Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Howard, 9 in All Legislatures

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Document Legislature Primary Introducer Status Description
LB52 100 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Create a task force to examine the prescription and administration of certain drugs to children who are wards of the state
LB53 100 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Prohibit smoking in certain foster care homes
LB54 100 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Provide qualifications for certain child protection and safety workers
LB55 100 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Change provisions governing funding of home visitation, child, and parenting programs
LB56 100 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds for alcohol-related birth defects prevention programs
LB64 101 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Lindsay Ann Burke Act and provide duties for the State Department of Education and school districts with respect to dating violence
LB82 101 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Require notification of change in a juvenile's case manager under the Nebraska Juvenile Code
LB84 100 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Regulate traffic approaching or passing an authorized emergency vehicle
LB85 100 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Create the Nebraska Health Insurance Policy Coalition
LB86 100 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Health Care Facility Licensure Act covering applicants for licensure
LB87 100 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Require that all state service contracts be awarded and performed in the United States
LB90 100 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Change the earned income disregard in the Welfare Reform Act
LB91 101 Sen Howard Passed Provide for a subsidized adoption of a child who was under a subsidized guardianship prior thereto
LB92 102 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Change caseload provisions for public child welfare service caseworkers
LB93 102 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed State legislative intent with respect to administrators' salaries within the Division of Children and Family Services of the Department of Health and Human Services
LB94 102 Sen Howard Passed Allow petitioners for adoption of a state ward to read the child's case file
LB95 102 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Require accreditation by lead agencies and a moratorium on agencies contracting with the Department of Health and Human Services and change requirements for child-caring agencies
LB146 101 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Provide for simulated pharmacies
LB193 102 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Change cost provisions for proceedings before the Nebraska Liquor Control Commission
LB194 102 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Change salary and benefit provisions of members of the Nebraska Liquor Control Commission
LB205 100 Sen Howard Passed Require schools to adopt a bullying policy
LB237 102 Sen Howard Passed Provide for creation of a prescription drug monitoring program
LB267 102 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Require application for a waiver to limit the types of beverages which may be purchased with Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits
LB268 102 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Require return to the payee of insufficient funds checks
LB300 100 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Create the State Work Incentive Program
LB324 102 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Require fetal alcohol determination prior to adoption of a state ward
LB325 102 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds for behavioral health care in Region 6 as prescribed
LB338 102 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Provide preference requirements for state service and personal property contracts
LB369 102 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Require state agencies to develop and implement energy conservation plans
LB401 102 Sen Howard Passed Require assisted-living facilities to provide written information to applicants for admission
LB402 102 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Change penalties relating to third-degree assault on a social worker and provide for social worker safety training
LB410 100 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Change child welfare caseload provisions
LB411 100 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Require standards for training for certain new health and human services employees
LB438 102 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Increase fines for handicapped parking infractions
LB497 102 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Suspend requirements for percentage of appropriations for works of art in public buildings as prescribed
LB518 100 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the eligibility of children under the Medical Assistance Act
LB519 100 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Require a review of property valuations
LB520 102 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to student transportation
LB521 100 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Add classifications of students to be reported in the fall school district membership reports
LB542 102 Sen Howard Passed Require hospitals to offer and require employee influenza vaccinations as prescribed
LB599 101 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Require health care facilities to provide itemized billing statements upon patient's request
LB604 101 Sen Howard Passed Change the Pharmacy Practice Act to change provisions relating to medical gas distribution
LB605 101 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Change liquor license provisions
LB614 101 Sen Howard Withdrawn Provide for licensure of macro social workers
LB619 101 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Change mental health board membership provisions
LB767 102 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Require records of dates and hours of work for state officers and employees
LB768 102 Sen Howard Passed Change provisions relating to access to adoption case files
LB774 102 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Change and add reporting requirements relating to child welfare
LB782 100 Sen Howard Passed Allow disclosure of child abuse and neglect information
LB783 100 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Provide an income tax credit for adoption expenses as prescribed
LB784 100 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Prohibit immigration law violators from receiving incentives under the Nebraska Advantage Act
LB784A 100 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Appropriations bill
LB785 100 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Require seller of residential real estate to provide purchaser with information regarding sex offender registration
LB786 100 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Regulate traffic approaching or passing a stopped authorized emergency vehicle
LB827 101 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Provide requirements for prescription training for renewal of certain health practitioner licenses
LB831 102 Sen Howard Passed Adopt the Genetic Counseling Practice Act
LB832 102 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Require a report on qualifications by proposed appointee as chief executive officer of the Department of Health and Human Services
LB834 101 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Change provisions and penalties relating to liquor licenses
LB835 101 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Change reporting provisions of the Nebraska Hospital-Medical Liability Act
LB836 100 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Prohibit smoking in a vehicle when minors are present
LB837 102 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Create a task force to review use of certain drugs by wards of the state
LB845 101 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Require energy conservation by state agencies
LB854 101 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Change requirements for licensure under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act
LB866 101 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Provide for a dispensing practitioner permit and change other provisions relating to pharmacy
LB874 102 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Change foster care licensure provisions
LB875 102 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Prohibit driving while using wireless communication devices in school crossing zones and construction zones
LB876 101 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Change recovery amounts under the Nebraska Hospital-Medical Liability Act
LB897 101 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Change income limits for homestead tax exemption purposes
LB902 101 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Provide for an information form for assisted-living facilities
LB903 101 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Require the Department of Health and Human Services to establish criteria to evaluate the adequacy of Alzheimer's special care units
LB904 101 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Provide for enhanced assisted-living certificates for certain assisted-living facilities
LB958 102 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Provide for appropriations to the Nursing Faculty Student Loan Act
LB984 101 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Change a penalty relating to child abuse
LB988 102 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Provide a rate of payment for certain medical services in emergency protective custody situations
LB1005 100 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to learning community diversity plans
LB1042 100 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Resale of Tickets to Entertainment Events Act and provide penalties
LB1047 102 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Require safe injection practices as prescribed
LB1048 102 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Increase an appropriation for nurse visitation services as prescribed
LB1057 100 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Common Schools Facilities Equalization Aid Act
LB1058 101 Sen Howard Indefinitely postponed Rename and change a formula in the Community College Foundation and Equalization Aid Act
LB1077 102 Sen Howard Passed Require certain health care facilities to offer vaccinations to residents and patients
(1st Special)
101 Sen Howard Congratulate Nebraska Mission of Mercy for its efforts in serving over six thousand dental patients in Nebraska
LR34 102 Sen Howard Recognize the month of March 2011 as Professional Social Work Month in Nebraska
LR36 102 Sen Howard Extend sympathy to the family of Brady Kruse
LR59 100 Sen Howard Designate September 24-28, 2007, as Nebraska School Bullying Awareness Week
LR62 100 Sen Howard Honor the memory of Charles Werner Warren and his many achievements for the betterment of the environment
LR63 100 Sen Howard Recognize March, 2007, as Professional Social Work Month in Nebraska
LR64 100 Sen Howard Recognize November, 2007, as Adoption Awareness Month in Nebraska
LR65 100 Sen Howard Recognize April, 2007, as Child Abuse Prevention Month in Nebraska
LR67 101 Sen Howard Recognize March 2009 as Professional Social Work Month in Nebraska
LR85 101 Sen Howard Recognize November 21, 2009, as Adoption Day in Nebraska
LR86 101 Sen Howard Designate the week of October 4th through 10th, 2009, as Nebraska School Bullying Awareness Week
LR98 100 Sen Howard Interim study to evaluate how child support disregards/pass-throughs impact the economic self sufficiency of participants in Temporary Assistance for Needy Families programs
LR100 101 Sen Howard Congratulate the faculty, students, parents, and alumni of Central High School on its 150th anniversary in 2009
LR107 102 Sen Howard Designate October 2011 as Nebraska School Bullying Prevention Month
LR109 102 Sen Howard Congratulate Dr. Harris Frankel for being named the eHealth Physician Advocate of the Year
LR110 102 Sen Howard Designate October 2011 as Prescription Drug Abuse Awareness Month in Nebraska
LR113 102 Sen Howard Designate September 9, 2011, as Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Awareness Day in Nebraska
LR114 102 Sen Howard Designate November 2011 as Prematurity Awareness Month in Nebraska
LR143 102 Sen Howard Recognize the Nebraska Legislative League for nearly a century of commitment to public service
LR179 101 Sen Howard Interim study to examine the requirements and conditions of the state's contract with Magellan Behavioral Health Services
LR226 101 Sen Howard Interim study to examine medical malpractice liability
LR244 100 Sen Howard Designate the week of October 5-11, 2008, as Nebraska School Bullying Awareness Week
LR246 100 Sen Howard Recognize March, 2008, as Professional Social Work Month in Nebraska
LR267 100 Sen Howard Honor the services of Nebraska's Motorists Assist volunteers
LR273 101 Sen Howard Urge the United States in its relations with the Turkish government to encourage the Turkish government to take certain actions
LR274 101 Sen Howard Recognize March, 2010, as Professional Social Work Month in Nebraska
LR279 102 Sen Howard Referral Interim study to examine issues relating to the compensation and benefits of the commissioners of the Nebraska Liquor Control Commission
LR290 102 Sen Howard Referral Interim study to examine the procedures of the Dept. of Health and Human Services relating to the evaluation of state wards for fetal alcohol spectrum disorders prior to adoption
LR291 102 Sen Howard Referral Interim study to evaluate methods of reporting and preventing hospital-acquired infections (HAIs)
LR292 102 Sen Howard Referral Interim study to examine cellular phone related safety issues in construction and school zones
LR348 101 Sen Howard Recognize April 2010 as Child Abuse Prevention Month in Nebraska
LR358 101 Sen Howard Recognize May 2010 as Foster Care Month in Nebraska
LR369 101 Sen Howard Recognize October 2010 as Prescription Drug Abuse Awareness Month in Nebraska
LR386 100 Sen Howard Recognize Reverend John P. Schlegel, S.J., for his commitment to diversity
LR387 100 Sen Howard Recognize Sarah Joslyn (1851-1940) for her philanthropic work in the Omaha community
LR447 102 Sen Howard Designate October 2012 as Nebraska Bullying Prevention Month
LR448 102 Sen Howard Recognize Film Streams for its contribution to the arts in Nebraska
LR449 102 Sen Howard Recognize March 2012 as Professional Social Work Month in Nebraska
LR458 102 Sen Howard Recognize April 2012 as Child Abuse Prevention Month in Nebraska
LR459 102 Sen Howard Recognize November 2012 as Adoption Month in Nebraska
LR485 101 Sen Howard Interim study to examine issues relating to the shortage of social workers
LR505 102 Sen Howard Referral Interim study to examine methods of ensuring that medical professionals, who as part of their scope of practice provide injections to human patients, are following safe injection practices
LR509 101 Sen Howard Interim study to explore the implementation of ACCESS Nebraska relating to public benefits processing
LR526 102 Sen Howard Congratulate Dr. Ann Coyne on her receipt of the National Association of Social Workers Lifetime Achievement Award and thank her for her service to Nebraska
LR562 101 Sen Howard Recognize November 20, 2010, as Adoption Day in Nebraska
LR563 101 Sen Howard Designate the week of October 3 through October 10, 2010, as Nebraska School Bullying Awareness Week