Bill/Resolution Search Results
Search for Brasch, 16 in All Legislatures
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Document | Legislature | Primary Introducer | Status | Description |
LB67 | 105 | Sen Brasch | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Fair Repair Act |
LB105 | 105 | Sen Brasch | Passed | Change provisions relating to personal property exemptions in cases of forced sale on execution or attachment |
LB106 | 105 | Sen Brasch | Withdrawn | Change provisions relating to parental rights of a child conceived as a result of sexual assault |
LB125 | 105 | Sen Brasch | Withdrawn | Change application and fee requirements for feedlots and dairies registered under the Livestock Brand Act |
LB134 | 105 | Sen Brasch | Passed | Change provisions of the Nebraska Pure Food Act and eliminate the Nebraska Graded Egg Act |
LB144 | 103 | Sen Brasch | Passed | Provide for write-in candidacy by defeated candidate |
LB145 | 103 | Sen Brasch | Indefinitely postponed | Change valuation of agricultural land and horticultural land |
LB155 | 105 | Sen Brasch | Indefinitely postponed | Require successful completion of a civics examination as a prerequisite to high school graduation |
LB179 | 104 | Sen Brasch | Passed | Change renewal requirements for apprentice electricians and provide for continuing education for apprentice electricians |
LB244 | 103 | Sen Brasch | Indefinitely postponed | Require apprentice electricians to complete continuing education |
LB307 | 105 | Sen Brasch | Passed | Provide for mediation, child abuse prevention, and civil legal services fees in certain proceedings |
LB308 | 105 | Sen Brasch | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to the committee on Americanism |
LB309 | 105 | Sen Brasch | Indefinitely postponed | Eliminate Daylight Saving Time |
LB325 | 103 | Sen Brasch | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to approval of natural resources district boundary changes |
LB338 | 105 | Sen Brasch | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Agricultural Valuation Fairness Act |
LB340 | 104 | Sen Brasch | Indefinitely postponed | Provide signage requirements and duties for the Nebraska State Patrol under the Concealed Handgun Permit Act |
LB342 | 102 | Sen Brasch | Passed | Change election hours for drainage districts |
LB343 | 102 | Sen Brasch | Indefinitely postponed | Change land surveyor registration requirements |
LB350 | 104 | Sen Brasch | Indefinitely postponed | Change valuation of agricultural land and horticultural land |
LB351 | 104 | Sen Brasch | Indefinitely postponed | Change state aid provisions relating to allocated income tax funds |
LB368 | 102 | Sen Brasch | Passed | Change nomination provisions for partisan offices |
LB398 | 103 | Sen Brasch | Passed | Change provisions and penalties relating to certain excessively loaded vehicles |
LB466 | 105 | Sen Brasch | Indefinitely postponed | Change credentialing and regulation of nurse-midwives |
LB498 | 103 | Sen Brasch | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for declaratory judgment and injunctive relief against foreign defamation judgments |
LB499 | 103 | Sen Brasch | Passed | Change powers and duties of Game and Parks Commission |
LB500 | 103 | Sen Brasch | Passed | Change school bus operation provisions |
LB568 | 104 | Sen Brasch | Indefinitely postponed | Change certain administrative license revocation provisions relating to commercial drivers' licenses |
LB569 | 104 | Sen Brasch | Indefinitely postponed | Change the Business Innovation Act |
LB570 | 104 | Sen Brasch | Passed | Provide and change ordinance authority and other provisions relating to operation of golf car vehicles |
LB571 | 104 | Sen Brasch | Indefinitely postponed | Provide requirements for the Nebraska Tourism Commission to mark tourism attractions |
LB690 | 102 | Sen Brasch | Passed | Change consent and parental notification provisions regarding abortion |
LB691 | 102 | Sen Brasch | Indefinitely postponed | Provide requirements relating to purchasing biobased products by state government |
LB757 | 104 | Sen Brasch | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to personal property exemptions in cases of forced sale or execution or attachment |
LB766 | 105 | Sen Brasch | Passed | Change provisions relating to division fences |
LB775 | 102 | Sen Brasch | Indefinitely postponed | Change disclosure provisions relating to the Auditor of Public Accounts |
LB804 | 105 | Sen Brasch | Indefinitely postponed | Include elementary and secondary schools in the Nebraska educational savings plan trust and change tax benefits |
LB805 | 105 | Sen Brasch | Withdrawn | Provide an annual reporting requirement under the Nebraska Potato Development Act and eliminate obsolete provisions |
LB811 | 104 | Sen Brasch | Passed | Change provisions relating to counties' use of alphanumeric and county number system license plates |
LB890 | 104 | Sen Brasch | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to actions involving motor vehicle collisions with domestic animals |
LB891 | 104 | Sen Brasch | Passed | Adopt the Down Syndrome Diagnosis Information and Support Act |
LB929 | 104 | Sen Brasch | Passed | Update certain references to federal regulations regarding motor vehicles and motor carriers |
LB930 | 102 | Sen Brasch | Indefinitely postponed | Allow operation of golf car vehicles on highways as prescribed |
LB962 | 103 | Sen Brasch | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to personal property exemptions in cases of attachment, execution, or sale |
LB963 | 103 | Sen Brasch | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to personal property exemptions in cases of forced sale on execution |
LB964 | 103 | Sen Brasch | Passed | Extend a homestead exemption for claimants under sixty-five years of age and not married |
LB1037 | 104 | Sen Brasch | Indefinitely postponed | Change property tax provisions relating to agricultural land and horticultural land |
LB1039 | 102 | Sen Brasch | Passed | Change provisions relating to school bus safety requirements |
LB1069 | 105 | Sen Brasch | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions related to the Committee on Americanism |
LB1082 | 103 | Sen Brasch | Indefinitely postponed | Allow all-terrain vehicles and utility-type vehicles to be operated as authorized emergency vehicles |
LB1093 | 103 | Sen Brasch | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to juvenile facilitated conferencing and funding |
LB1093A | 103 | Sen Brasch | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriation Bill |
LB1109 | 102 | Sen Brasch | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for classification of flooded agricultural land as inundated land |
LB1110 | 102 | Sen Brasch | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for assistance for temporary and permanent housing after a natural disaster |
LR12 (1st Special) |
102 | Sen Brasch | Referral | Extend gratitude to volunteers, emergency responders, and government officials relating to the 2011 Missouri River flooding and encourage government officials to develop preemptive measures to help avoid a future similar disaster |
LR13 | 103 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate Dick Lindberg on being inducted into the Nebraska Journalism Hall of Fame | |
LR14 | 103 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate Daniel Barber for earning the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR15 | 103 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate Jacob Jones for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR16 | 104 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate Tyler English on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR17 | 104 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate Tyler Simpson on his outstanding performance at the 2014 Class C boys' state track and field championships | |
LR18 | 104 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate the Guardian Angels Central Catholic girls' softball team for winning the 2014 Class C state championship | |
LR19 | 104 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate the Arlington High School boys' track and field team for their outstanding accomplishments in the 2014 state championships | |
LR20 | 104 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate the Bancroft-Rosalie High School boys' golf team for placing third at the 2014 Class D state championship | |
LR25 (1st Special) |
102 | Sen Brasch | Extend sympathy to the family of Michael Landholm | |
LR42 | 103 | Sen Brasch | Indefinitely postponed | Urge Congress to pass the Parental Rights Amendment to the United States Constitution and submit it to the states for ratification |
LR54 | 104 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate Caleb Sandall on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR64 | 105 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate the West Point Guardian Angels Central Catholic High School girls' basketball team for winning the 2017 Class D-1 state championship | |
LR76 | 102 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate Cameron Klitz for being awarded the Certificate of Merit by the American Red Cross | |
LR80 | 103 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate Nick Arlt on winning the 2013 Class D state wrestling championship in the 145-pound division | |
LR81 | 103 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate Will Schany on winning the 2013 Class B state wrestling championship in the 182-pound division | |
LR82 | 103 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate Jason Hansen on winning the 2013 Class C state wrestling championship in the 106-pound division | |
LR115 | 105 | Sen Brasch | Recognize Trevor Hasenkamp, Nick Svoboda, Bill Hasenkamp, Mark Dinslage, Robert Snyder, Taron Hasenkamp and all those who donated their efforts to assist ranchers who suffered losses as a result of fires | |
LR118 | 104 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate Cole Jacobsen for receiving a 2015 Prudential Spirit of Community Award | |
LR119 | 102 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate the West Point Central Catholic High School boys' basketball team on winning the 2011 Class D-1 state championship | |
LR120 | 103 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate Kristyn Schlickbernd for placing first in Informative Speaking at the 2013 Class C-1 state speech championship | |
LR123 | 104 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate the Bancroft-Rosalie High School boys' basketball team for finishing second in the 2015 Class D-2 state tournament | |
LR124 | 104 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate the Guardian Angels Central Catholic High School girls' basketball team for winning third place in the 2015 Class C-2 state tournament | |
LR129 | 104 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate Joe Berg on his state wrestling championship | |
LR130 | 104 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate Nick Arlt on his state wrestling championship | |
LR144 | 104 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate Natalie Ott for receiving the Girl Scout Gold Award | |
LR162 | 104 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate the Bancroft-Rosalie High School speech team for winning the 2015 Class D-2 state tournament | |
LR163 | 104 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate the Guardian Angels Central Catholic High School speech team for winning the 2015 Class C-2 state tournament | |
LR165 | 105 | Sen Brasch | Recognize those who donated their efforts to assist ranchers who suffered losses as a result of tragic fires | |
LR179 | 105 | Sen Brasch | Referral | Interim study to examine the application of the Livestock Brand Act to dairy animals and dairy operations located within the mandatory brand inspection area |
LR180 | 105 | Sen Brasch | Referral | Interim study to examine opportunities for increased coordination between the Nebraska Brand Committee and the Dept. of Agriculture |
LR195 | 103 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate Riley Hancock on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR196 | 103 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate Kyle Stang on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR197 | 104 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate Quinton Z. Roeder on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR204 | 103 | Sen Brasch | Extend sympathy to the family of Bill Orr | |
LR226 | 104 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate Hailey Kathryn Mayo for receiving the Girl Scout Gold Award | |
LR230 | 102 | Sen Brasch | Referral | Interim study to examine issues relating to development and implementation of a biobased product program for government procurement |
LR283 | 105 | Sen Brasch | Recognize Sergeant Darwin Shaw for his years of service to the citizens of Nebraska and South Carolina and congratulate him on his retirement | |
LR284 | 105 | Sen Brasch | Recognize Deputy Fred Carritt for his years of service to the citizens of Nebraska and congratulate him on his retirement | |
LR312 | 105 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate James Meiergerd for his incredible backward half-court shot and for being named an honorary member of the Harlem Globetrotters | |
LR317 | 105 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate Anna Vaughn as a Nebraska Distinguished Finalist for the 2018 Prudential Spirit of Community Award | |
LR347 | 105 | Sen Brasch | Extend sympathy to the family of former Governor Charley Thone and recognize his service to his state and to his country | |
LR356 | 105 | Sen Brasch | Designate March 21, 2018, as Down Syndrome Awareness Day in Nebraska | |
LR366 | 102 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate Brendan Gepson for earning the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR367 | 102 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate Jake Albracht for earning the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR368 | 102 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate Alex Norton for earning the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR369 | 102 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate Aaron Hughes for earning the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR370 | 102 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate John Lierman for earning the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR371 | 105 | Sen Brasch | Referral | Interim study to compile information regarding the number and nature of fence dispute claims filed pursuant to 34-112.02 and the extent to which mediation services have been utilized |
LR373 | 103 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate Lucas Wiechman on his performance at the 2013 Class C boys' state track and field championship | |
LR374 | 103 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate Colten Vahle on his performance at the 2013 Class C boys' state track and field championship | |
LR375 | 103 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate Samantha Liermann on her performance at the 2013 Class C girls' state track and field championship | |
LR376 | 103 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate Jerrica Tietz for becoming a first place winner in the 2013 Congressional Art Competition | |
LR383 | 104 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate Darcey Simonsen on winning third place in the discus at the 2015 Class D Girls' state track and field championship | |
LR384 | 104 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate the Wisner-Pilger High School 3200 meter relay team on winning second place at the 2015 Class C Boys' state track and field championship | |
LR385 | 104 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate Alexander Tietz on winning second place in the 3200 meter run and third place in the 1600 meter run at the 2015 Class B state track and field championship | |
LR386 | 104 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate Ashleigh Carr on winning third place in both the 200 meter dash and 400 meter dash at the 2015 Class C Girls' state track and field championship | |
LR387 | 104 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate the students, faculty, and staff of Bancroft-Rosalie High School on their achievements | |
LR388 | 104 | Sen Brasch | Extend sympathy to the family of Joseph G. Lemm and recognize his service to his community and country | |
LR391 | 104 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate the Guardian Angels Central Catholic High School volleyball team for winning third place in the 2015 Class C-2 state championship | |
LR392 | 104 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate the Oakland-Craig High School football team for winning second place in the 2015 Class C-2 state championship | |
LR393 | 102 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate Alex Ott for earning the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR394 | 102 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate Boy Scout Troop 143 in Blair on its eightieth anniversary | |
LR395 | 103 | Sen Brasch | Referral | Recognize February 10, 2014, as the 60th anniversary of the addition of the words "under God" to the Pledge of Allegiance |
LR413 | 102 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate Tristan Bettenhausen for winning the 2012 Class C state wrestling championship in the 126-pound division | |
LR414 | 102 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate Will Schany for winning the 2012 Class B state wrestling championship in the 170-pound division | |
LR415 | 102 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate Brandon Lincoln for winning the 2012 Class B state wrestling championship in the 120-pound division | |
LR461 | 102 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate the Guardian Angels Central Catholic High School girls' basketball team for winning the 2012 Class D-1 state championship | |
LR481 | 103 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate Jordan Nielsen on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR494 | 103 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate the Bancroft-Rosalie boys' basketball team for winning the 2014 Class D-2 state championship | |
LR615 | 103 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate the Bancroft-Rosalie High School speech team on their second place finish in the 2014 Class D-1 state tournament | |
LR616 | 103 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate the Guardian Angels Central Catholic High School speech team on winning the 2014 Class C-2 state championship | |
LR625 | 102 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate Brian Hurst for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR636 | 102 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate Matthew Neiburg for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR637 | 102 | Sen Brasch | Congratulate Jonathan Reno for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout |