Journal Summary for March 4th, 2008

100th Legislature, 2nd Regular Session - Day 34

Use the column headers to sort by Document Number, Description, or Journal Page.
Document Description Journal Page
LB914 Placed on Select File with ER8174 745
LB914 Enrollment and Review ER8174 filed 745
LB962 Placed on Select File 745
LB822 Placed on Select File 746
LB952 Placed on Select File with ER8173 746
LB952 Enrollment and Review ER8173 filed 746
LB1147 Placed on Select File with ER8175 746
LB1147 Enrollment and Review ER8175 filed 746
LB809 Placed on General File with AM1981 747
LB809 Health and Human Services AM1981 filed 747
LB1048 Placed on General File with AM1979 750
LB1048 Health and Human Services AM1979 filed 750
LB1108 Placed on General File with AM1897 751
LB1108 Health and Human Services AM1897 filed 751
LB572 Placed on General File 753
LB884 Placed on General File with AM2126 753
LB884 Government, Military and Veterans Affairs AM2126 filed 753
LR255 Date of introduction 755
LR255 Laid over 755
LB123 Dispensing of reading at large approved 758
LB123 Passed on Final Reading 47-0-2 758
LB268 Passed on Final Reading 41-4-4 758
LB279 Passed on Final Reading 44-0-5 759
LB386 Dispensing of reading at large approved 760
LB386 Passed on Final Reading 47-0-2 760
LB500 Passed on Final Reading 47-0-2 761
LB586 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 47-0-2 762
LB620 Passed on Final Reading 45-1-3 762
LB623 Passed on Final Reading 45-0-4 763
LB624 Passed on Final Reading 46-0-3 764
LB668 Passed on Final Reading 46-0-3 764
LB715 Passed on Final Reading 45-0-4 765
LB744 Passed on Final Reading 46-0-3 766
LB747 Passed on Final Reading 47-0-2 767
LB750 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 47-0-2 767
LB752 Passed on Final Reading 46-0-3 768
LB782 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 47-0-2 769
LB790 Passed on Final Reading 47-0-2 770
LB791 Passed on Final Reading 47-0-2 770
LB823 Dispensing of reading at large approved 771
LB823 Passed on Final Reading 47-0-2 771
LB856 Passed on Final Reading 46-0-3 772
LB857 Passed on Final Reading 46-0-3 773
LB896 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 47-0-2 774
LB915 Dispensing of reading at large approved 774
LB915 Passed on Final Reading 47-0-2 775
LB925 Passed on Final Reading 47-0-2 775
LB123 President/Speaker signed 776
LB268 President/Speaker signed 776
LB279 President/Speaker signed 776
LB386 President/Speaker signed 776
LB500 President/Speaker signed 776
LB586 President/Speaker signed 776
LB620 President/Speaker signed 776
LB623 President/Speaker signed 776
LB624 President/Speaker signed 776
LB668 President/Speaker signed 776
LB715 President/Speaker signed 776
LB744 President/Speaker signed 776
LB747 President/Speaker signed 776
LB750 President/Speaker signed 776
LB752 President/Speaker signed 776
LB768 Urban Affairs AM1682 adopted 776
LB768 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 776
LB782 President/Speaker signed 776
LB790 President/Speaker signed 776
LB791 President/Speaker signed 776
LB823 President/Speaker signed 776
LB856 President/Speaker signed 776
LB857 President/Speaker signed 776
LB896 President/Speaker signed 776
LB915 President/Speaker signed 776
LB925 President/Speaker signed 776
LB939 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 776
LB1056 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 776
LB606A Ashford AM2136 filed 777
LB721A Placed on General File 777
LB721A Date of introduction 777
LR256 Date of introduction 777
LB814 Placed on General File with AM2113 778
LB814 Revenue AM2113 filed 778
LB1081 Placed on General File 778
LR256 Laid over 778
LB890 Placed on General File with AM2125 780
LB890 Revenue AM2125 filed 780
LB1017 Placed on General File with AM2134 781
LB1017 Revenue AM2134 filed 781
LB9 Indefinitely postponed 787
LB123 Presented to Governor on March 04, 2008 787
LB169 Indefinitely postponed 787
LB268 Presented to Governor on March 04, 2008 787
LB279 Presented to Governor on March 04, 2008 787
LB386 Presented to Governor on March 04, 2008 787
LB500 Presented to Governor on March 04, 2008 787
LB586 Presented to Governor on March 04, 2008 787
LB620 Presented to Governor on March 04, 2008 787
LB623 Presented to Governor on March 04, 2008 787
LB624 Presented to Governor on March 04, 2008 787
LB668 Presented to Governor on March 04, 2008 787
LB714 Indefinitely postponed 787
LB715 Presented to Governor on March 04, 2008 787
LB744 Presented to Governor on March 04, 2008 787
LB747 Presented to Governor on March 04, 2008 787
LB750 Presented to Governor on March 04, 2008 787
LB752 Presented to Governor on March 04, 2008 787
LB770 Indefinitely postponed 787
LB782 Presented to Governor on March 04, 2008 787
LB790 Presented to Governor on March 04, 2008 787
LB791 Presented to Governor on March 04, 2008 787
LB823 Presented to Governor on March 04, 2008 787
LB856 Presented to Governor on March 04, 2008 787
LB857 Presented to Governor on March 04, 2008 787
LB887 Indefinitely postponed 787
LB896 Presented to Governor on March 04, 2008 787
LB915 Presented to Governor on March 04, 2008 787
LB922 Indefinitely postponed 787
LB925 Presented to Governor on March 04, 2008 787
LB931 Indefinitely postponed 787
LB1000 Indefinitely postponed 787
LB1007 Indefinitely postponed 787
LB1071 Indefinitely postponed 787
LB1080 Indefinitely postponed 787
LB1098 Indefinitely postponed 787
LB1118 Indefinitely postponed 787
LB1140 Indefinitely postponed 787
LB1175 Indefinitely postponed 787
LB797 Johnson AM2133 filed 788
LB797 Johnson AM2143 filed 788
LB1165 Placed on General File with AM2056 788
LB1165 Appropriations AM2056 filed 788
LB1096 Friend AM2147 filed 791
LB1157 Education AM2093 pending 791
LB781 Placed on General File 792
LB840 Placed on General File with AM1690 792
LB840 Judiciary AM1690 filed 792
LB943 Placed on General File 792
LB1025 Placed on General File 792
LR224 Indefinitely postponed 792
LR257 Date of introduction 792
LB1157 Education AM2093 adopted 793
LB1157 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 793
LR257 Laid over 793
LB988 Placed on General File with AM2128 794
LB988 Education AM2128 filed 794
LB1049 Erdman AM2047 adopted 794
LB1049 Chambers MO131 withdrawn 794
LB1049 Preister AM2035 pending 794
LR243 Adopted 794
LR243 President/Speaker signed 794
LR244 Adopted 794
LR244 President/Speaker signed 794
LR245 Adopted 794
LR245 President/Speaker signed 794
LR246 Adopted 794
LR246 President/Speaker signed 794
LR247 Adopted 794
LR247 President/Speaker signed 794
LR248 Adopted 794
LR248 President/Speaker signed 794
LR249 Adopted 794
LR249 President/Speaker signed 794
LR250 Adopted 794
LR250 President/Speaker signed 794
LR258 Date of introduction 794
LB920 Lathrop name added 795
LR258 Laid over 795