Bill/Resolution Search Results
Search for Krist, 10 in All Legislatures
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Document | Legislature | Primary Introducer | Status | Description |
LB3 | 103 | Sen Krist | Passed | Provide penalty for fraudulent filings, change nonconsensual common-law lien provisions, and adopt the Commercial Real Estate Broker Lien Act |
LB4 | 103 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Change Nebraska Health Care Cash Fund transfer provisions |
LB5 | 103 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Exempt social security benefits and military retirement income from income taxation |
LB6 | 105 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for release of a summarized report by the office of Inspector General of Nebraska Child Welfare |
LB6A | 103 | Sen Krist | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB7 | 105 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for suspension of medical assistance under the medical assistance program for detainees in public institutions |
LB8 | 105 | Sen Krist | Passed | Change and eliminate provisions relating to juvenile detention and probation and provide for graduated response sanctions and incentives |
LB9 | 105 | Sen Krist | Passed | Adopt the Radon Resistant New Construction Act |
LB10 | 105 | Sen Krist | Passed | Increase number of judges of the separate juvenile court as prescribed |
LB10A | 105 | Sen Krist | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB11 | 105 | Sen Krist | Passed | Change provisions relating to transfer of juvenile cases and appeal of such transfers |
LB12 | 105 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Change homestead exemption requirements relating to income statements and certifications of status |
LB12A | 104 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriation Bill |
LB13 | 105 | Sen Krist | Withdrawn | Change provisions regarding state office space and the use of the State Capitol and its environs |
LB14 | 105 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Require successful completion of a civics examination as a prerequisite to high school graduation |
LB15 | 104 | Sen Krist | Passed | Require the Supreme Court to provide standards and provide and change duties for and compensation of guardians ad litem |
LB16 | 104 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Purchasing from Persons with Disabilities Act |
LB17 | 104 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to transfers to the Compulsive Gamblers Assistance Fund |
LB18 | 104 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to immunizations for students |
LB18A | 104 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriation Bill |
LB19 | 104 | Sen Krist | Passed | Change provisions relating to laboratory certification under the Nebraska Safe Drinking Water Act |
LB20 | 104 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Change the income tax exemptions for social security benefits and military retirement benefits |
LB21 | 104 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Provide requirements for rate increases for providers of behavioral health services as prescribed |
LB22 | 104 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Provide immunity from liability for engineers and architects for emergency services |
LB23 | 104 | Sen Krist | Passed | Change the Engineers and Architects Regulation Act |
LB24 | 104 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Capitol Commission |
LB25 | 104 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Change court jurisdiction relating to 17 year olds and young adults |
LB26 | 104 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Choice for the Advancement of Nebraska Children in Education Act and provide for tax credits |
LB27 | 104 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Create a reporting requirement under the Vital Statistics Act when parenting time is established or modified |
LB28 | 104 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Radon Resistant New Construction Act |
LB37 | 104 | Sen Krist | Passed | Adopt the Prescription Drug Safety Act and change and transfer pharmacy, prescription, and drug provisions |
LB49 | 102 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Provide certain requirements relating to filing of nonconsensual liens |
LB50 | 102 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Elementary and Secondary Educational Opportunity Act and provide for income tax credits |
LB51 | 102 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Require health clinics to have patient transfer agreements |
LB52 | 102 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Change motorcycle helmet provisions and require eye protection |
LB53 | 102 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Change free transportation provisions relating to learning community students |
LB60 | 102 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to compliance checks for sales of alcoholic liquor |
LB104 | 104 | Sen Krist | Passed | Change provisions relating to notice of discontinuance of utility service |
LB138 | 103 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Create the Group Health Trust Fund and provide for investment and provide duties for the State Treasurer |
LB139 | 103 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Change vital statistics information relating to annulment and dissolution of marriage |
LB140 | 103 | Sen Krist | Passed | Change provisions of the Airport Zoning Act |
LB162 | 105 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to criminal mischief and change and provide additional penalties for bribing or tampering with witnesses, informants, or jurors |
LB179 | 102 | Sen Krist | Passed | Change pharmacy provisions |
LB205 | 105 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Designate funds appropriated to the Department of Health and Human Services for state aid |
LB206 | 105 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriate funds to the Department of Health and Human Services for developmental disability services |
LB207 | 105 | Sen Krist | Passed | Change provisions relating to powers and duties of the Office of Inspector General of Nebraska Child Welfare |
LB233 | 102 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Decrease the number of members of the Legislature to forty-five |
LB234 | 104 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to filing requirements of insurance companies |
LB258 | 102 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Provide that entry onto land by land surveyor is not criminal trespass |
LB265A | 104 | Sen Krist | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB284 | 102 | Sen Krist | Passed | Change provisions relating to unlawful picketing of a funeral |
LB285 | 102 | Sen Krist | Withdrawn | Change provisions relating to veterans homes and veterans aid |
LB286 | 102 | Sen Krist | Passed | Change provisions relating to a direct sales shipping license fee under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act |
LB300 | 105 | Sen Krist | Passed | Change the statute of limitations on civil actions for sexual assault of a child |
LB346 | 104 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Require a medicaid state plan amendment to cover children's day health services |
LB347 | 104 | Sen Krist | Passed | Expand the jurisdiction of the Inspector General to include juvenile justice services and allow access to certain records and information |
LB347A | 104 | Sen Krist | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB348 | 104 | Sen Krist | Passed | Change provisions relating to automatic teller machines and point-of-sale terminals |
LB349 | 104 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to acquisitions of real property |
LB362 | 104 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Change eminent domain provisions relating to school sites |
LB367 | 105 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to payment of costs in juvenile matters |
LB423 | 102 | Sen Krist | Passed | Change tax foreclosure provisions relating to liens of sanitary and improvement districts |
LB444 | 103 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Require certification and presence of authorized personnel by retail liquor licensees |
LB457 | 103 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to deductions for net operating losses and capital losses |
LB458 | 103 | Sen Krist | Passed | Require general acute hospitals to offer tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis vaccinations as prescribed |
LB459 | 103 | Sen Krist | Passed | Require certain health care facilities to offer onsite vaccination services |
LB460 | 103 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Require a booster meningococcal conjugate vaccine for students as prescribed |
LB467 | 105 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to certain tax incentive programs |
LB468 | 105 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Change revenue and taxation provisions |
LB474 | 103 | Sen Krist | Passed | Change provisions relating to occupation taxes |
LB480 | 102 | Sen Krist | Passed | Provide for agreements relating to public building commissions |
LB481 | 102 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Provide exemption from medical radiography licensure for auxiliary personnel and cardiovascular technologists |
LB482 | 104 | Sen Krist | Passed | Change provisions relating to juveniles |
LB493 | 105 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriate funds to maintain the Network of Care |
LB499 | 104 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Provide duties for the Department of Health and Human Services relating to behavioral and mental health services |
LB501 | 104 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for use of audio or visual materials of legislative proceedings to be used for commercial or political advertising as prescribed |
LB502 | 104 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | State intent to establish a family court pilot project |
LB503 | 104 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Provide authority for the Auditor of Public Accounts to issue subpoenas and request court orders |
LB504 | 104 | Sen Krist | Passed | Change provisions relating to presentence reports and psychiatric examinations and provide access to substance abuse evaluations |
LB504A | 104 | Sen Krist | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB505 | 104 | Sen Krist | Passed | Change provisions of the Security, Privacy, and Dissemination of Criminal History Information Act |
LB505A | 104 | Sen Krist | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB506 | 104 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Increase funding for community-based developmental disability providers |
LB519 | 103 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriate funds for improvements at the Nebraska History Museum |
LB539 | 105 | Sen Krist | Passed | Change the Office of Inspector General of the Nebraska Correctional System Act |
LB563 | 103 | Sen Krist | Passed | Change provisions relating to contracts for services |
LB615 | 102 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to access to student records and learning community reporting and diversity plans |
LB625 | 104 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Interstate Placement for Involuntarily Admitted Patients Agreement Act |
LB630 | 104 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Provide duties for the Nebraska State Patrol regarding criminal history record information checks |
LB642 | 105 | Sen Krist | Withdrawn | Delay prescription drug monitoring requirements for veterinarians |
LB643 | 105 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Change automobile liability insurance and financial responsibility requirements |
LB660 | 103 | Sen Krist | Passed | Provide for extension of a pilot project and a contract relating to case management |
LB660A | 103 | Sen Krist | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB661 | 103 | Sen Krist | Passed | Provide for voter registration on the Secretary of State's website and use of Department of Motor Vehicle records |
LB661A | 103 | Sen Krist | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB662 | 103 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Provide and change requirements for voter identification |
LB663 | 103 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions for elections conducted by mail |
LB664 | 103 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Provide immunity under the Engineers and Architects Regulation Act during an emergency |
LB665 | 103 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Change the Engineers and Architects Regulation Act |
LB666 | 103 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | State intent relating to funding for the Civil Air Patrol |
LB667 | 103 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Provide an exception for motorcycles to certain vehicle light requirements |
LB668 | 104 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Change certain federal references and provisions relating to provisional operator's permit restrictions, use of interactive wireless communication devices, and occupant protection system enforcement |
LB669 | 104 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Update certain federal references and change from a secondary to primary offense certain occupant protection system enforcement requirements |
LB670 | 105 | Sen Krist | Passed | Change provisions relating to the juvenile justice system |
LB671 | 105 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Change requirements for certain driving permits and use of occupant protection systems, change certain violations from secondary to primary enforcement, and prohibit use of interactive wireless communication devices by school bus operators |
LB672 | 105 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for medical release for committed offenders |
LB673 | 105 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Change procedures for certain hearings for juveniles |
LB674 | 105 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | State intent to appropriate funds to the Division of Aeronautics for the Civil Air Patrol |
LB675 | 105 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to correctional overcrowding emergencies |
LB676 | 105 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Allow certain committed persons to participate in substance abuse or rehabilitative treatment, seek residency or employment, and participate in structured programming |
LB677 | 105 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Change appropriations for certain health and human services programs |
LB678 | 105 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to criminal justice |
LB679 | 105 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Change the distribution of taxes remitted to the Charitable Gaming Operations Fund |
LB680 | 105 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Interstate Placement for Involuntarily Admitted Patients Agreement Act |
LB765 | 102 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Change bidding requirements relating to contracts with providers of certain health and social services as prescribed |
LB787 | 105 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Change income determination provisions relating to the Medical Assistance Act |
LB799 | 101 | Sen Krist | Passed | Change state and local building code provisions |
LB833 | 102 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to surcharges for 911 services |
LB854 | 103 | Sen Krist | Passed | Prohibit issuance of a long-term care request for proposals before September 1, 2015 |
LB859 | 103 | Sen Krist | Passed | Change provisions for onsite vaccinations at certain health care facilities |
LB868 | 104 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Require successful completion of a civics examination as a prerequisite to high school graduation |
LB917 | 104 | Sen Krist | Withdrawn | Change provisions relating to access to records for and investigations by the Inspector General of Nebraska Child Welfare |
LB932 | 102 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Provide voting rights for residents of sanitary and improvement districts |
LB954 | 104 | Sen Krist | Passed | Change provisions relating to access to records for and investigations by the Inspector General of Nebraska Child Welfare |
LB955 | 105 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for reciprocal certification of military police officers and law enforcement officers from other jurisdictions |
LB984 | 102 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Increase requirements for uninsured and underinsured motor vehicle liability coverage |
LB985 | 102 | Sen Krist | Passed | Provide for a juvenile justice pilot program |
LB985A | 102 | Sen Krist | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB987 | 101 | Sen Krist | Passed | Create the Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control Program and provide duties for the Department of Economic Development |
LB991 | 102 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for a study relating to countywide school districts |
LB997 | 104 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions regarding the Nebraska Capitol Commission and office space within the State Capitol |
LB998 | 102 | Sen Krist | Passed | Create the Foster Care Review Office and eliminate the State Foster Care Review Board |
LB998A | 102 | Sen Krist | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB1016 | 103 | Sen Krist | Passed | Provide for acquisition and sale of state aircraft and a transfer from the Cash Reserve Fund |
LB1016A | 103 | Sen Krist | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB1017 | 105 | Sen Krist | Withdrawn | Change and eliminate pipeline siting provisions and eminent domain provisions |
LB1044 | 105 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to providing social services relating to child abuse and neglect investigations |
LB1062 | 104 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for waiver of a certificate to administer as prescribed |
LB1099 | 104 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to expense reimbursement |
LB1118 | 105 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Create the Coordinated Reentry Council |
LB1158 | 102 | Sen Krist | Passed | Provide requirements for medical assistance behavioral health managed care contracts |
LB1159 | 102 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Provide additional requirements and duties relating to state contracts for services valued at twenty-five million dollars or more |
LR2 (1st Special) |
102 | Sen Krist | Recognize November 11, 2011, as Veterans Day | |
LR5CA | 102 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Constitutional amendment to reduce the maximum number of days for regular legislative sessions |
LR9 | 105 | Sen Krist | Extend sympathy to the family of former Senator John Wightman and recognize his service to the State of Nebraska | |
LR10 (1st Special) |
101 | Sen Krist | Recognize November 11, 2009, as Veterans Day | |
LR21 | 105 | Sen Krist | Provide for the expulsion of Senator Bill Kintner from the Nebraska Legislature, pursuant to Article III, Section 10, of the Nebraska Constitution | |
LR25 | 105 | Sen Krist | Referral | Interim study to examine the requirements in the Rules of the Legislature for preparing and delivering fiscal notes |
LR32 | 104 | Sen Krist | Referral | Provide the Executive Board appoint a special committee to be known as the Developmental Disabilities Special Investigative Committee of the Legislature |
LR33 | 104 | Sen Krist | Referral | Provide the Executive Board appoint a special committee to be known as the ACCESSNebraska Special Investigative Committee of the Legislature |
LR34 | 104 | Sen Krist | Referral | Provide the Executive Board reappoint the Department of Correctional Services Special Investigative Committee of the Legislature |
LR45 | 105 | Sen Krist | Congratulate Ella Alberts for receiving a 2017 Prudential Spirit of Community Award | |
LR50 | 105 | Sen Krist | Recognize March 2017 as Problem Gambling Awareness Month in Nebraska | |
LR55 | 103 | Sen Krist | Congratulate Tom Osborne on his many accomplishments over his outstanding career | |
LR56 | 104 | Sen Krist | Congratulate Maxwell Kaye, Montgomery Wylie, and Nicholas Harpster for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR57 | 104 | Sen Krist | Recognize February 22-28, 2015, as Engineers Week in Nebraska | |
LR66 | 104 | Sen Krist | Recognize March 2015 as Problem Gambling Awareness Month in Nebraska | |
LR72 | 104 | Sen Krist | Extend sympathy to the family of Sister Mary Evangeline Randolph | |
LR78 | 102 | Sen Krist | Congratulate and extend appreciation to Brigadier General John N.T. "Jack" Shanahan and thank him for his excellent service to our state and nation | |
LR127 | 105 | Sen Krist | Referral | Provide the Executive Board appoint a special committee of the Legislature to be known as the Nebraska Justice System Special Oversight Committee |
LR143 | 103 | Sen Krist | Referral | Interim study to examine children's day health services |
LR154 | 103 | Sen Krist | Congratulate Justin Myers and William Scheopner for the awards they received at the 2012 National History Day competition | |
LR185 | 103 | Sen Krist | Commend Officer Leighanne Loges for her life-saving actions and for setting a high standard of professionalism for her fellow law enforcement officers | |
LR186 | 103 | Sen Krist | Referral | Interim study to examine issues relating to enactment of a tax-credit scholarship program as contemplated by LB14, 2013 |
LR191 | 103 | Sen Krist | Referral | Interim study to examine all state retirement plans administered by the Public Employees Retirement Board |
LR198 | 104 | Sen Krist | Referral | Interim study to examine how the state can assist individuals who are blind or who have other disabilities to achieve personal independence through gainful employment |
LR249 | 105 | Sen Krist | Extend sympathy to the family of Robert N. Swanson and recognize his years of service for veterans | |
LR258 | 103 | Sen Krist | Referral | Interim study to examine whether alcohol licensee employees should be certified in how to apply pertinent portions of the Nebr. Liquor Control Act |
LR268 | 105 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Resolution to Congress for convention of the states to propose an amendment to the U.S. Constitution |
LR286 | 105 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Resolution proposing an election to call a state constitutional convention to amend Article VIII and other revenue provisions of the Constitution of Nebraska |
LR289CA | 105 | Sen Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Constitutional amendment to change and provide legislative district redistricting standards and to provide congressional district redistricting standards |
LR303 | 104 | Sen Krist | Referral | Interim study to examine issues raised in LB501, 2015, addressing the appropriate use of legislative audio or video materials produced by a public television or public radio broadcasting station |
LR310 | 101 | Sen Krist | Extend appreciation to members of the 155th Air Refueling Wing of the Nebraska Air National Guard on earning their tenth Air Force Outstanding Unit Award and thank them for their service to the state and nation | |
LR316 | 102 | Sen Krist | Referral | Interim study to examine the timing issues relating to the construction, permitting, and coordination processes of state and federal agencies regarding roads and transportation projects |
LR333 | 105 | Sen Krist | Recognize March 2018 as Problem Gambling Awareness Month in Nebraska | |
LR347 | 103 | Sen Krist | Recognize the importance of tobacco harm reduction strategies as an additional policy choice to assist cigarette smokers in quitting | |
LR384 | 101 | Sen Krist | Interim study to examine the fire sprinkler mandate contained in 2009 building codes | |
LR436 | 104 | Sen Krist | Recognize March 2016 as Problem Gambling Awareness Month in Nebraska | |
LR465 | 103 | Sen Krist | Recognize the Benson High School Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps for being selected to represent Nebraska at events commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Allied invasion of Europe | |
LR499 | 102 | Sen Krist | Recognize the importance of tobacco harm reduction strategies as an additional choice to assist cigarette smokers in quitting | |
LR500 | 103 | Sen Krist | Recognize Wayne E. Boyd for his many years of public service | |
LR503 | 104 | Sen Krist | Congratulate Ryan Dahlke on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR532 | 101 | Sen Krist | Recognize November 2010 as Lung Cancer Awareness Month in Nebraska | |
LR551 | 104 | Sen Krist | Referral | Interim study to explore and assess the use of congregate care in Nebraska for youth in the child welfare and juvenile justice systems |
LR555 | 101 | Sen Krist | Extend appreciation to the Honorable Chuck W. Sigerson, Jr., for his many years of service | |
LR559 | 104 | Sen Krist | Referral | Interim study to examine the feasibility and impact of implementing the Civics Education Initiative in Nebraska through legislation or in partnership with the State Board of Education |
LR560 | 104 | Sen Krist | Referral | Interim study to examine the origins and utility of using court fees as a source of funding in Nebraska |
LR561 | 104 | Sen Krist | Referral | Interim study to examine the effectiveness, economic stability, and long-term viability of the Youth Rehabilitation and Treatment Center in Kearney and the Youth Rehabilitation and Treatment Center in Geneva |
LR585 | 104 | Sen Krist | Congratulate Christine Neighbors on receiving the 2015 Robert Dineen Award | |
LR627 | 102 | Sen Krist | Congratulate the Irvington Volunteer Fire Department on its sixtieth anniversary and thank the department's members for their service |