Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Legislation Referred To Urban Affairs Committee in the 109th Legislature

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Document Primary Introducer Status Description
LB90 Clouse Referral Change provisions relating to improvement districts in cities of the first class
LB240 Jacobson E and R Initial Change certain notice provisions under the Community Development Law
LB286 Urban Affairs Committee E and R Initial Change provisions relating to application deadlines under the Nebraska Innovation Hub Act and the Nebraska Rural Projects Act
LB287 Urban Affairs Committee Referral Provide duties for certain housing agencies relating to bed bugs under the Nebraska Housing Agency Act
LB288 Urban Affairs Committee Referral Redefine terms and change provisions relating to grant funding considerations under the Middle Income Workforce Housing Investment Act
LB289 Urban Affairs Committee E and R Initial Change provisions relating to cities and villages and redefine qualifying business under the Local Option Municipal Economic Development Act
LB290 Urban Affairs Committee General File Change provisions relating to grant funding for a business park under the Economic Recovery Act
LB291 Urban Affairs Committee Referral Adopt the Aid to Municipalities Act
LB292 Urban Affairs Committee Referral Provide for a grant to study prefabricated housing
LB321 Sanders Referral Change provisions relating to the board of trustees for sanitary and improvement districts
LB324 Moser Referral Change protest procedures relating to creation of a proposed business improvement district or modification of an existing business improvement district under the Business Improvement District Act
LB441 Spivey Referral Authorize virtual inspections for certain building permits and require certain inspection records be made available to the public under the Building Construction Act
LB447 Cavanaugh, J. Referral Provide certain requirements for redevelopment contracts under the Community Development Law
LB450 Fredrickson Referral Change provisions relating to the Property Assessed Clean Energy Act
LB514 Urban Affairs Committee Referral Provide powers for cities of the metropolitan class to regulate housing authorities by ordinance
LB520 Juarez Referral Provide requirements for bed and breakfast establishments regarding food, beverages, and fire safety
LB531 Kauth Referral Provide an exception to the requirement that buildings constructed with state funds comply with the 2018 International Energy Conservation Code
LB611 Urban Affairs Committee Referral Adopt updates to building and energy codes
LB614 Andersen Referral Provide for exemptions from regulatory authority of cities of the first and second class and villages for certain farm buildings
LB626 Dover Referral Authorize redevelopment projects involving affordable housing under the Community Development Law
LB702 McKinney Referral Adopt the Neighborhood Empowerment Act