Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Legislation Referred To Appropriations Committee in the 109th Legislature

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Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LB11 Hughes Referral Appropriate funds for the Nebraska Statewide Workforce and Education Reporting System Act
LB15 Dungan Referral State intent regarding appropriations for interpreter services for the Supreme Court
LB25 Ballard Referral Appropriate funds to the Department of Administrative Services for interoperable communication equipment
LB54 Dorn Referral State intent regarding appropriations for providers of developmental disability services
LB55 Dorn Referral State intent regarding appropriations for medicaid rates for mental health providers
LB57 Dorn Referral State intent regarding appropriations for medicaid assisted-living facilities
LB62 Brandt Referral Appropriate funds for certain communications equipment
LB86 Dorn Referral Appropriate funds to the Department of Natural Resources
LB88 Dorn Referral Appropriate funds to the Department of Economic Development
LB130 Dungan Referral Change provisions relating to General Fund net receipts and transfers to the Cash Reserve Fund
LB146 Ibach Referral State intent regarding appropriations for dental services under the Medical Assistance Act
LB173 Prokop Referral Appropriate funds for aid to community colleges and state intent
LB188 Dover Referral State intent to appropriate for medicaid nursing facility rates
LB254 Hallstrom Referral State legislative intent to transfer funds for workforce housing
LB260 Speaker Arch Referral Provide, change, and eliminate provisions relating to appropriations
LB261 Speaker Arch Referral Appropriate funds for the expenses of Nebraska State Government for the biennium ending June 30, 2027, and appropriate Federal Funds allocated to the State of Nebraska pursuant to the federal American Rescue Plan Act of 2021
LB262 Speaker Arch Referral Appropriate funds for salaries of members of the Legislature
LB263 Speaker Arch Referral Appropriate funds for salaries of constitutional officers
LB264 Speaker Arch Referral Provide, change, and eliminate transfers from the Cash Reserve Fund and various other funds and change, terminate, and eliminate various statutory programs
LB284 Guereca Referral Appropriate funds to the Department of Health and Human Services
LB307 Ibach Referral State intent regarding appropriations for tuition waivers
LB348 Prokop Referral Appropriate funds for domestic violence services
LB359 Cavanaugh, M. Referral State intent regarding appropriations for reimbursement rates for child welfare service providers
LB392 Clements Referral Appropriate funds for the Legislative Council
LB393 Clements Referral Eliminate obsolete transfers relating to the Cash Reserve Fund
LB451 Prokop Referral Change provisions relating to the Unclaimed Property Trust Fund and the Capitol Restoration Cash Fund
LB452 Prokop Referral State intent regarding appropriation of federal funds
LB460 Juarez Referral Create the Nebraska Council on Economic Education Cash Fund and provide for a transfer from the State Settlement Cash Fund
LB491 DeKay Referral Change provisions regarding appropriations from the Museum Construction and Maintenance Fund
LB505 Prokop Referral State intent regarding appropriations for food assistance
LB580 Cavanaugh, M. Referral Appropriate funds to the Department of Environment and Energy
LB581 Cavanaugh, M. Referral Appropriate funds to the Department of Health and Human Services
LB621 Dover Referral State legislative intent regarding appropriations and provide for transfers from the Nebraska Health Care Cash Fund
LB623 Dover Referral State intent regarding appropriations
LB624 Dover Referral Appropriate funds to the State Treasurer for education scholarships
LB627 Dover Referral Provide for a capital construction project for the University of Nebraska
LB654 Murman Referral Appropriate funds to the Department of Agriculture
LB673 Raybould Referral Change provisions relating to the Perkins County Canal Project and provide for a transfer from the Perkins County Canal Project Fund
LB674 Raybould Referral Change provisions relating to the Perkins County Canal Project and provide for transfers from the Perkins County Canal Project Fund
LB678 Hardin Referral State intent regarding appropriations to the Board of Trustees of the Nebraska State Colleges