Agenda for January 17th, 2018

105th Legislature, 2nd Regular Session - Day 9

Ninth Day

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

9:00 a.m.

One Hundred Fifth Legislature

Second Session

  • Prayer by the Chaplain
  • Call to Order - Roll Call
  • Corrections for the Journal
  • Messages, Reports, Announcements
Document Introducer Description
LB915 Riepe Change prohibitions on using handheld wireless communication devices or handheld mobile telephones while driving (Motion made by Sen Riepe, Journal Page to be Announced)
Document Introducer Description
LB469 Larson Adopt the Fantasy Contests Act
LB469A Larson Appropriation Bill
LR18CA Larson Constitutional amendment to change the age for eligibility for public office
LB285 Linehan Require human immunodeficiency virus testing and eliminate consent requirements for such testing
LB258 Hansen Provide opportunity for inmates to obtain state identification card or renew driver's license before discharge
LB310 Friesen Change provisions relating to bridge carrying capacities and weight limits and operation restrictions for implements of husbandry
LB472 Bostelman Change provisions relating to signs and advertising on highways
LB78 Crawford Change provisions relating to relinquishment or abandonment of any portion of a state highway system
LB515 Bolz Create the Nebraska Integrated Education and Training Grant Program
LB256 Briese Adopt the Vacant Property Registration Act
LB345 Murante, at the request of the Governor Eliminate an experience requirement for abstracters
LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION(s) Eligible For Adoption Pursuant to Rule 4, Section 5(b)
Document Introducer Description
LR282 Lindstrom Recognize Pacific Life Insurance Company on its 150th anniversary
LR283 Brasch Recognize Sergeant Darwin Shaw for his years of service to the citizens of Nebraska and South Carolina and congratulate him on his retirement
LR284 Brasch Recognize Deputy Fred Carritt for his years of service to the citizens of Nebraska and congratulate him on his retirement

  • Messages on the President's Desk
  • Adjourn until Thursday, January 18, 2018 at 9:00 a.m.