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Search for Avery, 28 in All Legislatures

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Document Legislature Primary Introducer Status Description
LB60 100 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Provide a sales tax holiday for school-related purchases
LB61 100 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Prohibit certain gifts and contributions to candidates for or members of the Public Service Commission
LB252 100 Sen Avery Final Reading Change land surveyor application and registration fees
LB434 100 Sen Avery Final Reading Change late filing fees under the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act
LB509 100 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Create the Scholarship Trust Fund
LB510 100 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Create a homestead exemption and the Scholarship Trust Fund
LB511 100 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Change valuation of agricultural land and create a homestead exemption
LB565 100 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Entertainment and Tourism Development Act
LB679 100 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Eliminate the cap on retirement contributions for University of Nebraska employees
LB761 100 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Create the BRAC Task Force to examine issues relating to the military base realignment and closure process
LB761A 100 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Appropriations bill
LB762 100 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Create a sales tax holiday for school-related purchases
LB763 100 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Create the Nebraska State Capitol Environs District Revitalization Task Force
LB816 100 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Change the number of district court judges
LB817 100 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Require certain constitutional officers to devote their full time to their offices
LB818 100 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Change eligibility provisions for medical assistance
LB870 100 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Prohibit certain former officeholders from being lobbyists
LB871 100 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Rename the Commission on Mexican-Americans
LB905 100 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Provide funding for Nebraska educational telecommunications
LB912 100 Sen Avery Passed Redefine terms for purposes of the Convention Center Facility Financing Assistance Act
LB991 100 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Provide for election day voter registration
LB992 100 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Provide duties to the state investment officer relating to Sudan-related investments
LB1009 100 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Provide for a tax levy for school safety and security purposes
LR4CA 100 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to provide grounds for impeachment
LR6CA 100 Sen Avery Final Reading Constitutional amendment to allow investment of public endowment funds by certain cities
LR8CA 100 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to change signature requirements for initiative petitions
LR35 100 Sen Avery Congratulate T. Nicholas Deliyannis for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR54 100 Sen Avery Proclaim April 2-6, 2007, as Graduate and Professional Student Appreciation Week
LR129 100 Sen Avery Interim study to examine the Base Realignment and Closure process and realignment of United States Department of Defense installations and possible responses required by the state
LR212 100 Sen Avery Designate the third week of February as Biosciences Week in Nebraska beginning in 2008
LR223 100 Sen Avery Urge the Secretary of the Treasury to select Standing Bear as one of the designs for the reverse of the Native American $1 coin
LR252 100 Sen Avery Congratulate Spencer Wolfe for earning the rank of Eagle Scout
LR296 100 Sen Avery Interim study of the impact of a future Base Realignment and Closure Commission on Nebraska's current military installations and missions
LB125 101 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Provide for voter registration on election day
LB126 101 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Require financial disclosure statements from constitutional officers and candidates
LB127 101 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Exempt college textbooks and school expenses from sales tax as prescribed
LB128 101 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Authorize the investment of public endowment funds by any city which is authorized by the Constitution of Nebraska to establish a charter
LB136 101 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Change provisions for eligibility for medical assistance
LB136A 101 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Appropriations Bill
LB137 101 Sen Avery Passed Redefine the term "campus" for purposes of the Nebraska Liquor Control Act
LB138 101 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Provide an income tax credit for public school teachers
LB139 101 Sen Avery Passed Rename the Commission on Mexican-Americans
LB140 101 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Provide duties relating to investment of state funds in Sudan-related companies
LB144 101 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Allow accessibility to certain disciplinary records regarding police officers and school district personnel
LB145 101 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Prohibit firearms at schools, colleges, and universities as prescribed
LB167 101 Sen Avery Passed Provide for discount program participation and electronic funds transfers for state employees
LB168 101 Sen Avery Passed Provide for reverse auctions by the state purchasing bureau
LB190 101 Sen Avery Passed Provide for collection of DNA samples from individuals convicted of a felony and released on probation
LB190A 101 Sen Avery Passed Appropriation Bill
LB207 101 Sen Avery Passed Change provisions governing the Governor's residence and powers of the Department of Administrative Services and the Director of Administrative Services
LB231 101 Sen Avery Passed Change Rural Development Commission membership provisions
LB279 101 Sen Avery Passed Require notification to military installations regarding development of real property
LB280 101 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Create the Commission on Military Affairs
LB280A 101 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Appropriations Bill
LB321 101 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Provide for state employees to participate in mentoring programs
LB322 101 Sen Avery Passed Prohibit nepotism and supervision of family members by executive branch officials and employees
LB361 101 Sen Avery Passed Authorize and change requirements for videoconferencing, telephone conferences, and electronic voting devices for public meetings
LB362 101 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Change requirements for candidate filing forms
LB363 101 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Prohibit certain expenditures by campaign committees
LB402 101 Sen Avery Passed Change the Convention Center Facility Financing Assistance Act and authorize investment of public endowment funds
LB452 101 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Advance Directives Identification Act
LB550 101 Sen Avery Passed Change provisions relating to Military Department personnel and provide peace officer powers to National Guard members
LB612 101 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Prohibit school districts from making contributions or reimbursements relating to retirement benefits
LB714 101 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Change requirements for disclaimers on political material
LB715 101 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Authorize projects in a specific portion of the Nebraska State Capitol Environs District
LB716 101 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Change eligibility requirements for members of a community college board of governors
LB717 101 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Require placement of conflict-of-interest statements in the Legislative Journal
LB718 101 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Change requirements for petitions and petition signatures
LB719 101 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to use of a rotating or flashing amber light on a motor vehicle
LB720 101 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Provide requirements and restrictions for customer loyalty or incentive programs
LB721 101 Sen Avery Passed Change qualification requirements for the State Building Administrator
LB722 101 Sen Avery Passed Change provisions relating to a state bonding requirement, sale of state real property, and state-owned motor vehicles
LB741 101 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Exclude lobbying expenses as a general fund operating expenditure for purposes of the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act
LB745 101 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Redefine a term for purposes of the Nebraska Scholarship Act
LB850 101 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Require public postsecondary educational institutions to provide information on early voting to students
LB851 101 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Change the Convention Center Facility Financing Assistance Act and the Local Civic, Cultural, and Convention Center Financing Act
LB852 101 Sen Avery Passed Provide for write-in space on official ballots for certain offices
LB947 101 Sen Avery Passed Eliminate the Community Development Block Grant Program Advisory Committee
LB948 101 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to agency requisitions and competitive bidding
LB951 101 Sen Avery Passed Change provisions relating to early voting, multiple officeholding, and provisional ballots
LB951A 101 Sen Avery Passed Appropriation Bill
LB974 101 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Change permissible uses of a learning community levy as prescribed
LB1021 101 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Adopt the High School Activities Association Act
LB1025 101 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to stays on new water appropriations
LB1059 101 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Provide for digital and electronic signatures on initiative and referendum petitions
(1st Special)
101 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Encourage state agencies to employ limited furloughs as a substitute for the elimination of state jobs to meet budgetary requirements
LR45 101 Sen Avery Express gratitude to members of the Nebraska National Guard and honor them for their sacrifice and service to the State of Nebraska and to the United States
LR53 101 Sen Avery Recognize and congratulate the residents of Witherbee Village
LR63 101 Sen Avery Congratulate William Alexander Avery for earning the rank of Eagle Scout
LR64 101 Sen Avery Congratulate David M. Cummings for earning the rank of Eagle Scout
LR65 101 Sen Avery Congratulate Wesley Anderson for earning the rank of Eagle Scout
LR66 101 Sen Avery Congratulate John A. Brandt for earning the rank of Eagle Scout
LR119 101 Sen Avery Interim study to examine the initiative and referendum process and how petitions are circulated
LR120 101 Sen Avery Interim study to examine the history of salary, benefit, and retirement packages available to Nebraska public school employees
LR121 101 Sen Avery Interim study to examine the structure, authority, and mission of the Nebraska School Activities Association
LR126 101 Sen Avery Interim study to examine issues under the jurisdiction of the Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee
LR127 101 Sen Avery Interim study to examine the issue of election day registration
LR136 101 Sen Avery Interim study to examine the public psychiatric rehabilitation in secure settings that is available to chronically and severely impaired mentally ill persons residing in Nebraska
LR151 101 Sen Avery Interim study to consider and recommend funding strategies for the improvement of the Centennial Mall area of the Nebraska State Capitol Environs District
LR162 101 Sen Avery Interim study to examine the competitive bidding statutes for the purchase of machinery and equipment
LR163 101 Sen Avery Interim study to examine issues which fall under the jurisdiction of the Nebraska Accountability and Disclosure Commission
LR279CA 101 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to change the number of signatures required on initiative petitions
LR364 101 Sen Avery Congratulate John Garver on celebrating his ninetieth birthday
LR365 101 Sen Avery Congratulate Chase White for winning the 2010 Class A state wrestling championship in the 145-pound division
LR376 101 Sen Avery Congratulate Mollie McNeel for winning the girls' 500-yard freestyle at the 2010 state swimming and diving championship
LR414 101 Sen Avery Congratulate Aaron Welch for earning the rank of Eagle Scout
LR470 101 Sen Avery Interim study to examine the issue of how political subdivisions may be impacted by the 2010 United State Census
LR471 101 Sen Avery Interim study to examine issues under the jurisdiction of the Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee
LR472 101 Sen Avery Interim study to examine the issue of using electronic and digital signatures on initiative and referendum petitions
LR526 101 Sen Avery Interim study to examine the governing structure and function of Nebraska's higher education system
LR557 101 Sen Avery Congratulate Marshall Ozaki for earning the rank of Eagle Scout
(1st Special)
102 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to eminent domain and easements for oil pipelines
(1st Special)
102 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Oil Pipeline Indemnity Bond Act
LB116 102 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Provide for use of Veterans' Aid Income Fund for the state veteran cemetery system
LB117 102 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Change publication requirements for constitutional amendments and initiative and referendum measures
LB118 102 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Eliminate provisions relating to state aid to natural resources districts
LB119 102 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to state aid to incorporated municipalities
LB120 102 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Designate use of certain funds to administer the Risk Management Program
LB121 102 Sen Avery Passed Eliminate provisions relating to the State Fire Marshal from the Volunteer Emergency Responders Recruitment and Retention Act
LB124 102 Sen Avery Passed Provide for cultural history information in adoption records
LB125 102 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Create the Children's Health Advisory Committee
LB126 102 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Children's Health and Responsible Corporate Marketing Act that regulates advertising and marketing to children in restaurants, food establishments, and convenience stores, and provides duties for the Department of Agriculture
LB127 102 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Change input into determinations and management plans for regulation of water
LB128 102 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Change DNA collection provisions
LB129 102 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Eliminate the statute of limitation for certain felonies
LB148 102 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Exclude lobbying expenses from the definition of general fund operating expenditures for state aid to education purposes
LB149 102 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Blind Persons Literacy Rights and Education Act
LB168 102 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Provide for voter registration on the Secretary of State's website
LB169 102 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Authorize provisional ballots for registered voters changing residence within Nebraska
LB171 102 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Provide for the establishment of fees paid to the Secretary of State
LB172 102 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Create the Commission on Indian and Multicultural Affairs and eliminate the Commission on Latino-Americans and the Commission on Indian Affairs
LB173 102 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Prohibit natural resources district board members from running for or holding more than one office
LB174 102 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to certain contributions designated on income tax forms
LB175 102 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Provide for transfers from the Campaign Finance Limitation Cash Fund
LB176 102 Sen Avery Passed Authorize the Nebraska Accountability and Disclosure Commission to order violators to pay hearing costs
LB224 102 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to recall of certain political subdivision officials
LB292 102 Sen Avery Passed Eliminate per diems for members of the Nebraska Accountability and Disclosure Commission
LB293 102 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to reclaiming of property from a pawnbroker or junk dealer
LB399 102 Sen Avery Passed Change the number of signatures needed for nomination petitions
LB442 102 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Outdoor Outfitters and Guides Licensure Act
LB443 102 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Increase certain fees assessed by the State Fire Marshal
LB444 102 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Provide methods for notice under the Open Meetings Act
LB496 102 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Create the Centennial Mall Project Fund
LB606 102 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Require reporting of electioneering communication under the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act
LB607 102 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Provide duties for the Department of Health and Human Services and the Tax Commissioner regarding Kids Connection
LB632 102 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Provide an adjustment to income for certain depreciation
LB752 102 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Provide an income tax credit relating to grape growing and wine producing
LB753 102 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Create funds and provide funding for childhood obesity prevention measures through sales taxation of soft drinks
LB754 102 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Require reporting of electioneering communication
LB755 102 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Require the Nebraska Accountability and Disclosure Commission to file reports regarding legislative conflicts of interest
LB756 102 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Provide public access to documents related to major oil pipelines
LB757 102 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Change political party provisions
LB758 102 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to gifts given by a lobbyist or principal
LB759 102 Sen Avery Passed Change petition circulation requirements
LB795 102 Sen Avery Passed Change provisions relating to applying for membership in veterans homes
LB796 102 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Outdoor Outfitters and Guides Registration Act
LB797 102 Sen Avery Withdrawn Define sexual contact to include kissing without consent
LB858 102 Sen Avery Passed Change requirements and exceptions for certain state contracts
LB859 102 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Provide funding for renovation of Centennial Mall
LB889 102 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to rates, fares, and certificates of convenience and necessity for taxicabs
LB1023 102 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Provide for the waiver of education-related fees for dependents of veterans
LB1024 102 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Provide exceptions to the State Personnel System
LB1025 102 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Prohibit accepting gifts and contributions by Public Service Commission members
LB1026 102 Sen Avery Passed Change the Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act to change provisions relating to confidential records
LB1059 102 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Adopt the State Officers Compensation Act
LB1060 102 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Change procedures for adoption and promulgation of rules and regulations
LB1133 102 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Redistricting Act
LB1134 102 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Change agency procedures for eminent domain
LR19CA 102 Sen Avery Final Reading Constitutional amendment to provide that a civil officer is liable to impeachment for misdemeanors in pursuit of office
LR31 102 Sen Avery Extend sympathy to the family of Leola Bullock
LR91 102 Sen Avery Congratulate Logan Molina for winning the 2011 Class A state wrestling championship in the 171-pound division
LR92 102 Sen Avery Congratulate Chase White for winning the 2011 Class A state wrestling championship in the 160-pound division
LR244 102 Sen Avery Referral Interim study to examine issues within the jurisdiction of the Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee
LR245 102 Sen Avery Referral Interim study to examine how technology may be used in elections to make the process more efficient and user-friendly for voters
LR246 102 Sen Avery Referral Interim study to review an interagency agreement between the Dept. of Health and Human Services and the Dept. of Revenue for the purpose of examining possible tax form revisions for identification of children eligible for the medical assistance program and medicaid
LR294 102 Sen Avery Referral Interim study to examine the formation and mission of outdoor outfitters and guides in the State of Nebraska
LR362 102 Sen Avery Recognize January 5, 2012, as the seventy-fifth anniversary of the Nebraska Unicameral Legislature and honor the lifetime achievements of George W. Norris
LR377CA 102 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to terminate legislative compensation provisions and provide for creation of a compensation commission for state constitutional officers and members of the Legislature
LR407 102 Sen Avery Extend thanks to the honorees for their sacrifice and service to the State of Nebraska and the United States of America
LR429 102 Sen Avery Extend thanks to the honorees for their sacrifice and service to the State of Nebraska and the United States of America
LR473 102 Sen Avery Approve the gift of materials, labor, and in-kind services from the Norfolk Veterans' Home Heroes Foundation to the Norfolk Homes Heroes Park Project
LR512 102 Sen Avery Referral Interim study to examine issues under the jurisdiction of the Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee
LR583 102 Sen Avery Referral Interim study to examine the structure, authority, and mission of the Public Service Commission in its administration of transportation by passenger motor carriers
LR584 102 Sen Avery Referral Interim study to examine the authority and execution of eminent domain and condemnation proceedings
LR585 102 Sen Avery Referral Interim study to examine the structure, maintenance, and mission of the parole system and the Board of Parole
LR619 102 Sen Avery Recognize Nebraska's Lincoln Monument as a major work of twentieth-century public art
LB77 103 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Nebraska Iran Divestment Act
LB78 103 Sen Avery Passed Eliminate an authority, a board, and certain committees and commissions
LB79 103 Sen Avery Passed Change political accountability and disclosure provisions and repeal campaign finance laws
LB79A 103 Sen Avery Passed Appropriation Bill
LB134 103 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Provide for inheritance by issue conceived after death
LB135 103 Sen Avery Passed Prohibit employment of a member of a community college boards of governors by the community college area he or she serves
LB136 103 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Provide for the distribution of administrative fines and costs and forfeited property
LB137 103 Sen Avery Passed Establish state fleet card programs
LB181 103 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Prohibit motorcycle passengers less than eight years old
LB182 103 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Change paternity provisions for a child conceived as a result of sexual assault
LB217 103 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Change constitutional officers' salaries
LB218 103 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Require insurance coverage for certain food formulas as prescribed
LB219 103 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Change petition requirements for general election ballot
LB220 103 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Change children's eligibility provisions relating to the Medical Assistance Act
LB362 103 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Change state park entry permit provisions and provide for a motor vehicle registration fee
LB362A 103 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Appropriation Bill
LB363 103 Sen Avery Passed Change provisions relating to access to public records
LB363A 103 Sen Avery Passed Appropriation Bill
LB364 103 Sen Avery Passed Permit cities of the metropolitan, primary, and first class to set limits on contracts which affect public officials or employees
LB365 103 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Require instruction in certain emergency procedures as a prerequisite to high school graduation
LB446 103 Sen Avery Passed Define salvage to include flood damage under the Motor Vehicle Certificate of Title Act
LB447 103 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Provide for sales tax on soft drinks, change the distribution of sales tax proceeds, and provide funding for projects to help children
LB448 103 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Prohibit contributions by lobbyists to candidates or members of the Legislature during legislative session
LB449 103 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Redefine high elective office for restrictions on multiple office holding
LB450 103 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Change political party convention and caucus provisions
LB466 103 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Redefine a term under the Postsecondary Institution Act
LB467 103 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Provide for interstate reciprocity agreements under the Postsecondary Institution Act
LB533 103 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Require oil and gas pipeline eminent domain condemnors to provide notice to property owners
LB534 103 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the Auditor of Public Accounts and the Legislative Performance Audit Section
LB703 103 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Change the Nebraska Optometry Education Assistance Contract Program
LB704 103 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Create the Nebraska Sesquicentennial Fund
LB744 103 Sen Avery Passed Establish the Nebraska Sesquicentennial Commission
LB744A 103 Sen Avery Passed Appropriation Bill
LB745 103 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Change various provisions relating to administrative governmental functions
LB746 103 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Change election provisions to authorize provisional ballots and require identification for certain voters
LB747 103 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Provide electioneering communication reporting requirements and restrictions under the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act
LB748 103 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Change paternity provisions for a child conceived as a result of sexual assault
LB804 103 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Change and eliminate procedures for filling vacancies and removal of certain gubernatorial appointees
LB805 103 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Change application requirements to Nebraska veterans homes
LB806 103 Sen Avery Passed Change provisions of the MiIitary Code relating to Military Department personnel
LB814 103 Sen Avery Passed Redefine all-terrain vehicle, utility-type vehicle, and sales price, change sales and use tax provisions relating to ATV's and UTV's, and change duties of sellers in the distribution of sales tax revenue to provide funding to the Game and Parks Commission
LB814A 103 Sen Avery Passed Appropriation Bill
LB834 103 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to funding for school breakfast programs
LB835 103 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Extend a pilot project relating to college entrance exams
LB932 103 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Restrict public employer requests for criminal history information from an applicant
LB1004 103 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Authorize additional sources of funding for the Commission on Indian Affairs Cash Fund
LB1005 103 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Create the Surface Water and Ground Water Review Board and provide powers and duties
LR23 103 Sen Avery Indefinitely postponed Memorialize Congress to support a constitutional amendment responding to the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission
LR38 103 Sen Avery Referral Endorse Taiwan's participation in the International Civil Aviation Organization as an observer and support efforts to grant Taiwan official observer status at the United National Framework Convention on Climate Change
LR72 103 Sen Avery Congratulate D.J. Castillo on his exceptional personal achievements
LR110 103 Sen Avery Congratulate Meredith Wekesser on her exceptional personal achievements
LR192 103 Sen Avery Referral Interim study to examine conducting elections by mail
LR193 103 Sen Avery Referral Interim study to examine the role of political parties in the election process
LR194 103 Sen Avery Referral Interim study to examine issues under the jurisdiction of the Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee
LR202 103 Sen Avery Referral Interim study to examine the issue of election day registration
LR205 103 Sen Avery Referral Interim study to examine the mission and financing options as authorized by current law of the Game and Parks Commission
LR206 103 Sen Avery Referral Interim study to examine the school breakfast program
LR391 103 Sen Avery Recognize September 2014 as Pediatric Cancer Awareness in Nebraska
LR405 103 Sen Avery Congratulate Matthew Michael Sievert for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR425 103 Sen Avery Congratulate Southview Christian Church and Boy Scout Troop 16 of Lincoln on the celebration of the 100th anniversary of Troop 16
LR462 103 Sen Avery Congratulate Wesley Dawkins for winning the 2014 Class A state wrestling championship in the 106-pound division
LR524 103 Sen Avery Extend sympathy to the family of Russell Inbody
LR581 103 Sen Avery Referral Interim study to examine issues under the jurisdiction of the Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee