Bill/Resolution Search Results
Search for Friday January 18, 2019
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Document | Primary Introducer | Status | Description |
LB406 | Gragert | Passed | Change the Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act |
LB407 | Lindstrom | Indefinitely postponed | Grant in-state credit unions powers of out-of-state credit unions as prescribed |
LB408 | Quick | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to compensation paid upon the death on an employee under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act |
LB409 | Kolowski | Passed | Adopt design standards for health care facilities |
LB410 | Kolowski | Indefinitely postponed | Exempt certain sales of clothing and footwear from sales and use taxes |
LB411 | Scheer | Passed | Name, change, and transfer provisions relating to the county civil service commission and change provisions relating to metropolitan utilities districts, county boards, elections, and political accountability and disclosure |
LB412 | Geist | Indefinitely postponed | Require an election regarding creation of a joint public agency |
LB413 | Brandt | Indefinitely postponed | Change application submission deadlines under the Nebraska Advantage Act |
LB414 | Brandt | Passed | Change county highway superintendent duties as prescribed and eliminate an annual report requirement |
LB415 | Friesen | Indefinitely postponed | Repeal recall provisions for political subdivisions |
LB416 | Friesen | Indefinitely postponed | Change distribution of funds from the temporary school fund and from fines and licenses |
LB417 | Friesen | Indefinitely postponed | Change application deadlines under certain tax incentive programs |
LB418 | Cavanaugh | Passed | Change provisions under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act and change provisions relating to tort claims against the state, the State Self-Insured Liability Fund, and state vehicles |
LB419 | Bolz | Indefinitely postponed | Change the Nebraska Advantage Act and create a fund and grant program |
LB420 | Bolz | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Property Tax Circuit Breaker Act |
LB421 | Hilgers | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Asbestos Trust Claims Transparency Act |
LB422 | Howard | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Art Therapy Practice Act |
LB423 | Howard | Indefinitely postponed | Change and eliminate provisions relating to school-based health centers under the Medical Assistance Act |
LB424 | Quick | Passed | Change the Nebraska Municipal Land Bank Act |
LB425 | Hilkemann | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriate funds to the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska |
LB426 | DeBoer | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for adoption by two adults |
LB427 | Howard | Passed | Change terminology relating to legitimacy of children |
LB428 | Friesen | Passed | Change provisions relating to computation of wages under the Employment Security Law |
LB429 | Wayne | Indefinitely postponed | Change tax provisions for cigars, cheroots, and stogies |
LB430 | Groene | Passed | Change dates related to certifications and distributions of state aid to schools |
LB431 | Groene | Indefinitely postponed | Change school finance base limitation and local effort rate provisions |
LB432 | Groene | Indefinitely postponed | Include tax-increment financing valuation in adjusted valuations for purposes of state aid to schools and change school district levy authority |
LB433 | Hansen, M. | Passed | Change provisions relating to return of tenants' deposits and damages and the time period for a written notice to quit |
LB434 | Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Change landlord and tenant provisions relating to three-day notice to quit and to create a right of redemption for tenants |
LB435 | Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to retaliatory conduct by a landlord |
LB436 | Hansen, M. | Governor Veto | Create the Complete Count Committee |
LB437 | Linehan | Indefinitely postponed | Change application deadlines under the Nebraska Advantage Act |
LB438 | Wishart | Indefinitely postponed | Designate Nebraska State Patrol as agency to investigate criminal activity within Department of Correctional Services facilities and the Lincoln Regional Center |
LB439 | Crawford | Indefinitely postponed | Require coverage for chiropractic services under the Medical Assistance Act |
LB440 | Walz | Indefinitely postponed | Increase a tax on aviation jet fuel |
LB441 | McCollister | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to certain sales and use tax refund deductions and applicability to municipalities as prescribed |
LB442 | McCollister | Passed | Require insurance coverage for synchronizing prescription medications |
LB443 | McCollister | Passed | Require the Department of Correctional Services to allow committed offenders reasonable access to their attorneys |
LB444 | McDonnell | Indefinitely postponed | Provide a homestead exemption for certain dwelling complexes |
LB445 | McDonnell | Passed | Require cities and villages to provide annual reports relating to occupation taxes as prescribed |
LB446 | McDonnell | Indefinitely postponed | State intent relating to appropriations for the County Justice Reinvestment Grant Program |
LB447 | McDonnell | Passed | Exempt certain employees of the Nebraska State Historical Society from the State Personnel System and change election provisions for the board of trustees of the Nebraska State Historical Society |
LB448 | McDonnell | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to compensation for burial expenses under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act |
LB449 | Walz | Passed | Prohibit scleral tattooing |
LB450 | Wishart | Passed | Change tuition assistance provisions for National Guard members, spouses, and children |
LB451 | Halloran | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Faithful Delegate to Federal Article V Convention Act |
LB452 | Clements | Indefinitely postponed | Change boundaries of Nebraska planning and development regions and provide a procedure for a county to move to an adjacent region |
LB453 | Clements | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for hearings on credit union membership expansion applications |
LB454 | Clements | Passed | Change education requirements for issuance of a broker's or salesperson's license under the Nebraska Real Estate License Act |
LB455 | Arch | Indefinitely postponed | Change medical services payment provisions relating to jails |
LB456 | Lathrop | Indefinitely postponed | Provide a sales and use tax exemption for certain machinery and equipment used to produce electricity |
LB457 | Lathrop | Indefinitely postponed | Define and redefine terms relating to industrial hemp under the Uniform Controlled Substances Act |
LB458 | Lathrop | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to child abuse or neglect |
LB459 | Health and Human Services Committee | Indefinitely postponed | Change criminal background check provisions under the Child Care Licensing Act |
LB460 | Health and Human Services Committee | Passed | Change provisions relating to transitional child care assistance and cash assistance and require background checks under the Child Care Licensing Act and Children's Residential Facilities and Placing Licensure Act as prescribed |
LB461 | Friesen | Passed | Eliminate certificates of public convenience and necessity and permits for movers of household goods and carriers of railroad employees, provide a licensing process for such regulated motor carriers, and exempt motor carriers engaged in transportation related to agritourism from certain requirements |
LB462 | Friesen | Passed | Change provisions of the One-Call Notification System Act and the Nebraska Telecommunications Regulation Act |
LB463 | Williams | Passed | Change provisions relating to treasurer's tax deeds and tax sale certificates |
LB464 | Hansen, M. | Passed | Provide for payment of claims against the state |
LB465 | Hansen, M. | Indefinitely postponed | Deny payment of claims against the state |
LB466 | Howard | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Redistricting Act |
LB467 | Vargas | Indefinitely postponed | Prohibit consideration of certain factors in redistricting |
LB468 | Walz | Passed | Prohibit inclusion of long-term services and supports under the medicaid managed care program and provide duties for the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Insurance |
LB469 | Lindstrom | Passed | Change provisions of the Surplus Lines Insurance Act and the Property and Casualty Insurance Rate and Form Act and eliminate provisions relating to employee benefit plans |
LB470 | La Grone | Governor Veto | Exempt dwelling complexes located on United States Department of Defense military installations from taxes as prescribed and authorize and provide tax deductions for contributions to the Nebraska educational savings plan trust by employers and persons other than participants as prescribed |
LB471 | La Grone | Indefinitely postponed | Provide a procedure for consolidation of related civil actions in multiple judicial districts |
LB472 | Dorn | Veto Overridden | Adopt the Qualified Judgment Payment Act, authorize a sales and use tax, and require a property tax levy |
LB473 | Dorn | Indefinitely postponed | Change revenue and taxation provisions relating to judgments against public corporations and political subdivisions, authorize certain loans, and provide powers and duties to the State Treasurer |
LB474 | Dorn | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to claims against the state for wrongful incarceration and conviction |
LB475 | Geist | Indefinitely postponed | Create the offense of sexual extortion, redefine sexual exploitation, and provide for a registrable offense under the Sex Offender Registration Act |
LB476 | McCollister | Passed | Eliminate a sunset provision relating to certain retail sales of natural gas by a metropolitan utilities district |
LB477 | Vargas | Passed | Provide an income tax exemption for Segal AmeriCorps Education Awards |
LB478 | Vargas | Passed | Prohibit evidence of a minor's consent in any civil proceeding involving certain alleged sex offenses |