Bill/Resolution Search Results
Search for Friday January 14, 2011
Use the column headers to sort by Document Number, Primary Introducer, Status, or Description.
Document | Primary Introducer | Status | Description |
LB420 | Dubas | Indefinitely postponed | Provide an exception for farm tractor-farm wagon combinations from vehicle load limits |
LB421 | Pankonin | Veto Overridden | Change fees and display requirements for motor vehicle park entry permits |
LB422 | Nordquist | Indefinitely postponed | Change eligibility provisions under the Comprehensive Health Insurance Pool Act |
LB423 | Krist | Passed | Change tax foreclosure provisions relating to liens of sanitary and improvement districts |
LB424 | Lautenbaugh | Passed | Change bond liability provisions under the Nebraska Educational Finance Authority Act |
LB425 | Lautenbaugh | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to real estate tracts and the designation of industrial areas |
LB426 | Cornett | Passed | Change grant provisions under the Civic and Community Center Financing Act and the Sports Arena Facility Financing Assistance Act |
LB427 | Cornett | Passed | Change the Commercial Dog and Cat Operator Inspection Act |
LB428 | Cornett | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Agricultural Tax Credit Act |
LB429 | Cornett | Indefinitely postponed | Change motor fuel tax collection commissions |
LB430 | Cornett | Indefinitely postponed | Change property tax levy limitations |
LB431 | Hadley | Passed | Adopt the Health Care Quality Improvement Act |
LB432 | Hadley | Indefinitely postponed | Create sales and use tax credits for certified renewable export facilities |
LB433 | Campbell | Indefinitely postponed | Provide requirements for contracts for child welfare services between private agencies and the Department of Health and Human Services |
LB434 | Pahls | Indefinitely postponed | Terminate the Business Development Partnership Act and change funding |
LB435 | Pahls | Withdrawn | Create the Business Ombudsman Division of the Department of Economic Development |
LB436 | Gloor | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to taxation of cigarettes and tobacco products |
LB437 | Urban Affairs Committee | Indefinitely postponed | Change state building code provisions |
LB438 | Howard | Indefinitely postponed | Increase fines for handicapped parking infractions |
LB439 | Heidemann | Indefinitely postponed | Change valuation of agricultural and horticultural land for school tax purposes |
LB440 | Heidemann | Indefinitely postponed | Change adjusted-valuation provisions within the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act |
LB441 | Heidemann | Indefinitely postponed | Change levy provisions for rural and suburban fire protection districts |
LB442 | Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Outdoor Outfitters and Guides Licensure Act |
LB443 | Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Increase certain fees assessed by the State Fire Marshal |
LB444 | Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Provide methods for notice under the Open Meetings Act |
LB445 | Adams | Indefinitely postponed | Change duties of the Commissioner of Education |
LB446 | Adams | Passed | Change duties and funding provisions relating to educational service units |
LB447 | Fulton | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to vehicular pursuit |
LB448 | Pahls | Indefinitely postponed | Change funding for the Nebraska Visitors Development Act |
LB449 | Nelson | Passed | Change the Election Act |
LB450 | Ashford | Indefinitely postponed | Extend Supreme Court cash fund authority |
LB451 | Ashford | Indefinitely postponed | Change court fees, procedures, offices, and judgeships |
LB452 | Ashford | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for lottery winnings and tax refund intercept for debts owed to courts |
LB453 | Pahls | Passed | Eliminate the Tourist Promotion Fund |
LB454 | Pahls | Passed | Eliminate obsolete provisions relating to certain property controlled by the Department of Economic Development |
LB455 | Pahls | Passed | Repeal the Venture Capital Network Act |
LB456 | Health and Human Services Committee | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to health and human services |
LB457 | Campbell | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for notice of preliminary valuations and in-person meeting relating to property taxes and change certain dates |
LB458 | Schilz | Passed | Change expense recovery provisions relating to oil and gas wells |
LB459 | Schilz | Passed | Prohibit political subdivisions from defining or assigning legal status for animals inconsistent with personal property status |
LB460 | Ashford | Indefinitely postponed | Change the Sex Offender Registration Act |
LB461 | Pirsch | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Freedom of Conscience Act |
LB462 | Pirsch | Passed | Change provisions relating to trade names |
LB463 | Ashford | Passed | Change juvenile penalty, records, service plan, probation sanctions, and truancy provisions |
LB464 | Campbell | Passed | Change child care reimbursement |
LB465 | Campbell | Passed | Eliminate provisions relating to eligibility of non-United-States citizens for public assistance |
LB466 | Gloor | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to a preferred drug list under the Medicaid Prescription Drug Act |
LB467 | Campbell | Indefinitely postponed | Change eligibility provisions relating to the medical assistance program |
LB468 | Campbell | Passed | Change reporting provisions relating to the medical assistance program |
LB469 | Karpisek | Indefinitely postponed | Prohibit retail sale of novelty lighters and provide a penalty |
LB470 | Karpisek | Passed | Provide requirements for approval of library personnel policies and procedures |
LB471 | Karpisek | Passed | Change local sources of revenue and qualifying businesses under the Local Option Municipal Economic Development Act |
LB472 | Karpisek | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Nebraska Workers Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act |
LB473 | Louden | Passed | Adopt the Black-Tailed Prairie Dog Management Act |
LB474 | Nebraska Retirement Systems Committee | Passed | Require certain retirement reports be submitted to the Auditor of Public Accounts |
LR29CA | Nelson | Indefinitely postponed | Constitutional amendment to prohibit government from engaging in collective bargaining |
LR30 | Campbell | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for continuation of the Health Care Reform Implementation and Oversight Committee |
LR31 | Avery | Extend sympathy to the family of Leola Bullock | |
LR32 | Pahls | Extend sympathy for the losses Millard South High School has suffered | |
LR33 | Pahls | Extend sympathy to the family, friends, and coworkers of Dr. Vicki Kaspar | |
LR34 | Howard | Recognize the month of March 2011 as Professional Social Work Month in Nebraska | |
LR35 | Heidemann | Congratulate Cody Arend Dreier for earning the rank of Eagle Scout | |
LR36 | Howard | Extend sympathy to the family of Brady Kruse | |
LR37 | Health and Human Services Committee | Referral | Provide the Health and Human Services Committee be designated to review, investigate, and assess the effect of the child welfare reform initiative implemented by the Dept. of Health and Human Services |