Bill/Resolution Search Results
Search for Hansen, M., 26 in All Legislatures
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Document | Legislature | Primary Introducer | Status | Description |
LB43 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for election of election commissioners and eliminate certain deputy positions |
LB44 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Passed | Change requirements for adoption of an affordable housing action plan |
LB45 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Eliminate provisions relating to continuance of proceedings under the Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act |
LB46 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Eliminate an alternative service provision under the Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act |
LB47 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Change procedures relating to obligees in child support proceedings |
LB48 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to marriage and annulments |
LB49 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Change penalty for use of tobacco or nicotine products by a person under twenty-one years of age |
LB64 | 105 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Adrenal Insufficiency Diagnosis Information and Support Act |
LB65 | 105 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Provide income tax credits for caregivers |
LB66 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for an early childhood element in a comprehensive plan developed by a city |
LB67 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Passed | Change provisions relating to determination of municipality population thresholds and references to cities, villages, and governing bodies |
LB68 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Passed | Change provisions of the Business Improvement District Act as prescribed |
LB69 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Provide income tax credits for caregivers as prescribed |
LB70 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Passed | Adopt the Uniform Voidable Transactions Act and eliminate the Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act |
LB71 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Passed | Eliminate a cause of action for damages for shoplifting |
LB72 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Withdrawn | Provide for nonpartisan election of county officers |
LB93 | 105 | Sen Hansen | Passed | Adopt the Automatic License Plate Reader Privacy Act |
LB111 | 105 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for nonpartisan election of county officers |
LB112 | 105 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Permit registered voters moving within Nebraska without reregistering to vote provisionally |
LB113 | 105 | Sen Hansen | Passed | Change population threshold provisions relating to municipalities and eliminate obsolete provisions |
LB145 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Passed | Change power of attorney provisions relating to banks and other financial institutions |
LB146 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Passed | Change liability and damages provisions for refusal to accept acknowledged power of attorney |
LB147 | 105 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Change workers' compensation provisions relating to waiting time, termination of compensation, and attorney's fees |
LB168 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Terminate authorization for creation of sanitary and improvement districts |
LB169 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Passed | Repeal locksmith registration requirements |
LB170 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Withdrawn | Change provisions relating to the date when compensation begins under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act |
LB171 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions of the Employment Security Law relating to weekly benefit amounts and maximum annual amounts |
LB172 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to benefit payments under the Employment Security Law |
LB211 | 105 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Change the minimum wage for persons compensated by way of gratuities |
LB212 | 105 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the In the Line of Duty Compensation Act |
LB213 | 105 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Add an unfair claims settlement practice under the Unfair Insurance Claims Settlement Practices Act |
LB227 | 104 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to educational bridge programs |
LB227A | 104 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriation Bill |
LB240 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Change procedures for determining competency to stand trial |
LB255 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Passed | Adopt the In the Line of Duty Compensation Act |
LB256 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Passed | Change provisions relating to lump-sum settlement approval and the filing of releases under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act |
LB257 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to vacancies on public power and irrigation district boards |
LB258 | 105 | Sen Hansen | Passed | Provide opportunity for inmates to obtain state identification card or renew driver's license before discharge |
LB259 | 105 | Sen Hansen | Passed | Adopt and change competency and financial ability provisions relating to court proceedings as prescribed |
LB259A | 105 | Sen Hansen | Passed | Appropriation Bill |
LB260 | 105 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for a state food insecurity nutrition incentive grant program and state intent regarding appropriations |
LB261 | 105 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Nebraska Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act |
LB273 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Provide a restricted funds budget limitation as prescribed for certain political subdivisions |
LB274 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to stacking of coverage under the Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Insurance Coverage Act |
LB275 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Require notification when persons prohibited by state or federal law attempt to obtain a handgun purchase permit or concealed handgun permit |
LB282 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to bail |
LB302 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Passed | Change provisions relating to administrative license revocation and reinstatement under the Motor Vehicle Operator's License Act |
LB303 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Provide a budget limitation exception as prescribed |
LB304 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriate funds to the Nebraska Commission on Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice |
LB314 | 104 | Sen Hansen | Passed | State matters subject to county court jurisdiction |
LB335 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Authorize a 24/7 sobriety program permit for operating a motor vehicle as a condition of bail |
LB336 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Change the vote required to exceed certain budget limitations |
LB359 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Passed | Change provisions in the Employment Security Law and Nebraska Wage Payment and Collection Act and relating to appointment of the meatpacking industry worker rights coordinator |
LB360 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for settlement of claims of nonresident alien dependents under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act |
LB361 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Prohibit retaliation under the Nebraska Wage Payment and Collection Act and the Wage and Hour Act |
LB362 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Require payment of unpaid wages for violations of the Nebraska Wage Payment and Collection Act |
LB363 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the In the Line of Duty Compensation Act |
LB376 | 104 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Provide that public charitable corporations are subject to the Deferred Building Renewal Act |
LB383 | 104 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Permit registered voters moving within Nebraska without re-registering to vote provisionally |
LB388 | 104 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Provide annual adjustments for total disability income benefits under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act |
LB391 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Change duties of peace officers taking juveniles into custody or interrogating juveniles and prohibit use of statements taken in violation of the rights of a juvenile |
LB395 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Change landlord's power of possession provisions in cases of domestic violence |
LB396 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Change landlord and tenant provisions relating to continuances and rental deposits |
LB433 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Passed | Change provisions relating to return of tenants' deposits and damages and the time period for a written notice to quit |
LB434 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Change landlord and tenant provisions relating to three-day notice to quit and to create a right of redemption for tenants |
LB435 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to retaliatory conduct by a landlord |
LB436 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Governor Veto | Create the Complete Count Committee |
LB438 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriate funds to the Department of Labor |
LB439 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to stacking of coverage under the Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Insurance Coverage Act |
LB440 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions of the Nebraska Fair Employment Practice Act |
LB441 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to compensation for individuals affected by COVID-19 under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act |
LB442 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Create the Commission on Asian American Affairs |
LB442A | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriation Bill |
LB443 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Exempt local foster care review boards from the Open Meetings Act |
LB444 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to credit against jail terms |
LB445 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Change requirements for peace officers taking juveniles into custody or interrogating juveniles and prohibit use of statements taken in violation of such requirements |
LB446 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Nebraska Housing Index and Financing Investment System Act |
LB451 | 104 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Change and eliminate provisions relating to stacking of insurance coverage |
LB464 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Passed | Provide for payment of claims against the state |
LB465 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Deny payment of claims against the state |
LB470 | 104 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Provide an income tax credit for caregivers |
LB519 | 105 | Sen Hansen | Passed | Change Employment Security Law provisions relating to employers' experience and reimbursement accounts |
LB520 | 105 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Require notification when persons prohibited by state or federal law obtain a handgun or concealed carry permit |
LB555 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Change reporting requirements under the Municipal Density and Missing Middle Housing Act |
LB556 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to redevelopment contracts under the Community Development Law |
LB557 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to public records and include body-worn camera recordings in certain circumstances |
LB573 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to agreements under the Intergovernmental Risk Management Act |
LB724 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to economic development programs under the Local Option Municipal Economic Development Act |
LB725 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Authorize guidelines for approval of certain redevelopment projects under the Community Development Law |
LB726 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to sanitary and improvement districts |
LB727 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to the board of trustees of a sanitary and improvement district |
LB740 | 104 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Add an unfair claims settlement practice under the Unfair Insurance Claims Settlement Practices Act |
LB741 | 104 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Change electioneering provisions related to yard signs |
LB742 | 104 | Sen Hansen | Passed | Change county population thresholds |
LB743 | 104 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Clarify compensation for shoulder injuries under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act |
LB748 | 105 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to determination of municipality population thresholds and references to cities, villages, and governing bodies |
LB794 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Missing Middle Housing Act and provide zoning regulation requirements for certain cities |
LB795 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to enterprise zones |
LB796 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to claims against a city of the primary class |
LB797 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Passed | Change restrictions on municipal annexation |
LB808 | 104 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to amending an economic development program under the Local Option Municipal Economic Development Act |
LB820 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Passed | Change population thresholds for cities of the metropolitan class and cities of the primary class |
LB821 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Aid to Municipalities Act |
LB822 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to reinstatement fees for motor vehicle operators' licenses |
LB831 | 104 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Automatic License Plate Reader Privacy Act |
LB831A | 104 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriation Bill |
LB858 | 105 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Provide annual adjustments for total disability income benefits under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act |
LB859 | 105 | Sen Hansen | Passed | Change records relating to employee deaths which may be withheld from the public |
LB867 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Local Option Municipal Childcare Financing Act |
LB869 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to a leave of absence for an adoptive parent |
LB870 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for payment of attorney's fees from the State Self-Insured Indemnification Fund and the State Self-Insured Liability Fund |
LB871 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to meatpacking employees and employers and the Non-English-Speaking Workers Protection Act |
LB880 | 105 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for an early childhood element in a comprehensive plan developed by a city |
LB881 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Passed | Change provisions relating to criminal and civil procedure |
LB882 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to marriage and annulments |
LB883 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Change procedures relating to obligors and obligees in child support proceedings |
LB896 | 104 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Require pay increases for state employees to recognize length of service |
LB916 | 105 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Prohibit retaliation under the Nebraska Wage Payment Collection Act and the Wage and Hour Act |
LB930 | 105 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Prohibit use of juveniles' statements made as a result of custodial interrogation |
LB940 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriate federal funds for housing |
LB943 | 104 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Update references with respect to husband and wife |
LB944 | 104 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Change terminology relating to parentage and marital relationships |
LB945 | 104 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Nebraska Healthy Food Financing Initiative Act |
LB954 | 105 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Provide refundable income tax credits to individuals who rent their primary residence |
LB972 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to agricultural or horticultural land receiving special valuation |
LB973 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Redefine terms and change powers under the Nebraska Investment Finance Authority Act |
LB982 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Change the prohibition on use of state funds for advertising or promotional materials |
LB986 | 105 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Neighborhood Improvement District Act and change provisions relating to special assessments for other improvement or development districts as prescribed |
LB1006 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to garnishment |
LB1007 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to competency to stand trial and be sentenced |
LB1010 | 105 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Change procedures for determining competency to stand trial in counties containing a city of the primary class |
LB1016 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Passed | Change provisions regarding the worker training program, the Nebraska Wage Payment and Collection Act, the Contractor Registration Act, and the Employee Classification Act and eliminate provisions regarding service letters, high voltage lines, and private employment companies |
LB1022 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for election of election commissioners and eliminate certain deputy positions |
LB1029 | 105 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Change time for acceptance of a power of attorney |
LB1031 | 104 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Change the levy authority of railroad transportation safety districts |
LB1038 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Prohibit a cleaning and damage charge requirement in a rental agreement |
LB1056 | 105 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for collection of data on student disciplinary actions |
LB1083 | 105 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for discovery of telephone numbers and email addresses of witnesses in criminal cases |
LB1086 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for poll watchers under the Election Act |
LB1089 | 104 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Change the minimum wage for persons compensated by way of gratuities |
LB1090 | 104 | Sen Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Require notification of law enforcement by the Nebraska State Patrol of denials of handgun certificates as prescribed |
LB1103 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Change requirements for lump-sum settlement approval or release by the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court |
LB1114 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Change election provisions for sanitary and improvement districts |
LB1115 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to the revocation of instruments under the Nebraska Uniform Real Property Transfer on Death Act |
LB1139 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Prohibit certain corporations from making contributions or expenditures or providing personal services under the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act |
LB1140 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to withholding of wages for health and human services agencies and associations |
LB1154 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriate funds to the State Department of Education |
LB1160 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Passed | Adopt the Nebraska Statewide Workforce and Education Reporting System Act |
LB1161 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriate funds to the Department of Health and Human Services |
LB1222 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions of the Mobile Home Landlord and Tenant Act and provide for certificates of title and liens for abandoned mobile homes |
LB1223 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Require reimbursement for lodging certain defendants in county jails and require state hospitals to maintain beds for certain patients |
LR11CA | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Constitutional amendment to change age requirements for members of the Legislature |
LR27CA | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Constitutional amendment to provide legislative authority in emergencies resulting from a pandemic |
LR76 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Referral | Interim study of court fees as a funding source for the court system and the judicial branch |
LR77 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Adopted | Recognize March 25, 2021, as the 200th anniversary of Greek independence from the Ottoman Empire |
LR83 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Referral | Interim study to examine the gubernatorial appointment process of members to boards, commissions, and similar entities |
LR84 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Recognize April 28, 2019, as Workers Memorial Day in Nebraska | |
LR97 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Referral | Interim study to determine whether further revision to the Nebraska grand jury laws is necessary |
LR106 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Referral | Interim study to review the Boiler Safety Code Advisory Board and occupational regulations for boiler inspectors |
LR123 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Referral | Interim study to assess the readiness of the Dept. of Correctional Services to implement Laws 2018, LB258, by its operative date of July 1, 2020, regarding obtaining a state identification card or renewing a driver's license |
LR124 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Referral | Interim study to examine the practices for juvenile interrogations by law enforcement and potential improvements to protect the rights of juveniles and the safety of the public |
LR128 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Referral | Interim study to review the Nebraska Wage Payment and Collection Act and the Wage and Hour Act |
LR129 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Referral | Interim study to examine issues under the jurisdiction of the Business and Labor Committee |
LR131 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Referral | Interim study to examine the lack of affordable housing in Nebraska |
LR139 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Referral | Interim study to examine the financial health of individuals in Nebraska's workforce over one year into the COVID-19 pandemic |
LR140 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Referral | Interim study to examine Nebraska's unemployment insurance system |
LR144 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Referral | Interim study to examine the effectiveness of cash bail and cash bonds for misdemeanors and city and village ordinance violations |
LR173 | 104 | Sen Hansen | Recognize the academic accomplishments of Captain Eric J. Bailey and congratulate him on receiving his master's degree | |
LR188 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Referral | Interim study to review the policy of operating trains of increasing length and the effects on worker safety and on the operations of businesses near railroad crossings |
LR189 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Referral | Interim study to examine the effectiveness of 24/7 sobriety programs and determine potential standards for statewide implementation |
LR196 | 104 | Sen Hansen | Referral | Interim study to examine current state statutes governing population thresholds for Nebraska counties |
LR215 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Referral | Interim study to examine county fees and fines set by statute and the cost for administering the associated services |
LR219 | 105 | Sen Hansen | Referral | Interim study to examine the effectiveness of section 29-901, which relates to the imposition of bail, and section 29-2206, which relates to the imposition of fines, fees, and court costs |
LR220 | 105 | Sen Hansen | Referral | Interim study to investigate the purpose and benefits of creating conviction integrity units in Nebraska |
LR221 | 105 | Sen Hansen | Referral | Interim study to examine possible reforms to Nebraska's sentencing laws to accommodate an option of deferred judgment probation |
LR335 | 104 | Sen Hansen | Referral | Interim study to examine the most recent report published by the Presidential Commission on Election Administration |
LR336 | 104 | Sen Hansen | Referral | Interim study to examine the appropriation of funds to the State Department of Education to implement mentor teacher programs |
LR356 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Referral | Interim study to examine issues within the jurisdiction of the Business and Labor Committee |
LR357 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Referral | Interim study to review occupational regulations for locksmiths |
LR358 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Referral | Interim study to review the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act |
LR359 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Referral | Interim study to review the Employment Security Law and the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the efficacy of the law |
LR367 | 105 | Sen Hansen | Congratulate the Nebraska Wesleyan University men's basketball team for winning the 2018 NCAA Division III championship | |
LR370 | 105 | Sen Hansen | Referral | Interim study to conduct a review of issues arising from the lack of mental health treatment for those in the criminal justice system |
LR376 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Referral | Interim study to determine whether reports of the resistance of public agencies to fulfill public record requests are representative of a broad statewide issue or represent isolated incidents |
LR377 | 107 | Sen Hansen, M. | Referral | Interim study to examine statutes relating to the incorporation of new municipalities |
LR381 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Referral | Interim study to review the collective-bargaining agreements of law enforcement agencies and the statutory requirements for such agreements |
LR388 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Referral | Interim study to examine the coordination of efforts to find alternatives to incarceration for offenses that involve operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol or other drugs |
LR391 | 105 | Sen Hansen | Referral | Interim study to examine the effects on elections should Nebraska switch to an all vote-by-mail system |
LR392 | 105 | Sen Hansen | Referral | Interim study to examine neighborhood issues and potential neighborhood improvement tools |
LR403 | 104 | Sen Hansen | Referral | Provide the Executive Board of the Legislative Council appoint the Election Technology Committee as a special committee of the Legislature |
LR415 | 105 | Sen Hansen | Referral | Interim study to examine the effectiveness of statute 29-901, as relates to the imposition of bail and the requiring of money bonds for misdemeanors and city ordinance violations |
LR416 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Referral | Interim study to examine the terms used to refer to law enforcement officers in Nebraska statutes |
LR417 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Referral | Interim study to examine law enforcement jurisdictions in the state and the existing policies on the use of force by law enforcement officers |
LR418 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Referral | Interim study to examine the categorization of criminal offenses |
LR419 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Referral | Interim study to examine the various age requirements in the Nebraska statutes related to minors and the age of majority |
LR432 | 105 | Sen Hansen | Referral | Interim study to examine issues faced by renters in Nebraska including rental deposits and fees, recourse for renters when rights are violated, and other issues |
LR433 | 105 | Sen Hansen | Referral | Interim study to evaluate the availability of affordable housing in Nebraska municipalities with an emphasis on rental housing |
LR434 | 106 | Sen Hansen, M. | Referral | Interim study to analyze housing throughout Nebraska |
LR526 | 104 | Sen Hansen | Referral | Interim study to examine municipal classifications |
LR543 | 104 | Sen Hansen | Referral | Interim study to examine possible legislative reforms to Nebraska laws relating to birth certificates |
LR595 | 104 | Sen Hansen | Referral | Interim study to examine the topic of food deserts and issues relating to access to healthy food in Nebraska |
LR620 | 104 | Sen Hansen | Congratulate Lincoln Northeast High School on its 75th anniversary |