Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Legislation Referred To Executive Board Committee in the 108th Legislature

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Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LB5 Blood Referral Change requirements relating to proposals for constitutional amendments submitted by the Legislature
LB15 Erdman Referral Change requirements relating to proposals for constitutional amendments submitted by the Legislature
LB18 Cavanaugh, J. Referral Change requirements relating to proposals for constitutional amendments submitted by the Legislature
LB39 Blood Indefinitely postponed Require disability impact statements for certain legislation
LB54 McKinney Indefinitely postponed Require the office of Legislative Research to prepare racial impact statements for legislative bills
LB90 Dorn Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to tax incentive performance audits
LB215 Aguilar Indefinitely postponed Provide, change, eliminate, and transfer provisions regarding the offices of Inspector General of Child Welfare and Inspector General of the Nebraska Correctional System
LB254 Brewer Passed Provide and change requirements relating to video coverage of the Legislature, performance audits, and the Legislative Mental Health Care Capacity Strategic Planning Committee
LB552 Cavanaugh, J. Indefinitely postponed Change requirements for the Legislative Mental Health Care Capacity Strategic Planning Committee
LB566 Bostelman Indefinitely postponed Require a study and report by the Natural Resources Committee of the Legislature regarding intermittent renewable energy generation
LB696 Conrad Indefinitely postponed Provide for legislative oversight of the settlement funds administered by the Attorney General
LB713 Cavanaugh, J. Indefinitely postponed Provide a correctional forecasting tool for the Committee on Justice Reinvestment Oversight
LB908 Aguilar Passed Eliminate provisions relating to a legislative policy on telephones and telefax machines
LB909 Aguilar Passed Change state agency notice requirements regarding occupational regulation
LB994 Wayne Indefinitely postponed Provide for the Legislature to administer the Department of Correctional Services and appoint the Director of Correctional Services
LB1020 Cavanaugh, M. Indefinitely postponed Require public contractors to provide records to members of the Legislature
LB1104 Aguilar Passed Change fees for lobbyist registration and change distribution of such fees
LB1235 Wayne Indefinitely postponed Provide for life insurance for certain members of the Legislature as prescribed
LB1240 Wayne Indefinitely postponed Provide a requirement for state officials and state employees testifying before the Legislature
LB1285 Walz Indefinitely postponed Create the Task Force on Supported Employment
LB1286 Walz Indefinitely postponed Provide for an assessment of economic impact by the Legislative Fiscal Analyst
LB1293 Conrad Indefinitely postponed Change appointment provisions and powers and duties of the Public Counsel, the Inspector General of Nebraska Child Welfare, and the Inspector General of the Nebraska Correctional System
LB1321 Arch Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the Public Counsel, the Inspector General of Nebraska Child Welfare, and the Inspector General of the Nebraska Correctional System
LB1343 Wayne Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the appointment of the Inspector General of Nebraska Child Welfare and the Inspector General of the Nebraska Correctional System
LR2CA Erdman Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendments to change from a unicameral legislature to a bicameral legislature, provide for election of members of the Legislature on a partisan ballot, require election of legislative officers and committee chairpersons by a public vote, and require all meetings of the Legislature to be open to the public
LR5 Blood Indefinitely postponed Legislative Resolution to ratify an amendment to the Constitution of the United States relating to regulation of child labor
LR21 Brewer Indefinitely postponed Provide for a special committee of the Legislature to be known as the Small Modular Nuclear Reactor Study Committee
LR22CA Dover Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to change legislative term limits to three consecutive terms
LR135 Brandt Referral Interim study to create a Select Committee to examine the current use of technology in the Legislature and to identify ways to improve it
LR164 Dorn Referral Interim study on improving the handicapped accessibility of parking, entryways, and interior spaces around the Nebraska State Capitol
LR178 Brewer Referral Interim study to create a Select Committee to examine the feasibility of constructing and operating small modular nuclear reactors to generate electric power in Nebraska
LR179 Arch Referral Interim study to review the laws, procedures, rules and regulations, and general standards of practice related to the public's participation in the legislative process in a representative form of government
LR188 Briese Referral Interim study to examine issues related to the committee system of the Legislature and the referencing of legislative bills by the Reference Committee of the Legislature
LR281CA Erdman Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to provide for biennial legislative sessions beginning in 2027
LR283CA Cavanaugh, M. Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to create the Legislative Salary Commission
LR284CA DeBoer Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to create the office of Public Counsel in the Legislature
LR298 Arch Adopted Provide for the Executive Board of the Legislative Council to appoint a committee of the Legislature to be known as the Legislative Oversight Review Special Committee of the Legislature
LR334 Raybould Referral Interim study to consider strategies to ensure public access to the Nebraska State Capitol and adequate offstreet parking for state employees working in the State Capitol and state buildings near the Capitol
LR335 Cavanaugh, M. Indefinitely postponed Censure and condemn Senator Steve Halloran for his conduct toward other members of the Legislature
LR356 von Gillern Referral Interim study to examine changes to reimbursements for senators' expenditures, technology, and functional aspects of their positions
LR391 von Gillern Referral Interim study to examine State Capitol building improvements, including lighting, workstations, updated plumbing in restrooms, and improved safety of building exits
LR393 DeBoer Referral Interim study to examine safety and accessibility issues for the State Capitol Building