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Search for Legislation Referred To Education Committee in the 109th Legislature

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Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LB14 Cavanaugh, M. Referral Adopt the Hunger-Free Schools Act
LB31 Conrad General File Require school policies relating to the use of student surveillance, monitoring, and tracking technology by school districts
LB49 McKinney Referral Provide for a model ban and bar policy for school districts
LB122 Meyer Referral Require display of the state and national motto in schools
LB140 Sanders Referral Require school policies relating to use of electronic communication devices by students
LB142 Hughes Referral Redefine a term under the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act
LB143 Rountree General File Change provisions relating to student enrollment
LB149 Hansen Referral Eliminate the prohibition on suspending a student in prekindergarten through second grade
LB161 Juarez Referral Redefine formula students under the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act
LB213 Holdcroft Referral Require the State Board of Education to adopt academic content standards on human embryology under the science education standards
LB249 Sanders Referral Provide for military impact funding and change provisions relating to local formula resources under the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act
LB282 Prokop Referral Provide for reimbursement for teachers for school supplies
LB296 Arch General File Require the State Department of Education to create a centralized education records system and employ registrars relating to students under the jurisdiction of the juvenile court and change provisions relating to graduation requirements and the State Department of Education Improvement Grant Fund
LB300 Murman Referral Change provisions relating to the Superintendent Pay Transparency Act and provide a limit for superintendent and educational service unit administrator compensation
LB303 Hughes Referral Change provisions relating to foundation aid and certain certification dates and provide for base levy adjustments under the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act and create the School Finance Reform Commission
LB306 Education Committee Referral Change provisions relating to the Board of Trustees of the Nebraska State Colleges, the Nebraska Career Scholarship Act, the Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education Act, the Door to College Scholarship Act, and budget limitations for community colleges
LB335 Conrad General File Redefine child under the In the Line of Duty Dependent Education Act
LB352 Ballard Referral Change provisions relating to reports on student achievement and discipline required under the Quality Education Accountability Act
LB378 Andersen Referral Require that each public or private two-year or four-year college or university provide a report to the Attorney General relating to certain funding from a foreign source
LB390 Murman Referral Require each school board to adopt a policy relating to access by a parent, guardian, or educational decisionmaker to certain school library information
LB408 Dungan Referral Adopt the Special Education Teacher Forgivable Loan Program Act
LB411 Dungan Referral Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Teacher Recruitment and Retention Act
LB417 Bostar Referral Provide for administration of the Nebraska Promise Program by the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska, adopt the College Promise Act, and change provisions relating to the Quality Education Accountability Act
LB426 Andersen Referral Authorize an American flag education program and change provisions relating to the distribution of lottery funds used for education
LB427 Andersen Referral Require the State Treasurer to establish an educational savings account for students enrolled in kindergarten through grade twelve at an approved or accredited public, private, denominational, or parochial school
LB428 Murman Referral Change provisions relating to school policies on the involvement of parents, guardians, and educational decisionmakers in schools
LB429 Murman Referral Provide requirements and restrictions for school boards relating to professional employees’ organizations
LB430 Murman Referral Provide an additional exception to the prohibition on suspending a student in prekindergarten through second grade and change provisions relating to short-term and long-term suspension under the Student Discipline Act
LB440 Spivey Referral Adopt the Education Leave and Support Act
LB497 Murman Referral Provide for admission of and participation in extracurricular activities by certain students that are not residents of the school district
LB498 Murman Referral Change provisions relating to foundation aid and certification dates under the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act
LB500 DeBoer Referral Create the School Financing Review Commission
LB507 Hunt Referral Change provisions relating to school transportation expenses for children with disabilities
LB517 Juarez Referral Provide requirements for the state school security director regarding protective door assemblies and other school entry systems
LB523 Juarez Referral Adopt the Student Teacher Compensation Act
LB524 Juarez Referral Authorize paraeducator grants under the Nebraska Teacher Recruitment and Retention Act and change eligible uses of the Education Future Fund
LB528 Jacobson Referral Change and eliminate provisions relating to grants from the State Department of Education Improvement Grant Fund
LB538 Hardin Referral Require school boards and postsecondary educational institutions to adopt a policy and provide training relating to discrimination and antisemitism and provide for Title VI coordinators
LB549 Lippincott Referral Allow a school board to employ a chaplain, including in a volunteer capacity, at a school
LB550 Lippincott Referral Require school districts to adopt a policy that excuses students to attend a course for religious instruction
LB551 Lippincott Referral Prohibit tenure at certain postsecondary educational institutions and require a written policy regarding terms and conditions of employment
LB552 Lippincott Referral Prohibit public postsecondary educational institutions from having a diversity, equity, and inclusion office and taking certain actions relating to diversity, equity, and inclusion
LB557 Armendariz Referral Change provisions relating to the enrollment option program, provide funding to students denied option enrollment, and eliminate provisions relating to open enrollment option students and diversity plans
LB567 Quick Referral Authorize school policies relating to community engagement
LB572 Hughes Referral Authorize a school district to exceed its budget authority for stipends paid to a student teacher and change the applicability of the School District Property Tax Limitation Act
LB589 Conrad Referral Change provisions relating to reimbursement for special education programs and support services and require school districts to provide special education staff with professional leave
LB597 DeBoer Referral Change provisions relating to foundation aid, local effort rate yield, adjusted valuations of property, and certification dates under the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act
LB598 DeBoer Referral Provide funding to school districts to cover extraordinary increases in limited English proficiency student expenditures, change provisions relating to the elementary site allowance and certification dates under the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act and reimbursement for special education programs and support services, and change eligible uses of the Education Future Fund
LB599 DeBoer Referral Require the State Board of Education to adopt a policy relating to cybersecurity
LB605 Raybould Referral Require each school board to adopt a policy relating to transgender student participation in extracurricular activities sponsored by a school or an athletics or activities association
LB625 Dover Referral Provide for the establishment of a database of financial information from all school districts in the state
LB631 Hansen Referral State intent relating to funding for the School Emergency Response Mapping Fund
LB633 Hansen Referral Change provisions relating to applications rejected under the enrollment option program and create the Nebraska Option Enrollment Tuition Account Program
LB652 Hansen Referral Terminate the Board of Educational Lands and Funds
LB653 Murman Referral Change provisions relating to reimbursement for special education programs, support services, and the enrollment option program, provide reimbursement for certain students under the enrollment option program, and change the authorized uses of the Education Future Fund
LB670 Murman Referral Require schools to adopt a safety plan and provide and change requirements related to training for staff of child care and schools
LB671 Murman Referral Change and eliminate provisions relating to reports regarding the enrollment option program, programs for expelled students, educator evaluations, information related to dyslexia, the Nebraska Teacher Apprenticeship Program, high-need retention grants, property tax request documentation, and the College Pathway Program and eliminate obsolete provisions and provisions relating to the Junior Mathematics Prognosis Examination
LB675 Raybould Referral Provide requirements for the purchase, lease, sale, or exchange of school lands located within the boundaries of an Indian reservation
LB680 Education Committee Referral Change provisions relating to educational service units
LB681 Education Committee Referral Change provisions relating to the definition of graduate degree program
LB682 Education Committee Referral Update terminology relating to individualized education programs for high school students
LB685 Lonowski Referral Require schools to install a secure master key box as prescribed, provide powers and duties to the state school security director, change provisions relating to a grant program for security-related infrastructure projects and the School Safety and Security Fund, and provide for a transfer from the Cash Reserve Fund
LB691 Murman Referral Require school districts and private, denominational, and parochial schools to display the Ten Commandments in school buildings
LB708 Ibach Referral Change boundaries of certain community college areas
LB711 Hunt Referral Change provisions relating to the new school adjustment under the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act
LR28CA Hansen Referral Constitutional amendment to eliminate provisions creating the Board of Educational Lands and Funds