Nebraska Revised Statutes Range Search
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Search for statute range from 77-907 to 77-918
Returned 12 results
Returned 12 results
77-907 Terms, defined. |
77-908 Insurance companies; tax on gross premiums; rate; exceptions. |
77-909 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 1114, § 23. |
77-910 Computation of tax; forms; department furnish; audit of returns; erroneous payment; refund; limitation. |
77-911 Tax; failure to remit; license rescinded; notice; hearing; appeal. |
77-912 Tax; Director of Insurance; disposition; exceptions. |
77-913 Insurance Tax Fund; created; use; investment; allocation. |
77-914 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 1114, § 23. |
77-915 Tax; challenge to constitutionality; tax paid under protest; credit refund. |
77-916 Tax; no injunction allowed. |
77-917 Political subdivision; return of funds not required. |
77-918 Prepayment of tax; when due; Premium and Retaliatory Tax Suspense Fund; created; investment. |