2024 Priority Bill Listing
Final Date For Priority Submissions: February 15, 2024
Senator Priority Bills
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Priority |
Document Number |
Primary Introducer |
Status | Description |
Senator Raybould | LB20 | Senator Wayne | Delivered to Governor | Provide for restoration of voting rights upon completion of a felony sentence or probation for a felony |
Senator Wayne | LB25 | Senator Wayne | Governor Veto | Allow claims involving child abuse or sexual assault of a child under the Political Subdivisions Tort Claims Act |
Senator Hunt | LB307 | Senator Hunt | Governor Veto | Authorize syringe services programs in municipalities and counties and provide exceptions to penalties related to drug paraphernalia under the Uniform Controlled Substances Act |
Senator Kauth | LB575 | Senator Kauth | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Sports and Spaces Act |
Senator DeBoer | LB175 | Senator Dungan | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Residential Tenant Clean Slate Act |
Senator Jacobson | LB31 | Senator Jacobson | Indefinitely postponed | Require train crews of at least two individuals as prescribed |
Senator Holdcroft | LB137 | Senator Bosn | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for a penalty enhancement for a controlled substances violation resulting in serious bodily injury or death |
Senator Albrecht | LB441 | Senator Albrecht | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to obscenity |
Senator Lowe | LB541 | Senator Lowe | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to election of public power district directors |
Senator Halloran | LR31 | Senator Halloran | Indefinitely postponed | Resolution to rescind a prior resolution and apply to Congress for a convention of the states to propose amendments to the United States Constitution |
Senator Clements | LB1067 | Senator Clements | Indefinitely postponed | Eliminate the inheritance tax, adopt the State Prisoner Reimbursement Act, and change the authorized uses of certain county funds |
Senator Slama | LB912 | Senator Slama | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for contracting for reasonable terms for coverage under the Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Insurance Coverage Act |
Senator Aguilar | LB952 | Senator Day | Indefinitely postponed | Require the Department of Health and Human Services to implement the federal Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer Program |
Senator Riepe | LB1109 | Senator Riepe | Indefinitely postponed | Provide an exception under the Preborn Child Protection Act to allow an abortion after twelve weeks in the case of a fatal fetal anomaly and change and eliminate certain penalty provisions relating to abortions |
Senator Sanders | LR277CA | Senator Sanders | Indefinitely postponed | Constitutional amendment to require the Legislature to enact laws providing for life imprisonment for sex or labor trafficking of a minor and certain sex offenses involving minors |
Senator McDonnell | LB1363 | Senator McDonnell | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to the rate and disbursement of the documentary stamp tax, the Military Base Development and Support Fund, the Economic Recovery Contingency Fund, and the Health Care Homes for the Medically Underserved Fund, and change inheritance tax rates |
Senator Meyer | LB71 | Senator Sanders | Passed | Change provisions relating to early childhood education, parental involvement in and access to learning materials in schools, and the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act and provide a process for repeating a grade upon request |
Senator Conrad | LB16 | Senator Conrad | Passed | Require occupational boards to issue certain credentials based on credentials or work experience in another jurisdiction, provide and change requirements regarding applicants with a criminal conviction, provide for jurisprudential examinations and appeals, change requirements for membership of the State Electrical Board, and adopt the Interior Design Voluntary Registration Act |
Senator Bostelman | LB399 | Senator Brewer | Passed | Change provisions relating to certain proposed electric generation facilities and privately developed renewable energy generation facilities |
Senator Brandt | LB61 | Senator Brandt | Passed | Change provisions relating to regulation of dark fiber |
Senator Cavanaugh, J. | LB184 | Senator Cavanaugh, J. | Passed | Provide for inadmissibility of statements of juveniles during transfer proceedings |
Senator Cavanaugh, M. | LB62 | Senator Cavanaugh, M. | Passed | Provide for coverage of translation and interpretation services under the medical assistance program, change reporting requirements related to the medical assistance program, and require a report regarding to the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program |
Senator Day | LB126 | Senator Day | Passed | Change provisions relating to homestead exemptions and property assessment and tax rolls |
Senator Arch | LB461 | Senator Arch | Passed | Change, transfer, and eliminate provisions relating to the materiel division of the Department of Administrative Services and procurement of services and personal property |
Senator McKinney | LB631 | Senator McKinney | Passed | Change provisions relating to the Board of Parole, eligibility for parole, reentry services, post-release supervision, grant programs, and prisons, adopt the Community Work Release and Reentry Centers Act, provide for performance metrics, Parole School, book donations, and reentry career planning, and transfer the Division of Parole Supervision to the Department of Correctional Services |
Senator Lippincott | LB600 | Senator Lippincott | Passed | Adopt the Municipality Infrastructure Aid Act and transfer funds from the Cash Reserve Fund |
Senator Murman | LB1092 | Senator Murman | Passed | Adopt the Online Age Verification Liability Act |
Senator Hardin | LB1120 | Senator Hardin | Passed | Require affidavits for certain purchases of real property near military installations |
Senator Bostar | LB937 | Senator Bostar | Passed | Provide for tax credits, tax exemptions, and certain grant programs and change provisions relating to tax credits and fuel taxes |
Senator Fredrickson | LB856 | Senator Fredrickson | Passed | Change eligibility requirements for the federal child care subsidy program |
Senator Blood | LB829 | Senator Blood | Passed | Change provisions relating to insurance coverage for screening for colorectal cancer |
Senator Wishart | LB905 | Senator Riepe | Passed | Require the Department of Health and Human Services to submit a medicaid waiver or state plan amendment for medical respite care, change the definition of respite care, and change provisions relating to the Medicaid Managed Care Excess Profit Fund |
Senator Bosn | LB934 | Senator Bosn | Passed | Change provisions of the Consumer Protection Act and the Uniform Deceptive Trade Practices Act |
Senator Hughes | LB1035 | Senator Hughes | Passed | Adopt the Prescription Drug Donation Program Act |
Senator Dungan | LB857 | Senator Dungan | Passed | Create the Nebraska Prenatal Plus Program, provide for use of the Medicaid Managed Care Excess Profit Fund, and change provisions relating to coverage of glucose monitors under the Medical Assistance Act |
Senator Erdman | LB1169 | Senator Erdman | Passed | Provide, change, and eliminate provisions relating to the Nebraska State Historical Society |
Senator Armendariz | LB1087 | Senator Jacobson | Passed | Adopt the Hospital Quality Assurance and Access Assessment Act and provide duties for the Nebraska Center for Nursing |
Senator Ballard | LB1300 | Senator Bostar | Passed | Adopt the Pacific Conflict Stress Test Act, the Foreign Adversary Contracting Prohibition Act, the Nebraska Nonprofit Security Grant Program Act, and the Wildland Fire Response Act, create the Commission on Asian American Affairs, provide security requirements for chemical facilities, require approval of voters for certain salary increases, and change provisions relating to veterans aid programs |
Senator Hansen | LB1004 | Senator Hansen | Passed | Change motorcycle, moped, and autocycle helmet provisions |
Senator Dover | LB1313 | Senator Dover | Passed | Provide for regulation of health benefit plans for nonprofit agricultural organizations |
Senator Walz | LB1284 | Senator Walz | Passed | Provide for and change teacher incentive programs, provide for a pilot program to distribute menstrual products in schools, a Dyslexia Research Grant Program, a professional learning system relating to instruction in reading, and a statewide computer science education expansion program, create and change authorized use of certain funds, and change provisions relating to school psychologists and certain scholarship programs |
Senator von Gillern | LB1023 | Senator von Gillern | Passed | Adopt the Relocation Incentive Act and change provisions relating to certain business deductions, nonresident income, incentives under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act, and occupation taxes |
Senator Dorn | LB1108 | Senator Dorn | Passed | Provide for transfer of certain sales and use taxes to the Nebraska Emergency Medical System Operations Fund and provide additional uses for the fund |
Senator Linehan | LB1402 | Senator Linehan | Passed | Require the State Treasurer to establish education scholarships and eliminate the Opportunity Scholarships Act |
Senator DeKay | LB1301 | Senator DeKay | Passed | Adopt the Foreign-owned Real Estate National Security Act |
Senator Brewer | LB1394 | Senator Brewer | Passed | Exempt Nebraska National Guard income from state income taxation |
Senator Ibach | LB1368 | Senator Ibach | Passed | Adopt the Nitrogen Reduction Incentive Act and provide for a transfer from the Water Resources Cash Fund |
Senator Moser | LB1335 | Senator Moser | Passed | Change provisions of and provide duties and exemptions under the Nongame and Endangered Species Conservation Act regarding designation of endangered species, critical habitat, and transportation infrastructure |
Senator Vargas | LB1355 | Senator Vargas | Passed | Provide for release of certain patient data by an emergency medical service, change provisions of the Opioid Prevention and Treatment Act, and provide for state aid, research, first responder training, and overdose fatality review |
Committee Priority Bills
Priority |
Document Number |
Primary Introducer |
Status | Description |
Revenue Committee | LB388 | Senator Linehan | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Property Tax Growth Limitation Act, the Advertising Services Tax Act, and the Property Tax Relief Act and change provisions relating to revenue and taxation |
Judiciary Committee | LB348 | Senator Wayne | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Community Work Release and Treatment Centers Act and change provisions relating to the Board of Parole, the Department of Correctional Services, and the Office of Probation Administration |
Business and Labor Committee | LB1170 | Senator Riepe | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions of the Employment Security Law relating to benefit amounts and periods of disqualification for benefits |
Executive Board | LB1321 | Senator Arch | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to the Public Counsel, the Inspector General of Nebraska Child Welfare, and the Inspector General of the Nebraska Correctional System |
Education Committee | LB1331 | Senator Murman | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions of the Nebraska Property Tax Incentive Act and the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act |
Urban Affairs Committee | LB164 | Senator McKinney | Passed | Change provisions relating to the Economic Recovery Act, the Municipal Inland Port Authority Act, the Nebraska Rural Projects Act, grants awarded by the Department of Economic Development, and transfers of funds and investment earnings, provide for a museum at Fort Robinson State Park, and adopt the Child Care Capacity Building and Workforce Act |
Nebraska Retirement Systems Committee | LB686 | Senator Walz | Passed | Name the Cities of the First Class Firefighters Retirement Act and change provisions relating to firefighters employed by a city of the first class |
Agriculture Committee | LB262 | Agriculture Committee | Passed | Change and eliminate provisions relating to warehouse operators, hemp, the Grain Dealer Act, the Grain Warehouse Act, the Nebraska Agricultural Products Marketing Act, the Nebraska Hemp Farming Act, the Nebraska Corn Resources Act, the Nebraska Pure Food Act, and the Uniform Controlled Substances Act |
Nebraska Retirement Systems Committee | LB196 | Senator Bostar | Passed | Change provisions of the In the Line of Duty Compensation Act and the Nebraska State Patrol Retirement Act |
Judiciary Committee | LB253 | Senator Brewer | Passed | Provide for creation of a veteran justice program |
Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee | LB287 | Senator Brewer | Passed | Eliminate obsolete provisions relating to the 2020 federal decennial census and provide, change, and eliminate provisions relating to petitions, proof of publication, conflicts of interest, voter registration and voting as prescribed in the Election Act, and notice and virtual conferencing requirements under the Open Meetings Act, and eliminate powers and duties of the Attorney General and the Secretary of State |
Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee | LB43 | Senator Sanders | Passed | Adopt the First Freedom Act and the Personal Privacy Protection Act, authorize tribal regalia to be worn by students, change provisions relating to withholding records from the public, provide requirements for interpretation of statutes, rules, and regulations, and prohibit state agencies from imposing certain requirements on charitable organizations |
General Affairs Committee | LB685 | Senator Lowe | Passed | Provide requirements for sale of certain alcoholic beverages and change provisions relating to the Mechanical Amusement Device Tax Act |
Urban Affairs Committee | LB840 | Senator McKinney | Passed | Adopt the Poverty Elimination Action Plan Act and change provisions of the Middle Income Workforce Housing Investment Act and the Nebraska Housing Agency Act |
Legislature's Planning Committee | LB904 | Senator DeBoer | Passed | Change provisions regarding child care reimbursement rates, create the Intergenerational Care Facility Incentive Grant Program, and provide for use of the Medicaid Managed Care Excess Profit Fund |
Banking, Commerce and Insurance Committee | LB1074 | Senator Slama | Passed | Adopt changes to federal law regarding banking and finance, change provisions of the Commodity Code, the Credit Union Act, and the Securities Act of Nebraska, adopt the Data Privacy Act and the Public Entities Pooled Investment Act, exempt certain records from public disclosure, and change breach of security provisions and computerized data, criminal history background checks, and vital records |
Business and Labor Committee | LB1017 | Senator Bosn | Passed | Change the schedule of compensation for certain injuries resulting in disability under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act |
Executive Board | LB1104 | Senator Aguilar | Passed | Change fees for lobbyist registration and change distribution of such fees |
Agriculture Committee | LB844 | Senator Erdman | Passed | Change provisions of the Farm Labor Contractors Act |
Natural Resources Committee | LB867 | Senator Bostelman | Passed | Provide for a voluntary hunting and fishing guide and outfitter database, a migratory waterfowl hunting season for veterans, active-duty military state park entry permits, change provisions relating to the Nebraska Power Review Board and the Petroleum Release Remedial Action Cash Fund, and prohibit restrictions on the provision of services related to natural gas and propane |
Transportation and Telecommunications Committee | LB1200 | Senator Moser | Passed | Change provisions relating to motor vehicles, roads, excise taxes, and federal law and regulations and provide for coordination of the 911 service system and the 988 suicide and crisis lifeline |
Transportation and Telecommunications Committee | LB1031 | Senator Bostelman | Passed | Change provisions relating to dark fiber leases, broadband telecommunications services, the Nebraska Telecommunications Universal Service Fund, the Public Service Commission, the Nebraska Broadband Bridge Act, and the 911 Service System Act |
Natural Resources Committee | LB1370 | Senator Bostelman | Passed | Provide requirements for electric generation facilities, transmission lines, wind energy conversion systems, and retirement of a dispatchable electric generation facility and change provisions relating to public power districts |
Banking, Commerce and Insurance Committee | LB1073 | Senator Slama | Passed | Adopt the Peer-to-Peer Vehicle Sharing Program Act and provide, change, and prohibit certain actions relating to insurance, real estate, and deceptive trade practices |
Education Committee | LB1329 | Senator Murman | Passed | Change provisions relating to handguns and firearms in school environments, classification of school districts, excessive absenteeism and truancy, the enrollment option program, certain educational certificates, permits, and endorsements, certain tax levy and bonding authority of school districts, requirements for various school and education programs, and the Nebraska Career Scholarship Act, provide for grants relating to school mapping data, prohibit certain debt collection activities, and provide requirements for the use of certain maps for schools |
State-Tribal Relations Committee | LB1288 | Senator Raybould | Passed | Provide for use of tribal enrollment cards for certain firearm and alcohol laws, provide for recognition of tribal mental health and dangerous sex offender commitment orders, and provide for transportation and commitment of persons civilly committed under tribal law |
Revenue Committee | LB1317 | Senator Linehan | Passed | Adopt the Financial Institution Data Match Act, the Gambling Winnings Setoff for Outstanding Debt Act, and the Good Life District Economic Development Act, change provisions relating to the Community Development Law, the Sports Arena Facility Financing Assistance Act, the First Responder Recruitment and Retention Act, the Good Life Transformational Projects Act, the Motor Vehicle Registration Act, the Nebraska Revenue Act of 1967, and the Tax Equalization and Review Commission Act, and provide for and change provisions relating to health insurance for first responders and dependents, underutilized tax-exempt property, rent-restricted housing projects, sales-restricted houses, inheritance taxes, property taxes, sales and use tax exemptions and incentives, electric and hybrid motor vehicles and charging stations, and appropriations for nitrate sensors |
Health and Human Services Committee | LB1215 | Senator Hansen | Passed | Adopt the Dietitian Licensure Compact and the Physician Assistant (PA) Licensure Compact, change provisions relating to prescriptions, death certificates, credentialing of barbers, nurses, pharmacies, pharmacy professionals, and certain health care facilities and services, treatment of individuals with communicable tuberculosis, and telehealth consultations, and provide for abstracts of death and coverage under the medical assistance program for certain breast pumps and lactation visits |
General Affairs Committee | LB1204 | Senator Cavanaugh, J. | Passed | Change provisions relating to certain lotteries and raffles, certain tobacco and nicotine delivery products, the State Lottery Act, the Nebraska Liquor Control Act, the Tobacco Products Tax Act, and public records |
Speaker Priority Bills
Priority |
Document Number |
Primary Introducer |
Status | Description |
Speaker Arch | LB1126 | Senator Bosn | Indefinitely postponed | Create the National Career Readiness Certificate Pilot Program within the Department of Correctional Services |
Speaker Arch | LB308 | Senator Bostar | Passed | Adopt the Genetic Information Privacy Act |
Speaker Arch | LB664 | Senator Riepe | Passed | Provide powers and duties for the state medicaid fraud control unit and the Attorney General |
Speaker Arch | LB78 | Senator Day | Passed | Redefine massage therapy under the Massage Therapy Practice Act |
Speaker Arch | LB233 | Senator Cavanaugh, J. | Passed | Provide for child support payment disregard under the aid to dependent children program and pass through of certain child support payments |
Speaker Arch | LB607 | Senator McDonnell | Passed | Change provisions relating to grants for the 211 Information and Referral Network |
Speaker Arch | LB1051 | Senator DeBoer | Passed | Eliminate obsolete provisions and reorganize provisions of the Nebraska Juvenile Code and change certain filing deadlines |
Speaker Arch | LB894 | Senator Ibach | Passed | Change provisions relating to election, appointment, qualifications, and training of county sheriffs |
Speaker Arch | LB1393 | Senator Hansen | Passed | Change provisions relating to the combined tax rate under the Employment Security Law and the Nebraska Student-Athlete Name, Image, or Likeness Rights Act |
Speaker Arch | LB1306 | Education Committee | Passed | Eliminate the Professional Practices Commission and provide, change, and eliminate provisions relating to standards for and conduct of teachers and administrators |
Speaker Arch | LB834 | Senator Blood | Passed | Establish requirements for a resident dental license |
Speaker Arch | LB874 | Senator Bostar | Passed | Change requirements relating to child care licensing and child care facilities |
Speaker Arch | LB839 | Senator Lowe | Passed | Change provisions relating to the executive director and members of the State Racing and Gaming Commission |
Speaker Arch | LB876 | Senator Holdcroft | Passed | Adopt the Newborn Safe Haven Act |
Speaker Arch | LB1088 | Senator Linehan | Passed | Change provisions relating to certain employment and investment requirements under the Nebraska Advantage Act |
Speaker Arch | LB1027 | Senator Clements | Passed | Change provisions relating to schools which elect not to meet accreditation and approval requirements |
Speaker Arch | LB852 | Senator Jacobson | Passed | Change provisions of the Medicare Supplement Insurance Minimum Standards Act |
Speaker Arch | LB1195 | Senator Conrad | Passed | Provide requirements for grants awarded by the Commission on Public Advocacy and thirty-party guarantees under the Assisted-Living Facility Act, change provisions relating to homestead exemptions for judgment liens and executions, the Nebraska Probate Code, the Nebraska Uniform Trust Code, the Nebraska Uniform Power of Attorney Act, and the Nebraska Uniform Transfers to Minors Act, and authorize acceptance of cession or retrocession of federal jurisdiction for juvenile matters |
Speaker Arch | LB932 | Senator Fredrickson | Passed | Adopt the Social Worker Licensure Compact and change provisions of the Mental Health Practice Act and the Uniform Credentialing Act |
Speaker Arch | LB906 | Senator Riepe | Passed | Change provisions relating to child labor laws |
Speaker Arch | LB870 | Senator Cavanaugh, M. | Passed | Provide for additional rights of notification, information, and preservation of evidence under the Sexual Assault Victims' Bill of Rights Act |
Speaker Arch | LB1030 | Senator Bostelman | Passed | Change provisions of the County Bridge Match Program and provide for a transfer of funds from the Roads Operations Cash Fund |
Speaker Arch | LB1069 | Senator Halloran | Passed | Change provisions relating to the State Fire Marshal, the Boiler Inspection Act, and the Nebraska Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act of 1969 and eliminate the Nebraska Fire Safety Appeal Board |
Speaker Arch | LB1344 | Senator Wayne | Passed | Rename and change provisions of the Community Development Assistance Act and change provisions of the Good Life Transformational Projects Act |
Speaker Arch | LB1197 | Senator von Gillern | Passed | Change the Sports Arena Facility Financing Assistance Act and allowable uses of competitive grants awarded by the Nebraska Arts Council |