Journal Summary for May 13th, 2009

101st Legislature, 1st Regular Session - Day 78

Use the column headers to sort by Document Number, Description, or Journal Page.
Document Description Journal Page
LB160 Placed on Final Reading 1443
LB224 Placed on Final Reading 1443
LB494 Placed on Final Reading with ST9043 1443
LB568 Placed on Final Reading 1444
LB633 Placed on Final Reading 1444
LB633A Placed on Final Reading 1444
LR130 Date of introduction 1444
LR130 Referred to Executive Board 1444
LR131 Date of introduction 1444
LB311 Dispensing of reading at large approved 1445
LB311 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 48-0-1 1445
LR107 Adopted 1445
LR107 President/Speaker signed 1445
LR108 Adopted 1445
LR108 President/Speaker signed 1445
LR110 Adopted 1445
LR110 President/Speaker signed 1445
LR111 Adopted 1445
LR111 President/Speaker signed 1445
LR131 Referred to Executive Board 1445
LB312 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 48-0-1 1446
LB313 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 48-0-1 1447
LB314 Dispensing of reading at large approved 1447
LB314 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 48-0-1 1447
LB315 Dispensing of reading at large approved 1448
LB315 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 46-2-1 1448
LB316 Dispensing of reading at large approved 1449
LB316 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 48-0-1 1449
LB318 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 48-0-1 1450
LB414 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 46-1-2 1451
LB414A Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 48-0-1 1452
LB456 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 48-0-1 1452
LB628 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 47-0-2 1453
LB311 President/Speaker signed 1454
LB312 President/Speaker signed 1454
LB313 President/Speaker signed 1454
LB314 President/Speaker signed 1454
LB315 President/Speaker signed 1454
LB316 President/Speaker signed 1454
LB318 President/Speaker signed 1454
LB414 President/Speaker signed 1454
LB414A President/Speaker signed 1454
LB456 President/Speaker signed 1454
LB628 President/Speaker signed 1454
LB629 Passed on Final Reading 47-0-2 1454
LB629 President/Speaker signed 1454
LB545 Dispensing of reading at large approved 1455
LB545 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 46-1-2 1455
LB545A Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 47-1-1 1456
LB198 Dispensing of reading at large approved 1457
LB198 Passed on Final Reading 47-0-2 1457
LB198A Passed on Final Reading 48-0-1 1457
LB430 Dispensing of reading at large approved 1458
LB430 Passed on Final Reading 45-3-1 1458
LB198 President/Speaker signed 1459
LB198A President/Speaker signed 1459
LB430 President/Speaker signed 1459
LB545 President/Speaker signed 1459
LB545A President/Speaker signed 1459
LB671 Returned to Select File for specific amendment 1459
LB671 Pirsch AM1389 adopted 1459
LB671 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Reengrossment 1459
LB190 Placed on General File with AM85 1460
LB190 Judiciary AM85 filed 1460
LB311 Presented to Governor on May 13, 2009 1460
LB312 Presented to Governor on May 13, 2009 1460
LB313 Presented to Governor on May 13, 2009 1460
LB314 Presented to Governor on May 13, 2009 1460
LB315 Presented to Governor on May 13, 2009 1460
LB316 Presented to Governor on May 13, 2009 1460
LB318 Presented to Governor on May 13, 2009 1460
LB414 Presented to Governor on May 13, 2009 1460
LB414A Presented to Governor on May 13, 2009 1460
LB456 Presented to Governor on May 13, 2009 1460
LB628 Presented to Governor on May 13, 2009 1460
LB629 Presented to Governor on May 13, 2009 1460
LR132 Date of introduction 1460
LR132 Referred to Executive Board 1460
LB155 Enrollment and Review ER8129 adopted 1463
LB155 Rogert FA42 filed 1463
LB155 Rogert FA42 adopted 1463
LB358 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1463
LB503 Enrollment and Review ER8128 adopted 1463
LB503 Langemeier AM1367 withdrawn 1463
LB503 Langemeier AM1400 filed 1463
LB503 Langemeier AM1400 adopted 1463
LB503 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1463
LB155 Avery AM1399 filed 1464
LB155 Avery AM1399 adopted 1464
LB155 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1466
LB630 Enrollment and Review ER8106 adopted 1466
LB630 Lathrop AM1398 filed 1466
LB630 Lathrop AM1398 adopted 1466
LB198 Presented to Governor on May 13, 2009 1467
LB198A Presented to Governor on May 13, 2009 1467
LB430 Presented to Governor on May 13, 2009 1467
LB545 Presented to Governor on May 13, 2009 1467
LB545A Presented to Governor on May 13, 2009 1467
LB630 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1467
LR133 Date of introduction 1467
LR133 Referred to Executive Board 1467
LR134 Date of introduction 1467
LB626 Enrollment and Review ER8124 adopted 1468
LB626 Lautenbaugh AM1322 reoffered 1468
LB626 Lautenbaugh AM1322 pending 1468
LR134 Referred to Executive Board 1468
LR135 Date of introduction 1468
LB155 Karpisek name added 1469
LB476 Karpisek name added 1469
LR135 Referred to Executive Board 1469
LB54 Approved by Governor on May 13, 2009 1470
LB56 Approved by Governor on May 13, 2009 1470
LB92 Approved by Governor on May 13, 2009 1470
LB98 Approved by Governor on May 13, 2009 1470
LB98A Approved by Governor on May 13, 2009 1470
LB158 Approved by Governor on May 13, 2009 1470
LB162 Approved by Governor on May 13, 2009 1470
LB188 Approved by Governor on May 13, 2009 1470
LB286 Approved by Governor on May 13, 2009 1470
LB322 Approved by Governor on May 13, 2009 1470
LB436 Approved by Governor on May 13, 2009 1470
LB495 Approved by Governor on May 13, 2009 1470
LB497 Approved by Governor on May 13, 2009 1470
LB497A Approved by Governor on May 13, 2009 1470
LB549 Approved by Governor on May 13, 2009 1470
LB551 Approved by Governor on May 13, 2009 1470
LB626 Lautenbaugh AM1322 pending 1470
LB653 Approved by Governor on May 13, 2009 1470
LR136 Date of introduction 1470
LR136 Referred to Executive Board 1471
LR137 Date of introduction 1471
LB626 Lautenbaugh AM1322 lost 1472
LB626 Nordquist AM1406 filed 1472
LB626 Nordquist AM1406 withdrawn 1472
LR137 Referred to Executive Board 1472
LB263 Placed on Final Reading with ST9052 1474
LB392 Placed on Final Reading 1474
LB440 Placed on Final Reading Second 1474
LR138 Date of introduction 1474
LB626 Stuthman AM1396 filed 1475
LB626 Stuthman AM1396 withdrawn 1475
LR138 Referred to Executive Board 1475
LB626 Lautenbaugh FA38 filed 1476
LB626 Lautenbaugh FA38 withdrawn 1476
LB626 Mello AM1364 filed 1476
LB626 Mello AM1364 lost 1476
LB626 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1479
LB681 Indefinitely postponed 1479
LR139 Date of introduction 1480
LR139 Referred to Executive Board 1480
LR140 Date of introduction 1480
LR140 Referred to Executive Board 1481
LR141 Date of introduction 1481
LR141 Referred to Executive Board 1481
LR142 Date of introduction 1481
LR142 Referred to Executive Board 1482
LR143 Date of introduction 1482
LR143 Referred to Executive Board 1482
LR144 Date of introduction 1482
LR144 Referred to Executive Board 1483
LR145 Date of introduction 1483
LR145 Referred to Executive Board 1483
LR146 Date of introduction 1483
LR146 Referred to Executive Board 1484
LR147 Date of introduction 1484
LR147 Referred to Executive Board 1484