Agenda for February 19th, 2019

106th Legislature, 1st Regular Session - Day 27

Twenty-Seventh Day

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

9:00 a.m.

One Hundred Sixth Legislature

First Session

  • Prayer by the Chaplain
  • Call to Order - Roll Call
  • Corrections for the Journal
  • Messages, Reports, Announcements
Natural Resources Committee (Journal Page 522)
Document Introducer Description
LB116 Kolterman Authorize electronic delivery of insurance policies and billing information to insureds
LB145 Hansen, M. Change power of attorney provisions relating to banks and other financial institutions
LB384 Walz Change certain education requirements under the Nebraska Real Estate License Act
LB399 Slama Change the name and provisions related to the committee on Americanism
LB660 Brewer Change provisions relating to the executive director and chief investigator of the Nebraska Brand Committee
Document Introducer Description
LB22 Kolterman Change provisions relating to the Nursing Facility Penalty Cash Fund
LB60 Cavanaugh Change terminology relating to shaken baby syndrome
LB74 Williams Provide for validation by certified pharmacy technicians
LB302 Hughes, at the request of the Governor Merge the State Energy Office with and rename the Department of Environmental Quality
LB200 Wishart Change provisions relating to licensure under the Health Care Facility Licensure Act of mental health substance use treatment centers providing civil protective custody of intoxicated persons
LB307 Albrecht Change provisions relating to certain Department of Environmental Quality Funds
LB256 Arch Authorize participation in insurance coverage for members of a community college board of governors
LB111 Howard Change a certificate of title application signature requirement as prescribed
LB192 McCollister Change provisions relating to veteran designations on operators' licenses and state identification cards
LB192A McCollister Appropriation Bill
LB80 Friesen Change motor vehicle identification inspection provisions
LB81 Friesen Change provisions relating to special stops at railroad grade crossings under the Nebraska Rules of the Road

  • Messages on the President's Desk
  • Adjourn until Wednesday, February 20, 2019 at 9:00 a.m.