Journal Summary for January 14th, 2008

100th Legislature, 2nd Regular Session - Day 4

Use the column headers to sort by Document Number, Description, or Journal Page.
Document Description Journal Page
LB771 Rereferred to Appropriations Committee 173
LB796 Referred to Health and Human Services Committee 173
LB797 Referred to Health and Human Services Committee 173
LB798 Referred to Natural Resources Committee 173
LB799 Referred to Natural Resources Committee 173
LB800 Referred to Natural Resources Committee 173
LB801 Referred to Natural Resources Committee 173
LB802 Referred to Natural Resources Committee 173
LB803 Referred to Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee 173
LB804 Referred to Judiciary Committee 173
LB805 Referred to Natural Resources Committee 173
LB806 Referred to Health and Human Services Committee 173
LB807 Referred to Health and Human Services Committee 173
LB808 Referred to Judiciary Committee 173
LB235 Nantkes priority bill 174
LB809 Referred to Health and Human Services Committee 174
LB810 Referred to Judiciary Committee 174
LB811 Referred to Appropriations Committee 174
LB812 Referred to Transportation and Telecommunications Committee 174
LB813 Referred to Urban Affairs Committee 174
LB814 Referred to Revenue Committee 174
LB815 Referred to Transportation and Telecommunications Committee 174
LB816 Referred to Judiciary Committee 174
LB817 Referred to Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee 174
LB818 Referred to Health and Human Services Committee 174
LB819 Referred to Business and Labor Committee 174
LB820 Referred to Business and Labor Committee 174
LB821 Referred to Business and Labor Committee 174
LB822 Referred to Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee 174
LB823 Referred to Transportation and Telecommunications Committee 174
LB824 Referred to Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee 174
LB825 Referred to Banking, Commerce and Insurance Committee 174
LB826 Referred to Judiciary Committee 174
LB827 Referred to Transportation and Telecommunications Committee 174
LB828 Referred to Judiciary Committee 174
LB829 Referred to Transportation and Telecommunications Committee 174
LB830 Referred to Health and Human Services Committee 174
LB831 Referred to Banking, Commerce and Insurance Committee 174
LB832 Referred to Judiciary Committee 174
LB833 Referred to Business and Labor Committee 174
LB834 Referred to Transportation and Telecommunications Committee 174
LB835 Referred to Health and Human Services Committee 174
LB836 Referred to Health and Human Services Committee 174
LB837 Referred to Transportation and Telecommunications Committee 174
LB838 Referred to Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee 174
LB839 Referred to Judiciary Committee 174
LB840 Referred to Judiciary Committee 174
LB841 Referred to Transportation and Telecommunications Committee 174
LB842 Referred to Appropriations Committee 174
LB843 Referred to Judiciary Committee 174
LB844 Referred to Judiciary Committee 174
LB845 Referred to Transportation and Telecommunications Committee 174
LB846 Referred to Revenue Committee 174
LB847 Referred to Judiciary Committee 174
LB848 Referred to Banking, Commerce and Insurance Committee 174
LB849 Referred to Education Committee 174
LB850 Referred to Education Committee 174
LB729 Notice of hearing January 22, 2008 175
LB788 Notice of hearing January 22, 2008 175
LB790 Notice of hearing January 22, 2008 175
LB791 Notice of hearing January 22, 2008 175
LB901 Date of introduction 201
LB902 Date of introduction 201
LB740 Fulton MO104 prevailed 202
LB740 Bill withdrawn 202
LB903 Date of introduction 202
LB904 Date of introduction 202
LB905 Date of introduction 202
LB906 Date of introduction 202
LB204 Synowiecki AM845 adopted 203
LB204 Stuthman AM1497 filed 203
LB204 Stuthman AM1497 withdrawn 203
LB204 Burling AM274 withdrawn 203
LB204 Burling AM273 withdrawn 203
LB204 Burling AM346 withdrawn 203
LB204 Burling AM1552 filed 203
LB204 Burling AM1552 adopted 204
LB204 Synowiecki AM1559 filed 204
LB204 Synowiecki AM1559 adopted 204
LB204 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 204
LB171 Enrollment and Review ER8124 adopted 205
LB171 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 205
LB171A Kopplin AM1560 filed 205
LB171A Kopplin AM1560 adopted 205
LB171A Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 205
LB177 Enrollment and Review ER8125 adopted 205
LB177 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 205
LB204A Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 205
LB246 Enrollment and Review ER8126 adopted 205
LB246 Johnson AM1519 adopted 205
LB246 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 205
LB907 Date of introduction 205
LB908 Date of introduction 206
LB909 Date of introduction 206
LB910 Date of introduction 206
LB911 Date of introduction 206
LB912 Date of introduction 207
LB913 Date of introduction 207
LB914 Date of introduction 207
LB915 Date of introduction 207
LB916 Date of introduction 207
LB917 Date of introduction 208
LB918 Date of introduction 208
LB919 Date of introduction 208
LB920 Date of introduction 208
LB921 Date of introduction 208
LB922 Date of introduction 209
LB923 Date of introduction 209
LB924 Date of introduction 209
LB925 Date of introduction 209
LB926 Date of introduction 209
LB927 Date of introduction 209
LB928 Date of introduction 210
LB929 Date of introduction 210
LB930 Date of introduction 210
LB931 Date of introduction 210
LB932 Date of introduction 210
LR226 Date of introduction 210
LR226 Laid over 211
LR227 Date of introduction 211
LR227 Laid over 211
LB851 Referred to Banking, Commerce and Insurance Committee 212
LB852 Referred to Banking, Commerce and Insurance Committee 212
LB853 Referred to Banking, Commerce and Insurance Committee 212
LB854 Referred to Banking, Commerce and Insurance Committee 212
LB855 Referred to Banking, Commerce and Insurance Committee 212
LB856 Referred to Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee 212
LB857 Referred to Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee 212
LB858 Referred to Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee 212
LB859 Referred to Appropriations Committee 212
LB860 Referred to Agriculture Committee 212
LB861 Referred to Agriculture Committee 212
LB862 Referred to Agriculture Committee 212
LB863 Referred to Revenue Committee 212
LB864 Referred to Revenue Committee 212
LB865 Referred to Natural Resources Committee 212
LB866 Referred to Health and Human Services Committee 212
LB867 Referred to Transportation and Telecommunications Committee 212
LB868 Referred to Judiciary Committee 212
LB869 Referred to Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee 212
LB870 Referred to Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee 212
LB871 Referred to Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee 212
LB872 Referred to Judiciary Committee 212
LB873 Referred to Education Committee 212
LB874 Referred to Transportation and Telecommunications Committee 212
LB875 Referred to Agriculture Committee 212
LB876 Referred to Banking, Commerce and Insurance Committee 212
LB877 Referred to Health and Human Services Committee 212
LB878 Referred to Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee 212
LB879 Referred to Education Committee 212
LB880 Referred to Natural Resources Committee 212
LB881 Referred to Revenue Committee 212
LB882 Referred to Health and Human Services Committee 212
LB883 Referred to Health and Human Services Committee 212
LB884 Referred to Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee 212
LB885 Referred to Health and Human Services Committee 212
LB253 Rogert AM1525 withdrawn 213
LB253 Rogert AM1551 filed 213
LB253 Rogert AM1551 pending 213
LB886 Referred to Education Committee 213
LB887 Referred to Revenue Committee 213
LB888 Referred to Revenue Committee 213
LB889 Referred to Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee 213
LB890 Referred to Revenue Committee 213
LB891 Referred to Revenue Committee 213
LB892 Referred to Health and Human Services Committee 213
LB893 Referred to Revenue Committee 213
LB894 Referred to Revenue Committee 213
LB895 Referred to Revenue Committee 213
LB896 Referred to Revenue Committee 213
LB897 Referred to Revenue Committee 213
LB898 Referred to Revenue Committee 213
LB899 Referred to Urban Affairs Committee 213
LB900 Referred to Banking, Commerce and Insurance Committee 213
LR223 Referred to Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee 213
LR224 Referred to Judiciary Committee 213
LR225CA Referred to Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee 213
LB933 Date of introduction 214
LB934 Date of introduction 214
LB935 Date of introduction 214
LB936 Date of introduction 214
LB937 Date of introduction 214
LB938 Date of introduction 214
LB939 Date of introduction 215
LB940 Date of introduction 215
LB941 Date of introduction 215
LB942 Date of introduction 215
LB943 Date of introduction 215
LB944 Date of introduction 215
LB945 Date of introduction 215
LB946 Date of introduction 216
LB947 Date of introduction 216
LB948 Date of introduction 216
LB949 Date of introduction 216
LB950 Date of introduction 216
LB951 Date of introduction 216
LB253 Rogert AM1551 adopted 217
LB253 Rogert AM1535 adopted 217
LB253 Rogert AM1547 filed 217
LB253 Rogert AM1547 adopted 220
LB952 Date of introduction 220
LB953 Date of introduction 220
LB253 Johnson MO105 Bracket until March 15, 2008 filed 221
LB253 Johnson MO105 withdrawn 221
LB253 Chambers MO106 Indefinitely postpone filed 221
LB253 Chambers MO106 Indefinitely postpone pending 221
LB253 Laid over 221
LB954 Date of introduction 221
LB955 Date of introduction 221
LB956 Date of introduction 221
LB957 Date of introduction 221
LB205 Howard AM1563 filed 222
LB253A Rogert AM1543 filed 222
LB958 Date of introduction 222
LB253 Rogert FA152 filed 223
LB663A Hudkins AM1561 filed 223
LB743 Pedersen name added 223
LB770 Karpisek name added 223
LB770 Hansen name added 223
LB807 Kopplin name added 223
LB843 Schimek name added 223
LB843 Rogert name added 223
LB843 Raikes name added 223
LB943 Synowiecki name added 223