Agenda for February 1st, 2016

104th Legislature, 2nd Regular Session - Day 17

Seventeenth Day

Monday, February 1, 2016

10:00 a.m.

One Hundred Fourth Legislature

Second Session

  • Prayer by the Chaplain
  • Call to Order - Roll Call
  • Corrections for the Journal
  • Messages, Reports, Announcements

The following rules apply to Consent Calendar:

  • If any three members of the Legislature object to the bill being considered on Consent Calendar, please advise the Clerk in writing. Such requests must be filed with the Clerk prior to the expiration of 15 minutes of debate, at this stage of consideration, on the bill to be removed.
  • Upon either the completion of debate or the expiration of 15 minutes, whichever comes first, a vote shall be taken to advance the bill and on any pending motions or amendments pursuant to Rule 5, Section 6(d).
  • Any amendment adopted, other than the standing committee amendment, which adds new subject matter to the bill will result in the bill not being scheduled at the next stage of debate.
Document Introducer Description
LB759 Scheer Change provisions relating to stop-payment orders
LB760 Scheer Update certain references to the federal Electronic Fund Transfer Act
LB761 Scheer Change and update certain federal references in the Consumer Rental Purchase Agreement Act
LB771 Lindstrom Change provisions under the Securities Act of Nebraska relating to registration by coordination and federal covered securities
LB699 Mello Change the Nebraska Municipal Land Bank Act
LB751 Lindstrom Provide that payment of certain expenses is not a condition precedent to certain approvals by the Director of Banking and Finance and change certain notice provisions
LB695 Crawford Provide for the counting of ballots in sanitary and improvement district elections
LB702 Urban Affairs Committee Harmonize provisions relating to the election of city council members in cities of the second class
LB775 Gloor Change property tax provisions relating to motor vehicles
LB737 Friesen Change provisions of the Wastewater Treatment Facilities Construction Assistance Act
LB876 Murante Authorize electronic voting devices for public bodies in public meetings
LB853 Stinner Change provisions relating to the Public Accountancy Act
Document Introducer Description
LR26CA Larson Constitutional amendment to change the age for eligibility to public office
LB295 Scheer Require notice and a comment period regarding zoning ordinances affecting certain extraterritorial zoning jurisdictions
LB221 Harr Change provisions relating to forcible entry and detainer, the Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act, and disposition of a tenant's personal property upon death
LB53 Scheer Provide for issuance of one license plate for passenger cars as prescribed
LB311 Transportation and Telecommunications Committee Change provisions relating to the Motor Vehicle Operator's License Act and CLP-learner's permit issuance and applications for commercial drivers' licenses
LB400 Smith Change filing requirements for statements of financial interest
LB400A Smith Appropriation Bill
LB378 Groene Change requirements for voter approval of borrowing money for public improvements by a first-class city
LB328 Schilz Change provisions of the Private Onsite Wastewater Treatment System Contractors Certification and System Registration Act
LB19 Krist Change provisions relating to laboratory certification under the Nebraska Safe Drinking Water Act
LB25 Krist Change court jurisdiction relating to 17 year olds and young adults

  • Messages on the President's Desk
  • Adjourn until Tuesday, February 2, 2016 at 9:00 a.m.