Journal Summary for May 20th, 2009

101st Legislature, 1st Regular Session - Day 82

Use the column headers to sort by Document Number, Description, or Journal Page.
Document Description Journal Page
LB25 Placed on General File with AM589 1609
LB25 Health and Human Services AM589 filed 1609
LB155 Dispensing of reading at large approved 1610
LB155 Passed on Final Reading 47-0-2 1610
LB392 Dispensing of reading at large approved 1611
LB392 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 47-0-2 1611
LB358 Passed on Final Reading 47-0-2 1612
LB503 Dispensing of reading at large approved 1612
LB503 Passed on Final Reading 46-0-3 1613
LB626 Passed on Final Reading 44-2-3 1613
LB630 Dispensing of reading at large approved 1614
LB630 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 45-0-4 1614
LB27 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 47-0-2 1615
LB27A Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 47-0-2 1616
LB60 Passed on Final Reading 46-0-3 1617
LB84 Passed on Final Reading 46-0-3 1617
LB94 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 47-0-2 1618
LB113 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 47-0-2 1619
LB122 Passed on Final Reading 44-0-5 1620
LB129 Passed on Final Reading 46-0-3 1620
LB131 Dispensing of reading at large approved 1621
LB131 Passed on Final Reading 47-0-2 1621
LB133 Passed on Final Reading 48-0-1 1622
LB137 Passed on Final Reading 48-0-1 1623
LB152 Passed on Final Reading 48-0-1 1623
LB163 Passed on Final Reading 48-0-1 1624
LB175 Passed on Final Reading 45-0-4 1625
LB208 Passed on Final Reading 47-0-2 1625
LB209 Passed on Final Reading 48-0-1 1626
LB238 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 47-0-2 1627
LB274 Passed on Final Reading 48-0-1 1628
LB278 Passed on Final Reading 46-0-3 1628
LB294 Passed on Final Reading 48-0-1 1629
LB299 Passed on Final Reading 48-0-1 1630
LB302 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 48-0-1 1631
LB339 Passed on Final Reading 48-0-1 1631
LB343 Passed on Final Reading 48-0-1 1632
LB347 Passed on Final Reading 47-0-2 1633
LB348 Passed on Final Reading 48-0-1 1633
LB360 Passed on Final Reading 48-0-1 1634
LB372 Passed on Final Reading 48-0-1 1635
LB389 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 48-0-1 1636
LB394 Passed on Final Reading 47-0-2 1636
LB412 Passed on Final Reading 48-0-1 1637
LB422 Passed on Final Reading 48-0-1 1638
LB432 Passed on Final Reading 47-0-2 1638
LB434 Passed on Final Reading 48-0-1 1639
LB441 Passed on Final Reading 47-0-2 1640
LB445 Passed on Final Reading 48-0-1 1640
LB446 Passed on Final Reading 48-0-1 1641
LB447 Passed on Final Reading 48-0-1 1642
LB450 Passed on Final Reading 48-0-1 1643
LB488 Passed on Final Reading 48-0-1 1643
LB498 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 48-0-1 1644
LB500 Passed on Final Reading 48-0-1 1645
LB501 Passed on Final Reading 48-0-1 1645
LB524 Passed on Final Reading 48-0-1 1646
LB528 Passed on Final Reading 47-0-2 1647
LB531 Passed on Final Reading 48-0-1 1647
LB533 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 48-0-1 1648
LB537 Passed on Final Reading 48-0-1 1649
LB540 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 48-0-1 1650
LB562 Passed on Final Reading 48-0-1 1650
LB587 Passed on Final Reading 48-0-1 1651
LB27 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB27A President/Speaker signed 1652
LB36 Placed on Select File with ER8134 1652
LB36 Enrollment and Review ER8134 filed 1652
LB60 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB84 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB94 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB113 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB122 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB129 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB131 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB133 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB137 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB152 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB155 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB163 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB175 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB208 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB209 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB218A Cornett MO53 Indefinitely postpone filed 1652
LB238 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB274 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB278 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB294 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB299 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB302 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB339 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB343 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB347 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB348 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB358 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB358 Council explanation of vote 1652
LB360 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB372 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB389 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB392 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB392 Council explanation of vote 1652
LB394 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB412 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB422 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB432 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB434 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB441 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB445 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB446 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB447 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB450 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB488 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB498 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB500 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB501 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB503 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB503 Council explanation of vote 1652
LB524 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB528 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB626 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB630 President/Speaker signed 1652
LB27 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB27A Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB60 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB84 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB94 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB113 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB122 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB129 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB131 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB133 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB137 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB152 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB155 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB163 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB175 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB208 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB209 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB238 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB274 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB278 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB294 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB299 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB302 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB339 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB343 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB347 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB348 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB358 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB360 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB372 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB389 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB392 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB394 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB412 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB422 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB432 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB434 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB441 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB445 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB446 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB447 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB450 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB488 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB498 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB500 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB501 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB503 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB524 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB528 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB626 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB630 Presented to Governor on May 20, 2009 1653
LB675 Enrollment and Review ER8133 adopted 1653
LB675 Nantkes AM1484 filed 1653
LB675 White FA45 filed 1653
LB675 White FA45 adopted 1653
LB97 Approved by Governor on May 20, 2009 1655
LB97A Approved by Governor on May 20, 2009 1655
LB675 Nantkes AM1484 lost 1655
LR242 Date of introduction 1655
LR242 Laid over 1655
LB675 Haar AM1480 filed 1656
LB675 Haar AM1480 lost 1656
LB675 Council AM1482 filed 1657
LB675 Council AM1482 withdrawn 1657
LB675 Council FA46 filed 1657
LB675 Council FA46 withdrawn 1657
LB675 Nordquist AM1492 filed 1658
LB675 Nordquist AM1492 adopted 1658
LB675 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1658
LB16 Placed on Final Reading with ST9055 1659
LB35 Motion to return to Select File pending 1659
LB241 Placed on Final Reading 1659
LB288 Placed on Final Reading with ST9059 1659
LB288A Placed on Final Reading with ST9058 1660
LB561 Placed on Final Reading with ST9057 1660
LB658 Placed on General File with AM1487 1660
LB658 Urban Affairs AM1487 filed 1660
LB35 Returned to Select File for specific amendment 1661
LB35 Ashford AM1468 withdrawn 1661
LB285 Lautenbaugh AM1465 filed 1661
LB35 Readvanced to Final Reading 1662
LB35 Returned to Select File for specific amendment 1662
LB35 Ashford AM1493 filed 1662
LB35 Ashford AM1493 adopted 1662
LB35 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Reengrossment 1662
LB35A Returned to Select File for specific amendment 1663
LB35A Ashford AM1467 adopted 1663
LB35A Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Reengrossment 1663
LB598 Passed on Final Reading 48-0-1 1663
LB604 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 46-0-3 1664
LB627 Passed on Final Reading 47-0-2 1665
LB631 Dispensing of reading at large approved 1666
LB631 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 48-0-1 1666
LB531 President/Speaker signed 1667
LB533 President/Speaker signed 1667
LB537 President/Speaker signed 1667
LB540 President/Speaker signed 1667
LB562 President/Speaker signed 1667
LB587 President/Speaker signed 1667
LB598 President/Speaker signed 1667
LB604 President/Speaker signed 1667
LB627 President/Speaker signed 1667
LB631 President/Speaker signed 1667