Agenda for May 7th, 2015

104th Legislature, 1st Regular Session - Day 77

Seventy-Seventh Day

Thursday, May 7, 2015

9:00 a.m.

One Hundred Fourth Legislature

First Session

  • Prayer by the Chaplain
  • Call to Order - Roll Call
  • Corrections for the Journal
  • Messages, Reports, Announcements
Motion to Suspend Rule 5, Sec4(c) to permit introduction of bill (Req. 3103) (Motion made by Senator Chambers, Journal Page 1422)
10:00 A.M. -- FINAL READING (Bills Preceded with an * Will Require a Vote To Suspend At Large Reading, Pursuant to Rule 6, Section 8) (Any bill with a motion to return to Select File for a specific amendment will be passed over today.)
Document Introducer Description
*LB72 Schumacher Provide restrictions on trusts for collection of medicaid reimbursement obligations and require notice of inheritance tax petitions
LB72A Schumacher Appropriation Bill
*LB80 Gloor Provide, change, and eliminate anesthesia and sedation permit provisions under the Dentistry Practice Act
LB85 Davis To increase the maximum brand inspection fee amount that may be established by the Nebraska Brand Committee
LB132 Ebke Change joint public agency bonding powers and procedures
*LB141e Schilz Change provisions relating to the Public Entities Mandated Project Charges Act
LB240 Hansen Change the termination date of the Behavioral Health Screening and Referral Pilot Program
LB253 Morfeld Change acknowledgment requirements relating to homesteads
LB264 Morfeld Provide for issuance of credentials under the Uniform Credentialing Act based on military education, training, or experience
LB317 Kintner Repeal the Midwest Interstate Passenger Rail Compact
*LB348e Krist Change provisions relating to automatic teller machines and point-of-sale terminals
LB414 Harr Provide a property tax exemption for fraternal benefit societies
*LB449e Mello Change provisions of the Business Innovation Act and the Nebraska Visitors Development Act and state intent relating to tourism
LB458 Kolterman Authorize limited lines travel insurance producer licenses
*LB519 Sullivan Change distribution of lottery funds for education, provide for grants, change loan, incentive, and state aid provisions, create funds, and require a postsecondary education affordability study
LB519A Sullivan Appropriation Bill
*LB561 Stinner Name the Irrigation District Act and change election provisions for irrigation districts
Document Introducer Description
LB610 Smith Change motor fuel excise taxes
LB610A Smith Appropriation Bill
Document Introducer Description
LB329 Schilz Adopt the Nebraska Agritourism Promotion Act
LB643 Garrett Adopt the Medical Cannabis Act
Document Introducer Description
LB382 Cook Change provisions of the Diploma of High School Equivalency Assistance Act and state intent relating to certain transfers
LB382A Cook Appropriation Bill
LB325 Davis Change levy provisions for rural and suburban fire protection districts
LB547 Campbell Change provisions regarding use of federal block grant funds for child care activities and provide for grants to early childhood education programs
LB547A Campbell Appropriation Bill
LB591 Bolz Create the achieve a better life experience program, provide adjustments to taxable income, and adjust calculations of certain tax deductions and homestead exemptions
LB591A Bolz Appropriation Bill
LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION(s) Eligible For Adoption Pursuant to Rule 4, Section 5(b)
Document Introducer Description
LR234 Kolowski Congratulate Brittany Margritz of Skutt Catholic High School on being named a 2015 United States Presidential Scholars Semifinalist
LR235 Kolowski Congratulate Alisha Dalal of Elkhorn South High School on being named a 2015 United States Presidential Scholars Semifinalist
LR236 McCoy Congratulate Julie Classen-Cruscuolo on winning her age division in the Midwest Children's and Young Adult Authors' Network writing contest
LR237 McCoy Congratulate Ben Cross, David Connolly, Connor Krecklow, CJ Monahan, Kyle Tompkins, Dylan Stamm, Ryan Soderquist, John-Mark Connolly, and Matthew Meacham on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR238 McCoy Congratulate Celia McCaslin on winning her age division in the Midwest Children's and Young Adult Authors' Network writing contest
LR241 Davis Congratulate Cherry County Hospital on being named one of the iVantage Health Analytics Top 100 Critical Access Hospitals in the United States

  • Messages on the President's Desk
  • Adjourn until Tuesday, May 12, 2015 at 10:00 a.m.