Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Kolowski, 31 in All Legislatures

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Document Legislature Primary Introducer Status Description
LB38 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Change motor vehicle homicide penalties and provide penalties for causing serious bodily injury to vulnerable road users
LB39 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Change provisions regarding passing bicycles and bicycle operating regulations
LB140 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the Indoor Tanning Facility Act
LB197 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Provide for electronic application for an early voting ballot
LB211 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Authorize chiropractors to provide school entrance physical examinations and visual evaluations
LB270 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the State Department of Education
LB281 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Child Support for College Savings Act
LB307 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to stalking and domestic abuse
LB308 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Provide for preregistration to vote
LB326 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Provide additional budget and tax levy authority for certain school districts
LB343 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Provide funding for schools offering certain programs and courses as prescribed
LB344 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Provide natural resources districts with the power to issue general obligation bonds
LB345 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Property Tax Relief Act
LB346 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Authorize school districts to levy a tax and exceed budget authority for school security measures
LB354 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Wage Disclosure Act
LB361 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Exempt sales of clothing and footwear from sales and use taxes as prescribed
LB409 Sen Kolowski Passed Adopt design standards for health care facilities
LB410 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Exempt certain sales of clothing and footwear from sales and use taxes
LB416 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Change teacher education allowance provisions relative to the state aid formula
LB417 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Provide for guidelines for election workers
LB418 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Change powers and duties of election commissioners, chief deputy election commissioners, and county boards
LB471 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Provide for enforcement of the prohibition against using a handheld wireless communication device as a primary action
LB484 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Create the School Financing Review Commission
LB546 Sen Kolowski Passed Eliminate and change provisions relating to the review of postsecondary capital construction projects
LB547 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Provide an income tax credit for payments to school districts for extracurricular activities and character education programs
LB556 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Waive workers' compensation as the exclusive remedy if an employer is willfully negligent
LB557 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Redefine a term under the Nebraska Clean Indoor Air Act
LB558 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Provide an exception for certain food operations under the Nebraska Pure Food Act and provide a duty for the Department of Agriculture
LB575 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Provide funding for schools offering certain programs and courses as prescribed
LB594 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Change contribution rates for certain police officers and county employees
LB610 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Community Solar Energy Economic Development Act
LB619 Sen Kolowski Passed Prohibit denial of coverage for mental health services delivered in a school
LB620 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Provide for enforcement of violations relating to use of handheld wireless communication devices as a primary action
LB621 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to solar energy and wind energy, declare certain instruments void and unenforceable, and provide for a civil cause of action
LB630 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Redefine place of employment for Nebraska Clean Indoor Air Act
LB633 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Authorize school districts to levy a tax and exceed budget authority for school security measures and student technology
LB652 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Authorize the display of the Honor and Remember Flag
LB716 Sen Kolowski Passed Provide and eliminate provisions regarding pedestrians and bicyclists
LB722 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Recognition and Enforcement of Tribal Court Civil Judgments Act
LB729 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Create the Task Force on Expanded Learning Opportunities for School-Age Youth
LB730 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Change reporting provisions under the Child Protection Act
LB731 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to workers' compensation first injury reports
LB732 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Change asset limitation for certain programs of public assistance
LB733 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Provide and change requirements for polling places
LB733A Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Appropriation Bill
LB818 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to immunity when submitting a complaint under the Children's Residential Facilities and Placing Licensure Act
LB872 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Create the position of state school security director and provide duties
LB872A Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Appropriation Bill
LB876 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Change special education reimbursements
LB877 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Change provisions related to early childhood education in the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act
LB902 Sen Kolowski Passed Change the Nebraska Clean-burning Motor Fuel Development Act
LB903 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Provide for Down Syndrome Awareness license plates
LB904 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Create an endowment fund to provide grants for a black history museum and center
LB912 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Property Tax Relief Act
LB913 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Provide an income tax credit for property taxes paid
LB971 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Change and eliminate provisions relating to stacking of insurance coverage
LB973 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Homeowner Association Act
LB974 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Exempt sales of clothing, school supplies, computers, and computer-related accessories from sales and use taxes
LB1003 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Provide for natural resources districts to issue general obligation bonds
LB1007 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Authorize school districts to levy a tax and establish a fund for facilities-related expenditures
LB1036 Sen Kolowski Passed Change the expenditure limit for a recognition dinner under the Local Government Miscellaneous Expenditure Act
LB1073 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Authorize the display of the Honor and Remember flag as prescribed
LB1074 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the State Department of Education
LB1112 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to payment for sexual assault forensic examinations
LB1113 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Provide that photographing or recording a peace officer is not obstruction of justice
LB1168 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Adopt the College Credit Testing Fee Reduction Program Act and the Career-Readiness and Dual-Credit Education Grant Program Act, add a fund to the Access College Early Scholarship Program Act, and change provisions relating to the State Lottery Operation Trust Fund
LR37 Sen Kolowski Congratulate Jacob McNeill for being chosen as a Nebraska delegate to the United States Senate Youth Program
LR38 Sen Kolowski Recognize March 3, 2017, as National Speech and Debate Education Day in the State of Nebraska
LR46 Sen Kolowski Extend sympathy to the family of George Anderson
LR88 Sen Kolowski Congratulate the Skutt Catholic High School wrestling team for winning the 2015 Class B state championship
LR89 Sen Kolowski Congratulate the Millard South High School wrestling team for winning the 2015 Class A state championship
LR129 Sen Kolowski Referral Interim study to explore best practices for incorporating the study of the Holocaust and other genocides into primary and secondary curriculum
LR140 Sen Kolowski Referral Interim study to examine the roles and guidelines of homeowners' associations
LR143 Sen Kolowski Referral Interim study to examine pay equity issues
LR177 Sen Kolowski Congratulate the Skutt Catholic High School speech team for winning the 2015 Class B state tournament
LR208 Sen Kolowski Referral Interim study to examine security in the public schools
LR211 Sen Kolowski Referral Interim study to examine and define the need for increased access to, and the costs of, quality expanded learning opportunities for K-12 children, focusing on at-risk children
LR212 Sen Kolowski Referral Interim study to examine an allowance or aid component within the state aid formula for recognizing the costs of schools districts that encourage teachers to improve their skills and knowledge in order to increase student achievement
LR213 Sen Kolowski Referral Interim study to examine the college savings plans administered under the Nebraska educational savings plan trust and ways to increase plan participation
LR225 Sen Kolowski Congratulate the Millard West High School girls' soccer team for winning the 2019 Class A state championship
LR234 Sen Kolowski Congratulate Brittany Margritz of Skutt Catholic High School on being named a 2015 United States Presidential Scholars Semifinalist
LR235 Sen Kolowski Congratulate Alisha Dalal of Elkhorn South High School on being named a 2015 United States Presidential Scholars Semifinalist
LR239 Sen Kolowski Referral Interim study to examine issues related to solar energy development in Nebraska
LR249 Sen Kolowski Congratulate the Millard West High School girls' soccer team for winning the 2013 Class A state championship
LR255 Sen Kolowski Congratulate the Millard West High baseball team for winning the 2019 Class A state championship
LR270CA Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to reduce the minimum age in the constitutional requirement to provide free instruction
LR285 Sen Kolowski Referral Interim study to examine class size in Nebraska's public schools
LR291 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Recommend that school administrators, teachers, parents, and students be educated about the potential health impact of heavy backpacks
LR294 Sen Kolowski Indefinitely postponed Review various climate-related findings and acknowledge an anthropogenic climate and ecological crisis
LR299 Sen Kolowski Referral Interim study to examine the opportunity gap in third grade reading scores
LR310 Sen Kolowski Congratulate Gabrielle McGinn on receiving the Gatorade Nebraska Girls Cross Country Runner of the Year
LR314 Sen Kolowski Referral Interim study to examine issues relating to the use of restraint and seclusion techniques in Nebraska schools
LR322 Sen Kolowski Referral Interim study to examine the potential for the expansion of fruit and produce gleaning in Nebraska
LR328 Sen Kolowski Recognize Friday, March 2, 2018, as National Speech and Debate Education Day in the State of Nebraska
LR346 Sen Kolowski Congratulate the Millard West High School girls' track team for winning the 2013 Class A track and field championship
LR357 Sen Kolowski Referral Interim study to examine the current status of early childhood education
LR358 Sen Kolowski Congratulate the Elkhorn South High School girls' soccer team for winning the 2015 Class B state championship
LR359 Sen Kolowski Congratulate the Millard West High School boys' soccer team for winning the 2015 Class A state championship
LR371 Sen Kolowski Recognize Bruce Froendt as an outstanding leader and mentor
LR388 Sen Kolowski Recognize Jeff Slobotski as an outstanding leader and innovator
LR406 Sen Kolowski Congratulate the Skutt Catholic High School football team for winning the 2013 Class B state championship
LR421 Sen Kolowski Congratulate the Millard West High School Marching Band on their accomplishments and on being named Grand Champion at the 2015 National Funding Holiday Bowl
LR424 Sen Kolowski Congratulate Sean Lynch II for being chosen as a Nebraska delegate to the United States Senate Youth Program
LR428 Sen Kolowski Congratulate Joseph Zach for being chosen as a Nebraska delegate to the United States Senate Youth Program
LR438 Sen Kolowski Congratulate Abby Gilreath on being named Nebraska's winner of the Doodle 4 Google contest and wish her luck in the national finals
LR443 Sen Kolowski Congratulate Golden Kelly for receiving a 2016 Prudential Spirit of Community Award
LR444 Sen Kolowski Congratulate Grace Kelly for being named a Distinguished Finalist for the 2016 Prudential Spirit of Community Award
LR448 Sen Kolowski Congratulate Morgan Coil for receiving a 2014 Prudential Spirit of Community Award
LR450 Sen Kolowski Referral Interim study to examine methods of increasing solar energy development in Nebraska
LR456 Sen Kolowski Recognize Nadia Maudhoo for her musical talents and her contributions to her community
LR457 Sen Kolowski Recognize Michal P. Lisowyj for his achievements and dedicated service to the Millard West High School Band
LR472 Sen Kolowski Congratulate the George Russell Middle School MathCounts team and Owen Gong on their achievements
LR474 Sen Kolowski Congratulate Harrison Phillips for his accomplishments
LR513 Sen Kolowski Extend sympathy to the family of James A. Johnston
LR545 Sen Kolowski Referral Interim study to examine state-wide efforts that can be taken to improve Nebraska's access to local food supply and distribution networks
LR546 Sen Kolowski Referral Interim study to review existing state and local programs and policies on expanded learning opportunities
LR567 Sen Kolowski Referral Interim study to examine potential funding sources for the Great Plains Black History Museum, Science and Technology Center in Omaha, Nebraska
LR568 Sen Kolowski Referral Interim study to examine options for the creation of a Nebraska educational trust fund for the purpose of stabilizing the availability of state aid to education when there is a significant decline in state sales and income tax revenue
LR569 Sen Kolowski Referral Interim study to examine the professional development of forensic science in Nebraska
LR621 Sen Kolowski Congratulate Thomas D'Aquila on his selection as an alternate winner in this year's Letters About Literature program competition