Journal Summary for February 11th, 2008

100th Legislature, 2nd Regular Session - Day 22

Use the column headers to sort by Document Number, Description, or Journal Page.
Document Description Journal Page
LB123 Placed on Final Reading 559
LB179 Placed on Final Reading with ST9064 559
LB179A Placed on Final Reading 559
LB386 Placed on Final Reading with ST9065 559
LB92 Approved by Governor on February 07, 2008 560
LB177 Approved by Governor on February 07, 2008 560
LB202 Approved by Governor on February 07, 2008 560
LB204 Approved by Governor on February 07, 2008 560
LB204A Approved by Governor on February 07, 2008 560
LB205 Approved by Governor on February 07, 2008 560
LB210 Approved by Governor on February 07, 2008 560
LB246 Approved by Governor on February 07, 2008 560
LB269 Approved by Governor on February 07, 2008 560
LB312 Approved by Governor on February 07, 2008 560
LB379 Approved by Governor on February 07, 2008 560
LB380 Approved by Governor on February 07, 2008 560
LB383 Approved by Governor on February 07, 2008 560
LB690 Approved by Governor on February 07, 2008 560
LB706 Approved by Governor on February 07, 2008 560
LB707 Approved by Governor on February 07, 2008 560
LB851 Placed on General File with AM1782 560
LB851 Banking, Commerce and Insurance AM1782 filed 560
LR236 Adopted 561
LR236 President/Speaker signed 561
LB280 Placed on Select File with ER8158 566
LB280 Enrollment and Review ER8158 filed 566
LB280A Placed on Select File with ER8157 566
LB280A Enrollment and Review ER8157 filed 566
LB500 Placed on Select File with ER8156 566
LB500 Enrollment and Review ER8156 filed 566
LB279 Placed on Select File 567
LB395 Johnson AM1736 filed 567
LB609 Placed on Select File with ER8159 567
LB609 Enrollment and Review ER8159 filed 567
LB609A Placed on Select File with ER8160 567
LB609A Enrollment and Review ER8160 filed 567
LB623 Placed on Select File 567
LB668 Placed on Select File 567
LB715 Placed on Select File 567
LB790 Placed on Select File 567
LB896 Placed on Select File 567
LB898 Placed on Select File 567
LR223 Reported to Legislature for further consideration 567
LR238 Date of introduction 568
LB750 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 569
LB752 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 569
LB791 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 569
LB915 Revenue AM1622 adopted 569
LB915 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 569
LB925 Agriculture AM1607 adopted 569
LB925 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 569
LR238 Referred to Reference Committee 569
LB763 Government, Military and Veterans Affairs AM1625 adopted 570
LB851 Banking, Commerce and Insurance priority bill 570
LB855 Placed on General File with AM1832 570
LB855 Banking, Commerce and Insurance AM1832 filed 570
LB856 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 570
LB857 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 570
LB1073 Notice of hearing February 25, 2008 570
LB280A Stuthman MO126 Indefinitely postpone filed 571
LB395 Erdman AM1840 filed 571
LB763 Erdman FA175 filed 571
LB914 Janssen AM1834 filed 571
LB1094 Carlson AM1808 filed 571
LB157 Pedersen explanation of vote 574
LB465 Pedersen explanation of vote 574
LB621 Pedersen explanation of vote 574
LR223 Aguilar name added 574