Bill/Resolution Search Results
Search for Davis, 43 in All Legislatures
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Document | Legislature | Primary Introducer | Status | Description |
LB84 | 104 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Permit a public body to use telephone conferencing or videoconferencing for public meetings |
LB85 | 104 | Sen Davis | Passed | To increase the maximum brand inspection fee amount that may be established by the Nebraska Brand Committee |
LB86 | 104 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Change number of districts and members of Game and Parks Commission |
LB140 | 104 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for primary elections for partisan county offices without party affiliation in counties with less than 10,000 population |
LB144 | 104 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Reduce levy authority of community colleges and increase state aid to community colleges |
LB189 | 104 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions and penalties relating to marijuana and alphabetize definitions |
LB192 | 104 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Require a train crew of at least two individuals |
LB200 | 104 | Sen Davis | Passed | Change the distribution of sales and use tax revenue and provide duties for the Department of Revenue |
LB200A | 104 | Sen Davis | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB201 | 104 | Sen Davis | Withdrawn | Change provisions relating to uranium severance taxes |
LB202 | 104 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for partisan ballots for unaffiliated voters at primary elections |
LB280 | 104 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Authorize a school-funding surtax and reduce the levy authority of school districts and learning communities |
LB309 | 104 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriate additional funds to the Property Tax Credit Cash Fund |
LB310 | 104 | Sen Davis | Passed | Change provisions relating to the Niobrara Council |
LB323 | 104 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Create the School Financing Review Commission |
LB325 | 104 | Sen Davis | Passed | Change levy provisions for rural and suburban fire protection districts |
LB391 | 103 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Change water law provisions relating to water storage |
LB403 | 104 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Change requirements for elections by mail |
LB404 | 104 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for evidentiary hearings relating to certain water-use applications |
LB405 | 104 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Create the Alzheimer's and Related Disorders Advisory Work Group and provide for a state plan |
LB424 | 104 | Sen Davis | Passed | Change provisions relating to the nameplate capacity tax |
LB475 | 104 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Change a provision relating to the construction or acquisition of certain electric generation facilities |
LB476 | 104 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Provide duties for county assessors and the Property Tax Administrator relating to tax-exempt real property |
LB477 | 104 | Sen Davis | Passed | Change provisions relating to school districts maintaining the only public high school in a county |
LB493 | 103 | Sen Davis | Passed | Authorize transfer of portions of the Cowboy Trail |
LB494 | 103 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Change number of districts and members of Game and Parks Commission |
LB494A | 103 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriation Bill |
LB572 | 104 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Provide duties for the state school security director relating to cyberbullying and digital citizenship issues |
LB573 | 104 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Health Enterprise Zone Act and provide for tax credits |
LB574 | 104 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Intangible Personal Property Tax Act |
LB595 | 104 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Create the Task Force on School Construction Assistance |
LB596 | 104 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Change the Community Development Law and create the Tax-increment Financing Division of the Auditor of Public Accounts |
LB597 | 104 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Contract Carrier Safety Act |
LB634 | 103 | Sen Davis | Passed | Adopt the Wildfire Control Act of 2013 |
LB634A | 103 | Sen Davis | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB643 | 103 | Sen Davis | Passed | Change certain provisions regarding nuisances in cities and villages |
LB644 | 103 | Sen Davis | Withdrawn | Adopt the Contract Carrier Safety Act |
LB647 | 103 | Sen Davis | Passed | Change cattle identification provisions of the Animal Importation Act |
LB651 | 103 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Eliminate property tax levy and provide for state funding of community colleges |
LB653 | 103 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Change and provide for distribution of the gallonage tax on beer |
LB654 | 103 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Change the brand inspection area under the Livestock Brand Act |
LB655 | 104 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Cities of the First Class Firefighters Cash Balance Retirement Act |
LB772 | 103 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Increase expenditure amount for Adjutant General for aerial fire suppression or hazardous material response |
LB773 | 103 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for partisan ballots for unaffiliated voters at primary elections |
LB809 | 104 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriate funds to the Property Tax Credit Cash Fund |
LB810 | 104 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Eliminate the Nebraska Youth Conservation Program and transfer funds to the Cowboy Trail Fund |
LB820 | 103 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Authorize the Governor to execute a compact for prevention and control of forest fires and provide employment status for certain volunteer firefighters |
LB825 | 104 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Provide reporting requirements for tax-exempt property |
LB826 | 104 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to reimbursement under the Special Education Act |
LB842 | 103 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to allocations to the Excellence in Teaching Cash Fund |
LB846 | 103 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | To create the brand inspection service area for brand inspection fees and estray disposition |
LB885 | 104 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Provide student journalists the right to exercise freedom of speech and of the press |
LB886 | 104 | Sen Davis | Passed | Adopt the Volunteer Emergency Responders Incentive Act and provide income tax credits |
LB886A | 104 | Sen Davis | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB945 | 103 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Provide procedures for aid to political subdivisions from the Governor's Emergency Program |
LB966 | 103 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to the averaging adjustment in the state aid to schools formula |
LB985 | 103 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Provide standing to natural resources districts and provide requirements for water appropriations |
LB990 | 104 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Fetal Dignity Protection Act |
LB994 | 104 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions under the Motor Vehicle Registration Act relating to financial responsibility as applied to nonresident owners |
LB995 | 104 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Repeal provisions relating to the special valuation of agricultural land and provide for the agricultural value of agricultural land |
LB1019 | 104 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to support of the Niobrara Council by the Game and Parks Commission, require legislative confirmation of certain appointments to the council, and require an annual report |
LB1038 | 104 | Sen Davis | Passed | Change provisions relating to vegetation and natural resources |
LB1056 | 103 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Change individual income tax brackets and rates |
LB1057 | 103 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Change the distribution of sales and use tax revenue and provide duties for the Department of Revenue |
LB1079 | 103 | Sen Davis | Withdrawn | Authorize grants to certain county agricultural societies under the Civic and Community Center Financing Act |
LB1085 | 104 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Change a renewable energy tax credit |
LB1086 | 104 | Sen Davis | Passed | Change provisions relating to student self-management of asthma or anaphylaxis |
LB1087 | 104 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Change sales tax provisions relating to the definition of engaged in business in this state |
LB1088 | 104 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Provide a sales and use tax exemption for nonprofit centers for independent living |
LB1094 | 103 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Change a fund transfer to the Property Tax Credit Cash Fund |
LB1095 | 103 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Create the Tax-increment Financing Division of the Department of Economic Development and change the Community Development Law |
LB1102 | 104 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Authorize legislative performance audits of tax-increment financing projects |
LB1115 | 103 | Sen Davis | Passed | Appropriate funds to the Nebraska Power Review Board for a study and state public policy |
LB1115A | 103 | Sen Davis | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LR2 | 104 | Sen Davis | Congratulate the students, faculty, and staff of Chadron High School on their admirable rankings | |
LR3 | 104 | Sen Davis | Congratulate the students, faculty, and staff of Hay Springs High School on their admirable ranking | |
LR4 | 104 | Sen Davis | Congratulate the Hemingford High School football team for winning the 2014 Class D-1 state championship | |
LR5 | 104 | Sen Davis | Congratulate the community of Rushville and the project's donors on the grand-reopening of Modisett Ball Park | |
LR6 | 104 | Sen Davis | Congratulate Hyannis High School for winning the 2014 Class D-2 One-Act Play state championship | |
LR40 | 103 | Sen Davis | Referral | Request the United States Forest Service to reconsider its original decision not to pay a proportionate share of the replacement costs of fences destroyed by wildfires between private and public lands in certain counties |
LR103 | 104 | Sen Davis | Congratulate Willy Cogdill on his state wrestling championship | |
LR104 | 104 | Sen Davis | Congratulate the Valentine High School wrestling team for finishing second at the 2015 Class C state championship | |
LR115 | 103 | Sen Davis | Congratulate the city of Alliance, Nebraska, on 125 years of progress | |
LR146 | 104 | Sen Davis | Congratulate Caleb Long on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR147 | 104 | Sen Davis | Congratulate Lane McGinley on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR148 | 104 | Sen Davis | Congratulate Devon Osnes on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR149 | 104 | Sen Davis | Congratulate Clay Billings on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR150 | 104 | Sen Davis | Congratulate Brennan Jackson on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR151 | 104 | Sen Davis | Congratulate Morgan McGinley on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR158 | 103 | Sen Davis | Congratulate the Beel Family on receiving the 2013 Nebraska Leopold Conservation Award | |
LR168 | 103 | Sen Davis | Congratulate Bruce Parish on being named District VI Athletic Director of the Year and recognize his years of service in education | |
LR169 | 103 | Sen Davis | Congratulate Rod Worrell on his election as president of the Nebraska Press Association | |
LR178 | 104 | Sen Davis | Congratulate Greenhouse in the Snow on being named the 2014 Sustainability Business of the Year | |
LR190 | 104 | Sen Davis | Congratulate the Stapleton Public Schools for its excellent rankings in the Nebraska Performance Accountability System | |
LR199 | 104 | Sen Davis | Congratulate Moni Hourt on her retirement and commend her service and dedication as a teacher | |
LR210 | 104 | Sen Davis | Congratulate Maria Swenson on being awarded the Women's Business Center Entrepreneur of the Year | |
LR219 | 104 | Sen Davis | Congratulate Fred Hlava on his retirement and recognize his many years of service as the Gordon city manager | |
LR230 | 104 | Sen Davis | Referral | Interim study to examine pensions provided for firefighters from cities of the first class |
LR241 | 104 | Sen Davis | Congratulate Cherry County Hospital on being named one of the iVantage Health Analytics Top 100 Critical Access Hospitals in the United States | |
LR265 | 104 | Sen Davis | Referral | Interim study to examine minor traffic violation, adult, and juvenile pretrial diversion programs authorized by counties and municipalities |
LR270 | 103 | Sen Davis | Referral | Interim study to examine identification or creation of methods of keeping elderly Nebraskans safe in their homes where they can receive high quality care and support |
LR271 | 103 | Sen Davis | Referral | Interim study to examine issues, benefits, and costs associated with expanding the brand inspection area to include the entire State of Nebraska |
LR273 | 104 | Sen Davis | Referral | Interim study to examine the current practices of municipalities using tax increment financing under the Community Development Law |
LR325 | 104 | Sen Davis | Referral | Interim study to examine the current method of using adjusted property valuation as the primary measurement of local resources in Nebraska's public education funding formula |
LR326 | 104 | Sen Davis | Referral | Interim study to examine the procedure for and use of like-kind exchanges under section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code and their impact on the taxable value of agricultural and horticultural land |
LR327 | 104 | Sen Davis | Referral | Interim study to examine the procedures and categories used by county assessors to classify types of land for valuation and taxation purposes |
LR328 | 104 | Sen Davis | Referral | Interim study to examine options for implementing a "circuit breaker" tax credit to protect agricultural property owners from a property tax overload |
LR338 | 104 | Sen Davis | Referral | Urge the Federal Railroad Administration to adopt a rule requiring a train crew of at least two individuals |
LR340 | 103 | Sen Davis | Referral | Interim study to identify the value of property taxes eliminated by all tax-increment financing and other Nebraska business tax incentive programs |
LR341 | 103 | Sen Davis | Referral | Interim study to examine the powers and duties of the Nebraska Emergency Management Agency |
LR342 | 103 | Sen Davis | Referral | Interim study to evaluate whether any types of agricultural land are being overvalued relative to their income potential |
LR348 | 103 | Sen Davis | Congratulate Hunter Sieckmeyer for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR349 | 103 | Sen Davis | Congratulate Terran Merriman-Honerkamp for being selected as a 2013 National Merit Semifinalist | |
LR351 | 103 | Sen Davis | Congratulate Lane Chasek for being selected as a 2013 National Merit Finalist | |
LR352 | 103 | Sen Davis | Congratulate Shoilee Rahman for winning the statewide 9th grade 2013 Law Day Essay Contest | |
LR353 | 104 | Sen Davis | Congratulate Gordon Memorial Hospital on being named one of the iVantage Health Analytics Top 100 Critical Access Hospitals in the United States | |
LR354 | 104 | Sen Davis | Congratulate Rachel Ostrander on winning the 2015 Peter Kiewit Student Entrepreneurial Award | |
LR357 | 103 | Sen Davis | Congratulate Abigail McFee for being selected as a 2013 National Merit Finalist | |
LR362 | 103 | Sen Davis | Congratulate Commander Darren Nelson for being named commander of the new USS Arlington by the United States Navy | |
LR372 | 103 | Sen Davis | Congratulate Carrie Reeves on her 103rd birthday | |
LR374 | 104 | Sen Davis | Commend the staff of the Ainsworth Care Center and Logan Valley Manor for their dedication and sacrifice on behalf of the residents of those care facilities | |
LR379 | 103 | Sen Davis | Congratulate the Jessica Schwanebeck for being nominated and appointed as a cadet to the United States Air Force Academy | |
LR386 | 103 | Sen Davis | Extend congratulations to the residents and officials of Cody, Nebraska, for envisioning and developing the Circle C Market | |
LR390CA | 104 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Constitutional amendment requiring community colleges funding by sales and income taxes and not property taxes |
LR399CA | 104 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Constitutional amendment to require cities and villages to obtain voter approval before pledging taxes for the payment of indebtedness related to redevelopment projects |
LR413 | 103 | Sen Davis | Referral | Request the United States Department of Agriculture immediately withdraw its proposed rule entitled "Importation of Beef from a Region in Brazil" |
LR414 | 103 | Sen Davis | Indefinitely postponed | Request the federal government to reject changes to the current law governing country of origin meat labeling |
LR428 | 104 | Sen Davis | Congratulate the Hyannis Area Schools for receiving a 2015 NebraskARTS Award | |
LR445 | 104 | Sen Davis | Congratulate Gideon Monette on his state wrestling championship | |
LR479 | 104 | Sen Davis | Recognize the Mari Sandoz High Plains Heritage Center and the Mari Sandoz Heritage Society | |
LR480 | 103 | Sen Davis | Congratulate Dr. Margaret Cavanaugh-Boyer and Dr. Steve Boyer for receiving the 2012 Alumnus of the Year Award from the Family Practice Residency Program at the University of Nebraska Medical Center | |
LR488 | 103 | Sen Davis | Congratulate Louis Knoflicek on his 100th birthday on May 16, 2014 | |
LR491 | 103 | Sen Davis | Referral | Interim study to examine the need to clarify and expand application of LB985 (2014), which provided standing to natural resources districts and requirements for water appropriations |
LR507 | 104 | Sen Davis | Referral | Interim study to examine the development of a public notification system to broadcast alerts when vulnerable adults go missing |
LR511 | 104 | Sen Davis | Referral | Interim study to examine existing law governing the collection of sales and use tax on remote sales |
LR520 | 103 | Sen Davis | Referral | Interim study to examine the problems that law enforcement is encountering since the State of Colorado legalized the sale and recreational use of marijuana |
LR532 | 103 | Sen Davis | Referral | Interim study to examine utilization of federal school breakfast and lunch programs and the impact of new federal options on Nebraska |
LR550 | 103 | Sen Davis | Congratulate the University of Nebraska women's basketball team on winning the 2014 Big Ten Conference Women's basketball tournament and congratulate Jordan Hooper on being named Big Ten Conference Women's Basketball Player of the Year | |
LR598 | 103 | Sen Davis | Referral | Interim study to examine issues surrounding the potential impact of federal legislation that would require remote retailers with no physical presence in Nebraska to collect and remit sales and use tax |
LR599 | 103 | Sen Davis | Referral | Interim study to examine issues surrounding the use of tax increment financing under the Community Development Law in Nebraska |
LR600 | 103 | Sen Davis | Referral | Interim study to examine issues surrounding the use of a foundation formula per student in the calculation of need for a school district and use of an income factor in the calculation of resources for state aid purposes |
LR601 | 103 | Sen Davis | Referral | Interim study to examine the impact of implementing, and the impact of failing to implement, medicaid expansion in Nebraska |
LR603 | 103 | Sen Davis | Congratulate the Ainsworth High School boys' basketball team on advancing to the 2014 Class C-2 state tournament | |
LR604 | 104 | Sen Davis | Referral | Interim study to examine inconsistencies in the practices utilized by county assessors in determining agricultural land value |
LR605 | 103 | Sen Davis | Congratulate the Crawford High School girls' basketball team on advancing to the 2014 Class D-2 state tournament | |
LR606 | 103 | Sen Davis | Congratulate the Hyannis High School speech team on advancing to the 2014 Class D-2 state contest | |
LR617 | 103 | Sen Davis | Congratulate Michael Barth on winning first place in Poetry Interpretation at the 2014 Class C-1 state speech championsip | |
LR619 | 104 | Sen Davis | Recognize Pat Gould for his many years of service as Fire Chief of the Chadron Volunteer Fire Department | |
LR627 | 103 | Sen Davis | Congratulate John Cover on being awarded the Alliance Chamber of Commerce Lifetime Service Award |