Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Ashford, 20 in All Legislatures

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Document Legislature Primary Introducer Status Description
LB907 103 Sen Ashford Passed Add, change, and eliminate provisions relating to criminal justice, incarceration, probation, parole, and legal education financial assistance
LB558 100 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Add housing pattern information to the integration plan for a learning community
LB253 101 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Adopt a new Nebraska Juvenile Code and change child abuse reporting and registry, child relinquishment, and Foster Care Review Act provisions
LB413 101 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Adopt the College Choice Grant Program Act
LB363 100 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Legal Education for Public Service Loan Repayment Act
LB606 100 Sen Ashford Passed Adopt the Stem Cell Research Act
LB981 102 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds for renovation of certain living units at the Youth Rehabilitation and Treatment Center-Kearney
LB1052 100 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the Department of Economic Development
LB559 100 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the Department of Health and Human Services Finance and Support
LB390A 102 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Appropriation Bill
LB463A 102 Sen Ashford Passed Appropriation Bill
LB464A 103 Sen Ashford Passed Appropriation Bill
LB561A 103 Sen Ashford Passed Appropriation Bill
LB800A 101 Sen Ashford Passed Appropriation Bill
LB862A 102 Sen Ashford Passed Appropriation Bill
LB907A 103 Sen Ashford Passed Appropriation Bill
LB993A 102 Sen Ashford Passed Appropriation Bill
LB999A 103 Sen Ashford Passed Appropriation Bill
LB35A 101 Sen Ashford Passed Appropriations Bill
LB63A 101 Sen Ashford Passed Appropriations Bill
LB414A 101 Sen Ashford Passed Appropriations Bill
LB669A 101 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Appropriations Bill
LB377A 100 Sen Ashford Final Reading Appropriations bill
LB606A 100 Sen Ashford Passed Appropriations bill
LB958A 100 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Appropriations bill
LB1014A 100 Sen Ashford Passed Appropriations bill
LB956 102 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Authorize an increase in city sales tax rates
LB556 100 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Change Juvenile Code provisions relating to counsel and guardian ad litem
LB1160 100 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Change Nebraska Juvenile Code jurisdiction and jurisdiction determination provisions and provide for facilitated conferencing
LB339 102 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Change Nebraska Juvenile Code predisposition evaluation procedures
LB214 100 Sen Ashford Final Reading Change acting county attorney compensation, provide for county judge interchange, and eliminate an obsolete procedure
LB344 101 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Change administration of the Civil Legal Services Program
LB596 101 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Change a legal services fee
LB357 102 Sen Ashford Veto Overridden Change and eliminate provisions relating to increases in local option sales tax
LB933 100 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Change clerk magistrate provisions
LB1031 100 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Change confidentiality provisions relating to researchers and auditors accessing adult and child protective services records
LB451 102 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Change court fees, procedures, offices, and judgeships
LB44 103 Sen Ashford Passed Change criminal penalty and parole provisions relating to offenses committed by persons under eighteen years of age
LB376 100 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Change felony complaint procedures
LB789 101 Sen Ashford Passed Change grant limits under the Local Civic, Cultural, and Convention Center Financing Act
LB45 103 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Change judge eligibility requirements for the Court of Appeals
LB463 102 Sen Ashford Passed Change juvenile penalty, records, service plan, probation sanctions, and truancy provisions
LB35 101 Sen Ashford Passed Change legal process regarding limited liability companies, courts, civil and criminal procedure, grants, estates, real estate, adoption, foster care, juveniles, court appointed special advocates, and administrative hearings and change fees
LB448 100 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Change limitation of action provisions under the Political Subdivisions Tort Claims Act
LB1088 102 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Change notice, summons, and warrant provisions of the Nebraska Juvenile Code
LB561 103 Sen Ashford Passed Change provisions and transfer responsibilities regarding the juvenile justice system
LB1096 103 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Change provisions for expansion of a business improvement district
LB301 102 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Change provisions for sealing records under the Nebraska Juvenile Code
LB562 103 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the juvenile justice system
LB449 100 Sen Ashford Final Reading Change provisions on how judicial records are proved
LB980 102 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to an adjustment to income for certain capital gains and extraordinary dividends
LB47 103 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to career academies
LB993 102 Sen Ashford Passed Change provisions relating to child abuse and neglect teams and child advocacy centers
LB597 101 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to collaborative focus schools and programs and magnet schools
LB462 103 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to contracts for joint law enforcement services
LB332 101 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to courts
LB1014 100 Sen Ashford Passed Change provisions relating to courts
LB555 100 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to home- and community-based services
LB48 103 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to housing agencies
LB390 102 Sen Ashford Passed Change provisions relating to jails, community corrections, and the Community Trust
LB215 100 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to life imprisonment
LB213 100 Sen Ashford Final Reading Change provisions relating to preserving testimony
LB51 103 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to publication of court opinions
LB923 101 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to sealing of juvenile criminal justice records
LB935 100 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to service or delivery of court documents
LB300 102 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the Community Trust
LB464 103 Sen Ashford Passed Change provisions relating to the juvenile justice system, arraignment, court jurisdiction, services for juveniles and families, and truancy
LB933 102 Sen Ashford Passed Change provisions relating to truancy
LB1159 100 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to truancy and parenting plans, authorize citations issued to parents, and provide for mediation
LB217 100 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to unlawful acts involving drug substances
LB934 100 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to use of a deadly weapon by a felon
LB216 100 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to violence on a service dog
LB972 102 Sen Ashford Passed Change provisions relating to youth rehabilitation and treatment centers
LB828 100 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Change provisions that limit jurisdiction to Lancaster County District Court
LB414 101 Sen Ashford Passed Change salary and retirement provisions for judges and a fee
LB273 101 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Change sheriff's fees and handgun certificate fees
LB1128 100 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Change tenancy termination provisions under the Nebraska Housing Agency Act
LB598 101 Sen Ashford Passed Change the Nebraska Crime Victim's Reparations Act and authorize a Community Trust to assist with tragedies of violence or natural disaster
LB460 102 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Change the Sex Offender Registration Act
LB957 100 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Change the Sex Offender Registration Act
LB463 103 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Change the number of separate juvenile court judges
LR304 101 Sen Ashford Commend Creighton Preparatory School for its fundraising efforts to provide assistance to the earthquake victims in Haiti
LR32 100 Sen Ashford Commend Shereen M. Salfity for creating her book to help children with relational aggression and for testifying at the public hearing
LR256 102 Sen Ashford Congratulate Andrea Spaustat for receiving the Girl Scout Gold Award
LR400 102 Sen Ashford Congratulate Bob Leddy for being named a 2012 Distinguished Finalist in the Prudential Spirit of Community Awards
LR105 101 Sen Ashford Congratulate Donald G. Gilpin for his many years of service to Omaha Westside High School
(1st Special)
101 Sen Ashford Congratulate Michael Fryda for being named the 2010 Nebraska Teacher of the Year
LR316 101 Sen Ashford Congratulate Mike Kemp for being inducted into the Omaha Hockey Hall of Fame
LR434 102 Sen Ashford Congratulate Molly Kroeger for winning two individual gold medals and being named Outstanding Female Swimmer at the 2012 girls' state swimming championship
LR123 100 Sen Ashford Congratulate Richard E. Shugrue on his outstanding career and on his retirement from Creighton University
LR122 102 Sen Ashford Congratulate Susan Marchese on her outstanding accomplishments in Nebraska amateur golf
LR36 103 Sen Ashford Congratulate the Omaha South High School boys' tennis team for their accomplishments
LR258 101 Sen Ashford Congratulate the Omaha Westside High School baseball team for winning the 2009 Class A state championship
LR433 102 Sen Ashford Congratulate the Omaha Westside High School girls' swimming team for winning the 2012 state championship
LR299CA 101 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to provide for no more than three community college areas
LB932 100 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Create the Aging Prison Population Task Force
LR171 101 Sen Ashford Create the Sentencing and Recidivism Task Force
LB557 100 Sen Ashford Withdrawn Create the Tutoring and Summer School Fund and provide an income tax credit
LR156 102 Sen Ashford Designate June 6, 2011, as Jewish Family Service Day and congratulate Gloria Kaslow on earning the title of Jewish Family Service Woman of the Century
LB343 101 Sen Ashford Passed Designate the time a judge's term ends
LB1166 102 Sen Ashford Withdrawn Eliminate certain elective county offices when approved by the voters and provide for appointments
LB450 102 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Extend Supreme Court cash fund authority
LR381 101 Sen Ashford Extend appreciation to Ingrid Johnson and all members of the Omaha Rapid Response for their work in Haiti
LR308 101 Sen Ashford Extend sympathy to the family of Kathleen Munnelly Cavanaugh
LB148 103 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Include ammunition in certain offenses involving firearms
LB333 101 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Increase and provide for court fees
LR289 102 Sen Ashford Referral Interim study to address the undocumented immigrant population that have been initiated at both the state and local level around the country since the Judiciary Committee completed its report in December 2008
LR552 103 Sen Ashford Referral Interim study to examine Nebraska's juvenile courts, especially juvenile courts within Douglas County
LR362 100 Sen Ashford Interim study to examine issues relating to illegal immigration
LR288 102 Sen Ashford Referral Interim study to examine issues relating to standing for foster parents in removal proceedings
LR138 101 Sen Ashford Interim study to examine issues under the jurisdiction of the Judiciary Committee
LR543 103 Sen Ashford Referral Interim study to examine issues under the jurisdiction of the Judiciary Committee
LR255 102 Sen Ashford Referral Interim study to examine issues within the jurisdiction of the Judiciary Committee
LR254 102 Sen Ashford Referral Interim study to examine the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006 and Nebraska's Sex Offender Registration Act
LR199 100 Sen Ashford Interim study to examine the existing first degree sexual assault and statutory rape statute
LR200 100 Sen Ashford Interim study to examine the guardian ad litem statutes and proposals for reform of the juvenile legal services system
LR553 103 Sen Ashford Referral Interim study to examine the issue of drivers' licenses for young Nebraskans who have been granted Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals by the Department of Homeland Security
LR109 101 Sen Ashford Interim study to examine the issue of juvenile overcrowding in youth detention centers
LR279 103 Sen Ashford Referral Interim study to examine the use of social impact bonds to develop programming for juveniles and adults reentering the community after involvement with the juvenile justice system or the criminal justice system
LR278 103 Sen Ashford Referral Interim study to review matters under the jurisdiction of the Judiciary Committee
LR479 101 Sen Ashford Interim study to review matters under the jurisdiction of the Judiciary Committee
LR571 102 Sen Ashford Referral Interim study to review matters under the jurisdiction of the Judiciary Committee
LR277 103 Sen Ashford Referral Interim study to review the current costs associated with correctional and detention facilities in Nebraska
LB1096 102 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Prohibit entry into a motor vehicle without permission of the owner or for the purpose of committing a crime
LB50 103 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Prohibit unreasonable placement of a firearm where a minor may unlawfully possess it
LB800 101 Sen Ashford Passed Provide and change methods of early intervention for children at risk and penalties for drug offenses by minors
LB607 100 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Provide a requirement for full-time fire personnel in certain cities of the first class
LB999 103 Sen Ashford Passed Provide duties relating to the establishment of a Hastings Correctional Behavioral Health Treatment Center
LB1158 100 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Provide economic development grants for private, nonprofit organizations in high-poverty areas
LB958 100 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Provide for an examination of firearm-related violence and a hotline to report loss of a firearm and repeal requirements for purchasing handguns
LB344 102 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Provide for an interjurisdictional planning commission for counties containing a city of the metropolitan class
LB302 102 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Provide for a restructuring plan for the court system
LB1144 102 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Provide for career academy schools
LB46 103 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Provide for consolidation and coordination of crime laboratories
LB452 102 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Provide for lottery winnings and tax refund intercept for debts owed to courts
LB450 100 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Provide immunity for employer disclosure of certain employee information
LB1009 102 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Provide that probation records are not subject to disclosure
LB377 100 Sen Ashford Final Reading Reallocate county, district, and separate juvenile court judgeships and change salary provisions of judges
LB49 103 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Require a joint committee to develop a plan for creating a joint housing agency
LB34 101 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Require employment verification of employees by employers and by contractors who want to be awarded a public contract
LB133 102 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Require inclusion of sentencing costs in presentence reports
LB929 101 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Require schools to distribute certain information to parents of children with special hearing needs
LB565 102 Sen Ashford Indefinitely postponed Require secure storage of firearms and notice of such requirement by retailers upon sale and create the offense of improper storage of a firearm