Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Slama, 1 in All Legislatures

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Document Legislature Primary Introducer Status Description
LR489 108 Sen Slama Adopted Congratulate Lila Tomek on being awarded the Congressional Gold Medal and recognize her contributions to the United States war effort during World War II
LR471 108 Sen Slama Adopted Recognize October 2024 as Spina Bifida Awareness Month
LR470 106 Sen Slama Adopted Extend congratulations to Bruce Neemann in recognition for his many years of serving the City of Syracuse, Otoe County, and the state
LR464 108 Sen Slama Adopted Congratulate the Johnson-Brock High School boys basketball team on winning the 2024 Class D-1 state championship
LR358 108 Sen Slama Referral Interim study to examine the causes of increasing commercial insurance premiums and the impacts on Nebraska businesses
LR311 107 Sen Slama Referral Interim study to examine issues relating to workplace policies of the Legislature
LR289 107 Sen Slama Adopted Extend sympathy to the family of Jeremy Goldsberry and recognize his service to southeast Nebraska and beyond
LR288 106 Sen Slama Referral Urge Congress and the United States Corps of Engineers to prioritize flood control as a top priority for the management of water systems under their authority in the Missouri River Mainstream Reservoir System Water Control Manual
LR282CA 107 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to eliminate the requirement to nominate and elect members of the Legislature in a nonpartisan manner
LR199 107 Sen Slama Referral Interim study to examine the creation of a rural economic development program
LR197 107 Sen Slama Adopted Recognize Nancy Hoch for her community service in Southeast Nebraska and extend sympathy to her family
LR181 108 Sen Slama Referral Interim study to examine the insurance statutes of the State of Nebraska with specific emphasis on the impact of the insurance industry on tort reform and related matters
LR180 108 Sen Slama Referral Interim study to examine the Nebraska Trust Company Act and other Nebraska statutes related to trust companies
LR153 107 Sen Slama Adopted Recognize Yolanda Peck for her dedication to helping immigrants in southeast Nebraska and extend sympathy to her family
LR134 106 Sen Slama Referral Interim study to examine the drug testing protocol recently changed by the Division of Children and Family Services for families involved in the child welfare system
LR122 108 Sen Slama Referral Interim study to examine issues within the jurisdiction of the Banking, Commerce and Insurance Committee
LR121 108 Sen Slama Referral Interim study to review the credentialing requirements for the business of debt management found in sections 69-1201 to 69-1217 for purposes of the Occupational Board Reform Act
LR120 108 Sen Slama Referral Interim study to review the credentialing requirements in the Abstracters Act for purposes of the Occupational Board Reform Act
LR119 108 Sen Slama Referral Interim study to review the credentialing requirements in the Collection Agency Act for purposes of the Occupational Board Reform Act
LR118 108 Sen Slama Referral Interim study to review the credentialing requirements in the Nebraska Real Estate License Act for purposes of the Occupational Board Reform Act
LR96 106 Sen Slama Referral Interim study to examine the long-term public power generation and transmission options in the state
LR95 106 Sen Slama Referral Interim study to examine the prevalence and economic costs of methamphetamine use in the state
LR77 106 Sen Slama Congratulate Jim Gress, Janene Bennett, Janet Reed, and Judge Steinheider on their retirement and express appreciation for their service
LR75 106 Sen Slama Congratulate the Auburn High School boys' basketball team on winning the 2019 Class C-1 state championship
LR74 106 Sen Slama Congratulate the Johnson-Brock High School boys' basketball team on winning the 2019 Class D-2 state championship
LR34 107 Sen Slama Referral Interim study to examine the structure and funding of the Nebraska Environmental Trust
(1st Special)
108 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to authorize suits against political subdivisions for increasing fiscal year spending beyond a limit based on inflation and population change unless approved by voters at a general election
(1st Special)
108 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to prohibit political subdivisions from increasing fiscal year spending beyond a limit based on inflation and population change unless approved by voters at a general election
(1st Special)
108 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to authorize suits against the state for increasing fiscal year spending beyond a limit based on inflation and population change unless approved by voters at a general election
(1st Special)
108 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to prohibit the state from increasing fiscal year spending beyond a limit based on inflation and population change unless approved by voters at a general election
(1st Special)
108 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to authorize suits against political subdivisions for failing to maintain reserves
(1st Special)
108 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to require political subdivisions to maintain reserves for emergencies
(1st Special)
108 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to require political subdivisions to have voter approval at a general election before creating certain debts or other financial obligations without pledged cash reserves
(1st Special)
108 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to require political subdivisions to have voter approval at a general election before changing tax policies that will directly result in net increased tax revenue
(1st Special)
108 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to require political subdivisions to have voter approval at a general election before extending any expiring tax
(1st Special)
108 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to require political subdivisions to have voter approval at a general election before increasing any tax rate
(1st Special)
108 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to require political subdivisions to have voter approval at a general election before levying a new tax
(1st Special)
108 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to authorize suits against political subdivisions for creating certain debts or other financial obligations without pledged cash reserves as prescribed and without voter approval at a general election
(1st Special)
108 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to authorize suits against political subdivisions for changing tax policies that directly result in net increased tax revenue without voter approval at a general election
(1st Special)
108 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to authorize suits against political subdivisions for extending expiring taxes without voter approval at a general election
(1st Special)
108 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to authorize suits against political subdivisions for levying new taxes without voter approval at a general election
(1st Special)
108 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to authorize suits against political subdivisions for increasing tax rates without voter approval at a general election
LR3CA 107 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to require verification of identity prior to voting
LB1210 107 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Appropriate federal funds to the Department of Economic Development for small businesses located in cities of the second class and villages
LB1110 107 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the regulation and operation of all-terrain vehicles and utility-type vehicles
LB1075 108 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Delayed Deposit Services Licensing Act, the Nebraska Installment Loan Act, the Nebraska Installment Sales Act, the Nebraska Money Transmitters Act, and the Residential Mortgage Licensing Act
LB1074A 108 Sen Slama Passed Appropriation Bill
LB1074 108 Sen Slama Passed Adopt changes to federal law regarding banking and finance, change provisions of the Commodity Code, the Credit Union Act, and the Securities Act of Nebraska, adopt the Data Privacy Act and the Public Entities Pooled Investment Act, exempt certain records from public disclosure, and change breach of security provisions and computerized data, criminal history background checks, and vital records
LB1073A 108 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Appropriation Bill
LB1073 108 Sen Slama Passed Adopt the Peer-to-Peer Vehicle Sharing Program Act and provide, change, and prohibit certain actions relating to insurance, real estate, and deceptive trade practices
LB1017 107 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Uniform Trust Code
LB977A 107 Sen Slama Passed Appropriation Bill
LB977 107 Sen Slama Passed Provide for grants from the Site and Building Development Fund for expanding electrical system capacities and a transfer to the fund from the Cash Reserve Fund
LB942 107 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Change powers, duties, and training requirements for noncertified conditional officers and law enforcement reserve officers and provide for notice of expiration of certification as a qualified firearm instructor
LB941 107 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Provide a sales and use tax exemption for net wrap
LB912 108 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Provide for contracting for reasonable terms for coverage under the Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Insurance Coverage Act
LB887 107 Sen Slama Passed Change provisions relating to state colleges and the Board of Trustees of the Nebraska State Colleges and eliminate certain provisions relating to morals and prohibiting religious tests
LB846 107 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to an annual audit under the Nebraska Banking Act
LB845 107 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Anti-Discrimination Against Israel Act
LB793 106 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Change penalty and statute of limitation provisions relating to public assistance violations
LB792 106 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Allow for the combination or aggregation of cocaine, base cocaine, heroin, amphetamine or methamphetamine amounts for two or more controlled substance violations
LB791 106 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Livestock Animal Welfare Act relating to ownership, possession, or seizure of animals
LB790 106 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Change the Political Subdivisions Construction Alternatives Act and certain state bidding requirements and contract approval procedures
LB789 106 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Change school bus stop signal arm violation provisions
LB788 106 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Change and eliminate provisions relating to the Department of Labor
LB781 107 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Heartbeat Act
LB594 107 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Rural Workforce Crisis Act
LB593 107 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Uniform Foreign-Country Money Judgments Recognition Act and the Uniform Registration of Canadian Money Judgments Act
LB538 108 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the board of directors of a bank
LB537 108 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act
LB536 108 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to authorized investments for insurers
LB535 108 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Require valid photographic identification and change provisions relating to voting under the Election Act and certain identification documents
LB534 108 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Appropriate federal funds to the Department of Environment and Energy for community water systems
LB519 106 Sen Slama Passed Change civil and criminal provisions relating to certain sexual offenses, human trafficking, and child abuse
LB403 107 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to recovery of medical assistance debt from an estate
LB399 106 Sen Slama Passed Change the name and provisions related to the committee on Americanism
LB343 108 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Prohibit public contracts with companies that boycott Israel
LB333 106 Sen Slama Passed Update federal references and redefine a term under the Nebraska Milk Act
LB327 107 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Require a personal finance or financial literacy credit for high school graduation
LB326 107 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Provide immunity for claims against first responders operating motor vehicles and arising from vehicular pursuits and provide for policies, training, and duties relating to vehicular pursuits
LB300 107 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to justification for the use of force
LB232 106 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Reduce the threshold amount for claims against the state for prosecution costs
LB214 108 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Adopt changes to federal law regarding banking and finance and change provisions relating to digital asset depositories, loan brokers, mortgage loan originators, and installment loans
LB213 108 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Change provisions regarding tax credits under the Nebraska Job Creation and Mainstreet Revitalization Act and grants under the Rural Workforce Housing Investment Act
LB212 108 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Require the Department of Transportation to plan, design, and purchase rights-of-way for U.S. Highway 75 and pave all unpaved state highways
LB204 107 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Change provisions of the Sex Offender Registration Act
LB167 108 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Provide requirements for depositions of certain children
LB152 107 Sen Slama Passed Change provisions regarding fireworks
LB96 108 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Provide a sales and use tax exemption for twine
LB95 108 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Asbestos Trust Claims Transparency Act and the Asbestos Claims Priorities and Claims Legitimacy Act and change a statute of limitations
LB94 108 Sen Slama Passed Adopt and change provisions for controllable electronic records under the Uniform Commercial Code
LB93 108 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to security deposits required to be deposited with the Department of Insurance by insurers
LB92A 108 Sen Slama Passed Appropriation Bill
LB92 108 Sen Slama Passed Provide, change, and eliminate law relating to banking, commerce, insurance, housing, and taxation
LB76 107 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Change apportionment of Nebraska's electoral college votes
LB68 108 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Increase limits on medical malpractice liability and change provisions of the Nebraska Hospital-Medical Liability Act
LB67 108 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Provide a duty for the State Treasurer regarding deposits of public funds
LB66 108 Sen Slama Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to the regulation and operation of all-terrain vehicles and utility-type vehicles