Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Haar, 21 in All Legislatures

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Document Legislature Primary Introducer Status Description
LR603 104 Sen Haar Referral Interim study to examine the issues faced by residents of mobile home communities
LR599 104 Sen Haar Referral Interim study to review the administrative rate review processes currently conducted by the Public Service Commission
LR598 104 Sen Haar Referral Interim study to examine issues related to allowing owners and independent repair persons access to software and codes that will allow them to repair electronic devices
LR590 103 Sen Haar Referral Interim study to examine the organizational structure of public power
LR589 103 Sen Haar Referral Interim study to evaluate the local and statewide health impacts of burning coal
LR580 102 Sen Haar Referral Interim study to examine the potential for research, development, and deployment of liquid fluoride thorium reactors in the State of Nebraska
LR579 104 Sen Haar Referral Interim study to examine issues relating to solar energy development
LR573 104 Sen Haar Referral Interim study to examine the historic and present state of industrial hemp as an alternative crop in Nebraska and its future potential
LR552 104 Sen Haar Referral Interim study to develop a plan to address funding and budgetary issues relating to climate change
LR534 104 Sen Haar Referral Interim study to examine the extent that state funds are invested in fossil fuels and clean energy, and the feasibility of divestment consistent with the state's fiduciary responsibilities
LR526 103 Sen Haar Referral Interim study to examine options to provide incentives for professional growth and development of teachers as the means to increased student achievement and success in Nebraska public schools
LR525 101 Sen Haar Interim study to examine Nebraska's laws on unlawful intrusion, stalking, and criminal trespass
LR524 101 Sen Haar Interim study to examine regulation of renewable energy generation in other states and in regional transmission organizations
LR523 101 Sen Haar Interim study to examine the impact of LB436 which established a statewide net metering policy
LR518 103 Sen Haar Referral Interim study to examine the need to craft a policy to ensure that women who choose to give birth at home are adequately supported by trained health care professionals
LR517 103 Sen Haar Referral Interim study to examine ways to improve the quality and availability of interpreter services for Nebraskans who are deaf or hard of hearing
LR504 102 Sen Haar Referral Interim study to examine Nebraska's statutes and regulations on hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracking
LR481 102 Sen Haar Referral Interim study to examine funding sources for the United States Dept. of Education's 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program
LR480 102 Sen Haar Referral Interim study to examine how Nebraska's public power utilities can partner with private energy efficiency companies to offer "On Bill Pay," a process in which a consumer contracts with an energy service company to audit, finance, and manage energy efficiency
LR479 102 Sen Haar Referral Interim study to examine Nebraska's laws and regulations on radon gas exposure, particularly the effect of radon gas on children
LR455 104 Sen Haar Referral Provide the Executive Board of the Legislative Council appoint a special committee to examine issues related to the impacts of climate change on the State of Nebraska
LR433 101 Sen Haar Interim study to examine student expression in Nebraska's public schools
LR432 101 Sen Haar Interim study to examine Nebraska's child support collection methods
LR431 101 Sen Haar Interim study to examine how private sources of money given to public institutions should be disclosed
LR347 102 Sen Haar Recognize Willis Moreland for his significant contribution to Nebraska through his work at the Taft Institute
LR346 102 Sen Haar Congratulate Daniel James Crosby for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR327 103 Sen Haar Referral Interim study to examine issues relating to providing storm shelters or safe rooms for residents of mobile home parks
LR326 103 Sen Haar Referral Interim study to examine and evaluate net metering in Nebraska
LR325 103 Sen Haar Referral Interim study to examine the effectiveness of the school budget limitation and certification of school budget authority included in the state aid formula
LR324 103 Sen Haar Referral Interim study to examine and evaluate the statutory requirements on Nebraska's public power districts
LR323 103 Sen Haar Referral Interim study to examine statutes and policies relating to increasing renewable energy development in Nebraska
LR322 103 Sen Haar Referral Interim study to examine options for stabilization and growth in state funding for schools
LR321 103 Sen Haar Referral Interim study to examine statutes and procedures relating to the State of Nebraska's financial responsibility for oil pipelines
LR320 103 Sen Haar Referral Interim study to examine statutes and procedures relating to the eminent domain laws for oil pipelines and the authority of local governments to regulate oil pipelines
LR272 104 Sen Haar Referral Interim study to examine the Niobrara Council and its current statutory authority outlined in the Niobrara Scenic River Act
LR261 102 Sen Haar Referral Interim study to examine how Nebraska's public power utilities can partner with private energy efficiency companies to offer "On Bill Pay"
LR260 102 Sen Haar Referral Interim study to examine statutes and regulations on in-situ mining and hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracking
LR247 104 Sen Haar Referral Interim study to examine the process of eliminating the Nebraska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission
LR227 103 Sen Haar Referral Interim study to examine issues surrounding midwifery credentialing and safety measures
LR224 103 Sen Haar Referral Interim study to examine the programs, incentives, and processes, used in other states to stimulate renewable energy projects of less than twenty megawatts that can be added without major additional transmission improvements
LR203 103 Sen Haar Declare September 17 as Constitution Day in the State of Nebraska
LR195 101 Sen Haar Interim study to examine energy efficiency
LR194 101 Sen Haar Interim study to examine unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases
LR193 101 Sen Haar Interim study to examine the impact of LB436 which established a statewide net metering policy
LR164 104 Sen Haar Congratulate the Raymond Central High School speech team for winning the 2015 Class C-1 state tournament
LR101 101 Sen Haar Interim study to examine issues relating to the impact of additional well development on water use by domestic wells in areas of the state where ground water supplies are limited
(1st Special)
102 Sen Haar Recognize the tremendous work of the Raymond Central High School Power Drive team
LB1135 102 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Provide an income tax credit relating to purchases of energy star certified materials and equipment
LB1100 103 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Create the Public Power Task Force
LB1099 103 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Provide for a study relating to state aid to schools
LB1096 101 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Nebraska High Performance Schools Initiative Act
LB1072 104 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Fair Repair Act and provide a penalty
LB1071 104 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Solar Energy Economic Development Act
LB1070 104 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Change powers and duties of the Nebraska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission to require liability insurance and restrict permits as prescribed
LB1069 104 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Provide duties for the state investment officer relating to investment in energy-related companies or funds
LB1068 104 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Electric Customer Protection Act and provide duties for the Public Service Commission
LB1045 102 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Authorize school district expenditures in case of disaster or emergency as prescribed
LB1044 102 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Provide for Public Service Commission regulation of hazardous liquid pipeline facilities
LB1019 101 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Provide for trails dispute boards to decide disputes between county boards and natural resources districts concerning recreational trails
LB1015 101 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Interstate Compact on the Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote
LB1014 101 Sen Haar Passed Provide for establishment of teacher performance pay in FY2016-17 subject to collective-bargaining agreements
LB1009 103 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Establish a pilot program relating to problem-based learning
LB1008 103 Sen Haar Passed Change duties of the Climate Assessment Response Committee
LB1007 103 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the Security, Privacy, and Dissemination of Criminal History Information Act
LB989 102 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Allow exceptions to property tax levy limitations and school district budget authority for 21st Century Community Learning Centers
LB965A 103 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Appropriation Bill
LB965 103 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Change public policy provisions and findings required by the Nebraska Power Review Board relating to the provision of electric service
LB945 102 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Require licensees under the Child Care Licensing Act to provide proof of radon levels at child care locations
LB934 101 Sen Haar Passed Include Nebraska Wing of the Civil Air Patrol members under the Volunteer Emergency Responders Job Protection Act
LB920 101 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Provide for school transportation safety committees
LB898 101 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Student Expression Act
LB885 102 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Provide powers and duties to the state building division relating to the energy efficiency of state facilities
LB882 103 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Change duties of the Climate Assessment Response Committee
LB866 102 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Nebraska Fair Employment Opportunity Act
LB842 104 Sen Haar Passed Change admission and graduation provisions relating to barber schools and colleges
LB840 103 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Require rules and regulations for mandatory water well permits in management areas
LB818 103 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to net metering
LB817 103 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Change membership provisions relating to public power district boards
LB815 101 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Change requirements for political subdivision budget statements and financial information on the state web site
LB802 104 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Create the Health and Climate Resiliency Task Force
LB789 102 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Change the State Electrical Act relating to electrical inspections
LB777 102 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to distribution of certain supplemental funds
LB774 101 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to sales tax treatment of net metering
LB713 102 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Provide requirements for and prevent the prohibition of the installation of solar energy systems
LB712 102 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Change permitted practice provisions under the Certified Nurse Midwifery Practice Act
LB707 101 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Change provisions and penalties relating to unlawful intrusion
LB706 101 Sen Haar Passed Provide fees for competency assessments of hearing interpreters
LB705 101 Sen Haar Passed Remove a limitation on issuance of Pearl Harbor, prisoner-of-war, and disabled veteran license plates
LB704 101 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Change a renewable energy tax credit
LB696 103 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Prohibit the use of and require labeling of food containers containing Bisphenol A
LB695 103 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Require an affidavit relating to radon levels at a child care location
LB678 101 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to minutes of public meetings
LB677 101 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Change the Commercial Dog and Cat Operator Inspection Act
LB645 103 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Change teacher education allowance and fall personnel report provisions
LB624 101 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Provide for energy efficiency loans for public buildings
LB623 101 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Interstate Compact on the Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote
LB622 103 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to a report filed with the Nebraska Power Review Board
LB619 103 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Require instruction in sexual health education
LB604 103 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Change computation of the cost growth factor relating to state aid to schools
LB583A 103 Sen Haar Passed Appropriation Bill
LB583 103 Sen Haar Passed Provide duties for the Climate Assessment Response Committee
LB582 102 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Student Expression Act
LB581 102 Sen Haar Withdrawn Change provisions regarding certified nurse midwives
LB580 102 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Create the Energy Auditor Advisory Board
LB579 102 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to power supply plan contents
LB578 102 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Require proof of financial responsibility from persons operating pipelines
LB567 103 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to approval of electric generation facilities and transmission lines
LB536 104 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Provide for the filing of an annual report by public power suppliers with the Nebraska Power Review Board
LB525 103 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Change deadlines under the Election Act
LB522 102 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Adopt the High Performance Green Schools Transparency Act
LB492 101 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Provide for funding certain positions at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln
LB491 101 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Provide for home energy efficiency loans
LB481 101 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Eliminate restrictions on midwives attending home deliveries
LB454 103 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Electronics Extended Producer Responsibility and Job Creation Act
LB437 101 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Create the Wind Energy Development Zone Task Force
LB436 101 Sen Haar Passed Provide for net metering of electricity
LB428 103 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Change permitted practice provisions for certified nurse midwives
LB407 104 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Change and eliminate provisions relating to certified renewable export facilities as prescribed
LB379 101 Sen Haar Passed Extend a scrap tire grant program
LB374 104 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Direct transfers from the State Recreation Road Fund
LB359 102 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Change a renewable energy tax credit
LB358 102 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to sales taxation of net metering
LB357 103 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Change a budget limitation exemption under the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act
LB323 103 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Create the School Finance Review Committee
LB310 101 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to deaf and hard of hearing persons
LB287 104 Sen Haar Passed Change provisions relating to licensure of interpreters for the deaf and hard of hearing
LB283 102 Sen Haar Governor Veto Change provisions relating to property tax levy limits and provide school boards with tax levy and bond authority relating to energy efficiency projects
LB271 101 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Car Tax Reduction Act
LB270 101 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Create a homestead property tax exemption
LB239 104 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Provide for a Coordinator for Educator Effectiveness and educator evaluation
LB225 101 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Provide for volunteer firefighter license plates
LB201 103 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Authorize emergency expenditures by school districts and educational service units
LB184 103 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds for the Nebraska Wind Applications Center
LB182 104 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Create the School Funding and Educational Outcomes Review Committee
LB177 104 Sen Haar Passed Change provisions relating to membership on boards of public power districts
LB145 102 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Provide for school transportation safety committees
LB144 102 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Require mobile home parks to have shelter and evacuation plans
LB143 102 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Require public education institutions to file certain contracts of employment with the Nebraska Accountability and Disclosure Commission
LB129 103 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Change the compensation for members of the Board of Educational Lands and Funds
LB117 104 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to energy financing contracts
LB116 104 Sen Haar Passed Change election procedures and membership for certain sanitary and improvement district boards of trustees
LB107 101 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Require an employer to provide an employee a reason for termination
LB91 103 Sen Haar Passed Change provisions regarding geologists
LB90 103 Sen Haar Passed Change sales tax provisions on the furnishing of electricity service
LB89 103 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Provide immunity from liability for providing shelter during a weather event
LB39 102 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Change licensure provisions for interpreters for deaf and hard of hearing persons
LB38 102 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Change membership provisions relating to public power district boards
(1st Special)
101 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to funding for certain economic development programs
(1st Special)
102 Sen Haar Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Oil Pipeline Certificate of Authorization Act