Bill/Resolution Search Results
Search for Thursday January 12, 2017
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Document | Primary Introducer | Status | Description |
LB298 | Baker | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Strengthening Families Act and a task force |
LB299 | Ebke | Passed | Adopt the Occupational Board Reform Act and change procedures for rules and regulations |
LB300 | Krist | Passed | Change the statute of limitations on civil actions for sexual assault of a child |
LB301 | Albrecht | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for electronic notices of determinations of claims under the Employment Security Law |
LB302 | Crawford | Indefinitely postponed | State intent to appropriate funds for psychiatric and behavioral health medicine fellowships |
LB303 | Crawford | Indefinitely postponed | Appropriate funds to the University of Nebraska to fund behavioral health internships |
LB304 | Crawford | Passed | Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Housing Agency Act |
LB305 | Crawford | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Paid Family Medical Leave Insurance Act |
LB306 | Lindstrom | Passed | Change provisions relating to the scope of coverage of and notice required under the Portable Electronics Insurance Act |
LB307 | Brasch | Passed | Provide for mediation, child abuse prevention, and civil legal services fees in certain proceedings |
LB308 | Brasch | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to the committee on Americanism |
LB309 | Brasch | Indefinitely postponed | Eliminate Daylight Saving Time |
LB310 | Friesen | Passed | Change provisions relating to bridge carrying capacities and weight limits and operation restrictions for implements of husbandry |
LB311 | Morfeld | Indefinitely postponed | Eliminate an eligibility provision relating to nutrition assistance benefits as prescribed |
LB312 | Briese | Indefinitely postponed | Change and eliminate revenue and taxation provisions |
LB313 | Briese | Indefinitely postponed | Change the sales tax rate and the earned income tax credit and provide property tax credits |
LB314 | Murante | Indefinitely postponed | Change state and municipal election provisions to conform to prior legislation |
LB315 | Murante | Passed | Change provisions relating to the sale of real property by a city of the second class or village |
LB316 | Murante | Indefinitely postponed | Change election provisions relating to technology and funding |
LB317 | Hughes | Passed | Provide for a relevy or reassessment of a special assessment for cities of the second class or villages as prescribed |
LB318 | Hughes | Passed | Authorize telephone conferencing for meetings of the Nebraska Brand Committee |
LB319 | Halloran | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for confidentiality of and access to certain injury reports under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act |
LB320 | Lowe | Passed | Change provisions relating to bidding and purchases, conflicts of interest in the materiel division, and facilities construction and administration |
LB321 | Lowe | Passed | Change provisions relating to unlawful possession of a firearm at a school |
LB322 | Craighead | Indefinitely postponed | Change the Tax Equalization and Review Commission Act |
LB323 | Kolterman | Passed | Adopt the Palliative Care and Quality of Life Act |
LB324 | Kolterman | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Pharmacy Benefit Fairness and Transparency Act |
LB325 | Harr | Indefinitely postponed | Exempt certain purchases of energy star qualified products from sales and use taxes |
LB326 | Kolowski | Indefinitely postponed | Provide additional budget and tax levy authority for certain school districts |
LB327 | Speaker Scheer | Passed | Appropriate funds for the expenses of Nebraska State Government for the biennium ending June 30, 2019 |
LB328 | Speaker Scheer | Passed | Appropriate funds for salaries of members of the Legislature |
LB329 | Speaker Scheer | Passed | Appropriate funds for salaries of constitutional officers |
LB330 | Speaker Scheer | Passed | Appropriate funds for capital construction and property acquisition |
LB331 | Speaker Scheer | Passed | Create funds, provide for transfers, change provisions governing funds, and change the reserve requirement |
LB332 | Speaker Scheer | Passed | Change Cash Reserve Fund provisions |
LB333 | Riepe | Passed | Change provisions relating to custody, services, and assistance for persons with developmental disabilities |
LB334 | Riepe | Indefinitely postponed | Change Department of Health and Human Services provisions relating to families |
LB335 | Riepe | Passed | Change provisions relating to a child care market rate survey |
LB336 | Riepe | Indefinitely postponed | Provide a fee for registry checks under the Child Protection and Family Safety Act |
LB337 | Smith | Indefinitely postponed | Change income tax rates and provide for deferrals of the rate changes |
LB338 | Brasch | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Agricultural Valuation Fairness Act |
LB339 | Friesen | Passed | Merge the Department of Aeronautics into the Department of Roads and rename as the Department of Transportation |
LB340 | Murante | Passed | Transfer powers and duties from Division of Veterans' Homes of Department of Health and Human Services to Department of Veterans' Affairs |
LB341 | Lindstrom | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to executive bank officer license revocation and suspension |
LB342 | Erdman | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Nurse Licensure Compact and provide for temporary nursing license for military spouses |
LB343 | Riepe | Indefinitely postponed | Change credentialing and regulation of cosmetology, nail technology, audiology, massage therapy, and barbers |
LB344 | Albrecht | Indefinitely postponed | Change credentialing and regulation of mental health substance abuse centers |
LB345 | Murante | Passed | Eliminate an experience requirement for abstracters |
LB346 | Lowe | Passed | Eliminate the requirement for a motor vehicle, motorcycle, or trailer salesperson license |
LB347 | Geist | Passed | Change provisions relating to school bus permits and qualifications |
LB348 | Larson | Indefinitely postponed | Eliminate licensing, an excise tax, and other provisions of the Nebraska Potato Development Act |
LB349 | Hilkemann | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to the maintenance and administration of the State DNA Sample and Data Base Fund |
LB350 | McCollister | Governor Veto | Provide for setting aside certain misdemeanor and felony convictions |
LB351 | McCollister | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to veteran designations on operators' licenses and state identification cards |
LB352 | Vargas | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Wind, Solar, and Fuel Cell Business Financing Act |
LB353 | Baker | Indefinitely postponed | Change claim, award, and judgment payment provisions under the Political Subdivisions Tort Claims Act |
LB354 | Kolowski | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Wage Disclosure Act |
LR12 | Kuehn | Congratulate Michael Overturf on receiving the Thomas Jefferson Award |