Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Campbell, 25 in All Legislatures

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Document Legislature Primary Introducer Status Description
LB87 Sen Campbell Passed Change membership and reporting requirements of the Nebraska Children's Commission
LB88 Sen Campbell Passed Change fees relating to marriage licenses
LB89 Sen Campbell Governor Veto Change provisions relating to aid to dependent children and create the Intergenerational Poverty Task Force
LB89A Sen Campbell Governor Veto Appropriation Bill
LB90 Sen Campbell Passed Change provisions for directed review under the Nebraska Regulation of Health Professions Act
LB160 Sen Campbell Passed Eliminate a duty of the county assessor relating to information on trusts that own agricultural land
LB162 Sen Campbell Passed Change provisions relating to abstracts of property assessment rolls
LB177 Sen Campbell Passed Change foster care provisions
LB196 Sen Campbell Passed Change provisions of the Rural Health Systems and Professional Incentive Act
LB196A Sen Campbell Indefinitely postponed Appropriation Bill
LB225 Sen Campbell Passed Change provisions relating to issuance of credentials under the Uniform Credentialing Act
LB254 Sen Campbell Passed Provide and change requirements for instruments recorded by the register of deeds
LB265 Sen Campbell Passed Change provisions relating to juveniles and child welfare
LB268 Sen Campbell Indefinitely postponed State intent to appropriate funds for upgrade of an electronic data collection system related to child welfare and other economic assistance programs
LB269 Sen Campbell Passed Change provisions relating to children and families
LB269A Sen Campbell Passed Appropriation Bill
LB270 Sen Campbell Indefinitely postponed Provide for a medicaid state plan amendment relating to services for children with serious emotional disturbance
LB294 Sen Campbell Passed Change the length of time for county building levies
LB295 Sen Campbell Indefinitely postponed Provide and change recording requirements for filings with the register of deeds
LB302 Sen Campbell Indefinitely postponed Create the offense of rehoming a child
LB327 Sen Campbell Indefinitely postponed Change motor vehicle fees and distribution of the proceeds
LB353 Sen Campbell Indefinitely postponed Change credentialing provisions for nursing home administrators
LB371 Sen Campbell Indefinitely postponed Change Medicaid Reform Plan and Medicaid Reform Council provisions
LB372 Sen Campbell Passed Change provisions relating to the release of driver's license digital images or digital signatures
LB425 Sen Campbell Indefinitely postponed State intent to appropriate funds for intervention services for at-risk children and youth
LB433 Sen Campbell Indefinitely postponed Provide requirements for contracts for child welfare services between private agencies and the Department of Health and Human Services
LB448 Sen Campbell Indefinitely postponed Require an influenza vaccination pilot program
LB449 Sen Campbell Passed Change disability retirement allowance provisions of the School Employees Retirement Act
LB450 Sen Campbell Passed Change Nebraska State Capitol Environs District height restriction provisions
LB451 Sen Campbell Indefinitely postponed Rename the Hearing Aid Instrument Dispensers and Fitters Practice Act
LB457 Sen Campbell Indefinitely postponed Provide for notice of preliminary valuations and in-person meeting relating to property taxes and change certain dates
LB464 Sen Campbell Passed Change child care reimbursement
LB465 Sen Campbell Passed Eliminate provisions relating to eligibility of non-United-States citizens for public assistance
LB467 Sen Campbell Indefinitely postponed Change eligibility provisions relating to the medical assistance program
LB468 Sen Campbell Passed Change reporting provisions relating to the medical assistance program
LB472 Sen Campbell Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Medicaid Redesign Act
LB472A Sen Campbell Indefinitely postponed Appropriation Bill
LB504 Sen Campbell Indefinitely postponed Change motor fuel tax rates
LB507 Sen Campbell Passed Adopt the Step Up to Quality Child Care Act
LB507A Sen Campbell Passed Appropriation Bill
LB508 Sen Campbell Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the aid to dependent children program
LB540A Sen Campbell Indefinitely postponed Appropriation Bill
LB541 Sen Campbell Indefinitely postponed Exempt certain adult dental services from medicaid limitations
LB541A Sen Campbell Passed Appropriation Bill
LB542 Sen Campbell Indefinitely postponed Provide for rules and regulations regarding dental assistants
LB543 Sen Campbell Indefinitely postponed Provide an exemption from motor vehicle industry licensing requirements
LB547 Sen Campbell Passed Change provisions regarding use of federal block grant funds for child care activities and provide for grants to early childhood education programs
LB547A Sen Campbell Passed Appropriation Bill
LB548 Sen Campbell Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Surgical Assistant Practice Act
LB549 Sen Campbell Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Health Care Transformation Act
LB549A Sen Campbell Indefinitely postponed Appropriation Bill
LB577 Sen Campbell Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the medical assistance program
LB577A Sen Campbell Indefinitely postponed Appropriation Bill
LB599 Sen Campbell Veto Overridden Provide coverage for certain children pursuant to the medical assistance program and change provisions relating to verification of lawful presence
LB599A Sen Campbell Veto Overridden Appropriation Bill
LB600 Sen Campbell Veto Overridden Adopt the Nursing Facility Quality Assurance Assessment Act
LB600A Sen Campbell Veto Overridden Appropriation Bill
LB601 Sen Campbell Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to child care reimbursement
LB602 Sen Campbell Indefinitely postponed Require the Department of Health and Human Services to apply for medicaid amendments, options, and waivers
LB607A Sen Campbell Passed Appropriation Bill
LB626 Sen Campbell Indefinitely postponed Create a fund and change motor vehicle fees and taxes and their distribution
LB746 Sen Campbell Passed Adopt the Nebraska Strengthening Families Act, change provisions for guardians ad litem and services for children, create the Normalcy Task Force, and eliminate a reporting requirement
LB746A Sen Campbell Passed Appropriation Bill
LB788 Sen Campbell Passed Change respiratory care practice requirements
LB806 Sen Campbell Passed Change provisions relating to agricultural or horticultural land valuation
LB820A Sen Campbell Passed Appropriation Bill
LB821A Sen Campbell Passed Appropriation Bill
LB859 Sen Campbell Passed Change cease and desist orders under the Uniform Credentialing Act
LB887 Sen Campbell Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Wellness in Nebraska Act
LB887A Sen Campbell Indefinitely postponed Appropriation Bill
LB921 Sen Campbell Indefinitely postponed Provide time limits for payment of claims under the medical assistance program
LB970 Sen Campbell Passed Change provisions relating to appeals from county planning commission decisions
LB971 Sen Campbell Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to care and placement of neglected children and children in foster care
LB982 Sen Campbell Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Build Nebraska Act and authorize issuance of highway bonds
LB994A Sen Campbell Passed Appropriation Bill
LB999 Sen Campbell Passed Provide a moratorium on new hospital licenses and a study on health care
LB1011 Sen Campbell Passed Change provisions relating to at-risk managed care contracts as prescribed
LB1033 Sen Campbell Passed Create an advisory committee relating to persons with disabilities within the Department of Health and Human Services
LB1034 Sen Campbell Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Children's Commission
LB1036 Sen Campbell Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Credit Services Organization Act, the Delayed Deposit Services Licensing Act, and the Nebraska Installment Loan Act
LB1042 Sen Campbell Passed Authorize nurse practitioners to sign death certificates
LB1050 Sen Campbell Passed Change provisions relating to inspections of certain child care facilities
LB1076 Sen Campbell Passed Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Telehealth Act
LB1081 Sen Campbell Passed Change provisions relating to eligibility for public assistance and eliminate termination dates for self-sufficiency contracts
LB1110 Sen Campbell Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to coverage for certain children under the Medical Assistance Program as prescribed
LB1160A Sen Campbell Passed Appropriation Bill
(1st Special)
Sen Campbell Congratulate Joseph Beran for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
(1st Special)
Sen Campbell Recognize November 2011 as Lung Cancer Awareness Month
LR22 Sen Campbell Referral Provide the Health and Human Services Committee and the Banking, Commerce and Insurance Committee be designated to convene a Partnership Towards Nebraska's Health Care System Transformation
LR30 Sen Campbell Indefinitely postponed Provide for continuation of the Health Care Reform Implementation and Oversight Committee
LR31 Sen Campbell Referral Provide the Executive Board appoint the Children's Behavioral Health Oversight Committee as a special committee
LR41 Sen Campbell Referral Urge the Nebraska congressional delegation to support efforts in Congress to establish a national training center in highly infectious diseases at the University of Nebraska Medical Center
LR52 Sen Campbell Referral Interim study to examine the Child and Maternal Death Review Act
LR61 Sen Campbell Congratulate My'Kah Knowlin for receiving the 2013 Prudential Spirit of Community Award
LR76 Sen Campbell Congratulate Justin Kuzila for earning the rank of Eagle Scout
LR84 Sen Campbell Congratulate Steven W. Patras for earning the rank of Eagle Scout
LR89 Sen Campbell Congratulate Brianna Brass for being named a 2011 Distinguished Finalist in the Prudential Spirit of Community Awards
LR105 Sen Campbell Congratulate My'Kah Knowlin for being named a distinguished finalist for the 2015 Prudential Spirit of Community Award
LR116 Sen Campbell Congratulate Ellie Walstad on her exceptional personal achievements
LR136 Sen Campbell Congratulate Tyler Ryne Unruh on earning the rank of Eagle Scout
LR150 Sen Campbell Interim study to examine the Department of Health and Human Services' plan to contract for delivery of medicaid services using an at-risk capitated managed care model
LR157 Sen Campbell Congratulate Thomas A. Patras on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR159 Sen Campbell Congratulate the Lincoln Christian High School boys' basketball team on winning the 2011 Class C-2 state championship
LR164 Sen Campbell Interim study to examine the federal Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008 and its implementation in Nebraska
LR169 Sen Campbell Congratulate the Lux Middle School 2009 Science Bowl team for winning the Nebraska Middle School Science Bowl Competition and finishing fifth in the National Middle School Science Bowl Competition
LR174 Sen Campbell Recognize May 9, 2013, as National Children's Mental Health Awareness Day
LR194 Sen Campbell Recognize April 2015 as Child Abuse Prevention Month in Nebraska
LR218 Sen Campbell Referral Interim study to examine fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
LR237 Sen Campbell Referral Interim study to assess the extent to which Nebraska has implemented key provisions of the federal Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008
LR241 Sen Campbell Referral Interim study to examine the financial impact of, and financing options for, medicaid expansion under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act for medical assistance for newly eligible individuals
LR248 Sen Campbell Referral Interim study to examine the federal Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act and its implementation in Nebraska
LR250 Sen Campbell Referral Interim study to examine issues under the jurisdiction of the Health and Human Services Committee
LR275 Sen Campbell Congratulate Terri, Loren, Andrew, and Ashley Neujahr for being named the Lancaster County Kiwanis Farm Family of the Year for 2009
LR282 Sen Campbell Referral Interim study to provide for review, assessment, and recommendations relating to the implementation of the Nebraska Health Care Funding Act
LR291 Sen Campbell Referral Interim study to examine stroke systems of care
LR292 Sen Campbell Referral Interim study to examine issues relating to public assistance programs for relative or kinship caregivers
LR293 Sen Campbell Referral Interim study to continue the work of the select committee appointed pursuant to LR467, 2010, to conduct research regarding the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
LR300 Sen Campbell Referral Interim study to examine the out-of-state placements of Nebraska children
LR304 Sen Campbell Referral Interim study to examine and assess the behavioral health needs of children and youth in Nebraska and the resources available to meet those needs
LR331 Sen Campbell Congratulate Jerry Baugh on his forty years of service with the United States Dept. of Veterans Affairs
LR337 Sen Campbell Extend sympathy to the family of Bill Kloefkorn
LR355 Sen Campbell Commend the veterans who served on the USS Oriskany and welcome to Nebraska those who will attend the 25th USS Oriskany reunion on October 4-7, 2015
LR402 Sen Campbell Congratulate the Waverly Community Library on its grand opening
LR416 Sen Campbell Commemorate the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of Justin Smith Morrill on April 14, 2010
LR422 Sen Campbell Congratulate the Lincoln Electric System and all of its present and past employees and board members on its 50th anniversary of operation in Lincoln
LR443 Sen Campbell Extend sympathy to the family, friends, and former colleagues of Charles J. Egr
LR454 Sen Campbell Congratulate My'Kah Knowlin for receiving a 2016 Prudential Spirit of Community Award
LR463 Sen Campbell Referral Interim study to examine ways to improve the coverage of hearing aid costs for Nebraska families
LR466 Sen Campbell Interim study to examine the operation and accomplishments of the Drug Use Review and preferred drug list activities of the Division of Medicaid and Long-Term Care of the Department of Health and Human Services
LR470 Sen Campbell Congratulate the Lincoln East High School girls' basketball team on winning the 2016 Class A girls' state championship
LR499 Sen Campbell Referral Interim study to examine any issues within the jurisdiction of the Health and Human Services Committee
LR501 Sen Campbell Interim study to examine costs to the state and infant and child outcomes associated with not providing prenatal services through the medicaid program to low-income women in Nebraska
LR517 Sen Campbell Interim study to review the operations and usefulness of the Regulation of Health Professions Act
LR518 Sen Campbell Interim study to review the efficiency associated with the fact that the Department of Motor Vehicles is solely responsible for issuance of drivers' licenses, permits, and state identification cards and collection of fees
LR529 Sen Campbell Referral Interim study to provide for review and assessment and make recommendations relating to the entry of children into the child welfare system
LR539 Sen Campbell Referral Interim study to examine whether the maximum payment rate in the Aid to Dependent Children program, is adequate to meet the goals of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program, including keeping children in their own home
LR540 Sen Campbell Referral Interim study to examine the treatment and services for people dually diagnosed with I/DD and MI or I/DD and behavioral health problems
LR541 Sen Campbell Referral Interim study to examine the implementation of educational stability plans for children in foster care under the federal Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008
LR542 Sen Campbell Referral Interim study to examine issues regarding the current guardian ad litem system
LR545 Sen Campbell Referral Interim study to examine medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program, with an emphasis on children that are eligible but unenrolled in these programs
LR576 Sen Campbell Referral Interim study to examine the current status of the sharing of electronic health records and health information exchanges in Nebraska
LR580 Sen Campbell Referral Interim study to examine the reform effort of Nebraska's behavioral health system
LR610 Sen Campbell Congratulate the Lincoln East High School speech team for winning the 2012 Class A state speech championship