Agenda for February 13th, 2025

109th Legislature, 1st Regular Session - Day 26

Twenty-Sixth Day

Thursday, February 13, 2025

9:00 a.m.

One Hundred Ninth Legislature

First Session

  • Prayer by the Chaplain
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Call to Order - Roll Call
  • Corrections for the Journal
  • Messages, Reports, Announcements
Document Introducer Description
LB331 Hardin Adopt the Nebraska EPIC Option Consumption Tax Act and terminate tax provisions (Motion made by Sen. Hardin, found on Journal Page 488)
LR11CA Hardin Constitutional amendment to prohibit governmental entities from imposing any taxes other than retail consumption taxes and excise taxes (Motion made by Sen. Hardin, found on Journal Page 488)
LR10CA Hardin Constitutional amendment to require the state to impose a consumption tax or an excise tax on all new goods and services and to provide a tax exemption for grocery items (Motion made by Sen. Hardin, found on Journal Page 488)
Judiciary Committee (found on Journal Page 461)
Nebraska Retirement Systems Committee (found on Journal Page 465)
Document Introducer Description
LB43 DeKay Change provisions relating to notice and certification requirements for electric generation facilities, transmission lines, and privately developed renewable energy generation facilities located near military installations
LB208 von Gillern Change provisions relating to sales tax collection fees, confidentiality of sales tax information, the streamlined sales and use tax agreement, a sales tax database, and certain income tax credits
LB108 Jacobson Change contributions provisions under the Cities of the First Class Firefighters Retirement Act
LB21 Cavanaugh, J. Adopt the Uniform Unlawful Restrictions in Land Records Act
LB187 Dover Change provisions of the Nebraska Real Estate License Act
LB197 Storm Change provisions relating to disqualification for benefits, claim determinations, and claim redeterminations under the Employment Security Law
LB229 Hallstrom Exclude marketplace network contractors working for marketplace network platforms from the Employment Security Law
LB42 Riepe Provide for employment of nurse aides in intellectual and developmental disability facilities
LB10 Hughes Change requirements relating to wholesale drug distributors and dispensing of certain prescription drugs
LB362 DeBoer Transfer and eliminate provisions of the Emergency Telephone Communications Systems Act and the Enhanced Wireless 911 Services Act and change provisions of the 911 Service System Act
LB139 Dungan Change provisions relating to the Real Property Appraiser Act and the Nebraska Appraisal Management Company Registration Act
LB231 Hallstrom Adopt the Uniform Special Deposits Act
LB180 Clouse Change requirements for public lettings and biddings and provide an exception for the Department of Natural Resources under the State Procurement Act
LB59 Sanders Provide for the disbursement of funds of a natural resources district by electronic payment systems
Document Introducer Description
LB247 DeKay Change provisions relating to fees and distribution of proceeds under the Integrated Solid Waste Management Act and uses of and transfers from the Petroleum Release Remedial Action Cash Fund
LB396 DeKay Change provisions relating to the form and filing of public power district budgets and audits with the Nebraska Power Review Board
LB265 Sorrentino Eliminate certain funds, change provisions relating to the state unemployment insurance tax rate and the Workforce Development Program Cash Fund, and eliminate the Nebraska Worker Training Board
LB297 Ibach Change provisions relating to the combined tax rate under the Employment Security Law
LB34 Hunt Provide for year-round daylight saving time
LB302 Murman Eliminate daylight saving time
LB123 Sanders Change provisions relating to withholding money due to noncompliance with budget limits and annual audits for certain political subdivisions
LB373 Hansen Change provisions relating to section lines and vacation or abandonment of public roads
LB294 Storer Change provisions relating to grants from the County Visitors Improvement Fund
LB31 Conrad Require school policies relating to the use of student surveillance, monitoring, and tracking technology by school districts
LB143 Rountree Change provisions relating to student enrollment
LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION(s) Eligible For Adoption Pursuant to Rule 4, Section 5(b)
Document Introducer Description
LR45 Lippincott Congratulate the Central City High School football team on earning the 2024 Class C-1 state runner-up title

  • Messages on the President's Desk
  • Adjourn until Tuesday, February 18, 2025 at 10:00 a.m.