Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Cavanaugh, M., 6 in the 109th Legislature

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Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LB13 Sen Cavanaugh, M. General File Require the Department of Health and Human Services to file a state plan amendment relating to child care
LB14 Sen Cavanaugh, M. Referral Adopt the Hunger-Free Schools Act
LB53 Sen Cavanaugh, M. Referral Provide criminal and civil immunity for pregnancy outcomes
LB107 Sen Cavanaugh, M. Referral Provide an income tax credit for renters and change provisions relating to a property tax credit
LB181 Sen Cavanaugh, M. Referral Provide for benefits under the Young Adult Bridge to Independence Act for young adults not lawfully present in the United States
LB189 Sen Cavanaugh, M. Referral Adopt the Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance Act
LB190 Sen Cavanaugh, M. Referral Provide duties for the Legislative Performance Audit Committee
LB220 Sen Cavanaugh, M. Referral Provide for developmental and intellectual disability impact notes for legislation
LB221 Sen Cavanaugh, M. Referral Provide a procedure to fill unfilled gubernatorial appointments
LB237 Sen Cavanaugh, M. Referral Permit counties to conduct elections by mail
LB238 Sen Cavanaugh, M. Referral Exempt local foster care review boards from the Open Meetings Act and eliminate obsolete provisions regarding an advisory group
LB239 Sen Cavanaugh, M. Referral Change requirements relating to developmental disabilities funding priorities and eliminate a sunset date
LB359 Sen Cavanaugh, M. Referral State intent regarding appropriations for reimbursement rates for child welfare service providers
LB469 Sen Cavanaugh, M. Referral Require the State Court Administrator to develop a form to be included by landlords in residential eviction notices concerning resources for tenants
LB578 Sen Cavanaugh, M. Referral Change provisions relating to compensation and employment of jail and prison inmates and disbursements of such funds and require payment of the minimum wage for inmates and government employees
LB579 Sen Cavanaugh, M. Referral Prohibit charging a fee for public records requests by members of the Legislature
LB580 Sen Cavanaugh, M. Referral Appropriate funds to the Department of Environment and Energy
LB581 Sen Cavanaugh, M. Referral Appropriate funds to the Department of Health and Human Services
LR5CA Sen Cavanaugh, M. Referral Constitutional amendment to eliminate provisions relating to marriage and marriage licenses
LR6CA Sen Cavanaugh, M. Referral Constitutional amendment to recognize marriage of couples regardless of gender and race and strike language regarding gender