Bill/Resolution Search Results
Search for Pahls, 31 in the 102nd Legislature
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Document | Primary Introducer | Status | Description |
LB70 | Sen Pahls | Passed | Change the Surplus Lines Insurance Act |
LB71 | Sen Pahls | Indefinitely postponed | Change the definition of trustee under the Burial Pre-Need Sale Act |
LB72 | Sen Pahls | Passed | Change insurance provisions |
LB73 | Sen Pahls | Passed | Change the Comprehensive Health Insurance Pool Act |
LB74 | Sen Pahls | Passed | Change provisions relating to banks and banking |
LB75 | Sen Pahls | Passed | Change provisions relating to loan brokers, mortgage loan originators, and residential mortgage licensing |
LB76 | Sen Pahls | Passed | Adopt updated federal laws for securities, commodities, and consumer rental purchase agreements |
LB77 | Sen Pahls | Passed | Change debt cancellation contract and debt suspension contract provisions |
LB78 | Sen Pahls | Passed | Define a term in the Public Funds Deposit Security Act |
LB247 | Sen Pahls | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Classrooms First Act |
LB396 | Sen Pahls | Passed | Change bond provisions relating to the deposit and investment of certain county funds |
LB434 | Sen Pahls | Indefinitely postponed | Terminate the Business Development Partnership Act and change funding |
LB435 | Sen Pahls | Withdrawn | Create the Business Ombudsman Division of the Department of Economic Development |
LB448 | Sen Pahls | Indefinitely postponed | Change funding for the Nebraska Visitors Development Act |
LB453 | Sen Pahls | Passed | Eliminate the Tourist Promotion Fund |
LB454 | Sen Pahls | Passed | Eliminate obsolete provisions relating to certain property controlled by the Department of Economic Development |
LB455 | Sen Pahls | Passed | Repeal the Venture Capital Network Act |
LB493 | Sen Pahls | Indefinitely postponed | Provide dependent health insurance up to age twenty-six |
LB523 | Sen Pahls | Indefinitely postponed | Require identification for petition circulators |
LB544 | Sen Pahls | Passed | Change provisions relating to civics education for students |
LB545 | Sen Pahls | Indefinitely postponed | Establish a copay for medical services provided at a correctional facility |
LB597 | Sen Pahls | Indefinitely postponed | Require consolidation of county offices |
LB836 | Sen Pahls | Passed | Change provisions relating to deposit and investment of public funds in certificates of deposit and time deposits |
LB838 | Sen Pahls | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Nebraska Health Benefit Exchange Act |
LB879 | Sen Pahls | Passed | Change a security requirement for depositories of public funds |
LB880 | Sen Pahls | Passed | Provide duties relating to reducing costs and adopting modern methods of state and local records management |
LB887 | Sen Pahls | Passed | Change provisions relating to insurance |
LB897 | Sen Pahls | Passed | Change provisions relating to the completion of tax lists |
LB962 | Sen Pahls | Passed | Change provisions relating to tax expenditure reporting and name the Tax Rate Review Committee |
LB963 | Sen Pahls | Passed | Change provisions relating to banking and finance |
LB964 | Sen Pahls | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Nebraska Money Transmitters Act |
LB965 | Sen Pahls | Passed | Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Installment Sales Act, the Residential Mortgage Licensing Act, and the Nebraska Installment Loan Act |
LR14 | Sen Pahls | Congratulate the Department of Economic Development, the Chambers of Commerce, and their affiliates for their diligence and efforts to keep Nebraska competitive and vibrant | |
LR32 | Sen Pahls | Extend sympathy for the losses Millard South High School has suffered | |
LR33 | Sen Pahls | Extend sympathy to the family, friends, and coworkers of Dr. Vicki Kaspar | |
LR85 | Sen Pahls | Referral | Interim study to determine how insurance laws should be amended by the Legislature to respond to the provisions of the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act |
LR103 | Sen Pahls | Recognize Jack Pape for his heroic actions and congratulate him on receiving the American Spirit Award | |
LR158 | Sen Pahls | Designate April 2011 as Community Banking Month in the State of Nebraska | |
LR196 | Sen Pahls | Extend sympathy to the family of Theodore L. Carlson | |
LR200 | Sen Pahls | Referral | Interim study to determine whether insurance laws should be amended to provide that insurance providing coverage to an operator of a motor vehicle not owned by the operator shall be primary to any insurance or self-insurance providing coverage to the motor vehicle |
LR219 | Sen Pahls | Referral | Interim study to examine insurance coverage of services to treat individuals with autism |
LR408 | Sen Pahls | Congratulate Mikayla Savell-Flott for receiving the Governor's Points of Light Award | |
LR498 | Sen Pahls | Referral | Interim study to examine the processes, legislative and administrative, necessary for the establishment in Nebraska of a health insurance exchange in response to the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act |
LR562 | Sen Pahls | Referral | Interim study to examine the impact of the banking and finance industry on the economy of the state |