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Search for Louden, 49 in All Legislatures

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Document Legislature Primary Introducer Status Description
LB80A 100 Sen Louden Final Reading Appropriations bill
LB289 100 Sen Louden Final Reading Change procedure relating to elections to exceed the tax levy limit
LB570 100 Sen Louden Final Reading Provide for Gold Star Family license plates
LB701A 100 Sen Louden Final Reading Appropriations bill
(1st Special)
101 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Prohibit transfers and lapses from the Nebraska Brand Inspection and Theft Prevention Fund
LB33 102 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Change valuation of agricultural and horticultural land
LB57 101 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Exempt repairs and parts for agricultural machinery or equipment from sales and use taxes
LB58 101 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Exempt heating oil or propane used for residential heating purposes from sales and use taxes
LB59 101 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Increase liquor taxes and adopt the Citizen Safety Grant Fund Program Act
LB69 102 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to use of comparable sales for tax valuation
LB105 100 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds for the Nebraska Forest Service
LB114 101 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Provide for operation of minitrucks on highways without registration
LB115 101 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Eliminate the Nebraska Veterans Cemetery Advisory Board
LB185 101 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to presentence investigations
LB217 101 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Provide requirements for electrical entities placing wires across railroad rights-of-way
LB282 102 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds to the Designated Collection Fund for use by the Commission on Indian Affairs
LB288 100 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Provide for operation of all-terrain vehicles on highways as prescribed
LB314 100 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Redefine water well for purposes of registration
LB473 101 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Nebraska Elementary Attendance Region Act
LB486 102 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to compensation and contributions under the School Employees Retirement Act
LB565 101 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Woody Biomass Energy Act
LB566 100 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Public Recreational Liability Act
LB567 100 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Change the Recreational Liability Act
LB569 100 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Change tax levy authority relating to hospital districts
LB570A 100 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Appropriations bill
LB579 100 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Allow alternative energy production through customer-generators
LB593 100 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Amend the Petroleum Release Remedial Action Act to eliminate an insurance provision
LB747 101 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Permit killing mountain lions and other predatory animals
LB748 101 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Change exemption provisions relating to food establishments
LB762 102 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to comparable sales used for tax assessment
LB763 102 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to freeholder petitions and elementary sites
LB764 102 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to vehicle overload exceptions
LB784 101 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Change admission provisions relating to law enforcement training
LB799 100 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to applications to permit transfer of water appropriations
LB800 100 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Change intentional underground water storage permit provisions
LB801 100 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Add a requirement for integrated management plans
LB802 100 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Provide for water diversion during times of flooding
LB829 102 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Create alcohol impact zones
LB927 102 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Authorize cattle brands as official identification as prescribed
LB1004 101 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Allow operation of golf car vehicles and low-speed vehicles on highways as prescribed
LB1028 101 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Charter Schools Act
LB1034 100 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Designate the Nebraska Expressway System
LB1035 100 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Provide funds for expressways and designate the Nebraska Expressway System
LB1040 100 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Impose a tax on ethanol production, terminate an excise tax, and change funding for the Water Resources Cash Fund
LB1061 100 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Provide for fees, rebates, and grants relating to electronic equipment recycling
LB1065 100 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Provide for customer-generators of electricity
LB1066 100 Sen Louden Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to special generation applications before the Nebraska Power Review Board
LB34 102 Sen Louden Passed Exempt religious residential facilities from certain provisions of the Health Care Facility Licensure Act
LB164 102 Sen Louden Passed Provide notification requirements before moving buildings or other large objects on a county or township road
LB184 101 Sen Louden Passed Authorize Department of Natural Resources to administer riparian water rights
LB202 100 Sen Louden Passed Change the Integrated Solid Waste Management Act
LB473 102 Sen Louden Passed Adopt the Black-Tailed Prairie Dog Management Act
LB498 102 Sen Louden Passed Provide an exception for permit amendments under the Industrial Ground Water Regulatory Act for mineral exploration and production
LB698 101 Sen Louden Passed Eliminate certain insurance premium tax provisions
LB726A 100 Sen Louden Passed Appropriations bill
LB749 101 Sen Louden Passed Designate certain roads as state recreation roads
LB798 100 Sen Louden Passed Change provisions relating to irrigation water reuse pits, transfer of water appropriations, and intentional underground water storage permits
LB800 102 Sen Louden Passed Change provisions relating to appraised value of school lands
LB928 102 Sen Louden Passed Provide for mountain lion hunting permits and a deer donation program
LB1002 101 Sen Louden Passed Provide for applications to the Commission on Indian Affairs for state assistance
LB1002A 101 Sen Louden Passed Appropriation Bill
LB1053 102 Sen Louden Passed Create Nebraska Tourism Commission and transfer powers and duties from the Travel and Tourism Division of the Department of Economic Development
LB1053A 102 Sen Louden Passed Appropriation Bill
LB1068 100 Sen Louden Passed Create the road classification of remote residential road and require a public transportation report
LB1145 100 Sen Louden Passed Change dates relating to expenditures from the Petroleum Release Remedial Action Cash Fund
(1st Special)
102 Sen Louden Referral Urge the United States Postal Service to reconsider its plan to close rural post offices in Nebraska
LR262 102 Sen Louden Referral Interim study to examine the effects of imposing an earning cap on the calculation of a final pensionable salary for school employees
LR25 101 Sen Louden Congratulate Sydney Swanson for receiving the 2009 Prudential Spirit of Community Award
LR46 100 Sen Louden Congratulate the Alliance High School girls' basketball team for winning the Class B state championship
LR97 102 Sen Louden Congratulate the Morrill High School girls' basketball team for winning the District 6 final in Class C-2 and earning a trip to the state tournament
LR108 100 Sen Louden Interim study to examine issues relating to the laws governing the generation of electric power using renewable energy
LR130 101 Sen Louden Interim study to examine whether provisions of the Nebraska Pure Food Act should be updated in relation to the growing trend of home baking, canning, and small food businesses in Nebraska
LR198 100 Sen Louden Interim study to examine information collected from flow meters installed to measure ground water use and surface water use
LR239 100 Sen Louden Congratulate A. Marie Jones on her 100th birthday
LR286 100 Sen Louden Interim study to examine return flow issues as they affect surface water irrigation
LR287 100 Sen Louden Interim study to examine Nebraska state forests as potential renewable energy resources
LR288 100 Sen Louden Interim study to examine the causes and effects of water depletion across the state of Nebraska
LR289 100 Sen Louden Interim study to examine public power issues relating to the generation of power in the state of Nebraska
LR290 100 Sen Louden Interim study to examine the possibility of recycling construction waste and deconstruction materials
LR291 100 Sen Louden Interim study to examine the process for obtaining an instream flow right by either a natural resources district or the Game and Parks Commission
LR319 101 Sen Louden Congratulate Sydney Swanson for receiving the 2010 Prudential Spirit of Community Award
LR364 100 Sen Louden Interim study to review matters under the jurisdiction of the Natural Resources Committee
LR365 100 Sen Louden Interim study to examine railroads' responsibilities to the citizens of the state
LR377 101 Sen Louden Congratulate Jordan Hooper as an outstanding basketball player and recognize her outstanding leadership abilities and teamwork
LB485 100 Sen Louden Withdrawn Change tax levy provisions relating to fire protection districts