Bill/Resolution Search Results
Search for Wednesday January 19, 2011
Use the column headers to sort by Document Number, Primary Introducer, Status, or Description.
Document | Primary Introducer | Status | Description |
LR51CA | Heidemann | Indefinitely postponed | Constitutional amendment to change allocation of state lottery proceeds |
LR50 | Harms | Congratulate the Western Nebraska Community College volleyball team for winning the 2010 National Junior College Athletic Association Division I championship | |
LR49 | Flood | Congratulate the Norfolk Catholic High School football team for winning the 2010 Class C-1 state championship | |
LR48 | Flood | Congratulate the Lutheran High Northeast High School volleyball team for winning the 2010 Class C-2 state championship | |
LR47 | Lathrop | Referral | Provide for continuation of the Developmental Disabilities Special Investigative Committee |
LR46CA | Pirsch | Indefinitely postponed | Constitutional amendment to require bills that impose a tax or license fee to have a two-thirds vote to pass |
LR45CA | Pirsch | Indefinitely postponed | Constitutional amendment authorizing recall of state elective officers |
LR44CA | Pirsch | Indefinitely postponed | Constitutional amendment changing regular legislative sessions to odd-numbered years |
LR43 | Utter | Congratulate the Hastings St. Cecilia football team for winning the 2010 Class C-2 state championship | |
LR42 | Utter | Congratulate Tanner Fairchild for earning the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR41 | Nordquist | Extend sympathy to the family of Theodore "Ted" C. Sorensen and recognize his achievements and contributions | |
LR40CA | Pirsch | Presented to Secretary of State | Constitutional amendment to establish the right to hunt, to fish, and to harvest wildlife and that public hunting, fishing, and harvesting of wildlife is a preferred means of managing and controlling wildlife |
LB698 | Christensen | Indefinitely postponed | Change labeling requirements for alcohol-blended fuel |
LB697 | Coash | Indefinitely postponed | Change permit issuance provisions under the Game Law |
LB696 | Nordquist | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to children's medical assistance |
LB695 | Pirsch | Indefinitely postponed | Change the income tax rate |
LB694 | Conrad | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to certain medical evidence |
LB693 | Carlson | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Alcoholic Liquor Liability Act |
LB692 | Schilz | Withdrawn | Change reimbursement requirements for the Department of Administrative Services |
LB691 | Brasch | Indefinitely postponed | Provide requirements relating to purchasing biobased products by state government |
LB690 | Brasch | Passed | Change consent and parental notification provisions regarding abortion |
LB689 | Christensen | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to human trafficking |
LB688 | Smith | Indefinitely postponed | Require certain law enforcement officers and firefighters to work until age fifty-five to receive full benefits and prohibit elective officers from receiving retirement benefits |
LB687 | Schilz | Passed | Provide for issuance of a veterinarian locum tenens |
LB686 | Schilz | Passed | Provide exceptions from the Veterinary Medicine and Surgery Practice Act for transplantation of bovine embryos |
LB685 | Schilz | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions of the Nebraska Visitors Development Act relating to the use of funds and the members of committees |
LB684 | Schilz | Passed | Change provisions relating to an advisory committee for travel and tourism |
LB683 | Mello | Indefinitely postponed | Create the Storm Water Management Commission |
LB682 | Mello | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Sewer Infrastructure Assistance Act |
LB681 | Karpisek | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for distribution of a portion of keno tax proceeds for thoroughbred horseracing purses |
LB680 | Heidemann | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the School Employees Cash Balance Retirement Act |
LB679 | Heidemann | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for new judges and members of the Nebraska State Patrol to become members of the State Employees Retirement System of the State of Nebraska |
LB678 | Lathrop | Indefinitely postponed | Prohibit insurance discrimination based on race, creed, national origin, or religion |
LB677 | Lathrop | Passed | Provide criminal penalties for assault on a health care professional in the first, second, and third degrees |
LB676 | Lathrop | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to emergency protective custody under the Nebraska Mental Health Commitment Act |
LB675 | Pirsch | Passed | Provide and change penalty, enforcement, and incarceration provisions relating to driving under the influence and the duty to stop at a motor vehicle accident |
LB674 | Harr | Indefinitely postponed | Prohibit or restrict certain electronic monitoring of employees by employers |
LB673 | Flood | Passed | Change support liens and provide for military parents and children in cases of divorce |
LB672 | Flood | Indefinitely postponed | Provide an exemption from the documentary stamp tax |
LB671 | Flood | Indefinitely postponed | Prohibit a sex offender from changing his or her name |
LB670 | Flood | Passed | Change the schedule of controlled substances under the Uniform Controlled Substances Act |
LB669 | Flood | Passed | Change Small Claims Court, county court, district court, and juvenile court provisions |
LB668 | Flood | Indefinitely postponed | Change penalties relating to the purchase, receipt, or acquisition of pseudoephedrine or phenylpropanolamine |
LB667 | Flood | Passed | Change provisions governing motor vehicle homicide, alcohol violations involving minors, operating watercraft or motor vehicles under the influence of alcohol or drugs, administrative license revocation, and ignition interlock devices |
LB666 | Pirsch | Indefinitely postponed | Change use of the Local Civic, Cultural, and Convention Center Financing Fund |
LB665 | Pirsch | Passed | Change provisions relating to criminal child enticement |
LB664 | Nelson | Indefinitely postponed | Repeal the Industrial Relations Act and the State Employees Collective Bargaining Act and prohibit public collective bargaining and work stoppage |
LB663 | Nordquist | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for a categorical eligibility policy relating to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program |
LB662 | Cook | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for a demonstration project regarding bundling payments under the Medical Assistance Act |
LB661 | Karpisek | Indefinitely postponed | Change specialty license plate fees |
LB660 | Karpisek | Indefinitely postponed | Create the offense of providing a bodily fluid sample containing a controlled substance |
LB659 | Karpisek | Indefinitely postponed | Prohibit driving with controlled substances in bodily fluids |
LB658 | Karpisek | Indefinitely postponed | Change the fee for obtaining a handgun certificate |
LB657 | Janssen | Indefinitely postponed | Change and eliminate postsecondary education student residency provisions |
LB656 | Janssen | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to flood protection and water quality enhancement bonds |
LB655 | Christensen | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to an occupation tax imposed by natural resources districts |
LB654 | Christensen | Indefinitely postponed | Provide filing requirements for presidential and vice-presidential candidates and prohibit presidential electors from voting for uncertified candidates |
LB653 | Christensen | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for interbasin transfers during times of flooding as prescribed |
LB652 | Christensen | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to theft penalties |
LB651 | Christensen | Indefinitely postponed | Authorize a program audit and survey of the foster care system |
LB650 | Christensen | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for a statement of rights and responsibilities for foster parents |
LB649 | Christensen | Indefinitely postponed | Require the Judiciary Committee to develop legislative recommendations for guardians ad litem for children and youth |
LB648 | Christensen | Passed | Change provisions relating to foster care and juvenile placement |
LB647 | Christensen | Indefinitely postponed | Prohibit the use of certain foreign laws in Nebraska courts |
LB646 | Christensen | Passed | Redefine emergency medical service and prohibit expansion of a scope of practice |
LB645 | Christensen | Indefinitely postponed | Require inclusion of established surface water and ground water uses in certain agreements as prescribed |
LB644 | Lautenbaugh | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions applicable to attorney licensure requirements |
LB643 | Lautenbaugh | Indefinitely postponed | Provide additional public records that may be withheld |
LB642 | Cornett | Passed | Authorize the Department of Revenue to enter into contracts for products and services |
LB641 | Cornett | Passed | Require law enforcement officers to report liquor law violations to the Nebraska Liquor Control Commission |
LB640 | Cornett | Indefinitely postponed | Clarify that a city of the first class may negotiate with its firefighters regarding retirement benefits |
LB639 | Schumacher | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to articles of organization and charging orders relating to limited liability companies |
LB638 | Karpisek | Withdrawn | Provide restrictions relating to sale of county records for commercial purposes |
LB637 | Adams | Passed | Adopt the Postsecondary Institution Act and change provisions relating to higher education |
LB636 | Adams | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to access to student records and learning community reporting and diversity plans |
LB635 | Adams | Indefinitely postponed | Change the Quality Education Accountability Act |
LB634 | Adams | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to the tax levy authority of school districts relating to certain bonds |
LB633 | Adams | Passed | Change determination and certification dates under the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act and change tax levy and bonding authority for certain school improvement projects |
LB632 | Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Provide an adjustment to income for certain depreciation |
LB631 | Cook | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for a permanent early voting request list |
LB630 | McGill | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Applied Behavior Analysis Practice Act |
LB629 | Sullivan | Passed | Adopt the Oil Pipeline Reclamation Act |
LB628 | Cook | Passed | Change provisions relating to sale and permit donation of certain personal property of political subdivisions |
LB627 | Mello | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Remanufacturing and Job Creation Act and provide tax credits |
LB626 | Mello | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Electronics Recycling and Job Creation Act |
LB625 | Fulton | Indefinitely postponed | Change certain penalties relating to driving under the influence |
LB624 | Lautenbaugh | Indefinitely postponed | Change bargaining unit provisions of the State Employees Collective Bargaining Act |
LB623 | Lautenbaugh | Indefinitely postponed | Change effect of Industrial Relation Act petitions and provide provisions for counties encompassing a city of the metropolitan class |
LB622 | Lautenbaugh | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to confiscation and destruction of firearms |
LB621 | Heidemann | Passed | Authorize the Game and Parks Commission to convey certain property to the city of Brownville |
LB620 | Larson | Indefinitely postponed | Change income tax rates and calculations |
LB619 | Larson | Indefinitely postponed | Remove school districts, learning communities, and educational service units from the Industrial Relations Act |
LB618 | Harr | Indefinitely postponed | Authorize possession of firearms as prescribed for school or school event security |
LB617 | Mello | Passed | Provide requirements and duties relating to adoption of rules and regulations |
LB616 | Mello | Indefinitely postponed | Require the Department of Administrative Services to submit a report on the privatization of the management of the state's real property |
LB615 | Krist | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to access to student records and learning community reporting and diversity plans |
LB614 | Pirsch | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to homeowners' association and condominium association liens |
LB613 | Pirsch | Indefinitely postponed | Change certain lien provisions relating to homeowner's associations and condominiums |
LB612 | Pirsch | Passed | Increase statute of limitations for plaintiffs suffering injury from sexual assault as a child |
LB611 | Pirsch | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for a biennial review of state agencies by legislative committees |
LB610 | Pirsch | Indefinitely postponed | Provide procedures for recall of state elective officers |
LB609 | Pirsch | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Correctional Facility Reimbursement Act |
LB608 | Pirsch | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Local Innovation Economic Development Act and change grant and fund provisions |
LB607 | Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Provide duties for the Department of Health and Human Services and the Tax Commissioner regarding Kids Connection |
LB606 | Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Require reporting of electioneering communication under the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act |
LB605 | Conrad | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for voter registration on election day and require identification to vote |
LB604 | Conrad | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Private Attorney Retention Sunshine Act |
LB603 | Conrad | Indefinitely postponed | Exempt fees and admissions charged by student organizations at institutions of higher education from sales tax |
LB602 | Campbell | Indefinitely postponed | Require the Department of Health and Human Services to apply for medicaid amendments, options, and waivers |
LB601 | Campbell | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to child care reimbursement |
LB600 | Campbell | Veto Overridden | Adopt the Nursing Facility Quality Assurance Assessment Act |
LB599 | Campbell | Veto Overridden | Provide coverage for certain children pursuant to the medical assistance program and change provisions relating to verification of lawful presence |
LB598 | Fulton | Indefinitely postponed | Change timing of certain foster care permanency hearings |
LB597 | Pahls | Indefinitely postponed | Require consolidation of county offices |
LB596 | Carlson | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for standing with respect to integrated management plan proceedings |
LB595 | Carlson | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Water Resources Revolving Loan Fund Act and change provisions regarding certain revenue |
LB594 | Carlson | Indefinitely postponed | Change the Nebraska Amusement Ride Act and the Conveyance Safety Act and outright repeal the acts in 2013 |
LB593 | Carlson | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions of the Boiler Inspection Act |
LB592 | Carlson | Withdrawn | Adopt the Nebraska Commodity Industry Development Act |
LB591 | Gloor | Passed | Provide for a syndromic surveillance program and change immunization information exchange provisions |
LB590 | Gloor | Passed | Change provisions relating to regulation and taxation of tobacco products |
LB589 | Smith | Passed | Allow for temporary use of state highways for special events as prescribed |
LB588 | Nordquist | Indefinitely postponed | Change the Conveyance Safety Act |
LB587 | Nordquist | Indefinitely postponed | Provide grants for compressed natural gas innovation projects and funding |
LB586 | Business and Labor Committee | Indefinitely postponed | Deny payment of certain claims against the state |
LB585 | Business and Labor Committee | Passed | Provide for payment of claims against the state |
LB584 | Fulton | Indefinitely postponed | Exempt deployed military personnel from motor vehicle registration fees |
LB583 | Haar | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Interstate Compact on the Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote |
LB582 | Haar | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Student Expression Act |
LB581 | Haar | Withdrawn | Change provisions regarding certified nurse midwives |
LB580 | Haar | Indefinitely postponed | Create the Energy Auditor Advisory Board |
LB579 | Haar | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to power supply plan contents |
LB578 | Haar | Indefinitely postponed | Require proof of financial responsibility from persons operating pipelines |
LB577 | Wightman | Indefinitely postponed | Provide an application fee for a structure building permit issued by the Department of Aeronautics |
LB576 | Wightman | Passed | Create cash funds relating to publication and distribution of statutes |
LB575 | Price | Passed | Adopt the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children |
LB574 | Price | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Electronic Prescription Transmission Act |
LB573 | Price | Passed | Authorize use of rotating or flashing amber lights on any motor vehicle operated by or for an emergency management worker or a storm spotter |
LB572 | Price | Indefinitely postponed | Limit transfers of students between learning community member school districts |
LB571 | Price | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to homeowners' association and condominium association liens |
LB570 | Coash | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to Wyuka Cemetery and exempt certain cemetery purchases from sales and use taxes |
LB569 | Coash | Indefinitely postponed | Require employers to e-verify the immigration status of new employees |
LB568 | Schumacher | Indefinitely postponed | Provide duties for the State Treasurer relating to state employee benefits |
LB567 | Schumacher | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to liquor licensee violations |
LB566 | Schumacher | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for online petition signatures for recall, initiative, and referendum petitions |
LB565 | Ashford | Indefinitely postponed | Require secure storage of firearms and notice of such requirement by retailers upon sale and create the offense of improper storage of a firearm |
LB564 | Fulton | Indefinitely postponed | Change and eliminate provisions of the Industrial Relations Act and the State Employees Collective Bargaining Act |
LB563 | Utter | Passed | Authorize Game and Parks Commission to convey Crystal Lake State Recreation Area to the village of Ayr |
LB562 | Cornett | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to license and occupation taxes imposed by municipalities |
LB561 | Cornett | Indefinitely postponed | Change the sales tax rate |
LB560 | Cornett | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for sales and use taxes on certain services |
LB559 | Cornett | Indefinitely postponed | Change the income tax rate |
LB558 | Nordquist | Passed | Change provisions relating to focus schools, focus programs, and magnet schools |
LB557 | Dubas | Indefinitely postponed | Provide requirements regarding health care facilities employing surgical technologists |
LB556 | Dubas | Passed | Change the boundaries of Hamilton County and Merrick County |
LB555 | Harms | Indefinitely postponed | Eliminate Special Masters and other provisions of the State Employees Collective Bargaining Act |
LB554 | Harms | Indefinitely postponed | Prohibit open containers of alcohol in or on a vessel, motorboat, or personal watercraft |
LB553 | McGill | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to delayed deposit services |
LB552 | Nordquist | Indefinitely postponed | Prohibit impersonation by electronic means and provide penalties |
LB551 | Schilz | Indefinitely postponed | Change the Burial Pre-Need Sale Act |
LB550 | Wightman | Passed | Clarify incumbent filing deadline provisions |
LB549 | Council | Passed | Create Nebraska Youth Conservation Program and provide duties for the Game and Parks Commission |
LB548 | McCoy | Indefinitely postponed | Change, transfer, and eliminate provisions relating to learning communities |
LB547 | Cook | Withdrawn | Provide for a study of state aid to community colleges |
LB546 | Gloor | Passed | Change provisions relating to the state building code and local building or construction codes |
LB545 | Pahls | Indefinitely postponed | Establish a copay for medical services provided at a correctional facility |
LB544 | Pahls | Passed | Change provisions relating to civics education for students |