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Search for Cornett, 45 in All Legislatures

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Document Legislature Primary Introducer Status Description
LB725 102 Sen Cornett Passed Update references to the Internal Revenue Code of 1986
LB1078 101 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Update references to the Internal Revenue Code
LB251 101 Sen Cornett Passed Update references to the Internal Revenue Code
LB134 102 Sen Cornett Passed Update references to the Internal Revenue Code
LB361 102 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Set the salary of members of the Tax Equalization and Review Commission
LB641 102 Sen Cornett Passed Require law enforcement officers to report liquor law violations to the Nebraska Liquor Control Commission
LB175 100 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Require employer to provide employee a reason for termination
LB71 101 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Require animal care professionals to report cases of animal abandonment, cruel neglect, or cruel mistreatment
LB616 101 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Rename and change provisions of the Municipal Infrastructure Redevelopment Fund Act and change cigarette tax distribution provisions
LB1082 101 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Rename and change a formula under the Community College Foundation and Equalization Aid Act
LB766 100 Sen Cornett Passed Regulate scrap metal recycling
LB318 102 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Redefine qualified claimant for homestead exemption purposes
LB176 100 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Redefine police animal for certain crimes
LB214 101 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Redefine nail technology under the Uniform Credentialing Act
LR80 101 Sen Cornett Recognize the Student Veterans Organization of Bellevue University for being Nebraska's first chapter of the Student Veterans of America
LB73 101 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Ratify the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children
LB63 102 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Ratify the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children
LB1033 102 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Provide tax incentives under the Nebraska Advantage Act for renewable energy projects
LB1080 101 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Provide tax incentives for wind energy projects
LB362 102 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Provide tax incentives for renewable energy projects under the Nebraska Advantage Act
LB1118 102 Sen Cornett Passed Provide tax incentives for large data center projects
LB768 100 Sen Cornett Passed Provide sanitary and improvement districts with the power to contract for library services
LB322 102 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Provide requirements for prescription drug insurance
LB1017 101 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Provide requirements for insurers for prescription drug coverage
LB560 102 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Provide for sales and use taxes on certain services
LB981 101 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Provide for review of the tax expenditure report
LB72 101 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Provide for management of students' and children's life-threatening allergies
LB1050 102 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Provide for identification requirements for importation of certain cattle
LB329 101 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Provide for firefighter license plates and training for emergency response personnel
LB209 102 Sen Cornett Passed Provide for delayed deductions for refunds from municipal sales and use tax receipts and access to tax returns by certified municipal employees
LB1075 102 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Provide for assessment of rent-restricted housing projects by the Property Tax Administrator
LB591 100 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Provide for a change in zoning regulations for cities of the first class
LB1080 102 Sen Cornett Passed Provide a property tax exemption and a sales and use tax exemption relating to data centers
LB252 101 Sen Cornett Passed Prohibit possession of animal fighting paraphernalia
LB764 100 Sen Cornett Passed Prohibit certain treatment of bovines and equines
LR497 101 Sen Cornett Interim study to examine urban and commercial area development laws, policies, and programs
LR500 101 Sen Cornett Interim study to examine the tax laws, policies, and programs of the State of Nebraska
LR232 102 Sen Cornett Referral Interim study to examine the fiscal impact of tax increment financing on taxpayers and governments throughout the state
LR106 101 Sen Cornett Interim study to examine the economic impact of retirement income on the State of Nebraska and the most appropriate way to tax such income
LR499 101 Sen Cornett Interim study to examine tax laws, policies, and programs that address the tax burdens of low-income persons and households
LR567 102 Sen Cornett Referral Interim study to examine tax burdens and fiscal conditions in Nebraska communities
LR506 101 Sen Cornett Interim study to examine state and local property tax valuation and exemption protest and appeal processes and procedures
LR504 101 Sen Cornett Interim study to examine policies and programs for addressing property tax relief, including existing and alternative policies
LR370 100 Sen Cornett Interim study to examine issues relating to the effect of mandatory overtime at twenty-four-hour care facilities
LR496 101 Sen Cornett Interim study to examine issues relating to state and local taxation of wind energy electrical generation facilities
LR505 101 Sen Cornett Interim study to examine issues relating to making the Local Civic, Cultural, and Convention Center Financing Act applicable to county governments
LR358 100 Sen Cornett Interim study to examine issues raised by LB 1073, 2008, that proposed to adopt the Nebraska Construction Prompt Pay Act
LR220 102 Sen Cornett Referral Interim study to examine issues pertaining to the imposition of occupation taxes by local governments
LR565 102 Sen Cornett Referral Interim study to examine issues pertaining to tax incentives for affordable housing, including but not limited to, whether other states allow such tax incentives to be used for graffiti removal and abatement
LR217 102 Sen Cornett Referral Interim study to examine issues pertaining to creating a regional transportation commission or authority for purposes of helping to fund political subdivisions' transportation infrastructure projects
LR222 102 Sen Cornett Referral Interim study to examine issues pertaining to changing and adjusting individual and corporate income tax rate brackets
LR223 102 Sen Cornett Referral Interim study to examine issues pertaining to Nebraska's special capital gains income tax deduction, the dividend income tax deduction, and issues pertaining to codification of the economic substance doctrine
LR221 102 Sen Cornett Referral Interim study to examine issues pertaining to Nebraska's property tax homestead exemption program
LR568 102 Sen Cornett Referral Interim study to examine any aspect of the state tax structure and tax policy
LR231 102 Sen Cornett Referral Interim study to examine any aspect of the state tax structure and tax policy
LR566 102 Sen Cornett Referral Interim study to examine a funding mechanism for all cities and villages to assist in the financing of new projects that will address the need for Nebraska residents currently leaving the state to experience tourist and other destinations that are currently not located in Nebraska
LR161 101 Sen Cornett Interim study to examine Nebraska's sales and use tax provisions
LR334 101 Sen Cornett Interim study to determine whether Nebraska's insurance laws should be amended to provide requirements relating to health benefit plan prescription drug coverage
LR406 101 Sen Cornett Interim study to determine whether Nebraska's insurance laws should be amended by adopting the Physician and Patient Prescription Protection Act
LR197 100 Sen Cornett Interim study of the workers' compensation program to examine issues relating to the vocational rehabilitation program
LR498 101 Sen Cornett Interim study of the Tax Expenditure Reporting Act and to suggest additional duties or information to be reported under the act
LB1071 102 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Extend the deadline for acceptance of applications under the Convention Center Facility Financing Assistance Act
LB903 102 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Exempt youth sports from sales and use tax
LB485 101 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Exempt natural gas from sales tax and impose an excise tax on natural gas
LB749 102 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Exempt indoor tanning services from sales and use taxes
LB770 100 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Exclude military retirement benefits from taxation
LB70 101 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Exclude military retirement benefits from income taxation as prescribed
LB69 101 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Exclude military retirement benefits from income taxation as prescribed
LB169 100 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Exclude military retirement benefits from income taxation
LB354 100 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Exclude military retirement benefits from income tax
LR123 102 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Endorse the proposition that Taiwan participate in the International Civil Aviation Organization as an observer
LR371 101 Sen Cornett Encourage the Department of Veterans' Affairs to address issues impacting women veterans
LB383 102 Sen Cornett Passed Eliminate state aid for municipalities, counties, and natural resources districts
LB984 100 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Eliminate resolution, public hearing, and publication requirements for annexation by cities of the first class
LB587 100 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Eliminate limitations on appropriations for county jail reimbursement assistance
LB347 101 Sen Cornett Passed Eliminate governmental agency liability with respect to dogs
LB422 101 Sen Cornett Passed Define veteran of the Global War on Terror
LB1049 102 Sen Cornett Passed Create and change provisions relating to the purchase of certain metals
LR243 101 Sen Cornett Congratulate the Omaha Gross Catholic High School baseball team for winning the 2009 Class B state championship
LR50 100 Sen Cornett Congratulate the Bellevue West High School girls' basketball team for winning the Class A state championship
LR281 100 Sen Cornett Congratulate the Bellevue East High School girls' basketball team and the Bellevue East High School boys' basketball team for their achievements
LR61 101 Sen Cornett Congratulate Sally Gordon on her 100th birthday
LR108 102 Sen Cornett Congratulate IBM on its 100th anniversary and recognize their contributions to society
LR51 100 Sen Cornett Congratulate Bradley Duane Borytsky, Joseph Wier, Austin Nichols, and Ryan G. Krysl for earning the rank of Eagle Scout
LB640 102 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Clarify that a city of the first class may negotiate with its firefighters regarding retirement benefits
LB727 102 Sen Cornett Passed Change various tax provisions
LB917 102 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Change truancy provisions for absences relating to military employment activities
LB1079 101 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Change the time for appealing to the Tax Equalization and Review Commission and certain dates relating to property tax assessment and equalization
LB580 101 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Change the standard of review by the Tax Equalization and Review Commission
LB561 102 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Change the sales tax rate
LB559 102 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Change the income tax rate
LB323 102 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Change the Nebraska Advantage Act
LB427 102 Sen Cornett Passed Change the Commercial Dog and Cat Operator Inspection Act
LB89 101 Sen Cornett Passed Change tax calculations under the Tobacco Products Tax Act
LB211 102 Sen Cornett Passed Change sales and use tax provisions
LB165 101 Sen Cornett Passed Change revenue laws
LB879 101 Sen Cornett Passed Change revenue and taxation provisions
LB210 102 Sen Cornett Passed Change revenue and taxation provisions
LB319 102 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Change reimbursement for homestead exemptions
LB64 102 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to wildlife in captivity
LB363 102 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the Tax Equalization and Review Commission and property taxes and provide a duty for the Secretary of State
LB164 101 Sen Cornett Passed Change provisions relating to tax incentive programs
LB931 100 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to taxation of air carriers
LB355 100 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to taxation of air carriers
LB592 100 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to sanitary and improvement districts
LB166 101 Sen Cornett Passed Change provisions relating to property tax
LB769 100 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to offenses against animals
LB589 100 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to motorcycle operator's licenses
LB562 102 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to license and occupation taxes imposed by municipalities
LB437 100 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to issuance of specialty and personalized license plates
LB356 100 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to greenbelted agricultural land
LB92 100 Sen Cornett Passed Change provisions relating to foreign national minors
LB750 102 Sen Cornett Passed Change provisions relating to farm home site valuation and comparable sales used for tax assessment
LB590 100 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to educational service unit reorganization
LB930 100 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to dangerous sex offender evaluations
LB617 101 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to county community buildings, authorize a community building district, and authorize a sales and use tax
LB162 101 Sen Cornett Passed Change provisions relating to contractor registration and income tax withholding
LB226 100 Sen Cornett Final Reading Change provisions relating to boiler inspections
LB848 101 Sen Cornett Passed Change provisions relating to board of equalization meetings for cities of the first class
LB983 102 Sen Cornett Passed Change provisions relating to a research tax credit
LB66 102 Sen Cornett Passed Change provisions relating to DNA collection
LB65 102 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to C-BED projects sales tax exemptions
LB918 102 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Community Development Law
LB360 102 Sen Cornett Passed Change provisions governing tax credits for energy generation facilities and property taxation
LB227 100 Sen Cornett Final Reading Change provisions governing certain offenses relating to animals
LB384 102 Sen Cornett Passed Change property tax provisions and membership, powers, and duties of the Tax Equalization and Review Commission
LB1097 101 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Change property tax levy limitations
LB430 102 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Change property tax levy limitations
LB877 101 Sen Cornett Passed Change property assessment and tax provisions
LB252 102 Sen Cornett Passed Change powers and duties and provide a sales tax exemption relating to Wyuka Cemetery
LB799 102 Sen Cornett Passed Change penalties for child abuse
LB429 102 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Change motor fuel tax collection commissions
LB586 100 Sen Cornett Passed Change medical lien provisions
LB970 102 Sen Cornett Passed Change income tax rates, brackets, and determinations
LB405 101 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Change income tax provisions related to planned gifts
LB1117 102 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Change income tax calculations relating to the federal alternative minimum tax
LB861 102 Sen Cornett Passed Change hours of sale provisions under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act
LB320 102 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Change homestead exemption income limitations
LB426 102 Sen Cornett Passed Change grant provisions under the Civic and Community Center Financing Act and the Sports Arena Facility Financing Assistance Act
LB160 100 Sen Cornett Final Reading Change fire and rescue department provisions relating to clothing, equipment, and donations
LB283 101 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Change community college aid calculations
LB81 102 Sen Cornett Passed Change city and village powers relating to occupation taxes and motor vehicle registration
LB423 101 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Change child custody provisions and the Parenting Act
LB321 102 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Change calculations relating to homestead exemptions
LB91 100 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Change boundary provisions relating to learning communities
LB104 101 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Change annexation requirements for cities of the first class
LB863 101 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Change annexation procedures affecting certain cities of the first class and sanitary and improvement districts
LB1004 100 Sen Cornett Passed Change an income tax withholding amount
LB983 100 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Change an income tax credit for planned gifts
LB878 101 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Change and eliminate tax provisions relating to electronic fund transfers, withholding, and overpayments
LB1143 102 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Change and eliminate provisions relating to stacking of insurance coverages
LB976 101 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Change a budget limitation
LB213 101 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Change Tax Equalization and Review Commission provisions
LB218 101 Sen Cornett Passed Change, eliminate, and provide state aid to various political subdivisions
LB642 102 Sen Cornett Passed Authorize the Department of Revenue to enter into contracts for products and services
LB212 101 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Authorize single commissioner hearings before the Tax Equalization and Review Commission
LB489 102 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Authorize municipalities to receive sales tax information
LB94 100 Sen Cornett Final Reading Authorize municipalities to receive certain sales and use tax information
LB767 100 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Authorize leave for members of the Civil Air Patrol
LB405 102 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Authorize hearings by a single commissioner of the Tax Equalization and Review Commission
LB93 100 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Authorize a new firefighter license plate and fund emergency training
LB983A 100 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Appropriations bill
LB588A 100 Sen Cornett Final Reading Appropriations bill
LB211A 100 Sen Cornett Select File Appropriations bill
LB405A 101 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Appropriations Bill
LB218A 101 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Appropriations Bill
LB73A 101 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Appropriations Bill
LB72A 101 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Appropriations Bill
LB389A 102 Sen Cornett Passed Appropriation Bill
LB384A 102 Sen Cornett Passed Appropriation Bill
LB210A 102 Sen Cornett Passed Appropriation Bill
LB209A 102 Sen Cornett Passed Appropriation Bill
LB66A 102 Sen Cornett Passed Appropriation Bill
LB1082 100 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Amend the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act to redefine injury and personal injuries
LB1081 101 Sen Cornett Passed Adopt the Teleworker Job Creation Act
LB404 101 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Reduced Cigarette Ignition Propensity Act
LB579 101 Sen Cornett Passed Adopt the Professional Employer Organization Registration Act
LB1088 101 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Physician and Patient Prescription Protection Act
LB1018 101 Sen Cornett Passed Adopt the Nebraska Advantage Transformational Tourism and Redevelopment Act and restrict the use of municipal initiative and referendum on action permitted by the act
LB888 102 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Historic Property Restoration and Reuse Act and authorize an income tax credit
LB615 101 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Family Entertainment and Sports Attraction Act and rename the Municipal Infrastructure Redevelopment Fund Act and authorize a county sales tax
LB618 101 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Family Entertainment and Sports Attraction Act, authorize use of sales and use taxes, and authorize a county sales tax
LB389 102 Sen Cornett Passed Adopt the Angel Investment Tax Credit Act
LB428 102 Sen Cornett Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Agricultural Tax Credit Act