Journal Summary for April 4th, 2012

102nd Legislature, 2nd Regular Session - Day 56

Use the column headers to sort by Document Number, Description, or Journal Page.
Document Description Journal Page
LR358CA Passed on Final Reading for general election 31-14-4 1365
LR485 Adopted 1365
LR485 President/Speaker signed 1365
LR522 Adopted 1365
LR522 President/Speaker signed 1365
LR523 Adopted 1365
LR523 President/Speaker signed 1365
LR524 Adopted 1365
LR524 President/Speaker signed 1365
LR526 Adopted 1365
LR526 President/Speaker signed 1365
LR527 Adopted 1365
LR527 President/Speaker signed 1365
LR530 Adopted 1365
LR530 President/Speaker signed 1365
LR531 Adopted 1365
LR531 President/Speaker signed 1365
LR554 Adopted 1365
LR554 President/Speaker signed 1365
LR599 Adopted 1365
LR599 President/Speaker signed 1365
LR603 Adopted 1365
LR603 President/Speaker signed 1365
LR604 Adopted 1365
LR604 President/Speaker signed 1365
LR605 Adopted 1365
LR605 President/Speaker signed 1365
LR606 Adopted 1365
LR606 President/Speaker signed 1365
LR607 Adopted 1365
LR607 President/Speaker signed 1365
LR610 Adopted 1365
LR610 President/Speaker signed 1365
LR373CA Passed on Final Reading for general election 31-15-3 1367
LB670 Dispensing of reading at large approved 1368
LB670 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 47-0-2 1368
LB715 Passed on Final Reading 47-0-2 1369
LB750 Passed on Final Reading 48-0-1 1370
LB905 Passed on Final Reading 44-0-5 1370
LB905A Passed on Final Reading 44-0-5 1371
LB959 Passed on Final Reading 45-0-4 1372
LB972 Dispensing of reading at large approved 1373
LB972 Passed on Final Reading 49-0-0 1373
LB1001 Passed on Final Reading 48-0-1 1374
LB1057 Passed on Final Reading 44-0-5 1374
LB1057A Passed on Final Reading 44-0-5 1375
LB1058 Dispensing of reading at large approved 1376
LB1058 Passed on Final Reading 49-0-0 1376
LB1114 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 49-0-0 1376
LB1115 Dispensing of reading at large approved 1377
LB1115 Passed on Final Reading 49-0-0 1377
LB398 Passed on Final Reading 49-0-0 1378
LB670 President/Speaker signed 1378
LB715 President/Speaker signed 1378
LB750 President/Speaker signed 1378
LB905 President/Speaker signed 1378
LB905A President/Speaker signed 1378
LB959 President/Speaker signed 1378
LB972 President/Speaker signed 1378
LB1001 President/Speaker signed 1378
LB1057 President/Speaker signed 1378
LB1057A President/Speaker signed 1378
LB1058 President/Speaker signed 1378
LB1114 President/Speaker signed 1378
LB1115 President/Speaker signed 1378
LR358CA President/Speaker signed 1378
LR373CA President/Speaker signed 1378
LB719 Dispensing of reading at large approved 1379
LB719 Passed on Final Reading 49-0-0 1379
LB721 Passed on Final Reading 49-0-0 1380
LB722 Passed on Final Reading 49-0-0 1381
LB729 Dispensing of reading at large approved 1381
LB729 Passed on Final Reading 49-0-0 1381
LB734 Passed on Final Reading 49-0-0 1382
LB737 Passed on Final Reading 49-0-0 1383
LB738 Passed on Final Reading 49-0-0 1383
LB740 Passed on Final Reading 49-0-0 1384
LB742 Passed on Final Reading 47-0-2 1385
LB743 Passed on Final Reading 49-0-0 1385
LB761 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 49-0-0 1386
LB766 Passed on Final Reading 49-0-0 1387
LB768 Passed on Final Reading 49-0-0 1387
LB772 Passed on Final Reading 49-0-0 1388
LB779 Dispensing of reading at large approved 1389
LB779 Passed on Final Reading 49-0-0 1389
LB788 Passed on Final Reading 49-0-0 1389
LB795 Passed on Final Reading 49-0-0 1390
LB805 Passed on Final Reading 49-0-0 1391
LB819 Passed on Final Reading 47-0-2 1391
LB822 Passed on Final Reading 49-0-0 1392
LB398 President/Speaker signed 1393
LB599 Placed on Select File with ER276 1393
LB599 Enrollment and Review ER276 filed 1393
LB719 President/Speaker signed 1393
LB721 President/Speaker signed 1393
LB722 President/Speaker signed 1393
LB729 President/Speaker signed 1393
LB734 President/Speaker signed 1393
LB737 President/Speaker signed 1393
LB738 President/Speaker signed 1393
LB740 President/Speaker signed 1393
LB742 President/Speaker signed 1393
LB743 President/Speaker signed 1393
LB761 President/Speaker signed 1393
LB766 President/Speaker signed 1393
LB768 President/Speaker signed 1393
LB772 President/Speaker signed 1393
LB779 President/Speaker signed 1393
LB788 President/Speaker signed 1393
LB795 President/Speaker signed 1393
LB805 President/Speaker signed 1393
LB819 President/Speaker signed 1393
LB822 President/Speaker signed 1393
LB823 Passed on Final Reading 49-0-0 1393
LB823 President/Speaker signed 1393
LB599A Placed on Select File with ER277 1398
LB599A Enrollment and Review ER277 filed 1398
LB670 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1398
LB715 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1398
LB750 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1398
LB905 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1398
LB905A Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1398
LB959 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1398
LB972 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1398
LB1001 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1398
LB1057 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1398
LB1057A Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1398
LB1058 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1398
LB1114 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1398
LB1115 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1398
LR358CA Presented to Secretary of State on April 04, 2012 1398
LR373CA Presented to Secretary of State on April 04, 2012 1398
LB793 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1399
LB793A Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1399
LB979 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1399
LB1082 Enrollment and Review ER275 adopted 1399
LB1082 Nordquist AM2719 filed 1399
LB1082 Nordquist AM2719 adopted 1399
LB1082 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1400
LB14 Government, Military and Veterans Affairs AM1954 adopted 1401
LB14 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1401
LB398 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1401
LB719 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1401
LB721 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1401
LB722 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1401
LB729 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1401
LB734 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1401
LB737 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1401
LB738 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1401
LB740 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1401
LB742 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1401
LB743 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1401
LB761 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1401
LB766 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1401
LB768 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1401
LB772 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1401
LB779 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1401
LB788 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1401
LB795 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1401
LB805 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1401
LB819 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1401
LB822 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1401
LB823 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1401
LB1125 Natural Resources AM2378 adopted 1401
LB1125 Christensen AM2513 lost 1401
LB1125 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1401
LR625 Date of introduction 1401
LR625 Laid over 1401
LB670 Janssen explanation of vote 1402
LB715 Janssen explanation of vote 1402
LB750 Janssen explanation of vote 1402
LB793 Pirsch name added 1402
LB959 Janssen explanation of vote 1402
LR358CA Janssen explanation of vote 1402
LR373CA Janssen explanation of vote 1402
LB908 Judiciary AM2319 pending 1403
LB908 Lautenbaugh MO101 Unanimous consent to bracket until April 12, 2012 filed 1403
LB908 Lautenbaugh MO101 approved 1403
LB924 Urban Affairs AM2537 adopted 1403
LB928 Fulton AM2667 adopted 1403
LB928 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1403
LB928A Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1403
LB14 Placed on Select File with ER279 1404
LB14 Enrollment and Review ER279 filed 1404
LB793 Placed on Final Reading 1404
LB793A Placed on Final Reading 1404
LB924 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1404
LB928 Placed on Select File with ER278 1404
LB928 Enrollment and Review ER278 filed 1404
LB979 Placed on Final Reading 1404
LB1082 Placed on Final Reading with ST102 1404
LB1125 Placed on Select File with ER280 1404
LB1125 Enrollment and Review ER280 filed 1404
LB928A Placed on Select File 1408
LB1161 Smith AM2745 filed 1408
LB851 Passed on Final Reading 41-0-8 1409
LB865 Passed on Final Reading 45-0-4 1409
LB869 Passed on Final Reading 44-0-5 1410
LB880 Dispensing of reading at large approved 1411
LB880 Passed on Final Reading 45-0-4 1411
LB881 Passed on Final Reading 45-0-4 1412
LB896 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 45-0-4 1412
LB897 Passed on Final Reading 44-0-5 1413
LB898 Passed on Final Reading 45-0-4 1414
LB899 Passed on Final Reading 45-0-4 1414
LB936 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 45-0-4 1415
LB941 Passed on Final Reading 45-0-4 1416
LB997 Dispensing of reading at large approved 1416
LB997 Passed on Final Reading 45-0-4 1416
LB1005 Passed on Final Reading 44-0-5 1417
LB1026 Passed on Final Reading 45-0-4 1418
LB1030 Passed on Final Reading 45-0-4 1419
LB1035 Passed on Final Reading 43-0-6 1419
LB1038 Passed on Final Reading 44-0-5 1420
LB1042 Passed on Final Reading 43-0-6 1421
LB1049 Passed on Final Reading 44-1-4 1422
LB1051 Dispensing of reading at large approved 1422
LB1051 Passed on Final Reading 44-0-5 1422
LB1054 Passed on Final Reading 44-0-5 1423
LB1054A Passed on Final Reading 43-0-6 1424
LB1062 Passed on Final Reading 45-0-4 1425
LB1077 Passed on Final Reading 45-0-4 1425
LB1083 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 45-0-4 1426
LB1087 Passed on Final Reading 43-0-6 1427
LB1087A Passed on Final Reading 44-0-5 1427
LB1101 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 45-0-4 1428
LB1106 Passed on Final Reading 45-0-4 1429
LB1116 Passed on Final Reading 44-0-5 1429
LB1121 Passed on Final Reading 42-0-7 1430
LB1122 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 45-0-4 1431
LB1126 Passed on Final Reading 44-0-5 1431
LB1140 Dispensing of reading at large approved 1432
LB1140 Passed on Final Reading 45-0-4 1432
LB1141 Passed on Final Reading 44-0-5 1433
LB1148 Passed on Final Reading 45-0-4 1434
LB851 President/Speaker signed 1435
LB865 President/Speaker signed 1435
LB869 President/Speaker signed 1435
LB880 President/Speaker signed 1435
LB881 President/Speaker signed 1435
LB896 President/Speaker signed 1435
LB897 President/Speaker signed 1435
LB898 President/Speaker signed 1435
LB899 President/Speaker signed 1435
LB936 President/Speaker signed 1435
LB941 President/Speaker signed 1435
LB997 President/Speaker signed 1435
LB1005 President/Speaker signed 1435
LB1026 President/Speaker signed 1435
LB1030 President/Speaker signed 1435
LB1035 President/Speaker signed 1435
LB1038 President/Speaker signed 1435
LB1042 President/Speaker signed 1435
LB1049 President/Speaker signed 1435
LB1050 Cornett AM2181 withdrawn 1435
LB1050 Cornett MO100 Permit consideration of AM2746 filed 1435
LB1050 Cornett MO100 prevailed 1435
LB1050 Cornett AM2746 filed 1435
LB1050 Cornett AM2746 adopted 1435
LB1051 President/Speaker signed 1435
LB1054 President/Speaker signed 1435
LB1054A President/Speaker signed 1435
LB1062 President/Speaker signed 1435
LB1077 President/Speaker signed 1435
LB1083 President/Speaker signed 1435
LB1087 President/Speaker signed 1435
LB1087A President/Speaker signed 1435
LB1101 President/Speaker signed 1435
LB1106 President/Speaker signed 1435
LB1116 President/Speaker signed 1435
LB1121 President/Speaker signed 1435
LB1122 President/Speaker signed 1435
LB1126 President/Speaker signed 1435
LB1140 President/Speaker signed 1435
LB1141 President/Speaker signed 1435
LB1148 President/Speaker signed 1435
LB851 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1436
LB865 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1436
LB869 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1436
LB880 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1436
LB881 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1436
LB896 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1436
LB897 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1436
LB898 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1436
LB899 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1436
LB936 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1436
LB941 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1436
LB997 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1436
LB1005 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1436
LB1026 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1436
LB1030 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1436
LB1035 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1436
LB1038 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1436
LB1042 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1436
LB1049 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1436
LB1050 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1436
LB1051 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1436
LB1054 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1436
LB1054A Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1436
LB1062 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1436
LB1077 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1436
LB1083 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1436
LB1087 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1436
LB1087A Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1436
LB1101 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1436
LB1106 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1436
LB1116 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1436
LB1121 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1436
LB1122 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1436
LB1126 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1436
LB1140 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1436
LB1141 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1436
LB1148 Presented to Governor on April 04, 2012 1436
LR626 Date of introduction 1436
LR626 Laid over 1436
LB599 Enrollment and Review ER276 adopted 1437
LB599 Krist AM2752 filed 1437
LB599 Krist AM2752 pending 1437
LB599 Schilz AM2759 filed 1437
LB599 Schilz AM2759 lost 1437
LB924 Placed on Select File with ER281 1439
LB924 Enrollment and Review ER281 filed 1439
LB1050 Placed on Select File with ER282 1439
LB1050 Enrollment and Review ER282 filed 1439
LR627 Date of introduction 1440
LR627 Laid over 1440
LR628 Date of introduction 1440
LR628 Referred to Executive Board 1440
LR629 Date of introduction 1440
LR629 Laid over 1440
LB599 Krist AM2752 withdrawn 1441
LB599 Campbell AM2755 filed 1441
LB599 Campbell AM2755 withdrawn 1441
LB599 Campbell AM2761 filed 1441
LB599 Campbell AM2761 withdrawn 1441
LB599 Janssen AM2777 filed 1442
LB599 Janssen AM2777 lost 1442
LB599 Nordquist AM2754 filed 1447
LB599 Nordquist AM2754 withdrawn 1447
LB599 McGill AM2751 filed 1447
LB599 McGill AM2751 withdrawn 1447
LB599 Lathrop AM2750 filed 1447
LB599 Lathrop AM2750 withdrawn 1447
LB599 Nelson AM2747 filed 1447
LB599 Nelson AM2747 lost 1447
LB599 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1448
LB599A Enrollment and Review ER277 adopted 1449
LB599A Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1449