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Search for statute range from 76-2201 to 76-2250
Returned 123 results
76-2201 Act, how cited.
76-2202 Legislative findings.
76-2203 Definitions, where found.
76-2203.01 Accredited degree-awarding community college, college, or university, defined.
76-2204 Appraisal, defined.
76-2205 Appraisal Foundation, defined.
76-2205.01 Repealed. Laws 2020, LB808, § 101.
76-2205.02 Appraisal review, defined.
76-2205.03 Appraiser Qualifications Board, defined.
76-2206 Transferred to section 76-2216.02.
76-2207 Repealed. Laws 2010, LB 931, § 30.
76-2207.01 Assignment, defined.
76-2207.02 Transferred to section 76-2207.18.
76-2207.03 Transferred to section 76-2207.19.
76-2207.04 Transferred to section 76-2207.20.
76-2207.05 Transferred to section 76-2207.21.
76-2207.06 Transferred to section 76-2207.22.
76-2207.07 Transferred to section 76-2207.23.
76-2207.08 Transferred to section 76-2207.24.
76-2207.09 Transferred to section 76-2207.25.
76-2207.10 Transferred to section 76-2207.26.
76-2207.11 Transferred to section 76-2207.27.
76-2207.12 Transferred to section 76-2207.28.
76-2207.13 Transferred to section 76-2207.29.
76-2207.14 Transferred to section 76-2207.30.
76-2207.15 Transferred to section 76-2207.31.
76-2207.16 Transferred to section 76-2207.32.
76-2207.17 Assignment results, defined.
76-2207.18 Board, defined.
76-2207.19 Certified general real property appraiser, defined.
76-2207.20 Certified real property appraiser, defined.
76-2207.21 Certified residential real property appraiser, defined.
76-2207.22 Client, defined.
76-2207.23 Completed application, defined.
76-2207.24 Complex residential real property, defined.
76-2207.25 Credential, defined.
76-2207.26 Credential holder, defined.
76-2207.27 Education provider, defined.
76-2207.28 Evaluation assignment, defined.
76-2207.29 Fifteen-hour National Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice Course, defined.
76-2207.30 Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989, defined.
76-2207.31 Instructor, defined.
76-2207.32 Jurisdiction, defined.
76-2208 Transferred to section 76-2207.02.
76-2209 Repealed. Laws 2010, LB 931, § 30.
76-2210 Transferred to section 76-2207.03.
76-2210.01 Transferred to section 76-2207.04.
76-2210.02 Transferred to section 76-2207.05.
76-2210.03 Transferred to section 76-2207.07.
76-2211 Transferred to section 76-2207.08.
76-2211.01 Repealed. Laws 2015, LB 139, § 78.
76-2211.02 Transferred to section 76-2207.09.
76-2212 Transferred to section 76-2207.12.
76-2212.01 Transferred to section 76-2207.13.
76-2212.02 Transferred to section 76-2207.14.
76-2212.03 Jurisdiction of practice, defined.
76-2213 Licensed residential real property appraiser, defined.
76-2213.01 Transferred to section 76-2218.02.
76-2213.02 Person, defined.
76-2213.03 PAREA program, defined.
76-2213.04 Personal inspection, defined.
76-2214 Real estate, defined.
76-2214.01 Real property, defined.
76-2215 Real property appraisal practice, defined.
76-2216 Real property appraiser, defined.
76-2216.01 Repealed. Laws 2018, LB741, § 39.
76-2216.02 Report, defined.
76-2216.03 Repealed. Laws 2020, LB808, § 101.
76-2217 Transferred to section 76-2214.01.
76-2217.01 Repealed. Laws 2015, LB 139, § 78.
76-2217.02 Transferred to section 76-2217.04.
76-2217.03 Signature, defined.
76-2217.04 Trainee real property appraiser, defined.
76-2218 Two-year continuing education period, defined.
76-2218.01 Transferred to section 76-2213.01
76-2218.02 Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice, defined.
76-2219 Valuation assignment, defined.
76-2219.01 Valuation services, defined.
76-2219.02 Workfile, defined.
76-2220 Proper credentialing required; violation of act; cease and desist order.
76-2221 Act; exemptions.
76-2222 Real Property Appraiser Board; created; members; terms; compensation; expenses.
76-2223 Real Property Appraiser Board; powers and duties; rules and regulations.
76-2224 Board; personnel, facilities, and equipment.
76-2225 Civil and criminal immunity.
76-2226 Real Property Appraiser Fund; created; use; investment.
76-2227 Credentials; application; requirements.
76-2227.01 Repealed. Laws 2018, LB741, § 39.
76-2228 Appraisers; classification.
76-2228.01 Trainee real property appraiser; applicant; qualifications; fingerprints; national criminal history record check; upgraded credential; requirements; scope of practice.
76-2228.02 Trainee real property appraiser; direct supervision; supervisory real property appraiser; qualifications; disciplinary action; effect; appraisal experience log.
76-2229 Transferred to section 76-2236.01.
76-2229.01 Repealed. Laws 2015, LB 139, § 78.
76-2229.02 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 162, § 44.
76-2230 Credential as a licensed residential real property appraiser; applicant; qualifications; fingerprints; national criminal history record check; upgraded credential; requirements; scope of practice.
76-2231 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 203, § 58.
76-2231.01 Credential as a certified residential real property appraiser; applicant; qualifications; fingerprints; national criminal history record check; upgraded credential; requirements; scope of practice.
76-2232 Credential as a certified general real property appraiser; applicant; qualifications; fingerprints; national criminal history record check; scope of practice.
76-2233 Reciprocity; credential; issuance; when; applicant; duties; fingerprints; national criminal history record check; verification of status.
76-2233.01 Nonresident; temporary credential; issuance; when; investigation of violations.
76-2233.02 Credential; expiration; renewal; fees.
76-2233.03 Credential; inactive status; application; prohibited acts; reinstatement; expiration; reapplication.
76-2234 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 162, § 44.
76-2234.01 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 162, § 44.
76-2235 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 162, § 44.
76-2236 Continuing education; requirements.
76-2236.01 Use of titles; restrictions.
76-2237 Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice; rules and regulations.
76-2238 Disciplinary action; denial of application; grounds.
76-2239 Investigations; authorized; disciplinary action; cease and desist order; complaint; procedure; hearing.
76-2240 Complaints; hearing; decision; order; appeal.
76-2241 Fees.
76-2242 Credential holder; proof of credentials; issuance; duplicate proof.
76-2243 Professional corporation; real property appraisal practice.
76-2244 Principal place of business; requirements.
76-2245 Action for compensation; conditions.
76-2246 Appraisal without credentials; penalty.
76-2247 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 203, § 58.
76-2247.01 Services; authorized; standards applicable.
76-2248 Attorney General; powers and duties.
76-2248.01 Violations of act; action by Attorney General.
76-2249 Directory of appraisers; information; distribution.
76-2250 Certificate of good standing.