Bill/Resolution Search Results
Search for Heidemann, 1 in All Legislatures
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Document | Legislature | Primary Introducer | Status | Description |
LB680 | 102 | Sen Heidemann | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the School Employees Cash Balance Retirement Act |
LB249A | 100 | Sen Heidemann | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriations bill |
LB916 | 101 | Sen Heidemann | Indefinitely postponed | Authorize leases on school lands for solar and wind energy production |
LB621 | 102 | Sen Heidemann | Passed | Authorize the Game and Parks Commission to convey certain property to the city of Brownville |
LB249 | 100 | Sen Heidemann | Indefinitely postponed | Change Cash Reserve Fund provisions |
LB645 | 100 | Sen Heidemann | Indefinitely postponed | Change Nebraska Liquor Control Act provisions to exempt a bed and breakfast establishment from an occupation tax |
LB269 | 101 | Sen Heidemann | Indefinitely postponed | Change Nebraska Tobacco Settlement Trust Fund, Nebraska Health Care Cash Fund, and Stem Cell Research Cash Fund provisions |
LB572 | 101 | Sen Heidemann | Indefinitely postponed | Change Nebraska Tobacco Settlement Trust Fund provisions |
LB440 | 102 | Sen Heidemann | Indefinitely postponed | Change adjusted-valuation provisions within the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act |
LB135 | 101 | Sen Heidemann | Passed | Change an appropriation to the Department of Health and Human Services |
LB939 | 100 | Sen Heidemann | Passed | Change bidding requirements for certain political subdivisions |
LB300 | 101 | Sen Heidemann | Passed | Change bidding requirements for public power and irrigation districts |
LB308 | 101 | Sen Heidemann | Indefinitely postponed | Change levy provisions for rural and suburban fire protection districts |
LB441 | 102 | Sen Heidemann | Indefinitely postponed | Change levy provisions for rural and suburban fire protection districts |
LB133 | 101 | Sen Heidemann | Passed | Change location requirements for county postprimary conventions |
LB61 | 102 | Sen Heidemann | Passed | Change provisions and penalties relating to unlawful intrusion |
LB62 | 102 | Sen Heidemann | Passed | Change provisions regarding county officers and prohibit elimination or undue hindrance of a county officer by a county board |
LB1051 | 100 | Sen Heidemann | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions regarding mowing and tree trimming along county roads |
LB995 | 102 | Sen Heidemann | Passed | Change provisions relating to county medical facilities and public hospitals |
LB309 | 100 | Sen Heidemann | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to handicapped or disabled parking permits |
LB131 | 102 | Sen Heidemann | Passed | Change provisions relating to the Cash Reserve Fund |
LB456 | 101 | Sen Heidemann | Passed | Change provisions relating to the Cash Reserve Fund |
LB316 | 102 | Sen Heidemann | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to the practice of optometry |
LB1065 | 101 | Sen Heidemann | Passed | Change provisions relating to towing of vehicles |
LB1061 | 102 | Sen Heidemann | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to valuation of agricultural land |
LB761 | 102 | Sen Heidemann | Passed | Change requirements for acquisitions of certain real property by the state |
LB439 | 102 | Sen Heidemann | Indefinitely postponed | Change valuation of agricultural and horticultural land for school tax purposes |
LR553 | 101 | Sen Heidemann | Congratulate Alex Allen Gottwald for earning the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR5 (1st Special) |
102 | Sen Heidemann | Congratulate Chris Yoesel for earning the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR35 | 102 | Sen Heidemann | Congratulate Cody Arend Dreier for earning the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR92 | 100 | Sen Heidemann | Congratulate Eric Post, Trenton Phillips, Christopher Blecha, Daniel Wright, and Colton Shenefelt for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR169 | 102 | Sen Heidemann | Congratulate Jack Munford Jr. on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR27 | 101 | Sen Heidemann | Congratulate Jacob Buss for receiving the 2009 Prudential Spirit of Community Award | |
LR391 | 100 | Sen Heidemann | Congratulate Jacob Dean Knutson for earning the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR4 (1st Special) |
102 | Sen Heidemann | Congratulate Justin Elwonger for earning the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR279 | 100 | Sen Heidemann | Congratulate Mark Lucas for earning the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR278 | 100 | Sen Heidemann | Congratulate Matt Goff for earning the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR3 (1st Special) |
100 | Sen Heidemann | Congratulate Matthew Willaert Wallen for earning the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR154 | 100 | Sen Heidemann | Congratulate Quentin Fankhauser for earning the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR2 | 101 | Sen Heidemann | Congratulate Roger R. Wehrbein for his selection by the Rotary Clubs of Nebraska as the Nebraskan of the Year and recognize for his service to his community and to the state | |
LR264 | 100 | Sen Heidemann | Congratulate Ryan Callahan for earning the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR2 (1st Special) |
100 | Sen Heidemann | Congratulate Thomas Wilson Hall for earning the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR148 | 102 | Sen Heidemann | Congratulate Timothy Blecha on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR46 | 101 | Sen Heidemann | Congratulate Tyler Eaton, Andrew Schawang, Jason Hall, Matthew Goff, and Patrick Malcolm, for earning the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR3 (1st Special) |
102 | Sen Heidemann | Congratulate Zechariah Bragg for earning the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR24 | 100 | Sen Heidemann | Congratulate the Auburn High School football team for winning the Class C-1 state championship | |
LR325 | 100 | Sen Heidemann | Congratulate the Falls City Sacred Heart High School boys basketball team for winning the 2008 Class D-2 state championship | |
LR42 | 100 | Sen Heidemann | Congratulate the Falls City Sacred Heart volleyball team for winning the Class D-2 state championship | |
LR265 | 100 | Sen Heidemann | Congratulate the Humboldt-Table Rock-Steinauer High School Mock Trial Team for winning the 2007 state championship | |
LR25 | 100 | Sen Heidemann | Congratulate the Johnson-Brock High School One-Act Play for winning the Class D state championship | |
LR638 | 102 | Sen Heidemann | Congratulate the Nebraska State Fire School on its seventy-fifth anniversary | |
LR374 | 102 | Sen Heidemann | Congratulate the Palmyra Volunteer Fire Department on its 100th anniversary | |
LR8 | 101 | Sen Heidemann | Congratulate the Pawnee City High School boys' track team for winning the 2008 Class D state championship | |
LR56 | 101 | Sen Heidemann | Congratulate the Sterling High School boys' basketball team for winning the 2009 Class D-2 state championship | |
LR51CA | 102 | Sen Heidemann | Indefinitely postponed | Constitutional amendment to change allocation of state lottery proceeds |
LB994 | 102 | Sen Heidemann | Indefinitely postponed | Create the State Colleges Sport Facilities Cash Fund and provide for transfers to the fund |
LB90 | 101 | Sen Heidemann | Passed | Eliminate certain requirements regarding audiovisual court appearances |
LB96 | 101 | Sen Heidemann | Indefinitely postponed | Eliminate obsolete provisions relating to the State Energy Office Cash Fund |
LB112 | 101 | Sen Heidemann | Indefinitely postponed | Exclude certain health education loan repayments from income taxation |
LB158 | 100 | Sen Heidemann | Withdrawn | Exempt depreciable repair or replacement parts for agricultural equipment from sales tax |
LB159 | 100 | Sen Heidemann | Indefinitely postponed | Exempt repair or replacement parts for agricultural equipment from sales tax |
LR137 | 101 | Sen Heidemann | Interim study to determine whether a reserve is necessary for the defined benefit retirement plans prior to the Legislature's approval of any benefit improvements | |
LR317 | 102 | Sen Heidemann | Referral | Interim study to examine the funding formulas for the federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) |
LR173 | 100 | Sen Heidemann | Interim study to review the adequacy of funding for the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture at Curtis | |
LB148 | 100 | Sen Heidemann | Final Reading | Provide an exception to weight and load limits for trucks |
LB130 | 102 | Sen Heidemann | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for adjustment of formula need in calculation of state aid to schools |
LB123 | 102 | Sen Heidemann | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for disciplinary actions and policies relating to cyber-bullying |
LB43 | 100 | Sen Heidemann | Final Reading | Provide for mowing and hay-harvesting permits for right-of-ways of highways |
LB679 | 102 | Sen Heidemann | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for new judges and members of the Nebraska State Patrol to become members of the State Employees Retirement System of the State of Nebraska |
LB386 | 102 | Sen Heidemann | Passed | Provide job training grants for interns |
LB264 | 102 | Sen Heidemann | Passed | Provide requirements for acquisition of certain real property by the state |
LR542 | 101 | Sen Heidemann | Provide the standing committees and Executive Board shall review programs within the agencies under their subject-matter jurisdiction to identify services, programs, and obligations that may be reduced or eliminated during the 2011 session | |
LR237 | 100 | Sen Heidemann | Recognize the Orphan Grain Train for its fifteen years of bringing relief to people in need worldwide | |
LB533 | 100 | Sen Heidemann | Indefinitely postponed | Remove a requirement of consent and waiver of physical appearance for audiovisual court appearances |
LB150 | 101 | Sen Heidemann | Indefinitely postponed | Repeal the Nebraska Prostitution Intervention and Treatment Act |
LB960 | 102 | Sen Heidemann | Indefinitely postponed | To state intent relating to certain transfers of funds |