Journal Summary for April 12th, 2011
102nd Legislature, 1st Regular Session - Day 62
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Document | Description | Journal Page |
LR145 | Adopted | 1147 |
LR145 | President/Speaker signed | 1147 |
LR146 | Adopted | 1147 |
LR146 | President/Speaker signed | 1147 |
LR147 | Adopted | 1147 |
LR147 | President/Speaker signed | 1147 |
LR148 | Adopted | 1147 |
LR148 | President/Speaker signed | 1147 |
LB357 | Heidemann AM1147 pending | 1150 |
LB600A | Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial | 1150 |
LB463 | Placed on Select File with ER88 | 1151 |
LB463 | Enrollment and Review ER88 filed | 1151 |
LB463A | Placed on Select File with ER87 | 1151 |
LB463A | Enrollment and Review ER87 filed | 1151 |
LB500 | Placed on Select File | 1151 |
LB698 | Carlson AM1002 filed | 1151 |
LB637A | Date of introduction | 1152 |
LB637A | Placed on General File | 1152 |
LR161 | Date of introduction | 1152 |
LR161 | Laid over | 1152 |
LB84 | Speaker Major Proposal | 1153 |
LB357 | Heidemann AM1147 lost | 1153 |
LB397 | Speaker Major Proposal | 1153 |
LB95 | Campbell MO27 Bracket until January 4, 2012 filed | 1154 |
LB95 | Campbell MO27 pending | 1154 |
LB190 | Council AM680 filed | 1154 |
LB357 | Mello AM1176 filed | 1154 |
LB357 | Mello AM1176 pending | 1154 |
LB600A | Placed on Select File | 1154 |
LB357 | Mello AM1176 withdrawn | 1155 |
LB357 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial | 1155 |
LR162 | Date of introduction | 1156 |
LR162 | Laid over | 1156 |
LB216 | Placed on General File with AM878 | 1157 |
LB216 | Transportation and Telecommunications AM878 filed | 1157 |
LB353 | Placed on General File | 1157 |
LB70 | Enrollment and Review ER70 adopted | 1161 |
LB70 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 1161 |
LB286 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 1161 |
LB477 | Enrollment and Review ER71 adopted | 1161 |
LB477 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 1161 |
LB499 | Enrollment and Review ER74 adopted | 1161 |
LB499 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 1161 |
LB112 | Enrollment and Review ER72 adopted | 1162 |
LB112 | Lautenbaugh AM908 withdrawn | 1162 |
LB112 | Coash AM1141 adopted | 1162 |
LB112 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 1162 |
LB305 | Enrollment and Review ER75 adopted | 1162 |
LB305 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 1162 |
LB385 | Mello AM865 withdrawn | 1162 |
LB385 | Mello AM1184 filed | 1162 |
LB385 | Mello AM1184 adopted | 1162 |
LB407 | Enrollment and Review ER61 adopted | 1162 |
LB407 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 1162 |
LB35 | Lautenbaugh AM1154 filed | 1165 |
LB35 | Lautenbaugh AM1154 adopted | 1165 |
LB385 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 1165 |
LB35 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 1166 |
LB204 | Enrollment and Review ER64 adopted | 1167 |
LB204 | Karpisek AM1071 withdrawn | 1167 |
LB204 | Council AM1177 filed | 1167 |
LB204 | Council AM1177 adopted | 1167 |
LB204 | Council FA16 filed | 1171 |
LB204 | Council FA16 adopted | 1171 |
LB204 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 1171 |
LB204A | Enrollment and Review ER63 adopted | 1171 |
LB204A | Council AM1053 filed | 1171 |
LB204A | Council AM1053 adopted | 1171 |
LB204A | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 1171 |
LB156 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 1172 |
LB431 | Hadley AM1169 filed | 1172 |
LB431 | Hadley AM1169 adopted | 1172 |
LB431 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 1172 |
LB512 | Enrollment and Review ER68 adopted | 1172 |
LB512 | Lautenbaugh AM1179 filed | 1172 |
LB512 | Lautenbaugh AM1179 withdrawn | 1172 |
LB558 | Enrollment and Review ER65 adopted | 1172 |
LB558 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 1172 |
LB512 | Christensen AM1186 filed | 1174 |
LB512 | Christensen AM1186 adopted | 1174 |
LB337 | Enrollment and Review ER66 adopted | 1176 |
LB337 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 1176 |
LB512 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 1176 |
LB628 | Enrollment and Review ER67 adopted | 1176 |
LB628 | Bloomfield AM1049 adopted | 1176 |
LB628 | Bloomfield AM1048 lost | 1177 |
LB279 | Karpisek AM1173 filed | 1178 |
LB463 | Flood AM1174 filed | 1178 |
LB606 | Krist AM1032 filed | 1178 |
LB628 | Krist AM1073 filed | 1178 |
LB648 | Christensen AM1164 filed | 1178 |
LB648 | Christensen AM1165 filed | 1179 |
LB648 | Christensen AM1166 filed | 1179 |
LB684 | Schilz AM1190 filed | 1179 |
LB229 | Langemeier AM1188 filed | 1180 |