Introduced Legislation for January 14th, 2020

106th Legislature, 2nd Regular Session - Day 5

Use the column headers to sort by Document Number, Primary Introducer or, Description.
Document Introducer Description
LB999 Wayne Require cities and villages to pay for appointed counsel for prosecutions and adjudications for violation of city and village ordinances
LB990 Wayne Adopt the Games of Skill Act and use proceeds to reduce school district property tax levies
LB989 Wayne Impose sales and use taxes on digital advertisements
LB987 Pansing Brooks Impose sales and use tax on dating and escort services and provide for the use of the revenue
LB985 Pansing Brooks Provide for Class ICA and IDA felony classifications and change penalties
LB986 Pansing Brooks Prescribe requirements for public colleges and universities regarding criminal history and juvenile court record information
LB994 Murman Adopt the Organ Transplant Fairness Act
LB978 Murman Provide for county, city, and village jail reimbursement
LB998 Murman Require behavioral awareness and intervention training and points of contact, transfer funds, and change the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act
LB997 Morfeld Adopt the Out-of-Network Emergency Medical Care Act
LB979 Morfeld Appropriate funds to the Department of Transportation
LB993 Lowe Change provisions regarding the number of city council members in cities adopting the city manager plan of government
LB981 Hunt Provide for applicability of provisions regarding state contracts for services to certain state entities
LB984 Hunt Provide deadlines for filling vacancies on certain city or village boards, authorities, and agencies
LB988 Hilgers Provide restrictions on business entity ownership with respect to certain professional services
LB982 Hansen, M. Change the prohibition on use of state funds for advertising or promotional materials
LB991 Halloran Create the offense of sexual assault of a student and prohibit related enticement conduct by school officials
LB995 Gragert Appropriate funds to the Commission on Public Advocacy
LB975 Geist Change provisions relating to reports of child abuse or neglect
LB992 Friesen Adopt the Broadband Internet Service Infrastructure Act and provide for certain broadband and Internet-related services
LB983 Crawford Eliminate a penalty relating to speeding
LR296 Clements Congratulate Dwight Clements on the celebration of his one hundredth birthday
LB996 Brandt Provide for a government Internet network use policy for the Legislature and create the Broadband Data Improvement Program
LB980 Brandt Change provisions of the Nebraska Lottery and Raffle Act
LB977 Bolz Change provisions relating to the case management lead agency model pilot project
LB976 Bolz Redefine handicapped or disabled person for purposes of handicapped or disabled parking permits