Journal Summary for March 25th, 2008

100th Legislature, 2nd Regular Session - Day 46

Use the column headers to sort by Document Number, Description, or Journal Page.
Document Description Journal Page
LB606 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 48-0-1 1061
LB606A Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 49-0-0 1062
LB797 Dispensing of reading at large approved 1063
LB797 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 49-0-0 1063
LB822 Passed on Final Reading 49-0-0 1064
LB766 Rogert FA231 withdrawn 1065
LB766 Motion to return to Select File prevailed 1065
LB1096 Passed on Final Reading 48-0-1 1065
LB606 President/Speaker signed 1066
LB606A President/Speaker signed 1066
LB766 Stuthman AM2453 adopted 1066
LB766 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Reengrossment 1066
LB797 President/Speaker signed 1066
LB822 President/Speaker signed 1066
LB1096 President/Speaker signed 1066
LR277 Adopted 1066
LR277 President/Speaker signed 1066
LR278 Adopted 1066
LR278 President/Speaker signed 1066
LR279 Adopted 1066
LR279 President/Speaker signed 1066
LR280 Adopted 1066
LR280 President/Speaker signed 1066
LR284 Referred to Reference Committee 1066
LR284 Referred to Judiciary Committee 1066
LR284 Notice of hearing April 7, 2008 1066
LB606 Presented to Governor on March 25, 2008 1067
LB606A Presented to Governor on March 25, 2008 1067
LB797 Presented to Governor on March 25, 2008 1067
LB822 Presented to Governor on March 25, 2008 1067
LB1063 Judiciary AM1841 pending 1067
LB1063 Ashford AM1912 pending 1067
LB1096 Presented to Governor on March 25, 2008 1067
LB1147 Synowiecki AM2391 filed 1067
LB766 Placed on Final Reading Second 1069
LB959 Placed on Final Reading with ST9076 1069
LB988 Placed on Select File with ER8211 1069
LB988 Enrollment and Review ER8211 filed 1069
LB988A Placed on Select File 1069
LB960 Placed on Final Reading 1070
LB961 Placed on Final Reading with ST9075 1070
LB1019 Placed on Final Reading 1070
LB1063 Ashford AM1912 adopted 1071
LB1063 Judiciary AM1841 lost 1071
LB1063 Failed to advance to Enrollment and Review Initial 1071
LB606 Approved by Governor on March 25, 2008 1072
LB606A Approved by Governor on March 25, 2008 1072
LB986 Natural Resources AM1998 adopted 1072
LB986 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1072
LB880 Pedersen AM2068 filed 1073
LB888 Revenue AM2003 adopted 1073
LB888 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1073
LB986A Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1073
LB1068 Transportation and Telecommunications AM1983 adopted 1073
LB1068 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1073
LB880 Lautenbaugh AM2469 filed 1078
LB880 Preister AM2472 filed 1079
LB880 Preister AM2473 filed 1080
LB888 Pirsch name added 1080
LB902 Pankonin AM2505 filed 1080