Bill/Resolution Search Results

Search for Kuehn, 38 in All Legislatures

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Document Legislature Primary Introducer Status Description
LB153 Sen Kuehn Indefinitely postponed Prohibit certain officeholders and public employees from being a lobbyist
LB203 Sen Kuehn Passed Change provisions relating to maximum annual unemployment benefits and disqualification for benefits and authorize electronic notice
LB223 Sen Kuehn Passed Change provisions relating to prescription drug monitoring
LB318 Sen Kuehn Indefinitely postponed State intent to fund planning and development regions
LB332 Sen Kuehn Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds for the statewide prescription drug disposal project
LB389 Sen Kuehn Indefinitely postponed Change license and inspection fees under the Commercial Dog and Cat Operator Inspection Act
LB481 Sen Kuehn Passed Provide for drug product selection for interchangeable biological products
LB496 Sen Kuehn Indefinitely postponed Appropriate funds for the Yeutter Institute for International Trade and Finance
LB542 Sen Kuehn Indefinitely postponed Provide for liens and recovery of debt incurred under the Medical Assistance Act
LB565 Sen Kuehn Indefinitely postponed State intent relating to appropriations for education and training in high-need fields
LB583 Sen Kuehn Withdrawn Remove the authority of veterinarians to dispense controlled substances
LB661 Sen Kuehn Indefinitely postponed Provide for confidentiality of information relating to performing a lethal injection
LB663 Sen Kuehn Indefinitely postponed Require a copy of a lobbying contract for lobbyist registration as prescribed
LB664 Sen Kuehn Indefinitely postponed Prohibit a political subdivision from using taxes or fees to employ a lobbyist
LB665 Sen Kuehn Indefinitely postponed Require a statement of activity regarding certain lobbying activity
LB720 Sen Kuehn Indefinitely postponed Change certain invasion of privacy provisions to include unmanned aircraft or unmanned aircraft systems
LB792 Sen Kuehn Indefinitely postponed Prohibit certain former officeholders and public employees from being lobbyists
LB806 Sen Kuehn Indefinitely postponed Change the Conveyance Safety Act
LB905 Sen Kuehn Indefinitely postponed Change the burden of proof for certain protests of real property valuations
LB934 Sen Kuehn Indefinitely postponed Require identification prior to receipt of dispensed opiates
LB935A Sen Kuehn Indefinitely postponed Appropriation Bill
LB979 Sen Kuehn Indefinitely postponed Provide for selection of interchangeable biological products by pharmacists
LB1057 Sen Kuehn Indefinitely postponed Change provisions relating to prescription drug monitoring
LB1099 Sen Kuehn Indefinitely postponed Adopt the Legislative Ethics Act
LB1129 Sen Kuehn Indefinitely postponed Prohibit state employees from certain political activities
LB1130 Sen Kuehn Indefinitely postponed Provide a disclosure requirement for certain tax-exempt organizations under the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act
LR10 Sen Kuehn Congratulate Lona Kuehn on her 100th birthday
LR12 Sen Kuehn Congratulate Michael Overturf on receiving the Thomas Jefferson Award
LR13 Sen Kuehn Congratulate Tysen McDowell on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR14 Sen Kuehn Congratulate Andrew Hultquist on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR77 Sen Kuehn Congratulate Zachary C. Reichstein on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR78 Sen Kuehn Congratulate Gary DeBoer on being a charter inductee into the Nebraska Eight-Man Football Hall of Fame
LR97 Sen Kuehn Designate April 10, 2017, as Lineworker Appreciation Day in Nebraska
LR179 Sen Kuehn Recognize April 13, 2015, as Lineworkers Appreciation Day in Nebraska
LR190 Sen Kuehn Referral Interim study to examine the possibility of creating an ethics committee within the Legislature
LR220 Sen Kuehn Congratulate Dylan Jake Buschow on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
LR242 Sen Kuehn Referral Interim study to examine the feasibility of zero-based budgeting for state agencies
LR257 Sen Kuehn Referral Interim study to examine how to create a sustainable and adequate stream of state funds to local public health departments to ensure the departments are able to meet their core responsibilities and functions
LR290CA Sen Kuehn Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment authorizing the Legislature to value real property for property tax purposes at its market value on date of acquisition
LR360 Sen Kuehn Honor Captain Dustin Lukasiewicz for his service to his country and extend sympathy to his family
LR365 Sen Kuehn Congratulate the Holdrege High School Dusters for winning the 2015 Class B girls' state track and field championship
LR378CA Sen Kuehn Indefinitely postponed Constitutional amendment to guarantee the right to engage in certain farming and ranching practices
LR379 Sen Kuehn Referral Interim study to examine the potential impact of changing provisions under the Industrial Relations Act for the determination of working conditions for noncertificated or noninstructional school employees by including criteria related to the property tax base of the employer
LR528 Sen Kuehn Designate April 11, 2016, as Lineworker Appreciation Day in Nebraska