation court, who may assign the acting judge to temporary duty in order to (a) sit in the compensation court to relieve a congested docket of the court or to prevent the docket from becoming congested or (b) sit for a judge of the court who may be incapacitated or absent for any reason. An acting judge appointed and assigned pursuant to this section shall possess the same powers and be subject to the duties, restrictions, and liabilities as are prescribed by law respecting judges of the compensation court, except that an acting judge is not prohibited from practicing law as provided in section 7-111.

(2) The acting judge shall receive for each day of temporary duty an amount equal to one-twentieth of the monthly salary he or she would receive if he or she were a regularly appointed judge of the compensation court and shall be reimbursed for his or her expenses while on temporary duty at the same rate as provided in sections 81-1174 to 81-1177. Within fifteen days following completion of a temporary duty assignment, the acting judge shall submit to the presiding judge of the compensation court a request for payment or reimbursement for services rendered and expenses incurred during such temporary duty assignment. Upon receipt of such request, the presiding judge shall endorse on the request that the services were performed and expenses incurred pursuant to an assignment of the presiding judge of the compensation court and file such request with the proper authority for payment.

(3) The acting judge shall not pay into the Nebraska Retirement Fund for Judges nor be eligible for retirement benefits under the Judges Retirement Act.

Source:Laws 1959, c. 226, § 1, p. 792; Laws 1981, LB 204, § 79;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 85;    Laws 1994, LB 833, § 27;    Laws 2004, LB 1097, § 22;    Laws 2005, LB 238, § 13.    

Cross References

48-156. Judges; quorum; powers.

A majority of the judges of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court shall constitute a quorum to adopt rules and regulations, as provided in sections 48-163 and 48-164, to transact business, except when the statute or a rule adopted by the compensation court permits one judge thereof to act. The act or decision of a majority of the judges constituting such quorum shall in all such cases be deemed the act or decision of the compensation court, except that a majority vote of all the judges shall be required to adopt rules and regulations.

Source:Laws 1935, c. 57, § 5, p. 190; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-166; R.S.1943, § 48-156; Laws 1945, c. 113, § 3, p. 364; Laws 1965, c. 280, § 3, p. 807; Laws 1983, LB 18, § 4;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 86;    Laws 1992, LB 360, § 16;    Laws 1999, LB 216, § 13;    Laws 2011, LB151, § 5.    


48-157. Clerk; administrator; appointment; duties.

(1) The presiding judge of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court shall appoint a clerk of the compensation court and such employees as the compensation court deems necessary to support the judicial proceedings of the compensation court, subject to approval of the compensation court. The clerk and employees supporting the judicial proceedings of the compensation court shall serve at the pleasure of the compensation court and shall perform such duties pertaining to the affairs of the court as the compensation court may prescribe or as otherwise provided by law.

(2) The presiding judge shall, subject to approval of the compensation court, appoint an administrator of the compensation court, who shall be the chief administrative officer of the compensation court. The administrator shall serve at the pleasure of the compensation court and shall perform such duties pertaining to affairs of the compensation court as the presiding judge may prescribe or as otherwise provided by law. The administrator shall appoint such other employees as the administrator deems necessary to carry out the duties of the administrator, subject to approval of the presiding judge. Employees appointed by the administrator shall serve at the pleasure of the administrator and shall perform such duties as the administrator may prescribe.

(3) The clerk shall, under the direction of the presiding judge, keep a full and true record of the judicial proceedings of the compensation court, record all pleadings and other documents filed with the compensation court, and issue all necessary notices and writs. No action shall be taken on any pleading or other document filed with the compensation court until the same has been recorded by the clerk. At the time a petition or motion is filed the clerk shall, on a rotating basis, assign one of the judges of the compensation court to hear the cause.

(4) The clerk may, under the direction of the presiding judge, make or cause to be made preservation duplicates of any record relating to the judicial proceedings of the compensation court. The original record may be destroyed, but only with the approval of the State Records Administrator pursuant to the Records Management Act. The reproduction of the preservation duplicates shall be admissible as evidence in any court of record in the State of Nebraska and, when duly certified, shall be evidence of equal credibility with the original record.

(5) Notices of hearings, notices of continuances, and summonses may be destroyed without preparing preservation duplicates after a record of their issuance has been made in the docket book. A reproduction of the page of the docket book or of the preservation duplicate of the page of the docket book showing such record and, in the case of summonses, showing issuance or return of the summons, when duly certified, shall be evidence of equal credibility with the original notice or summons. Correspondence, exhibits, and other documents relating to the judicial proceedings of the compensation court which the clerk deems to be irrelevant, unimportant, or superfluous may be destroyed without preparing preservation duplicates.

Source:Laws 1935, c. 57, § 7, p. 190; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-168; R.S.1943, § 48-157; Laws 1945, c. 113, § 4, p. 365; Laws 1945, c. 238, § 20, p. 713; Laws 1951, c. 311, § 2, p. 1066; Laws 1969, c. 388, § 4, p. 1363; Laws 1975, LB 194, § 1;    Laws 1983, LB 263, § 1;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 87;    Laws 1997, LB 128, § 3;    Laws 2005, LB 13, § 15.    

Cross References


48-158. Judges; administrator; clerk; bond or insurance; oath.

Each of the judges of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court, the administrator of the compensation court, and the clerk of the compensation court shall, before entering upon or discharging any of the duties of his or her office, be bonded or insured as required by section 11-201 and such judges, administrator, and clerk shall, before entering upon the duties of their offices, take and subscribe the statutory oath of office.

Source:Laws 1935, c. 57, § 8, p. 191; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-169; R.S.1943, § 48-158; Laws 1978, LB 653, § 9;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 88;    Laws 2004, LB 884, § 20;    Laws 2005, LB 13, § 16.    

48-159. Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court; judges; employees; salary; expenses.

(1) As soon as the same may be legally paid under the Constitution of Nebraska, each judge of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court shall receive an annual salary of ninety-two and one-half percent of the salary set for the Chief Justice and judges of the Supreme Court, payable in the same manner as the salaries of other state officers are paid. The administrator, the clerk, and all other employees of the compensation court shall receive such salaries as the compensation court shall determine, but not to exceed the amount of the appropriation made by the Legislature for such purpose. Such salaries shall be payable in the same manner as the salaries of other state employees are paid. The administrator, clerk, and other employees of the compensation court shall not receive any other salary or pay for their services from any other source.

(2) In addition to the salaries as provided by subsection (1) of this section, the judges of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court and the administrator, clerk, and other employees of the compensation court shall be entitled, while traveling on the business of the compensation court, to be reimbursed by the state for their necessary traveling expenses, consisting of transportation, subsistence, lodging, and such other items of expense as are necessary, to be paid as provided in sections 81-1174 to 81-1177.

Source:Laws 1935, c. 57, § 9, p. 191; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-170; R.S.1943, § 48-159; Laws 1945, c. 113, § 12, p. 368; Laws 1947, c. 174, § 3, p. 562; Laws 1951, c. 154, § 1, p. 624; Laws 1953, c. 164, § 1, p. 515; Laws 1957, c. 206, § 1, p. 725; Laws 1959, c. 227, § 1, p. 794; Laws 1963, c. 289, § 1, p. 866; Laws 1965, c. 281, § 1, p. 808; Laws 1967, c. 293, § 1, p. 799; Laws 1969, c. 397, § 1, p. 1387; Laws 1972, LB 1293, § 4;    Laws 1974, LB 923, § 4;    Laws 1976, LB 76, § 5; Laws 1978, LB 672, § 5;    Laws 1979, LB 398, § 5;    Laws 1981, LB 111, § 5;    Laws 1981, LB 204, § 80;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 89;    Laws 1997, LB 853, § 2;    Laws 2005, LB 13, § 17.    

48-159.01. Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 164, § 3.

48-159.02. Repealed. Laws 1957, c. 206, § 3.

48-159.03. Repealed. Laws 1959, c. 266, § 1.

48-159.04. Repealed. Laws 1963, c. 341, § 1.

48-159.05. Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 281, § 3.

48-159.06. Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 411, § 1.

48-159.07. Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 811, § 149.

48-159.08. Judges; salary increase; when effective.

Section 48-159 shall be so interpreted as to effectuate its general purpose, to provide, in the public interest, adequate compensation as therein provided for judges of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court and to give effect to such salary as soon as same may become operative under the Constitution of the State of Nebraska.

Source:Laws 1969, c. 397, § 2, p. 1388; Laws 1986, LB 811, § 90.    

48-160. Compensation court; seal.

The Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court shall have a seal for the authentication of its orders, awards, judgments, summons, subpoenas, and other writs. The seal may be either an engraved or ink stamp seal, and shall bear the words Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court—Official Seal, and shall be judicially noticed.

Source:Laws 1935, c. 57, § 10, p. 191; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-171; R.S.1943, § 48-160; Laws 1971, LB 653, § 5;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 91.    

48-161. Disputed claims; submission to court required; court; jurisdiction of ancillary issues.

All disputed claims for workers' compensation shall be submitted to the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court for a finding, award, order, or judgment. Such compensation court shall have jurisdiction to decide any issue ancillary to the resolution of an employee's right to workers' compensation benefits, except that jurisdiction with respect to income withholding pursuant to the Income Withholding for Child Support Act shall be as provided in such act, jurisdiction with respect to garnishment for support shall be as provided in sections 25-1009 to 25-1056 and 43-512.09, and jurisdiction with respect to administrative attachment and bank matching shall be as provided in sections 43-3328 to 43-3339.

Source:Laws 1935, c. 57, § 11, p. 191; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-172; R.S.1943, § 48-161; Laws 1986, LB 811, § 92;    Laws 1990, LB 313, § 3;    Laws 1993, LB 523, § 25;    Laws 1997, LB 752, § 125.    

Cross References


48-162. Compensation court; duties; powers.

(1) The Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court, or any judge thereof, is authorized and empowered to examine under oath or otherwise any person, employee, employer, agent, superintendent, supervisor, or officer of any partnership, limited liability company, or corporation, any officer of any domestic insurance company, any agent of any foreign insurance company, or any medical practitioner, to issue subpoenas for the appearance of witnesses and the production of books and papers, to solemnize marriages, and to administer oaths with like effect as is done in other courts of law in this state. In the examination of any witness and in requiring the production of books, papers, and other evidence, the compensation court shall have and exercise all of the powers of a judge, magistrate, or other officer in the taking of depositions or the examination of witnesses, including the power to enforce his or her orders by commitment for refusal to answer or for the disobedience of any such order.

(2) The compensation court or any judge thereof may, upon the motion of either party or upon its or his or her own motion, require the production of any books, documents, payrolls, medical reports, X-rays, photographs, or plates or any facts or matters which may be necessary to assist in a determination of the rights of either party in any matter pending before the compensation court or any judge thereof.

(3) The compensation court or any judge thereof may expedite the hearing of a disputed case when there is an emergency.

Source:Laws 1917, c. 85, § 27, p. 218; Laws 1921, c. 122, § 2, p. 530; C.S.1922, § 3076; C.S.1929, § 48-153; Laws 1935, c. 57, § 34, p. 204; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-153; R.S.1943, § 48-162; Laws 1983, LB 18, § 5;    Laws 1983, LB 263, § 2;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 93;    Laws 1987, LB 187, § 2;    Laws 1993, LB 121, § 284;    Laws 1993, LB 757, § 16;    Laws 2005, LB 13, § 18.    

48-162.01. Employees; rehabilitation services; directory of service providers, counselors, and specialists; vocational rehabilitation plan; priorities; Attorney General; duties; compensation court; powers; duties.

(1) One of the primary purposes of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act is restoration of the injured employee to gainful employment. To this end the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court may employ one or more specialists in vocational rehabilitation. Salaries, other benefits, and administrative expenses incurred by the compensation court for purposes of vocational rehabilitation shall be paid from the Compensation Court Cash Fund.

(2) Vocational rehabilitation specialists employed by the court shall continuously study the problems of vocational rehabilitation and shall maintain a directory of individual service providers, counselors, and specialists which have been approved by the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court. The compensation court may approve as qualified such individual service providers, counselors, and specialists as are capable of rendering competent vocational rehabilitation services to injured employees. No individual service provider, counselor, or specialist shall be considered qualified to provide vocational rehabilitation services to injured employees unless he or she has satisfied the standards for certification established by the compensation court and has been certified by the compensation court.

(3) When as a result of the injury an employee is unable to perform suitable work for which he or she has previous training or experience, he or she is entitled to such vocational rehabilitation services, including job placement and training, as may be reasonably necessary to restore him or her to suitable employment. Vocational rehabilitation training costs shall be paid from the Workers' Compensation Trust Fund. When vocational rehabilitation training requires residence at or near a facility or institution away from the employee's customary residence, whether within or without this state, the reasonable costs of his or her board, lodging, and travel shall be paid from the Workers' Compensation Trust Fund.

If entitlement to vocational rehabilitation services is claimed by the employee, the employee and the employer or his or her insurer shall attempt to agree on the choice of a vocational rehabilitation counselor from the directory of vocational rehabilitation counselors established pursuant to subsection (2) of this section. If they are unable to agree on a vocational rehabilitation counselor, the employee or employer or his or her insurer shall notify the compensation court, and a vocational rehabilitation specialist of the compensation court shall select a counselor from the directory of vocational rehabilitation counselors established pursuant to subsection (2) of this section. Only one such vocational rehabilitation counselor may provide vocational rehabilitation services at any one time, and any change in the choice of a vocational rehabilitation counselor shall be approved by a vocational rehabilitation specialist or judge of the compensation court. The vocational rehabilitation counselor so chosen or selected shall evaluate the employee and, if necessary, develop and implement a vocational rehabilitation plan. Any such plan shall be evaluated by a vocational rehabilitation specialist of the compensation court and approved by such specialist or a judge of the compensation court prior to implementation. In evaluating a plan the specialist shall make an independent determination as to whether the proposed plan is likely to result in suitable employment for the injured employee that is consistent with the priorities listed in this subsection. It is a rebuttable presumption that any vocational rehabilitation plan developed by such vocational rehabilitation counselor and approved by a vocational rehabilitation specialist of the compensation court is an appropriate form of vocational rehabilitation. The fee for the evaluation and for the development and implementation of the vocational rehabilitation plan shall be paid by the employer or his or her workers' compensation insurer. The compensation court may establish a fee schedule for services rendered by a vocational rehabilitation counselor. Any loss-of-earning-power evaluation performed by a vocational rehabilitation counselor shall be performed by a counselor from the directory established pursuant to subsection (2) of this section and chosen or selected according to the procedures described in this subsection. It is a rebuttable presumption that any opinion expressed as the result of such a loss-of-earning-power evaluation is correct.

The following priorities shall be used in developing and evaluating a vocational rehabilitation plan. No higher priority may be utilized unless all lower priorities have been determined by the vocational rehabilitation counselor and a vocational rehabilitation specialist or judge of the compensation court to be unlikely to result in suitable employment for the injured employee that is consistent with the priorities listed in this subsection. If a lower priority is clearly inappropriate for the employee, the next higher priority shall be utilized. The priorities are, listed in order from lower to higher priority:

(a) Return to the previous job with the same employer;

(b) Modification of the previous job with the same employer;

(c) A new job with the same employer;

(d) A job with a new employer; or

(e) A period of formal training which is designed to lead to employment in another career field.

(4) The compensation court may cooperate on a reciprocal basis with federal and state agencies for vocational rehabilitation services or with any public or private agency.

(5) The Attorney General, when requested by the administrator of the compensation court, may file a motion pursuant to section 48-162.03 regarding any issue related to vocational rehabilitation services or costs pursuant to this section. The Attorney General shall be considered a party for purposes of such motion. The Attorney General may initiate an original action before the compensation court or may intervene in a pending action and become a party to the litigation. Any such motion shall be heard by a judge of the compensation court other than the presiding judge.

(6) An employee who has suffered an injury covered by the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act is entitled to prompt physical and medical rehabilitation services. If physical or medical rehabilitation services are not voluntarily offered and accepted, the compensation court or any judge thereof on its or his or her own motion, or upon application of the employee or employer, and after affording the parties an opportunity to be heard by the compensation court or judge thereof, may refer the employee to a facility, institution, physician, or other individual service provider capable of rendering competent physical or medical rehabilitation services for evaluation and report of the practicability of, need for, and kind of service or treatment necessary and appropriate to render him or her fit for a remunerative occupation, and the costs of such evaluation and report involving physical or medical rehabilitation shall be borne by the employer or his or her workers' compensation insurer. Upon receipt of such report and after affording the parties an opportunity to be heard, the compensation court or judge thereof may order that the physical or medical services and treatment recommended in the report or other necessary physical or medical rehabilitation treatment or service be provided at the expense of the employer or his or her workers' compensation insurer.

When physical or medical rehabilitation requires residence at or near the facility or institution away from the employee's customary residence, whether within or without this state, the reasonable costs of his or her board, lodging, and travel shall be paid for by the employer or his or her workers' compensation insurer in addition to any other benefits payable under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act, including weekly compensation benefits for temporary disability.

(7) If the injured employee without reasonable cause refuses to undertake or fails to cooperate with a physical, medical, or vocational rehabilitation program determined by the compensation court or judge thereof to be suitable for him or her or refuses to be evaluated under subsection (3) or (6) of this section or fails to cooperate in such evaluation, the compensation court or judge thereof may suspend, reduce, or limit the compensation otherwise payable under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act. The compensation court or judge thereof may also modify a previous finding, order, award, or judgment relating to physical, medical, or vocational rehabilitation services as necessary in order to accomplish the goal of restoring the injured employee to gainful and suitable employment, or as otherwise required in the interest of justice.

Source:Laws 1969, c. 388, § 1, p. 1357; Laws 1974, LB 808, § 2;    Laws 1983, LB 266, § 1;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 94;    Laws 1993, LB 757, § 17;    Laws 1997, LB 128, § 4;    Laws 1999, LB 216, § 14;    Laws 2000, LB 1221, § 11;    Laws 2004, LB 1091, § 3;    Laws 2005, LB 13, § 19.    


48-162.02. Workers' Compensation Trust Fund; created; use; contributions; Attorney General; Department of Administrative Services; duties.

(1) The Workers' Compensation Trust Fund is created. The fund shall be administered by the administrator of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court.

(2) The Workers' Compensation Trust Fund shall be used to make payments in accordance with sections 48-128 and 48-162.01. Payments from the fund shall be made in the same manner as for claims against the state. The State Treasurer shall be the custodian of the fund and all money and securities in the fund shall be held in trust by the State Treasurer and shall not be money or property of the state. The fund shall be raised and derived as follows: Every insurance company which is transacting business in this state shall on or before March 1 of each year pay to the Director of Insurance an amount equal to two percent of the workers' compensation benefits paid by it during the preceding calendar year in this state. Every risk management pool providing workers' compensation group self-insurance coverage to any of its members shall on or before March 1 of each year pay to the Director of Insurance an amount equal to two percent of the workers' compensation benefits paid by it during the preceding calendar year in this state but in no event less than twenty-five dollars.

(3) The computation of the amounts as provided in subsection (2) of this section shall be made on forms furnished by the Department of Insurance and shall be forwarded to the department together with a sworn statement by an appropriate fiscal officer of the company attesting the accuracy of the computation. The department shall furnish such forms to the companies and pools prior to the end of the year for which the amounts are payable together with any information deemed necessary or appropriate by the department. Upon receipt of the payment, the director shall audit and examine the computations to determine that the proper amount has been paid.

(4) The Director of Insurance, after notice and hearing in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, may rescind or refuse to reissue the certificate of authority of any company or pool which fails to remit the amount due.

(5) The Director of Insurance shall remit the amounts paid to the State Treasurer for credit to the Workers' Compensation Trust Fund promptly upon completion of the audit and examination and in no event later than May 1 of the year in which the amounts have been received, except that (a) when there is a dispute as to the amount payable, the proceeds shall be credited to a suspense account until disposition of the controversy and (b) one percent of the amount received shall be credited to the Department of Insurance to cover the costs of administration.

(6) Every employer in the occupations described in section 48-106 who qualifies as a self-insurer and who is issued a permit to self-insure shall remit to the State Treasurer for credit to the Workers' Compensation Trust Fund an annual amount equal to two percent of the workers' compensation benefits paid by it during the preceding calendar year in this state but in no event less than twenty-five dollars.

(7) The amounts required to be paid by the insurance companies, risk management pools, and self-insurers under subsections (2) and (6) of this section shall be in addition to any other amounts, either in taxes, assessments, or otherwise, as required under any other law of this state.

(8) The administrator of the compensation court shall be charged with the conservation of the assets of the Workers' Compensation Trust Fund. The administrator may order payments from the fund for vocational rehabilitation services and costs pursuant to section 48-162.01 when (a) vocational rehabilitation is voluntarily offered by the employer and accepted by the employee, (b) the employee is engaged in an approved vocational rehabilitation plan pursuant to section 48-162.01, and (c) the employer has agreed to pay weekly compensation benefits for temporary disability while the employee is engaged in such plan.

(9) The Attorney General shall represent the fund when requested by the administrator in proceedings brought by or against the fund pursuant to section 48-162.01. The Attorney General shall represent the fund in all proceedings brought by or against the fund pursuant to section 48-128. When a claim is made by or against the fund pursuant to section 48-128, the State of Nebraska shall be impleaded as a party plaintiff or defendant, as the case may require, and when so impleaded as a defendant, service shall be had upon the Attorney General.

(10) The Department of Administrative Services shall furnish monthly to the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court a statement of the Workers' Compensation Trust Fund setting forth the balance of the fund as of the first day of the preceding month, the income and its sources, the payments from the fund in itemized form, and the balance of the fund on hand as of the last day of the preceding month. The State Treasurer may receive and credit to the fund any sum or sums which may at any time be contributed to the state or the fund by the United States of America or any agency thereof to which the state may be or become entitled under any act of Congress or otherwise by reason of any payment made from the fund.

(11) When the fund equals or exceeds two million three hundred thousand dollars, no further contributions thereto shall be required by employers, risk management pools, or insurance companies. Thereafter whenever the amount of the fund is reduced below one million two hundred thousand dollars by reason of payments made pursuant to this section or otherwise or whenever the administrator of the compensation court determines that payments likely to be made from the fund in the next succeeding year will probably cause the fund to be reduced below one million two hundred thousand dollars, the administrator shall notify all self-insurers and the Director of Insurance, who shall notify all workers' compensation insurance companies and risk management pools, that such contributions are to be resumed as of the date set in such notice and such contributions shall continue as provided in this section after the effective date of such notice. Such contributions shall continue until the fund again equals two million three hundred thousand dollars.

(12) Any expenses necessarily incurred by the Workers' Compensation Trust Fund or by the Attorney General in connection with a proceeding brought by or against the fund may be paid out of the fund. Such expenses may be taxed as costs and recovered by the fund in any case in which the fund prevails.

Source:Laws 1974, LB 808, § 3;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 95;    Laws 1987, LB 398, § 46;    Laws 1988, LB 1034, § 2;    Laws 1992, LB 1006, § 95; Laws 1993, LB 757, § 18;    Laws 2000, LB 1221, § 12;    Laws 2004, LB 1091, § 4;    Laws 2005, LB 13, § 20;    Laws 2007, LB322, § 8.    

Cross References

48-162.03. Compensation court; motions; powers.

(1) The Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court or any judge thereof may rule upon any motion addressed to the court by any party to a suit or proceeding, including, but not limited to, motions for summary judgment or other motions for judgment on the pleadings but not including motions for new trial. Several objects may be included in the same motion, if they all grow out of or are connected with the action or proceeding in which it is made.

(2) Parties to a dispute which might be the subject of an action under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act may file a motion for an order regarding the dispute without first filing a petition.

(3) If notice of a motion is required, the notice shall be in writing and shall state: (a) The names of the parties to the action, proceeding, or dispute in which it is to be made; (b) the name of the judge before whom it is to be made; (c) the time and place of hearing; and (d) the nature and terms of the order or orders to be applied for. Notice shall be served a reasonable time before the hearing as provided in the rules of the compensation court.

Source:Laws 1997, LB 128, § 5;    Laws 2013, LB141, § 1.    


48-163. Compensation court; rules and regulations; procedures for adoption; powers and duties.

(1) The Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court, by a majority vote of the judges thereof, may adopt and promulgate all reasonable rules and regulations necessary for carrying out the intent and purpose of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act, except that rules and regulations relating to the compensation court's adjudicatory function shall become effective only upon approval of the Supreme Court.

(2) No rule or regulation to carry out the act shall be adopted and promulgated except after public hearing conducted by a quorum of the compensation court on the question of adopting and promulgating such rule or regulation. Notice of such hearing shall be given at least fourteen days prior thereto by publication in a newspaper having general circulation in the state. Draft copies of all such rules and regulations shall be available to the public at the compensation court at the time of giving notice.

(3) The administrator of the compensation court shall establish and maintain a list of subscribers who wish to receive notice of public hearing on the question of adopting and promulgating any rule or regulation and shall provide notice to such subscribers. The administrator shall distribute a current copy of existing rules and regulations and any updates to those rules and regulations once adopted to the State Library and to each county law library or the largest public library in each county.

Source:Laws 1935, c. 57, § 6, p. 190; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-167; R.S.1943, § 48-163; Laws 1975, LB 187, § 11;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 96;    Laws 1992, LB 360, § 17;    Laws 1993, LB 757, § 24;    Laws 1999, LB 216, § 15;    Laws 2005, LB 13, § 21;    Laws 2023, LB191, § 8.    


48-164. Compensation court; rules and regulations.

The Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court shall regulate and provide the kind and character of notices and the services thereof and, in case of an injury by accident to an employee, the nature and extent of the proofs and evidence and the method of taking and furnishing the same for the establishment of the right to compensation. It shall determine the nature and form or forms of the application of those claiming to be entitled to benefits or compensation and shall regulate the method of making investigations, physical examinations, and inspections and prescribe the time within which adjudications and awards shall be made. Such rules and regulations shall conform to the provisions of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act.

Source:Laws 1917, c. 85, § 29, p. 220; C.S.1922, § 3080; C.S.1929, § 48-157; Laws 1935, c. 57, § 36, p. 205; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-157; R.S.1943, § 48-164; Laws 1945, c. 113, § 5, p. 365; Laws 1986, LB 811, § 97;    Laws 2023, LB191, § 9.    

Cross References

48-165. Blank forms; distribution; fees; telephone number.

(1) The administrator of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court shall prepare and make available to employees, employers, and workers' compensation insurers such blank forms as deemed proper and advisable.

(2) The administrator of the compensation court may establish a schedule of fees for services including, but not limited to, copying, reproducing documents from preservation duplicates, preparing forms and other material, responding to inquiries for information, and preparing publications. In establishing fees, the administrator may consider costs for time, material, and delivery.

(3) The administrator of the compensation court may maintain a toll-free telephone number and assign staff members of the compensation court to respond to inquiries from employees, employers, and others regarding the operation of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act and to provide information regarding the rights, benefits, and obligations of injured employees and their employers under the act.

Source:Laws 1917, c. 85, § 29, p. 221; C.S.1922, § 3080; C.S.1929, § 48-157; Laws 1935, c. 57, § 36, p. 206; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-157; R.S.1943, § 48-165; Laws 1949, c. 161, § 4, p. 412; Laws 1983, LB 263, § 3;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 98;    Laws 2005, LB 13, § 22.    

48-166. Compensation court; annual report; contents.

On or before January 1 of each year, the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court shall submit electronically an annual report to the Clerk of the Legislature for the past fiscal year which shall include (1) pertinent information regarding settlements and awards made by the compensation court, (2) the causes of the accidents leading to the injuries for which the settlements and awards were made, (3) a statement of the total expense of the compensation court, (4) any other matters which the compensation court deems proper to include, and (5) any recommendations it may desire to make.

Source:Laws 1917, c. 85, § 29, p. 221; C.S.1922, § 3080; C.S.1929, § 48-157; Laws 1935, c. 57, § 36, p. 206; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-157; R.S.1943, § 48-166; Laws 1945, c. 113, § 6, p. 366; Laws 1955, c. 231, § 7, p. 720; Laws 1986, LB 811, § 99;    Laws 1999, LB 216, § 16;    Laws 2013, LB222, § 16.    

48-167. Compensation court; record.

The Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court shall keep and maintain a full and true record of all proceedings, documents, or papers ordered filed, rules and regulations, and decisions or orders.

Source:Laws 1917, c. 85, § 29, p. 221; C.S.1922, § 3080; C.S.1929, § 48-157; Laws 1935, c. 57, § 36, p. 205; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-157; R.S.1943, § 48-167; Laws 1945, c. 113, § 7, p. 366; Laws 1986, LB 811, § 100;    Laws 2011, LB151, § 6.    

48-168. Compensation court; rules of evidence; procedure; informal dispute resolution; procedure.

(1) The Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court shall not be bound by the usual common-law or statutory rules of evidence or by any technical or formal rules of procedure, other than as herein provided, but may make the investigation in such manner as in its judgment is best calculated to ascertain the substantial rights of the parties and to carry out justly the spirit of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act.

(2)(a) The Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court may establish procedures whereby a dispute may be submitted by the parties, by the provider of medical, surgical, or hospital services pursuant to section 48-120, by a vocational rehabilitation counselor certified pursuant to section 48-162.01, or by the compensation court on its own motion for informal dispute resolution by a staff member of the compensation court or outside mediator. Any party who requests such informal dispute resolution shall not be precluded from filing a petition pursuant to section 48-173 if otherwise permitted. If informal dispute resolution is ordered by the compensation court on its own motion, the compensation court may state a date for the case to return to court. Such date shall be no longer than ninety days after the date the order was signed unless the court grants an extension upon request of the parties. No settlement reached as the result of an informal dispute resolution proceeding shall be final or binding unless such settlement is in conformity with the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act. Any such settlement shall be voluntarily entered into by the parties.

(b)(i) Except as permitted in subdivision (b)(ii) of this subsection, a mediator shall not make a report, assessment, evaluation, recommendation, finding, or other communication regarding a mediation to a judge of the compensation court that may make a ruling on the dispute that is the subject of the mediation.

(ii) A mediator may disclose:

(A) Whether the mediation occurred or has terminated, whether a settlement was reached, and attendance; and

(B) A mediation communication evidencing abuse, neglect, abandonment, or exploitation of an individual to a public agency responsible for protecting individuals against such mistreatment.

(iii) A communication made in violation of subdivision (b)(i) of this subsection shall not be considered by a judge of the compensation court.

(c) Informal dispute resolution proceedings shall be regarded as settlement negotiations and no admission, representation, or statement made in informal dispute resolution proceedings, not otherwise discoverable or obtainable, shall be admissible as evidence or subject to discovery. A staff member or mediator shall not be subject to process requiring the disclosure of any matter discussed during informal dispute resolution proceedings. Any information from the files, reports, notes of the staff member or mediator, or other materials or communications, oral or written, relating to an informal dispute resolution proceeding obtained by a staff member or mediator is privileged and confidential and may not be disclosed without the written consent of all parties to the proceeding. No staff member or mediator shall be held liable for civil damages for any statement or decision made in the process of dispute resolution unless such person acted in a manner exhibiting willful or wanton misconduct.

(d) The compensation court may adopt and promulgate rules and regulations regarding informal dispute resolution proceedings that are considered necessary to effectuate the purposes of this section.

Source:Laws 1917, c. 85, § 29, p. 220; C.S.1922, § 3080; C.S.1929, § 48-157; Laws 1935, c. 57, § 36, p. 205; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-157; R.S.1943, § 48-168; Laws 1986, LB 811, § 101;    Laws 1993, LB 757, § 25;    Laws 2006, LB 489, § 34;    Laws 2009, LB630, § 10.    


48-169. Compensation court; proceedings; transcripts.

A transcribed copy of the evidence and proceedings, or any specific part thereof, of any investigation taken by a stenographer for the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court or by a court reporter appointed or furnished as provided in section 48-178, being certified and sworn to by such stenographer or court reporter, to be a true and correct transcript of the testimony, or of a particular witness, or any specific part thereof, or to be a correct copy of the transcript of the proceedings had on such investigation so purporting to be taken and transcribed, may be received in evidence by the compensation court with the same effect as if such stenographer or court reporter were present and testified to the facts certified. A copy of such transcript shall be furnished on demand to any party in interest upon payment of the fee therefor, as provided for transcripts in the district courts of the State of Nebraska.

Source:Laws 1917, c. 85, § 29, p. 221; C.S.1922, § 3080; C.S.1929, § 48-157; Laws 1935, c. 57, § 36, p. 205; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-157; R.S.1943, § 48-169; Laws 1986, LB 811, § 102;    Laws 1992, LB 360, § 18.    

48-170. Compensation court; orders; awards; when binding.

Every order and award of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court shall be binding upon each party at interest unless an appeal has been filed with the compensation court within thirty days after the date of entry of the order or award.

Source:Laws 1917, c. 85, § 29, p. 222; C.S.1922, § 3080; C.S.1929, § 48-157; Laws 1935, c. 57, § 36, p. 206; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-157; R.S.1943, § 48-170; Laws 1967, c. 294, § 1, p. 800; Laws 1975, LB 187, § 12;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 103;    Laws 1992, LB 360, § 19;    Laws 1999, LB 43, § 24;    Laws 2011, LB151, § 7.    


48-171. Order; award; judgment; use of terms.

Except as otherwise provided in sections 48-192 to 48-1,109, the words order, award, and judgment, as used in the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act, are used interchangeably and are deemed to have the same meaning.

Source:Laws 1935, c. 57, § 12, p. 192; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-173; R.S.1943, § 48-171; Laws 1986, LB 811, § 104.    


48-172. Compensation court; no filing fees; exceptions; costs; when allowed.

Except as provided in sections 48-138 and 48-139, there shall be no filing fees charged by the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court. When a reasonable attorney's fee is allowed the employee against the employer as provided in section 48-125, the compensation court shall further assess against the employer as costs of the employee the cost of depositions if admitted into evidence and may further assess against the employer the fees and mileage for necessary witnesses attending the proceedings at the instance of the employee. Both the necessity for the witness and the reasonableness of the fees shall be approved by the compensation court. Such witnesses shall be reimbursed for their necessary mileage at the rate provided in section 81-1176.

Source:Laws 1917, c. 85, § 29, p. 222; C.S.1922, § 3080; C.S.1929, § 48-157; Laws 1935, c. 57, § 36, p. 206; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-157; R.S.1943, § 48-172; Laws 1983, LB 18, § 6;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 105;    Laws 1993, LB 757, § 26.    


48-173. Petition; filing; contents; medical finding required.

Procedure before the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court shall be as follows: In all cases involving a dispute with reference to workers' compensation, either party at interest, without cost, either in person or by attorney, may file with the compensation court a petition setting forth the names and places of residence of the parties and the facts relating to the employment at the time of the injury for which compensation is claimed, the injury in its extent and character, the amount of wages being received at the time of the injury, the knowledge of or notice to the employer of the occurrence of such injury, and such other facts as may be considered necessary for the information of the compensation court, and also stating the matter or matters in dispute and the contention of the petitioner with reference thereto.

No petition may be filed with the compensation court solely on the issue of reasonableness and necessity of medical treatment unless a medical finding on such issue has been rendered by an independent medical examiner pursuant to section 48-134.01.

Source:Laws 1935, c. 57, § 13, p. 192; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-174; R.S.1943, § 48-173; Laws 1978, LB 649, § 5;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 106;    Laws 1993, LB 757, § 27;    Laws 1998, LB 1010, § 5.    


48-174. Summons; service; return.

Upon the filing of such petition a summons shall issue and be served upon the adverse party, as in civil causes, together with a copy of the petition. Return of service shall be made within fourteen days after the date of issue. An acknowledgment on the summons or the voluntary appearance of a defendant is equivalent to service.

Source:Laws 1935, c. 57, § 13, p. 192; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-174; R.S.1943, § 48-174; Laws 1978, LB 649, § 6;    Laws 2000, LB 1221, § 13;    Laws 2023, LB191, § 10.    


48-175. Summons; service.

(1) Whenever the post office address of the defendant is known or may be ascertained by the officer or person charged with the duty of serving the same, such summons may be served by such officer or person by certified mail.

(2) In the event the party to be served, in accordance with subsection (1) of this section, is a corporation, a partnership, or a limited liability company, a certified copy of the summons shall be directed to the proper officer, agent, or member of such organization who is authorized by law to accept service of process.

(3) The officer in making his or her return of all processes served, in accordance with subsection (1) or (2) of this section, shall append to and file with the original return the return receipt as herein set forth. Any judge of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court may serve or cause to be served such summons by certified mail as provided in this section.

Source:Laws 1935, c. 57, § 13, p. 192; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-174; R.S.1943, § 48-175; Laws 1953, c. 163, § 2, p. 513; Laws 1957, c. 242, § 41, p. 853; Laws 1983, LB 447, § 69;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 107;    Laws 1993, LB 121, § 285.    


48-175.01. Nonresident employer; service of process; manner of service; continuance; record.

(1)(a) The performance of work in the State of Nebraska (i) by an employer, who is a nonresident of the State of Nebraska, (ii) by any resident employer who becomes a nonresident of this state after the occurrence of an injury to an employee, or (iii) by any agent of such an employer shall be deemed an appointment by such employer of the clerk of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court as a true and lawful attorney and agent upon whom may be served all legal processes in any action or proceeding against him or her, arising out of or under the provisions of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act, and such performance of work shall be a signification of the employer's agreement that any such process, which is so served in any action against him or her, shall be of the same legal force and validity as if served upon him or her personally within this state. The appointment of agent, thus made, shall not be revocable by death but shall continue and be binding upon the executor or administrator of such employer.

(b) For purposes of this section, performance of work shall include, but not be limited to, situations in which (i) the injury or injury resulting in death occurred within this state, (ii) the employment was principally localized within this state, or (iii) the contract of hire was made within this state.

(2) Service of such process, as referred to in subsection (1) of this section, shall be made by serving a copy thereof upon the clerk of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court, personally in his or her office or upon someone who, previous to such service, has been designated in writing by the clerk of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court as the person or one of the persons with whom such copy may be left for such service upon the clerk of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court, and such service shall be sufficient service upon the employer. In making such service, a copy of the petition and a copy of the process shall, within ten days after the date of service, be sent by the clerk of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court, or such person acting for him or her in his or her office, to the defendant by registered or certified mail addressed to the defendant's last-known address, and the defendant's return receipt and affidavit of the clerk of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court, or such person in his or her office acting for him or her, of compliance therewith shall be appended to such petition and filed in the office of the clerk of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court. The date of the mailing and the date of the receipt of the return card aforesaid shall be properly endorsed on such petition and filed by the clerk of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court, or someone acting for him or her.

(3) The Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court shall, on its own motion, order such continuance of answer day and trial date, as may to the compensation court seem necessary to afford the defendant reasonable opportunity to plead and to defend. No such continuance shall be for more than ninety days except for good cause shown.

(4) It shall be the duty of the clerk of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court to keep a record of all processes so served, in accordance with subsections (1) and (2) of this section, which record shall show the date of such service, and to so arrange and index such record as to make the same readily accessible and convenient for inspection.

Source:Laws 1957, c. 202, § 2, p. 708; Laws 1973, LB 150, § 2;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 108;    Laws 2011, LB151, § 8.    

48-176. Answer; filing; contents.

Within seven days after the return day of such summons the party at interest upon whom the same is served shall file an answer to such petition, which shall admit or deny the substantial averments of the petition, and shall state the contention of the defendant with reference to the matters in dispute as disclosed by the petition.

Source:Laws 1935, c. 57, § 13, p. 193; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-174; R.S.1943, § 48-176; Laws 1978, LB 649, § 7.    


48-177. Hearing; judge; place; dismissal; procedure; manner of conducting hearings.

(1) At the time a petition or motion is filed, one of the judges of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court shall be assigned to hear the cause. It shall be heard in the county in which the accident occurred, except as otherwise provided in section 25-412.02 and except that, upon the written stipulation of the parties, filed with the compensation court at least fourteen days before the date of hearing, the cause may be heard in any other county in the state.

(2) Any such cause may be dismissed without prejudice to a future action (a) by the plaintiff, if represented by legal counsel, before the final submission of the case to the compensation court or (b) by the compensation court upon a stipulation of the parties that a dispute between the parties no longer exists.

(3) Notwithstanding subsection (1) of this section, all nonevidentiary hearings, and any evidentiary hearings approved by the compensation court and by stipulation of the parties, may be heard by the court telephonically or by videoconferencing or similar equipment at any location within the state as ordered by the court and in a manner that ensures the preservation of an accurate record. Hearings conducted in this manner shall be consistent with the public's access to the courts.

Source:Laws 1935, c. 57, §§ 13, 15, pp. 193, 195; C.S.Supp.,1941, §§ 48-174, 48-176; R.S.1943, § 48-177; Laws 1945, c. 113, § 8, p. 366; Laws 1949, c. 161, § 5, p. 413; Laws 1975, LB 97, § 8;    Laws 1978, LB 649, § 8;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 109;    Laws 1997, LB 128, § 6;    Laws 2005, LB 13, § 29;    Laws 2011, LB151, § 9.    


48-178. Hearing; judgment; when conclusive; record of proceedings; costs; payment.

The judge shall make such findings and orders, awards, or judgments as the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court or judge is authorized by law to make. Such findings, orders, awards, and judgments shall be signed by the judge before whom such proceedings were had. When proceedings are had before a judge of the compensation court, his or her findings, orders, awards, and judgments shall be conclusive upon all parties at interest unless reversed or modified upon appeal as hereinafter provided. A shorthand record or tape recording shall be made of all testimony and evidence submitted in such proceedings. The compensation court or judge thereof, at the party's expense, may appoint a court reporter or may direct a party to furnish a court reporter to be present and report or, by adequate mechanical means, to record and, if necessary, transcribe proceedings of any hearing. The charges for attendance shall be paid initially to the reporter by the employer or, if insured, by the employer's workers' compensation insurer. The charges shall be taxed as costs and the party initially paying the expense shall be reimbursed by the party or parties taxed with the costs. The compensation court or judge thereof may award and tax such costs and apportion the same between the parties or may order the compensation court to pay such costs as in its discretion it may think right and equitable. If the expense is unpaid, the expense shall be paid by the party or parties taxed with the costs or may be paid by the compensation court. The reporter shall faithfully and accurately report or record the proceedings.

Source:Laws 1935, c. 57, § 13, p. 193; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-174; R.S.1943, § 48-178; Laws 1945, c. 113, § 9, p. 367; Laws 1986, LB 811, § 110;    Laws 1992, LB 360, § 20;    Laws 2005, LB 238, § 14;    Laws 2011, LB151, § 10.    


48-178.01. Payment of compensation when claimant's right to compensation not in issue.

Whenever any petition is filed and the claimant's right to compensation is not in issue, but the issue of liability is raised as between an employer, a workers' compensation insurer, or a risk management pool or between two or more employers, workers' compensation insurers, or risk management pools, the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court may order payment of compensation to be made immediately by one or more of such employers, workers' compensation insurers, or risk management pools. When the issue is finally resolved, an employer, workers' compensation insurer, or risk management pool held not liable shall be reimbursed for any such payments by the employer, workers' compensation insurer, or risk management pool held liable.

Source:Laws 1971, LB 572, § 17;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 111;    Laws 1987, LB 398, § 47;    Laws 2005, LB 238, § 15.    

Cross References


48-179. Repealed. Laws 2011, LB 151, § 20.

48-180. Findings, order, award, or judgment; modification; effect.

The Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court may, on its own motion or on the motion of any party, modify or change its findings, order, award, or judgment at any time before appeal and within fourteen days after the date of such findings, order, award, or judgment. The time for appeal shall not be lengthened because of the modification or change unless the correction substantially changes the result of the award.

Source:Laws 1935, c. 57, § 13, p. 193; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-174; R.S.1943, § 48-180; Laws 1986, LB 811, § 113;    Laws 1992, LB 360, § 22;    Laws 2011, LB151, § 11.    


48-181. Repealed. Laws 2011, LB 7, § 1.

48-182. Notice of appeal; bill of exceptions; requirements; waiver of payment; when; extension of time; filing of order.

In case either party at interest refuses to accept any final order of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court, such party may, within thirty days thereafter, file with the compensation court a notice of appeal and at the same time the notice of appeal is filed, file with the compensation court a praecipe for a bill of exceptions. Within seven weeks from the date the notice of appeal is filed, the court reporter or transcriber shall deliver to the clerk of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court a bill of exceptions which shall include a transcribed copy of the testimony and the evidence taken before the compensation court at the hearing, which transcribed copy when certified to by the person who made or transcribed the record shall constitute the bill of exceptions. The transcript and bill of exceptions shall be paid for by the party ordering the same, except that upon the affidavit of any claimant for workers' compensation, filed with or before the praecipe, that he or she is without means with which to pay and unable to secure such means, payment may, in the discretion of the compensation court, be waived as to such claimant and the bill of exceptions shall be paid for by the compensation court in the same manner as other compensation court expenses.

The procedure for preparation, settlement, signature, allowance, certification, filing, and amendment of a bill of exceptions shall be regulated and governed by rules of practice prescribed by the Supreme Court except as otherwise provided in this section.

When a bill of exceptions has been ordered according to law and the court reporter or transcriber fails to prepare and file the bill of exceptions with the clerk of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court within seven weeks from the date the notice of appeal is filed, the Supreme Court may, on the motion of any party accompanied by a proper showing, grant additional time for the preparation and filing of the bill of exceptions under such conditions as the court may require. Applications for such an extension of time shall be regulated and governed by rules of practice prescribed by the Supreme Court. A copy of such order granting an extension of time shall be filed with the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court by the party requesting such extension within five days after the date of such order.

Source:Laws 1935, c. 57, §§ 13, 15, pp. 194, 195; C.S.Supp.,1941, §§ 48-174, 48-176; R.S.1943, § 48-182; Laws 1967, c. 294, § 2, p. 801; Laws 1971, LB 252, § 1;    Laws 1973, LB 192, § 1;    Laws 1975, LB 187, § 13;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 114;    Laws 1986, LB 529, § 51;    Laws 1991, LB 732, § 111; Laws 1992, LB 360, § 23;    Laws 2011, LB151, § 12;    Laws 2013, LB141, § 2.    


48-182.01. Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 811, § 149.

48-183. Repealed. Laws 1975, LB 187, § 19.

48-184. Repealed. Laws 1975, LB 187, § 19.

48-185. Appeal; procedure; judgment by Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court; effect; grounds for modification or reversal.

Any appeal from the judgment of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court shall be prosecuted and the procedure, including the designation of parties, handling of costs and the amounts thereof, filing of briefs, certifying the opinion of the Supreme Court or decision of the Court of Appeals to the compensation court, handling of the bill of exceptions, and issuance of the mandate, shall be in accordance with the general laws of the state and procedures regulating appeals in actions at law from the district courts except as otherwise provided in section 48-182 and this section. The proceedings to obtain a reversal, vacation, or modification of judgments, awards, or final orders made by the compensation court shall be by filing in the office of the clerk of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court, within thirty days after the entry of such judgment, decree, or final order, a notice of appeal signed by the appellant or his or her attorney of record. No motion for a new trial shall be filed. An appeal shall be deemed perfected and the appellate court shall have jurisdiction of the cause when such notice of appeal shall have been filed in the office of the clerk of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court, and after being so perfected no appeal shall be dismissed without notice, and no step other than the filing of such notice of appeal shall be deemed jurisdictional. The clerk of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court shall forthwith forward a certified copy of such notice of appeal to the Clerk of the Supreme Court, whereupon the Clerk of the Supreme Court shall forthwith docket such appeal. Within thirty days after the date of filing of notice of appeal, the clerk of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court shall prepare and file with the Clerk of the Supreme Court a transcript certified as a true copy of the proceedings contained therein. The transcript shall contain the judgment, decree, or final order sought to be reversed, vacated, or modified and all pleadings filed with such clerk. Neither the form nor the substance of such transcript shall affect the jurisdiction of the appellate court. Such appeal shall be perfected within thirty days after the entry of judgment by the compensation court, the cause shall be advanced for argument before the appellate court, and the appellate court shall render its judgment and write an opinion, if any, in such cases as speedily as possible. The judgment made by the compensation court shall have the same force and effect as a jury verdict in a civil case. A judgment, order, or award of the compensation court may be modified, reversed, or set aside only upon the grounds that (1) the compensation court acted without or in excess of its powers, (2) the judgment, order, or award was procured by fraud, (3) there is not sufficient competent evidence in the record to warrant the making of the order, judgment, or award, or (4) the findings of fact by the compensation court do not support the order or award.

Source:Laws 1935, c. 57, § 13, p. 195; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-174; R.S.1943, § 48-185; Laws 1953, c. 165, § 1, p. 517; Laws 1957, c. 207, § 1, p. 726; Laws 1975, LB 187, § 14;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 115;    Laws 1986, LB 529, § 52;    Laws 1991, LB 732, § 112; Laws 1992, LB 360, § 24;    Laws 1999, LB 43, § 25;    Laws 2011, LB151, § 13.    


48-186. Accidents occurring outside state; hearing; location; exception.

In all cases when the accident occurred outside of the State of Nebraska, the hearing before a judge of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court shall be at Lincoln, Nebraska, or in any other county in the state at the discretion of the compensation court, unless otherwise stipulated by the parties at least fourteen days before the date of hearing.

Source:Laws 1935, c. 57, § 15, p. 195; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-176; R.S.1943, § 48-186; Laws 1975, LB 187, § 15;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 116;    Laws 1989, LB 261, § 1.    


48-187. Filing fees; clerks of courts; what permitted.

No filing fees shall be charged by the clerk of any court for any service required by the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act except as provided in sections 48-138, 48-139, and 48-188.

Source:Laws 1935, c. 57, § 14, p. 195; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-175; R.S.1943, § 48-187; Laws 1959, c. 140, § 6, p. 548; Laws 1961, c. 235, § 1, p. 694; Laws 1961, c. 157, § 2, p. 481; Laws 1986, LB 811, § 117;    Laws 1993, LB 757, § 28.    


48-188. Order, award, or judgment; filed with district court; filing fee; effect.

Any order, award, or judgment by the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court, or any judge thereof, which is certified by the clerk of the compensation court or any order, award, or judgment made pursuant to the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act by the Court of Appeals or Supreme Court which is certified by the Clerk of the Supreme Court may, as soon as the same becomes conclusive upon the parties at interest, be filed with the district court of any county or counties in the State of Nebraska upon the payment of a fee of two dollars to the clerk of the district court or courts where such order, award, or judgment is filed. Upon filing, such order, award, or judgment shall have the same force and effect as a judgment of such district court or courts and all proceedings in relation thereto shall thereafter be the same as though the order, award, or judgment had been rendered in a suit duly heard and determined by such district court or courts.

Source:Laws 1935, c. 57, § 16, p. 196; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-177; R.S.1943, § 48-188; Laws 1951, c. 153, § 2, p. 623; Laws 1975, LB 187, § 16;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 118;    Laws 1991, LB 732, § 113; Laws 2005, LB 13, § 30.    


48-189. Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 155, § 1.

48-190. Suit against state or governmental agency; summons; service.

The state and governmental agencies created by the state may be sued in the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court upon claims for compensation benefits under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act in the same manner as provided by such act for suits against individuals and corporations. In such proceedings summons issued by the compensation court shall be served in the manner provided for service of a summons in section 25-510.02. The issuance and service of summons in such manner shall be binding upon the state and such agencies in such actions, and the Attorney General is hereby authorized and empowered to waive the issuance and service of summons and enter voluntary appearance in such suits against the State of Nebraska.

Source:Laws 1940, Spec. Sess., c. 1, § 1, p. 53; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-180; R.S.1943, § 48-190; Laws 1983, LB 447, § 70;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 119;    Laws 1997, LB 165, § 3.    

48-191. Time; how computed.

Notwithstanding any more general or special law respecting the subject matter hereof, whenever the last day of the period within which a party to an action may file any document or pleading with the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court, or take any other action with respect to a claim for compensation, falls on a Saturday, a Sunday, any day on which the compensation court is closed by order of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, or any day declared by statutory enactment or proclamation of the Governor to be a holiday, the next following day, which is not a Saturday, a Sunday, a day on which the compensation court is closed by order of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, or a day declared by such enactment or proclamation to be a holiday, shall be deemed to be the last day for filing any such document or pleading or taking any such other action with respect to a claim for compensation.

Source:Laws 1955, c. 187, § 1, p. 535; Laws 1986, LB 811, § 120;    Laws 2003, LB 760, § 16;    Laws 2011, LB151, § 14.    


48-192. Purpose of sections.

The Legislature declares that it is its intent and purpose through sections 48-192 to 48-1,109 to provide uniform procedures for the bringing of workers' compensation claims against the state, and that the procedures provided by sections 48-192 to 48-1,109 shall be used to the exclusion of all others.

Source:Laws 1971, LB 390, § 1;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 121.    

48-193. Terms, defined.

For purposes of sections 48-192 to 48-1,109, unless the context otherwise requires:

(1) State agency shall include all departments, agencies, boards, courts, bureaus, and commissions of the State of Nebraska and corporations the primary function of which is to act as, and while acting as, instrumentalities or agencies of the State of Nebraska, including the University of Nebraska and the state colleges, but shall not include corporations that are essentially private corporations or entities created pursuant to the Interlocal Cooperation Act or the Joint Public Agency Act. State agency shall not be construed to include any contractor with the State of Nebraska except and unless such contractor comes within the provisions of section 48-116;

(2) Employee of the state shall mean any one or more officers or employees of the state or any state agency and shall include duly appointed members of boards or commissions when they are acting in their official capacity. State employee shall not be construed to include any employee of an entity created pursuant to the Interlocal Cooperation Act or the Joint Public Agency Act or any contractor with the State of Nebraska unless such contractor comes within the provisions of section 48-116;

(3) Workers' compensation claim shall mean any claim against the State of Nebraska arising under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act; and

(4) Award shall mean any amount determined by the Risk Manager and the Attorney General to be payable to a claimant under sections 48-192 to 48-1,109 or the amount of any compromise or settlement under such sections.

Source:Laws 1971, LB 390, § 2;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 122;    Laws 1991, LB 6, § 1;    Laws 1991, LB 81, § 3;    Laws 1999, LB 87, § 75;    Laws 2019, LB418, § 2.    

Cross References

48-194. Risk Manager; authority; Attorney General; duties.

The Risk Manager with the advice of the Attorney General shall have the authority to pay claims of all workers' compensation benefits when liability is undisputed. In any claims when liability or the amount of liability is disputed by the Attorney General, authority is hereby conferred upon the Attorney General to consider, ascertain, adjust, determine, and allow any workers' compensation claim. If any such claim is compromised or settled, the approval of the claimant, the Risk Manager, and the Attorney General shall be required and such settlements also shall be approved by the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court following the procedure in the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act.

Source:Laws 1971, LB 390, § 3;    Laws 1972, LB 1334, § 1;    Laws 1981, LB 273, § 10; Laws 1986, LB 811, § 123;    Laws 1993, LB 757, § 29;    Laws 2019, LB418, § 3.    

48-195. Rules and regulations.

The risk management and state claims division of the Department of Administrative Services may, pursuant to the Administrative Procedure Act, adopt and promulgate such rules and regulations as are necessary to carry out sections 48-192 to 48-1,109.

Source:Laws 1971, LB 390, § 4;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 124;    Laws 2000, LB 1221, § 15;    Laws 2019, LB418, § 4.    

Cross References

48-196. State agency; handle claims; Attorney General; supervision.

The Risk Manager may delegate to a state agency the handling of workers' compensation claims of employees of that agency, under the supervision and direction of the Attorney General.

Source:Laws 1971, LB 390, § 5;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 125;    Laws 2000, LB 1221, § 16;    Laws 2019, LB418, § 5.    

48-197. Claims; filing; investigation; report.

All claims under sections 48-192 to 48-1,109 shall be filed with the Risk Manager. The Risk Manager shall immediately advise the Attorney General of the filing of any claim. It shall be the duty of the Attorney General to cause a complete investigation to be made of all such claims. Whenever any state agency receives notice or has knowledge of any alleged injury under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act, such state agency shall immediately file a first report of such alleged injury with the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court and the Risk Manager and shall file such other forms as may be required by such court or the Risk Manager.

Source:Laws 1971, LB 390, § 6;    Laws 1972, LB 1334, § 2;    Laws 1981, LB 273, § 11; Laws 1986, LB 811, § 126;    Laws 1992, Third Spec. Sess., LB 14, § 2;    Laws 2019, LB418, § 6.    

48-198. Suits; filing; attorney's fee; expenses; allowance.

Suits shall be brought in the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court as set out in the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act, and the compensation court shall in each case designate and allow the amount of the attorney's fee and expenses to be paid from, but not in addition to, the award or judgment to the attorney representing the employee or his or her personal representatives, except as provided in section 48-125.

Source:Laws 1971, LB 390, § 7;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 127.    

48-199. Suits; liability of state.

In all suits brought under sections 48-192 to 48-1,109, the state shall be liable in the same manner and to the same extent as a private individual under like circumstances, except that no writ of execution shall issue against the state or any state agency, and disposition of or offer to settle any claim made under sections 48-192 to 48-1,109 shall not be competent evidence of liability of the state or any employee or amount of damages.

Source:Laws 1971, LB 390, § 8.    


48-1,100. Attorney General; represent state; duties; powers.

The Attorney General shall represent the state in any suit brought under sections 48-192 to 48-1,109, and is authorized to compromise or settle any such suit, with the approval of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court.

Source:Laws 1971, LB 390, § 9;    Laws 1975, LB 187, § 17;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 128.    

48-1,101. Attorney General; delegation of powers and duties.

The Attorney General may authorize the deputy attorney general in charge of the Claims Division of the Department of Justice to perform any of the duties imposed upon the Attorney General by sections 48-192 to 48-1,109, and may employ other persons, firms, or corporations to investigate claims under sections 48-192 to 48-1,109.

Source:Laws 1971, LB 390, § 10.    

48-1,102. Award or judgment; payment; procedure.

Any final, nonappealable award or judgment in favor of a claimant under sections 48-192 to 48-1,109 shall be certified by the Attorney General to the Risk Manager and to the Director of Administrative Services. The Director of Administrative Services shall promptly issue his or her warrant for payment of such award or judgment out of the Workers' Compensation Claims Revolving Fund, if sufficient money is available in such fund, except that no portion in excess of one hundred thousand dollars of any award or judgment shall be paid until such award or judgment has been reviewed by the Legislature and specific appropriation made therefor. Notice of any portion of an award or judgment in excess of one hundred thousand dollars shall be delivered by the Risk Manager to the chairperson of the Business and Labor Committee of the Legislature at the next regular session of the Legislature convening after the date the award or judgment becomes final and nonappealable. Delivery of any warrant in satisfaction of an award or judgment shall be made only upon receipt of a written receipt by the claimant in a form provided by the Attorney General.

Source:Laws 1971, LB 390, § 11;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 129;    Laws 1994, LB 1211, § 2;    Laws 2005, LB 13, § 31.    


48-1,103. Workers' Compensation Claims Revolving Fund; established; deficiency; notify Legislature; investment.

There is hereby established in the state treasury a Workers' Compensation Claims Revolving Fund, to be administered by the Risk Manager, from which all workers' compensation costs, including prevention and administration, shall be paid. The fund may also be used to pay the costs of administering the Risk Management Program. The fund shall receive deposits from assessments against state agencies charged by the Risk Manager to pay for workers' compensation costs. When the amount of money in the Workers' Compensation Claims Revolving Fund is not sufficient to pay any awards or judgments under sections 48-192 to 48-1,109, the Risk Manager shall immediately advise the Legislature and request an emergency appropriation to satisfy such awards and judgments. Any money in the Workers' Compensation Claims Revolving Fund available for investment shall be invested by the state investment officer pursuant to the Nebraska Capital Expansion Act and the Nebraska State Funds Investment Act. Beginning October 1, 2024, any investment earnings from investment of money in the fund shall be credited to the General Fund.

Source:Laws 1971, LB 390, § 12;    Laws 1981, LB 273, § 12; Laws 1986, LB 811, § 130;    Laws 1994, LB 1211, § 3;    Laws 1995, LB 7, § 45;    Laws 2011, LB378, § 22;    Laws 2024, First Spec. Sess., LB3, § 14.    
Effective Date: August 21, 2024

Cross References

48-1,104. Risk Manager; report; contents.

The Risk Manager shall submit electronically a report to the Clerk of the Legislature by January 15 of each year, which report shall include the number of claims for which payments have been made, the amounts paid by categories of medical, hospital, compensation, and other costs separated by the agency and program or activity under which the claim arose. Each member of the Legislature shall receive an electronic copy of such report by making a request for it to the Risk Manager.

Source:Laws 1971, LB 390, § 13;    Laws 1972, LB 1334, § 3;    Laws 1977, LB 399, § 1;    Laws 1979, LB 322, § 16;    Laws 1981, LB 545, § 52; Laws 1981, LB 273, § 13; Laws 2012, LB782, § 59.    

48-1,105. Immunity of state reserved; exception.

From and after August 27, 1971, the authority of any state agency to sue or be sued in its own name shall not be construed to authorize suits against such state agency on workers' compensation claims except as authorized in sections 48-192 to 48-1,109. The remedies provided by sections 48-192 to 48-1,109 in such cases shall be exclusive.

Source:Laws 1971, LB 390, § 14;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 131.    

48-1,106. Sections, how construed.

Nothing in sections 48-192 to 48-1,109 shall be deemed to repeal any provision of law authorizing any state agency to consider, ascertain, adjust, compromise, settle, determine, allow, or pay any claim other than a workers' compensation claim as defined in sections 48-192 to 48-1,109.

Source:Laws 1971, LB 390, § 15;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 132.    

48-1,107. Insurance; Risk Manager; purchase; when.

The Risk Manager may, if after proper investigation he or she deems it to be in the best interests of the state, purchase a policy or policies of insurance for investigation, servicing, and payment, or any one or two of such factors, of workers' compensation to protect the agencies and their employees. Such policy or policies shall contain such conditions, requirements, limitations, and amounts deemed necessary by the Risk Manager. The Risk Manager shall purchase such policy or policies by public letting and payment shall be made therefor out of the State Insurance Fund created pursuant to section 81-8,239.02.

Source:Laws 1971, LB 390, § 16;    Laws 1981, LB 273, § 14; Laws 1986, LB 811, § 133;    Laws 2000, LB 1221, § 17.    

48-1,108. Insurance policy; applicability; company; Attorney General; Risk Manager; cooperate.

Whenever a claim or suit against the state is covered by workers' compensation insurance, the provisions of the insurance policy on defense and settlement shall be applicable notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of sections 48-192 to 48-1,109. The Attorney General and the Risk Manager shall cooperate with the insurance company.

Source:Laws 1971, LB 390, § 17;    Laws 1986, LB 811, § 134;    Laws 2019, LB418, § 7.    

48-1,109. Employees; information; furnish; refusal; effect.

When any employee is injured in any accident or suffers any occupational disease arising out of or in the course of his or her employment, such employee as soon as practicable shall report full information on such occurrence to the head of the agency by which he or she is employed. The head of the agency shall furnish immediately all available information on such occurrence to the Risk Manager. All employees shall cooperate fully with the Attorney General in the investigation of all workers' compensation claims. Failure to comply with this section shall constitute grounds for dismissal from employment.

Source:Laws 1971, LB 390, § 18;    Laws 1972, LB 1334, § 4;    Laws 1981, LB 273, § 15; Laws 1986, LB 811, § 135.    

48-1,110. Act, how cited.

Sections 48-101 to 48-1,117 shall be known and may be cited as the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act.

Source:Laws 1986, LB 811, § 136;    Laws 1986, LB 1036, § 2;    Laws 1990, LB 313, § 4;    Laws 1992, LB 360, § 26;    Laws 1993, LB 757, § 30;    Laws 1997, LB 128, § 7;    Laws 1997, LB 474, § 7;    Laws 2005, LB 13, § 32;    Laws 2007, LB588, § 5;    Laws 2010, LB780, § 3;    Laws 2011, LB151, § 16;    Laws 2015, LB480, § 5;    Laws 2019, LB418, § 9.    

48-1,111. Repealed. Laws 2013, LB21, § 2.

48-1,112. Laws 2011, LB151, changes; applicability.

Cases pending before the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court on August 27, 2011, in which a hearing on the merits has been held prior to such date shall not be affected by the changes made in sections 48-125, 48-145.01, 48-155, 48-156, 48-170, 48-178, 48-180, 48-182, and 48-185 by Laws 2011, LB151. Any cause of action not in suit on August 27, 2011, and any cause of action in suit in which a hearing on the merits has not been held prior to such date shall follow the procedures in such sections as amended by Laws 2011, LB151.

Source:Laws 2011, LB151, § 15.    


48-1,113. Insurance company and risk management pool; annual payment; amount; Director of Insurance; powers and duties.

Every insurance company which is transacting workers' compensation insurance business in this state shall on or before March 1 of each year pay to the Director of Insurance an amount equal to one percent of the gross amount of direct writing premiums received by the company during the preceding calendar year for workers' compensation insurance business transacted in this state. Every risk management pool providing workers' compensation group self-insurance coverage to any of its members shall on or before March 1 of each year pay to the Director of Insurance an amount equal to one percent of the annual contributions received by the pool to provide workers' compensation coverage less any amount paid for excess or aggregate workers' compensation insurance during the immediately preceding calendar year. For the purpose of calculating the amount due, a pool which has a scheme of operations that contemplates a return of a portion of the contributions of pool members without such members being claimants under the pool's insuring agreements may deduct such return contributions and any dividends paid during the immediately preceding calendar year that are attributable to workers' compensation. The computation of the amount shall be made on forms furnished by the Department of Insurance and shall be forwarded to the department together with a sworn statement by an appropriate fiscal officer of the company or the pool's chief operating officer attesting the accuracy of the computation. The department shall furnish the forms to the companies and risk management pools prior to the end of the year for which the amounts are payable together with any information deemed necessary or appropriate by the department.

Upon receipt of the payment, the director shall audit and examine the computations to determine that the proper amount has been paid. After notice and hearing in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, the Director of Insurance may rescind or refuse to reissue the certificate of authority of any company which fails to remit the amount due.

The Director of Insurance shall remit the amounts paid to the State Treasurer for credit to the Compensation Court Cash Fund, except that (1) when there is a dispute as to the amount payable, the proceeds shall be credited to a suspense account in the state treasury until disposition of the controversy and (2) one percent of the amounts received shall be credited to the Department of Insurance to cover the costs of administration.

Source:Laws 1993, LB 757, § 19;    Laws 1999, LB 259, § 15.    

Cross References

48-1,114. Self-insurer; annual payment; amount.

Every employer in the occupations described in section 48-106 who qualifies as a self-insurer and is issued a permit to self-insure shall remit to the State Treasurer for credit to the Compensation Court Cash Fund an annual amount equal to one and one-quarter percent of the prospective loss costs for like employment but in no event less than one hundred dollars. Prospective loss costs is defined in section 48-151. The compensation court is the sole judge as to the prospective loss costs that shall be used.

Source:Laws 1993, LB 757, § 20;    Laws 1999, LB 216, § 17.    

48-1,115. Other payments; cumulative.

The amounts required to be paid by insurance companies, risk management pools, and self-insurers under sections 48-1,113 and 48-1,114 shall be in addition to any other amounts, either in taxes, assessments, or otherwise, required by any other law of this state.

Source:Laws 1993, LB 757, § 21.    

48-1,116. Compensation Court Cash Fund; created; use; investment.

The Compensation Court Cash Fund is hereby created. The fund shall be used to aid in providing for the expense of administering the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act and the payment of the salaries and expenses of the personnel of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court.

All fees received pursuant to sections 48-120, 48-120.02, 48-138, 48-139, 48-145.04, and 48-165 shall be remitted to the State Treasurer for credit to the Compensation Court Cash Fund. The fund shall also consist of amounts credited to the fund pursuant to sections 48-1,113, 48-1,114, and 77-912. The State Treasurer may receive and credit to the fund any money which may at any time be contributed to the state or the fund by the federal government or any agency thereof to which the state may be or become entitled under any act of Congress or otherwise by reason of any payment made from the fund.

Any money in the fund available for investment shall be invested by the state investment officer pursuant to the Nebraska Capital Expansion Act and the Nebraska State Funds Investment Act.

Source:Laws 1993, LB 757, § 22;    Laws 1994, LB 1066, § 35;    Laws 2002, LB 1310, § 5;    Laws 2005, LB 13, § 33;    Laws 2009, First Spec. Sess., LB3, § 24;    Laws 2017, LB331, § 24;    Laws 2018, LB945, § 11;    Laws 2019, LB293, § 30.    

Cross References

48-1,117. Compensation Court Cash Fund; accounting; abatement of contributions.

The Department of Administrative Services shall furnish monthly to the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court a statement of the Compensation Court Cash Fund setting forth the balance in the fund as of the first day of the preceding month, the income and its sources, the payments from the fund in itemized form, and the balance in the fund on hand as of the last day of the preceding month.

At the close of business on June 30 of any year, if the balance in the fund is equal to or exceeds three times the sum expended and encumbered in the fiscal year then ending, the contributions to the fund pursuant to sections 48-1,113 and 48-1,114 shall abate for the calendar year next ensuing and only for that year and the compensation court shall notify all self-insurers and the Director of Insurance who shall notify all workers' compensation insurers and risk management pools of such abatement and of the date when such contributions shall resume. No abatement shall ever extend beyond one year.

Source:Laws 1993, LB 757, § 23;    Laws 2005, LB 238, § 16.    

48-1,118. Cost-benefit analysis and review of Laws 1993, LB 757; reports.

On January 1, 1997, the Governor shall direct the Director of Insurance and the Commissioner of Labor to conduct and complete a cost-benefit analysis and a review of the effectiveness of the changes made by Laws 1993, LB 757, to control or reduce the cost of workers' compensation premiums. Information for the study may be elicited from interested persons and from the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court. The director and the commissioner shall submit a report, which may include recommendations for further legislation, to the chairperson of the Business and Labor Committee of the Legislature, the Clerk of the Legislature, and the Governor by October 1, 1997. The Business and Labor Committee of the Legislature shall hold a public hearing on the study and shall submit a report to the Legislature by December 1, 1997. The Governor or the Legislature, by resolution, may require a similar study in 1999 and every two years thereafter. Any report submitted to the committee and the Clerk of the Legislature shall be submitted electronically.

Source:Laws 1993, LB 757, § 40;    Laws 2012, LB782, § 60.    

48-201. Current or former employer; disclosure of information; immunity from civil liability; consent; form; period valid; applicability of section.

(1)(a) A current or former employer may disclose the following information about a current or former employee's employment history to a prospective employer of the current or former employee upon receipt of written consent from the current or former employee:

(i) Date and duration of employment;

(ii) Pay rate and wage history on the date of receipt of written consent;

(iii) Job description and duties;

(iv) The most recent written performance evaluation prepared prior to the date of the request and provided to the employee during the course of his or her employment;

(v) Attendance information;

(vi) Results of drug or alcohol tests administered within one year prior to the request;

(vii) Threats of violence, harassing acts, or threatening behavior related to the workplace or directed at another employee;

(viii) Whether the employee was voluntarily or involuntarily separated from employment and the reasons for the separation; and

(ix) Whether the employee is eligible for rehire.

(b) The current or former employer disclosing such information shall be presumed to be acting in good faith and shall be immune from civil liability for the disclosure or any consequences of such disclosure unless the presumption of good faith is rebutted upon a showing by a preponderance of the evidence that the information disclosed by the current or former employer was false, and the current or former employer had knowledge of its falsity or acted with malice or reckless disregard for the truth.

(2)(a) The consent required in subsection (1) of this section shall be on a separate form from the application form or, if included in the application form, shall be in bold letters and in larger typeface than the largest typeface in the text of the application form. The consent form shall state, at a minimum, language similar to the following:

I, (applicant), hereby give consent to any and all prior employers of mine to provide information with regard to my employment with prior employers to (prospective employer).

(b) The consent must be signed and dated by the applicant.

(c) The consent will be valid for no longer than six months.

(3) This section shall also apply to any current or former employee, agent, or other representative of the current or former employer who is authorized to provide and who provides information in accordance with this section.

(4)(a) This section does not require any prospective employer to request employment history on a prospective employee and does not require any current or former employer to disclose employment history to any prospective employer.

(b) Except as specifically amended in this section, the common law of this state remains unchanged as it relates to providing employment information on current and former employees.

(c) This section applies only to causes of action accruing on and after July 19, 2012.

(5) The immunity conferred by this section shall not apply when an employer discriminates or retaliates against an employee because the employee has exercised or is believed to have exercised any federal or state statutory right or undertaken any action encouraged by the public policy of this state.

Source:Laws 2012, LB959, § 1.    

48-202. Public employer; applicant; disclosure of criminal record or history; limitation.

(1) Except as otherwise provided in this section, a public employer shall not ask an applicant for employment to disclose, orally or in writing, information concerning the applicant's criminal record or history, including any inquiry on any employment application, until the public employer has determined the applicant meets the minimum employment qualifications.

(2) This section does not apply to any law enforcement agency, to any position for which a public employer is required by federal or state law to conduct a criminal history record information check, or to any position for which federal or state law specifically disqualifies an applicant with a criminal background.

(3)(a) This section does not prevent a public employer that is a school district or educational service unit from requiring an applicant for employment to disclose an applicant's criminal record or history relating to sexual or physical abuse.

(b) This section does not prevent a public employer from preparing or delivering an employment application that conspicuously states that a criminal history record information check is required by federal law, state law, or the employer's policy.

(c) This section does not prevent a public employer from conducting a criminal history record information check after the public employer has determined that the applicant meets the minimum employment qualifications.

(4) For purposes of this section:

(a) Law enforcement agency means an agency or department of this state or of any political subdivision of this state which is responsible for the prevention and detection of crime, the enforcement of the penal, traffic, or highway laws of this state or any political subdivision of this state, and the enforcement of arrest warrants. Law enforcement agency includes a police department, an office of the town marshal, an office of the county sheriff, the Nebraska State Patrol, and any department to which a deputy state sheriff is assigned as provided in section 84-106; and

(b) Public employer means an agency or department of this state or of any political subdivision of this state.

Source:Laws 2014, LB907, § 12.    

48-203. Legislative findings, declarations, and intent; veterans' program coordinator; qualifications; duties; Department of Veterans' Affairs; duties.

(1) The Legislature finds and declares that:

(a) Nebraska is a welcoming state for veterans and their families; and

(b) Nebraska is committed to workforce development initiatives that help attract and retain veterans and their families.

(2) It is the intent of the Legislature to:

(a) Increase efforts to create public awareness among veterans and their families about the benefits of living and working in Nebraska, including special initiatives enacted to make Nebraska a veteran-friendly state; and

(b) Develop new initiatives to better connect veterans to Nebraska's job market and the workforce development needs of employers.

(3) The position of veterans' program coordinator shall be maintained by the Department of Labor. The coordinator shall be a veteran and a full-time employee of the Department of Labor and shall:

(a) Seek advice and input from the Commission on Military and Veteran Affairs related to veterans' workforce development issues;

(b) Be a nonvoting, ex officio member of the Commission on Military and Veteran Affairs; and

(c) Submit an annual progress report to the Commission on Military and Veteran Affairs.

(4) The Department of Labor shall provide the necessary staff to assist the veterans' program coordinator in carrying out the purposes of this section.

(5) The Department of Veterans' Affairs shall:

(a) Develop a website, in collaboration with the Department of Labor, with a job-search tool specific to veterans. Such website shall be implemented on a date designated by the Director of Veterans' Affairs when sufficient cash funds have accumulated in the Veterans Employment Program Fund to develop such website, but no later than June 30, 2024; and

(b) Research best practices and websites specific to veterans from other states.

Source:Laws 2019, LB138, § 1.    

48-204. Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 398, § 1.

48-205. Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 398, § 1.

48-206. Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 398, § 1.

48-207. Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 398, § 1.

48-208. Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 398, § 1.

48-209. Repealed. Laws 2020, LB1016, § 12.

48-210. Repealed. Laws 2020, LB1016, § 12.

48-211. Repealed. Laws 2020, LB1016, § 12.

48-212. Lunch hour; requirements; applicability.

Any person, firm, or corporation owning or operating an assembling plant, workshop, or mechanical establishment employing one or more persons shall allow all of their employees not less than thirty consecutive minutes for lunch in each eight-hour shift, and during such time it shall be unlawful for any such employer to require such employee or employees to remain in buildings or on the premises where their labor is performed. This section does not apply to employment that is covered by a valid collective-bargaining agreement or other written agreement between an employer and employee.

Source:Laws 1931, c. 96, § 1, p. 265; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-215; R.S.1943, § 48-212; Laws 1955, c. 188, § 1, p. 536; Laws 2004, LB 382, § 1.    

48-213. Lunch hour; violation; penalty.

Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of section 48-212 shall be guilty of a Class III misdemeanor.

Source:Laws 1931, c. 96, § 2, p. 266; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-216; R.S.1943, § 48-213; Laws 1977, LB 40, § 275.    

48-214. Collective bargaining; race or color discrimination prohibited.

It is hereby declared to be the policy of this state that no representative agency of labor, in collective bargaining with employers concerning grievances, labor disputes, wages, rates of pay, hours of employment or other conditions of work, shall, in such collective bargaining, discriminate against any person because of his race or color. The Department of Labor shall be and hereby is charged with the duty of enforcement of this policy in conformity with Article I of the Constitution of Nebraska and section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.

Source:Laws 1941, c. 96, § 1, p. 406; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 48-801; R.S.1943, § 48-214.

Cross References


48-215. Military supplies; production; distribution; discrimination prohibited.

It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, engaged to any extent whatsoever in the State of Nebraska in the production, manufacture or distribution of military or naval material, equipment or supplies for the State of Nebraska or the government of the United States, to refuse to employ any person in any capacity, if said person is a citizen and is qualified, on account of the race, color, creed, religion or national origin of said person.

Source:Laws 1943, c. 114, § 1, p. 400; R.S.1943, § 48-215.


48-216. Military supplies; discrimination; violation; penalty.

Any person, firm or corporation, violating any of the provisions of section 48-215, shall be guilty of a Class III misdemeanor. Each violation of section 48-215 shall be a separate offense.

Source:Laws 1943, c. 114, § 2, p. 400; R.S.1943, § 48-216; Laws 1977, LB 40, § 276.    

48-217. Labor organizations; membership or nonmembership; prohibited acts.

To make operative the provisions of sections 13, 14 and 15 of Article XV of the Constitution of Nebraska, no person shall be denied employment because of membership in or affiliation with, or resignation or expulsion from a labor organization or because of refusal to join, affiliate with, or pay a fee either directly or indirectly to a labor organization; nor shall any individual or corporation or association of any kind enter into any contract, written or oral, to exclude persons from employment because of membership in or nonmembership in a labor organization.

Source:Laws 1947, c. 177, § 1, p. 585; Laws 1961, c. 236, § 1, p. 699.


48-218. Labor organization, defined.

The term labor organization means any organization of any kind, or any agency or employee representation committee or plan, which exists for the purpose, in whole or in part, of dealing with employers concerning grievances, labor disputes, wages, rates of pay, hours of employment, or conditions of work.

Source:Laws 1947, c. 177, § 2, p. 585.

48-219. Labor organization; violation; penalty.

Any individual, corporation or association that enters into a contract after September 7, 1947, in violation of the provisions of section 48-217, shall be guilty of a Class IV misdemeanor.

Source:Laws 1947, c. 177, § 3, p. 585; Laws 1977, LB 40, § 277.    

48-220. Medical examinations; employer, defined.

As used in sections 48-220 to 48-223, unless the context otherwise requires, employer shall mean and include an individual, a partnership, a limited liability company, an association, a corporation, a legal representative, a trustee, a receiver, a trustee in bankruptcy, and any common carrier by rail, motor, water, air, or express company doing business in or operating within the state.

Source:Laws 1963, c. 280, § 1, p. 837; Laws 1993, LB 121, § 286.    

48-221. Medical examination; cost to applicant as condition of employment; unlawful; cost to employer.

It shall be unlawful for any employer, as defined in section 48-220, to require any applicant for employment, to pay the cost of a medical examination required by the employer as a condition of employment. When the employer requests an applicant for a position to submit to a medical examination, the employer shall assume the cost thereof.

Source:Laws 1963, c. 280, § 2, p. 837.

48-222. Medical examination as condition of employment; violation; penalty.

Any employer who violates the provisions of section 48-221 shall be guilty of a Class V misdemeanor. Each violation shall constitute a separate offense. It shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Labor to enforce the provisions of sections 48-220 to 48-223.

Source:Laws 1963, c. 280, § 3, p. 837; Laws 1977, LB 40, § 278.    

48-223. Medical examination as condition of employment; exemptions from sections.

The provisions of sections 48-220 to 48-223 shall not apply to any employment relationship entered into by the state or any subdivision of the state when a physical examination is required by law as a condition of employment.

Source:Laws 1963, c. 280, § 4, p. 838.

48-224. Withholding of wages; when authorized.

(1) Any employee of the State of Nebraska, any municipal corporation, or any public body or agency created by the laws of this state, who desires to participate voluntarily in any employee organization, credit union, or any community charity or public welfare plan approved by the Governor and the Director of Administrative Services, in the case of employees of the State of Nebraska, or by the duly elected governing body of such municipal corporation or other public body or agency, may execute an order authorizing the withholding from any wages or salary paid to such employee of a sum each month or pay period and the same to be paid to the designated recipient thereof. For purposes of this section, community charity includes any not-for-profit federation of health and human services agencies and associations.

(2) If a not-for-profit federation of health and human services agencies and associations is authorized pursuant to subsection (1) of this section, approval to similar not-for-profit federations shall also be granted on a similar equitable basis. For purposes of this subsection, a similar not-for-profit federation shall meet the following requirements:

(a) The federation has had an established office in the state for at least the last five years;

(b) The federation represents at least ten Nebraska-based health and human services agencies and associations in addition to the federation;

(c) The federation is a Nebraska corporation in good standing which holds a valid 501(c)(3) designation by the Internal Revenue Code;

(d) The federation and its agencies have an active, voluntary board which exercises administrative control over the federation and holds regular meetings; and

(e) The federation has a program focus and service delivery which is organized on either a statewide or regional basis.

Source:Laws 1967, c. 571, § 1, p. 1878; Laws 1997, LB 622, § 76.    


48-225. Veterans preference; terms, defined.

For purposes of sections 48-225 to 48-231:

(1) Servicemember means a person who serves on active duty in the armed forces of the United States except for training;

(2) Veteran means:

(a) A person who served full-time duty with military pay and allowances in the armed forces of the United States, except for training or for determining physical fitness, and was discharged or otherwise separated with a characterization of honorable or general (under honorable conditions); or

(b) The spouse of a veteran who has a one hundred percent permanent disability as determined by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs;

(3) Full-time duty means duty during time of war or during a period recognized by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs as qualifying for veterans benefits administered by the department and that such duty from January 31, 1955, to February 28, 1961, exceeded one hundred eighty days unless lesser duty was the result of a service-connected or service-aggravated disability;

(4) Disabled veteran means an individual who has served on active duty in the armed forces of the United States, has been discharged or otherwise separated with a characterization of honorable or general (under honorable conditions) therefrom, and has established the present existence of a service-connected disability or is receiving compensation, disability retirement benefits, or pension because of a public statute administered by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs or a military department; and

(5) Preference eligible means any veteran as defined in this section or the spouse of a servicemember as defined in this section, except that for a spouse of a servicemember such preference is limited to the time during which the servicemember serves on active duty as described in subdivision (1) of this section and up to one hundred eighty days after the servicemember's discharge or separation from service.

Source:Laws 1969, c. 751, § 1, p. 2826; Laws 1991, LB 2, § 6;    Laws 2001, LB 368, § 1;    Laws 2005, LB 54, § 7;    Laws 2014, LB588, § 2;    Laws 2017, LB639, § 1.    

48-226. Veterans preference; required, when.

A preference shall be given to preference eligibles seeking employment with the State of Nebraska or its governmental subdivisions. Such preference includes initial employment or a return to employment with the State of Nebraska or its governmental subdivisions if termination of previous employment was for other than disciplinary reasons.

Source:Laws 1969, c. 751, § 2, p. 2827; Laws 1997, LB 5, § 1;    Laws 2017, LB639, § 2.    

48-227. Veterans preference; examination or numerical scoring; notice and application; statement; veteran; duty; notice; contents.

(1) Veterans who obtain passing scores on all parts or phases of an examination or numerical scoring shall have five percent added to their passing score if a claim for such preference is made on the application. An additional five percent shall be added to the passing score or numerical scoring of any disabled veteran.

(2) When no examination or numerical scoring is used, the preference shall be given to the qualifying veteran if two or more equally qualified candidates are being considered for the position.

(3) All notices of positions of employment available for veterans preference and all applications for such positions by the state or its governmental subdivisions shall state that the position is subject to a veterans preference.

(4) A veteran desiring to use a veterans preference shall provide the hiring authority with a copy of the veteran's Department of Defense Form 214, also known as the DD Form 214, or its successor form or record. A spouse of a veteran desiring to use a veterans preference shall provide the hiring authority with a copy of the veteran's Department of Defense Form 214 or its successor form or record, a copy of the veteran's disability verification from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs demonstrating a one hundred percent permanent disability rating, and proof of marriage to the veteran. Any marriage claimed for veterans preference must be valid under Nebraska law.

(5) Within thirty days after filling a position, veterans who have applied and are not hired shall be notified by regular mail, electronic mail, telephone call, or personal service that they have not been hired. Such notice also shall advise the veteran of any administrative appeal available.

Source:Laws 1969, c. 751, § 3, p. 2827; Laws 1997, LB 5, § 2;    Laws 2005, LB 54, § 8;    Laws 2014, LB588, § 3;    Laws 2018, LB497, § 1.    

48-228. Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 5, § 5.

48-229. Veterans preference; Commissioner of Labor; duties.

It shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Labor to enforce the provisions of sections 48-225 to 48-231. The commissioner shall act on preference claims as follows:

(1) When the employing agency and the claimant are in disagreement or when there is doubt as to any preference claim, the commissioner shall adjudicate the claim based on information given in the claim, the documents supporting the claim, and information which may be received from the armed forces of the United States, the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, or the National Archives and Records Administration;

(2) The commissioner shall allow a tentative five-percent preference, pending receipt of additional information, to any person who claims either a five-percent or a ten-percent preference but who furnishes insufficient information to establish entitlement thereto at the time of examination; and

(3) The commissioner shall decide appeals from preference determinations made by any employing agency.

Source:Laws 1969, c. 751, § 5, p. 2827; Laws 1991, LB 2, § 7;    Laws 2005, LB 54, § 9.    

48-230. Veterans preference; violations; penalty.

Any person who violates sections 48-225 to 48-231 shall be guilty of a Class IV misdemeanor. Such person shall be prohibited from receiving any compensation from public funds until he or she complies with sections 48-225 to 48-231.

Source:Laws 1969, c. 751, § 6, p. 2827; Laws 1977, LB 40, § 279;    Laws 2002, LB 722, § 1.    

48-231. Veterans preference; county attorney; duties.

The county attorneys, in their respective counties, shall prosecute, before any court of appropriate jurisdiction, all persons charged with violating sections 48-225 to 48-231.

Source:Laws 1969, c. 751, § 7, p. 2827; Laws 2002, LB 722, § 2.    

48-232. Anabolic steroids; terms, defined.

For purposes of section 48-233:

(1) Anabolic steroid shall have the definition found in section 28-401;

(2) Employee shall mean any person, paid or unpaid, who in any way assists an entity in carrying out the business activities of such entity. Employee shall include an independent contractor;

(3) Institution shall mean any public elementary, secondary, or postsecondary educational institution;

(4) Political subdivision shall have the definition found in section 13-903;

(5) State agency shall have the definition of agency as found in section 81-1705; and

(6) Subordinate employee shall mean a person employed by the same employer as and directly or indirectly supervised in the course of such employment by an employee.

Source:Laws 1990, LB 571, § 8;    Laws 1992, LB 1019, § 35.

48-233. Anabolic steroids; employees; prohibited acts; sanction.

(1) In addition to the penalties provided in the Uniform Controlled Substances Act, any employee of a state agency, political subdivision, or institution who possesses, dispenses, delivers, administers, uses, or knowingly allows a subordinate employee or a student attending such employee's employing institution to possess, dispense, deliver, administer, or use an anabolic steroid unless such substance is needed for a valid medical purpose:

(a) For the first conviction, shall be dismissed from employment and shall not be an employee of the dismissing entity or any other state agency, political subdivision, or institution for a period of one year after his or her dismissal; and

(b) For a second or any subsequent conviction, shall be dismissed from employment and shall not thereafter be an employee of the dismissing entity or any other state agency, political subdivision, or institution.

(2) Any sanction imposed pursuant to this section shall be subject to the Administrative Procedure Act except for those employees governed by sections 79-824 to 79-842.

(3) The use of an anabolic steroid for the purpose of hormonal manipulation that is intended to increase muscle mass, strength, or weight without a medical necessity to do so or for the intended purpose of improving physical appearance or performance in any form of exercise, sport, or game shall not be a valid medical purpose or in the course of professional practice.

Source:Laws 1990, LB 571, § 9;    Laws 1992, LB 1019, § 36; Laws 1996, LB 900, § 1053.    

Cross References

48-234. Adoptive parent; leave of absence authorized; enforcement; attorney's fees.

(1) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, whenever an employer, including a governmental agency, permits an employee to take a leave of absence upon the birth of the employee's child, an adoptive parent, following the commencement of the parent-child relationship, is entitled to the same leave upon the same terms.

(2) The adoptive parent leave of absence is not required if the child being adopted is a special needs child over eighteen years of age, a child who is over eight years of age and is not a special needs child, a stepchild being adopted by his or her stepparent, a foster child being adopted by his or her foster parent, or a child who was originally under a voluntary placement for purposes other than adoption without assistance from an attorney, physician, or other individual or agency which later results in a petition for the adoption of the child by the person with whom the voluntary placement was made.

(3) For purposes of this section, commencement of the parent-child relationship means when the child is placed with the employee for the purposes of adoption.

(4) Whenever an employer, including a governmental agency, refuses to extend a child-care leave of absence to an adoptive parent in violation of this section, an aggrieved adoptive parent may bring an action for equitable relief and damages. In all actions brought pursuant to this section, reasonable attorney's fees, as determined by the court, shall be awarded to the prevailing party if the prevailing party is the adoptive parent.

Source:Laws 1999, LB 134, § 1.    

48-235. Law enforcement officers; ticket quota requirements; prohibited.

A state agency or political subdivision shall not directly require a law enforcement officer employed by the state agency or political subdivision to issue a certain number or percentage of traffic citations, police citations, memoranda of traffic violations, memoranda of faulty equipment, or any other type of citation on any periodic basis. The purpose of this section is to prohibit all types of ticket quota requirements for law enforcement officers. For purposes of this section, law enforcement officer includes peace officers as defined in section 49-801 and conservation officers of the Game and Parks Commission.

Source:Laws 2000, LB 204, § 1.    

48-236. Genetic testing; restrictions.

(1) For purposes of this section:

(a) Employee does not include an individual employed in the domestic service of any person;

(b) Employer means a person who has one or more employees;

(c) Genetic information means information about a gene, gene product, or inherited characteristic derived from a genetic test; and

(d) Genetic test means the analysis of human DNA, RNA, and chromosomes and those proteins and metabolites used to detect heritable or somatic disease-related genotypes or karyotypes for clinical purposes. A genetic test must be generally accepted in the scientific and medical communities as being specifically determinative for the presence, absence, or mutation of a gene or chromosome in order to qualify under this definition. Genetic test does not include a routine physical examination or a routine analysis, including a chemical analysis, of body fluids unless conducted specifically to determine the presence, absence, or mutation of a gene or chromosome.

(2) Except as otherwise required by federal law, an employer shall not:

(a) Fail or refuse to hire, recruit, or promote an employee or applicant for employment because of genetic information that is unrelated to the ability to perform the duties of a particular job or position;

(b) Discharge or otherwise discriminate against an employee or applicant with respect to compensation or the terms, conditions, or privileges of employment because of genetic information that is unrelated to the ability to perform the duties of a particular job or position;

(c) Limit, segregate, or classify an employee or applicant for employment in a way which deprives or tends to deprive an employee or applicant of employment opportunities or otherwise adversely affects the status of an employee or applicant because of genetic information that is unrelated to the ability to perform the duties of a particular job or position; or

(d) Require an employee or applicant for employment to submit to a genetic test or to provide genetic information as a condition of employment or promotion.

(3) Subsection (2) of this section does not prohibit an employee from voluntarily providing to an employer genetic information that is related to the employee's health or safety in the workspace. Subsection (2) of this section does not prohibit an employer from using genetic information received from an employee under this subsection to protect the employee's health or safety.

(4) This section shall not apply to the employment of an individual by his or her parent, spouse, or child.

Source:Laws 2001, LB 432, § 3.    

48-237. Employer; prohibited use of social security numbers; exceptions; violations; penalty; conviction; how treated.

(1) For purposes of this section:

(a) Employer means a person which employs any individual within this state as an employee;

(b) Employee means any individual permitted to work by an employer pursuant to an employment relationship or who has contracted to sell the goods of an employer and to be compensated by commission. Services performed by an individual for an employer shall be deemed to be employment, unless it is shown that (i) such individual has been and will continue to be free from control or direction over the performance of such services, both under his or her contract of service and in fact, (ii) such service is either outside the usual course of business for which such service is performed or such service is performed outside of all the places of business of the enterprise for which such service is performed, and (iii) such individual is customarily engaged in an independently established trade, occupation, profession, or business. This subdivision is not intended to be a codification of the common law and shall be considered complete as written;

(c) Person means the state or any individual, partnership, limited liability company, association, joint-stock company, trust, corporation, political subdivision, or personal representative of the estate of a deceased individual, or the receiver, trustee, or successor thereof;

(d) Temporary employee means an employee of a temporary help firm assigned to work for the clients of such temporary help firm; and

(e) Temporary help firm means a firm that hires its own employees and assigns them to clients to support or supplement the client's workforce in work situations such as employee absences, temporary skill shortages, seasonal workloads, and special assignments and projects.

(2) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (3) of this section, an employer shall not:

(a) Publicly post or publicly display in any manner more than the last four digits of an employee's social security number, including intentional communication of more than the last four digits of the social security number or otherwise making more than the last four digits of the social security number available to the general public or to an employee's coworkers;

(b) Require an employee to transmit more than the last four digits of his or her social security number over the Internet unless the connection is secure or the information is encrypted;

(c) Require an employee to use more than the last four digits of his or her social security number to access an Internet website unless a password, unique personal identification number, or other authentication device is also required to access the Internet website; or

(d) Require an employee to use more than the last four digits of his or her social security number as an employee number for any type of employment-related activity.

(3)(a) Except as otherwise provided in subdivision (b) of this subsection, an employer shall be permitted to use more than the last four digits of an employee's social security number only for:

(i) Compliance with state or federal laws, rules, or regulations;

(ii) Internal administrative purposes, including provision of more than the last four digits of social security numbers to third parties for such purposes as administration of personnel benefit provisions for the employer and employment screening and staffing; and

(iii) Commercial transactions freely and voluntarily entered into by the employee with the employer for the purchase of goods or services.

(b) The following uses for internal administrative purposes described in subdivision (a)(ii) of this subsection shall not be permitted:

(i) As an identification number for occupational licensing;

(ii) As an identification number for drug-testing purposes except when required by state or federal law;

(iii) As an identification number for company meetings;

(iv) In files with unrestricted access within the company;

(v) In files accessible by any temporary employee unless the temporary employee is bonded or insured under a blanket corporate surety bond or equivalent commercial insurance; or

(vi) For posting any type of company information.

(4) An employer who violates this section is guilty of a Class V misdemeanor.

(5) Evidence of a conviction under this section is admissible in evidence at a civil trial as evidence of the employer's negligence.

Source:Laws 2007, LB674, § 16.    

48-238. Veterans preference in private employment; policy; notice to Commissioner of Labor; registry.

(1) For purposes of this section:

(a) Private employer means a sole proprietorship, a corporation, a partnership, an association, a limited liability company, or any other entity with one or more employees;

(b) Veteran means (i) a person who served full-time duty with military pay and allowances in the armed forces of the United States, except for training or for determining physical fitness, and was discharged or otherwise separated with a characterization of honorable or general (under honorable conditions), or (ii) the spouse of a veteran who (A) has a one hundred percent permanent disability as determined by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs or (B) was killed in hostile action; and

(c) Voluntary veterans preference employment policy means a private employer's voluntary preference for hiring and promoting a veteran over another equally qualified applicant or employee.

(2) A private employer may adopt a voluntary veterans preference employment policy. Such policy shall be in writing and applied uniformly to decisions regarding hiring and promotion.

(3) If a private employer offers a voluntary veterans preference employment policy, a veteran desiring to use such policy shall provide the private employer with a copy of the veteran's Department of Defense Form 214, also known as the DD Form 214, or its successor form or record. A spouse of a veteran desiring to use such preference shall provide the private employer with a copy of the veteran's Department of Defense Form 214 or its successor form or record, proof of marriage to the veteran, and either (a) a copy of the veteran's disability verification from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs demonstrating a one hundred percent permanent disability rating or (b) a copy of the veteran's Department of Defense Form 1300 or its successor form documenting that the veteran was killed in hostile action.

(4) If a private employer implements a voluntary veterans preference employment policy, it shall notify the Commissioner of Labor of such policy. The commissioner shall use the information to maintain a registry of the private employers that have a voluntary veterans preference employment policy in Nebraska.

(5) A voluntary veterans preference employment policy shall not be considered a violation of any state or local equal employment opportunity law including the Nebraska Fair Employment Practice Act.

Source:Laws 2015, LB272, § 1;    Laws 2018, LB497, § 2.    

Cross References

48-239. COVID-19 vaccine; employer; requirements; vaccine exemption form; contents.

(1) For purposes of this section:

(a) COVID-19 means the novel coronavirus identified as SARS-CoV-2; any disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, its viral fragments, or a virus mutation therefrom; and all conditions associated with the disease which are caused by SARS-CoV-2, its viral fragments, or a virus mutation therefrom;

(b) Department means the Department of Health and Human Services;

(c)(i) Employer means a person engaged in an industry who has one or more employees;

(ii) Employer also includes any party whose business is financed in whole or in part under the Nebraska Investment Finance Authority Act regardless of the number of employees and includes the State of Nebraska, governmental agencies, and political subdivisions; and

(iii) Employer does not include (A) the United States, a corporation wholly owned by the government of the United States, or an Indian tribe or (B) a bona fide private membership club, other than a labor organization, which is exempt from taxation under section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code;

(d) Health care practitioner means a person licensed under (i) the Medicine and Surgery Practice Act to practice medicine and surgery or osteopathic medicine and surgery, (ii) the Medicine and Surgery Practice Act to practice as a physician assistant, or (iii) the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Practice Act to practice as an advanced practice registered nurse;

(e) Medicare-certified or medicaid-certified provider or supplier means any entity, including, but not limited to, a health care facility as defined in section 71-413, that is a medicare-certified or medicaid-certified provider or supplier and that is subject to the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services' COVID-19 health care staff vaccination requirements; and

(f) Vaccine exemption form means the form created by the department under subsection (2) of this section.

(2)(a) The department shall develop a vaccine exemption form for an individual to claim an exemption from receiving a COVID-19 vaccine as provided in this section. The department shall make the form available on the department's website within fifteen days after March 1, 2022.

(b) The form shall include a declaration by the individual seeking an exemption that:

(i) A health care practitioner has provided the individual with a signed written statement that, in the health care practitioner's opinion, (A) receiving a COVID-19 vaccine is medically contraindicated for the individual or (B) medical necessity requires the individual to delay receiving such vaccine; or

(ii) Receiving a COVID-19 vaccine would conflict with the individual's sincerely held religious belief, practice, or observance.

(3) Subject to subsection (5) of this section, an employer that requires applicants or employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19 shall allow for an exemption to such requirement for an individual who provides the employer with:

(a) A completed vaccine exemption form; and

(b) For an individual claiming an exemption based on the statement of a health care practitioner, a copy of such signed written statement.

(4) An employer may require an employee granted an exemption under this section to:

(a) Be periodically tested for COVID-19 at the employer's expense; and

(b) Wear or use personal protective equipment provided by the employer.

(5) A medicare-certified or medicaid-certified provider or supplier or a federal contractor may require additional processes, documentation, or accommodations as necessary to be in compliance with federal law and to maintain compliance with the rules and regulations of the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

Source:Laws 2022, LB906, § 1.    

Cross References

48-301. Terms, defined.

For purposes of sections 48-302 to 48-313:

(1) Employment means (a) service for wages or (b) being under a contract of hire, written or oral, express or implied. Employment, other than detasseling, does not include any employment for which the employer is not liable for payment of the combined tax or payment in lieu of contributions under section 48-648, 48-649 to 48-649.04, or 48-660.01; and

(2) Detasseling means the removal of weeds, off-type and rogue plants, and corn tassels in hand pollinating