Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Flood, 19 in All Legislatures

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Document Legislature Primary Introducer Status Description
LB36 101 Sen Flood Passed Change method and procedure for inflicting the death penalty
LB37 101 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds for a new division of the University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Nursing in Norfolk
LB38 101 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Change assault, assault on an officer, and offenses by a confined person provisions
LB39 101 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Adopt new rules of evidence relating to sexual offenses
LB40 101 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Correct references to statutory provisions in civil procedure statutes
LB41 101 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Clarify references to the county sheriff
LB42 101 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to rural water districts
LB43 101 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Eliminate the Department of Natural Resources Interstate Water Rights Cash Fund
LB44 101 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Correct a definition and eliminate obsolete statutory references in revenue provisions
LB45 101 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Eliminate references to a fund that terminated
LB83 107 Sen Flood Passed Change public meeting provisions and provide for virtual conferencing under the Open Meetings Act
LB95 100 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Clarify reference to expense reimbursement for the Professional Practices Commission
LB96 100 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Redefine a term under the Nebraska Probation Administration Act
LB97 100 Sen Flood Final Reading Change provisions relating to the Concealed Handgun Permit Act
LB98 100 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Eliminate references to a fund that terminated
LB136 100 Sen Flood Final Reading Adopt the Nebraska Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act
LB137 100 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to inheritance tax liens
LB138 100 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Provide penalties and change other provisions relating to sex offenders
LB139 100 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Change reimbursement provisions under the Special Education Act
LB140 100 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Provide copies of complaints filed with the Department of Environmental Quality
LB141 100 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to burglary
LB219 101 Sen Flood Passed Transfer responsibility of the highway safety program to the Department of Roads from the Department of Motor Vehicles
LB219A 101 Sen Flood Passed Appropriations Bill
LB234 107 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Change corporate reporting and occupation tax provisions
LB242 100 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to assault by a confined person and create an offense of assault on an officer using bodily fluids
LB243 100 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to jurors
LB244 100 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to transportation of patients in ambulances
LB293 107 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Change the number of and qualifications for members of the Public Service Commission
LB294 107 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Exempt certain agency deputy directors and legal counsel from the State Personnel System
LB335 107 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Require announcement of the average cost of incarceration at sentencing for sentences served at the Department of Correctional Services
LB357 100 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Provide for community schools, operating councils, elementary grants, and attendance centers
LB364 100 Sen Flood Final Reading Change apportionment of inheritance tax revenue
LB413 100 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Change provisions governing children born out of wedlock and the offense of violation of custody
LB414 100 Sen Flood Withdrawn Provide for transfer of funds for substance abuse services
LB501 107 Sen Flood Passed Adopt the Uniform Foreign-Country Money Judgments Recognition Act, the Uniform Registration of Canadian Money Judgments Act, the Uniform Powers of Appointment Act, and the Uniform Easement Relocation Act and change provisions relating to succession to real property and claims against the estate of a medical assistance recipient
LB502 107 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Change sales tax incentives under the Nebraska Advantage Act
LB503 107 Sen Flood Passed Require payment of attorney's fees by an objecting party and change provisions relating to trustees' sales under the Nebraska Trust Deeds Act
LB515 101 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to emergency medical responders
LB551 100 Sen Flood Final Reading Change provisions relating to financing for convention center, sports arena, and hotel facilities
LB551A 100 Sen Flood Final Reading Appropriations bill
LB552 100 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Increase the salaries of Supreme Court judges
LB553 100 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Impound an operator's license as prescribed with respect to bail and eliminate certain administrative license revocation procedures
LB554 100 Sen Flood Final Reading Adopt a new Parenting Act
LB554A 100 Sen Flood Final Reading Appropriations bill
LB646 107 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Change the maximum amount of certain Nebraska Career Scholarships
LB647 107 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Change powers of cities of the first class
LB648 107 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Transactions in Digital Assets Act
LB649 107 Sen Flood Passed Adopt the Nebraska Financial Innovation Act and provisions for controllable electronic records under the Uniform Commercial Code
LB649A 107 Sen Flood Passed Appropriation Bill
LB650 107 Sen Flood Passed Adopt the Nebraska Geologic Storage of Carbon Dioxide Act
LB650A 107 Sen Flood Passed Appropriation Bill
LB667 102 Sen Flood Passed Change provisions governing motor vehicle homicide, alcohol violations involving minors, operating watercraft or motor vehicles under the influence of alcohol or drugs, administrative license revocation, and ignition interlock devices
LB667A 102 Sen Flood Passed Appropriation Bill
LB668 102 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Change penalties relating to the purchase, receipt, or acquisition of pseudoephedrine or phenylpropanolamine
LB669 102 Sen Flood Passed Change Small Claims Court, county court, district court, and juvenile court provisions
LB670 102 Sen Flood Passed Change the schedule of controlled substances under the Uniform Controlled Substances Act
LB671 102 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Prohibit a sex offender from changing his or her name
LB672 102 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Provide an exemption from the documentary stamp tax
LB673 102 Sen Flood Passed Change support liens and provide for military parents and children in cases of divorce
LB681 101 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Provide for refund of unconstitutional taxes, assessments, and penalties
LB713 107 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Prohibit the use of tax-increment financing for certain purposes
LB729 100 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Redefine exotic animals for auctions and swap meets
LB730 100 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Change emergency medical services classifications and training
LB752 100 Sen Flood Passed Change membership provisions of the Nebraska Capitol Commission
LB770 101 Sen Flood Passed Change provisions relating to the distribution of the session laws and journal of the Legislature and copies of the statutes
LB771 101 Sen Flood Passed Change certain provisions relating to assault, criminal attempt, weapons, arrests, bail, custody, jailhouse witnesses, and juveniles
LB795 107 Sen Flood Passed Change provisions relating to the release or modification of certain restrictions under the Nebraska Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act
LB804 101 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Provide an exemption from the documentary stamp tax
LB868 101 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Change probation administrative sanctions, community service sentencing, and minors with alcohol-related criminal provisions and exempt community service offenders and probationers from workers' compensation coverage
LB889 100 Sen Flood Passed Provide construction alternatives for political subdivisions
LB890 100 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Exempt postage charges and certain magazine or journal subscriptions from sales and use tax
LB900 100 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Prohibit use of credit information and discriminatory practices in issuing insurance policies and eliminate the Model Act Regarding Use of Credit Information in Personal Insurance
LB936 101 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Authorize court-ordered conditions for juvenile court dispositions
LB957 107 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Insurers Investment Act
LB1050 107 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Prohibit public postsecondary institutions from discriminating against student organizations based on viewpoints, beliefs, and missions
LB1059 107 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Exempt the Judicial Resources Commission from the Open Meetings Act
LB1084 100 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to assault on an officer
LB1085 100 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Change Parenting Act and other domestic relations provisions
LB1092 107 Sen Flood Passed Authorize risk-loss trusts for Nebraska state colleges
LB1093 107 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Enhancement Project Financing Assistance Act and provide for the use of certain sales tax revenue
LB1094 107 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Change provisions for determining the number of new employees under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act
LB1103 101 Sen Flood Passed Adopt the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act
LB1104 101 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Change judges' salaries
LB1111 102 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to penalties involving operator's license revocation
LB1112 102 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to state highway system plans
LB1113 102 Sen Flood Passed Adopt the Nebraska Uniform Power of Attorney Act
LB1114 102 Sen Flood Passed Change provisions relating to the Municipal Equalization Fund
LB1115 102 Sen Flood Passed Authorize construction and operation of natural gas pipeline facilities by jurisdictional utilities
LB1116 102 Sen Flood Passed Change Nebraska Capitol Commission membership provisions
LB1129 100 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to highway planning
LB1167 107 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Appropriate federal funds to the Department of Economic Development for internships and expanding and retaining Nebraska's workforce
LB1187 107 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to controllable electronic records in the Uniform Commercial Code
LB1188 107 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Uniform Personal Data Protection Act
LB1189 107 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to discontinuance of sanitary drainage districts
LB1274 107 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Require the Department of Transportation to plan, design, and purchase rights-of-way for U.S. Highway 81 and Nebraska Highway 20
(1st Special)
101 Sen Flood Congratulate the Norfolk Catholic High School boys' cross country team for winning the 2009 Class C state championship
(1st Special)
101 Sen Flood Congratulate the Norfolk High School girls' cross country team for winning the 2009 Class A state championship
LR11CA 100 Sen Flood Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to change the distribution of lottery proceeds
LR20 100 Sen Flood Recognize the Elkhorn Rural Public Power District for the excellent service provided to Northeast Nebraska
LR21 101 Sen Flood Extend appreciation and congratulations to the honorees for their service to the State of Nebraska
(1st Special)
102 Sen Flood Congratulate the Norfolk Lutheran High Northeast High School volleyball team for winning the 2011 Class C-2 state championship
LR28 101 Sen Flood Express sympathy to the family of former Senator Richard F. Proud
LR31 101 Sen Flood Recognize Nucor Corporation for its dedication to its employees and to the communities in which it has facilities
LR47 100 Sen Flood Congratulate Michael V. Hall for earning the rank of Eagle Scout
LR48 102 Sen Flood Congratulate the Lutheran High Northeast High School volleyball team for winning the 2010 Class C-2 state championship
LR49 102 Sen Flood Congratulate the Norfolk Catholic High School football team for winning the 2010 Class C-1 state championship
LR62 107 Sen Flood Adopted Congratulate Ryan Odell Yost on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR63 102 Sen Flood Congratulate Joseph Albert Roberts for earning the rank of Eagle Scout
LR66 100 Sen Flood Congratulate the Battle Creek High School speech team for winning the Class C1-5 District speech championship and the nine members who qualified for the state competition
LR73 102 Sen Flood Extend appreciation and congratulations to the honorees for their service to the State of Nebraska
LR81 100 Sen Flood Congratulate Randy A. Nelson on his thirty five years in education and on his retirement
LR88 102 Sen Flood Congratulate the Norfolk Catholic High School girls' bowling team for winning the Class C 2011 state tournament
LR93 102 Sen Flood Recognize Colonel Bryan Tuma for his distinguished career in law enforcement and thank him for his service to the State of Nebraska
LR103 107 Sen Flood Adopted Congratulate Carter Hattery on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR125 102 Sen Flood Congratulate the Norfolk Catholic High School boys' basketball team on winning the 2011 Class C-1 state championship
LR139 102 Sen Flood Congratulate Charlotte Endorf on being named the 2011 Nebraska Mother of the Year
LR146 102 Sen Flood Congratulate Dustin Wood on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR167 100 Sen Flood Interim study to evaluate the scope of state resources that should be devoted to the University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Nursing
LR168 100 Sen Flood Interim study to examine issues relating to Nebraska's emergency protective custody procedures
LR178 102 Sen Flood Congratulate Dr. G. Tom Surber on receiving the 2011 Edward I. Vrzal Outstanding Citizen Award
LR191 100 Sen Flood Interim study to examine the effect of lowering the property tax lid on cities of the second class and villages
LR203 107 Sen Flood Referral Interim study to examine medicaid expansion and behavioral health
LR204 107 Sen Flood Referral Interim study to examine a coding curriculum for students in Nebraska
LR232 100 Sen Flood Authorize the Transportation and Telecommunications Committee to review the uncompleted segments of the 1988 expressway plan
LR235 100 Sen Flood Extend appreciation and congratulations to the honorees for their service to the State of Nebraska
LR245 100 Sen Flood Congratulate the Madison High School wrestling team for winning the 2008 Class C state wrestling championship
LR260 100 Sen Flood Congratulate the Norfolk Catholic High School girls' basketball team for winning the 2008 Class C-1 state championship
LR266 100 Sen Flood Congratulate Justin Schroeder for earning the rank of Eagle Scout
LR274 107 Sen Flood Adopted Extend sympathy to the family of Darin Koepke and recognize his heroic actions to help save the lives of others
LR275 102 Sen Flood Referral Interim study to examine Nebraska's behavioral health model concerning transport service of persons who have been placed in emergency protective custody
LR283 100 Sen Flood Create the Developmental Disabilities Special Investigative Committee of the Legislature
LR311 101 Sen Flood Extend appreciation and congratulations to the honorees for their service to the State of Nebraska
LR336 101 Sen Flood Congratulate the Madison High School wrestling team for winning the 2010 Class C state wrestling championship
LR337 101 Sen Flood Congratulate Jaden Moore for receiving a Prudential Spirit of Community Award
LR349 101 Sen Flood Proclaim March 15, 2010, as 2010 Canada Day at the Nebraska State Capitol
LR353 101 Sen Flood Congratulate the Elkhorn Valley High School girls' basketball team for winning the 2010 Class D-1 state championship
LR363 102 Sen Flood Congratulate the Norfolk Catholic High School football team for winning the 2011 Class C-1 state championship
LR373 101 Sen Flood Support the Nebraska School Chemical Cleanout Campaign
LR383 102 Sen Flood Congratulate Judge John M. Gerrard on his confirmation as United States District Judge for the District of Nebraska and his outstanding career on the Nebraska Supreme Court
LR396 102 Sen Flood Extend appreciation and congratulations to the honorees for their service to the State of Nebraska
LR425 101 Sen Flood Interim study to examine issues relating to brain injuries
LR437 107 Sen Flood Adopted Recognize the military service of Trevor Dredla and congratulate the Battle Creek Volunteer Fire and Rescue on receiving the Seven Seals Award
LR441 101 Sen Flood Congratulate the Norfolk Rotary Club on its ninetieth anniversary
LR527 102 Sen Flood Congratulate the Norfolk Daily News on the celebration of one hundred twenty-five years in business
LR631 102 Sen Flood Recognize and thank Nebraska Educational Telecommunications (NET) for its long history of legislative coverage