Journal Summary for March 26th, 2024

108th Legislature, 2nd Regular Session - Day 50

Use the column headers to sort by Document Number, Description, or Journal Page.
Document Description Journal Page
LR407 Date of introduction 1275
LR407 Referred to Executive Board 1276
LR408 Date of introduction 1276
LR408 Referred to Executive Board 1276
LR409 Date of introduction 1276
LB1412 Clements FA261 withdrawn 1277
LB1412 Clements FA262 withdrawn 1277
LB1412 Clements FA263 withdrawn 1277
LB1412 Cavanaugh, M. FA314 filed 1277
LB1412 Cavanaugh, M. FA314 pending 1277
LB1412 Motion to return to Select File failed 1277
LB1412 Cavanaugh, M. MO1307 Reconsider the vote on FA314 filed 1277
LR327 Adopted 1277
LR327 President/Speaker signed 1277
LR328 Adopted 1277
LR328 President/Speaker signed 1277
LR329 Adopted 1277
LR329 President/Speaker signed 1277
LR330 Adopted 1277
LR330 President/Speaker signed 1277
LR331 Adopted 1277
LR331 President/Speaker signed 1277
LR409 Referred to Executive Board 1277
LB1412 Speaker Arch MO1309 Invoke cloture pursuant to Rule 7, Sec. 10 filed 1278
LB1412 Speaker Arch MO1309 prevailed 1278
LB1412 Cavanaugh, M. MO1307 failed 1278
LB1412 Cavanaugh, M. FA314 not considered 1278
LB1412 Dispensing of reading at large approved 1278
LB1412 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 42-6-1 1278
LB71A Date of introduction 1279
LB71A Placed on General File 1279
LB1344A Date of introduction 1279
LB1344A Placed on General File 1279
LB1412 President/Speaker signed 1279
LR410 Date of introduction 1279
LR410 Referred to Executive Board 1281
LR411 Date of introduction 1281
LR411 Referred to Executive Board 1281
LR412 Date of introduction 1281
LR412 Referred to Executive Board 1282
LR413 Date of introduction 1282
LR413 Referred to Executive Board 1283
LR414 Date of introduction 1283
LR414 Referred to Executive Board 1283
LR415 Date of introduction 1283
LR415 Referred to Executive Board 1284
LR416 Date of introduction 1284
LR416 Referred to Executive Board 1285
LR417 Date of introduction 1285
LR417 Referred to Executive Board 1286
LR418 Date of introduction 1286
LR418 Referred to Executive Board 1286
LR419 Date of introduction 1286
LR419 Referred to Executive Board 1287
LR420 Date of introduction 1287
LR420 Referred to Executive Board 1288
LR421 Date of introduction 1288
LR421 Referred to Executive Board 1289
LR422 Date of introduction 1289
LR422 Referred to Executive Board 1290
LR423 Date of introduction 1290
LR423 Referred to Executive Board 1290
LR424 Date of introduction 1290
LR424 Referred to Executive Board 1291
LR425 Date of introduction 1291
LR425 Referred to Executive Board 1291
LR426 Date of introduction 1291
LR426 Referred to Executive Board 1292
LR427 Date of introduction 1292
LR427 Referred to Executive Board 1293
LR428 Date of introduction 1293
LR428 Referred to Executive Board 1294
LR429 Date of introduction 1294
LR429 Referred to Executive Board 1295
LR430 Date of introduction 1295
LR430 Referred to Executive Board 1296
LR431 Date of introduction 1296
LR431 Referred to Executive Board 1296
LR432 Date of introduction 1296
LR432 Referred to Executive Board 1297
LR433 Date of introduction 1297
LR433 Referred to Executive Board 1298
LR434 Date of introduction 1298
LR434 Referred to Executive Board 1298
LR435 Date of introduction 1298
LR435 Referred to Executive Board 1299
LR436 Date of introduction 1299
LR436 Referred to Executive Board 1299
LB1413 Clements FA264 withdrawn 1300
LB1413 Clements FA265 withdrawn 1300
LB1413 Clements FA266 withdrawn 1300
LB1413 Cavanaugh, M. FA315 filed 1300
LB1413 Motion to return to Select File pending 1300
LR437 Date of introduction 1300
LR437 Referred to Executive Board 1300
LR438 Date of introduction 1300
LR438 Referred to Executive Board 1301
LR439 Date of introduction 1301
LR439 Referred to Executive Board 1302
LR440 Date of introduction 1302
LR440 Referred to Executive Board 1304
LR441 Date of introduction 1304
LR441 Referred to Executive Board 1304
LB1368 Ibach AM3202 to AM3002 filed 1305
LR442 Date of introduction 1305
LR442 Referred to Executive Board 1305
LB1413 Motion to return to Select File withdrawn 1306
LB1413 Cavanaugh, M. FA315 not considered 1306
LB1413 Cavanaugh, M. FA316 filed 1306
LB1413 Motion to return to Select File withdrawn 1306
LB1413 Cavanaugh, M. FA316 not considered 1306
LB1413 Cavanaugh, M. FA317 filed 1306
LB1413 Motion to return to Select File withdrawn 1306
LB1413 Cavanaugh, M. FA317 not considered 1306
LB1413 Cavanaugh, M. FA318 filed 1306
LB1413 Speaker Arch MO1310 Invoke cloture pursuant to Rule 7, Sec. 10 filed 1306
LB1413 Speaker Arch MO1310 prevailed 1307
LB1413 Motion to return to Select File failed 1307
LB1413 Cavanaugh, M. FA318 not considered 1307
LB1413 Dispensing of reading at large approved 1307
LB1413 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 37-8-4 1307
LB840 Placed on Select File with ER102 1308
LB840 Enrollment and Review ER102 filed 1308
LB1408 Placed on General File with AM3190 1308
LB1408 Business and Labor AM3190 filed 1308
LB1413 President/Speaker signed 1308
LB388 Placed on General File with AM3203 1312
LB388 Revenue AM3203 filed 1312
LB388A Date of introduction 1312
LB388A Placed on General File 1312
LB1317A Date of introduction 1312
LB1317A Placed on General File 1312
LB1363A Date of introduction 1312
LB1363A Placed on General File 1312
LB876 Holdcroft AM3211 filed 1313
LB1188 Enrollment and Review ER103 adopted 1313
LB1188 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1313
LB1188 Arch unanimous consent to expedite approved 1313
LB20A Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1314
LB126A Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1314
LB262A Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1314
LB484A Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1314
LB876A Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1314
LB1023A Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1314
LB1027A Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1314
LB1031A Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1314
LB1074A Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1314
LB1200A Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1315
LB1284A Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1315
LB1301A Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1315
LB1306A Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1315
LB1329A Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1315
LB1368A Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1315
LB1412 Presented to Governor on March 26, 2024 1315
LB1413 Presented to Governor on March 26, 2024 1315
LR443 Date of introduction 1315
LR443 Referred to Executive Board 1316
LR444 Date of introduction 1316
LB130A Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1317
LB204A Riepe AM2844 withdrawn 1317
LB204A Riepe AM2871 withdrawn 1317
LB204A Riepe AM3222 filed 1317
LB204A Riepe AM3222 adopted 1317
LB204A Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1317
LB926 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1317
LR444 Referred to Executive Board 1317
LB484 Enrollment and Review ER95 adopted 1318
LB484 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1318
LB880 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1318
LB932 Enrollment and Review ER91 adopted 1318
LB932 Blood AM3149 adopted 1318
LB932 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1318
LB1069 Enrollment and Review ER92 adopted 1318
LB1069 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1318
LB1095 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1318
LB1167 Enrollment and Review ER96 adopted 1318
LB1167 DeBoer AM3118 adopted 1318
LB1167 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1318
LB1270 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1318
LB164 Wayne AM2175 withdrawn 1319
LB164 McKinney AM3104 pending 1319
LB1344 Wayne AM3232 to AM3191 filed 1319
LB1344 Wayne AM3232 adopted 1319
LB1344 Wayne AM3191 adopted 1319
LB1344 Wayne FA320 filed 1319
LB1344 Wayne FA320 adopted 1319
LB1344 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1319
LB876 Holdcroft AM3224 to AM3211 filed 1320
LB1188 Placed on Final Reading 1320
LB164 McKinney AM3104 adopted 1321
LB164 Urban Affairs AM2105 adopted 1321
LB164 McKinney AM2075 withdrawn 1321
LB164 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1321
LB164A Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1321
LB1092 Murman MO1292 withdrawn 1321
LB1092 Murman MO1293 withdrawn 1321
LB1092 Murman MO1294 withdrawn 1321
LB1092 Murman FA305 withdrawn 1321
LB1092 Murman FA306 withdrawn 1321
LB1092 Cavanaugh, M. MO1312 Bracket until April 11, 2024 filed 1321
LB1074 Placed on Select File with ER99 1322
LB1074 Enrollment and Review ER99 filed 1322
LB1092 Cavanaugh, M. MO1312 failed 1322
LB1092 Cavanaugh, M. MO1314 Reconsider the vote on MO1312 filed 1322
LB1092 Cavanaugh, M. MO1313 Recommit to the Judiciary Committee filed 1322
LB1092 Cavanaugh, M. MO1311 Indefinitely postpone filed 1322
LB1301 Placed on Select File with ER104 1322
LB1301 Enrollment and Review ER104 filed 1322
LB1329 Placed on Select File with ER105 1322
LB1329 Enrollment and Review ER105 filed 1322
LR336 Dungan name added 1322
Appointment(s) Hearing for April 2, 2024, John Shadle 1299
Appointment(s) Notice of Hearing for April 3, 2024, Seth Harder 1312
Appointment(s) Revenue Committee Report, Sarah Scott 1306