Bill/Resolution Search Results
Search for Friday January 09, 2009
Use the column headers to sort by Document Number, Primary Introducer, Status, or Description.
Document | Primary Introducer | Status | Description |
LB97 | Lautenbaugh | Passed | Change provisions relating to foreign corporations, child enticement, child sexual assault, child pornography, incest, sex offenders, use of technology, and providers of transportation services, and adopt and change evidence rules regarding sexual conduct and admissibility of evidence |
LB98 | Carlson | Passed | Change noxious weed grant programs and the Riparian Vegetation Management Task Force |
LB99 | Carlson | Passed | Adopt the Anthrax Control Act |
LB100 | Carlson | Passed | Change Pesticide Act provisions |
LB101 | Carlson | Passed | Eliminate the Farm Mediation Act termination date |
LB102 | Adams | Passed | Provide a definition of high school graduate for postsecondary admission and financial aid purposes |
LB103 | Adams | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions relating to postsecondary educational institutions' capital and facility expenditures |
LB104 | Cornett | Indefinitely postponed | Change annexation requirements for cities of the first class |
LB105 | Natural Resources Committee | Passed | Change provisions relating to fees, licenses, permits, funds, penalties, and damages under the Game Law and the State Boat Act |
LB106 | Harms | Indefinitely postponed | Eliminate the requirement that occupant protection system laws be enforced as a secondary action |
LB107 | Haar | Indefinitely postponed | Require an employer to provide an employee a reason for termination |
LB108 | Carlson | Indefinitely postponed | Exempt certain all-terrain vehicles from identification inspection requirements |
LB109 | Rogert | Indefinitely postponed | Authorize the operation of low-speed vehicles on highways |
LB110 | Fischer | Passed | Change motor vehicle registration fees and fee distribution and provide for specialty license plates |
LB111 | Fischer | Passed | Change provisions relating to fines for speeding in a construction zone |
LB112 | Heidemann | Indefinitely postponed | Exclude certain health education loan repayments from income taxation |
LB113 | Pankonin | Passed | Change Securities Act of Nebraska provisions |
LB114 | Louden | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for operation of minitrucks on highways without registration |
LB115 | Louden | Indefinitely postponed | Eliminate the Nebraska Veterans Cemetery Advisory Board |
LB116 | Fischer | Indefinitely postponed | Authorize certain volunteer emergency responders to participate in the state health insurance program |
LB117 | Fischer | Indefinitely postponed | Authorize an income tax credit for certain retail business taxpayers |
LB118 | Wightman | Indefinitely postponed | Change decedents' estates provisions relating to collection of personal property by affidavit and succession to real property by affidavit |
LB119 | Wightman | Indefinitely postponed | Change inheritance tax provisions |
LB120 | Wightman | Passed | Change inheritance tax provisions |
LB121 | Wightman | Passed | Provide for reassumption of property tax assessment functions by certain counties |
LB122 | Coash | Passed | Change terminology for the central register of child protection cases |
LB123 | Karpisek | Passed | Change the Uniform Controlled Substances Act to include Salvia divinorum or Salvinorin A |
LB124 | Hansen | Indefinitely postponed | Extend deadlines for transfers from the Job Training Cash Fund to the Cash Reserve Fund |
LB125 | Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for voter registration on election day |
LB126 | Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Require financial disclosure statements from constitutional officers and candidates |
LB127 | Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Exempt college textbooks and school expenses from sales tax as prescribed |
LB128 | Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Authorize the investment of public endowment funds by any city which is authorized by the Constitution of Nebraska to establish a charter |
LB129 | Dubas | Passed | Authorize actions and procedures for invalid financial transactions when registering a vehicle |
LB130 | Dubas | Indefinitely postponed | Create the Farm to School Program Task Force |
LB131 | Dubas | Passed | Change the boundary descriptions of Merrick and Polk counties |
LB132 | Fulton | Indefinitely postponed | Change the Barber Act |
LB133 | Heidemann | Passed | Change location requirements for county postprimary conventions |
LB134 | Pankonin | Indefinitely postponed | Change natural resources districts eminent domain powers |
LB135 | Heidemann | Passed | Change an appropriation to the Department of Health and Human Services |
LB136 | Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Change provisions for eligibility for medical assistance |
LB137 | Avery | Passed | Redefine the term "campus" for purposes of the Nebraska Liquor Control Act |
LB138 | Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Provide an income tax credit for public school teachers |
LB139 | Avery | Passed | Rename the Commission on Mexican-Americans |
LB140 | Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Provide duties relating to investment of state funds in Sudan-related companies |
LB141 | Rogert | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Brain Injury Act |
LB142 | Hansen | Passed | Change recorded brand provisions and a fee |
LB143 | Langemeier | Withdrawn | Adopt the Nebraska Shooting Range Protection Act |
LB144 | Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Allow accessibility to certain disciplinary records regarding police officers and school district personnel |
LB145 | Avery | Indefinitely postponed | Prohibit firearms at schools, colleges, and universities as prescribed |
LB146 | Howard | Indefinitely postponed | Provide for simulated pharmacies |
LB147 | Pirsch | Passed | Provide name-change court orders to update the central register of child protection cases and the central registry of sex offenders |
LB148 | Pirsch | Indefinitely postponed | Change penalties for motor vehicle homicide and motor vehicle homicide of an unborn child |
LB149 | Pankonin | Indefinitely postponed | Require insurance coverage for prosthetics as prescribed |
LB150 | Heidemann | Indefinitely postponed | Repeal the Nebraska Prostitution Intervention and Treatment Act |
LB151 | Stuthman | Passed | Change exemptions relating to ephedrine-containing substances under the Uniform Controlled Substances Act |
LB152 | Pahls | Passed | Change a provision relating to uninsured and underinsured motorist coverages |
LB153 | Lautenbaugh | Indefinitely postponed | Adopt the Tourism Liability Act |
LB154 | Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee | Passed | Eliminate certain boards, commissions, committees, councils, task forces, working groups, and related statutory provisions |
LB155 | Rogert | Passed | Adopt the Public Protection Act, change provisions relating to theft, criminal impersonation, forgery, and bad and no-account checks, and create the offenses of identity theft and identity fraud and an additional deceptive trade practice |
LR1CA | Friend | Indefinitely postponed | Constitutional amendment to reduce the maximum number of legislative days in a regular legislative session |
LR2 | Heidemann | Congratulate Roger R. Wehrbein for his selection by the Rotary Clubs of Nebraska as the Nebraskan of the Year and recognize for his service to his community and to the state | |
LR3 | Fulton | Congratulate the University of Nebraska Cornhusker Football team and head coach Bo Pelini for their achievements | |
LR4 | Fulton | Congratulate the University of Nebraska women's volleyball team and head coach John Cook for their achievements |